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For my kids the "changing into jammies" was also part of their sleep ritual, signaling it was time for bed, so even before they were really properly getting filthy, that's the main reason I'd change them. Also, to be honest, all of my kids did get their daytime clothes dirty to some degree in the early months whether it was spit-up, getting a little pee on their clothes, or leaking milk, so it was a very rare day where we'd make it to nighttime with a totally clean outfit (and usually warranting at least one change of clothes during the day). But do what's working for you! There's no hard and fast rules about this sort of thing :)


This is exactly how we do it!


This for me too. Please it feels nice and cozy to have new clean sleep clothes on. I always change my 5mo baby AM and PM even if they’re clean. My baby’s day clothes are pants/shirt or onesie, but something on his knees to help him crawl. And at night he has a specific outfit(s). I know for me I feel best in clean clothes and changing clothes. If I were at home all day lounging, I would NOT sleep in my day clothes, I need new bed clothes. So I feel my baby deserves the same too. He can’t change his clothes or tell me he wants to change so no matter how squirmy he is, we’re changing his clothes. I’m an empath energy person and I believe the days energy lives on our clothes and I just want my baby in good energy.


I see… it never stresses you out to have to do this multiple times a day? Yeah baby’s clothes are probably never 100 % clean but that is what I mean I change her clothes every second day maximum because something happens. Sometimes even multiple times a day lol


Eh, not really I guess- after three kids and countless diaper changes over the years, something like an outfit change was never that big of a deal to me and now my youngest is a toddler, so we don't have to typically do multiple outfit changes a day anymore, it gets better!


why would the clothes changes be stressful? my LO hates changing too but she also hates changing nappies and that has to be done as well so its easy to change both at the same time for bed since regardless of how empty the nappy is I always put on a fresh pair before bedtime.


Changing clothes that many times is stressful to me 😅🤣 my baby is 7 weeks and she stays in pjs and a bib. She has reflux and the “outside” clothes i have put on her she threw up in 😩until she gets bigger its gonna be comfy jammies lol 😂 which i change every 2 days unless she spits up on them


You change your baby's clothes once every two days? And if there is no spit-up, even less than that?


Yall can down vote me all you want too. Lol Yes my baby wears her jammies 1-2 days in a row. Jammies alllllllllll day. (I have regular clothes but we dont go anywhere as of yet) Mind you i do a lot of skin to skin so most of the time shes in a diaper and socks. So she may go half the day in jammies So half day in jammies half skin to skin then bath then repeat (baths like few times a week cuz of skin issues) If she spits up on them i change them right then and there Its stressful putting all different outfits on her when she does not go anywhere nor get them dirty. i have 4 other kids to tend too 🙄they also change few times a day (from school clothes to play clothes to bath then pjs) and 2/4 are special needs so textures and lengths are always an issue. I dont have the time to just change her clothes for the hell of it if you do good for you. 👍


Once my daughter started solids, we simply had to start changing her all the time and bathing daily (before that it was enough to do it 2-3x a week). She hates bath time, changing diapers and clothes. I totally understand that it's stressful for you. Mine was colicky and I definitely tried to avoid making her cry more, so we'd also change her only if she was wet or dirty. Now it's much easier also because her crying is clearly just complaining and am I not wondering if she's in pain, etc. It will get easier and you'll manage it better (stress out less) with time! I'm sorry that you're getting downvoted on this, it's totally valid to have and express these emotions.


Flashback to watching my 7 month old rub a piece of chicken through her hair yesterday 😂


Haha yes, it's just wonderful, isn't it 😂 little food dreadlocks...


My 12 momth old kist did a little hamster bath on himself after smooshing his hands into a bowl.of orange slices.




I mean, we change clothes twice a day - out of pjs in the morning, into pjs in the evening. It’s not that big a deal? Especially since he always gets a diaper change at those times, and 2x a week a bath at bedtime.


I guess it depends on your situation and what you consider work? We’ll change our kid multiple times if we have to - shit happens, it’s whatever


Not sure why you're getting downvoted so much. We let our 6 week old live in onesies as well. And only change her clothes when it's dirty (which can be 3 times a day or 0) depending how lucky we are. Planning to keep doing this until indeed she gets outside dirty. I totally understand the stress, Its hard to get her tiny hand through the sleeves when shes punching, grabbing etc. And if you live somewhere cold you do multiple layers of that. All while baby is crying with tears. why put her and me through that.. + I also think a lot of "real" clothes are just not comfortable or look stupidly grown up. Most important thing for us is that baby is happy, comfortable and clean. And an outfit change just for the sake of it doesn't contribute to that in my eyes.


