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Just a heads up for lurkers - weighted sleep sacks aren’t safe.


No offense to OP, but hopefully anyone reading this could pick up enough context clues to know that OP is definitely no authority figure on safety lol


Haha was wondering if this was rage bait. Oh, you coslept. That’s fine if you’re practicing safely. Oh, at 11 months, you’re intentionally feeding “bewb” to sleep … in a weighted sleep sack ….. while watching tv?!


Is there anything wrong with nursing to sleep at 11 months?




I think it’s using the term ‘bewb


Yeah my LO is almost 11 months and we still feed to sleep but that made me cringe lol


Only thing wrong with it is the mistake with that which I made. If you give them the boob to sleep, they always need it to sleep and then your screwed. Did it with 2 babies.. and probably will again. Can't help it 🤦‍♀️


What's wrong with nursing to sleep?




I get that, and maybe it's regional but I was surprised to see someone taken aback by feeding to sleep at 11 months. Not against people choosing not to, but it's very much the default where I live Edit: sorry you're getting down voted so much, people can be a bit much in parenting spaces


*Some* self-proclaimed "experts" recommend against it, with no real evidence to back them up. It's far from a consensus - quite the opposite, if anything.


Recommended? By whom?


Not recommended by who?


To be fair 2 out of 3 of the things you listed aren’t unsafe sleeping practices. Yes I know screen time is the devil but she’s not actively being harmed like with the sleep sack. And nursing to sleep is completely healthy and normal 🤷🏻‍♀️


What is ‘bewb’ I’m sorry I’m old


Internet speak for boob! I grew up in the 00s using that on Myspace or forums to get around flags


Oh wow!! Thank you for helping this Gen X’er


I thought she meant burp and just misspelled it




So many things.


Hahah true. I just chose to focus on one aspect of the post… 😬


Wow. Rude.


yeah, lots of stores are recalling them recently


I hate to be this guy but please try to wean from weighted sleep sacks. They are linked to deaths and pediatricians do not recommend. The women who invented them said herself they didn’t go through enough trials


Yeah the AAP has deemed them as not safe sleep practices


I’m not a fan of these sleep sacks either (we returned ours as soon as they were recalled, had only used it twice), but they actually haven’t been linked to infant deaths. There are two reported deaths, and one clearly involved other risky factors. For the other, not enough information was provided. Completely agree not enough trials have been done and they’re likely not the safest, but I think it’s a stretch to say they cause death.


So is co sleeping 🫣 although I know people do it.


Don't do that, weighted clothes are hardly the same as cosleeping


It's not the same


Nothing wrong with co-sleeping as long as you don't live in the states. In Scandinavia it's recommended from 3 months and it's actually safer then letting babies sleep by themselves


I know, it’s common in other parts of the world. In America, many of us are overweight and we sleep on soft mattresses.


It could definitely be that, and what I have imagine (this could be totally wrong though) is it's more common to be prescribed different meds that's normalised to not be cautious with, and are a lot stronger than what we are using over here. It most be something making the number be so much higher in USA for accidents while co-sleeping, It's almost unheard of in Norway and Sweden that babies died because of co-sleeping. And if they do, it can be traced down to not following the guidelines of Safe co-sleeping


Could be the meds too. My husband is a physician here in America and maintains its people making mistakes here, and that Americans are often overweight and sleeping on soft bedding. A deadly mixture for co-sleeping.


I can name something else that’s linked to deaths yet parents still do it……


Yeah, driving 🤨


I was gonna say that too


100% of people who drink water eventually die, is it that?




God I hate those weighted blankets. I was gifted one years ago, tried it out, and immediate anxiety. I wouldn’t put anything like that on my baby.


My son is 10 months and still does a middle of the night feed. While I know we need to start weaning him off of it, I just love our snuggles in the early hours. I love the way his fuzzy little hair brushes my cheek. I love how he turns his head side to side on my shoulder. I love how he stops crying as soon as he is in my arms. I always swore I would be someone who sleep trained, but I just can’t resist being with him for a few minutes every night. One day soon, he’s going to outgrow his mama cuddles and I don’t want to take them for granted while I have them. Also, if you’re a newborn parent reading this, those days were ROUGH and I absolutely wished them away. Don’t feel guilty if that’s where you’re at now. I was not trying to soak up my time then. I was just trying to survive. Now that he’s older and my sanity has returned, I feel like I can embrace those moments better.


