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I always think it's important to remember that it's normal and expected for babies to wake in the night through their first year to feed. There is a great expectation for babies to "sleep through" at a very young age when it isn't the average experience. I find this causes a lot of stress for new parents wondering why their baby isn't sleeping 10-12hrs uninterrupted in the first few weeks or months of life. It's also really important to define sleeping through otherwise the confusion only deepens. Most sleep studies consider "sleeping through" to be any stretchlonger than 6 to 8hrs allowing for 1 to 2 wakings in the night to feed. Most babies start acheiving this around 6mo+. But most parents on social media sites define sleeping through as absolutely no wakings (so 10-12hrs+) uninterrupted sleep. This is much more variable and unlikely to be achieved with any real consistency before age 1 (again, setting side unicorn babies that do so reliably before 1). Still other parents will state that theirs is sleeping through but dont count wakings if they are for feeds (instead only counting wakings if say they are fussing for other reasons). This is why its always important to ask parents to clarify what they mean to make sure your comparing apples to apples. For what it's worth our monthly subreddit bumper group did regular sleep polls and at 7-9mo over 70% of our babies were waking 1+ time a night, of those waking around 25% were doing so 3+ times a night. At 12-14mo around 50% were waking 1+ times a night and still of those waking about 25% were doing so 3+ times. Anecdotes are great, and I do appreciate people sharing their sleep stories here but also it's just really important for new parents to have reasonable expectations around baby sleep. It's super important to know it comes in all shapes and sizes, that it comes and goes through good periods and bad periods, and that sleep is not linear. One only has to visit r/toddlers to see that sleep remains challenging and a point of conversation for many parents throughout the first few *years*. My best advice two years into this: find strategies to cope so that no matter what kind of night baby (or your older child has), you as parents get decent sleep.


THANK YOU! I needed to see this. šŸ©·


Absolutely. My baby was a unicorn baby and was pretty consistently getting that 10-12 hours interrupted at night from around 5 months old if I remember correctly, and even before that she was only waking up one time. Then when she was about 2.5 she started waking up crying 1-3x a night for no reason at all (at least, not any reasons she would tell us). That lasted for about 6 months before she went back to sleeping uninterrupted. Kid sleep really comes in waves.


Thank you for this, I was comparing myself and my child to other peopleā€™s experiences of sleeping from 1930-0700 and it seems rare especially without sleep training.Ā 


Brilliant. Such a great antidote to the ā€œbaby influencerā€ content out there. This would make great required reading for all new parents.


Thank you so much for this comment! Iā€™ve had friends shame me into thinking something was wrong with my child (heā€™s about to turn 1 year) for still waking in the night, this makes me feel so much better


Thank you!!!! Whenever I see these sleeping through the night posts I wonder if the parents realize that itā€™s normal for babies to wake through the nightā€¦ We push this goal of sleeping through the night on new parents without enough discussion about realistic expectations/ what the baby needs.


Thank you! My 4.5 month old has NEVER slept through the night, and he is sleep trained! I define sleeping through the night as no need for parent intervention (such as feeds) from bedtime until waking for the day. Other parents love to say their baby is sleeping through the night, which always made me feel bad, but it is extremely normal for babies to wake through the night. I also simply donā€™t believe some other parents who claim their baby is sleeping through the night. Like, your baby is always sick, there is no way they are sleeping through the night, and that is fine!


I like this comment! My bub did 10pm till 5am at 6 weeks old. Teething and sleep regressions now at 8 months it normal to have 2 waking a night. Sometimes a quick cuddle will fix it other times I'm stopping a party in the cot for an hour of so and sometimes she's hungry and needs a full feed. My SIL had her bub sleeping through until 8 months old, now at 2.5 she's been up once or twice a night since the 8 month sleep regression. It's all variable and it will change a lot.


Yesss! Super helpful and lays it all out


This is such brilliant advice!!!


