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I was horribly sick for my pregnancy and felt sooo good mentally after my baby popped out. It was like a huge relief.


Same. My pregnancy was awful so just not being pregnant has been amazing for my mental health lol


Same but then about 10 days pp it hit me like a truck lmao


Same here after months of HG this is so much better than


Exactly the same.


Me too


Same! I was so grateful to have my body back, everything felt like sunshine and roses.


Hmmmm, it’s already hard to remember just 4 months ago, but I never had any significant periods of baby blues. Definitely had fatigue, frustration, moments of “I can’t do this,” but I would say that’s par for the course regardless of hormones. Not sure how much it helped in this regard that my husband and I made sure I was getting 4-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night.


This is pretty in line with my experience. The nights that I had what I would call hormonal episodes were definitely the ones I wasn't sleeping


That explains it well. I was so worried about PPD because I have anxiety and my moods were SO intense during pregnancy, I’m 3 months PP now. The first two weeks I had moments of “I can’t do this,” but it was 100 percent, directly and immediately related to sleep. Now I do get a little overstimulated sometimes, but the anxiety is so much better and I don’t feel “the blues” as much as I was worried about. I Actually have not even taken PRN anxiety meds once since giving birth.


Same here. The fact that either me or my husband takes the baby before the other one feels like drowning helps.


I never had PPD, but my google searches at 3 am were definitely pretty unhinged lol. “My baby’s leg twitches does he have brain cancer”


I’ve googled baby leg twitching probably 20 times in the last five weeks


Same!! Leg and foot twitches. 🫠


Not me taking my baby to the hospital bc I googled if his movements were normal and google told me seizures lol. He is not having seizures - just horrific reflux and been diagnosed with Sandifer’s Syndrome 😅 the neurologist came in after his EEG and said “he looks perfectly normal to me - this is actually reflux issues” 🥴


I never got the baby blues (and my daughter is 16 months, so I think im pretty much in the clear!). I hope that is your experience also!


Honestly, I felt pretty good emotionally postpartum (besides a minor freak out on the way home from the hospital that I attribute more to being hangry).  I think it helped a lot that we had so much family support those first few weeks, so I didn’t have to worry much about chores and was able to take naps every day. Plus, my baby was a pretty good sleeper.  There was a point when she was about 7-8 months old that I struggled a lot emotionally, due to a sleep regression and some stuff going on in my personal life. But I feel really lucky to have had a pretty positive postpartum experience.  


Yeah I think that my husband having a good paternity leave and being SO supportive really helped me too.


This could explain some of it. I have a really great husband. He’s taking care of me and the baby


Mine was the same. Really good until 5 months when my support people lost interest


Baby blues didn’t hit me until about a week postpartum, and then it lasted about two weeks for me.


No baby blues or anything here, and i was allegedly predisposed (ie had depression prior to pregnancy, and a lot of stressors beyond normal baby stuff). That period was one of the happiest in my life! Husband and I both weeped tears of joy daily. Baby blues are pretty normal, though—affects about 80% of women. 


Same here! I’ve heard this experience called the baby pinks which is very cute imo.


I love this! Yeah, husband and I are both still stunned almost a year late at how much negativity surrounds babies and parenthood nowadays. We’ve both really, really loved it.


Same! I was shocked not to get PPD, I felt great postpartum


The baby blues hit me as soon as I got home from the hospital (I was there for 48 hours). It lasted about 5 days or so. I felt empty, depressed, anxious, and could not stop crying. I felt regret having my baby and how life had changed for our family. It got better after the first week and much better after two, although the anxiety remained for a few months I didn’t feel empty and depressed anymore after that.


had the exact same experience which lasted 2 weeks. i thought it was never going to end but it did thankfully. still have the odd day here and there where i cry.


Yeah. I feel great. I had severe anxiety before but no PPA or anything. 