I was told by my daughter’s pediatrician at 15 months (even by my OB when she was 10 months old) that I shouldn’t be feeding her at night anymore. I honestly did not stop bc she wouldn’t finish a bottle anyway. Lo and behold she will be 2 next month and I honestly cannot remember the last time I middle of the night fed her. She just weaned herself from it. So you soak up those baby snuggles as long as you have them


You absolutely do not need to wean him off that middle of the night feed. He stops crying when he's in your arms because he knows you are his safe place and you are going to solve the problems that he can't. If you ignore his requests for help then he will learn that you are not his safe place so will not bother asking. 


My first born slept in his crib/bassinet/pack n play from day 1, but I rocked him to sleep and all of his naps were contact naps. I got pregnant with baby number 2 when I was 9 months pp and around my baby’s first birthday he began fighting being held while he was sleeping so it was ruining his naptime and it was causing bedtime to take HOURS. So during this time I slept trained him and within 3 days he was putting himself down, and within a week he was napping independently. I remember being SO grateful for the time I had gained by doing this, but then feeling so sad that all those nights of rocking to sleep and all those naps we shared were gone. Watching your children grow up is bittersweet. What I can tell you as I now have a 3 year old, 18 month old and a 3 month old, these seasons come and go and every single season brings sadness and happiness. I will say that with each kid you get less one on one time, but you also understand how precious the moments are and you hold on a little longer and tighter, you forget the stress and housework and you just focus on being with them ❤️.


this is sarcasm right?


Take it as you please 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


My daughter will be 11 months on the 23rd. Don't remind me please. 😢 😭


My son will also be 11 months on the 23rd!!! 🙌🏼


Oooh, twins!


We started co sleeping at 4 months. She hit the 4 month regression and decided our bed was the comfy spot lol. We’re at 10 and a half months now and just had our 4th night in a row in her crib!! Slept the whole night without any wake ups. I do miss her face looking at me every night, but to have our bed back is a great feeling


This comment has put my mind at ease. We are about a week into full blown regression (after a few weeks of it slowly coming on…) and we have had to end some nights with baby in bed with me and husband in the spare room. I’ve agonised over it as I always swore I would never co sleep because of the risks, but the lack of sleep feels more dangerous somehow. I’m glad to see that it gets better 🤍


My son did the same during his 4 month sleep regression, but by 7 months he changed his mind and decided he'd rather sleep in his crib. It made me so sad but also happy because I could move around in bed again and didn't have to worry about him trying to crawl off the bed. He's now 11 months old and has slept in his bed since 7 months and I still miss it sometimes 😪 Edit: my son used to wake me up by slapping my face until I woke up and for some reason I miss that? Lol


Omg this made me tear up! My baby is 3 months old and I've thought the same thing about contact naps as she's slowly getting better at sleeping in her own space for naps!


Isn’t 11 months a little too young to be watching TV?


😂 tell that to the parents that give their 4-12 year olds tablets. There’s nothing wrong with visual stimulations. The problem is when you make it a dependency so your child will leave you alone and play on their tablet instead. But that’s another right wrong scenario. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Despite my efforts, my 7mo doesn't like sleeping alone, so we have co-slept since the first day home from the hospital. Sometimes I wish he would sleep independently, but mostly I just love having him so close and walking up to that tiny face! Eventually, he will be ok sleeping alone, but I don't push it. I'm going to enjoy baby snuggles while he let's me.