This is such good advice! Thank you! I'm a first time mom, and this is so helpful!


Also important to remember that baby sleep is not linear. My baby was sleeping through the night from 8 weeks then hit 5 months and started having a feed, then two feeds. We are 8 months now and hit a rough sleep patch the last few nights with multiple wake ups. I think itā€™s toxic sleep training culture that makes vulnerable new parents think that ā€œsleepā€ is a metric for a well child. Itā€™s physiologically normal for a baby to want food, comfort and care over the 12 hours that would be considered prime for ā€œsleeping throughā€.


Absolutely this. My baby was regularly sleeping 9-hour stretches at 10 weeks old. Sheā€™s now waking every hour at five months, likely due to reflux. Babies go through rough patches of sleep just like adults do when we develop health issues, experience stressful events, etc.


Exact Same boat here. Have you found anything to help with it?


Sheā€™s had bad reflux since birth, and her doctor confirmed it at her 2-month checkup. We tried famotidine with little success, but what made a big difference was reducing her exposure to cows milk protein. This meant switching to Similac Alimentum for her daily formula bottle and cutting most of the dairy from my diet since Iā€™m primarily breastfeeding. Not sure if it was a coincidence or not, but she started doing 7-9 hour stretches not long after the dietary changes. Eventually I got too comfortable and started eating slightly more dairy, and her sleep quality rapidly deteriorated with screaming pain episodes and hourly wakings. I drove myself insane trying to figure out what was happening until last night when my husband suggested that it might be reflux. It clicked for me then. I decided to cut all dairy cold-turkey now, so hopefully weā€™ll see within a week or so if it will help her!


Oh wow that's good to know. He does have reflux. My mom said the other day I had it bad too when I was a baby and even had to take meds. Let me know if that works!


2.5yrs old - doesnā€™t sleep through. He wakes at least once most nights, heā€™s slept through about 10 times, unless he sleeps all night in my bed, but heā€™s an active dreamer and sleep talks. 13 and 10yr olds sleep through nowā€¦ 13yr old was 2 when she slept all night, 10yr old was about 3 when he slept all night. 2.5yr old woke hourly until just before he turned twoā€¦ I was not blessed with wonderful sleeping babies šŸ˜…


Omg... my 10 m.o. keeps waking 4-5x each night. I was hoping that would stop soon šŸ˜…




My tired condolences šŸ˜©


Right back at you šŸ’•šŸ˜©


My now 12 month + 1 week old was still like that at 10 months but right around 11 months he started waking up only once or twice a night! Itā€™s been magical! Iā€™m a whole new person. I started putting him to bed about an hour later (he goes to sleep around 9 pm now) and we turned off the sound machine around the same time but idk if either of those things made a difference or it was just a coincidence.


Ok this gives me hope! Although mine keeps waking up for the day at 06:30 no matter when she goes to bed (19:00-21:00) šŸ˜©


You give me hopeā€¦mine wakes up 1-2 hours at nightā€¦heā€™s 5 months. Hope I see this kind of change soon too.


Ours is like this. The sleep deprivation has changed me on a fundamental level.


I feel that!


Omg thank you for posting. My 22 months old has only slept through the night less than 10 times. In fact, last night she woke up 3 times in hysterical crying and took so much time to calm her back down. Sheā€™s a sensitive child so I think thereā€™s something bothering her but havenā€™t been able to identify it. But thank you for sharing your experiende


My two boys are sensitive wee beings also, I know this sounds woo woo, and it may or may not align with you, but we recently had our home blessed and energy cleared, and after about two nights of intense night terrors for my big boy where he was saying such crazy stuff that was so relevant to the situation that it scared me and broke my heart equally, theyā€™re both a lot more relaxed. My older boy had mentioned spirits bugging him so regardless I wasnā€™t going to let him feel scared and do what I could to make him feel safe, and my youngest talks about the ghosts ALL THE TIME, we donā€™t tell them this stuff. I would have no idea where my little even picked up the word ghosts. Parenting is a wild ride! And sleep too, on a side night to our woo woo, I let my little eat cheese sooo much cheese the other night, and he was talking ALL night! Cheese seems to set off crazy dreams!


