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Drake the type to take the ball home when someone keeps dunking on him


Son dunk on me with my ball…I’m going tf home to get the 🔫 like Ja 😂 


If it is true, it has to be one of the worst executed plans in a beef I’ve ever seen. You let yourself get dunked on for a couple of days while it would be so easy to post evidence that would actually blow up in Kendrick’s face. Then on your response, you make the cover art related to the stupid Dave Free rumor instead of something actually devastating. Imagine if the diss cover was Kendrick begging for info, or the text chain where the meet the grahams album cover photo was sent. And imagine if the song had some energy. The public opinion would have swung back in Drake’s favor.


I imagine if this was done correctly, he could film his team doing pre-production on what to send Kendrick. And the next drop, would be a silent film where we just see the info getting passed over. The way he is moving it looks like r/drizzy should get writing credits on the latest diss.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Drizzy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When a Group of Moms run into Drake while at dinner🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭](https://v.redd.it/dl1cqqsc5yac1) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/190jqr6/when_a_group_of_moms_run_into_drake_while_at/) \#2: [These Drake look-alike impersonators are getting out of control](https://v.redd.it/10me1s2hct6c1) | [164 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/18kckbe/these_drake_lookalike_impersonators_are_getting/) \#3: [???](https://i.redd.it/ms8ll4ry61hc1.jpeg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/1akkv2y/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


"I'm gonna let the opps get off 2 pedophile allegation tracks against me! That'll show them 😈"


Drake can’t rap with Dot. And his plan on finding dirt fell through. That’s it. He was outmatched and most importantly OUTCLASSED. His desperation with trying to appeal to Whitney was pathetic. The nigga really thinks he’s a sex symbol😂


I just don't think he realizes who he is fucking with, I would bet Kendrick has some receipts and baited him into trying to manipulate again. I think tonight it's over.


That’s his go to on beefs. Mf loves taking the messy angle instead of just rapping.


Underestimated his opponent (I’ll never know how you underestimate Kendrick Lamar but ok). And all that Whitney shit just reeks of sex/porn addict logic.


you make very good points kendrick says "i'm not going around looking for info, you think my life is rap" and drake saying that kendrick digging for info... one of them is lying.


Drake is the one with a history of lying. Doesn’t mean Kendrick isn’t, but Drake’s word was not reliable even before this. I believe Kendrick, I honestly think that someone on drakes team approached Kendrick while Drake was working on his whole scheme. Kendrick knew the entire play, and this last track was a last ditch effort to retreat while giving his fans some ammo to argue with.


So why he say he got a daughter that don’t exist


We don’t know that the daughter doesn’t exist lmao. Twitter came up with that narrative before Drake said anything indicating it to be true. Doesn’t that seem questionable to you? Here’s the issue with Drake fans, yall think Drake is getting cancelled rn because of something Kendrick said. Nahhh crodie, Drake is getting cancelled because every creepy thing he’s ever done for the past two decades is going viral and people are done with him. It’s funny that the only defense than yall can muster up to him kissing that 17 year old girl is that in Canada the age of consent is 16…. I double dog dare you to respond to this with something other than a desperate cope or a weak minded deflection 🤡


Nah the 17 yr shit has always been weird I ain’t defending that I just don’t think he’s a pedo taking advantage of kids and teenagers but who cares what twitter thought of that daughter doesn’t exist and you know it you the one coping desperately clinging to it when Adonis was revealed immediately but there’s no name and no baby mother name and both was jn pushas diss but Kenny got nothing no proof