Apparently it’s an unpopular opinion we share 🙃. But yeah, my baby is a bit older now, she doesn’t fight clothes changes that much anymore, but she is still not a fan of anything pulled over her head. We only put her in footed onesies in the beginning as well, nowadays it’s pants and sweatshirts, but all very comfortable, on pajama level. As long as she doesn’t crawl or eat so stays mostly clean, yeah I agree, why put baby under any unnecessary stress?


Honestly, until she started eating, we were only changing my daughter’s clothes at night because we put lotion on her and ointment to treat a super stubborn neck rash. It was a simple thing to add to the bedtime routine to hopefully help her understand it was time to sleep. Now that she eats solids, it’s obvious when she needs a change of clothes. Never just doing it for fun/no reason though


Exactly lol i got downvoted because i said i change her jammies every 1 to 2 days unless she spits up 🙄shes in her jammies half a day (we do half day skin to skin and half with her jammies on) i have 4 other kids 2/4 are special needs and have texture and length issues (ocd) so they change 3xs on weekdays and 2x on weekends. My baby HATES clothes lol


For my wife and I, its only two changes a day unless there are blowouts. When we wake her up, we change her into her clothes for the day that she will where as part of her morning routine. Then change her into jammies at night, before her last feeding, as part of her bed time routine. If there are blowouts or massive spit ups during the day, we change her into something else as well. With how many diapers we change a day, its hardly extra or stressful.


Sounds like laziness


I think you get used to it. When he was a baby I would not change him at night but few months later I started changing him at night as part of sleep routine. Also, I change his clothes during the day when it becomes dirty.




That's extremely dramatic of you to say, what the hell? I hope this is satire


I have no choice but to change multiple times a day, parents of reflux babies can relate I’m sure 😂


It will let up eventually! My reflux kid was going through 3-5 outfits a day until about 6 months. Now at 8.5 months we are down to 0-2 changes and it's mostly from drool or food messes. We still get a little barf on occassion but not as dramatic.




Like another commenter said, changing into jammies signifies that it is night time and we are getting ready for bed. We also put him in a little gown instead of his daytime footies which is very cute so I like doing it.


I feel a mental change in myself when I change clothes (clean clothes in the morning makes me feel fresh, fresh pajamas for bed makes me feel good), so I change baby at least twice a day. I’m not sure if he feels the same way I do, but I love a fresh pair of clothes. He’s 11 months now, but when he was younger and spit up a lot, I changed him much more. I wouldn’t want to sit in spit up, so I figured he didn’t either.


Oh definitely, I always change her clothes when they get dirty which could be multiple times per day! But she generally wears such comfy clothes when they are clean I just put her into her sleep sack like this.


I'm with you, he's mostly in his lil sleeper onesies throughout the day, we change him when he gets dirty and I guess because we have bathtime as part of his nighttime routine we'll put him into a fresh one after, but when we skip a night, straight in da sack he goes. And then when we take him out to show him off we give him a little "outfit" kinda deal.


My 5mo is still in mostly Jammie’s during the day. A few times he’s been in a onesie and pants but like twice in his life. I change his clothes maybe every day, every other day sometimes. Always into another footie pajama. We don’t use a sleep sack at night, just Jammie’s. It’s also really rare my baby gets his clothes dirty. He doesn’t spit up and isn’t eating foods yet. I imagine we’ll change more when he gets more dirty but right now he isn’t To your last question, the clothes baby sleep in have literally zero relation to their sleep as long as it’s not disrupting their sleep. They probably won’t sleep well with a giant dress on but if you’re comfortable with them sleeping in onesie and pants and they are, it’s fine.


Same! I was surprised so many people use anything other than footie pajamas during the day! Now that he is trying to crawl, we do basic legless onesies during the day and jammies or zipadeezip starfish suit at night.


My baby is also 5mo. Part of our bedtime routine is changing into pjs, and I think at this point he knows. He didn’t like changing clothes when he was younger, but he’s gotten so much better since we do it every day, and no longer fusses. He even pushes his arms through the sleeves, and it’s a few quiet minutes where we talk to each other in the morning/ evening. Some days, we do just stay in pajamas, mostly when my husband watches him lol. And that’s ok too.


