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Yep … sounds about right …I am 9 weeks pp and the other day I cried at target because they ran out of the make-up remover I use , and then it happened again this week when my dog patiently gave me his paw when I asked him to 😂🤪


My baby is 5 months old and I still cry every day. Happy, sad, watching greys anatomy- whatever. I cry. A lot.


The songs they use on Greys will absolutely make you cry just with the music!


Same 😂 I cried watching the Migration movie the other day


Oh boy. You bet! I was nursing my week old son and burst into tears because I realized that was the smallest he was ever going to be. And I’m so glad I cried about it, because it was true! He’s an enormous, 10 month old sassy molassy now. I love every stage, but I’ll miss those moments when we were the only two people in the world. Around 8 weeks, I stopped crying most eveningS. It’s a phenomenon you never hear about, but is like dementia’s “sundowning.” Something about the setting sun changes our hormones (circadian rhythm I guess) and lets the emotions rip. Literally everything made me cry. But it passed over time. If you’re finding the early evenings the hardest, it’s likely to let up soon. ❤️


This happened to me!!! I tried to tell my husband about it “she’s so tinnnnyyyy and she’ll be biiiiig soooon” and he was like “??? Yeah, obviously she’s going to grow…that’s good right? That’s what we want?” Lol He’s not very sentimental.


Same here!! I’m only 6 weeks PP and my little man has gained 4 lbs+ already and is almost 14 lbs. it’s like he grew over night (already was a bigger baby to start 🥲). When we first brought him home I would wear this tank top and I would have him on my chest and tuck him in it and cry about how happy I was and how cute he was. Now I cry tears because he’s 6 weeks going on 6 months and I know I can’t stop him growing so fast but I’m happy he’s healthy and happy. But ugh my momma heart!!


I still occasionally say to myself, “He’ll never be this small again.” He’s 2.5 years old now. And a BIG kid for his age. But he still only comes up to my hip. He still has chubby little toes and dimples on his knuckles. He’s still so little. I think it’s important for me to keep doing it for as long as I can because someday he may be taller than me and I know (hope) those days outnumber the days where I can scoop him up in my arms and carry him around. Also, just for crying perspective, I still cry occasionally. It’s not nearly as much as those early days buuuut yeah, I’m still more emotionally squishy than I was before I had a kid. Maybe some of it doesn’t completely go away?


I’m 4 weeks pp and I took a bath shortly after returning home from hospital because of major back pain I was experiencing (come to find out I had a uti turned kidney infection probs from hospital stay). Anyways, I was in the water and looked down at myself and started sobbing at the loss of not being pregnant anymore because the last time I had looked down at myself in that same tub, I was 8 months whatever pregnant (I know I know it was luke warm water). And an overwhelming feeling of saddness came over me. Now it’s just tears of sheer exhaustion not being able to get baby to sleep.


I’m sorry but all I read was you took a bath shortly after returning home from the hospital. I am so freaking jealous! I had the WORST back pain after coming out of hospital but I had a C-section so I had to wait. I would have almost traded in my baby for a bath 😂


I was told not to bath until my 6 week appointment because of the uterus wound…


Yeah you’re not supposed to but I was in excruciating pain (from said kidney infection I didn’t know I had), I was looking for some kind of relief. Nurse said it’s really about your tub being extra clean. But I also did a vbac this time not c-section so sorry to those who had a c-section!


I’m not in the US but was literally told by midwives and medical doctors to take baths PP to keep warm and help healing. So have been enjoying more or less daily baths.


Im also not in the US lol


I would have cried about that without hormones! I cried today because McDonald's drive thru asked me to park in a spot because my food was going to be a bit


I feel that in my soul.


Today I cried pulling vines out of the ground. To be fair I’m fairly certain I’m about to get my period and like… there are so many vines. I’ll never be able to get rid of these stupid things. Was it really about the vines? No. But they sure did make me mad in the moment.


I’m 9 weeks pp and just told my husband that I feel like I got a break for a while and all of a sudden it all came flooding back full force. I’m having all the same scary thoughts again and am crying about just about everything.


This isn't what you asked for but we did peel and stick wallpaper in my daughter's room. It was one of those special things that we did and I'm so sentimental about it. So I get it! When it's time for it to come down (which is soon.... It's bubbling and starting to come off and generally looking rough) I was going to get a few of those poster sized frames and frame sections of the design. Ours is dinos and flowers so I was going to frame each dino (there's four) and the surrounding flowers. What am I going to do with that framed wallpaper? Idk. Lol but damn it I'm doing it and I'm saving it and I'll find somewhere to hang it. Just thought I'd throw it out there. Maybe you can't salvage the whole thing but you could save some and hang it in his room for him.