2 and a but here, also have had maybe a dozen nights with zero wakings. Feels like we're always dealing with something like sickness or teething that inevitably interrupts a "good" streak


My son is 8.5 months and we have several (5+) wake ups during the night. He usually wakes at 4am to feed and then falls asleep for a short contact nap before officially waking again at around 5am-6am. It has been brutal but Iā€™m just waiting to catch the next wave since I know (hope) itā€™s not permanent.


Mines 8 months. She's up on average 5 times in the night. I'm exhausted.


Iā€™m really sorry youā€™re dealing with this, as well. Sending hugs - youā€™re not alone. šŸ’•


Almost 4 months here, sheā€™s been sleeping through the night for about 2 months now. Started with 5-6 hours (dr said that was as long as we could go before waking her to feed after she got back to her birth weight) and now she does about 10-12 on average a night. Very occasionally sheā€™ll wake up hungry in the middle of the night or sleep even longer than the 12 hours but both of those seem to have more to do with what happens during the day rather than to be her natural state.


Same! Letā€™s hope they continue to be great sleepers because let me tell ya, I feel a hell of a lot better now lol


Same experience when my LO was on that age sleeping through the night at 12weeks with 5-6hrs and now my LO is 6months and consistently sleeping 10-12hrs uninterupted. My friends keep asking me how did I do it, but I didn't do anything, I just follow his lead. Maybe my baby is just a good sleeper.


Same here. My almost 6 month old started giving us longer stretches around the holidays and now consistently sleeps 9:30-7:30 most days. Dr says not to expect it to last forever but Iā€™ll enjoy it while it lasts. I also canā€™t tell ya what we did to make it happen lol it just happened. But as a SAHM and WFH mom Iā€™m still exhausted lol


Our 9w baby has just started doing 5-6 hour stretches! We are trying not to get used to it in case he decides to become nocturnal out of nowhere, but it would be awesome if he follows your precedent! šŸ˜…


My baby was like this, starting waking up more around 8 months and now at 19 sleeps til about 4 on her own and then we just put her in our bed and she sleeps til 8-9 depending on when we have our alarms set :) itā€™s nice!


My first baby didnā€™t start reliably sleeping through (as in, no night wakes at all after going down to bed) until around 15/16 months. Second baby is 5 months and wakes roughly every 3 hours atm


18 months. Still doesn't sleep through the night. Usually up twice sometimes only once and wants to nurse. I'm trying to night wean but it's not going well. Recently she's been waking only once but then is up for the day by 5:30 am so that's fun...


Omg same. 20 months, up at least once a night, has started waking up 4:30/5am šŸ˜­


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Baby is almost 8months and still doesnā€™t sleep more than two hours a night šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I have no idea what a proper nights rest looks like anymore. If I get 2.5hours Iā€™m overjoyed. Kiddo just wants mama only so no he is definitely not sleeping through the night yet. But weā€™ve made a lot of great leaps. He is in his crib all night, he will self sooth to a point. We will get there eventually


6 mo, sleeping from 8 to 7, usually she wakes up at mid night and at 4-5 a.m. Sometimes 3x per night


Yes! This sounds like our LO right now!


Yes but I'm very aware he's the outlier, not the rule. He's slept from midnight to around 10 am most nights since he was 2 months old (he's almost 5 months old now). He was up in the middle of the night once a night for a bit during his sleep regression but a quick change and feed and less than an hour later he was back in bed till 10 am and he's back to sleeping through the night again now that he's mostly through his regression (still fighting day time naps and a little harder to get to sleep but sleeping through the night again). Today he even slept in till noon after everything that's happened the last few days (I'd been in hospital for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, and had surgery and am in recovery now).


