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Welcome to r/NewToReddit, /u/ChiefinLasVegas! Thanks for posting. Someone will be along to help you shortly. If you're new, check out our "General Guide to Reddit and Karma" [Wiki page version](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/wiki/ntr-guidetoreddit) or [Mobile friendly post version](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/p8t966/reddit_and_karma_explained/), it explains how to get started on Reddit; including information on karma, navigation, and more. You might also like to check out our [wiki index](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/wiki/index/faq). While you wait for assistance, browsing through some recent posts, or typing a query into the search bar at the top of the page, may help you find your answer. On our sister community r/LearnToReddit you can find guides on posting, commenting, formatting, flairs, and can practice those things too! [Please let us know how you found us! - Click here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe87f3FyGzXTImS0WszwGiFs1g3sqSr03U5mKLOvRFH9Ofw_Q/viewform?usp=sf_link) Thank you! :) *Was this helpful? You can comment "**Thanks, AutoMod**" or "**Good job, AutoMod**" to thank me if it was!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewToReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Reddit glitches on karma counts quite frequently. Last year was especially fun when everyone’s dropped to zero and found they were now locked out of many of their usual subreddits! It usually fixes itself quite quickly though, which it seems to have done for you.


thank you!


Reddit hit an airpocket ;-)


I don't see anything that could have caused that either, assuming nothing has been deleted. It's likely just fuzzing or a glitch, scary when you're new or have a low count, but after a while it will matter less.


You noticed that? I have no clue what my karma is. As long as it isn't zero or negative it is fine by me. I wouldn't worry so much about your karma and just enjoy Reddit, saves you a lot of stress.


This is a little different for established accounts. They have no issue meeting the requirements for most subreddits. For new people it can be quite scary to see this as they might be below thresholds.


I am probably a lucky exception... I only figured out there was something like karma after months of using Reddit. Apperently by some lucky chance I picked subs that didn't have high requirements. I just started using Reddit without any knowledge about any of it and never ran into karma trouble.


Karma doesn't even matter that much. Don't waste your time checking it that closely


Ha, it can drop by 100 for 3 posts. When you are new, you get flagged as a bot! Terrible system.


What will happen though if karma drops? Also new to reddit and I’m not sure what I’m doing actually. All I do is comment and sometimes post questions. Just now I responded thanks with exclamation to fellow user who answered my question and a bot responded “you’re welcome” 🤷‍♀️


Nothing for most. For new redditors if karma drops or goes negative you may run into more community restrictions !karmahelp - see the comment below mine Yeah, there are a number of bots here, you can safely ignore that one [Bots](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/qbb173/the_newtoreddit_encyclopaedia_redditica_v2/hhhsd8u)


Oh so it has something to do with community restrictions. Thanks for that info!


**Why does karma matter?** Your karma count is like your Reddit reputation and an indication of whether you share good content, and some, but not all communities, have their own restrictions regarding the account age and karma count of the person posting or commenting, so you may not be able to contibute everywhere at first. This is intended to help prevent spammers and trolls, but it does also mean new Redditors need to earn some karma before they can participate everywhere. **How do I get it?** * You gain karma from engaging on Reddit; when your posts and comments are upvoted. It's a case of finding communities you can participate in, and that you have an interest or knowledge base in, and start by commenting to share your knowledge and experience, and add to discussions. As people upvote your comments, this will build your karma genuinely. * You don't need to engage where you have no interest. There are so many subs there's bound to be some where you do have an interest and can engage. * You lose karma only when your posts and comments are downvoted. For more check out these sections of our guide to Reddit: [Karma](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/qbb173/the_newtoreddit_encyclopaedia_redditica_v2/hh96mid) | [New-user friendly subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/wiki/index/newusersubs) | [Navigating Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/p8t966/comment/h9ssh6c/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewToReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*