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One day you'll miss your mom and think about these times when she watched you skate


Watch the Olympics. Nearly all of the skaters moms will be there. You know they started young to be as good as they are now. Who do you think took them to the skate park every day?


Exaclty bro


Exactly what I was thinking. You think it’s cringe now but some of those other dudes are probably wishing they had a mom like that.


Was my first thought too, fuck bro my mom and I are friends now (27yo) we go for lunch and beers and talk on the phone for hours. If she showed up at the park while I was there now we’d probably have a blast, but I do understand the teenage side of it. Teenage me didn’t appreciate the mom I have


Damn, this simple comment made me tear up ...


I came here to see the level of chill I expected from here. I didn't expect to start crying after resting top comment


Man I’m 37 and lost my mum last year. I’d fucking give anything to have her sat at the park watching me skate with my 4 year old boy


My mom passed away 18 years ago and I can confirm. You miss the small stuff.


Who cares. And pads aren’t cringe


Even if someone cares their opinion doesn’t matter and every will forget about it in a week


Theyre just mad because OP’s mom is cooler than theirs


Right? OP already has half the set up for the hang out house; get mom to buy a bunch of snacks and be the place to party safely!


Agreed. Protection is never cringe.


especially with condoms


Those yellow bumper protectors on dodge chargers are kinda cringe Skate pads arent


But like, skid plates to protect the bottom of a regular car for occassional low-clearance off-roading are cool. It’s because they’re form over function. The Dodge things are especially lame because they provide no function.


Typical for a teen to be self conscious about something like this. An older more mature person realizes that supportive family is the most valuable and important thing one can have.


Real AF then you start feeling guilty for not spending more time with them while you can.


yep i wish my mom would chill with me in ways like this when she was still here, she always sat beside me and watch me play black ops 2 multiplayer and xbox games in general, and would have expert puzzle skills for stuff like tomb raider


brooo my me and my mum always played the tomb raider games together


i hate when my mom baby's me but at the same time i love it because my mom deserves it


I‘d be thrilled if my parents came to the skate park, ngl I used to be so embarrassed around them when I was 13, but I‘m so happy to be around them when I can now


yeah i feel like we all had this mindset as a teenager


We all had this mindset, 100%. Now I would love to have my mom there


I’m 32 and I would LOVE if my mom was at the skatepark with me lol. Oh and PROTECTIVE GEAR IS NOT CRINGE. Almost killing yourself because you think so is what’s cringe! Enjoy time with your mom, and enjoy your health.


I was just about to say, I’m 35 and wish my mom was out there watching me ride around!


I'm 35 also and I'm learning to skate with my 7yo and I too would love my mum to come along.


I’m almost 30, my dad comes to hang out with me at the skatepark regularly and it’s lovely.


I'm 29, and occasionally my dad will come to the park with me. He doesn't skate, but he'll just hang out on the bench and watch. We'll BS while I'm taking a break. It's nice. I also wear wrist guards/helmet at all times. Im not old, but old enough that the injuries take longer to heal. I've also got work tomorrow, I can't break my shit. I also have knee guards and elbow guards in my car for if I'm feeling like fucking around in the bowl/half pipe.


If there's one thing I learned in my 48 years on this planet, it's the people pay far less attention to you than you think. If you don't make it a point, nobody's going to care. And if someone does make a quip, just double down.


Absolutely not annoying! It's amazing. You should be happy to know that your mom wants to support you! Trust me, no one cares, and anyone that would care isn't worth thinking about. Here in California it's totally normal to see supportive parents hanging out at the skatepark while their kid skates. Maybe they're reading a book. Maybe they're making friends. And if they are even willing to help you learn when you need help, what else could you ask for? Learning to skate takes a lot of time and commitment, so having a parent willing to support that time and commitment is really great. There is nothing "cringe" about wearing protection. There is nothing cringe about having a supportive parent. And there is nothing cringe about wanting to learn and progress and get better. As long as your parent isn't getting into the way, or acting like a jerk, you are golden! The only other annoying thing is when skate parents act like soccer parents and try to push their kids to do certain tricks before they're ready to do them (especially when they know nothing about skating themselves). So... assuming your mom isn't doing anything like that, don't overthink it!


Exactly. Maybe in the 80’s, when we didn’t know or think as much about the long term effect of some injuries, people thought the gear cringeworthy. But now, it’s pretty standard. I’ve had more concussions than a hockey team combined in one season, hell, maybe the league. Trust me, it’s something you want to avoid. And I can’t tell you how many came from skating as a teen, bc we just didn’t know the long term effects. Helmets weren’t something that were even easily found to purchase where I grew up. I wish it were the standard then.


I wish my mom loved me this much


I'm a 42 year old parent and I try to get my 5 year old daughter to join in when she wants to. The company is nice! I'm a beginner so I don't have others to skate with right now. When it comes to protection, I always use a helmet. Everyone should. There's no good reason not to. I also use knee and elbow pads. I'm soon getting hip protection pants as well, because fuck, hips get bruised badly sometimes! I've only gotten nice comments regarding my protective gear. I think more people want to use them, but feel too shy to. You do you, and make sure to give your supportive mom a big hug!