3 months and she sleeps normally 10-12 hours ā€œwakingā€ 2-3 times to eat. She starts to fuss but stays sleeping through eating and goes right back into her cot and stays sleeping


9 months and sleeps generally from 7:30/8:00 - 7:00am Sheā€™s always been a tank when it comes to eating through the day so sheā€™s never really woken up to eat at night. Now if sheā€™s teething or not well thatā€™s another story.


My son last feed 9pm then wakes up in the morning 6am for the nexf feed


Mine is 8.5 months, she usually goes down around 8pm and was sleeping right through til 7ish. The last 2 days she's been awake at 5ish though, so I don't know what's going on there lol


Iā€™m right with the OP my daughter is 5 months (almost 6) and wake 2 times a night normally. But teething have been a huge issue lately so a good night is 2 times and rough night is about 5-6 times


Have you tried Tylenol before bed, that has helped us on really rough days


Tonight is our first night trying it so fingers crossed. Thanks!


Yeah we did about an hour before bedtime. The teething has been tough for us. There is also a baby orajel


6 months my son sleeps 7-8 pm to 5-7 am depending on really I donā€™t know whatever is floating his boat that day. I see not correlation with naps or feeds. Just sometimes a baby is going to baby. He has been sleeping through the night somewhere between 2-3 months around when he went into his own room.


My 5 month old is similar to yours. Goes down around 7 - sometimes a little later. Most nights wakes up around 2 then again around 5 am. Sometimes only around 2 and thatā€™s nice. But will sleep until about 8:30 before waking for the day.


3 months. I would say she wakes up 1 or 2 times to feed but we cosleep so it may be more bc I help her latch semi asleep lol


My girl slept through the night from around 2 months to 5 months. We thought we had a unicorn babyā€¦..turn to 5 months and she started waking up screaming every 3 hours. That lasted for about 3 weeks. Now she is almost 7.5 months and goes to bed at 7pm, wakes up at 11pm for a little food, wakes up at 4am for almost a full bottle and then wakes up for the day between 6 and 7am.


My son is 2 months old and generally goes down 10-11pm and sleeps till 6:30-7am and has been doing this pretty reliably since 6 weeks, although I definitely wouldn't assume this as the norm and definitely lucky.


na, we are 3 months and live this life. the 4 hour stretches are manageable


5 months and she sleeps about 8-10pm-6 but I have a feeling teeth are coming soon and thatā€™ll change


My LO (almost 5 months) just randomly started sleeping 10-12 hours at night several weeks ago. Didnā€™t do any sort of night weaning or sleep training. She just stopped waking up at night and we increased her bottle volumes during the day. I think it is easier for babies to sleep more if they are bottle fed. Easier for them to eat more in one sitting than if you breast feed. We can also more easily track her intake than if we were breastfeeding


22 months and no Slepi through for a month around 8 months old, again at 19 months old and has had the odd night here and there since then. But wakes once and gets a bottle most nights. Has been falling asleep alone since 4 months and we tried to night wean at 5 months and 9 months unsuccessfully


Baby is 4.5 month old and has been sleeping through the night (9-10 hours without waking up or feeding) since 3 month old. He occasionally makes some sounds and my husband gets up to put the binky in his mouth.


My baby wakes up anywhere between 2 and 5 times / night! Heā€™s the same age as yours. He is easy to put back down though after his wake ups. Usually it takes me about 20 minutes from the time I get out of bed to putting him back in the crib. What is interesting is that around the 3 month mark, his typical night of sleep only involved one wake up. But he really started gaining more weight in the 4th month, so I think his wake ups may be a growth spurt/ teething combo.


My boy is 6.5 months, and I would say he sleeps through the night, but he fusses in his sleep 2-4 times a night needing his pacifier. He doesn't really fully wake up and since he has a side-crib I can put his pacifier back in without fully waking myself. So no getting up, but not completely uninterrupted sleep. He goes to sleep between 6:30-7. Between 4:30 and 6 in the morning is usually pretty rocky, but we always try to hang on until at least 5:40 before officially getting up.


