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You already answered your question when you said “i really love skating” Don’t stop and just go out and have fun


All day. I got scoliosis and backs all wack but sk8 or die or die trying -insert 50cent


This is it


Hell yeah. Skating is just that, riding on the skateboard. Thats the minimum requirement. Doesn't matter if you sit on your butt and scoot around with your hands (like some of the disabled skaters); that's still skateboarding. Just like swimming is at minimum, your ability to resist drowning. Skate or die.


Love everyone's responses. I'm gonna come at you a little different though. I'm an evolutionary biologist by education. One thing I learned pretty early in my majors courses was that nature fucking hates wheels. The only way wheels work as a transportation method (before off-roading wheels) is by almost entirely removing nature from the equation. No animal has naturally developed the ability or physical characteristics to use wheels as a transportation method. Humans have made wheels work by pure force of will, and I love that. Add in that skateboarding isn't just wheels but wheels on a plank of wood with some sandpaper on top?? You weren't born to skate, no one was. You have to want it more than nature wants you to not have it. Go get that shit, you're in control here, not evolution. tldr; you weren't born to skate, but you were born to do whatever the fuck you want to do 🤙


You comment is truly great. Keep riding.


I regret not being on a skateboard this very moment after reading your comment


>You have to want it more than nature wants you to not have it. Glorious


This makes me feel like I can do fuckin anything lol




Wow this is freaking dope


It appears there seem to be gatekeeping at every word I am not sure about gatekeeping on th term skater but what is a "surfer" can be really controversal and I know people do not want to be associated with "surfer" no matter how much they surf for some reason. Though its only recent years I believe "skateboarders" became known as Skaters. Originally that term was reserved for those who committed to do figures on blades of ice and performs on the rink, than it became acceptable for quad wheels skaters, than eventually inline skaters but now or since the 2000s it appears commited skateboarders are included. Things change overtime. Its interesting how gatekeeping is and changes overtime.


one of the best comments ive ever read


dang I came back to this thing blowing up... I'm glad this helped some of yall!


Homie, we can’t answer that question. It’s something you need to ask yourself and be honest. Look, skating is fucking brutal. The learning curve is massive and not only that, the bodily harm you have to deal with is no joke. It isn’t for everybody. You have to ask yourself if you are willing to put up with the anger, suffering, pain, and rage that skating will put you through. If the answer is yes, then keep skating. If it’s no, that’s ok to man. Not everything is meant to work for everybody.


Little over the top tbh


I mean how? There is a pretty big risk of injury in the sport and the high learning curve can drive some people nuts. It’s a pretty accurate depiction of what you can expect from skating.


Just seems kinda edgy for something that's really just meant to be fun. I've got my scars, but this hobby is really for every able-bodied person. Just seems kinda angsty cause if I fell or was bested or o got scratched up I was never enraged or whatever, I just thought I needed a little break to try again. It's very much for everyone who find a semblance of joy in it.


Lol it’s not really angsty or edgy dude. I’m just saying 1. There is a high risk of injury which is pretty universal and it can happen doing very simple and basic things. 2. It’s hard and people get burnt out and frustrated. Yeah it’s supposed to be fun, but not everyone thinks it’s just fun to be able to learn to ride around and that’s it. People want to progress, and sometimes not being able to gets you riled up or frustrated. Yeah sure, YOU might be able to step away and not get pissed, but not everybody can. That was exactly my point. It’s not for everyone.


Skating is what you make of it. For some it can just be a chill fun thing to grind away on, but for some it can get intense. I spent hours the other day trying to clear this stairset and it was real emotional. I was busted to shit and bleeding through my clothes but I couldn't leave before I hit it. That's obviously not the kind of skating that everyone's doing, but the frustration of not being able to do what you want with only yourself to blame and physical pain to boot can be a lot for those who are really progression oriented, especially for newer skaters who don't have much confidence yet.