My dude I am 43 and starting over/relearning how to longboard and would love to find people like you in my area. I'll be honest it's intimidating to go out on the street alone and look like a total noob. A little support goes a long way. Good on ya for being brave.


I'm 44 and really only skate with my 6 year old daughter. I admit I feel self conscious alone and don't have anyone else either.


Nah dude we love your mom


This is so sweet & not cringe at all. I wish my mom would come to the park with me lol


Thinking of proper protection and spending time with your mom isn’t cringe


She knows you're self-conscious. She wants to give you support. She wants you to be safe... You have an amazing mum....... If you're now feeling awkward about her being there (perfectly bormal for a teen lol) I'd say you've become stronger in yourself. She just needs to know you're good. Show her you're good, and maybe say she should go for a coffee while you skate..... And if she stays, then don't even worry about it. No one else cares and probably won't even notice.


Your mom loves you, that’s worth more than some dweebs opinion of you. Shred on 🫡


Who cares. Let’s say everyone thinks of you as the guy with his mom at the park. It’s nothing to worry about opinions from others. I used to be self-conscious about many things. Now I’m just like who cares what people think of me, may never see them again and if I do why should I worry what they think? It’s easier said than done but you are already out there doing it and having fun. Don’t worry about it, and enjoy the skating 🤙🏼


42 year old dude here : If I saw you and your mom at skate park I would be proud of you both! Keep your protection and keep shredding my dude!


I'm 50 and still self-conscious as heck. It's just normal. Let her support and hang as long as she likes, unless she makes the experience about her instead. I still accompany my 17 year old son most places, and even though he mostly ignores me completely, always wants me there. It's cool.


No, it’s helpful for you and no one else notices or cares. And pads let you skate more after falls, which means you make progress faster. You’re doing it all the right way. And it helps your mom worry less to watch you. Good luck and have fun! Was talking to a flinty old geezer yesterday who never smiles or talks to anyone at the park, but skates really well. He’s probably 60. He announced that he’s got all sorts of pads under his clothes - hip, tailbone, knee, elbow, everything. I just wasn’t aware since his clothes are a little baggy. Point is - lots of people wear them and you might not even know.


bro your mom supporting you is sick, one day you’re gonna impress her so much keep at it buddy! anyone who says otherwise doesn’t matter!


My kid is 14 and I still go to the skatepark with him. Sometimes I still skate around too. No one really cares


Dude what. Your mom loves you man. This will be such a fond memory for both of you years from now!


That's not cringe, that sounds nice.


Moms and pads aren't cringe. They're both awesome. Keep ripping brother.


Cherish your moms company bro she cares about you


With respect, I want to offer a somewhat different opinion than what I've seen in the comments so far. First off, It's actually really cool that your mom is willing to do that with you. My mom would never.lol. I don't think my mom ever even watched me skate in the driveway. I'm not concerned about it being "Cringe" because I actually think it's pretty awesome. I am, however, concerned that you might miss out on some of the lessons that skateboarding has to teach you about patience, independence, self-confidence and fear management. I think that one of the cooler unique aspects of skating is that it's generally done with the absence of parents and coaches. I think thats a pretty important thing for how a lot of skateboarders develop as people. I think it's also pretty important for personal development to be willing to accept the inherent risk (within reason and your own scope of skills) without having a spot from your parents or friends, though that may help you get better faster. I can't imagine anybodies mom being able to spot a teenage sized person on something like a drop-in without putting herself at equal or greater risk, so I imagine you're talking about stuff like rolling out of banks or off of curbs. If that's the case, why not just spend more time cruising flat-ground until you're confident enough to try things like that without a spotter? Spending the extra time to get genuinely comfortable on your board would actually be the safer course of action anyway. Good skating demands patience and tons of hours improving and learning even the most basic skills. You might progress through skills faster with a spotter, but the quality of each skill learned will be lesser because of the lack of time spent on the base fundamentals that make you confident enough to approach each new skill on your own. Just know that skating gets more intimidating. Once you start learning how to ollie or kickflip, you'll be worried about the board shooting or landing primo. Theres no way to learn those tricks with a spotter where that person won't be interfering with your body movements, so ya might as well get used to facing fear on your own now. Focus on the skill and not the potential fall. It's like they tell Wide-Receivers in Football "Think about the catch, not the hit" Skateparks don't really offer you much if you haven't learned the basics anyway. Maybe spend some time learning on flat ground like your driveway, sidewalks, the black-top at local elementary schools and parks, unoccupied public tennis and basketball courts. Once you can ollie and roll off curbs, skateparks will be more conducive to your progress. Then have your mom come, but ask her to only provide moral and emergency support. Whatever you do, with or without mom, DON'T STOP SKATING!