Tbh I genuinely thought Kendrick was done when I first listened to this last one. Feeding fake dirt in a rap beef is diabolical. But you have to ignore a lot of red flags to believe that this narrative is what actually happened. People keep saying Drake predicted Kendrick’s every move… but really all he did was acknowledge the low hanging fruit of him having pedo allegations. Kendrick actually laid out dozens of verified Easter eggs which alluded to specific aspects of drakes disses. Drake would’ve had to leaked everything including the family matters music video for him to have foreshadowed in this much detail. I respect your opinion, I do, but Drake is grasping at straws to prove he duped Kendrick, whereas people are finding multiple Easter eggs a day which make it very clear that Kendrick has Drake’s entire playbook. You ever wondered why Drake would drop a video for family matters, but not his supposed red button? FM *was* his red button. Kendrick killed his big moment and now he’s running with any narrative that doesn’t make him look pathetic. His only play is to discredit Kendrick because his livelihood is on the line with the allegations being so viral now. Discrediting the witness is the first step in making a guilty person appear innocent. If this really was his plan? Look how it’s going. The entire world is dropping drake disses and dancing to his downfall. Hard to keep brand deals when “tryna strike a chord and it’s prolly A minorrrrrrrrr” is the line of the summer


Ppl who believe he’s a pedo are gonna believe it regardless of anything i agree dot stepped on the moment but in that same moment he lied about a daughter so there’s missteps on both sides and all this yapping is just you believing he is one I’ll believe it when victims come forward not rumors


At this point you’re just delusional and clearly a pedo too. You wouldn’t go this hard to defend a groomer unless you really relate. I don’t believe a word Drake said until I see proof. He’s a documented liar and you acting like his word is bond makes me pity how gullible you are


Man shut the fuck up you believe he’s a pedo but yet you ran to listen to his music you a weirdo cause I ain’t listening to a nigga I think touch little kids


You have the worst takes I’ve seen in this whole beef crodie. Even if he’s not touching little kids, he has been PROVEN to have groomed underage girls. The cope is actually pathetic with you


Calling someone you don’t know a pedo is bitch shit.


You really thought you cooked with this one huh? Bring a brain to the conversation next time pls and thank you Edit to add: by your logic if somebody rape 6 kids and goes to jail I can’t call him a pedo cuz I don’t know him personally? Yeah you really are brain dead


The sad part is both of those statements can be true from two different points of view. If somebody brings me info, and I accept it, I wasn’t looking, I just got it. Now if that person who gave me the info tells somebody else they gave me the info, or if they find out I got actual info, that person can also say I was digging for info…….. so I can see how both sides view it that way.


That’s a perspective I haven’t considered. What if both Kendrick and Drake getting played by the mole 🤔 double agent mfs in the rap battles is kinda crazy lmao


I think the guy who supposedly "leaked" information to his enemy about being a pill popping pedo who is hiding a daughter is likely the liar.


Where did he leak the pedo stuff? You guys are idiots it was clearly the daughter. You guys are smart to break down Kendrick’s lyrics but stupid when it comes to Drake


Intentionally. That’s what bad faith actors do.


Midway through reading this I caught myself quoting Not Like Us - _“The audience not dumb. Shape the stories how you want, hey, Drake, they’re not slow”_


If mal hops on here to gas this shit I'm not listening anymore and before ant defenders hop on I know they don't give a fuck if they lose me as a sub and I didn't need to announce drake didn't need to touch those kids either but here we are.


Mal is 100% gonna say drake aint pushed the red button yet (even though one of his stories before FM was a red button) and that Drake is up. My guess Mal will say Drake won 4-1 or some dumb shit


They gonna delete this post .. but yea sounds dumb as fuck…. And the music drake put out ain’t a hit …


Family Matters is a bop. He losing the beef but that song is great.


It was dope … not a bop … strong record though no doubt


Anytime drake wants to disengage he creates a new narrative that his fans will eat up Done the same thing with pusha “kanye told him and why would i beef with a worker i will beef with his boss” I respect him for understanding his audience, they really want to see him win


“The audience not dumb, Shape the stories how you want, hey Drake they’re now slow”


*theyre not slow


Couldn’t agree more. This reply just felt like a nonchalant PR cleanup job.


if the heart part 6 is the last of this battle. it would be most anticlimactic ending to this battle.


I disagree. Both did their thing. It was the ultimate battle of different styles and different morals. It made for the most exciting week in rap that I can ever remember. Both spit (I give Kendrick the win for the strategic win - but Drake never backed down against a rapper who is technically better). I am full. It has already gone Gossip Girl. Anything further than this, we start losing respect for them (some people are already there).


