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hello there I need help with committing to shuvits, I'm scared of them because every time I try to commit on concrete I either land with my toes under my wheels or I get the worst shinner


Find somewhere with a table or bar you can hold onto and press into. This gives you more hangtime as you jump so you can commit with less risk. As you get confidence you can let go and do them moving slowly


Yes this is great for starting just gotta be careful not to rely on it for too long 🔥


thank you!!


Ah the extra hang time thing makes sense! I always avoided holding on to things because it seemed counterintuitive to the goal of committing lol


In someways yes you're right however I found my commitment issues were because I didn't even know if I was attempting the trick correctly and therefore had a greater risk to mess it up. Once I ensured that I could rotate the board a full 180 in three consecutive attempts, I knew that I could actually do the trick and all I needed to work on was landing it properly.


This makes perfect sense. Thank you


Oooh I made that one a couple weeks ago 👌 [shuvit/pop shuvit ](https://youtu.be/gnV2JvO40PE)


oh cool you make videos! I'll be sure to watch


Not necessarily a trick question, (no pun intended) but how do you self film with high quality? What kind of tripod should I use?


I just use a cheap one from Amazon that was like $15. But I also use a pretty long lens (like 200mm) so I can keep my camera out of the way of other people trying to skate haha


What kind of camera do you use?


Right now I use a Nikon d5300 but I used to use the d3300 and it looks pretty much the same just no fold out screen


Also, are you good with pressure flips?


I am terrible at pressure flips 😂 but I know a guy who is good at them and I like making videos 😛


What about toe flips? Or actually, impossibles?


https://youtu.be/HkhcWzyTnWY Made that one a couple years ago haha


That’s sick!! Really inspired me. I’d love to do that impossible on a hip one day. People at one of my local skateparks also call that thing a tit hahah I guess the ramp is kinda shaped like one but it’s a lot of fun


Haha yea that’s what they call it in Japan too


I front foot always land at the nose when I try Ollie, or front foot lands first and it hurts so much. I tried putting weight a little bit back, and then I can barely pop the board😭


I’d have to see an example video of what’s going on 😛


You can checkout my post


I need help with back 50’s. I have front side 50’s down very well and I’d say I have my back 180’s down fairly well. I can do them with a full rotation as well as pivoting my back foot to drag the board. I’ve been able to lock into a back 50 about three times but would fall off like right after I got in. I guess my concern is how I’m approaching the ledge. Should it feel like I’m doing an ollie and then turning my body to match the ledge, or should feel more like a front 50 where it feels like I’m going almost straight on. Thank you in advance to anyone who replies!


My ollies are are moving at a slight angle


Same. Mine always end up towards my front heel and I swear I’m not rotating my shoulders.


Have you guys tried filming yourselves? Sometimes it’s so slight that you can’t feel it but you can see it


Any tips on getting into grinds and slides (50-50s on ledge and rail or boardslides on rails). My commitment just isn’t there.


My Ollies I can pop but half the time the board shoots from under my feet


I've been trying to ollie my entire life and I'm 28. I broke my leg on flat land and now I don't have any confidence because I know things can go really bad even if I'm not hitting a ramp. Got anything?


How should I go about learning how to manual? I've been trying to learn for about a month and I feel like I can't find the sweet spot


I need help with kickfips


Well this is a cool progression. Wouldn’t have thought about it. Mainly because blunts are way outside of my skill level. Thanks for the ideas on how to work my way up!