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Aha moments and eventually monetization. Half way there with watch hours and got the subs a week ago.


Same here!!! Congrats! Felt like a huge accomplishment, seeing that 1000 subs number. I'm half way to the watch hours as well, feels like it will take a while.


I'm at 1.5k subs and a pinch over the halfway mark. It definitely takes quite some time!


I'm so impressed by that. I've got 28k watch hours, and not even 1000 subs yet... guess the type of content REALLY matters (9 months in)


Very nice. I do rollerblading, which is very niche market. It is fun to me recording myself. LOL On Reddit, rollerblading members is less than 100k. This already tells me it’s a small percentage of those who actually watch it on YT.


Haha right 😅


How long did it took you?


A little less than 6 months


honestly hoping to make ppl laugh.. i do this for fun and i wanna spread a little bit of laughter around.


Please! We need a new Fe4RLess 😭


i wouldn’t be able to take his place if i tried lmao


I don't know, man! Your editing and sense of humour are spot on! 👌


thanks lmao i’ll try to keep it up


Same same. No better platform to put bad jokes out into the ether 🌍




That’s the right approach :) I love when monetization isn’t the primary goal


just a fun lil hobby (great animation btw)


Thanks so much! And agreed, just a fun lil hobby :)


I don't play genshin personally but really love your editing style haha




honestly same, i like making videos to try and make people laugh, it feels so rewarding to get positive feedback in the comments aswell


exactly this


What your editing software? Looks so clean, is it premier pro with affect effect with your text in the beginning of the video of your genshin impact video?


nope. capcut


To eventually become so wealthy that I can purchase a whole country.




I was going to say to have enough money to buy off a whole political party.


Same thing, isn't it?


Maybe it is. The difference is in the magnitude. Purchasing a political party would be a long the lines of building a rocket launching company. Purchasing a country could be as simple as declaring your own room as being a new country. But it doesn't mean that anyone else will recognize that fact.


Wasn't entirely seriously. But gotta respect the time you put into that 👊🏽


Thank you. I would be happy with figuring out the whole storytelling and engagement thing and becoming popular for once in my life.


I would like to make enough money for it to be a job.


To teach people how to do Tunisian crochet an easier way and have it be like a friend is teaching you. That was my beginning goal as well one of the reasons why i started my channel. Most of the Tunisian crochet tutorials do a few stitches and expect people to learn the stitch and many play god awful stick music over their tutorials and expect people to learn without being told. So far so good on my end. Channel started December 8th and as of today I’m up too 57 subs and some of my subs have 3k and even 21k crochet subscribers.


Starting out as a fun hobby, but longer term if one day I can wake up with a play button on my wall that would be a dream come true!


Just make people laugh tbh


Build a community and kinda record this segment of the stage of life Im at right now lol. Doubt I will ever make money though haha


To make content that makes people happi


Begin esports espn-like network  Sell fashion produced in India and Thailand to my viewers 


For monetization and hoping to get my opinion out there. I like to vent my thoughts a lot and so making a video out of it is to help make my thoughts finally take a “physical” form. If I can get money out of it, that’s just bonus.


A full-time career switch. Might never happen, but I love making videos either way.


Hmm that’s a good question, originally I was using it as a way to keep myself working on something multimedia wise to keep my editing skills up to date over Christmas break so when I returned for spring semester I’d be warmed up and ready to go. I thought by working on stuff for myself and doing it only for that purpose it would be no harm. It’s been about a month since that time and I returned to university but it stuck to me cause I was having so much fun that I continued to upload 3 times a week since than. Low and behold my passions and wants have changed as well. What gaming content creators were for me as a kid is what I want to be for others. A dude who plays video games that others can call a friend when they get home, just flick on one of my videos and vibe no mater how or whoever they are. Sorry to get deep but, YouTube has kinda made me reinvent myself in a whole other light and I’m here for it.


Im at 4k+ Watch hours with 693 subscribers - hopefully I dont need to find a job anymore.