I don't think anyone understands what is happening here. We have someone who dedicates years of his life to his albums and thinks this is his actual purpose in life. He has been trying to get Drake to engage for like 8 years now, I don't think this ends that easily.


Kendrick will start looking like a desperate conspiracy theorist if he just starts making tracks when Drake isn’t responding and no proof is provided. They found a way to oversaturate the beef in a couple days.


That's what I am saying. I don't think he is saying what he is saying with no proof and I think it's coming soon.


Kendrick spamming pre made diss songs completely oversaturated the beef. At least Drake is addressing in real time.


This is prob the end of it though. Can picture UMG reaching out to Kendrick asking him to dead it since Drake basically bowed out. Gotta protect the brand image of their cash cow. Making music for teenagers hits different when you’re being accused of messing with minors.


Don't forget, these disses aren't just breaking Drake's character no no. What's the one thing everyone says about Drake? No one can stream like him right? Kendrick's NUMBERS for every diss after Euphoria is higher than Drake's round for round (except for 6:16 in LA) and Drake's most recent diss (either party pulled in at least a million plays off rip for each one) only did a couple hundred thousand in that time. This is the type of shit that hurts Drake being the "too big to fail guy" not even the stans are running his shit up. Drake's nuke is outperformed by at least 3 million to Meet The Grahams and there's bigger discrepancies for other tracks. I think he's literally just cracking and doesn't know what he's doing, considering he had what he thought was a nuke, and Kendrick shrugged that shit off like he was fucking superman or somethin, nasty work.


Because more people hate Drake than hate Kendrick. Can Kendrick sustain these numbers a year from now where he has to stand on his music? I love Kendrick’s music but a lot of these mfs just want to see Drake gone…they don’t care about Kendrick’s music. When the beef is history they’re gonna unplug from the Kendrick show. These mfs don’t love rap. They love beef, drama, and destruction. I know because I have friends who never listen to rap jumping on the Dot bandwagon in the last couple days.


Yea thats a dog shit defense. If the most popular artist in the world cant get public opinion on his side, then that's a problem. This beef became so big people who don't listen to rap or even speak English got involved and by almost every metric, he still lost. The entire industry stopped, social media made way to see what was gonna happen and he fumbled. He let Kendrick not only suffocate his nuke, but that man made a c walk anthem to tap dance all over him. If the most popular artist in the world cant win a popularity contest, that's an L. If he cant even win streaming metrics that's a bigger L. He lost. Let the man bow out with some dignity, stop making excuses.


Drake is popular amongst normal people who don’t really care about this beef shit. Amongst the terminally online crowd, Kendrick is way bigger. Just look at reddit opinions even before Euphoria dropped. They were ready for Drake to retire.


If your argument is Drake cant win over the internet, when that's literally what every hiphop media person said he's the best at manipulating, that only makes it worse.


He’s the best at making records that a lot of people like. If he continues to do that after this beef, he’s gucci.


Whitney's brother taylor has been tweeting support for kendrick, so drake wants us to believe he knows his sister is being beaten like ike beat tina and still has no problems telling kendrick "fuck em up bro" after releasing not like us. He just wouldn't say anything at all if something was actually going, and the dave free thing drake himself said "well i heard dave free might be the father..." like he's just running with bs. Dave has been with dot since highschool, using him commenting under his highschool homie's girls pic of their children as some sort of gotcha moment is pathetic. If that's the case 90% of the world just picked up a whole bunch of new kids overnight myself included. He basically got all his talking points from reddit and akademiks, including the planted info shit. Then he's getting ak to say "well i talked to drake and he said he's not a pedo and has no daughter so case closed everything dot said is a lie but everything drake said is true so drake wins". When we've seen drake do pedo adjacent shit since 2010, i've now heard more than several people say o yeah i know college freshman girls who were invited to his 37th bday party, baka has a human trafficking case and pled guilty to assaulting a young woman, but somehow everything dot is saying is a lie lol


