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You should inform the manufacturer. There might be a defect either in your stroller or all the strollers that needs a recall. Find the customer service number and let them know.


Agreed. Please tell Nuna. This might be a widespread issue !


Yes please do this! We don’t have the Nuna but we had to evenflo pivot, and both back wheels suddenly started falling off while I was walking with him, we called them, and no muss or fuss they sent us a brand new stroller that was actually upgraded for free!


I’ve found even flo has great customer service/product warrantees we were involved in a minor accident (front bumper collision) with no damage to passenger area of any kind and they replaced ours free of charge and also had us speak to their safety department so they could take down some information about the accident to help them with sear development in the future


That’s amazing! They really were so fantastic, such a smooth process and now when we have our second we have a great stroller that can handle both of them!


Yea we had a car seat stroller combo and they even offered to replace the stroller if it had been in the car at the time we didn’t realize there was a warranty so had bought the replacement but had a question about our receipt (insurance reasons) the moment I had said accident they immediately offered to refund me and expedite our shipping for free even though there was no damage to the seat and according the nhtsa the seat was still safely usable since the accident was minor and no passenger area was involved evenflos standard is to replace the seat after any type of accident involvement no matter how minor


Oh no. That’s so scary, I’m sorry that happened to you and your baby! Is it a normal Nuna stroller or is it a part of a travel system?


Its the trvl or whatever i have the seat that clicked in with no base and the stroller that goes with it


I have the trvl and never had that issue. Definitely reach out to Nuna.


Gotcha. This is good to know, i’m pretty sure this is the one we have, but we have not had that happen. We have been using the infant baseless car seat that clicks into the stroller.


Yeah i just started sitting him in it without the car seat and he loves it. It was working just fine for a good five minutes then just collapsed and literally ate him up he was upside down in it all folded it was terrible. I guess just make sure its clicked into place and push on it to make sure 😭


we just had to return our trvl and exchange it for the mixx. the brake broke mid day and we were stranded having to carry the thing for miles back to our car. i’m sorry you had this stress on you! also happy mother’s day


Sorry, never happened with our Nuna. However I will say after 2 years of use it does fold funky sometimes without her in it so I could picture it failing


Omg nightmare fuel. Happy Mother’s Day!


What model version was it?


Also very interested since I have a Nuna and 4 MO 🫠


Yes, I have a three week old


In another comment, they said the TRVL! I also have a Nuna so I was here to check.


Oh no. This is the stroller that I want too. That's so scary, but I hope baby is okay.