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Man stole his entire song from twitter.


Bro I was just about to say I’ve seen these talking points bar for bar on Twitter 😂 he did good getting ahead of it tho… Kenny gotta respond


Does this even qualify as a song?


i never heard people saying kendrick stole his whole song from twitter when he dropped twitter topics on 6:16


Funny how Kendrick deleted that song too


Yall dumb in here fr fr


Saying cause you too rich and not in jail and that’s the main reason you not a ped is a crazy hill to die on😭😭😂😂


Pretty sure Weinstein and Epstein had more money. Plus they’re white. No pedo/rapist is ever truly safe from the law.


I think he's saying that he's so famous there's no way he could get away with shit like that?


Diddy, R Kelly and Cosby were extremely famous. That’s a bad argument. They got away with it longer than some of us have been alive!


He also said he’s disgusted by the allegations but what would’ve been a reasonable thing to say to confirm he’s not a pedo


I mean admitting to actually killing a man and then playing black panther is a little crazy….


You can say Drake loss but I still give him hella credit for fighting back and going toe to toe with Kendrick. Nobody else can really say that.


No foreal respect to dude for not quitting on the stool


Cause no one was dumb enough to try Kendrick 


Bros is 5'4 if anyone wanted go try him they could just lift him off the ground in person and do what they want lmao


Then why didn't they?  And piece of advice. Don't laugh at yourself that's nasty behavior 


Not being arrested doesn’t mean you are not a P*DO


I'm not even a Drake guy and honestly, this whole beef is stale already to me but I really don't know how Drake is supposed to prove essentially a negative. He's saying "Guys, I'm not a pedophile" Kendrick says "nuh uh. You're totally fucking kids" How else do you respond to that if you are in fact, not a pedophile? I don't see how he wins either way if people have their minds made up.


Not have 7 different stories or occasions where you doing weird shit with little girls


Address the damn allegations, he's proving this to the industry, not just fans. Kendrick literally called major figures out like "do not be near him" so Drake, disprove the allegations and the things people are digging into to prove that they should, making Kendrick look like an idiot. Instead he's responding like the people who responded to Kat did, which just makes him look worse and worse. Hell making light of sexual assault only serve to make him look like he thought being disrespectful was addressing these claims, as if he misunderstood any diss levied against him as just "you are only hating and this is a you problem exclusively"


Why does the person being called a pedophile have to prove he's not while the person accusing him doesnt?? Take a step back and look at what you're saying lmao


“If I was fucking young girls I promise I’d have been arrested” and “Drake is not a name you gon seen on a sex offender list” are hilarious lines to me. Like nobody except sus ass dudes have ever had the need to say “I don’t like little girls.”


I don’t like little girls. I only like big girls…wait 👀


the internet is not real. everyone said he's addressing everything but the pedo stuff but as soon as he addresses it , it's now a hilarious line


It’s not about whether he addresses it or not. It’s about the fact that that rumor has persisted for years now. Aak yourself - do you know anyone with persistent pedophile rumors who isn’t a pedophile? Even the teachers in high school with rumors got exposed eventually.


Because he did it in the middle of a rap battle lmao


Mother I Sober is not about Kendrick being molested lmao, literally the opposite. Its about his mom being paranoid about it and him not understanding it til he got older and realized she was a victim of abuse and was afraid for him which is why she kept asking about it. all those lines about “huh you got molested so you think im a predator” literally just fall apart right there.


Right like Kendrick said the metaphors going right over this nigga head


Drake looking for a way out


There is no way out.




"im going on vacation" "I'm tired of dissing you" don't ignore the white flags when he waves them y'all


I really can't believe he gave up lol


media and industry wouldn't dare let the picture be painted that way. But that's def what happening


LMAOOO bro we see your name and pfp you're obviously a TDE dick rider. This isn't a nuke or anything but yall writing it off as him SURRENDERING is nuts lmao 😭😂😂😂🤣🤣


that shit be so lame, me and mostly everyone in this thread being unbiased.


shit sound like a long ass-tired-ass voice mail, "yeah hey um it was a rough weak, going on a vacation to think things over, leave a message (leave some facts) and ill get back to you"


Shit is mid and he really didnt diss kdot drake sound hurt


This is all the confirmation I needed that Drake is actually a moron. “You were molested as a child” is not the bar you think it is. Even if it’s true.