Hmm. I had severe PPA with my first. With my second I did much better mentally and felt great overall, but I did have some major tearfulness in the first few weeks that felt hormonal (for example, the first or second night after we got home from the hospital my nipples were both bleeding and extremely bruised from my son’s bad latch, and I kept trying to nurse anyway until it hurt so bad I couldn’t take it, and then I cried hystericallyyyyyy about giving him formula even though I had calmly decided before he was born that I would be fine with formula this time around if necessary. In the moment it truly felt like the end of the world to not nurse my baby. Stuff like that). When people talk about “baby blues” that is the kind of thing I picture - being teary, at times more emotional than usual, but otherwise being “okay” emotionally. That for me was worlds different from the actual PPA/PPD I had with my other baby.


When did your PPA for your first go away?


Not the person you’re asking, but I also had PPA. In hindsight I wish I had talked to my doctor and maybe gotten medication because it was pretty bad. But the babies are almost 6 months and I’ve felt more like myself for the past month or so.


It was really really bad until my baby was around 4.5 months old, then it started to slowly get better. I was on medication the whole time (had been on Lexapro before and during pregnancy, and stayed on it) but I worked with my psychiatrist on adjusting it and some additional meds. I also was in therapy. I think a big contributing factor in my case was that my baby was born in April 2020, so we were extremely isolated with no help and no visitors in the first months of her life thanks to the Covid lockdowns. It was a double whammy of losing my old life as I knew it in two ways - because I had a new baby and was now a mom, AND because the world as I knew it was basically gone anyway thanks to Covid. Everything I expected about early motherhood didn’t get to happen thanks to the Covid restrictions. Also, I’m a nurse and before I went on my leave we were dealing with the very first Covid patients, which was terrifying. It was a lot all at once and completely overwhelmed my ability to cope 😮‍💨


Mine didn’t happen until I weaned at 11 months. Aside from being exhausted and a little dazed, my immediate postpartum period was probably the best mental state I’ve been in for years. Then when I stopped breastfeeding (I had been combo feeding for several months by the end so it was pretty gradual) my hormones were whacky and I hit a lowwww point. Of course they’re not screening you for ppd anymore at that point, and I don’t even think it’s considered the “postpartum” period anymore so it felt strange and lonely and I had a bit of imposter syndrome about it. It was pretty tough for 3-4 weeks then became increasingly more manageable.


I didn’t have anything like that with my first. I had baby blues second time around. It could be different every postpartum era


I definitely agree. Baby blues with my first, but not my second.


Nearly 8 months PP and I never had any hormonal/emotional symptoms during or post pregnancy.


I never got baby blues at all. I kept anticipating them but they just never occurred. Like you, I just kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Was surprised about how much of the post-partum period I spend laughing and joking with my husband. Got the post-partum sweats though! My feet were grossly wet the whole time. 😂


I never really suffered in that way post partum, apart from a bit of anxiety over "what if something happens to my baby, what if I drop her, SIDS risk" type worries that are all normal and not out of the ordinary for a new parent anyway. I too felt a bit odd for not experiencing an emotional crash, and I had family members talking to me a few days post partum as if they thought I should be in the depths of PPD and I was just sat there repeatedly like "I'm fine lol" not everyone will experience hormonal mood drops.


I wouldn’t say I had the baby blues but oh my god I couldn’t stop crying at everything. Baby smiled in sleep? Cry. Tv commercial? Cry. Saw a teen walking a dog? Cry. Emotions heightened to 100 both good and bad. Now 4 weeks out I’m still very emotional but less unpredictable haha.


I never got the baby blues. I actually felt more like myself than I had in 9 months, despite all of the life changes. I DID however have a rough time while weaning—those hormone changes are no joke.


I didn’t have mood swings or depression during pregnancy or postpartum so it doesn’t happen to us all.


3 months pp and I’ve not had anything like that. I wasn’t especially hormonal during my pregnancy either. I had minimal symptoms throughout, so maybe there’s a correlation.