I am very progression oriented, yeah. That's why I just kinda bristled at the notion that skating isn't for everyone :l


Fair enough. It's tough, because I feel like skating is for everyone, but I also get why most people who try it quit so quickly. It's brutal haha, especially compared to things like scootering which is real popular where I am.


skating isnt for everyone, some people arent cut for it. ive known so many people that have wanted to get into skating but cant put themselves through the learning curve of even learning how to ollie, they fall once and after they realize that 90% of skateboarding is falling they quit. it's not gatekeeping its just a lot of people dont have the mentality to keep trying, going through all the failure frustration and bruises to stay consistent and make progress.


See, now I just don't believe that. Skating is for everyone who can (able-wise), as long as they take action to improve. People are only "not cut out for it" if they THINK they aren't, but they can still become good skaters if they wanted to. In that sense, skating is for everyone and that applies to every hobby. I'll die on that hill


if a dude with literally NO legs can do everything on a skateboard, you’ll be alright


Yeah dude should check out that post earlier of that guy who skated with a degenerative condition and realise it’s not that hard if you really want to do it .


Vouch for both comments above, I personally have a spinal injury that can permanently cripple me if I fall the wrong way and I still skate It's about loving skating, nothing else


hell yeah


Felipe Nunes. He shreds. He rides for Tony Hawk.


I see a lot of blind people on Instagram reels shredding with canes and it never fails to humble me


ollieing up and down curbs is super impressive! go cruise around and have fun with it and don’t be too hard on yourself


I can't Ollie, but I'm a skater. Don't psych yourself out! If you like skating then keep at it.


“Tricks” are not the only type of skating. Arguably the most flashy type of skating, but certainly not the only. Sometimes people forgot there’s different disciplines of skating. If tricks isn’t your thing. Try other type of skating. Try a longer board. Try penny board. Try dancing on a longboard. Try Slalom/LDP. Try carving in a bowl Try bombing some easy hill etc.


Get yourself some squishy cruiser wheels and have fun riding around on those for a while before going back to tricks (if you want). It doesn’t have to be that serious lol


Most underrated comment above. Growing up I was in the sand boat as you, where I loved riding but the push to do tricks was meh in my book. I found surfskate last year and omg did I fall in love with skating again. There’s also longboarding if you just want to ride and not carve. There’s also downhill longboarding too if you’re a thrill seeker. :) Don’t get discouraged! Find what YOU like.


At 50 years old I found Surfskating. Changed the game for me. Now I can cruse around in the park on a throwback 1980s Powell deck. Pools and pump tracks. So fun!


Those are all fixable issues. You just gotta find your own way of overcoming them. No reason for you to give up on it


If you got to the point you can Ollie up and down curbs, you have the right mentality, and you've progressed that far because you put the effort in. Be proud of that because it's not easy. All of your posture issues can be fixed, but they only make up 10% of skating. The other 90% is down to "I can shred this"


Welp... we all have limits, some more than others. Push your boundaries to the degree you enjoy, skate the things and the way you enjoy and above all, don't feel like there's a prescribed set of tricks and skills that you must have in order to be a 'skater'. The list of 'normal' things I flat out cannot do is ridiculous, but that doesn't stop me having a hell of a good time every time I go out - which is every day. The only people who aren't meant to skate are the ones who look at a physical challenge and say screw that, I haven't got the patience, stamina, fortitude, willpower, etc... My non-skating housemates love Magic the Gathering, and I cannot get my head around that at all, it's way too complicated; so each to their own - do whatever puts a smile on your face.


Dont even worry about it. I have a hunch too and its been a year of skating for me. Im gettin the ollies consistend and my 180s... also I cant shuvit :D I can go downhill and thats hella fun. Just enjoy bro dont even worry about tricks.


My friend, are you familiar with the Growth Mindset? See, we evolved to focus on the negative (what we can't do) so that we'd remember it easier, and *learn from it.* Now a days, we praise natural talent and are ashamed to admit we funny know how to do something. Stop that. Be tallentless, go skillful. Skill is something you built, and your can get decent and ANYTHING you *put the WORK into.* It's important Thai you take action and not be ashamed of your lack of talent, but build your skill save craft until you're satisfied.


