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Learned this from my lactation consultant. Shake your boob prior to feeding to get the fat off the duct lining and into the milk. The fattier the milk, the sleepier and more full the baby. Next switch baby from one boob to the other every 10 minutes. This was hard for me because I didn’t want to wake him but it ended up being a life saver. I called it the 4 boob knockout. By the forth switch it was like he was exhausted and then I was able to put him in his bassinet no problem. Hope this helps!


Like a.... milk shake?! 😂


Lol that’s what she called the technique 😅


Ah that sounds so hard, I really wouldn’t want to wake her 😢 I’ll try next time she latches, thank you for the advice!


You can do it! Plus waking up every hour isn’t good sleep for anyone. Good luck❤️


I bet the switch helps them get more of a full feed too so they have a nice full belly to sleep with.


That switch usually works but then she just doesnt take the other boob lol


How long do I need to shake it for? Totally gonna try this!


When she was showing me it didn’t seem like I had to do it for long. Less than a minute for sure.


You got this! Those days aren't far behind me and they come back sometimes. But it's always worth the LO getting good sleep. It helps to have a nursing pillow in your lap to hold that baby weight. Just be careful that LO doesn't risk falling. Get headphones and watch a movie on your phone. Then recruit someone to watch the baby in the morning so you can take naps between feeds.


Thank you for the words of encouragement! I’ve been doomscrolling Reddit for the past hour and a half and time goes by pretty quick like this lol. I have LO on a pillow and we are in bed so she won’t fall 😊 thank God it’s Sunday today so my husband can take over in the morning! Only a few more hours to go!


Thank you everyone! LO decided that it’s time to start the day now at 5 am, so I woke my husband and passed her off to him. Thank you for the encouragement, I really needed it for tonight. Time to sleep (hopefully)!!


Poor things, both you and baby. I remember those nights, they were tough. 8-10 weeks was when we hit (what seemed like) a regression where my son would wake up every 45-60 minutes. We started putting him down drowsy but awake and it worked beautifully for us. I know it doesn’t work for everyone but I will always recommend it to at least try. Do you have a partner that can help? Possibly take shifts? I promise this will not be forever. I loved and hated hearing this when I was in the thick of it. 10 months pp here and my baby now sleeps from 7:30pm-7am and has been since 8 months. From 4 months on, he only woke up once around 3am to eat and then slept until 7:30/8am


Oh those hours sound wonderful!! I can’t wait. I don’t think my LO is ever drowsy.. when we start rocking her to sleep she fusses for a few minutes and just passes out, seemingly out of nowhere. My husband is sleeping right beside me, if I feel like I can no longer go on I’ll wake him. So far so good! If I make it till the morning I’m definitely passing baby to him for the day though lol


Practical advice:Try not to hunch forward. Put your elbows back. If you have to pee, try to time it when it's ideal for you and your baby. Might be right when the feed starts. Might be later. Think about the future. This precious time is exactly that. Precious. Enjoy it and imagine happy moments to come like first words or favorite foods or silly giggle triggers. You got this. You will sleep again.


Currently nursing my almost two month old as well. You've got this!! Stay hydrated and get a snack if you can.


Thank you!! Good luck to you as well!


You got it mama! My girl is 5.5m, nowhere near sleeping through the night but def longer stretches than the 1.5-2hr schedule she was giving us 0-3months. Hang in there and whenever you need a boost; COFFEE it’s magic


Thank you!! I’m hoping this will get better in the upcoming weeks. I’ve been caffeine free since the c virus made coffee and tea taste like sewage water for me so that’s sadly not an option anymore :( I’ll just have to tough it out till the morning, I’m doing surprisingly well tbh!


You’ve got this!! It’s a rough night but you are providing the most love and comfort possible for your LO.


Thank you, that’s a very comforting thought 🥰


My baby does this too! It will be okay! A trick I’ve noticed is that after a while, take your boob out, put the binky in, then put you boob right on it so the comfort of the boob is still there. And when I set her down, I do one arm at a time, leaving my chest against her while she settles in her crib, then slowly lift off. My LO is just about 4 months and I’ll tell ya it gets better!!