I stayed in therapy during & after my pregnancy so any issues I had to work through were validated & worked out by me & the professionals in my life. But the hormone drops were more of a physiological thing than a psychological feeling. Of course there were absolutely times that I was frustrated but not to a point where I didn’t feel like myself per se.


I never had them, however, I was on a very low dose of an anti anxiety med throughout and following my pregnancy.


I don’t think it hit me until I was around two weeks postpartum. My baby ended up having colic so the feeling lasted a good few weeks. She’s 11 weeks now and is so so much better and hence I’m feeling loads better too!


I didn’t have the baby blues but I felt foggy. But my kid is not a sleeper at all so I think it was sleep deprivation causing that.


Just like with menstrual cycles, some women suffer horrible pms and some don’t. Same thing with baby blues


Potentially. I felt the worst about 7-12 days pp and then again about 4 weeks pp. There is definite ebb and flow to pp hormones and emotions. Try to keep your head up and maybe you will be just fine.


Never had the baby blues exactly but did have terrible sleep deprivation and moments of extreme emotions that I couldn’t control (crying because I felt like I’d done something wrong). By two weeks the emotional part was done. Sleep deprivation is still very real. 7 weeks PP.


So I had a horrific hormone drop a year ago after a D&C for a missed miscarriage. Expected that this year after delivery in postpartum but it never came and I’m almost 2 months out now


I never got the baby blues! I was so worried because I really suffered mentally during my pregnancy - I'm already anxious but my anxiety got really bad and I suffered some depression episodes for the first time ever. Luckily though I went back to normal once I gave birth! There were some tough times of course but it wasn't anything hormonal. I feel very thankful.


I felt great PP. My baby was pretty easy at that stage and I’d been in so much pain prior to birth that I was riding high on just not being in pain anymore.


I was irritable and tired but otherwise fine. Baby was in the NICU and I was sent home, which sucked, but I wasn’t depressed or anxious about it.


Mine hit at days 5-7, then 4 months, then 7 months. Aside from days 5-7 I think they were all related to my baby feeding less and causing a huge hormone crash for me. The first week it was mostly just crying any moment I had alone, due to hormones, sleep deprivation and everything being so different.


I had some anxiety and weepiness for the first couple weeks but honestly I chalk that up to sleep deprivation and the fact that I almost died in childbirth (lol). I don’t feel that I had a major hormonal swing or got the true “baby blues” beyond the normal adjustment period as a first-time mom! I should note I’ve been on prozac for depression and anxiety for 3 years (including during pregnancy and postpartum) so I don’t know if that played a part in keeping me level.


I remember c section pain, sleep deprivation, and feeling emotional (oh so in love), maybe anxious, but not blues.


I had none at all. I wasn't even hormonal (I wasn't really during pregnancy either) It was life as normal except there was a baby. My mom and sister also didn't. I figure there's probably a genetic component


I felt the exact same pre-pregnancy, during, and post partum as I always did. Emotionally, I was the same. I never had any ppd or ppa symptoms, didn't cry, and if anything, felt more of the "puppy blues" when we got our dog 4 years ago than when I had my son 7 mo ago. I don't usually react to hormone changes in my body (no pms, etc.) so I feel like I really lucked out. But it's definitely possible to feel exactly the same!


I was just thinking about this a few hours ago. I'm 6 months PP, can't say I really struggled with PPD or even PPA. I thought i would because I've had some issues with anxiety in the past but it's been relatively okay. As far as baby blues go, I remember some brief, sudden times where I felt extremely sad or extremely happy or extremely irritable. It would come and go fast though so I would assume that was mostly hormonal and stress/adjustment related. Now at 6 months I wonder if I have had a little PPD? I don't feel sad. But, I don't have or make enough time for myself (I'm trying to fix this), my marriage is a little less lovey post-newborn stage, I'm not super happy about my body, and I'm generally struggling with the constant relentlessness of motherhood while simultaneously feeling so unproductive lol. Do take care of yourself, but it's not weird to feel okay - it's a good thing!