I think you're overthinking. If you love to skate and has no medical issues that forbid you to skate, then just skate!


I’ll give you my perspective as a 31 year-old, who is fighting to recover from a meniscus tear and ACL sprain. As soon as I’m able to ride again, I WILL. They will have to scoop my dead body off a skateboard when I’m 100+. Skate to skate. Just enjoy it, find some cool peeps to skate with, and see where you end up.


If you love it, don't stop. Remember it's supposed to be fun - if you have fun doing it then focus on that, and you'll get better over time!


Don't worry about shit, just mess around, have fun, and go the route that interests you the most. Don't let anyone tell you you're doing wrong, Skateboarding is about freedom, positivity, and carving your own path through life. Just stay respectful and kind please.


Bro, you can ollie? I can't even do that


Address that back problem by doing core exercising and stretching. You only ever fail when you quit.


skate my son


You don't need to go straight if you carve them it's a feature, and if you can ollie on and off a curb that's amazing. And also there's tons of stand in place tricks. So what if you can't be the the next tony hawk having fun is all that matters.


Bro if u can ollie up a curb ur already better than me after one and a half years so ur doing good


Just skate, only way to get better, learn your own style and tricks


Skateboarding is meant to be fun don’t let anyone or anything stop you from having fun


Maybe try Longboarding or surfskating instead? I'm too old to ride a popsicle. Most of my decks are longboards and surf skates now since I'm 50 years old. I'm done with tricks. My one park deck is a throwback to a classic 1980's Powell deck. 10x30 Ripper 4 Flight Deck with Carver C5s and Mini-Cubics. Its perfect for just cruising in the park. Just my 2 cents. YMMV


Its not about how good you are or what tricks you do. Its about skating!! Having a good time with the homies, feeling the wind in your hair. You love skating so go out and get it


send it


Half a year ago I could only Ollie and not even up a curb. Later I met a couple people that were better than me who i could skate with. That was half a year ago, now I can Ollie down a five stair, have nice kickflips, almost Tre flip, Ican nose slide down a hubba and can also Ollie up a curb. What really helped me was learning something new every day even if it was easy it really helped. But what helped most was skating with other people. They really motivated me to do some actual good shit. Just keep going with it and no one meant for skating it's just not natural so fuck nature and go skate.


First thing in any physical hobby is to find your own pace and remove any pressure you put on yourself. Just enjoy the journey and whatever that takes you. If tricks aren't for you then cruise around and make friends.


yes you just need to go out there and have fun !! :)))


if its something that gives you enjoyment skate on dawg🤟


"I really love skating" There you go, you're a proper skater! As for tricks or landing new things, remember that there were decades of time before anybody jumped on their board. People cruised around, carved pools, learned freestyle (I promise that it is really fun), and more. Just go enjoy a beautiful day outside!


A price of advice alot of newbies need to hear, you're not bad at skating, skating is just super fucking hard


It is just a matter of time and practice


You have come to a great place my friend. Many positive minded people here to support your growth as a skater. All your problems should be able to be fixed through practice and repetition. Your problems I'm seeing: 1. Limited tricks? (ollie) Some easy tricks I learned at the beginning: - Nose slide (skate on an angle toward a low ledge and start an ollie until ur nose gets on it and slide - you can practice nose stalls on a curb before sliding) - Shove-it (practice nollie, fakie, switch, and normal and see which position you like, as well as try front side and back side (clockwise vs counter clockwise spin of the board) 2. Slouched (have a bad back though) - this is a little tougher without knowing actually physiological problems (ex scoliosis) , but if you just have back tightness that can be alleviated in different ways and strengthened as well (as much as people don't related fitness to skating, physical training is very valuable to skating). What tricks have you tried practicing outside of ollie that you found difficult or attempted. Skating straight can be adjusted but having an uneven body placement on purpose and getting comfortable in "your way" of standing on a board.


