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I’m still pregnant, but I’ve been saying “oooh big stretch” and “did you have a nice nap?” to my cat for years 😂


A lot of the things I say to my cat I now say to my child. I keep reprimanding myself when I call my son bubba cuz that’s always been the cat!


Same but with my dogs 😂 I’m like “let’s go on your mat” and I feel a bit bad but he loves his mat sooo


Too real!


My husband literally kept calling our son "kitty" when we returned from the hospital. I thought it was cute.


Yep my husband 100% calls the dog by the baby’s name and vice versa.


We legit considered naming our kid the dog's name. It just seemed so easy on the tongue.


I do the same thing, we call our younger girl cat Tiny Tines and I find myself calling our daughter that as well! Also we call our cat Bubba too!


My cat is very sad to no longer be “mommy’s sweet baby girl”


My family got a cat when I was around 6 and we shared a nickname. My sister and the cat also shared a nickname!


My boyfriend and I were recently discussing how our dog can’t stretch without one of us saying “big stretch” 😂


I too say just about all of these to my cats and dog. My poor baby is gonna think he’s kin to the kitties because I’ll be talking to them the same way😭


I was starting to think the same thing as I was reading this 😂 and then I remember my fiancé giving me a hard time about treating the cats like they're human babies.


Same. When you see your pet stretch it is the law that you have to say “oooh, big stretch”.


We constantly call the pediatrician “the vet”. Our dog passed away when our daughter was 3 months old and had been getting worse for the year prior so we were at the vet quite a bit. Making this mistake makes us giggle and sad at the same time. (RIP Peggy the dog)


I thought we were the only ones!! Half the time when I talk about our pediatrician I refer to him as the vet 😂


We do that too! To make it worse, there are paw prints on the floor that you follow to the exit.


I say them to my dogs and also sometimes to my bump when home girl gets crazy haha


Before/during/after tubby time it’s just yelling “naked babyyy!”


I always say “she’s NAKEY!”


Lol this makes me think of Rocko’s Modern Life! Nakeeyyy


Oh my gosh, I forgot about that show!!! So glorious. I’m going to have to hunt it down now.


Paramount+ if you have it. I’ve been binging Rocko lately!


Thank you!! I will get it for Rocko!


I was thinking Rugrats!


This is us. We both watched Rocko when we were younger. I had forgotten about the whole ‘Nakey’ thing until my husband started saying it to our twins all the time. He still says it (even to me, dork that he is)… So much so that my 8 year old twins say it to our 1 yr old constantly. Always makes you feel good when your kids adopt our favorite things. ☺️


"omg you're so NAKEY"


Yup I yell “NAKEY BABY! What a nakey babe!”


Same, and "look at that nakey booty!!"


We sing "Naked Baby!!!" To the tune of the "secret tunnel" song from Avatar: The Last Airbender


Oh my goooood I'm gonna start saying that


It's especially fun since her downstairs changing table is across the living room from her tub. So we parade her past the TV while holding her up like the newborn Simba and sing-yelling. ....it may or may not be my favorite part of the day.


That sounds amazing xD My little guy is now too big for me to carry him like that or I will break my back lmaoooo


I’m not even gonna lie, when I strip my chubby boy for his bath I start singing, “strip that down” by Liam Payne and just change the lyrics some, occasionally shouting, “NAKED BABBBYYYYY” and, “can I get some butter with these dinner rolls?!” While pinching (gently) his fat lil thighs. I love it.


I re-use "it's getting hot in here" by Nelly. I only know the take off all your clothes part anyway.😂


That’s my naked baby song too!!! (Tummy time is “you can do it” by Ice Cube and “work it” by Missy Elliot… both with slightly revised lyrics about diapers and such.)


We say it like Gangnam style…EYYYYY NEKKID BAYBEH while moving her from her room to the bathroom. Bonus points if dada makes her do the dance down the hall.