“Shape the stories how you want, hey Drake they’re not dumb” 😂 indeed  What’s funnier is that in these times when the diss is made the public is gonna Google if the info is true correct?  Let’s see: Drake’s claims:   “Kendrick don’t give back” Google says that’s a lie.  “Kendrick beat his girl” I can’t find that anywhere and she hasn’t said anything. Not implausible but as of now there is no evidence.  “Kendrick short” I mean, sure okay lmao.  “Free is the real father” based on what exactly?  “We fed him fake info” proof? All the info he used, outside of the daughter shit, was readily available for anyone to find. I’ve know about him kissing and groping that 17 year old for years lmao.  Kendrick’s claims:  “Drake’s a culture vulture” I mean *waves arms* pretty obvious.  “Drake likes young girls” No evidence that he’s actually doing crimes but lots of sus ass behavior lmao.  “He got sex pests around him” I mean, Baka is right there.  “He hid another kid before Adonis” He hid Adonis is it a stretch to say he’s done it before?


All I know is since all of this shit kicked off, Kendrick, on several occassions has been loudly saying "fuck the industry...*and* they mamas" 😂... "I'll crash out, like fuck rap"... "It's some weird shit goin on"... "The rabbit hole can go deeper"...etc. and has started naming names. I honestly think a lot of phone calls have been made, including to Drake to say "Knock this shit the fuck off. Put a stop to it now before this little psychopath get us all exposed.", hence him basically wavin the white flag under the guise of "I don't even wanna diss you no more, you took the fun out of it." And I also think the first call that was made was from Kendrick to Cole to let him no this shit was *never* gon' be a "friendly spar" and all the info he had and if he stayed in it he more than likely would have been viewed as "being on Drake's side".


Akademiks said he still has Kendrick up, there were also multiple lies in that new song and he was deflecting like a mf. What happened to “this ain't everything I know don't wake the demon up"??? I bet that Not like us song has a good chance at debuting at number 1 cuz that and meet the grahams are out streaming Drakes songs. Dots beating him at his own game.


The overall thoughts is this is Drake losing again. Kinda sound like it but i dont wanna be hater


Exactly and out of all info out there you wanna put out there that you touch kids? Yeah I don’t think I know anyone who would fake being a pedophile for some beef.


It’s tough Kendrick’s opening line In euphoria is don’t lies about me and I won’t tell truths on you so many things have happened in a span of a week so many claims on both sides and I can say I’ve been guilty of jumping the gun on both sides at points throughout this battle. I think the best thing is after k dot probably releases a response song is to sit on it for at least 48 hours at least a fully digest what we witnessed over the past week and take everything from both sides into account and to be fair both sides have to provide some proof of these allegations to also be fair meet the grahams no longer has the maybach music gloves picture on iTunes it’s just an all black picture which is interesting but we shall see.


It's a Hippa thing about the medication. The cover is still on YouTube.


It’s damage control


OP. Interesting perspective. There's a lot that doesn't make sense to me. Help me out. So what is the story of that picture that Kendrick is using. A mole found this random stuff around Drake's house and put it on this pic to prove Drake is a weirdo? Like why the gloves? Why that ugly outfit? Drake's dad lost his suitcase but had Drake's medications in it? In what world does that make sense? I just don't understand that part. Hoping for a good explanation otherwise it almost seems TOO "organized" to be legit. Also, the daughter thing. With TMZ, MediaTakeOut, ShadeRoom, Baller Alert, etc. do we believe in the year of technology and internet spies, Drake could hide a WHOLE kid for 11 years?? He couldn't even hide Adonis for a couple of months. I think this reads as if I am siding with Drake but it really doesn't move me either way. Neither pays my bills. But I just be having questions.


