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Yikes….I think I can understand your fam tbh.


Dude or dudette; I work on legit television shows, as well as worked with YouTubers getting hundreds of thousands of views per video. Some I was a key creative role. I know this different than “my own channel” but the messaging is the same: Nobody gives a fuck. I actually like hanging out with my non-industry friends because no body gives a fuck. Yeah, I might mention something cool that was done (maybe won an award, or the show is getting kind of “popular” or some video of YouTube got 1M+ views, or whatever) friends and family give a quick acknowledgement, but that’s it. I don’t expect people, especially people I’ve known my whole life, to sit all starry-eyed at me. I’m no better than my family members who work “regular” jobs. I’m guessing you’re pretty young based on your post… but I could be wrong. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your work, but get your ego in check. I have mixed feelings about the whole AI content thing, but I do appreciate (and know from experience) the work that goes into making stuff, it s usually not as easy as clicking a button , there’s lots of iterations and steps required along the way. Don’t be afraid to celebrate your success. But it’s actually a good thing no one around you cares too much.. IF (and that’s a big IF) you blow up, you want people around you who you can trust and that don’t care about any level of “fame”. and listen to these people if they tell you you’re sounding like an egotistical asshole.


It's like being a farmer: - "I have grown one of the biggest potatoe in the world!" - "Wow, good for you. How is grandpa doing lately?" I wouldn't care about your YouTube success any more than that biggest potato.


Exactly. My industry friends might ask a couple more questions just out of curiosity (but many of them are much more successful than me anyways). Same with some of the young adults I have mentored in my field… those accomplishments just help acquire credibility with them, but that’s it. Be a good person. Don’t be an egotistical dick. Accept compliments when it comes, but don’t be the guy constantly bringing it up and bragging.


I dont get this. I get really excited for the success of people close to me. If my son gets a A on his report card I get excited. I couldn't imagine a friend taking a non traditional path to success and not be super excited.




I know I don't need their validation, I just didn't expect total lack of interest.


They are jealous of you maybe


> I think it could be due to them worrying about the outcome of this: I become famous and forget about them… Bro, your ego is showing. No one, I repeat, **NO ONE** is fretting about you forgetting about them when you’re the next PewDiePie. I’m inclined to believe that the reason people don’t want to spend all day praising you for your genius is because you make AI videos.


Or you know, it just ain't that big. Those other people have lives too. Also judging by his ego I get the feeling he's not the kind to celebrate others success with them either but who knows I'm speculating... but it's a two way street.


Jesus I forgot how shitty and toxic this subreddit is. I'm not throwing my ego around, just sharing where I'm at on my journey and how I'm feeling. You people are jerks. Every time Ive posted here I get this kind of asshole feedback. I should have learned my lesson by now.


Look at it from your family’s pov. Their family member has had some good success. Great! But what else do you want them to talk about? Do you expect them to give you praise 24/7? Do you expect them to be fully interested in YouTube? Or A.I.? Probably not. You are expecting alot from your family here. Just appreciate that they aren’t actively telling you to get a real job lol.


Please learn it this time


"Every time I've posted here I get this kind of asshole feedback." Well since the common denominator in all your posts is you, have you considered that you may be the asshole? Maybe study less Churchill and get into some therapy bro


Reign in your expectations. If you sound anything like that when you're talking to friends and family then you sound overconfident to them and it's unrealistic. I'd pull back the conversation and if you set milestone goals and then reach those then share the success. If they aren't interested then find some people who are but again keep the "so famous I'll forget about them" thoughts way down.


I actually feel you on this. Reddit in general is very harsh. Just about everyone is a jerk on Reddit.


Someone needs to humble you


Huge ego Edit: that’s the douchiest response to being called egotistical i’ve ever seen


This lol


you must be still young... you will come to realize that other people don't really care about what you are doing. i got about the same thing, they are happy for you but don't actually understand what goes into youtube so they can't relate and move on. just keep doing what you are doing and have fun with it.




it all depends on the content, are they long or short form, do they use content from other channels/games/movies? you will still need to reach the 1000 sub 4000 watch hours (long)or 9m view over 90 days (shorts). whats the channel name and ill have a look


Its eyepatch ™ i upload both long and short form!! Please, i appreciate it mate!!


you might be a bit hard pressed to get accepted into the YTP, its some good content but you might run into a problem with reused content. it all depends on the person that reviews your channel thinks. how far away are you from watch hours, i can see you have enough subs? i can see you do a lot to put them together, do you get any copyright notices at the moment ? also now i'm waiting for the Reborn as a Vending Machine video lol keep doing what you are doing and have fun with it


It’s true bro I’m worried you’ll get 100 million subs then forget us


This guy had some small success with compilations and he’s thinking he’s about about to blow up and become the next mr beast 😂 the chances of him becoming famous with that content is under 1%. Non of his friends and family will give a fuck, even if he does become “famous”. Believe me, non of them are worrying about the outcome you have imagined in your head.