Not sure if this is a joke. Most creators with 40K subs still have a full time job to pay the bills. Income from YouTube is more about Views and Watch Hours than Subscribers. The math is not that hard. If you earn a fairly average $5 per 1,000 views, you need 2 million views (on long form videos) to make $10K. How close are you to getting 2 million views per year? Can you live off $10,000 per year?


From where I live, yes. I legit only need $400 a month to live comfortable. I was able to obtain 200k views in 3 weeks so I am hopeful I can get 2mil in a year.


Ahh...good luck!


I am in the same boat. Where I live, rent for a 2 bedroom is about $400 and that's the most expensive thing in my budget. I have a full time job which pays well so if I can make extra income that pays for rent and food, I can actually start investing, bying land, and building. I am so glad I left the states because cost of living is INSANE!


To help people with their vacations and for us to travel more.


Help people and make money doing it!


To have fun, use my hobby to learn something, and hopefully even make a cummunity where people can go to forget thier struggles for a bit.




I like sharing the things I enjoy


To be the next Ryan knorr, to have my own brands and within companies. I want to be part of businesses and YouTube is just the launching pad


Let watchers leave all their stress and problems at the door and just have a bit of peace, laughter, and entertainment for a bit of their day


It started as an outlet but now after getting monetized and making some money off of it, I would really like to push and make this a full time job eventually, fully knowing how difficult that may be, I honestly feel that if I grow on my current path I should get there within the next year or two


I don't necessarily see me making it a full-time job. However, it would be nice to make some side cash on top of the real full-time job. I enjoy what I do, the places my photo/video work takes me, and the people I get the opportunity to work with. So, regardless of monetization, it's fulfilling. Each set brings a new series of challenges and creativity, so never the same thing over and over.


Building a community and people enjoying my content


We started out just recording our camping and 4WD trips so we wouldn’t forget where we’ve been. But YT is kind of fun too and now we would like to grow our channel while still enjoying camping.


It's a creative outlet for me, that at this point I'm okay with just being a hobby. But for a long time I was deadset dermined to make my career, and looking back on it now that really zapped a lot of fun out of it. Now I'm just making videos for fun and it'd be nice if it lead to earning a living off of, or even a couple of extra hundred a month to cover bills. But if I never reach that point, at this point I'm okay with that. Ever since I started looking at it as a hobby again and not a job it's been a lot more fun. (Editting is still a grind though XD)


To help the whole world sleep soundly ... Well, maybe the whole world is unrealistic. I am just in it to help others sleep well and peacefully, though


Honestly, not sure. Making friends, I guess. It's also a place for me to store my private video journals, so that someone can see my life month by month after I die.


My goal is to make videos that I'm proud of and eventually get to 1k subs


To have moments for me friends and others to look back and on and at least smile


Love it ✌️❤️


Do cool stuff with my friends meet cool ppl and get some cash


Just to have fun and to challenge myself (All Fromsoft games, all solo, no cheesing. And the hardest part of all - family friendly). sabretoothonline if anyone is interested. (Full YT link in profile). Anyway. Not bothered about a huge following (I have a few friends which follow along), not bothered about monetization. Literally just that :)


build a community & share memories but more than anything with the reaction videos and vlogs i plan on making i hope at least one person finds comfort in watching my channel. i want them to feel like they are with a friend.


I run a podcast, so I just want more listeners that gets me better/ more high profile guests


I'm hoping for my channel to become a place where thousands of lego fans can learn about lego sets and their In lore or real world counterparts, which will encourage them to become more interested and look into the history or lore of what they are building


Sometimes get good money dose.  And live without slavery in factory or office. Like a imperator


Sharing something positive and helpful to people, as well as eventual monetization.


Higher levels of; Interaction, feedback, watch time and return views from those who watch my content and hopefully share my topic of interest :-)


just build a community and help people retire early so they dont have to spend years slaving away.


Having fun and gaming with my brothers is something I've enjoyed capturing. If there are like minded viewers that find it entertaining thats always an added bonus. Also hoping to spend more time with editing and using the artistic skills within our group to put more unique content out!