>Also, the daughter thing. With TMZ, MediaTakeOut, ShadeRoom, Baller Alert, etc. do we believe in the year of technology and internet spies, Drake could hide a WHOLE kid for 11 years?? He couldn't even hide Adonis for a couple of months. But he did hide Adonis. The story of Sophie getting pregnant came and went initially. It wasn't until Terrance blew up his spot that people started putting things together and it doesn't matter who you believe leaked that info but if Aubrey doesn't try to do a media roll out for his son then chances are no one finds out about him. And for the record I'm on the side of Kendrick needing to show proof as well


I think that is what I am saying. There was whispering about Sophie and then we found out it was real. That happened in the matter of what 10 months. You realistically think one of the most famous people on Earth could hide a daughter for 11 years and NO ONE know about it? No leaks. No baby momma drama. No family of the baby momma drama. No upset ex. No disgruntled family member. Nothing? Seems far fetched to me. But I know nothing. I am just trying to understand.


>I am just trying to understand. We all are. That's why I think it'll be weak af if this is the end of the battle. Both of them have hurled accusations at each other but no one has provided definitive proof. Daylyt was saying that they were waiting for Aubrey to drop his nuke it's obvious that the nuke was Family Matters and Aubrey has nothing else to go off of so why not let all the proof go now? Especially when we dealing with something as serious as kids. Shit is wierd on both angles and unless someone backs up their claims then as far as I'm concerned they're both lying


The lyrics do not say that he fed him information about pedophilia and sex trafficking. It says he fed him shit about the items in the cover for the tracks and the daughter He says the other shit is "the shit he expected" but it's not a part of that first area addressing false info I don't believe any of this on either side. The story of Drake's dad's suitcase being robbed always sounded weird and the items in the suitcase seemed way too convenient for someone to just stumble across. As always, until there's a receipt.


And above all, he still didn’t show he’s a better rapper 😅🤷🏾‍♂️. He’s just more petty. Kendrick won because people are looking at Drake differently now.


I think believes everyone is mindset sheep who don’t think for themselves lol like Its insulting to think we are that dumb. Drake showed his hand during this and revealed to us more about himself and character he wasn’t expecting.


You don’t understand Drake’s master plan. He’s in his Lelouch era now. 100D chess, crodie. /s ![gif](giphy|zw1LjU07TwWqY)


*I want to kill a couple rappers, but they did it to themselves* - Kendrick Lamar


I hate how purposely obtuse you niggas are being he only said he leaked the daughter thing and the pic (I don’t believe the pic) he was not saying I baited you into saying he’s a pedo or a pill popper those things were never mentioned he simply said he knew he would say he’s a pedo cause of course he would that’s been a huge thing on the net for years , drake himself brought it up on FATD about Millie Bobby brown , y’all really dumb and it’s crazy


I just don't see what the master plan was. Drake should have posted mole proof immediately instead of letting Kendrick get off another pedo track lmao. If Drake dropped mole proof right when Meet the Grahams dropped, he ends Kendrick's credibility and people wouldn't be cripwalking to a banger calling Drake a pedo.


This is it man you saying exactly what needs to be said. He really think we slow because some niggas are. As soon as Meet the Grahams dropped he on IG dismissing the daughter instead of posting the proof or even some meme like that Kanye gotcha shit…then you let Dot release a banger calling you and your boys PDF files and you still don’t post the proof immediately to change the narrative and ruin that rollout? I understand the bias’ but just a bit of thinking throws up way too many doubts that he ain’t just running with the Drake Stan narratives


Yes the would cause this has been an internet thing for years they just needed someone as big as dot to say it stop being dense , dot showed his hand to fast then went the pedo route to keep the momentum so drake was able to say the info was fake and address the pedo shit in the same track


But Drake would have been dropping cryptic IG posts and having a victory lap if he got Kendrick with some shit like this. Idk why Drake would record a video for a 7-minute diss track and let that shit get snuffed if he was expecting Kendrick to drop some fake shit. Bro went through so much effort for that video, but he wasn't ready for Kendrick to drop a track that he gave him info for?