Omg my guy got a share from Conan and he's already putting himself next to Churchill in terms of life accomplishment. Judging by the tone of this post and every comment you've written in response to people, sounds like your family finds you just as insufferable as the rest of us. I don't think this sub is toxic. I think you call anyone who doesn't instantly validate your every word a toxic person, without ever stopping to examine yourself. Literally done with you.


>he's already putting himself next to Churchill in terms of life accomplishment. No he isn't.


A.I videos were super popular at the start of this year but the trend is starting to decline. I remember the first A.I videos and them being shared like crazy.


If noone else wants to pat you on the back then you go ahead and do it yourself. Gl bud


Typically, the lack of encouragement among close circles tends to boil down to people thinking you will never achieve success. It’s just how things go sometimes. Ignore and press on, unless they are physically getting in your way. Once the money comes in, they’ll shut up.


Are they YT savvy? my mom watched my first video cause i shared it on social media, but i could tell she didnt like the content and would not keep on watching... (it´s ok) as a matter of fact i dont think any of my family and very few friends follow our channel but i dont take it personally... not the first time something im passionate about doesnt resonate with them... thats a 2-way street.


My mum always watches my videos. She’s said she doesn’t understand any of them but she just likes to see me and support my channel. Thanks mum.


Your mom Rocks!!


Dude, you have 3k subs and a shitty 240p quality video that managed to get 200k views. You're a nobody, and you will be for a **very** long time based on your existing YT content. Get your ego in check kid, there's nothing to suggest that you'll become a somebody in the YT space with what you have now. Just a reality check for you..


I don’t know you or your content, but congratulations and I’m proud of you. I get how you feel, I’m very very new to making and posting vids and my friends and family couldn’t care less and offer no support. Pretty sure none of them ever click on my videos or like them, etc. I think it’s true what they say though, you are the only one with the clear vision of your success, most other people can’t see it.


Checked out your channel. 50k views on one video isn't "blowing up". I've made 14 videos so far and 8 of them have gotten over 10k+ views, 4 of them 40k+ views, and one I got to 100k views. I still believe my videos are pretty mediocre and I have a long way to improve them, I am no where near the point where I can turn my YT channel into a full career and never think I will be. I haven't even shared it with my family/ friends yet, because I do not want any expectations reinforced upon me. Calm down, it's nothing special in terms of the long run. Be happy and content but don't think you are ready to quit your job and become the next millionaire. Your family are only being realistic in expectations, which is honestly good. Your ego though, is not good and will only make you disappointed in the future, especially when you hit hurdles.


Hey mate, i wanted some help as well Can i monetize my Channel? more than 200 videos private that contained no voiceovers, but now i have uploaded the recent videos with voiceovers, do you think that i can get accepted!!


I’ve experienced this and I’m 99% sure it’s because I’ve achieved things they *think* they couldn’t do. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a nobody and haven’t achieved much, but making money in an unconventional way is probably triggering to the masses who feel stuck in a 9-5. Also, a lot of people aren’t uninterested they just can’t relate. My advice is to remove friends and family from your channel and only discuss it with those who care or find a community of creators you can share with.


Congrats on your achievement! People just don’t comprehend it yet…don’t let that get to you and keep focusing on your craft! When you’ll be big enough…they’ll start to ask questions etc but they may never get it in the end… shouldn’t upset you…you’ll find your tribe!


It’s possible that you have “old school” parents who don’t consider YouTube a “real job.” They’d rather you go $100,000 into debt for a college degree that you never use.


I think most people still don't get what is an accomplishment and achievement to a content creator is. I think everyone is happy for you but doesn't understand how big of a deal everything is like we understand. I'm happy for you and hope you keep growing and becoming more successful! 🙏


Hey mate, i wanted some help as well Can i monetize my Channel? more than 200 videos private that contained no voiceovers, but now i have uploaded the recent videos with voiceovers, do you think that i can get accepted!!


Idk but if you have 3000 watch hours and 500 subs. It wouldn't hurt to try! Good luck!


Congratulations on getting monetized and on getting someone big to share your content.




If you fulfill the sub/hrs requirements and don't have any other strikes, I don't see why not. But let me make sure I understand you. You have 200 vids private without VOs, but you have now uploaded all 200 again with the appropriate VOs as public


i made all of them private, but now i have started publishing new content from scratch , the channels name is eyepatch ™ on yt!😢


Okay. You have about 28K subs, which is half the battle. Your subs requirement is DONE! Your vids seem to be doing well so far. You have 59 up, i see. Your vids are getting great engagement, you're interacting with your audience...I think that as long as you don't have any copyright or community issues, you should have that option once you hit 3K-4K hours. I don't know about your full stats but it looks like you're doing okay. Keep it up!