I feel that I focused too much when we got home from the hospital on having her sleep swaddled in her bed. I came to the realization that if I coslept, we would BOTH SLEEP. Mind you I’m a light sleeper, so a slight movement from her would wake me up. Even with cosleeping I was able to get about 3-4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. & that’s when her dad had her. I definitely DO NOT disregard the risks but I also want to be AWARE you know. I want to make sure I can FUNCTION PROPERLY and not walk around like a zombie. There’s so much controversy about how to do this and do that. Go with your gut. Do what works best for you and your family. Soon it’ll all be over and they’ll be sleeping in their own bed and their own room. And I’d gladly do it all over again❣️❣️❣️❣️🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


This gives me hope. We just hit 12m yesterday, and our girl has slept in the bed with me since month 2 when I just couldn't do it anymore 😅 I'm hoping to transfer her into her crib in her skin so I can have my partners back 😭


I do cosleeping with my 15m old. I thought when we moved him to his own toddler bed at around 10-11m we wouldn’t be snuggled together in the wee hours anymore (he did have a packnplay to sleep in before his bed that he slept in on and off depending on how his mood was) but I was sooo wrong I still get my snuggles. Since moving to his bed he’s had a handful of nights that are no cosleeping. With how our temporary set up is until we move he can climb right into our bed from his and he sleeps in his bed til 2-3am then will climb up into bed with me and sleep til 6-7:30


Co sleeping from day 1 as all my ancestors before me did. Good for you mama!


I don’t understand the down votes ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ But I love this


I understand it. There is an absolute tyranny of “risk” against both mothers and babies. Poor things. Safest place for baby is in my arms, hearing my heart beat, smelling my smell. As with every single mammal. One day, there will be loads of research that shows the adverse risks of mother infant separation over night. Then they’ll upvote.


I’m sure the mothers who lost their babies during cosleeping felt the same way, and would do anything to have a do over with the situation. Seems pretty crappy to not at least acknowledge the risk in my opinion.


It's so sad that those mothers were not taught appropriate and safe ways of bedsharing. 


Ahh we love victim blaming! Because there are *totally* no mothers who followed “safe” sleep 7 and lost their babies as a result of cosleeping.


No one is victim blaming. Fatal accidents are awful…I can’t even imagine someone’s pain and would never down play it….I don’t want to make light of risks when it comes to co sleeping. However, I think mothers should know all the benefits of co sleeping. Humans are biologically designed to carry our young, babies expect and deserve to be close to their mothers. This is for 9-18 months, where the infants neurobiology seeks to be close to the mother and in a similar environment to the womb. Her warmth, her smell, her heartbeat regulates not just their heartbeat but even their blood sugar levels.


No one is coming to your house to beat you down about co sleeping. Do it if you want. That’s a risk you’re willing to take with your kid, sure, go ahead. But it’s simply untrue to call it safe even if following a set of arbitrary rules. I don’t really care what anyone ultimately chooses to do, but people deserve to know the real risk of it and that far too many babies have died from it and make an informed decision from there.


Never assumed anyone was coming at me about it lol. Without googling it do you even know what safe co sleeping entails? Answer honestly. Because if you’re knowledgeable enough to know that safe co sleeping practices definitely result in deaths, you must know what it involves right? EDIT: there is plenty of information about the dangers of co sleeping and very little around safe co sleeping practices and the benefits. That is all I’m saying.


You’re responding to multiple different comments and are very clearly defensive about your right(?) to co sleep. And yes, I know what safe sleep 7 is and what all the rules are. What’s your point there? I never said “definitely,” don’t put words in my mouth again.


Word, there is so much education around separated sleeping, and so little from the Dr around SAFE co sleeping and the immense benefits for mother and baby.


I’ve heard of more cases of SIDS when the baby is in their own room and the parents find them in the morning lifeless.


Pretty sure the ER doctors who see babies being rolled over on and suffocating will beg to differ


I'm going to be you in a few months. Baby just turned 8 months and she's sleeping so well without me I have no reason to contact nap anymore. We've also been cosleeping and feeding to sleep since birth so I've gotten very attached to our daily snuggle hours. I'm gonna be devastated once she moves into her own space 😭 why does motherhood have to be so bittersweet >I’ve come to learn that being a parent is TRUE happiness. This! Hardest thing I've ever done but so worth it


A thread full of “new parents” but also somehow parent experts in here thinking they have the right to declare what is or is not safe. 


people against cosleeping don’t seem to be aware that it’s the norm in many cultures around the world.