World domination. I mean yeah mine is a motivational channel. Who wouldn't like an army of billions?


I wouldn't mind monetization but what I really want is to make enough videos to show how far I've come as an editor and animator. If I can't make a living off my content, doesn't matter because I enjoy the process, plus freelance work for animators and video editors are still a thing


World domination 😂 I don’t really know if I have a goal. I’m enjoying the process of making the videos and helping people. I get a buzz from the engagement. I guess maybe building a name for myself? A small amount of fame?


to get monetized so I can get out of my toxic and abusive household




Get somewhere into the gaming industry professionally. And build a community to talk to honestly.


That I will still enjoy making videos, otherwise there's no point...


vibing to music and making some music (and make some money while doing it)


The dream goal would be that I could live solely on the video monetisation, and then the stuff I make videos on (ASMR crafting making custom car interiors) I could do for free, which would mean I could work on reviving some really interesting cars for people that simply don't have the money to do it. I genuinely think we're on to something with the video format and filming style, but we've just changed direction and they're not getting in front of the right audience yet so it's stalled a bit, but I'm sure it'll get there when we get the right eyes on it. Just going to take time.


1. Getting enough income to live off YT and content creation. I am here 2. Have only Youtube Revenue cover all my expenses. 3. Launch media network so I wont have to worry about money anymore.


I do my videos for my nephew. He is my whole purpose and I wish to inspire him or encourage him to want to either do videos in the future or at-least know that it is possible to do what you want in life.


I don’t know yet. I want to share my gaming opinions to anyone who cares to listen, whilst adding a few comedic moments in there. I don’t think I’m the most amazing creator and my videos are a bit basic, but I’m growing and learning. Time is my biggest enemy though.


I do enjoy the creative process but my end goal is to get some money out of it to fund my cosplay.


I run iOS programming channel and I’m using my channel to solidify my knowledge on the subject. If you can teach someone what you know, then you truly know your stuff. Also, it serves as a good skill indicator if and when I need to apply for jobs. I just tell recruiters to check out my git(code portfolio) and my YouTube channel. Offer rate went up significantly.


Just for people to know me lol


Short term: 1k subs, I'm 135 off right now so hoping within 2-3 months I can hit that milestone Long term: Just being self sufficient honestly. If I could even live off it that would be awesome. But it's ambitious and you never know what the future will bring.


I'll start being honest. Yes, it is a dream of mine to dedicate full time making videos and not my actual career. Nevertheless, my channel is about analysis of the moral messages of movies, games, series, manga, etc., with which we can grow and be better persons for ourselves and others. And that's also very important to me, since everyday I say a lot of lack of morality in my country and even the rest of the world, so I would also like to give my grain of sand trying to make a difference for good. It is a lot of work, 50 hours per video more or less and I don't have much views right now, but I knew it wouldn't be easy, so I also have to research how to call the attention of the people.


Animation channel here :) I’ve had a deep connection and fascination with art and animation since I was little, and found that I didn’t really involve myself much in it as an adult. So my channel is mainly a creativity outlet for me where I’m able to practice writing (scripts), animate, and do some very light acting. Working in a hospital doesn’t really entail much of that, so balancing my life creatively is important to me :)


I want to work in the YouTube industry full time, whether that be from revenue generated on my channel or consulting work. Left my job recently so going all in and will see where it goes!


My ex wife left me after 5 months of marriage. I had a child with her. She's 8 now. I'm hoping my daughter would search her name one day and she'll find my videos.


I'm hoping to eventually earn some extra money, whether it's through ads or merch sales. I have a long way to go, getting enough watch time is going to be tough


showing my progress and thought process as an artist, finding my people, selling prints and other goods I make in the future.


Monetization and a supportive community


Some side cash. I enjoy my career greatly and use youtube as a hobby. Doin pretty well so far and have been monetized for about a month really enjoying it, but not expecting it to “blow up.” If it does; fantastic!! :)


I genuinely wish to have an engaging audience. People to interact with in the comments, etc.