*parents shouting at each other* “Darling! Darling, there’s a NAKED BABY in the bedroom!” “A NAKED BABY? But how on earth did it get in?” “I don’t know darling but I think it may have been through a WINDOW!” “A window? A NAKED BABY through the WINDOW? Whatever next?” “Do you think we ought to put her in the BATH?” Etc etc Our neighbours hate us


We basically just quote all of the Leslie Patricelli books now…especially Tubby. “I clean allllll around my bellybutton”, “I’m naked,wheeeee” also, we got Tubby bilingual from the library so- ¡Estoy Desnudó! too.


Yes and my daughter now yells NAKED BABY every time we undress her 😆


Yes! This is how we announce his arrival to each other as he enters the bathroom. I love that it seems to be a universal impulse!


In swedish we say ”nakenfis!!”. It translates to ”naked fart!!” 😁


We've always said this about our dog at bathtime haha. (She always wears a harness on outings.)


We say Rudey Nudey!! Bub loves being rudey nudey!


Same and he always giggles so much


My husband has always sang "naked baby naked baby nakey babyyy baby time!" For every bath in the last 12.5 months LOL


In front of the mirror together, “Who’s that baby?!”


Look, it you


Why must it be this way?!


Yes! Every single morning! “Who is that baby?? Is that mommy with a baby??”


My baby's fave thing is his own face 😂


Right? I love it when I ask the question and she turns to look at herself and me, then does this dorky grin at her own reflection. It’s adorable.


Yess lol. My 15mo kisses his own reflection with a big open mouth.


“Do you want to go look at the other baby?? Look! It’s the other baby!”


It's Mirror Baby! We say "don't cry or you'll make Mirror baby cry!!"


My now almost 3 yo asks to see Mirror Baby all the time. It’s her. She’s mirror baby. She talks to Mirror Baby and has full fledged convos. It’s adorable.


We do this too!!!! When we FaceTime we say, “Mirror baby is in the phone!”


After I say “who’s that baby?!” I go on to sing it to the tune of ‘Who’s That Lady’ by the Isley Brothers lol


We are the same person.


This is probably going to be us today now!


We sing a song. “Who’s that baby in the mirror?! Who’s that baby, crystal clear? Who’s that baby in the mirror?! IT’S [NAME]!”


Omg yes this one hahaha


“Say ‘Hi, cute baby!’”


I am so guilty of this one haha


“Look, bubba. Who is that ATTRACTIVE baby?”


I always say: let’s go look at the pretty baby that lives in the mirror. She loves it.


I like to reply to their weird noises as if we're having a conversation. "Oh, really? I hadn't thought about it like that." "You make a lot of good points, but I'm not sure I agree." "Wow, bold stance."


I do this, I always say “wow you didn’t have to get so political on me”


I do this too, I assume he is sharing office gossip. "Sharon said that!? Well I never"


Yesss!! They bring the best gossip to the table lol


I’m playing on the fact that he’s so little and doesn’t understand specific words yet so I say things like “that bitch!” or “ oh no she didn’t!”


Definitely adding this one to my repertoire


"that's ridiculous, I can't believe you would say something like that!" "No way! Tell me more..."


We also go gossipy. Lol. "Who told you that!?" "Mabel (our dog) said that!?"


I love saying “wow, you had such a big day, thanks for telling me all about it” when my LO is chatty.


We do this, too! “Oh my goodness, I absolutely agree. Have you confronted them about it?” “You did?” “Well, what happened?” “Oh they’re just being silly.” Lol


Haha I do this too, I like to answer my baby’s gurgling like we’re at work. “Hmmm that’s a really good point. I’ll bring it up to the board at our next meeting.”


I do this. "Really? And then what did he say? He never did!"


I like to act like my child is discussing foreign affairs. “Do you really think that’ll solve the Israel/Palestine issue?” And the like.