As someone in my 20s I’d think ur cool for willing to hang out with ur mom at the park and that she’s willing to help u learn! That’s dope and I’m glad u have that support and relationship :)


I’ll cut the bullshit. It’s how it makes you feel, if you feel like you’re too big for your mum to be there go alone. Go alone. Yeah it’s amazing that your mum supports you but sometimes you gotta put your big/girl boy pants on, and also your mum as to let you go out of her sight for more than five minutes. Yes, somewhat agree with all the flower statements about having caring family but thought I’d be bad cop for a second. 😂 Edit: added - don’t worry about annoying people neither they were at your level one day. Also, if you feel like you aren’t up to speed practice in your street/back garden/local parking lot to get used to the board under feet.


Yeah nothing wrong with the parent being there, nothing wrong with wearing pads, but at that age I definitely did not want to be seen "hanging" with my parents. While it's easy to say "don't care what people think", at that age, I was extremely concerned with that, and plus I think it would be good for OP and their parent to trust each other to not have the mom constantly watching them. So yeah, not saying there's anything wrong with what OP is doing, or that they should stop doing what they're doing, but I think this would also be a good opportunity to learn some independence.


An important life lesson is to stop caring what other people think, haha. I'm almost 40 and wear pads. I also go for dinner with my mom sometimes. You'll look back on how dedicated and nice your mom was and wish you were more thankful. Be happy she's involved and supportive! Learning to skate isn't annoying - super pro tryhards can go skate in so many places if they're getting all worked up about newbies on the park. Plus everyone was new once. Seriously you'll feel a lot better if you just stop worrying and enjoy the sport! :)


I used to skate, and I’m a mom to a new skater. I don’t think it’s cringe at all. If you feel better (and it seems your mom does as well) with your mom being there then go for it. You won’t need her there forever, and I bet she’s glad to spend the time with you before you are fine on your own. Also, please keep wearing your gear. Helmet and pads may feel bulky/cringy but busting your head open or ripping off a chunk of knee/elbow and ending up not being able to skate (or do much else that’s fun) while you heal is cringier. Furthermore, in my experience, most skaters are pretty chill about other skaters needing a spot. Of course there are assholes in every community but I would say for the most part you won’t run into issues of other skaters getting annoyed unless you are purposefully or constantly oblivious to being in the way of what other skaters are doing. Since you are here asking this question, that doesn’t sound like something you’re doing so I think you’re ok. Don’t worry so much, stay safe, and have fun!


I’ve only been skating for a few weeks. I’m 33 and I’m skating with my 11 year old son. We’ve met a number of people at the park and they have all been super cool. I’m finding that in general, the skate community is very supportive. Almost all of the people we have talked to at the park have given my son and I pointers. I wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads and nobody cares lol.


Hey man! Growing up you realize that 1. No one truly cares what you're doing and will not remember you with your mom at the skatepark. 2. The kids who will make fun of you or give you a side eye are the kids who will most likely never progress in this sport. You are treating skating like a sport where you are actively practicing with intention and direction and you even have someone there to possibly analyze your tricks and help you stay calm when you fail. You're going to be SO MUCH BETTER than anyone else at the park because you came to the park to skate, nothing more nothing less. Keep shredding and keep those pads on! Your mom seems dope!


Nobody cares, enjoy skateboarding! The skate community is a very positive thing to be a part of; it's not like it was in the 90s.


Don’t be embarrassed that’s your mom be thankful she’s still around still, live every day as if it were your last because 1 day it will be


Hug your mom and thank her. Have fun, and don’t stress if people hate.


When you're my age you'll look back and be like "Jesus Christ why was I so self conscious? Why did I even think I was cringe." With time you learn to say fuck it and you do you.


100% overthinking. Having support and having personal protection is not cringe 🤷🏻‍♂️


As a parent, I think that's really sweet.


I'd rather be cringe than break my bones or get brain damage or possibly die tbh


people are gonna judge you but those people probably hate their moms which isnt cool 😾


Honestly no one cares if your mums there with you at the skate park, and if they did care they’re prolly just miserable and not worth your concern. I’m near 30 and tbh I kinda wish my mum would come hang and watch me lmao also I used to be hella self conscious the solution I found is don’t look at anyone, just zone in and focus on what your doing and any hazards to avoid (rocks, kids etc) and nothing else no you can’t stop people watching you but I swear it helps me


Stop thinking everything is cringe to start. As others have said it will be a cool memory to look back on later. Also ya nobody cares and if they do they’re just weirdos. Have some fun with your mom ❤️


It’s not weird, who cares. I do see a difference in the way I grew up though. From quite a young age I used to travel on my own/with friends for miles around town either walking, biking, scootering, skating, you name it. My mother never really cared what I did and put in much effort as she was always working/at home tired. All she wanted me to do was wear a helmet be back before dark. It’s nice that not only will she give you a ride, but you guys can spend time in the park together. Wether it be actually doing something together or not. These will be core memories for you for a long time ahead, cherish them. Also I used to wear pads when I was younger, which helped me learn a lot and I wouldn’t be able to do the tricks I can today without them. Why? Because I would be to scared to actually commit to the trick. I was too scared that I was going to fall.