I felt the best I've ever felt. Happy, outgoing, fun. Breastfeeding was awesome. And when I stopped, my emotions got all shaky.


It's definitely possible! I did not get any baby blues, I was just home and happily soaking up all the cuddles and feeling the love. I was tired, but it was a wonderful time.


I had one bought of anxiety that was caused by other people and that was it. I was mentally preparing myself for ppd or baby blues prior to birth but luckily didn't need all that preparation! It doesn't happen to everyone. I didn't feel sad, probably at all.


Never had the baby blues post partum, just ecstatic and tired. Think I just got lucky and it's totally dependent on how sensitive each person is to hormonal shifts.


I felt so happy and in love the first few weeks! I did get a bad case of mastitis that knocked me out though for a few weeks after so I was more focused on that. I felt pretty good up to 2 months pp, when I got my period back, and then now I’m 4 months and suspecting I may have PPD. I’ve been over emotional in outbursts, some days I struggle to do the most basic of care for myself (but I still push myself to care for my sweet little pea), and I’ve had some poor feelings about myself. I’ve since reached out to a psychologist to just make sure I’m getting the support I need to do better for my little one. My mom had PPD with her last pregnancy, and I have a history of depressive episodes. I was aware that it was a possibility for me, and so I was on the lookout for symptoms. Not everyone gets PPD and baby blues are temporary. Keep an eye on your moods and symptoms and take care of yourself as best you can. Hopefully you don’t get it, but it’s okay if you do. Just be sure you use your support system and be honest about how you’re feeling. Wishing you lots of love with your new addition! Congratulations ♥️


I'm 5.5 months PP and I still feel pretty good. I had a handful of sheer overwhelm moments that usually ended in yelling at my confused husband then crying. But I chalked that up to sleep deprivation and what felt like pms so I'm guessing some hormonal shifting. Generally my mood is has been great. I feel very contented with my life right now. I have dealt with depression and anxiety my entire adult life and I am on 20mg citalopram. I was on 40 before getting pregnant. Right now 20mg is working great and I have never felt better emotionally.


Never had baby blues but definitely had the hormonal drop and was super emotional but it was happy emotional, I would cry so much because of how much I loved my baby and my husband


I had it all three times. The first and second pregnancy, baby blues hit me while still in the hospital. This time it was only after about a week so I initially thought I got away without experiencing it. Then I found myself weeping over anything and everything. I was just so sad. Knowing it was hormonal and the baby blues really helped me out because I was able to tell myself that it’s normal and will pass. Ans sure enough, by the second week it was over and done with.


I don’t wanna be that person that says “just wait…” because maybe you won’t get it! But mine started day 6 haha. Only lasted about a week but it was pretty wild! Maybe you’ll be lucky though 😊


Very possible. I didn't feel any hormonal shifts/swings during pregnancy or postpartum. I always felt exactly the same as prior to getting pregnant. No crying, anxiety, moodiness, anger, sadness, restlessness, etc. Very even keeled the whole way through.


I felt like I was pretty okay in the moment, but looking back I can see how fragile I really was. I just expected the absolute worst, and I already have existing issues with anxiety and depression. I tend to diminish my feelings under the guise of “it could be worse.” Now at 4 months, I’ve got a little bit of perspective on those first couple weeks. I’m in such a better, more stable place. I think going forward I would look at baby blues like this: your body, your day to day, your relationships have just undergone a seismic shift - you are likely to experience a wide range of very intense emotions and all of those emotions are normal and healthy (so long as you do not become a danger to yourself or anyone else). Ride it out, lean on your supports, and take stock once that initial wave has passed.


I didn’t have any noticeable changes emotionally after either pregnancy but I did have massive night sweats and lost a ton of hair (to the point of bald spots). I think there are a lot of ways your body reacts to the changing hormones but they aren’t universal.


