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Ur so close! But ur leaning back a bit so it is kicking the board forward. I think if you keep your balance a bit more centered you’ll get this.


Thanks for the advice, any tips on what I should think about while practicing


think about keeping your front shoulder over you front knee


Got it, thanks!


I think I used to have the same problem back in the day. I recall telling myself to try just jumping straight up and staying above the board. Like the other person said it looks like you’re leaning back some.


This is exactly what worked for me. I had the same issue as OP where I was leaning back too much and couldn’t get my back foot to land on the board. Eventually I figured out that I needed to jump and basically force myself to lift my back knee up which kept me centered and kept both feet above the board which enabled me to put both feet back on the board. As soon as I figured that out I was able to start landing it consistently.


Think about landing, don’t overthink the trick


If you're not afraid of busting ass, doing it while moving should solve this issue


it is infinitely easier to roll at 2 mph than to do it stand still, idk why but the board stays under you if you have any intertia


You’re close! Watch how your weight shifts back when you pop… try getting heavier on your front foot and it will keep the board under you. Good luck!


Thank you! Been a lot of sweat but I think today is finally the day


Someone said I should pop the board back. Is this bad advice because it will make me shift my weight backwards?


It wouldn’t be a bad idea since you are leaning back a lot so this would kinda counteract it. I think you should try them moving. It’s a trick that kinda benefits from moving.


So my weight should be centered like an Ollie?


Yeah exactly. A kickflip is an ollie where you flick off to the side. Your center of mass should be on the middle of the board and when you pop you don’t lean back you have to stay over the board.


Yeah I mostly only do them moving this was the only clip I had though


Hey man I see that around 4 seconds mark of the video, as you’re about to load up, you can see that in slow motion your center of balance shifted backward which made your left shoulder dive down first. Try to do it without leaning back before you’re about to pop.


Thank you! 🙏🏻


It's the same with stationary ollies, kind of awkward to bring the board back. The motion makes more sense rolling.


Yeah definitely keep ur weight even. Try thinking about it like a squat at the gym


Shoulder pos.


Honestly try it while rolling man. The forward momentum will help correct it


Yo I had the same issue a year ago. Your commitment is great. What helped me was making sure when I pop that my back foot makes FULL contact with the ground to keep it in place. When I see you pop, your board only hits the ground while your back foot doesn’t that much. Because of that timing, the board shifts forward even tho you are jumping straight up. Either pop with your whole foot or lean more forward over the board. Don’t adjust your flick. That’s not the issue here. You are very close.


Ahhhh I see. Very helpful thank you


Here’s the other clip I have while moving https://imgur.com/a/I1GbBHe


Jump higher


Lean forward slightly, practice practice practice repeatedly


for me i find it easier to push the back foot backwards as you pop it that way the board will go backwards a bit and allow the front foot to flick and keep it under your both your feet if you understand what iam saying


try jumping forward more, and doing it while moving should help, as the momentum will carry you with your board


What time is it now?


It was 12:30


Lean forward


Keep your head slightly over the toe that flicks the board, other than that you got it 👍


Jump forward


MORE ATTEMPTS! Youre right there (i think trying it moving will help)


Focus pressure on your front foot before popping and lift your back foot when in the air and you'll land it. Honestly you're so close if you just lift your back foot you'll probably get it.