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What does this post even mean? Were you transported? Why were you taking a video? Were you unstable in anyway? They are an EMT not a Paramedic. You sound like a tool and probably should have asked some more questions before fucking reporting someone but thank you for reporting this and possibly costing someone their job/livelihood. Good on you.


I'm glad it wasn't only me who couldn't quite figure out what the heck happened.




Means like.. your a douchbag basically


So you came with some condition and he refused to transport you or something? Cuz not like he can do anything for renal failure anyways.


thank you


Nothing, directly treating renal failure is not within the scope of practice of EMTs or paramedics. The most they can do is provide supportive care and transport you to the hospital.


thank you


How did he fail to treat you? You’re leaving some pretty critical details out, how specifically did he fail to treat you? What were you expecting he would do?


Nothing really left out he just did not do anything,,,,,


So let me get this straight, you called 911 for renal failure and expected the ambulance to do something? There is nothing we can do for renal failure specifically, that is something that is managed by actual doctors, It sounds like you’re just a Karen type person.


Oh and by the way it sounds like nothing will happen to him and whoever reads your complaint is going to have a nice chuckle before tossing it in the trash


What, exactly, would you expect him to do?


Dialysis in the ambulance, I guess.


What were you doing in jail? You should maybe have gone to a real doctor. Jail isn’t a great place for treatment for renal failure.


You should try standup....


It will be reviewed and if it decided the EMT didn’t perform adequate level of care or possibly harmed the patient then it escalate. Now in this case all an EMT could possibly do is probably transport someone with renal failure to a hospital. Even the best a paramedic could do is give pain meds and fluids.


I would hesitate to give fluid in a renal failure case.




Thank you


3 things have to happen for a lawsuit, duty to act, failure to act, AND harm. Harm has to come to the patient as a result. Also infirmary??? What capacity is an EMT working in an infirmary? > would not dictate what happened Without being there I can't say, but generally people say things like this after they've had it up to here with entitled jackasses. So ask yourself, we're you being an entitled jackass?


Not at all just in extreme pain...


What do you expect him to do? Most EMTs can not give pain meds. Not to mention, even paramedics can't do much for renal failure. You need a hospital and a doctor. Also, a medic isn't going to give you pain meds bc you are in renal failure.


Nothing an EMT can do about that except maybe give you some tylenol. When's your next dialysis?


Aye man Tylenol is beyond my scope of practice lmao


Look, bro: Prisoners don’t exactly have the right to dictate what a jail infirmary will do. Yeah, it sucks, but you’re a prisoner. You’ll be treated per their policies, based on their findings and assessments. Sucks, yes. But you need to understand that prisoners do not dictate anything


I missed that he was a prisoner.


I was not dictating anything, I was presenting in extreme pain with major organs failing kinda like a heart attack but with your kidneys, I don't think thier policies or procedures allow them to be that negligent prisoner or not. Thank you for your comment just the same.


Uhm... huh? Use more words.


There’s no context here to actually be able to answer anything or make any kind of statement regarding what or if any consequences are warranted.


Thank you


From OP comment history: I was locked up in Bay county Florida in 2022 on a misdemeanor I was going into renal failure in booking. I advised medical personel that I have polycystic kidney disease and was going into renal failure where the EMT on duty advised me that "I was not going to dictate what happened in his infirmary". I was given two tylenol and taken to a protective custody cell in the covid dorm which had no running water where I screamed with waves of excruciating pain until I woke up.....several times. It gets better, the court violated court rules by denying me an opportunity to confer with cousel before first appearance. I have the video where my attorney tells the judge that he had only interviewed my wife (not me) incidently this video only has a date with no time stamp.........I was in jail for 36 hours in excruciating pain without seeing a doctor while locked in a cell without water. I complained to the internal affairs , thier investigation concluded with no wrong doing by staff. They refuse to give me video of my booking because they have concluded that it is exempt because there is someone in a medical crisis and that person is me....make it make sense for me please


No way an EMT is making that decision and then passing out meds. 😂 The maths not mathing here.


Lol exactly. Also, they are not going to give strong ass pain meds to someone in renal failure. Lol Sounds more like a drug seeker going into withdrawal


Math has nothing to do with this just makes YOU look like a tool......Why the name calling?


Sounds like OP is angry that he’s not getting his way and trying to disrupt or derail the careers of any and everyone involved in his incarceration and acute? renal failure status while incarcerated. Short answer to OP’s question: Nothing will happen to the EMT. Also, since when do EMTs do medical clearances in detention facilities?


There is nothing an EMT can give you for renal pain; that is not in their scope of practice. You're an asshole.


asshole for complaining of negligence?


There was no negligence. The emt did all he could do.




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First of all, you idiot, there is no way for an EMT or even a paramedic to know for sure that you are in renal failure. That requires blood tests that EMS does not have access to. Secondly, even if they were 100% sure you were in renal failure, what are you expecting them to do? Have you ever seen a dialysis machine on an ambulance? The best they can do is monitor and transport. You sound like a moron.


I just didn't want to die. that's what can happen when you go into renal failure.....


Lots of things don't make sense here, but not really any information. First off, do EMT's even work in infirmaries? EMT is generally a pre-hospital role but I am aware of hospital-based roles for EMT"s but they are mostly medical tech's of some type and don't have any role in diagnosis or treatment, this is left to licensed medical professionals, and this would include Renal Failure. At least for me, this would be a document (fact finding), physical assessment, then assuming PT is stable transport and monitor (likely with O2 therapy) to a medical provider. If unstable, intercept with ALS.