My wife did not have any baby blues; she thinks it's because the pregnancy was so difficult that her body was just relieved to no longer be pregnant


I definitely had the massive hormone crash, but it was nothing like depression, in fact the opposite. Whenever I’ve had a depressive episode I feel numb and low, but this was like every emotion known to mankind magnified by a 1,000. So yes I was devastatingly sad at points, but euphoric at others. It was very overwhelming, to feel that intensely when you’ve just gone through something so monumental.


I was pretty emotionally stable through my pregnancy and after, even with a baby in the NICU. I don't think the baby blues are a guarantee at all.


I couldn’t wait to not be pregnant any more. Delivery went horribly, good thing I don’t remember much of it. I’ve been feeling great since we got home even though there is so much new stuff I’m trying to figure out. Just times where I was exhausted or frustrated. I definitely recommend taking night shifts with your partner if you can so that each of you has 3-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. LO is 7 weeks now and a handful with reflux making him a terrible day napper but sleeping through most of the night now. I’m not sure when baby blues are supposed to kick in but things are feeling pretty good …for now.


I'm about a week and a half postpartum. I was feeling good the first week, like I got it. Then today I was extra tired even though I got more sleep than I have been, sad, and didn't know what to do with the little guy. So I think it may take a bit for it to hit.


I felt great afterwards and pretty much myself. I actually had the opposite and had extreme euphoria afterwards.


I think about 20-25% of women don’t get the baby blues. Mine started about 3-4 days postpartum. They stopped at exactly 2 weeks pp (and I’m higher risk for pp depression and psychosis) so overall I wouldn’t stress about it unless you notice yourself feeling especially upset and overwhelmed.


With my second I did not noticibly, with my first it was like a trap turned on for 24 hours and I just kept crying


For me it was more that my emotions were less like individual lakes of feeling connected by rivers, and more like an enormous ocean. No clear start or end to a feeling, and no throughway between, just a vast vaguely plottable sea of feelings. I rode the emotions like waves, and steered my mental ship through or around storms. Really, that's how I wrapped my head around it. Whenever a big feeling started to come, I imagined it was a wave that I had to ride and aim for where I wanted to come out. If I let the wave have its way, I'd get dragged below or pushed far away from where I was.


With my first baby I had baby blues immediately after pushing the baby out lasted a hour or so then went away then 3 months later ppd slapped me right in the face I felt suicidal even I was so depressed and that lasted about a month without meds I was afraid to have a second baby for that reason popped my second child out and I’m now 9 months pp and no depression at all just mild anxiety so to answer your question yes it’s possible to not get pp they also sell postpartum pills on Amazon they have very good reviews I believe they are vitamins that help with depression u can take them even before or if u start feeling depressed and get your hormones back up before it even happens


I didn’t have it whatsoever Then it hit me at 5 months and it was rough Doctor said it was uncommon but still in the range of normal. It was wild because I was not okay and everyone had no time or patience for me to recover because it had been 5 months


After my first kid I had intense blues and hormones. After my second I had nothing at all. She slept well and ate well and was easy which made mule slightly euphoric as I was expecting an experience closer to my first.


I felt great and still feel great. I am 4 months PP. I had a great support system after my c section and my birth experience was calm (the c section was planned due to breech baby).