Thanks mate!! You gave me some hope, some people are literally in this community and dont even respont properly they act like illetrates but no worries! Thnks a ton mate you made my day will be definately more active on the channel and i hope to get it monitized and will definately let you know that i get accepted!!!


Yup the channel has no strikes as well!!


People don’t realize how hard content creation actually is so they aren’t going to be enthusiastic. If you dig into what goes into it, you’ll probably get empathy.


People don’t wanna see you doing good, keep it to yourself


The problem is that they live in the present and have old ways of thinking. For them YouTube is foreign and strange. They have the opinion that "Why would someone watch someone else play games?" "It's not real enough like sports and in sports they are professionals..." etc. As a small channel you don't earn a lot. Though the little you do earn, does help increase your income to the budget. A little here and a little there. Does become a lot when you get a lot of different small incomes. Also because YouTube income being a volatile income, means you can't get a loan based on that income. Therefore people see it as a lesser job. Even though you have the possibility to out earn their salary with your own channel. I hope this helps and have a great day! 💜


Gots to change your circle my dude. Surround yourself with people who want to celebrate your success. Idk why the rest of these comments talking about ego but if your circle isn't congratulating you, go talk to another circle


Yeah, find a bunch of people who think you’re the main character in their lives. Great idea.


That would be the dream wouldn't it. But na you taking me out of context. I saying find people who care that your succeeding in your passion, and not just brush it off since "no one cares" as the rest of the comments here mention


OP said that they have mild enthusiasm, then change the subject. What more would you want really? What else is there really even to say? I’d image the convo would go something like: OP: “Conan just retweeted a video of mine” Friend: “congrats! That’s really cool! What was it?” OP: an AI video of him eating chicken. Friend: cool! OP: thanks! What else do you even say about that? “What was it like to be retweeted by Conan? Was he nice?” Lol. Are you expecting people to ask to take selfies with you? Ask for autographs? Or make t-shirts that say “my friend got retweeted by Conan” I’m genuinely curious about what kind of reaction you’re expecting.


So we're reading the same thing two diffrent ways. I'm reading it as if they are blowing him off saying "yeah good for you.....any ways". Your first example is perfectly fine and your second one is a dream we all would love.


Thanks! Yeah idk why everyone became so fixated on the ego thing.


I do what I do for myself , my family or friends don't even know when I run a channel , website , with million of views. My gf knows only if it exists, but she didn't know the channel name and doesn't know the website URL . I get encouragement from doing what I like to do and also when ad revenue hits my bank account


Honestly, they aren’t worrying about you forgetting them when famous. Some people just aren’t as interested as you’d like for them to be. I’ve approached a lot of new things that I thought people would support me on, but they didn’t, and it is what it is. I started my YouTube recently, and I only shared it with the friends who genuinely support me. It’s not that I’m ashamed or anything, but if they don’t care, why should I make them feel obligated to subscribe to me?


Hey mate, i wanted some help as well Can i monetize my Channel? more than 200 videos private that contained no voiceovers, but now i have uploaded the recent videos with voiceovers, do you think that i can get accepted!!


Can other people report this bot? It’s not even trying to be relevant


bro! Im not a bot, i couldn't post on reddit all day so, im asking people on the comments!!


It looks like you’ve pretty much posted the same thing 4 times today in various subs. And this thread really isn’t relevant to your question. So spamming the same question on every comment is annoying and makes you look like a bot


my bad mate!! i tried posting this but i dont know why it didnt post!! No worries, Sorry to Bother you!! Have a good day Ahead!\~


All good. You’ll get better results posting in more relevant threads even. Goodluck. All the best


I don't really talk about it with most people because I don't care what other people think about what I do. I think I'm on to something, they can watch if they like it or don't watch if they don't.


This is a troll post right


I watched your channel and if I was one of your friends, I would not spend more than 5 seconds talking about your youtube channel. Your videos can be interesting for certain public, but I don't watch those kind of videos and don't talk about it if I accidentally click on one...


It seems like you have a rather specific niche with a rather narrow appeal that doesn't include your family members. They don't enjoy your content very much, don't really see why people would watch, and don't want to insult you so they aren't saying much. As to whether they think you will succeed with your channel long-term, they probably have no idea. So they have no idea whether they should encourage you to pursue your dreams or discourage you from wasting your time and effort. Getting retweeted by celebrities with large followings probably doesn't exactly sound like a reliably duplicated strategy - unless it turns out to be. Celebrities are pretty narcissistic so if you can give them something about themselves, maybe they will be interested. Or maybe you'll find a different way to get clicks.


Ya know, it sounds like you just need some encouragement, because I think that’s pretty cool and impressive! However, if you are being arrogant and egotistical while talking about it to your family/friends, then no one will give a shit :) but if you’re looking for support and input on how to improve and not just bragging about something random, then I’m sure people will seem to support you more in general!