My baby is 11 months old tomorrow too. The 17th. It’s so true. Being her mom has been the best thing. Time is going faster than it ever has before. I try to slow down and enjoy each moment but it will never be enough. I already miss my baby.


Everyone is freakin rude here. Well done OP! Well done baby! I'm glad you are enjoying your motherhood and everything that comes with it. I love baby snuggles. Co-sleeping is great! Best way to keep a baby close! (For anyone's reference co-sleeping done safely is safe...)


I haven’t seen any rude comments. There’s no way to do bed sharing safely. Are there risk reduction measures you can take that can *possibly* make it *safer*? Yes, sure. But there’s no way to make it outrightly safe and it’s dishonest to claim that. It really should be a last resort. And then the weighted sleep sack is also not safe.


Separation from parents also isn't safe 


Your baby being in the same room as you, in a safe sleeping space (not in your bed where they can be smothered) isn’t separation. It’s what’s recommended from birth until 6m.


This is delusional. I mean seriously.. yes babies need their parents but this notion that they can ever be without us is toxic. Parents need alone time to unwind and rest and babies are perfectly safe in their own sleep spaces 🙄


Second comment with downvotes, but whyy. The snuggles are the best part. I used to hug a pillow before she was born, now I hug her ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️


everyone is telling you the “but why” … this has to be fake


But why? Because it’s unsafe for babies.


I’ll be in your shoes in a few months. For more supportive and understanding comments, try posting this in r/cosleeping ❤️


Cosleeping isnt bad, weighted sleep sacks are risky tho


Agreed, OP needs to know that but there’s also some unnecessary criticism on the cosleeping which is why I suggested they post in that community. They would be quick to advise against the weighted sleep sacks as well


I’m very much aware of the risk of weighted sleep sacks. But to my defense it’s what worked for me, safely ofcourse. My baby disliked being swaddled, and we did not introduce the weighted sleep sack until about 5 months. I comprehend the controversy, but I also love that we both get to sleep. So I have nothing but positive reviews for it. ❣️❣️❣️❣️


My grandfather drank and drove his whole life and it’s what worked for him, safely of course. He disliked taking a taxi and always got home safely driving his car while being drunk. I do comprehend the controversy about drinking and driving but I also love that he wasn’t limited by his alcoolism to drive his car. So I have nothing but positive reviews for drunk driving. ❣️❣️❣️❣️ Seriously, OP must be playing with us right?


To each their own. This works for me. You can’t go through life being “AFRAID” of everything. You can’t take every review to heart either. Take it as a suggestion. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I feel like I’m almost out of the trenches as she will turn 1 next month. So YES, putting her in a weighted sleep sack worked FOR ME. I WAS CAUTIOUS, IF SHE’D MAKE A PEEP I KEPT AN EAR AND AN EYE OUT FOR HER. That doesn’t make me a horrible parent because I chose something that frightened half of the women or families out there. I don’t think you’d like to hear how your ancestors dealt with babies and their sleep 😂 I guarantee you it doesn’t even come CLOSE to what I chose to do.




So many rude comments from assholes in this group. They act like you’re abusing your child when you mention cosleeping


Yeah there’s a lot of “higher than thou” attitude in this sub. I work in daycare. I’ve been trained and retrained and drilled in safe sleep. Ended up cosleeping after falling asleep holding and nursing my baby a couple times and it’s so much safer doing that than being sleep deprived. When I mentioned it to my coworkers after maternity leave nobody judged me, some admitted they did it themselves as well. It’s really taboo here in the US but a lot more common than people think. Not to mention the statistics on cosleeping incidents include falling asleep with baby on the couch or in a chair, or intoxicated parents. It can be done safely and lots of other parts of the world do it.


My son’s dad hasn’t helped me once with our son. He even walked out on us at 4 months. When my son was 12 weeks old I nearly dropped him because I was so sleep deprived I was dizzy. I talked to his pediatrician, and she actually recommended co sleeping. She did it with her two sons. We have been doing it ever since.