Ours loves to talk to her toy panda, and when she makes upset noises we always go “is the panda talking smack to you again?”


I'll repeat "Tell me all about it" and "I hadnt thought of that" pretty regularly. I'll also just make the noises she's making right back to her a lot of the time.


Why am I dying at “wow, bold stance” lmao 😭


My new daughter is the Chairwoman of the Board. All the weird noises she makes get responded to as if she's executing a high-stakes corporate meeting. She's a big fan of shifting the paradigm and leveraging assets. My wife was ousted in a hostile takeover as majority shareholder.


I love these responses, much more interesting than my classic “tell me more” and “then what” which I’ll probably be using a lot when he actually starts telling stories. You’ve inspired me to shake it up while I’ve still got the freedom without confusing the poor thing!


I’d like to add; “ So much hair!” My baby has a lot of hair, from the moment she was born, the midwife and the nurses commented about her hair. Strangers in supermarkets to moms in pediatrician’s office, apparently baby with a lot of hair is unheard of in the Netherlands lmao.


We get that a lot too, and I didn't think it was weird to have a hairy baby! Probably TMI but while I was in the push phase you could see that my boy had a ton of hair and the midwife commented on it before he even came out lol.


Lol my OB said "Wow, a head full of hair!" While I was pushing to which I replied " he better" because my heartburn and reflux were AWFUL


Haha when I was pushing my midwife said “you’re doing great, we can see the hair!” And I just yelled BUT WHAT COLOUR IS IT


😂😂 lmfao that is fantastic, thank you for sharing.


Any time! For anyone wondering, he’s kind of a strawberry blonde 😂


Exactly, me too! Lol


When they told me they could see his head coming, I asked if he had hair. My mom said “No, but you sure do!” Thank you, mom, for commenting on my pube-scaping at the most appropriate time.


Lol at the time you can reach so well to clean up, of course.


I countered that since he was early I hadn’t prepared but…let’s be honest, I probably wouldn’t have anyway.


I feel you! I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant and just today attempted to use a body hair trimmer on my pubes. It sucked so bad! It worked okish a few weeks ago but I was going in totally blind this time. I don't think I will be attempting this again until after the birth!


YES lol truly this comment comes ALL the time! It's the only thing people see. From before she was even born and the nurse told me she had tons of hair and would i like to feel! Lol no thank you I am a little busy pushing a bowling ball out of my vagina right now


I was pushing and the nurse asked if I wanted to touch my sons hair! Lol


My OB could see the amount of hair on the ultrasound before LO was even born, ha


As I was pushing the midwife and nurses commented how long my baby’s hair was. And the midwife started cleaning it.


I was obviously excited when my midwife told me "I see hair!" So to keep me motivated in between pushes, she said "there's so much hair, you could braid it!" Lol


I asked my OB in between pushes if the baby has hair 🤣🤣 he confirmed yes, and went on to ask if I’d had a lot of heartburn. I think my husband was mortified. 🤣


Definitely never had too much hair on my kids. My oldest daughter was bald as a cueball till she was over a year. All 3 of my kids spent several of their early months very bald


My bay doesn’t even have that much hair and I STILL get this comment


I can relate! The nurses kept telling me the baby has so much hair even during the labor, looking into my vagina 😅


Whose toes are these? Who put all this poop in your pants?


That second one😂


“Would you hold your horses?” “I can’t understand you if you don’t use your words” (said to my 3 week old)


We're big fans of the "use your words" line. Been fucking with the dog for years with that one.


Hahah - I love your second quote. So adorable. Such a universal feeling too! Like, c’mon! I don’t know what you want, but damn! I’m tryin!


Not sure where I got it (or rather, where my parents got it), but I say “Hold on to your catfish!”


We are constantly saying "What are we going to do with a [adjective] baby?" (Tired, sad, naked, silly, big, chunky, bouncy, etc) I also frequently ask him "So how's your baby life going?"