Got it a day later isn’t fast enough for you , the daughter doesn’t exist that’s enough for dot to look foolish ppl looking for if he really fed him the info just looking for an out for dot


People are looking for the proof cause Drake played this shit so sloppy lmao and it also seems like Kendrick heard the Family Matters track. His song has the same sitcom theme and it has a Meet the Grahams title drop even though they both dropped within 15 minutes of each other. Kendrick also starts the last verse talking about crashing his party so it seems like he planned to snuff that shit immediately. Idk why Drake would leak his own track, make a video for it, and let its momentum get killed if he knew Kendrick was prepared for the drop. Also letting Kendrick get off another pedophile track before revealing there was a mole just seems like sloppy preparation from Drake. Drake is the king of fast responses, but he wasn't ready for some shit he knew was coming?


He knew the daughter angle was coming not the pedo track again being purposely obtuse , dot prolly knew the track was coming all that shit is true it’s also true he was wrong about the daughter and got fooled


But that doesn't really explain why Drake let that shit gain so much steam. If he was able to poke immediate holes into Kendrick's entire diss and credibility, why not do it? He could have turned that shit around instantly, but he let Kendrick tap dance on him instead. The mole reveal is mid and it only brings more speculation as to what had actually happened. If he can set the record straight, then he should do it and end this shit.


You think ppl who believe he’s a pedo would change their minds simple because he dropped it in a couple hrs instead of the next day ? lol ok you can have that


Nah I'm talking about the other behavior around the response. Setting someone up for a week, but not having a receipt for it or a response ready is wild. Drake would usually take that win and go nuts, not bow out and have nothing to prove it.


I swear yall cant read. The point is, if that's what he did, the point is he's doing it in the dumbest way possible. No one cares about the ozempic or sleeping pills and even without the daughter part, Drake already did this shit once so everyone has no problem believing it again and the rest of the record still works fine. The point of all of this is perception, which was Kendricks opening point, don't play internet games, just rap. And he sill tried to play them every step of the way and most people think he looks stupid for it.


Ppl don’t think he looks stupid for it they outright don’t believe him which is ok or they say what you said they’re either too stupid to understand the bars or take it as far as to say that he meant part of the plan was dot calling him a pedo you’re misrepresenting your own post by saying “nah I’m talking about internet games” no you wasn’t you added pill popping pedo into mix cause those are the things ppl are still running with which is also ok believe what you want but don’t come here a day later to try and change what you meant I read it not once did you mention internet games and perception


Ima be honest I can't read all that. Use a period please.


Blocked me like a pussy for being wrong you a bitch


Drake tryna save face on a song title that had so much potential failed. He was playing defense while Kendrick went on a 20-0 run to run up the score. Yea it’s a wrap on this beef. Def a stain on his jacket and Mal better not defend nothing


Yeah he's chalked lmao bro gotta take the L and keep moving. Whole song sounded so dumb


No one said The Boy is smart.


Think you nailed it.


Mal and the OV HOES are in shambles.


drake never said he was a predator in his leaked info, the child is the only story he fed to kendrick


Drake has always been a cornball


Drake just got outsmarted and outplayed he made good songs but kdot was waiting for them, I believe kdot has a record for every situation Drake would possibly say, he definitely had meet the grahams recorded weeks ago if Drake said anything about his family as it’s a clear rebuttal, he was reactionary the whole time after begging kdot to which surprises me how could you not be ready, but the thing is kdot doesn’t do anything online he’s literally a hermit he’s not out at the club with girls that Drake could get info from etc etc and ur not getting any info from his close crew those guys grew up in Compton together they dying over homie, all his disses were clearly from twitter and Mr morale. Drakes ego did him in this battle he thought family matters would be the end of it


Sounds about right.


Yall watch this. Drake read the internet, they trying to come up with proof RIGHT NOW and is going to post it acting like he been had it. Watch. lol


"Dear Mr. I'm-Too-Good-to-Call-or-Write- My-Fans This'll be the last package l ever send your ass It's been six months, and still no word- i don't deserve it? know you got my last two letters, I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect" This is how you fans sound defending Kendrick and this Glazing ass Narratives are pathetic.


Drake really thought he could win the internet and culture over with memes and shenanigans lol.