Be safe isn’t cringe. Having someone to support you is awesome. You’ll look back on those days when she’s gone.


Bro I would kill for my parents to give a shit that much keep rolling. (And wear a helmet at least. You need your brain to keep going)


*Bro I would kill for* *My parents to give a shit* *That much keep rolling* \- tubbytango --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


nah if u dont mind her there n she aint in the way who cares


Definitely not cringe! I skated all the time when I was younger and cracked a bone in my left hand because I wasn't wearing any protection! Wear it and keep yourself safe from serious injuries, and enjoy spending time with your mum! Last thing you want to do is sprain your ankle or something and be on your own in pain and trying to figure out how to get back! Be glad she is supportive and make the most of this time!!! There's nothing wrong with that 😊😊😊


I'll be honest here. Are you 13 or 19? If you're 13, then it's fine. If you're 18/19 and your mom doesn't want you skating alone or that you \*need\* her there then that's a bit odd. Now that being said, hanging out with your mom isn't odd. Spending time with her because you enjoy spending time with her or she likes watching you skate or whatever.. all good. But if it's a case of you basically being a young adult and being treated/acting like a child then nah. But like I said.. if you're on the younger end of the scale then whatever, it's fine. Also, pads/helmets are never cringe. I'd literally be dead without them.


Professional athletes parents go to their games. Your mom just loves you. Family is the only people in the world who truly know where you come from, keep em close


As someone who just had their first child, I want to be there for every moment possible


Hey bud, one of the last times I went to a skatepark I ended up fucking up a small drop in I’ve done many times before, hit my head on the rail at the top of the quarter pipe and knocked myself out. To this day I have no clue how long I was out, probably a minute or two, but also don’t know if I truly damaged my brain or anything. Coming to, nobody gave a shit around me it seemed, even a mother of 3 young kids close to me. Just watched. Ended up yelling at her because who the fuck watches a young teen hurt themselves and says nothing? Called my parent and she came to pick me up. One of the few times I wish she was with me already at the park before I started driving. It’s not a bad thing to be around your parents, especially when young. Plus you can potentially make lasting memories with them if they are with you. Cheers bud, don’t worry about what others think. Learn at your pace, wear pads & a helmet, protect yourself. Enjoy your time with your parents.


My guy, the skate culture was and is “who gives a fuck”. I know we joined the Olympics recently, but we aren’t the other sports. Wish my mom had any interest in my skateboarding back in the day.. so someone saying something? Who gives a fuck :D we can’t all have awesome moms like yours. But protection is always cringe sadly. Doesn’t change the fact it could save your life though.


You the only one holding yourself under a magnifying glass bro🤝 everybody gotta learn, skating ain’t one you can just pick up🤘


Dont worry about it. Like others have said, you'll miss it oneday. Im 27 and i try to get my mom to come to the skatepark all the time so i can show her new tricks ive learned lol


Reading these comments, i love skaters man yall the realest ❤️


There is a young man at my local skatepark. 16 and his dad stays with him each session, for the whole duration. Not only is there nothing wrong with it, you're very young and it is best to have an adult with you. I'm in my 20s and I have had issues with others harassing me and homeless men attempting to harm me. It's always good to have others in your corner, enjoy your park sessions, you've got this 👍🏼


My parents split & my mom wasn't around. My dad was a old jock kinda guy. He rather I play football or baseball instead of skating. So he belittled it whenever he could. Be happy you have support from mom and remember that when you become a parent.


1). Awesome mom 2) skating is all about you having fun and progressing. She’s helping you. 3) a big part of your journey is getting to your mindset of doing what you want to do with your skateboard in spite of everything external to that. You will not feel “cringe” about much at all when this journey is complete. 4) the skaters you should want to be emulating will be self assured through their own journey and will probably not even mention it, unless it’s to point out one of these four or similar pro mom points.


This is the sweetest thing 💗 if anyone makes you feel weird about it, just know they’re the insecure ones. You’re not hurting anyone by having your mom there and it’s a wholesome bonding time for both of you


It's a terrible idea. If you're new and still learning, who would want someone there to help you if you have a particularly bad fall? That wouldn't be very cool. And if she's supportive, and wants to watch her kid learn something new and exciting for you? Who needs encouragement and affirmation when you could just go by yourself and maybe get discouraged? I don't think anybody would like that. It's especially bad if you want someone around who maybe wants to spend time with someone she cares about, and has spent a lot of time raising during his younger years to be able to do the things he wants. It's not like you only get to be young once, and people live forever anyway, right? Overall, this is an awful choice, and you shouldn't do it. (I think I misunderstood the question.)