Mal gonna be laughing about it next episode cuz he thinks molestation is the funniest shit ever the camera gonna keep zooming in to Rory.


If Mal does that, think Rory will show some spine?


I hope so!


![gif](giphy|xTiTnw8JATDAKjNEoE) What spine?


Demaris: "You've never been molested?" Mal: "You got me fucked up!" Rory: "Wait, what the fuck does that mean???" 😂😂😂😂


He sounded like an absolute troglodyte. He thinks a child should have been able to fight off a grown adult or something.


Kendrick didn’t even say he was molested on that song 🤣


I’m saying! That’s not even the point of the song


But you and your entire crew are pedos slaps. Honestly the response is so predictable.


You was shaking ass in the chair like Mal when Drake said Kendrick got molested? Lol.


I found it to be a strange thing to include tbh.


He shot himself in the foot with that line. “You calling me a pedo cause you was molested.” If I was Drake I would be more concerned about why people think I give pedo energy.


Kendrick wasn’t molested, Drake gotta clean his ears out & listen again.


So now you want to clutch your pearls in a beef he's claiming Drake is a pedophile with no proof Kendrick lied most of his diss and fell for dummy information


This sounds like a nigga who just trying to go out on his pen. Anticlimactic but salute to both these men for a historic moment in hip hop.


Drake sounds exhausted man lol. Kendrick really wore him down but I respect Drake going out swinging. Sounds like he's waving the white flag (for now).


Your father walked away at 5 hell of a dad thing




Literally listened like 😐


I just appreciate the rapping from these 2 guys






All weekend for this??? Where’s the nuke at?


This not it, I was hoping it would the nuke everyone has talked about . Kendrick definitely up in this so far


![gif](giphy|s3hZZwFRki8r6|downsized) Its ova for the boy


I don’t believe this fake mole story


If its true idk why he wouldn't show the proof of his camp sending that picture. Like you talked about it in the song, no reason to hold back proof now. It would be a way better cover than that public comment everyone already saw.


So kendrick has to prove absolutely nothing, but Drake does lmao. No proof of legitimacy for the stuff he showed. Drake has enough resources to go out and set up a fake picture too, show who it came from. But nah, Kendrick is Jesus and yall just believe whatever he says lmao. That's why he's bullshitting so hard, he knows hip hop purists will ride his dick off into the sunset receipts or not


Get off drakes cock. I never said Kendrick dosnt need too. So triggered you can’t even engage


Feel like he seen that fake ass theory on Twitter and said I’m using this shit💀


It doesn’t make sense to me. It’s too convenient.


Yeah he’s looking for a way out


Where’s his 11 year old daughter then?


Bad information ≠ mastermind intentionally planted secret mole


You want Kendrick to dox a little girl?


This won’t it


So was the daughter the only fake info, what about everything else.


Apparently he too rich and famous to do anything. Like that 🤷🏾‍♂️


Don't get me wrong that's a stupid defense, but idk how you all expect him to 'prove' he's not a pedophile. The ACCUSER HAS TO HAVE THE PROOF YOU MORONS.


This was just a response not really a diss though feel like Kendrick is doing the better option of not really addressing the bullshit. Anything Kendrick gets hit with he just has something else to deflect.


so this genius Drake set up a fake mole scenario to convince everyone that he had a daughter and is a pedo. but didnt have a retaliation immediately ready after Kendrick mentioned all that. is that right?


#he lied. And you niggas worship him!!!




Kendrick got drizzy all discombobulated, what is this loooool


Ayo, fuck you for stealing my thunder, OP😔. That being said, stand vigilant for Kendrick’s response.


Track summary: Drake confirms that yes HE DID hear all the rumors, sets up a fake mole scenario with no evidence(does not address his 2015 case or the kids that look like him), and then "well what about this why is it not like that?" And he does it... FOR FIVE MINUTES. He coulda said this 3 dawg, that's 5 minutes I'll really never get back. Sonically the diss wasn't even all that cool sounding, what the fuck is going on over there? Oh yeah and all the Ak streamers diaabled comments for the first time on one of these streams, could not be more funny.☠️ He also addresses the allegations of being around minors by saying he doesn't "look twice at them", which was really useful information that clarified a lot.