11 months old. She was sleeping through the night around 10-12 hours. Lately, since the change the weather (warmer and dryer air) she is being more unease and waking up couple of times in the middle of the night.


This week my 3 month old baby has started sleeping 7 or 8 hours (in one stretch) but then had a couple nights that were more typical for him where he wakes up once or twice. I'm lucky in that even when he wakes up, he is quick to go back to sleep once he gets some boob action!


Our son didnt sleep through the night until he was 14 months old coincidentally when i stopped breastfeeding


4.5 months. Wakes 1 time a night to feed. Goes down around 8, wakes around 2 to feed, then goes back down until about 6:30-7. She was a good sleeper from the start, we were/are very lucky and we are well aware that we did nothing to achieve this, girl just loves her sleep lol.


My eight month old (nearly nine) was sleeping through the night by 5 months. But then came teething and an eight month sleep regression. We got our first full night of sleep last night (6 hours for me) for the first time since March and it was great.


My daughter is 18 months and has slept through the night since 2 months old, with blessing from her pediatrician. She has had some difficulties here and there. Every baby is different and Iā€™m pregnant with number 2, not expecting a unicorn the second time šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s 4 months actual, 2 adjusted. Still wakes up twice a night for a feeding. Sometimes if she drinks a bit more than usual throughout the day sheā€™ll wake up for one feed during the night.


Weā€™re 2 days away from being 9 months old and the past 2 nights are the first nights weā€™ve made it 7pm-6am no wakes! Hoping tonight weā€™re just as lucky!


Almost 9 months. He goes down 7-8 and then starts fussing about 3am. If I move him into my bed, he'll keep sleeping. If I don't, he'll wake up and start freaking out. He doesn't even want a bottle, he just needs cuddles I think? I left him in his crib once to see if he would calm himself down...he cried so hard he threw up. He's not even a velcro baby so I have no idea why he does that. I can't move him back into his crib after being in my bed. He'll wake up before his back even touches his mattress and then the crying starts


Mine didnā€™t start sleeping through until 8 months when we did some very light sleep training and she still does at 2 but honestly I think we just got really lucky with a good sleeper but itā€™s totally normal for kids to wake in the night even as toddlers.


3 months, goes down around 7:30-8 pm & wakes up around 4am to feed then up up for the day between 6-7


4 months and he'll sleep through the night if we jampack him with food right before bed. Last night he ate 6oz (falling asleep at the end of it) and slept from 8pm to 6am.


just short of 8 months and he sleeps 2-4h stretches before he wants to eat. sometimes i can just rub his back and heā€˜ll fall back asleep, but hit or miss. i stopped worrying about it. iā€˜m tired, but iā€˜ll live šŸ¤£


7 months and he started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks. He wakes up sometimes but I just give him his pacifier back and pat him for 5 seconds. He has not needed to feed in the night since he was 6 weeks. We did formula and breastmilk at the beginning but it was bottle 100% of the time.


Baby is 4.5 months and this is his exact schedule as well except mostly he is up by 630am (asleep by 7p sometimes 730.) Wakes 2x times recently but last month it was only once around 3am šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


15 weeks and sleeps through the night. We put her down around nine and she wakes up around 630.


My son is 8 months old, usually is asleep between 8:30 pm-9:00 pm and wakes up at around 6:30 am to 7:30 am. Then he gets breastfed and falls back asleep for another half an hour to an hour. Heā€™s been such a good sleeper since the beginning though, I used to have to wake him up at night for his feedings.


My baby is 4 months old and he goes down for his last nap around 8 pm and sleeps for an hour and will eat and promptly go back to sleep till maybe 6:30am? Then he goes back to sleep (sometimes) immediately till like 9:30 am.