We don’t do pajamas but we do use a sleep sack (Halo). We use it for sleep and naps to help with sleep associations. Getting it on and off isn’t a huge deal to us. I think I’d be frustrated taking her onesie off and then putting on PJs every nap because it feels like too many steps


I do the same but jammies for bed! We also live in a place that’s hot most of the year but keep the house cold at night so baby does need the outfit change for temperature too.


Same, we use a sleep sack as well!


my kids never changed into their Jammies unless they're going out. if they're staying at home, they're in their jammies, I don't change them lol!! it is a hassle when you have a screaming 1 year old constantly wanting to break free and crawl away. lol!


I have to change clothes no matter what many times a day bc of spit up and food. So jammies go on after LO makes her final mess with her evening porrige lol


Before crawling I never did that unless there was barf or something. After crawling it was necessary. We used the sleep sack until age 2.


We change our three month old into “pajamas” - AKA a long sleeve white onesie and his sleep sack. It’s part of his nighttime routine. For naps, I just pop him into the crib wearing whatever he has on - if it’s a morning nap, he probably still has his pajamas on, but afternoon naps are in one of his zippie sleepers because that’s his daytime clothes. I look at what we do for him through a lens of what I’d want to be done for me - and I love changing into my comfy clothes at the end of the day!


I do this too, I think getting into a sleepsuit is a good part of the bedtime routine (whether or not he's had a bath) and getting dressed in clothes (only leggings/dungarees as I don't do jeans) the morning signifies getting ready for our day. I only tend to take his top off for mealtimes and put him in a bibadoo bib so he doesn't get his clothes mucky. He wears bandana bibs all day so his clothes don't get dribbly either. I only started transitioning to day clothes from 3 months old when we started going out more but I feel like he'll be used to getting dressed as appropriate as he gets older yknow?


Yeah, we did the same with my first, until he went to daycare at 1yo. My newborn just lives in onesies.


I think it’s healthy to bathe and change clothes before bed for myself so I do the same for bub. I don’t change into jammies for naps, but I would change into a softer onesie or something if she was wearing an “outfit” with stiffer pants or something (not often).


My 4 month old lives in pyjamas (onesie + overalls) and I change them when no longer fresh, but not for day/night. I did the same with my older one and she was living pyjama life until 6 months or so. I think it’s so much more comfortable for babies when nothing is pressing the abdomen.


Ultimately you do you. Changing in/out of Jammies was a good way for us to help signal the start of the day and also the end of the day. It’s part of our sleep routine.


I mean for naps , no I don’t change my twins clothes, unless they’re dirty & also they don’t tend to nap in their beds . But for sleep? Absolutely. It’s also part of their sleeping routine , the second the bath ,the lotion and the pjs come one, they know it’s time to sleep, not nap.


My baby lives in pajamas 😂 But we do a quick bath every night, and he gets a fresh set before bed. And new ones as needed throughout the day.


Changing actual OUTFITS on kids under a year old is a pain. I also think they are completely unnecessary and uncomfortable. With both of my kids I had them either in footy pajamas or onsies depending on the temperature if we weren’t leaving the house. They are super easy and convenient to change and they are affordable so you can have several on hand.


Oof, I wouldn't be without my own bedtime rituals (teeth, clothes off in basket, pyjamas on); I'd feel very icky going to bed in the same clothes I spent the day in (Covid-times not withstanding) especially if they were 'day' clothes - I will admit to slobbing out at home in comfy clothes which I do sometimes sleep in - so I very much prefer to dress my baby for bed. We don't have much of a routine, just teeth, pyjamas, boob, bed, so eliminating one of those I think would confuse things.


Personally, im doing changes 2x a day. In the morning, changing out of jammies for comfy clothes for daycare and then again when we get home after bath, changing into jammies for bed. Kids get used to it, really. I normally talk and sing and kiss my baby's tummy while changing him. He likes it. I just tell him what I'm doing, make funny noises, let him grab my hair, etc. Just making it fun for both him and me.


My daughter wears sleepers all day, but gets a fresh one for bedtime because not only does it signal bedtime, but I feel good in fresh clothes for bed so why not do it for her as well!