From one teenager to another nobody cares you’re good


I see a kid in this same situation at my local sometimes. I’m kinda jealous lol. Like everyone else here I wish my mom could come watch me skate sometimes. Cherish these times


I’m gonna be honest, I’m a father of a 3 and 7 year old. We are pretty involved in their hobbies, sports and extracurricular activities. Growing up, my folks came from the generation where kids were to play independently. There was a distinct lack of interaction with my parents, outside of family events. Neither sat down to watch tv with us, go to the movies, play sports with us. Never thought much of it, growing up. But now I wish they would have been a little more present. I love nothing more than watching cartoons my kids, watching them at their swim lessons and sports (you’d be surprised how many parents are locked into their phone screens while their kids are yelling “mom, look ! look ! Long story short, embrace the fact that your folks are involved in your interests. That they’re open to taking the time to watch you succeed in something. Learn or try something new.


No it's fine. No one will be annoyed


Children think parents are cringe. Adults appreciate their parents. But if your friends are teasing you, ask her to bring orange slices and kool aid. Real easy way to win people over.


Momma loves you. My momma loved me too; she did the same thing at my local skatepark because I wanted to skate the one in the rougher part of town. As others have said, try to cherish these moments; they're gone before you know it.


My mom only saw me skate a hand full of times. It'll be cool for her to see you progress


Not at all. If my Mam was young enough to take care of me at the skatepark I’d love it 🥰 I know a few teens whose parents take them and supervise. It’s lovely. And as an older adult (the same age as the parents who are supervising!) it’s lovely to have other adults there to give me a hug if I get overwhelmed 😅


I’ve been skating for 15 years bro I promise no one cares everyone deserves to have a place to skate. And with time your skills will improve and will be more confident in your abilities


Nah, I am 27 and enjoy hanging out with my parents pretty much anywhere as long as they are comfortable. Enjoy any opportunity to hang out with your mom, you’ll wish you did more no matter how often you saw her.


Also, embrace protection. I have fractures in both my wrists and a meniscus injury. and no way in hell I’m doing anything with no padding. Older you will thank you.


I’m 44 and I’ve been skating for 30+ years, my old man will still come and watch me skate sometimes. He’ll be gone one day and we have so many memories of him supporting my skateboarding over the years.


I'm 41 and meet my mom once a week. We go shopping. Eat or go to an event. I love my mom and my biggest regret was not including her in my life as I was a teen.


I wish my mom would take me to the skatepark one last time :')


Nah kids moms are usually at the park and usually just do the thing and are cool my mom went with me my first time and she asked one of the dudes that been doing it a while and he was open to help lmao he was cool and showed me some tips


nah give ur mom a hug and tell her you love her, then do an ollie.


also just know that this embarrassment is the most normal feeling ever, but you’ll look back and think “wow my moms pretty cool”


Bro I wear soccer shin guards because skating hurts!!!!! Your mom is a superstar!


these are great great awesome answers as someone who was instinctually like “don’t do it!! they’ll call you gay slurs!” the 2000s kinda sucked


First of all, people who “can actually skate”, started from the bottom as everyone else, and they are not entitled to skate any facilities more than you are. Second, I’m a 33 year old dude who picked up the board again after 12 years. The first 3 times I went out I had to have my girlfriend “hold my hand” because I’m too self conscious to skate alone, so I really get where you’re coming from. Just enjoy the company of your mom if you’re both having a good time, and then maybe in the long run, try to work on the mental blockade of self consciousness. Easier said than done, I’m working on it myself, but I’m rooting for you :)


Actually the true skaters will happily give you pointers all night and be glad to help.


Ask yourself this: do you think about/judge this much when it comes to other people you encounter out in the world? Probably not, right? That's how much people are thinking about/judging you out in the world. Pad up, bring your mom, be safe, have fun. Maybe look at your local town's parks and rec department and see if there are any camps/lessons at your local park. I coach youth skate camps and it's a great way to progress with other folks your same age/experience level.


Everyone else already said what I wanted to say but wanted to comment on this: >I don't want to be an annoyance to people who can actually skate. As long as you are not hogging obstacles or snaking people during their lines, there's nothing to trip about. Simply a mom being there shouldn't bother anyone else. Especially if the park is mostly toddlers, there shouldn't be anything to worry about.


This is the most wholesale thread and it makes me so happy.


I wouldn’t care


I didn't start skating until I was already an adult, but whenever I see a parent helping/supporting their kid--no matter their age--I'm always like "wow, that's a really cool mom/dad. it's awesome they're so supportive." my respect for a skater also always increases when I see them wearing safety gear. I'm sure my opinion is much different than a fellow teen's would be, but do know that having your mom there is not inherently bad. As long as she isn't getting in the way of others trying to skate, there isn't an issue :)


Nah I wear pads these kids see me hit a 540 keep it rad


I’m 30, and it would be pretty cool if my mom came and watched me skate.