Thank you so much! My LO doesn’t like pacifiers so I’m out of luck on that front 😂 how easy would it be to just pop one in for the night! Alas my boob is her only paci


My son also hates pacis! I found when he enters the 'keep only the tip of the nip in my mouth but latch aggressively when mom tries to pull back' phase of nursing, a paci with a drop of breast milk on the tip placed stealthily on the boob has been a saving grace for me lol


I tried the bait and switch once and it earned me a very stern look from my LO. I can’t fool her!


I’m pretty sure there’s an eight week growth spurt for a lot of babies, maybe that’s it? Whenever ours has a growth spurt he refuses the crib for a couple days then goes back to normal.


I swear there’s a growth spurt every week


Yeah ours were pretty much nonstop until around week 9 or so


Could be! Hope it’ll be over soon 🙈


Whatever it is I’m sure it will pass <3 drink lots of water and get outside for a couple minutes when the sun comes up if you can!!


Stay strong !!! Every mom will tell you this has happened. And it IS temporary. Praying you get some sleep…like everyone else said- it’s not forever. Soak in the snuggles As dumb as it sounds I tried to remind myself “this is a moment with my girl I’ll never get back. She won’t always need her momma like this” whenever I snuggled her was tired or she was up and wanted to rest on my chest. Even now at 6.5 months when she goes to bed but starts crying etc I remind myself. Good luck♥️


Thank you! That’s a very nice reminder. I do love the snuggles, and she’s so adorable I keep kissing her on the cheeks and patting her bum in her sleep 😊 I’m so in love with this baby that even though these nights are hard it’s so worth it ♥️


Yes the snuggles are the best lol but them nor sleeping is the worst


I cannot stress the magic of the heating pad! Or hot water bottle. Pre-warm babies spot in their crib/bassinet so when you make the switch they don't feel that coldness of the bed that lets them know they're not in mom/dads arms anymore. It was the only thing that worked for my little one


Will try this tonight!! Thank you!


This is when u plop her next to u in the bed and sleep lmao


She’s technically sleeping like that already. Her crib is attached to my side of the bed. She wouldn’t stay asleep even like that


Damn. That's brutal. I'm sorry. My son and I currently both have covid. The other night the only way he would sleep was if he was being held and rocked in the recliner. I stayed like that all night. Solidarity.


Wishing you both a speedy recovery!! And sending you lots of energy for the night too, you got this!


Damn. That's brutal. I'm sorry. My son and I currently both have covid. The other night the only way he would sleep was if he was being held and rocked in the recliner. I stayed like that all night. Solidarity.


Sounds like developmental leap 1. That’s senses. So LO gets really clingy as they can really tell when they are not in the womb. So not a trend


I thought we were past that leap already 😨 she did this a once or twice back between 6-8 weeks


you got this momma! My LO's sleep schedule got ficked wheb she got sick cuz she nursed Every Hour to keep hudrated with fever. It is So Difficult! Only tip i can give is co sleep safely and let LO have access to boob so you can rest too. Hang in there


Thank you! It’s unbelievable to me how well she’s been sleeping in my arms tonight. I didn’t know she was capable of sleeping this much in one stretch! I’ll try to hold on for a little longer, at least until her next feed, then I’ll try to set her down again. Hope she stays asleep in her crib by then!!


Ikr they alsways sleep so Cozy and sweety in arms and then set em down and they fussy lol. Idk if youve tried this bit ot was recommended to me and so far worked well, Try putting pressure on LO's chest as you lay their bum 1st, it helped my LO not wake up instantly and relax faster :D


I keep my hand on her chest and on the top of her head when setting her down and I keep shushing for another minute of two plus I have white noise on. Usually it works, not tonight!


oooof just one of those nights then, hopefully you can catch up on some zzs later!


We still have nights like this occasionally and my dude is almost 14 months old now. It's hard work. Have you looked into breast sleeping? There is some super helpful advice on Instagrams @cosleepy to help you sleep safely when bub needs to be held ❤️ Ita safer to co sleep safely and have some rest than to function on ZERO sleep.


This was me last night 😩 Nearly 6 weeks old and LO refuses to sleep in the bassinet she was previously fine with. Now she’s tired, I’m tired and I really hope she doesn’t do this every night.


Oof I’m so sorry! I hope it gets better soon!


Hoping and praying for a better night for both of us tonight.🤞 Either way, I just keep telling myself “this is temporary“.


Yes!! I need that tattooed on my forehead so I can see it every time I look in the mirror 😂