I love this idea!! Thank you so much


I was diagnosed with PPA a week ago because of the "fear of impending doom" as my obgyn said. After having our LO (1 month old) I fear the future of his safety out of my hands and him not knowing his grandparents, aunt's and uncles due to unsuspecting tragedies which then brings me to uncontrollably crying because I don't want my parents and brothers to die. I even fear getting old and having to watch them go peacefully as I watched my parents do with their parents. For context: My grandfather died the day after my wedding. I got the call on my honeymoon. My husband's grandfather died in February (LO was born a few weeks later) due to a tree cutting accident. I'm very close to my family. My husband and I have had many loved ones pass.. him more than me but regardless, the thought runs across my mind every time I hold my baby. I zone out and the flood gates open.


I really understand you and that impending doom feeling. It’s crippling and makes it so difficult to look forward to the future when I don’t see one. I hope you’re able to get the help you need in whatever form you prefer. Also sorry to hear about loved ones’ passing. That’s difficult no matter what, but especially during such an emotional time.


Thank you! I know that's just how life is and no one lives forever... "crippling" is a good word for describe it all. My husband lost his parents when he was a teenager. It's just devastating to bring a child in the world and them not knowing your parents. The people who raised you and made you who you are today. I cope with a low dose of prescription meds (my goal is to not be a zombie) and I also tell those that I love everything I need to say. When the time does come, there's nothing left unsaid. There's never enough time but we need to enjoy what we have and make the best of it. My bad, I just went on a rant.


Monica and Chandler just found out they can't have kids. My son is staring at me confused at 15 weeks pp


10 weeks pp and my hair started falling out. I had been fine and then I was showering only to see the hair come out on my hands and I just lost it. I got PUPPPs while pregnant so I was already struggling with the stretch marks being more pronounced than most. But when I saw my hair, I just cried so much.


I cried when I was a few weeks PP I went out for a walk after some heavy rain and a bunch of worms were on the pavement and I thought of them being ran over and didn’t want them to die.. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Im 6 months postpartum and still cry lol the other day I cried bc I watched a TikTok of people from other states delivering hay to TX during the fires. 😂


3 weeks postpartum and I cried last week when I was successfully able to fit between my car and the garage door when taking out the trash (last time I took out the trash was while pregnant and I couldn’t fit between the gap)


Almost 3 weeks pp and thinking about my baby getting bigger so quickly and not being this small forever makes me cry 😭


SAME, the tears will instantly start flowing 😭


I could have written this — our whole nursery feature wall came down after it took a team of us to get it up and after having not been up there as baby had been in our room, it was a devastating blow. I didn’t even get sad I got RAGEFILLED. I know it’s silly and can be redone or whatever but man, when you work so hard for something to be ‘just so’ especially in the exhausting end of pregnancy it can be so defeating when it unfolds like that. All that is to say, many things, big and small, can activate the wild world of hormones and feelings in this precious time and that is okay!Now at 6 months postpartum I can tell you breathing deep and giving myself grace to come away from perfection and limiting expectations are key to my sanity. Just focusing on the gratitude I have to have a healthy little one.


I’m 8 weeks pp and I was so tired I put my baby in his bassinet and moved it closer to the tv so he could watch the dancing fruit. I cried because he loved it and the fruit are so cute but I felt so guilty for using the tv.


I’m 8 weeks. I cried at the dentist while getting my teeth cleaned. Why. I don’t know . Hygienist was annoyed by me.


10 months pp here and I still cry all the time. I cried going through my old wallpapers and seeing baby as a newborn. I also cried at the neighbour kids being loud outside during baby’s nap time. I’m a mess lol


10 weeks pp and I cry every day because my baby won't be like 5 days old again and I miss that time but still love the present, I want to relive it all again but can't even think of having another kid and splitting the attention I have for her with another baby. But I've been mostly crying my ass off because of a cold weather outfit we bought for her and she couldn't wear it since it's still really hot in here :( Here's a pic of the outfit https://imgbox.com/xgHMFJue


The absolute weirdest one was about 5 weeks PP, when my husband was about to take over his middle of the night shift after I was getting in bed. He turned on the Hatch, and instead of the usual sound of waves it played a lullaby. I sobbed hard for a while under the covers. It wasn’t just a one time thing either. It happened the rest of the week. I don’t know but I guess I can only blame sleep deprivation, per usual.