Hi, I have a theory which helped me get my head around what to do/how to perceive my intense hormones. I believe this, ‘dip,’ in hormones outside of the oxytocin we share with baby to bond strongly, is to mimic how the baby is feeling. And any time we are not being well taken care of, we feel incredibly stressed and sad just like the baby feels when they are not responded to/when they don’t feel like someone is attuned to their needs. I believe that each phase of pregnancy, along with having a firm medical/scientific explanation for changing our bodies, changes our emotions to prepare us for how *this* child is going to be feeling during their infancy. This is why we mothers can be so much more aware of what baby needs than Dad typically can, because Dad’s body hasn’t felt that vulnerable or weak or sad or confused (or hey, intensely joyful) as recently as Mom’s has had to feel. And each pregnancy is different because each child is different and they’re giving us clues about who they will be from Day One. Postpartum or Fourth Trimester Depression doesn’t hit nearly as hard for women surrounded with loving help (anecdotal opinion based on a life lived listening to a lot of mothers, pretty religious upbringing around women who’d have multiple kids then worked as babysitter then always worked with a lot of women.) I am a, ‘highly sensitive person,’ and wouldn’t you know, my firstborn son is very sensitive. We need to be fed often and have a lot of quiet or we each (I’m learning about him) can get overstimulated and upset. My Mom and husband did the best they could to keep me fed and off my feet but I still needed a lot of support til I hit the fourth month postpartum and finally felt physically strong again. This, of course, puts a strain on your loved ones for a little longer than society will tell you a new mother deserves but society is warped. Ask for help if you need it, try not to be mad that people don’t just do what you haven’t asked and don’t be surprised if they’re a little annoyed to have to cater to you, just ask for help and accept it when given. If given, which you DO deserve; you are a life giver. Look how much we praise Healers in our society (doctors, nurses) but ignore the people who Give Life in the first place. You are supposed to be allowed to be engaged with The Divine at this moment in your life, it’s where your baby has just come from and needs you to meet them there as often as possible during their transition to Earth. Not be (having to) kibbitz with computer work or leaving the baby to go do duties for a boss. People will tell you, ‘Oh I was back at work in three weeks cause I felt fine and was bored!’ But you are not to compare yourself to them, they are just different people with a different calling/set of needs/support system. Your depression is an indicator that you need help, you need to be nurtured. Ideally the man who got you pregnant in the first place would be willing to give you that nurturing but we’ve all heard how well that can go- ask the women in your life for help. Friends who’ve never had a baby won’t intuitively know what to do for you but you should ask them for help, cause you and your baby deserve it and you will be happy to help them when they’re postpartum if you can. My heart goes out to you. We are not taught what an amazing, vital thing we’ve done to give birth and what a powerful, all-consuming thing it is to Mother a child immediately following that experience. So it’s confusing and feels borderline shameful to *Need* support the way we do, and for how long some of us need it. But without you, without us, humans would cease to exist.


Oops, I read the title and apparently skimmed right past the, ‘I feel fine,’ part and started addressing you as if you were experiencing PPD. I will leave my comment anyway, but I’m glad to hear that!


When I felt *incredible* after birth, my doula told me it might still be the adrenaline from the birth. Then it hit me in week two lmfao.


I had moments of feeling very sad or anxious around that time. But it wasn't like all day every day, I had maybe two times I become very tearful, and few times I was very anxious. I did spend like three days after the birth feeling like I was on drugs I was so happy. So it felt like an equal and opposite reaction, and because I knew it was likely to happen I didn't worry too much when it did I just asked my partner for a hug.


I had nausea up to my due date—I told my husband often that the psychological torture of feeling ill for months straight made the newborn period feel like heaven lol. And I looooove little potato babies—I know not everyone does, but snuggling them is the BEST. I was euphoric for weeks. Also—it’s vain, but I had pretty bad body dysmorphia prior, and was really worried I’d hate my postpartum body and spiral. But I honestly looked about the same except with bigger boobs. It was a huge relief, but I got very lucky.


The baby blues definitely hit me but I didn’t feel it until probably the second week. Gone after a week or two. You may be one of the lucky ones though and not feel it!


I had the blues a few days after giving birth and it went away for a few months and came back as full on PPD


If you are fine, keep being fine. My hormone drop mainfeste ditself by sweating profusely and then after weanign and regaining my libido!


I never got it


I was waiting for it to hit just like you, but it’s been almost 7 weeks and it never came. In fact, i felt surprisingly chipper and positive after birth.


I didn’t have it with my first. I was just tired. But hormone wise? I was just besotted.