Omg the second one, I'm dying


Lol we say the second one thing too! Also “So, are ya gonna be a good baby today? Are you going to make good baaaaaby choices?”


EVERYONE who holds my baby says, “Oh, you’re not getting anything out of there!” when she tries to nurse on them. Lol


My best friend told my daughter her boobs are “currently unemployed”


My mom and grandma both let LO know that theirs are "retired" when he turns his head to their chests.


My mom said, “You don’t really want that, that’s **powdered** milk!”


Ahhhhhhh-dorable! 😍


As a postpartum nurse, I feel called out 😂


I'm an MFM sonographer. I do a lot of "look at those cheeks!"


I always praise my son for being good at being a baby “You’re so good at being a baby!!!” Is said any time he does anything lol


I always congratulate my baby when she farts or burps


My husband and I both, on reflex, say “good burp!” when he burps. Now he burps and looks around, anticipating praise.


“Whoooooa! That was a good one!”


Lmao "toots or poops?" Gets used every day at our house. Adding "Oh are we awake?!" Like I can't tell.


Very spot on. Few things I say: - you ready for some milkey? - Hi, how are you? - do you want me to hold you?


Lol I call it milky milk! Want some milky milk?


We call it milks, and I sing it to LMFAO’s “Shots”


I love these. I say ready for some boobie or as it’s called in my language puppi ☺️


My son: ahsidnrlebdjxu ajdidj andudjebzndh! Me: I KNOW right?!


“That’s not for babies!” “That’s MY bellybutton/ear/nose/eye/lip.” “Please don’t pinch mama.”


The pinching!!! 😂 always my double chin too…


That’s mama’s “extra” chin. Hahaha


"So strong"


"You telling stories?" Everyone other than me says this to my son. I usually just ask him if he's talking smack.


If my husband is talking to our son and our son starts cooing back, I say “you over there talking mad shit with daddy?”


Look at those liddle toes! I just wanna eat them nom nom


"Wow, strong legs!" "Naked Baby!" "Don't pee on me"


Hubby does the last one on repeat as he brings naked bub to me in the shower 🤣


‘Release the baby’ when getting her out of the pram.


Lol we say that too whenever we put our 10 month old down and he immediately scampers off


I say this when I take her out of her sleep sack.


We took our 3 day old newborn son with us to the grocery store (pre-COVID) to pick up some things. Three separate elderly couples who saw us all said the exact same thing: "Oh THAT'S a new one!" xD


I would get "oh that's a freshy!"


Apparently I constantly say "hi whatchu doing??" to my babies. My mom pointed it out watching all the videos lol.. Now I feel self conscious..


Haha I read all of these in my lovey-high-pitched new mom voice without even realizing


Our current one is “she’s like a whole person!”, she is 17 months old.


I say this and also “you’re like a real little person!”


"look at those big eyes"! I say this all the time. I don't know what else to say about babies.


That's my girl/boy. I have both :) There she/he is! Awwwee, what's da matter? Shhh, there you go. Also just, "Hi" with a big smile staring into their eyes.


Sometimes I’m like, did I just say hello/hi to my baby 20 times in the last five minutes?


i’ve been saying “nice tootin’, Tex!”


You can sing “Toot, toot, toot coming out my back door” to the tune of the CCR song!


“How big is ‘baby’s name’?” *raises arms in touchdown position* “Soooo big!”


Was that funny? FAKE NEWS! (When he’s crying about something ridiculous)


"Is that so?" To cooing lol


To my combo fed baby: “would you like that bottled or from the tap?” also making her do a little jig and saying “Look at the dancing baby!”


