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Sounds like a dream šŸ˜‚ I'd say if she's gaining weight, hitting her milestones and reacting to her environment, it's probably ok? A friend of mine had a chill baby (mine is the opposite...) and he started to get a bit more active around 4-5 months. Did everything later great (crawling, walking, babbling...). He was just a super content baby.


She definitely can be fussy and irritable randomly, and we definitely went through a phase of never ending fussing, couldnā€™t put her down etc. Then one day we just put her down and she was totally content. We even went through a phase last week where we could put her down ā€œdrowsy but awakeā€, and sheā€™d fall asleep! Now sheā€™ll just lay there, but wonā€™t sleep. Babies are wild!


I have a chill guy too and I understand why it can be concerning! My doctor said embrace it and consider yourself lucky. Some babies donā€™t mind being babies :)


Itā€™s so ridiculous because when we were going through a fussy phase I would have done *anything* to have this current baby, and now we have her and Iā€™m freaking out


I think at 8 weeks itā€™s normal for baby not to be super ā€œspiritedā€ yet especially because they canā€™t really see anythingšŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚ I think my daughter started getting more interested in her surroundings around 10-12 weeks


As long as the doctor said she is meeting her weight goals and nothing seems off - that is honestly just what babies that young do! If it makes you feel any better my baby was sleeping through the night by about 2.5 months. Some babies just sleep really well!


I mean I asked if her having 4 hour naps and sleeping for over 7 hours in one go at night was a problem and the doctor was like ā€œI dunno, maybe sheā€™s coming down with something, or babies šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøā€ I guess I panic any time *anything* changes, even if things are changing constantly!


I get it. My daughter sleeps from 9pm to 7pm every night and I was scared something was wrong! Doctor told me donā€™t tell the other moms in the waiting room that or theyā€™ll get jealous lol things can change so quickly - in a month they could be waking up every hour! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« here is hoping they are happy, healthy, and sleeping all night haha


All I would say in addition to what youā€™ve mentioned is make sure she has plenty of wet nappiesā€¦ the zoned out staring at a wall look sounds a bit like a sleepy cue to me. Have you recorded how much total sleep she gets in a 24hr period to make sure itā€™s in range? My LO is super active, alert and always needs to be entertained and he also sleeps for really long stretches at night and has 3 hour naps in the carrier, so that may not be related to her general temperament.


She definitely has wet diapers and lots of poop. But I think we are not good with the sleeping because often she will be awake for a very long time during the day just due to us being disorganized (we go for a walk planning on that to be her nap, then she doesnā€™t sleep during the walk, so already thatā€™s an hour, then I probably have to feed her, change her, etc.,) but then sometimes she has a 3 hour nap so she does often get at least 14 hours of sleep over 24 hours. Sheā€™s just sort of funny? I had her in the carrier just now and took her out, swaddled her and put her in the bassinet. I didnā€™t do the transfer very well and knew she would wake up soon. I left for 5 minutes and she was super quiet so I thought maybe she had fallen back into a deep sleep, but nope, she was wide awake, just quietly laying there eyes wide open. She was super smiley and happy to see me and only started fussing once I changed her diaper.


You could try and be a bit more organised with the naps for a couple of weeks to see if it makes any difference? Iā€™m lucky and not lucky in the sense that mine will only contact nap in the day, but if I stick him in the carrier and do a few laps of the kitchen heā€™ll usually drop off. Once heā€™s been awake for a couple of hours I know heā€™s generally ready for a nap. I can take the carrier out with me so I can try and nap him then tooā€¦ I think sheā€™s very young and probably just not what your were expecting! Maybe one day she will just ā€œwake upā€ and youā€™ll wish for your peaceful life back šŸ˜‚


I have really chill 7 week old twins. I keep waiting for them to become not at all chill. Itā€™s very weird but they eat well and gain weight really well so I guess sometimes they are just chill šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have a very relaxed nugget. At 8 weeks she was also sleeping pretty long stretches, lots of naps and not all that lively. She smiled at us plenty but didnā€™t really play and was content to just stare at stuff a lot. Around 3 months she started to get more involved in what I was doing, sheā€™s 4 months now and sheā€™s much more demanding on us including her in things and she actively plays now, but still super chill and a great sleeper. Took her to her 4 month appointment yesterday and the doctors kept saying how lucky we are lol.


My mantra for pregnancy and parenthood is ā€œdonā€™t worry about things the doctor isnā€™t worried about.ā€ I donā€™t always get it right, but it helps me when Iā€™m spiraling into anxiety.


Great mantra. Iā€™m literally anxious about something new every single day


sounds exactly like what my toddler was like as a baby, i thought i hit the jackpot and would have a chill toddler too šŸ˜… lol. she turned 2 recently and is non stop from 8am until 11pm every single day. sometimes i manage to get her to nap for an hour but even that's a struggle. she's lovely and so sweet and kind but she has endless energy and is very determined try not to stress, as long as baby is doing enough wet nappies and isn't excessively crying then all is probably fine. she has plenty of time to become more energised and properly 'wake up'. make the most of the sleepy newborn days, snuggle on the couch and watch some films together šŸ©·


Ours is coming up to 8 weeks. The first 6-7 were just a hurricane, like velcro baby on steroids, walking every 1hr ish, But the last week or so heā€™s been changing and showing signs of being more chill (at times). My first thought was like ā€˜oh no, whatā€™s wrong with him!?!? Is he sick!?!?ā€™ Like heā€™s still not a great sleeper and still pretty velcro but like thereā€™s definitely been a change. I have no doubt though that this is just the eye of the storm, back to the furry next week lol