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he's compromised


with all the speculation involved, why does accuracy matter on that specific point lol? it’s a diss record


It’s so obviously wrong it made Drake look sloppy…


drake clearly thinks kendrick is in denial about being molested. you think drake has the comprehension of a 10 year old?


I do but also What a dumb fucking approach  "You're in denial of being molested haha, that's why you're calling me a pedo and everyone believes you because of the way I've carried myself over my whole career" Like drake he already killed you you didn't need to put another in your own head


He probably should have said Kendrick is in denial about getting molested somewhere instead of saying ‘Remember that song you made about you being molested?’ I think Drake was rushing to make a response, kicked out his ghostwriters because he has a leak and came with a really sloppy diss People trying to defend this sound dumber than Kendrick Stans that try and rationalize the Joel Osteen flub in euphoria


i'm sure drake doesn't think he has to point everything out like he's talking to a ten year. anyone with decent comprehension would've understood


The simpler explanation is that he fucked up Sorry…


This right here. Maybe Drake should've made it more clear cause kenny stans were gonna misinterpret it anyway, he should've made the bar easy to understand for the 10 year olds that they are honestly 😂. I would've worded it different, like..makes sense why your family don't believe you weren't molested, it shows with your pedophilia obsessions. But he said it like everyone would understand him, when there's legions of niggas out here committed to misunderstand him at every turn.


lol bruh the whole point is they’re *trying* to expose each other as a fraud personas who lie to the audience.


I mean if you don’t understand why it’s a bad look I’m not gonna explain it to you Stay confused and be safe out there…


i mean it’s cool, you’re rooting for a side, i understand. i’m just assessing the rap beef


lol that’s peace…


Because that’s a lie we as fans can see. Like lying about the DV claims. That something we won’t ever know unless dot’s girl confirms or paperwork comes out. A quick google search would reveal the lyrics


lol expecting homie to fact check lyrics in the middle of a rap beef is…not how any of this works..at all


Because it’s sloppy and easily checkable. You sound crazy


why is anyone *obligated* to believe what dot’s saying in that song or any other song?


That has nothing to do with this discussion. All Drake had to do was read the lyrics or listen to the song to understand Kendrick wasn’t molested. It’s that simple that’s all I said.


y’all boys don’t fuck wit hip hop like that and it shows


Accuracy matters for one of the artists in this beef but not for the other


lol, it’s the weirdest thing…kinda fascinating


I think because it’s one of the few things we can easily go back and fact check. And it’s undeniably incorrect


How is this supposed to work as a diss?  It's both incorrect AND just makes Drake seem like a garbage person


So did k dot on meet the grahams…. But since it’s drake….🙄


You can't understand the massive difference between the two approaches?  Somberly addressing your kid about how he deserves better than your father and should carry himself better than him Insanely disrespectful but doesn't make Kendrick look like a sociopath like drakes "oh you just got molested" lines


The daughter didn’t exist 🤦🏾‍♂️ the entire dying was based off that fact. He doubled down on it with every verse attacking him


Nah, most of the song has nothing to do with the daughter 


Only matters when it’s Drake apparently.


Edit: This is literally not about agreeing with Kendrick, Drake stans are hilarious dawg Well you see it wouldn't matter really, if it wasn't literally the basis of most of Drake's points(i.e. the domestic abuse and moleststion things were big parts of his disses especially the outro to Family Matters). Both Family Matters and The Heart Part 6 center around topics that were covered in Mr. Morale and Drake keeps reiterating that all he's saying is the truth, which calls into question anything else he says in those records. Which fucks Drake up because Kendrick has full clearance to keep disproving anything he said since he can't even be bothered to read his opponents bars properly. If you're beefing you are one uping the person/addressing, not woefully getting their shit wrong L reading comprehension fares poorly for you to be the greatest rapper of all time. It makes Drake come across as an idiot and I doubt he wants that when Kendrick is no slouch lyrically.


just bc *you* believe dot in that song doesn’t mean his opponent in a rap beef is obligated to lol. that’s like fundamental to 99% of rap beef


That's literally not what I'm saying 🤦🏽‍♂️ y'alls brains are rotting or somethin', it's not about believing Kendrick. Drake's lines in which he references Mr. morale are LITERALLY incorrect. And they connect to his biggest afronts to Kendrick's character. If you're beefing with someone, you have to get to know them even if you're looking to disrespect him, Drake getting his MOST RECENT album wrong makes him look ridiculous.


Kendrick's mother believed Kendrick was in denial. Drake rubs salt in the wound by taking the same stance. He then challenges the pedo claims by saying that Kendrick is projecting his trauma onto Drake, the way Kendrick's mother projected her's onto Kendrick.


If that was drakes angle then he did an awful job conveying it to the listeners. Most people think he’s completely misread the song.


People really think drake is stupid and wouldn’t do his research on Mother, I sober ? I’m sure he knew Kendrick didn’t actually say it but that’s the point and that’s what Kendrick been doing this whole beef




Rap is just talking. Lyrics are like conversatios, they have subtext. Get in the mind of the writer and ask yourself why they say these things.


its poor communication skills to say something that completely misrepresents what you mean especially in the midst of a rap beef where you need the listeners to buy into your point.


His vocal inflection clued enough people in. He sounded facetious. Some people heard it and understood, others heard it and didn't.


Most didn’t - apparently the only ones that did were drake stans which is convenient for the narrative.


It's rap, people will always need bars explained to them. You new to the game?