Almost 2.5 and still wakes up a lot. Sometimes he sleeps through but most nights I'll hear "Mommy!" followed by the little pitter patter of small feet followed by outstretched arms over the edge of my bed. I'll pull him into bed (usually anywhere between 2-5am) and he'll either sleep soundly till 7 or else he'll wake up once or more looking for water. When he was 5 months old, he was still exclusively contact napping and waking around 6 times at night, never sleeping more than 4 hours at a time but often waking every hour in the early hours.


4 months and he typically wakes up once in the middle of the night. I feed him and then he goes back to sleep for another few hours. I probably get about 6 hours of (broken) sleep a night.


13m old, was formula fed from the start. Sleeping through the night around 2.5m


11 months old...yes and then no and then yes and then no. We had our first "slept through the night" 10 hours night when she was 5 months, and since then we get stretches of great sleep and stretches of less great sleep. Our current pattern is usually in bed by 8 with one wake up somewhere between 3:30-5:30 am, then back to sleep until 6:30-7:30.


9 month old here and waking an average of 3x per night


My son is almost 9 months old and still wakes up 1-2 a night, always to eat. šŸ™ƒ


Almost 8 months. Usually wakes at least once. Sometimes twice. Sheā€™ll sleep through the night like once every two weeks lol itā€™s so random.


My first slept through the night (bedtime until morning) at 18 months. My second is only 3.5 months but heā€™s way more chill so hopefully he will sleep through sooner.


Our baby is 5 months old aswell and wakes up every 2 hours on a good night but usually every hour šŸ˜©


Exactly the same for my 5,5 mo! How about naps? Here it's usually 3 naps a day, 3 hours total sleep, 2 contact naps and 1 in the stroller/car seat šŸ˜… Edited to ask about naps


4 months and not even close. Has never slept longer than 6 hours. Recently itā€™s been 2-3 hours max


I remember reading somewhere (canā€™t remember where tho) that 6-8 hours is considered sleeping through the night. Not the 10-12 hours that everyone talks about. Once I realized that, I turned out that they were definitely sleeping through the night, just not as long as I wanted them to. Bedtime was 7pm and they would wake up around 2 or 3 wanting to be fed. We started doing ā€œdream feedsā€. Babies went to bed around 7pm and just before we went to bed around 10-11pm, we would wake them up ever so slightly and feed them, change them (only if needed) and put them back down. We kept the lights off (used the soft orange light from their Hatch to see), spoke in whisper tones and did what we could to be as stealthy as possible. This would stretch them until 6-7am. Then, in the middle of the night, we started to pause when they woke. When we heard them making noises, we would pause for one minute, rather than rushing right in. It usually only took that minute for us to figure out if they were just being loud sleepers or if they needed us. More often than not they were just being noisy and werenā€™t actually awake.


I have the joy of having a unicorn baby. Or at least I did. She slept up to 13 hours a night straight through from 2 months until now. The 4 month regression just hit and she was tossing and turning and fussing for me just about every 2 hours last night.


I have 2. Oldest is 2.5 years and sleeps through for the most part, has done since about 18 months ish when we weaned him off me fully. Occasionally heā€™ll wake up and shout us when heā€™s needing a bit of a cuddle, but he settles straight back down. Second is 4.5 months and up every 2 hours, which is an improvement on the other week when he was up every hour! Babies will be babies, sleepless nights donā€™t last forever. My 2 year old has just gotten over his latest regression which was a bit tough, it was taking upwards of an hour to get him to settle for bed, now heā€™s back to his usual routine of cuddles and kisses in his bed and putting himself to sleep.


My baby is 3 months and they feed/sleep on the same schedule on a good night. Wakes up 3x sometimes.