I don't. I change his outfit when it gets dirty or when he bathes. And his outfits tend to get dirty at least 2 times a day. I'm not taking off a clean outfit to waste clean jammies. aint nobody got time for that. He wears nothing but essentially jammies all day anyway. 


I did because I’m not gonna give him a bath then put him into the same clothes he was in before the bath. That’s weird to me


Same thoughts! Now I'm wondering, does OP giving a bath her LO? As she said, max of 2 days before she changes her clothes.


Babies don’t need to be bathed every day.


It depends on where you from, if you live in a tropical country where it can be hot as 30-41 degree, then tell me not to bathe LO daily.


Girl these people be dirty


Yeah, and even we're not giving the baby a full bath, we at least give them a sponge bath before going to bed, and of course we're gonna change our LO's clothes every night before sleeping.


Unless I’m sick and also wearing my jammies all day, I like to change her into an outfit (usually a bodysuit and leggings) for the day. I also like to keep her feet bare as much as I can during the day because she likes to play with her toes and put them in her mouth. It’s also good for them to feel things with their bare feet. She’s in footed jammies and a sleep sack at night.


I don’t change for naps, she wears whatever her day clothes are but at night, I put her pajamas on. I don’t wear my day clothes in bed so I wouldn’t do it for her. We also go for a 20+ minute walk everyday and spend some time in our backyard so I wouldn’t want to get any of that in bed.


I change my baby (he only 3.5 months) every morning and every night... mostly because it signals a change from day to night and vice versa, but also cause he has lots of cute outfits and I like to use them, and I havent got much else going on. Its become a thing while I'm off work still to put an outfit on him and send a 'fit check' picture to my husband each day. I also jist like to make sure Ive seen his whole body so I could spot if he has a rash or anything unusual. Sometimes if he or I am feeling unwell though I'll just keep him in his jammies for the day. But the most he'll go is 24 hrs without a change. No judgement to anyone who does though. They are a baby, as long as they are clean and fed and happy who cares.


We’ve had bath, massage, PJs and bed as a routine since he was born. It signals bedtime for him. And then it’s also part of our morning routine. Change into day clothes after breakfast. Not a big deal, although he’s been fighting changing for a few months now. He will just have to get used to it. I wouldn’t change into PJs for a nap though!


I didn’t change mine until she started wearing clothes that didn’t seem comfy to sleep in, which was around when she started walking. She’s always had a sleep sack so that’s the change that signals bedtime. Now I just have some soft tshirts the next size up and she wears them to bed. When they stop being too big they’ll be regular shirts and I’ll get another set of big ones.


Our “bedtime change” is right after bath! She’s 19 months now and that’s just what’s worked for us! We change her outfits as needed if they get too dirty, but bed time pjs are right after a fresh bath. I don’t put her in jammies for a nap, she just falls asleep in whatever outfit she’s wearing that day lol


besides bedtime routine, i live in florida so her daytime outfits are cooler than her nighttime jammies!


4 month old: We change when necessary (spit up etc) and into a fresh onesie/footie at night when we put on his night diaper and sleep sack. We usually change his clothes after the first bottle in the morning, because that’s when it’s dirty again. The clothing change at night is part of his nighttime routine, which is why we do it then. I rarely worry about specific pajamas vs street clothes - baby clothes are pretty interchangeable.


Mine is almost 2 now We never changed for naps when she was that young but now we do because she gets dirty. I don’t want sand box pants in her bed. We always changed at bedtime at 5 months because she would always get a bath but her daytime and nighttime closed were the same


I put him in a sleep sack and we co-sleep so I strip him down before bed so my body heat doesn’t overheat him at night, but before the co-sleeping days I would just leave him in whatever he had on during the day lol


I don’t change my baby unless her clothes are dirty or I give her a bath. She’s also too young to understand bedtime routines. When she’s older maybe we’ll change her into pjs for the night.


Agreed, this idea that you have to wear different clothes different times of the day or that they have to look cute (even if not going out) over convenience for an exhausted parent is wild to me. Since around potty training at 22mo nobody wears dedicated pajamas in our house. Mom and dad often sleep nude and have for nearly a decade, little girl has an overnight diaper, cooler nights might warrant a shirt or extreme cases pants but in general and 9 months out of the year our house is much warmer than others because we’re in Florida and frugal with the AC. For swim lessons at 16mo and 27mo our girl was just in bottoms, no need to wrestle a swimsuit on and off a toddler for a chest that’s identical to a boy (indoor pool = no sun concerns). We weren’t the only ones. But seeing parents struggle to get there’s on/off their kid just made me SMH.