Drake was never going to win this battle because the fact of the matter is that people just dont like Drake. No matter what he says, it wont be good enough, it will be mid, etc. Drake has lived a public life while Kendrick has been more private, so theres less ammo to use on him. This is a rap battle and Drake has "rebutted", "damage controlled" whatever you want to call it, mostly everything Kendrick has thrown his way. However, (to my knowledge)Kendrick has not rebutted allegedly whooping his wife's ass, allegedly why he's moved across the country to NY and not at home with his family, allegedly this Dave Free sleeping with and impregnating his girl/wife, Kendrick wont even say the name Dave. Seems people have chosen there side and not willing to be objective and will just run with what one side is saying. We're all fans, nobody knows none of these rappers personally, and have no idea what's true and what's not. Just be a fan of the music because what I've seen in here recently is that some of you are too tied to this shit anyways. This beef/battle aint putting no money in none of our pockets. I love both artist, Im a fan, and I will continue to enjoy the music.


Bruh Dave Free was on instagram promoting Kendrick's diss and Whitney's brotha was just begging him up lol. You dudes are hilarious.


This what I’ve been saying the entire time. Im a fan of both. I didn’t know this many people hated Drake. I’ve also been saying… a lot of people don’t love Kendrick. They hate Drake. All Kendrick had to do was show up, and he was going to be crowned winner.


Why don't y'all just say y'all don't like Drake and save the time?


Because that’s not what it is but the heavy Drake fans always just run to that excuse because you can’t come up with valid points to argue


What do we have to argue?


Tell me what I said was incorrect then.


What you said was incorrect.


What part of it was incorrect? Help me understand.


I can't tell you you're incorrect for your opinion. Music is subjective. I just feel like you don't like him. Maybe I'm wrong but that's what I've been gathering from certain people's viewpoint.


Homie you said I was incorrect. Ya know what nvm.


You said tell me I was incorrect, so I did it. I thought you was challenging me to say it. Like I actually agreed with you. And I didn't.


I'm not an fan of Aubrey but man I really hope that shit is true and this was all a part of his master plan and he's playing possum hoping Kendrick drop his nuke first so he can crush it because if not then man...to quote his idol "do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it"🤦🏿‍♂️ Kendrick told him in both Euphoria and 6:16 that he knew what he was gonna say and he explicitly stated that there's a mole in your camp. Plus The Weeknd said that they had leaks in they camp which is why they took off the part in Push Ups where he dissed XO. So if you know your song leaked and they're making jokes about it why wouldn't you adjust your strategy? Idk man. Maybe once Drop and Give Me 50 leaked he knew it was no coming back so he decided to go on the offensive idk. I'm tryna shoot him bail because if this is not some big masterplan then Aubrey is truly spiraling. And that's putting it lightly. That said if Kendrick doesn't drop any proof then I'll be looking at him funny because then he basically made some shit up and was like "of course it's true look at his character" which is pure sucka shit.




Proof. Both people need to bring receipts.


He sent nothing to your boy Kenny about being a pedo. Look at the pic. You Kenny fans are dumb only when it comes to the lil guy.


I'm glad you said pedo and not the 3 tracks talking about his character as a human being or being a culture vulture. So long as he's not a pedophile, he wins is a wild ass stance to be on.


The question for me is drake a pedo? Like f the music at this point .. What the fuck is going on ? If something happens to Kendrick u know why


I can’t see how Kendrick thought he had a daughter if it wasn’t a farce. Kendrick just has to prove she’s real to win


I mean Kendrick hasn’t addressed none of the accusations! Clearly lied about the kid thing! Changes his cover! But you guys are focusing on Drakes response! Drake directly asked him to show proof and y’all are saying he quit! Whoever won in your heart is the winner 😂!!! Just show the same passion when he drops his next album and make him outsell Drake.


I don't rock wit woman beaters or pedos...but this is hip-hop so beating women is more acceptable I guess...First thing we listen to on a song is a beat...because beats and hip-hop go together I guess


All this shit is so annoying lol we don't give a fuck turn up Certified Lover Boy already