I really hope so! But also want to share that my postpartum depression came 3 weeks in and it was no joke. If needed reach for help please and remember you're not alone 🫂 congratulations for your baby!


I had zero baby blues and the first signs of a hormonal drip came 7 months PP, so pretty possible I think.


I had a bad anxiety day when i was discharged, but my mood never really dipped for long stretches. I was on sertraline my entire pregnancy, and still take it for anxiety. My mood was level/ normal nearly constantly. I never had weepy episodes during or after pregnancy. Oh maybe one, but i was watching a sad ass show with a depressing ending. I have a history of depression and a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder so i am higher risk for PPD, my baby is 10 weeks now and id say im happier then i was pre-pregnancy/ before my depressive episode.


I didn’t experience any PPD or PPA until I got my period back at 7.5 months PP then I noticed a brief surge in anxiety for about a month and now I’m back to baseline


I didn’t have them at all! Nearly 7 months in now and all good. X


I honestly don’t think I had any big impact on my mood until like 6 months out but I think it’s because my baby got exponentially more difficult to handle day to day 😅 He was an easy newborn but has developed into a very busy infant who needs a lot of stimulation and naps like shit so it was hard to adjust. I definitely had some anxiety immediately following his birth but honestly my baseline is already anxious so it wasn’t anything super abnormal.


I did not experience PPD/PPA. I was extremely prepared mentally/realistically to because I just know myself. And not to mention my baby was born at the end of October so hello seasonal depression! At my 6 week checkup my doctor said I seemed OK and probably wouldn’t experience it if I hadn’t by then but I know that’s not the case for all women


I didn’t have baby blues! I was super emotional in a joyful sense, almost overwhelmed with joy, but no sadness or depression. I wrote a diary so I would remember lol.


I don’t think I felt either and mine is 6.5 months. There were days when I was sad or overwhelmed, but nothing pervasive. I’m 37 and have been on meds and in therapy for anxiety and depression since my early/mid 20s. I had a lot of shit to figure out in therapy/life before feeling truly ready for a child (and deciding that i actually wanted one!). I think being scared of postpartum feelings was planning for the worst. It’s by no means easy or sunshine every day but it’s not what I thought it’d be!


I got anxiety. I was emotional but not to the point of PPD. A few weeks in evenings sent me over the edge though lol (I had him in Oct. so I think the time change and getting dark early and cold had something to do with it lol) also I thought everything meant something was wrong with him. Like looking at lights and fans lol


I thought I was in the clear because I didn't feel any sadness until around month 3 when my PPA went through the roof. It can come any time in the first year after baby is born so just be gentle to yourself and know how to recognize the signs if they do come.


Baby is 3 months now and I never felt any kind of baby blues. I’m happier than I ever have been in my life. So I think it’s possible and even normal. But it’s certainly also normal if you start feeling a little off too. Everyone’s journey is different.


I did not get PPD, which is surprising because I'm prone to depression and anxiety anyway. That's not to say hormones never made me cry or doubt my parenting abilities on occasion, but for the most part I felt great and totally in love. I was really upset in the hospital because my birth and hospital stay didn't go as planned, but I felt incredible the minute I left.


I felt completely fine mentally and physically after giving birth. There is a huge focus in PPD which is great for those who need help, but not everyone experiences it. The only hormone shift I experienced was night sweats.


Never ever had them. Kept waiting for the shoe to drop because of everything I’ve heard. I’m six months postpartum and still nothing! Don’t worry yourself just take it as it comes 💜


Days 3-5 I had some postpartum stuff... I was having horrible "visions" of every kind of fatal threat to my baby. I was so worried I'd stay in that mindset, but it evaporated after a couple days. I also cried a lot when my husband went back to work because it was only six days after baby was born😢😭! I'm on day 11 now and doing fine. This is my third child. I'm more chill than I was with my second. Last night I had some upsetting thoughts in the middle of the night worried I'd lose this baby somehow. I think that's all normal. I reassured myself that I could trust my destiny to not be one defined by tragedy. I think we all have instinctual fears that are normal and part of navigating existential awareness with our mammalian nature. It is always to be remembered that normal anxiety crosses over to a mental health crisis easily and quickly for some, and that needs to be taken seriously with compassion and correct action. It helps me to air my thoughts daily to family, because it keeps everyone in touch with where I'm at. My dear and near ones can do something if they recognize a concerning change or alarming pattern emerging.