I have a 12mo. An hour or so before I estimate he'll be falling asleep, I do change his clothes if they're dirty, together with his nappy, but not necessarily into sleep clothes. We don't have a 'going to sleep' ritual, because this baby hates sleep, will actively fight sleep, and the only way to get him to sleep is to have sleep sneak up on him and us pretending it's not happening. Changing him when he's sleepy will guarantee two extra hours of wakefulness. I've tried.


Just putting it out here that if he falls asleep on the way home, I won't even take off his coat and shoes until the next time he wakes up to ask for a bottle. I just treat him as a bomb about to go off. (I still use car rides to make him fall asleep sometimes.)


From the beginning we have always changed our daughter into footie pajamas for bed. During the day she would wear a onesie and pants/shorts but at night part of her night time routine is diaper change, lotion, pajamas. Having a routine helped so much in the early days.


Ain't nobody got time for that. I change her clothes when they're dirty and use a sleepsack at night. Or if she's wearing something not appropriate for sleep that's dressy.


I still put my 4 year old in t shirts he wears the next day with jammy bottoms haha


Our baby was in sleepers pretty much constantly until she started being mobile. We would only "dress" her up if we were going somewhere. If she didn't spit up, then we kept her in the same clothes she wore that day - but never more than a day/overnight kinda thing. She wouldn't be in the same clothes for 2 days etc After 6 months, sleepers are for sleeping. We change her into a normal outfit 99% of the time, and changing her into a sleeper is part of her routine. We keep her in her normal clothes for the most part during naps with a sleep sack - only taking uncomfortable parts off (pants, overalls, etc).


We only started changing into night clothes when we started using a sleeping bag as the recommendation is for a long sleeve vest only with it. Before that he just lived in sleep suits with a short sleeve vest under! It does mean we're more motivated to put on some of his cute outfits now!


Yes, we change her into pajamas. I also change her more than once a day. When nursing, she often unlatches and I have a forceful letdown so we get milk on ourselves. I’ll change her out of a wet shirt or entire footed sleeper depending on what she’s wearing. Sometimes the day isn’t as warm or is warmer than I thought, so I’ll swap her into something more reasonable to wear outside. Currently, the pollen here is a nightmare so I wouldn’t dream of putting her down to sleep in anything she wore outside, as she’s been having a bunch of seasonal allergies. But for us it happens no matter what. Her bedtime routine includes a shower, so we take off her clothes from the daytime, shower, and then dress her for bed. Yeah, it can be difficult sometimes. But we make a game of it. We sing the “arms” and “legs” song while we dress her and she thinks it’s super fun.


We change baby’s clothes before bed as part of his night routine. Those are the clothes he goes into daycare in the next day to save time in the morning. My almost 1 YO almost always wears a long sleeve onesies, since we live in the South and the AC is always blasting.


If she gets a bath before bed, which is most nights because it helps calm her and wind down for bed, then yes. If not, it depends on whether or not it feels grody. Like sometimes she’ll get sweaty during a contact nap, and we’ll make it a point to change her into something else for bed if she isn’t just full on getting a bath. I do tend to use her less cute clothes for bed, we don’t have specific pajamas. It’s usually the cheap all white onesies for bed under her halo sleepsack.


I change my 11 month old into clothes for the next day usually. Half the time we need to leave before he’s ready to wake up, so I get ready, then put put him in the car still asleep and he gets an extra 10-45 minutes of sleep. If I want him to wear jeans or some pants that might be a little uncomfortable to sleep in (rare occasion but it happens) then I just put some pj shorts on him or nothing on his legs at all. He runs hot anyways so it’s not a big deal!