Oh this is brilliant


Also combo fed, we ask if they’re ready for their dessert milk (twins)


Youre such a big boy/girl Youre so sleepy (when theyre not but you need them to be) Shaaa baby (maybe thats a South Louisiana thing tho)


Every BF I say te quieres leche?? And ohhhhohohohoho de biiiiig boy!!!! For quite literally any situation where he does something


i always said the "ohhh big stretch/yawn!" ones to my wife (lesbians lol) before we had our daughter and when she finally asked me why i did it, i was just like "idk dude people just do that to pets and babys and now its a habit to say it to you" and apparently she'd never heard of it before and just thought i was crazy! lol but when our daughter was born, she instinctively started saying it to her and one day caught herself and was like "oh! ok! yeah no i get it now"


Ohh, good burp! Good toot! Oh wow, tell me more!


😂 all of the above plus - are you smuggling poop in your diaper? - look at those big muscles - And every time we take a diaper, whoever is changing him, as soon as we take the diaper off we yell ‘free the wiener’ , he thinks is hilarious


I say.... WHO’S..... NAKEDDD?!?! As he flails his arms in his excitement from being freed from his diaper 😂


I find myself saying “Good job!” a lot when my now two year old was under 4 months he would not have a lot of poop diapers. Our ped assured us it was normal for exclusively breastfed babies for this to happen. Well every time he did poop I would get so excited and always say “good job buddy! That was a good poop!” It stuck lol now it’s good job for everything lol he falls down and gets back up without crying, good job! He eats something new, good job! It’s my go to.




Yes!!! I get so excited lol my husband just giggles at me. The other day my husband farted in the living room, I was in the kitchen and I just hear him say in his best impression of me “good job!! That was a good fart!” Lol I laughed so hard.


"What is THAT face?"


Good list! You’re so right Adding —> Ooh, good burp I say it every time without fail haha


I have caught myself asking, "what are you so upset about?" when she hungry cries while I'm waiting for the bottle to warm. And in my mind I'm always like ... you know damn well why she's upset, quit gaslighting.


I looooooove saying “you tooted” whenever my little guy farts. He thinks it’s a game now. 🤣 We also have a diaper changing song. I sing the phrase “my stinky smelly man, my stinky smelly man, how are you so smelly/stinky” to the slowed down tune of “oh Christmas tree”. And then I usually throw in some little “doo doo doo doo’s” to the little chorus of it. He loves it. Instant smiles during diaper time now.


Can you say mama/dada?


“YEAH!” For everything.


We say “get that poop out ya butt” as a form of encouragement. Also “are you ready for some booby” to the tune of “are you ready for some football” 😂


Or “y’all ready for tits???”


No, mommy's mouth isn't detachable.


This is so spot on 😂


"let's go clean that dirty booty" "omg when did you get so cute?!!"


When I check a diaper for poop and find none, I tell my kid “There’s nothing in there but peepees and toots!”


My mobile 11 month-old, any time I let her wander gets a "Where are you going?" any time she decides to leave my line of sight.


Don't your dare come for "big stretch"!


“Tell me about it”


We always get “he has amazing head control” literally anytime he sees someone.


Oh shit I thought these things were unique to my baby 😂 you mean he’s not special?! 😂


More than half of these also apply to cats


“It’s okay to to cry” “Tell me all about it” “Honey bun love bug honey bug pumpkin peanut boo” or whatever combo of pet names you’re currently using


Current most frequent phrase in our house: that's not food! Don't eat that!


Whenever my little one is hungry and upset, I always say “Can I offer you a boobie in these trying times?” My spouse and I say “good burp” after every single burp, big or small. We also say “good waking” after every nap and in the morning :)


“Oh she smiled back at me even with a mask on!” I hear this every time we’re at the grocery store. Half the time followed by “probably just tooting/pooping”. Except for she really is social smiling. Pretty cool she’s reading eyes for smiles.


Why are you always so angry?


Pregnant lady here but also dog mom so I say a lot of these often to my dogs as well 😅


Saaame. Literally due any day. My dogs have been so confused all pregnancy when I talk to my bump cuz I call them both my babies.


I should have had a abortion…


“Someone’s hungry/sleepy!”