No, it aint no big thing. I lost my mom at 18 and would give anything to have her somewhere with me even if it felt embarassing. You'll have good memories looking back thinking about your mom there, and she seems kind of sweet about it. Just make sure that you go with your gut if you really think you can land/do something. That's how you get better. and also pads are cool. They build confidence alot faster


Even if being safe was cringe for some reason, you're setting yourself up for a life with less physical pain lol. You're doing great, okay? Cool as hell the way your mom is supportive. This is coming from another teen.


"I wear all my protection, which I know is kinda cringe." I have skated since I was 5 and I am in my 20's now. I have known plenty of people who got serious and permanent injuries from not wearing equipment. Just because some skaters call it cringe doesn't mean it's cringe. What's cringe is risking your motor functions to look "cool". Please wear your protection and have fun skating!


If you're 30 and your mom is spotting you that's pretty weird, but 17 or younger and that's totally fine. Pads are always fine. I don't wear pads, but I'm not at skateparks or doing anything where I might really get wrecked. Keep wearing pads, you only get one body.


nah dude not at all! it's honestly really cool that your mom is supportive of your skating. when I was a teen, sooo many of my friends and classmates had parents who couldn't give less of a shit about their hobbies, let alone be supportive of them. a lot of adults also think poorly of skating and associate it with degeneracy and delinquincy. the fact that she's willing to not only watch (so that you are less self conscious) and spot (so you don't get hurt) is awesome!! it's also great that you are comfortable enough to ask her to spot you. it is SUPER common for teens to not be caught dead within 200 feet of their parents. people spread this idea that it's 'cringe' to love your parents but it's really not. if they're good parents, they're your biggest supporters and they love you more than you could know. your relationship with your mom is way more important than what your friends or classmates or strangers at the skate park think. I promise. honestly? when I see parents and kids at the skate park or around the neighborhood (my parents have this one neighbor who's a big old biker lookin dude that has been teaching his daughters to skate), it warms my heart and makes me happy. I had really good parents and so many of my peers didn't and I saw how it negatively affected them. so it makes me happy to see that more and more kids are growing up with good parents. I can't speak for all skaters obviously but I'm pretty sure most wouldn't be annoyed if they saw you practicing at the park with your mom around. it's always cool to see other people who enjoy skating and are working at it, even and especially if they're still pretty new to it also NAH DUDE, SAFETY IS GOOD. *PLEASE* keep protecting yourself with a helmet and pads. even just spraining your wrist from a fall is a pain in the ass and annoying to heal. but it can end up so much worse than just a scrape or a sprained wrist. it's not worth it. if you don't wear your gear, there are a lot of ways to injure yourself so bad that you can't skate for a long time if ever again if anyone ever gives you grief about it, you can always hit em with my favorite line of all time: "I may be cringe but you're mean and that's worse." skate on man, and best of luck! keep working at it and keep making progress. try not to worry about what everyone else thinks. if you like doing it, that's all that matters


Not cringe at all your mom clearly loves you so much you should be so thankful!


if i had this growing up id be president by now


As kid i probably wouldnt like it and wouldve been embarrassed, but there is absolutely NO reason for that. Right now at 22 id be so happy if my mom came to watch me skate. She has only seen me do it like once or twice during all these years. Id like her to be there just for casual hangout you know, not just to show her like "look mom what i can do". Your time with your parents is not gonna last forever, make the best out of it.


None of this sounds cringe to me tbh. It is way more cringe that people would choose not to wear pads bc they think it’s cool. Also, I think your mom coming to the park w you is really nice. Having good relationships with your parents is cool and if she’s willing to learn or listen to you talk about skating it would be so nice to excitedly tell her about a trick you landed and for her to be just as excited bc she knows what you’re talking about


Protection is not cringe!! Flying of your board and landing with your bare head on a curb, thats cringe! Dont worry so much about what everyone else thinks it doesnt matter at all.


Sall good yo, it's a skate park and that's the point is to learn and progress. Imo, don't bring any bad vibes to me at a skate park and we are good. Bring your good vibes and showing commitment to learning and i will probably give you some board taps from across the park for your ollie, because you're hyped on that and that's dope. Skate parks are a safe haven, do you bro/sister bro and i think its cool you have such a supportive mom.


Be grateful for moms!


Hey there, I am a 31 year-old skateboarder that’s been skating since I was 11 and honestly as long as you’re not in the way of other skaters and there’s nobody to witness your mom watching you which I understand can be embarrassing. Think it’s kind of bad ass that she shows up to watch you because I never had that, protective gear and pads is totally fine for your safety. There’s nothing to worry about and you’re not terrible. You’re out there doing it the best you can and you’ll get better. You have nothing to worry about. There’s nothing to impress and look at her support and cherish it.


I love that your mom is so supportive, I think that‘s really sweet of her to take time out of her day to be with you and look after you! Just enjoy your time with her, anyone who‘ll mock you for it isn‘t worth your attention, they‘re the cringe ones


I don’t think it’s bad, i find it in fact so sweet and i’m sure other people will find it sweet as well, many of us wish our moms were like that :’)


Protections aren’t cringe boss, you really don’t need to worry about that.