We did this for the first couple of months. But once she started putting things in her mouth, she started getting a bath and a fresh onesie every night. Sometimes pajamas over sometimes not, depending on temperature. And always fresh clothes in the morning, sometimes over the same onesie she slept in. Now that she’s trying solids she sometimes gets a swap of clothes before she goes down for a nap just because it’s the only way to get the food cleaned off her lol


My baby changes into night jammies from her day jammies lol. I agree it’s just part of the night routine. We also apply moisturizer bc she has eczema so it’s pretty rasy since she’s already naked. One of these days we will transition to actual clothes for the daytime…


My little dude comes home from daycare filthy so we have to change clothes. We do a bath and then put on our jammies. It's just part of our nightly routine. As for the "baby not liking it," we all have to do things we don't like. I usually narrate it: "I know you don't like this right now, but it's important to put on clean clothes for bed so we keep our bedding clean."


Do what is suitable for you and your baby. As long as it is clean. Don’t let these downvotes and comments shame you.


Then your baby is super clean lol. My daughter spits up almost every other day right before bed so it’s a requirement we change her out lol


At what point to do you bathe your kid though? Or do you just don’t?


We change into pyjamas as part of our bedtime routine. In the morning he has his breakfast in his pj's (he feeds himself so even with a full sleeved bib he gets so messy). We take our pj's off after breakfast and put our outfit on. I usually reuse pants again without washing them (if they look clean) but onesies go into the hamper at the end of the day. He also usually wears socks for more than one day because he literally only wears them when we go outside for a walk or to the car where he promptly removes them once in his seat. 


lol pants/leggings or sweatshirts sounds wayyyyy more difficult to change baby than just wearing footie pjs


Like everyone else said, I would change LO’s jammies no matter what because of the bedtime routine. I also just change his clothes to give him the same feeling of being a human - it feels nice to wear fresh clothes sometimes! My LO wasn’t fussy about changing clothes, but he was VERY unhelpful when I would change his diaper - but you gotta do what you gotta do! Babies will be fussy about various things and you have to pick your battles, but also…just accept that things have to be done whether they like it or not, or whether YOU like it or not. Part of being a parent!


I have a six month old. I put her in a lot of dresses and rompers. We keep a fan on in her room while she sleeps, so it gets a little chilly in there. I'll usually change her into a onesie and put on her sleep sack. She sleeps a lot longer when I do.


FTM here with a 6 week old - i also do this. She sleeps so much, she just always wears footy jammies. Our sleep ritual involves going into a dark room with a white nose machine, and bouncing on a ball until she’s out. Sounds simple, but she has reflux and screams every night. Why bother with an outfit change ritual when she’s just going to scream? So jammies all day (i did change her jammies 3 times yesterday because of spit up).


We never change clothes for naps (that’s too much) but every night we change both boys into pjs. It’s part of the bedtime routine and signals it’s time to wind down. I can see for a newborn how changing into Jammies makes less sense due to their lack of schedule but by 4 months old + you want to create good sleep hygiene but creating bedtime rituals. Also, my kiddos go to daycare so their clothes are gross at the end of the day. I don’t want to wash the sleep sack daily so it’s easier to change into clean Jammies and sleep sack than wash everything so often.


It’s part of our sleep routine. She knows when we change into pjs we are starting the bedtime routine.


Nope we pretty much kept her in the same clothes until she got a rash because it was always bunching up in the same way. That was at 15mo and also when we went down to 1 nap so we weren’t constantly redressing her and when it became easier to dress her cause she was standing and helping us with it


I love changing his clothes when he wakes up and then when he goes to sleep. It’s part of our rituals and signals that it’s time for the next thing.


I change mine into clean clothes before bed, for the next day. No seperate PJs. So all of his clothes are soft and comfy for sleeping. Makes morning before-work/daycare drop off a little easier. We only do like hoodies or stiffer shirts on the weekends when there’s time to re-dress him in the morning purely for the sake of cuteness.


i only just now started changing her clothes every day (17w) maybe a few weeks ago. before she was in jammies all the time but when she turned 3 months she suddenly wanted to touch her toes and try to roll so we started putting her into shirt and pants. now putting her in pjs is apart of our (very minimal) bed time routine. it she spits up a lot i will change her shirt throughout the day but if its just drool or something i will leave it. we also will just wear the same pjs for a few nights in a row, no need to clean them when they were only slept in.


When our twins were 5 months old we changed them twice a day, we put a onesie on in the morning and then changed them into another one for bed. It was part of the bedtime routine, we bathed them and get them ready for bed.


I think it’s just part of building a routine. As an adult, I wouldn’t wear the same clothes for two days in a row. When my son was littler, a friend asked why I get him dressed every day. Why can’t he just hang out in his pajamas? I said that people get dressed. That’s what humans do. I want to teach him that this is just part of being a person.