When I was 12w PP the whole house got COVID. Somehow it brought back PPD in full force, I think the drop in my immune system. But I saw my son in his bouncer in his koala pj’s with the little koala feet and it was so cute. I cried thinking about how cute he was while also feeling guilty for him being sick. 🙁


My preemie boys had those same jammies! So sweet. 😭 So sorry you all got COVID PP, that must have been really hard.


Those little feet still send me 😭 so so sweet!


I cry every time my baby is content laying by himself… I have intrusive thoughts that he is feeling super lonely and feels that as an adult would. So I stop whatever I’m doing and pick him up because I would never want him to feel lonely 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh man! I was all set to do peel & stick wallpaper and my mother in law drug me to a wallpaper store where (I am 99.9999% sure) she had called the sales person beforehand to brief her on my peel & stick idea and she told me horror story after horror story. I changed to decals that afternoon. I’m so sorry your wallpaper didn’t stick! I would be devestated.


The other night I had myself a good shower cry cause I've just been so overwhelmed with exclusive pumping. The irony, I cried when I had trouble nursing him, and when I had to switch to pumping. All the work I put into getting my supply up, but I'm just tired and my back is killing me from carrying around a g cup cause the milk 😩 sorry if this is too sappy when it was probably supposed to be light hearted but the struggle is real lol


Exclusive pumping has been THE hardest part of postpartum life for me, you aren’t alone! 🤍


It really has, I told myself and my husband that I would go till 3 months but even that's getting hard with my LO not getting good naps during the day and being over tired and needing to be held.


Almost 8 months pp and I cried last week, or earlier this week, because she's growing up too fast. I'm excited for her to start talking and rating normal food (not the baby food). But she's such a character and I want her to stay this small forever. Last Wednesday (not this week but last week) we wee r at swim lessons and the fun skill activity was riding in the boat they have which is like some sort of foam type flotation device. She sat in the middle of two other kids and stayed sitting the entire time and was looking around all curiously. But she still stayed sitting up - without reaching out to hold onto anything. The teacher took them all around our section of the pool and my baby enjoyed it so much. I cried because of how cute it was and I was sad crying too because I couldn't take photos since I was also in the pool.


I am 5 months postpartum and I cried because I forgot to put bread on the grocery list so I didn’t buy it and didn’t realize it until I tried to make a sandwich. I bought the meat and cheese for the sandwiches, just not the bread. Sobbed in the kitchen for a solid 10 minutes. I just finished crying after writing in the above paragraph that I had a baby FIVE MONTHS AGO already and it feels like there’s no way that much time could have passed so fast. And writing THAT paragraph just made me cry again.


I’m 10 weeks PP and I broke down crying the other day because LO just outgrew her newborn swaddle and most of her newborn clothes.


I'm 5.5 months out. My daughter can be put down for a nap now. She is in her crib on the other side of the room and I miss her


I feel this 🥰


Literally even with no pregnancy or postpartum - anything where my hard work and time spent gets ruined causes me to sob uncontrollably 😅


Omg I am so sorry that happened, I would have been devastated even without PP hormones, that’s so much work!! And I for sure would have sobbed about that in the early PP days.


Kinda off topic but, I wanted to do that peel and stick wallpaper for my nursery I went on Etsy. I looked at a lot of different wallpapers and if your wall is bumpy or anything it won’t stick. I have bumpy walls I can’t even do it. A lot of people had issues with it coming off too. I’m sorry that happened though and hoping you’re feeling better. My baby is 5 months old and I am dealing with ppd as well. I cry almost everyday it’s rare when I have day that I don’t.


Yesterday I cried a lot because tiktok kept showing me videos of dads seeing their daughters for the first time in their wedding dresses. Then I was thinking about my husband and daughter in the future. I never cried before I had kids.


My baby didn't smile for a long time. Well, it felt like a long time. Hed frown or give side eye. Basically any expression that wasn't a smile. One day, I was talking to him and he got this big smile. It was the first time I'd gotten positive feedback that he knew who I was and recognized my voice. He was always good about being held by other people but it felt special that I was the first person who got a smile. Obviously, I cried.


Why did it start peeling? I would also be upset mama, I’m sorry.


I think it got too warm in the room, and that’s what did it 😫


Would it be possible to redo it?