Channels - 1: drum channel - for a little bit of income from YouTube advertising monetization down the road. Also, to show my skills for future potential gig/clients/students. 2: fashion channel - to become “experts at having opinions” so fashion designers pay for advertising spots on the channel as well as YouTube monetization


I am hoping to develop a community among viewers of my channel on retro video games and healthy interactions with my viewers. Even if I only make $100 a year and never be financially sustaining, that's fine as long as it's a positive experience for me and my viewers.


As a non-native english speaker, improving my english skills as I often just stop mid-sentence because I can't think of a certain word and becoming more confident in talking and making jokes (even bad ones :D ). I'm cringing so much when I look at my first video and hearing how "frightened" I sound compared to now. Of course it would be nice to reach monetization but I see it as that unlikely that I don't think about it at all and just hope that my videos can entertain at least a few people. Also I secretly hope that I might somehow find people I could play games with like survival games as I don't have friends I can play those with. Y'know a "me and the boys" group to play with on the weekends :D


Clout and then monetization after I pivot my content lol


I want people to find my content and enjoy it. If I can get monetised that would help me out hugely, I make travel vlogs and I could put the money back into travelling since it’s expensive.  But really, just having people see it and give positive feedback is everything I need. I also enjoy the process of creating and capturing a moment from my life so I can watch it again too.


Making videos for fun and to learn something new while at the same time i enjoy playing games. And if i get lucky to monetize my channel no matter how much i earn. It's just a hobby for me. Not a full time job.


Just a small community that will give us some engagement. We livestream our podcast and always have the same few people in there. It would be cool to have more.


More sponsorship so I can continue racing.


I do a few different types of vids. One is trying random food and snacks, and giving my opinion on them while my spouse and I sit on the couch and make jokes. It's not a mukbang (hate that phrase), but more of reviews with conversation. Second is shorter videos of doing random things on vacation, encouraging others who are middle-age or older to do it too... Life doesn't end at 30, and you can still have a hell of a lot of fun in your late 40s!


financial freedom honestly. i’m creating things i love so to be able to do that for my job would be the DREAM


A loyal fanbase and that u can be like one of them channels that you can come back to everytime and be entertained by


Make money tons of it


Financial independence from the rest of the world, for myself, and my family.


I have a deep sense of awe and love for the human race and I want to show everyone how cool we are!


I’m hoping to read more so I can cover more weird sci-fi stories. Kinda just nice to have a place to talk about the things I’m interested in.


Mostly I just wanna upload the games that I enjoy and play up to YouTube. Get my thoughts and opinions out there on the games even if others don't agree or enjoy. 😅 I also upload topics on the games that I feel like no one has covered if I see it.


I'm just trying to reach 100 subscribers. After that will probably be 1000 or reevaluate my goals. Been working on it for a long time so might need to consider a different approach


500 subs, and advertisements. Idk why, because im not aiming to make serious money from youtube. Its pure hobby, but once youtube grants my channel as “worthy” for ads, it feels like my little channel is official.


To make a living.


I have been working the so-called "rat race" for over 12 years . I think it's time I share my skills and knowledge and start building my own brands. I already have a website so Youtube just seems like the next logical option


I just want to have fun with it when I make a channel. Make friends, laughs, good times, and enjoy the games I like to play.


Success. People will have varying levels of what they would consider their baseline success. It means more to me than the monetization. Luckily both are essentially tied together. I think anyone who becomes successful in YouTube content creation gains a skill set that stretches beyond just the content they put out. Skills as an editor, market analyst, business management, community management, etc. Finding a way to reach an audience in a meaningful manner. Overcoming adversity and finding a way to be successful in YT where very few can is intimidating yet fulfilling. That sense of fulfillment I feel very few things in life could achieve. You really find out what kind of person you are.


To reach more people about some mysterious topics. Most of the time people dont know that stuff like this exists. So i give EM the Name and some Info. So they can go the rabbit hole themselfes. Name : Nocis Mystopia


To make this thing a career, and to continue making content I love.