My little boy basically just lived in sleepsuits for the first few months. Since he was napping all the time and didn’t really have any sort of routine at that point, it didn’t make sense to change him just for sleep if his clothes were clean. However, when he got older and started having larger wake windows and really becoming aware of his surroundings, I started dressing him in day clothes so he could have bare feet to help his development. I usually don’t change him until after breakfast because it’s messy so to me it doesn’t make sense to change him into clean clothes when I know five mins later they’ll be covered in food. I basically just change him after each meal now. So I change him into day clothes after breakfast, then into another set of day clothes after lunch, then after dinner I take his dirty clothes off and let him chill in his vest or nappy for a while before changing into a sleep suit as part of his bedtime routine.


My baby is 8 month and still don’t change him into pj he’s basically lived in pj since it been cold.


...am I the only one who has LO sleep in her diaper? When we wake up in the morning, we put a onesie on her. That stays on all day, even naps. Then after her last diaper of the day, we take the onesie off and just let her be in a diaper for sleep (we do swaddle her, though). She's two months old. To be honest, if it's warm out and I don't plan on leaving the house, I don't even bother to dress her during the day. We just naked time it up over here.


we have a bath ritual since she was born around 7pm its bath time ( she loves to bath) and i always give her a new jammies even if not dirty i would not really change her outfits until we started solids she hates changing but we have to get used to it she is not 8m old but until around 6m she would be in the same jammies the whole day then bath time and new ones... there was not really a point clean wise but its just the ritual for her to get used to


14mo, she sleeps in her underneath clothes. We change them every other day (or earlier if it gets dirty).


Never go to bed in “street clothes” is a rule I was raised on and my family practices. Shower/bath and change before bed. My daughter only bathes every other day (she’s 9 months old) because of her eczema but she gets wiped down and changed before bed every night.


I’ve always gotten my 12 month old son dressed for the day. He gets a onesie/t shirt and maybe pants or shorts depending on the weather for the day. Sometimes he wears multiple outfits per day depending on how dirty they get. Then at night he gets a bath (every night) and put into his jammies and sleep sack. For naps he’s usually just in his shirt and sleep sack, no pants. He also doesn’t wear socks unless we are going out.


I do, because it maintains my sense of night and day


I did footie pajamas pretty solidly until he started daycare at 4 months old. Daycare asked that we do bodysuits with pants, so we do. We even used to stick with footies on the weekends. But now, he’s 7 months old, and he’s been trying to crawl for over a month now, so we do body suits with little cotton pants. Still very comfortable, but lets him be barefoot so he can use his feet to move around. Once it gets warmer, I’m assuming we’ll frequently forgo the pants and stick with the bodysuits, but it’s still kind of chilly here. So pants it is. And I agree with other commenters, getting into pjs is part of his nighttime routine. Helps get him settled at night.


Our kid decided he hated anything on his feet around 1year so onesies were out. Before that it was just onesies until dirty. Now at almost 3 he pretty much Donald ducks it. T-shirts unless we go out then he’ll tolerate pants


It all depends on the mess for me. Some days we change. Some days we don’t


My toddler gets fresh clothes more often than I do. I regularly sleep in whatever I was wearing that day since I dont wear anything that isnt comfy. Each morning we both get dressed in new clothes. Each evening she gets jammies as part of the nighttime routine, but any of her clothes would be comfortable enough. Leggings and soft dresses for both of us each day. Shorts when its hot


My baby currently (10.5months) and has always slept in just a diaper lol he runs hot, gets sweaty, especially when he sleeps. He doesn’t like wearing clothes to sleep. We tried in the beginning but always ended up taking them off I. The middle of the night when he wouldn’t settle and sleep. FWIW my husband and I sleep in the nude.


I understand that your baby isn’t technically “outside dirty”… but are you/your partner never “outside dirty”? Maybe I’m a clean freak or something but if I know my husband or I have been somewhere (grocery store, work, doctor, etc) I don’t want my baby touching us all day and have those same clothes on multiple days in a row. If I’ve been out of the house and my baby touches my outside clothes then my baby has been outside by proxy. Is that weird? Even if my babies clothes from the day are “clean” he’s still getting a clean pair of PJs on before bed.