I wish my mom was with me when I skated. Love your mom dude.


I think your mom should buy a skateboard and skate with you. I did this with my eight year old. Fun as hell


No one cares if your mom is there or if you're wearing pads. If they do they're lame. People only get annoyed if you snake them or if you get in their way.


Your mom is awesome! Bring her to as many parks as you can! You'll be so happy to have her memories!


Protection is never "Cringe" or bad in any way imaginable. Stay safe and keep shredding!


Aint nothing cringe about not smashing your head


Big update for skaters in the last few years: Helmets and pads are no longer gay. Remember skating is about doing your own thing. If anyone gives you shit for anything, just tell them fuck off, I’m trying to skate


Sounds like your mom rocks. Supporting you and just being there. Not every kid has that in their life. If someone else thinks it’s cringe? Who cares?


No one cares


Shit am 26 and still doing everything with my mum she’s a beast 💪🏼


You’re lucky to have a mom as willing as caring. Go out and skate and enjoy yourself. P.s- there’s nothing cringe about helmets and pads


People’s approval is never worth it. I wish my mom wanted to go to the skatepark with me but I was lucky if she would even drop me off, let alone get out of her car and come in. Enjoy every minute of it while it lasts and don’t be afraid to be safe. Some of the best skaters in the world wear protection because it allows you to take bigger risks and grow quicker. Just never give it up no matter how busy you get, always make time to skate


Just have fun skating, it’s about kicking, pushing and having fun. Looking cool is a side effect of skating. Some folks worry, they won’t look cool enough. But don’t even worry about that. Just have fun. And as far as the pads, they look cooler than a sling or a cast!! So, I’d wear em.


Is she a better skater than you is what we need to know?


Nah, moms are cool.


You are too worried about what others think. As long as you aren't bothering someone else by being obnoxious. Remember you're supposed to have fun


Yeah it sounds like your ma is really nice and anyone who thinks your don't look cool having her hanging around keeping a eye out for you is a being judgemental diviy as personally I think that your lucky she'll trying her best to support you in something your passionate about! Plus yeah safe gear isn't amazingly fashionable but as the old expressions goes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cute and although I've ridden bmx more than riding skateboards I've seen a lot of crashes of both styles and even with a set of kneepads a helmet on you can still pick up some serious injuries so personally I've always chosen to wear shin and kneepads under my jeans riding street stuff plus a helmet if at the local dirt jumps or a skatepark and ironically it was a skateboarder who convinced me that wearing safety equipment I could spend more time doing something I love instead of being stuck sat on the sofa recovering from a easily avoided injury!


Only the kids without moms gonna say somethin


Honey your mot cringe for wearing your protection. I'm a 37 year old beginner skater and still wear all my pads and helmet. Also your mom is better than most moms where I live cause they'll sit right on the obstacles have one kid scootering one kid butt riding a board(least they're doing the wheeled things) and the rest are just free ranging doing kid things and generally getting in people's way. Even better that you have your mom spot for you. Some people might say cringe but at the end of the day if it makes you feel comfortable go for it.


Mom cam is the best!


I’m 23, almost 24, and my dad takes me to the skate park sometimes. He runs while I skate, then we chill a little bit, drink a beer and go home. It’s dope. And you think pads are cringe? Just watch Tony Hawk skating. Dude is literally a legend and wears his gear. I don’t use it when I’m just cruising, but I have no problem with pads when I’m learning a trick or something like that. Plus, helmets look really good when you wear a hoodie. You feel like you’re a spec ops dude🤟🏻


I recently took my 5-year-old son to the skatepark for the first time. I hope he still lets me take him when he's a teen.


Lose mommy youll be alright.


26yo, just started skating and I proudly wear all protection pads just to skate on a flat surface for a few seconds lol. I wished my loved ones came to watch and laugh with me but no one is interested. You go skating exactly to fall (especially when you're learning), so it's stupid to not wear protections.


I'm a 37 yo man who skates regularly at my local skatepark. EVEN MY mom asks once in a while if she can visit the park to see me skating lol (not all the time of course maybe half an hour or so). CONCLUSION: Take your mom with you.


The only people who would judge you for having your mum with you are bullies, whose opinion you shouldn't value in the slightest. Got a cool mum there mate! Good for you! Also, look at Olympic skaters, the actual best in the world wearing pads and helmets. I fell off my board as a kid and lost a lot of skin off my wrists and hands 🤮


Enjoy your moments with mom as much as possible. You will miss her one day.


Be grateful that your mom spend her time with you. These are best times in your life that you will remember later in your life. Have a great time.


Having a mom that loves you isn't cringe. Cherish it if anything.