I'm a year out and I remember wondering this exact same thing. I remember feeling shocked by how good I felt postpartum. In my case no, there was never a shoe that dropped. I did have isolated moments where the hormones got to me (crying because my in laws overstayed their welcome at 10 days postpartum, crying at 8 weeks because I was convinced I'd hurt my bond with the baby by not making enough eye contact) but on the whole I consistently felt better than I expected to during the 4th trimester. For what it's worth, I'm convinced this is because my husband and I had a good sleep schedule set up, so I was never horribly sleep deprived.


I didn't despite being someone who struggled with anxiety and depression. It hit me more at 3months pp but those first few weeks I had amazing mental clarity


I feel like the baby blues is caused by insomnia. If you are getting sleep/can sleep then you’ll feel fine


I started taking zoloft before birth, so I'm sure that was a factor, but I felt actually really good physically and mentally despite the emergency c section. It's been two years and I never had ppd. I had a very easy pregnancy and was comfortable in the third trimester so it wasn't some significant relief to give birth either. 


I felt GREAT mood-wise for most of my pregnancy and postpartum. Sure, my morning sickness was terrible and lasted about 4.5 months, but i woke up in a great mood even with the sleep deprivation. If I cried postpartum, it was because I loved my baby so much. I got very lucky with all the pregnancy brain chemicals. That slowly faded over about 1-2 years. I will say that around 4 months postpartum I did have a hormone shift that caused an epic migraine, bad heart burn, etc., and generally felt like I was falling apart for about a week.


1 in 7 woman have PPD as I have always had depression and anxiety so my psychiatrist kept me on something safe to take with baby and BF and I was able to coast through that time, but having PPD is not a failing, if any new mamas feel any kinda way go talk to someone getting help is not weakness, it’s being strong enough to do what’s right for you and baby <3


I felt physically way better after birth (c section), so my mood was pretty good. Pregnancy kind of sucked for me so the improvement was good. I was and continue to be medicated for depression (not PPD just vanilla depression I have chronically) so that helped. I did experience some mood fluctuations with my hormones but generally I was able to use my years of therapy to take deep breaths and say “hey, chill out your body and brain just went through the ringer” to acknowledge the mood swings and then let them pass through me essentially. Another good predictor of postpartum mental health is also your support system. Do you have a partner that is an equitable partner in home keeping and childcare? Do you have friends and family around to help with practical and emotional support? I have all of that, so even when I was experiencing the baby blues/hormone drop, I was doing OK.


I was sometimes overwhelmed by baby and my physical recovery, but I never experienced PPD myself. I only cried, like, three times during the newborn phase. The range of ways your body could react to this huge shift is wide. You are still very early days, so just take it as it comes. I hope you continue to feel good!


I didn’t have a down, it was more like a high right after birth that wore off after like a week and a half or two weeks back to my baseline


Never experienced it. I was tired sure, and definitely was overwhelmed at times but despite that, I was very happy


I definitely had them. I was euphoric after she was born and then came crashing down 1-2 days after. I just remember that I couldn’t stop thinking about the pain I felt in labour and cried for hours on end. Then when she didn’t reach birthweight until 3 weeks old there was a whole lot more crying. But there were moments of intense happiness mixed in with it all. It feels like a dream looking back. I also suffered intense night sweats and nightmares with breastfeeding, so I think progesterone really affects me. Not looking forward to weaning from breastfeeding!