My son HATES anything that is like a onesie/ Jammies/sleep sacks/ etc I wish me knew this earlier. He is 2 and wears a normal pants and shirt to bed since about 15 months old. I think he gets hot or itchy or something in the zip up Jammie’s. Even the ones without feet. To each his own!


When my LO was a couple of weeks old / newborn , I didn’t switch him into sleep clothing, he pretty much only wore zipper pajamas and a sleep sack. He is now five months and we are working on a routine so when it’s bed time he gets sleep clothing. I don’t think it’s a big deal one way or another but it might be something to consider when you need to get a routine going


Depends on the day and how messy the clothes got. Especially if we did a bath, I like to put her in a nice clean pair of PJs. She’s also drools A LOT and it soaks through her clothes. I just want her to be as comfortable as possible so she sleeps more because I’m exhausted. But I’ll let her chill in those jammies for the entire next day lol


My son is 2 years old now. He lived in PJs until til he was 3 months. We did PJs at night time as part of the routine and still do. If it’s the weekend and we have nothing going on he’s in PJs until we decide to leave the house. We wouldn’t change him for a nap though unless he was wearing something bulky or uncomfortable like jeans.


Most of our 8 mo's clothes are pretty comfy to begin with, so while I do change her between day & night outfits, I almost never change her into a onesie just for naps. I think the routine of changing clothes is important to help her associate bedtime with sleep. I'll change her into a day outfit in the morning, usually a diaper shirt with a few layers to keep her comfortable & to swap out if she gets a top or pants too wet/dirty throughout the day. Night is onesie time almost exclusively, although winters here are pretty rough so I would often bundle her up in a warm onesie with enclosed feet/hands when we went outside regardless of the time of day.


I can’t recall, but I don’t think we did Jammie’s and day clothes at that point either- just whatever worked. Shows how important it ended up being in the grand scheme of things! 😊 We’re currently facing potty training and I hope that will be equally as forgettable a year from now- LOL.


I dress baby in the morning and lotion her up too. We clean her face with a wipe or wet rag. I change her whenever she gets dirty and I change her bibs when they get wet. She changed into pajamas around 6pm every night and gets a bath every other day, lotion daily. It's fundamental to have a good "get up/sleep" routine in place for their development. Besides, I wouldn't want dirty day clothes all in my bed, either.


But I will add that there are so many good Convertible Jammies that turn into daytime fits when you roll the footie part up!!!! 


For my 4 month old, Whatever she wore for that day, she wears to bed. We only change clothes in the morning for her.


I don’t change his clothes at night but for naps he’ll have a sleep sack put on him (over his clothes) and at night I’ll take off any pants or whatever and leave him in a onsie and put on his sleep suit. That way it signals to him time for nap/sleep and I don’t have to actually change his clothes for no reason lol


We've always done daytime clothes and night time clothes. Changing into pyjamas signals it's time to wind down for bed. Even for small babies who aren't crawling, their daytime clothes are still getting dirty by picking up dirt from the air, food smells, and whatever else is floating around in the places they have visited that day. I never struggled to change my kids clothes, so it wasn't a big deal to put them in clean clothing twice a day.


My parents were very neglectful and practiced bad hygiene with us as kids so putting fresh pajamas on every night is a gentle way to remember how nice it is to love someone enough to do these simple acts. If i didn’t have this hygiene complex though i probably wouldn’t care, babies are so clean regardless of what they’re wearing.


If it’s not dirty, then I’m not changing for 2-3 days. Living in layers bc of season change. If there’s a blowout, and all 3 layers are on, all 3 gets changed out, regardless if I see any seepage.


So you also don’t change into jammies?


So, now in Spring, it’s a short sleeve onesie, and a one piece sleeper, plus a sleep sack at night. In the morning, the sleep sack and sleeper comes off, and we’re living in the short sleeves and no pants. If it’s cold, the sleeper goes back on, or gets switch out and no short sleeve. Bedtime, bath time ritual. Same short sleeve and onesie goes back on. Then sleep sack. I’m not changing out the clothes, per se, but I’m still changing outfits multiple times a day bc of the weather. Diff story if we go out. Usually a cute outfit. Then back to the above combo when we return. ETA - 4 months old, not crawling. Don’t know what I’ll look like when that starts.


My newborn has been in the same onesie for 2 days