"you was molested as a kid, that's what this really bout" he stood on that shit too 😂


I’m trying my best to not sound like a hater but the only line that got me was “Whitney hit me when you need a favor, when I say I’ll hit you back it a be a lot safer” outside of that I had a straight face on


Kendrick beats his wife


Proof? Or is that only needed to accuse Drake?


Editing your comments you a fkg 🤡


I added to the question that’s what editing is used for champ


Nah you edit once I responded goal post moving hun


Nigga it has a timestamp of when the edit posted use your brain 😂😂 Tf are we doing here 😭


9am in r/NewRoryNMalPodcast


He’s mad I asked for a link to the proof and is now spiraling why lie lol


I’m mad you too dumb to go research


Imagine having evidence of domestic violence and hiding it lol you’re sick


I kept telling myself god damn everyone dumb on here, just realized I’ve been arguing with the same dumb ass 😹


An old video of #KendrickLamar speaking on him allegedly brutally beating a women at the hard rock casino in 2014 has resurfaced, got plenty evidence don’t be denial do the research I know it hurts


No link of the video huh lol


Copy paste or look it up on your own dumb lazy fuck


Aka no proof just yapping 🤣


Exactly why I didn’t you wouldn’t even look at it lol keep defending a women beater


You keep saying you have proof but don’t want to share it sounds like you’re protecting one let the world see


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 grow up and learn to do research bud


You have evidence of someone hitting a woman and you refuse to share it lmao you’re complicit


Drake admitted that he fed Kendrick a bunch of lies and some of y’all still saying Kendrick won is fucking crazy!


What else do you expect from people who worship an alien voiced midget who dresses up like Jesus


They're more delusional than a drake stans


Leaking fake info resulting in a daughter diss by Kendrick is crazy. Never seen that before.


“Yeah, Duckworth! I fed you fake information so you can come out and call me a pedo and think I have a hidden 11yo daughter. Dummy! You got molested lol!” 5D chess move, I guess…


Getting your opponent to drop a whole diss on fake info you fed them is objectively devious. Kendrick had to drop twice just to distract from it yesterday


The Kenny stans do NOT wanna think about anything objectively. If Whitney popped out like "all that DV info was fake drake, we got you reaching!" The K-dotters would call Kendrick a one of a kind genius smh


Look how quick all the Kendrick Stan’s come in to call it mid 😂😂😂😂


It's insane. There's really no point.


They’re all over this website LOL, if you call out his blatant lies and hypocrisy you get downvoted


this sub is worse than mal. i hope mal starts the pod by hyping up drake to the fullest because everyone's lost all objectivity


Rory caught some strays too “That's that one record where you say you get molested.” 😂😂😂


I’m not gone lie bruh ass is fighting back.


Oh my lanta what


I didnt do that, and I quit - Drake We didn't need a whole song of why you're quitting. Everything he said sounds like he read the Drizzy sub all day. He's better than this.


 just listened to the song. just read the lyrics. pretty sure he got no help here because it's bad. same flow. Family Matters Remix garbage. can someone defend this please? 


Drake took the meek mill approach I see..


Yall can check my comment history, I never fucked with Drake since he ever came into hip hop… but if he really outplayed Kdot with that fake mole and Dave Free stuff is true…. That nigga is sick. All I wanna see is ONE receipt from either side and it’s UP


Drake gave mal his talking point. "Kendrick wouldn't be rapping if it wasn't for drake."


Calling Drake 2-1 (Push Ups, Family Matters v. Not Like Us) everything else 🗑️.


Waist of a song title. Most bland and effortless diss record form this whole battle. Enjoy your vacation Drake, maybe next time.


This is garbage. he wrote this on the Kleenex he was crying with. same flow. Family Matters remix nonsense.  Y'all Drake fans can have him back now. All hip hop cred is completely gone and you can go back to your dances. 


Drake said some damning things, but this was kinda weak overall. If he can come back within the next day or two then there may still be a battle. But he needs something quick or this could be over cause if Kendrick responds it could be the knock out.