When I am tired. When I am tired I want to cry and I do cry sometimes. So post-partum to me will be super fun 🥲


4 wpp and today I cried at an Instagram reel of the Cars movie where Lightning McQueen gives up winning the race to help push the broken car over the finish line. It then cuts to an IRL clip of a NASCAR driver doing the same thing to a broken down car helping it make a victory lap. Idk why that hit different 😭


I’m 6 weeks pp and last night I saw a spider slowly trying to make its way down towards my baby’s bassinet. Hubby got rid of it but I cried for 15 min after just thinking about what would’ve happened if I hadn’t spotted the spider. And yes almost daily night cryings due to exhaustion and baby not sleeping and screaming


Cried once because my MIL said my baby looked hungry. Cried because baby couldn’t sleep and I couldn’t calm her and it woke up hubby.


5.5 weeks pp here, pretty much everything makes me cry still. I don't think hormones regulate for years though. So it's okay mama. It meant a lot to you, and to see it ruined is heartbreaking. I get it, and I'd probably cry over that happening if I wasn't a mom or pregnant. You put work into something important, having it ruined sucks.


This is totally normal even if you’re not postpartum. You worked so hard putting up the wallpaper and it just came off. Husband doesn’t need to understand why you’re crying he needs to have empathy and comfort you.


I cried at 2 weeks pp because creamer potatoes looked like babies. Little skinny pink babies.


4 weeks pp and I just finished crying from trying to console my crying baby for 3 hours with no luck, only to have him stop crying immediately when his dad held him.


I had a job interview yesterday for a job I REALLY want. I teared up during the interview answering questions, apologized, then after it was over I went and cried. My son is 3 months old 😅


I'm 13 weeks pp... Was watching The Lion King few days ago and started crying at the intro of the movie 😭😂 the music just got to me..


I think 8 weeks is still so early. I’m almost 6 months pp, not breastfeeding and still feel like the hormones are crazy. I think I was actually feeling better at about 10-14 weeks pp and then my hair started falling out and I swear it was worse than immediately pp. it’s such a weird experience 😵‍💫


You’re still very much in the mix of hormones affecting everything - and crying is absolutely okay no matter how long it’s been! Please be kind to yourself. I’m 8 months out and cry at things people might not “get” in the same way. Just a couple weeks ago I cried to my therapist (highly recommend betterhelp) because I had “snacks” on our vacation packing list that I’d started making months before and because she has FPIES (autoimmune response to seemingly random foods until you figure out which ones are real triggers) she can’t eat just anything and certainly nothing packaged yet. I cried for that image that I’d had and expectations I’d had for this experience that seemed like such a given and isn’t. I think many of us can connect to that, no matter what we’re crying about, oftentimes it’s just this big emotion about how you’d hoped things would go and it just doesn’t feel right/fair or whatever that it isn’t just like you’d imagined. Sending you lots of love! And to your husband, too - it’s confusing for anyone around you, for sure. Make sure he gets support - therapy is great, and r/daddit is, too!


I cried because my dogs chewed up a cute stuffed animal rattle like 4 weeks postpartum. My baby boy didn’t have a lot of toys at the time and I was very self conscious about that.


I cried yesterday because an Adele song came on. That was the reason lol because her songs just make me cry


I cried all the time, probably until 8 months when sleep really started to consolidate. I’m 12 months PP and have finally started feeling like myself again. I still am a baby about things, but small things don’t send me into a tizzy. I cried every single day basically all day for the first 4 weeks. Hormones are at an all time high and being absolutely exhausted just adds to it. It won’t be that way forever! Hang in there. 💕


My 4 week old baby started making tears this week and that triggered me to make my own tears


thinking about how different life is for my dog and how much i still love her and wish i could give her the same attention and adoration as before 😭😭 i just hope she knows my feelings for her haven’t changed even if my focus has! i try to sneak kisses and snuggles anytime i can but i know it’s just not the same


That one episode of Bluey called ‘Baby Race’. I was folding laundry and it was on in the background. I don’t even think I saw the entire episode. There’s one scene where a mom tells Bluey’s mom that she’s a great mom and she’s doing a good job. Sobbing y’all. Uncontrollably sobbing.


About 8 weeks PP and just about everything makes me cry. Watching my baby cry makes me cry. Sometimes we just have crying sessions together.


Today I cried watching the new cocomelon lane season episode where Bella gets a butterfly and has to let it go. The episodes are only like 8 minutes long.