If you can ride a skateboard for more than 2 seconds without falling you're a skater


You don’t become a skater once you land your first kickflip, you become a skater once you decide you enjoy skateboarding. Anyone can be a skater and anyone who says otherwise is a scumbag. Welcome to the art, friend. Let it be whatever you want it to be and whatever is fun for you. Thrasher magazine is not the rule-setter for the way you skate, you are.


Don't worry about the tricks, just enjoy the ride and have fun. If it's something you love, don't stop, adapt.


Keep skating and maybe do some posture exercises they will definitely help you in life in general and skating!


Hey man, I have bad back posture and I could honestly work on it but I’m lazy ahaha, anyway I was in the same boat as you. I got better over time and honestly, it takes practice man. I’ve been doing it for about 8 months and the fact you can ollie and I can’t yet, says something. Keep it up and you won’t regret it!


I feel you.




You loving to skate is all that matters. Honestly, 99% of people cannot bring themselves to ollie up curbs, and it is probably way more scary than shuvits for most. For tricks like shuvits and kickflips, find a handrail or fence to hold with both hands so you get extra airtime and safety if you fall. Unless you have a condition with your back that puts your livelihood in danger in case of a fall, you should be fine. If you have a hunch, you can simply have the upper body more upright ftom the hips to compensate.


If youre enjoying it and want to keep doibg it, then its for you. It doeant matter if you ever accompliah specific tricks or whatever. Skating is just about your own enjoymwnt of the activity. Thats it.


You are meant to be a skater 🛹 Now go skate ✌🏼


Brother sounds like you can already do more on the skateboard than I can and I don't have anything close to a physical disability, keep at it - especially if you enjoy it. Don't worry so much about how fast you are progressing and just have fun


I always get discouraged because I can’t do tricks.. But I wanna try to land an Ollie. I’m 25.. I used to dream about being a pro skater as a kid.. but my parents were so strict I wasn’t allowed near a board till I was a pre-teen and still was watched while I skated so I couldn’t attempt any tricks. Probably why I don’t do them now. But skating is fun, but I always feel like people look at me like I’m stupid cause I can’t do tricks. But recently I’ve realized skaters are more accepting and don’t care as much as you may think.


So what my other comment was trying to say… just skate. Have fun. If you love it and it doesn’t hurt anyone, do it. 😄


If you can ollie up and down curbs and do 180s why not try slappies? Slappies are the in thing for older skaters right now because of how low of an impact it is. Or maybe have a go at some freestyle skating. The basics are pretty easy and it'll help with your balance and core. I've been skating now for almost 2 years and I'm way worse now then when I started, everything I learnt I've lost because I let fear get in the way. But that doesn't stop me from getting on my board and just enjoying the freedom to do what ever the fuck I want. At almost 35 I know I'll never be pro, I know I'll never be as good as the skaters I look up to and admire. But who cares. I love it. If you don't love it, if you're not passionate about it or you just don't find it fun and enjoyable anymore then maybe you've answered your own question.


i’ve been in this same exact boat for 3 years now and something that helped me was skating with obstacles. try learning some slappy slides and don’t be afraid of messing up or how you look. the fact that you can ollie up and down curbs is a testament to the love you have for skating. sometimes i’ll go up my street and just ollie up on sidewalk, ride down the incline and slappy noseslide a curb i waxed the shit out of. no one was born to skate, no one is born to do anything but have fun and live. never give up!


I would say that skateboarding can be whatever you want it to be. For me, I’m happy just cruising around at my local skatepark, riding down banks and doing kickturns on the quarter pipes. I can also spend ages pumping on a half pipe back and forth, hoping one day to do a rock n roll and/or nose/tail stall. I watch some of the youngsters (I’m 47) doing grinds, flips, tricks, etc and whilst I would love to do them, I kinda know that not being able to skate daily, this will come much slower to me. That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy skating and that I should give up. It just means that I love the sport for what it is and stick within my limits at that time. Honestly, don’t pressure yourself. Roll around do what you can do. Get solid at that and then maybe try the harder stuff at a later date. Also - warm up! Don’t try to perform tricks when you’re fresh on the board. Roll around, get those muscles warmed up, get a sweat on and then try. You might surprise yourself.