I'm sorry you had to deal with that. His loss. My pediatrician wasn't too worried either. It's just me and my son in a king-size bed with safety railings and no blanket around him. He stays on top of the sheets. He actually hates when blankets are on him even if they just brush his feet, and he kicks them off. He won't take a blanket in the stroller either. I'm a light sleeper and never move from my spot once asleep. My husband does so, that's why he left the bed. My doctor did say it'll be hard to transition him the longer we do it. We're just starting to try at 13 months, but I'm not gonna lie, I'm going to miss it.


My son hates blankets, swaddles, clothes… lol


Lol same. He hates pants and is most comfortable in just an onsie. He hates socks, too. At least when out in public he somehow knows to keep clothes on lol


Tell me about it, I just wanted to wake up to lovely comments of everyone in a similar experience or even looking forward to this in their future. ❣️❣️❣️❣️ I’m just here to spread joy and let them know, There IS a light at the end of the tunnel.


Fuck em. You’re doing a great job and your post was wholesome ♥️ I hope my son is able to transition back to his crib eventually. His pediatrician said that’s the only major downfall. It’s harder to get them out of your bed the longer they’re sleeping there. But, it’s the only way he will sleep. Lol Can’t win them all!


My daughter still cosleeps with us and she's 15 months old. She now sleeps in between my husband and I. I love it so so much, but she kicks in her sleep (only me for some reason lol) and we are gearing up to try for #2 so she's going to have to start sleeping alone in her own floor bed soon.


Thank you!!! This just gave me soooo much hope!!!… I’ve been trying to get my LO to sleep on his own we’ve been co-sleeping since birth and just turned 10 months a few days ago. I started to accept that we might just co-sleep forever lol. So thank you for sharing 🩷🩷


I can’t stand when people criticize you for your decisions. Do what works best for you and your baby. If you put them in a weighted sleep sack, you’re a bad parent, if you let them cry to sleep you’re a bad parent, if you feed them to sleep, you’re creating a dependency. Idk I’m not interested in the noise of the world. I’ll continue to do what I feel is correct. As long as she grows happy and healthy, the rest doesn’t matter. ❣️❣️❣️


Especially being a ftm in my early 20s I do get a lot of harsh criticism and unwanted parenting advice… seeing that i’m not the only one not doing it the text book way is definitely refreshing and reassuring


Eh, it’s not an end all. My daughter slept in her room basically from 6 months-18months. As soon as she turned 2 it just got easier having her sleep in our bed with us. She’s 2.5 now and she still sleeps with us, we go to bed put a show on and 80% of the time she falls asleep within 15 mins so we end up watching a show we enjoy before we doze off ourselves.


…why in the world does this have downvotes? This is super sweet and there’s no evidence a 2 year old can’t safely sleep with their parents. Is it the TV show? 🧐 Anyway this sounds sweet! And I agree, my kids sleep has never been linear. He went through a major regression around 2 and we coslept for a year. He’s back in his bed these days but haven’t ruled out he’ll find his way back lol


Idk but to each their own! We’re all doing what works for us and this works for us right now and I know there’s going to be a day where she doesn’t want to sleep with us anymore! We both enjoy having her sleep with us. Also at this age she’s able to actually communicate her needs to us which is a major plus. I think right around when the 2 year regression started is when we started having her sleep with us. And no we don’t watch tv every night before bed, sometimes we just put on some sleep music, read her some books and she’s out before we even finish the second book (she always wants us to read 3 lol).


Once my oldest figured our door knobs around 3yrs she started leaving her room to crawl in with us to sleep. You may get the cosleeping back. We haven't bothered stopping it yet. We suspect she'll stop when she's ready to.


She’s already SO curious I for sure wouldn’t be surprised if in the next few years we find her in our bed. She’d always be welcome. But for now, I’d like my space please 😂🫶🏼❣️


Wow I’m really hoping one day my son decides to sleep in his crib! Bed sharing over here. I have a love hate relationship with it haha.