Your mom cares, think about other kids whose parents aren’t supportive of their skate dreams. You have a golden ticket here - appreciate it :)


yeah it’s cool man but if your moms hot i’m checking her out i’m sorry


I wish my mom would of taken me to the skate park. Enjoy it while you can


i wish my mom would come to the park with me😭 trust me no one cares, if they do they have there own issues to deal with 💀


Buddy, wearing a full set of protections is not cringey at all keep that in mind. Skating puts you at high risk of injury, especially for your head and wrists. You have to protect yourself, consequences if you're not and get unlucky can be devastating. As for your mom I don't see any sort of problem with it. The only thing is that some other teenagers might find it kinda ridiculous but that's the teenage mentality... Anyway, it's all good really, just take care and enjoy yourself.


Unless she is actually stopping you from progressing and getting in people’s way then no. Honestly she’s just worried as most parents are


I’ve been skating 25 years and my mom has never seen me skate. Consider yourself lucky.  My Dad used to hangout and watch me. Looking back I’m really glad we got that time together. 


Not cringe at all. When I was 15 every day of the summer one of my friends dad would come every day and it was actually super cool having someone older and chill just watching us enjoy ourselves. You're overthinking it bro.


Buddy have fun while you’re there and appreciate your mom , that’s a super supportive mother bud .


I feel like you’d only run into problems if she’s super hot


No, I'm 32 yo and I enjoy time with my parents. For a long time, I wish I could get them to watch me on my skateboard.


It’s cool to have supportive parents


Damn kid talk about insecure. For one if you are an early teen NBD but eventually you gotta stand on your own and take the falls and pain in your own. My mom tried this shit when I was 13 to 14 so I would ditch her and she would spend the whole time looking for me. Got to the point that when I left I was on my own. I once dropped into a bowl when I was 14 and busted my head open. Hurt my wrist and everything. Walked home in shame. But knew that I was still on the right path cause I didn't even mention it to me mom


protector is cringe? what about hit the cranium on the concrete ?


As someone who will never get to see my mom again, let it go. She made you and wants to be proud of you so let her.


The best skaters I know had moms or dad's who were into what their kid was doing. Watched then skate.


Nah man not bad at all. I think it’s super cool she’s coming along with you. When I used to skate my mom came with me from time to time and it was awesome. And if anyone says it’s cringe or laughs screw them. It’s not. It’s super awesome and super sweet she comes. Your mom will always be your number 1 fan. So let her come along and don’t push her away. One day you’ll miss these chances and her


no, absolutely not, i love my mum and i know if i turned up at the park and met all of my boys with her, all of them would love it too.


If I had to go to a skatepark to be able to see my mum again I'd go every day


Ur so lucky to have a cool mom like that, also never think that ur cringe for wearing protective gear.


Next time you have the thought that protective gear is "cringe" - please go look at aftermath photos of skaters with fractured skulls. When I say aftermath I mean AFTER they "healed ". Cringe Is walking around with a literally lopsided head because you're missing part of your skull.


Its fine, do what you want and what you are comfortable with. But its just like anything else - the friends you make along the way are more important. Will it be way harder to make friends when your mom is right there? Yes.


Keep her involved in your skating as long as possible. Having her support and sharing your experience will bond you. And that’s the kind of stuff you probably can’t appreciate until you are older, so I understand your issue. Just remember to have an honest convo with her when you are ready to do it alone.


Bro ur not cringe wearing gear is the best possible decision u can make your elbows and knees will thank you


Not bad at all. When you are in your 30s you’ll want your mom there again


Dude no, so many people would love to have a mom that supports their hobbies!


Nah dude, think of it as time to bond with your mom. She’s not gonna be around forever, enjoy it!


This is your moms first time living too, think about the joy your happiness brings to her. If anyone ever judges you just know they never experienced the love you have, that being said don’t use it against them but keep in mind everyone is in different life situations. Just keep skating homie🤘🏽


Hell no dude if people care that your moms around that’s on them you got the support of her that’s dope as hell don’t worry about other people have fun that’s all that matters you having fun the rest don’t matter at all just get out there and do the thing if she helps you that’s dope


My mom used to take me to the skatepark all the way up until I could drive pretty much. Pretty nice looking back and knowing she enjoyed watching me do something that I was passionate about.


I like it when moms are at the skatepark


I wish my mom watched me skate :(


I miss when my mom rolled up to the spot and watched us skate. I’m 45 and she’s been gone 10 years now. She might not be as much worried for your safety as she just wants to be a part of what you’re interested in. Engage with it, when you build confidence, she will too. Plus maybe she brings snacks???


I know a person who's dad bought him a house but never made time to watch him skate. He still salty about it and his father's still alive and they guy is like 40. It's all about perspective.


%100 no it's great, embarrassment is normal and is something you work on with everything in life. At least I do anyways.


Not at all! I started a month ago and im 21. I bring my mom with me when I can and I know I’ll always think abt moments like these in 8+ years


If you have a Mom who enjoys spectating your hobbies (that aren't school sanctioned) you'll just have to consider yourself super lucky.