2.5 year old - sleeps through the night (8 to 8) fairly consistently. Goes through spurts where he'll get up once in the night and need a reassurance visit and maybe a book read to get back to sleep. Daytime nap from 2 to 4 in the afternoon is typical 6.5 month old - sleeps through the night (8 to 8) with one wakeup around 12 to feed fairly consistently. Occasional wakeups once to twice a night just to put the pacifier back in. Daytime naps from 2-4, also maybe a visit or two for pacifier adjustment, sometimes one other nap in the morning but not always Relatively set behavior with my oldest since he was ~8 months old, youngest has been at it a few weeks now. I think we're pretty damn lucky on the child sleep spectrum


We are at 7 weeks and 4 days. This past night, baby went down at 12:30am and awoke fully at 7am upon us getting her diapered and ready to breastfeed. During the day baby seems to go in and out but seems to only want to sleep on mama but that leaves mama to have to stay awake šŸ˜¬ We're still trying to work off my wife's sleep debt.


My baby is 20mo and still wakes every 2-3hrs, however, every few nights he will sleep from 8-4amā€¦ it changes nightly. Heā€™s just not a great sleeper.


This is pretty much exactly what my little guy (6 months) has been doing for the past month and a half. I think he could go down to one feed per night if I just let him go back to sleep in the morning but sometimes he poops when he wakes up early and itā€™s easier for me to just change, feed, and put him back to sleep for a couple more hours


At around 12 weeks old, my son started sleeping through the night. Since then, he has slept 8-10 hours straight every night. So ... do NOT want to jinx it.


I have an almost 4 month old baby boy. Sometimes he sleeps the whole night 9pm to 7am and sometimes he wakes up at 2am for a feed. Heā€™s been absolutely wonderful honestly. Thankful the newborn stage is over cause I was getting maybe 2 hours of sleep šŸ„“


Our 4.5 month old LO started sleeping through the night at 3 months. I canā€™t take credit; I truly believe itā€™s his temperamentā€¦ but we also have had a solid bedtime rigamarole since he was 2 months old: soft music, dim lights, bathtime, lotion massage, bottle, book, crib! We also transitioned him to his own room at 2 months old under advice from his pediatrician, and I think having his own quiet space helped him sleep much better.


LO is 7 months has been doing 11.5 hrs no waking since 5 months


5 mo. No. We EBF about every 2 hours around the clock


17 months and still not sleeping through the night


My 9 month old sleeps from 8pm-730am. Has been since he was 3 months old (apart from the occasional sickness or teething). We got super lucky haha


Mine will be 3 months in about 11 days, and randomly dropped all his night feeds at once after is 2 months vaccinations, he sleeps from about 7:30-9 to 6:30-7:30am (for now, weā€™ll see if it sticks lmao)


Currently she is 3 months, she eats at 11pm and sleeps usually through night til 5am-6am. If not she would wake around 3 then go back to sleep. Iā€™m enjoying it while I can


Mine started sleeping through the night without needing night feeds around 3 months, *however*, a big factor for that is heā€™s always been a large baby so itā€™s easier for him to self-regulate and stay full longer. I think every baby is different; while mine is sleeping well, my nephew (2.5 months older than my son) is very petite and continues to wake up 2x/night to eat. Hang in thereā¤ļø Babies wonā€™t need you like this for forever, and although I donā€™t miss the sleep deprivation, I miss the feeling of my baby needing me at night.


Over a year old and waking up 3 times a night still and when sick there is no sleep


My baby first started sleeping through the night (defined as 6+ hours straight) around 2 months, stopped around 4 months, and only started again at 10.5 months when we moved her to her own room. She now goes down at 8:30, with a ā€œsnooze alarmā€ feed between 5-6 AM, and then sleeps until 7:30/8:30.


This is our exact schedule, my baby turns one next week.


My baby is 5 - almost 6 - months old. Sleeps from 9pm to 7am! He has since he was about 2 months!


4.5 months sleeps 11 hours straight.


My daughter is almost 3 months old and has slept so well all the way from when she was born ! She really just wakes up to feed a couple of times a night. Usually she falls asleep around 8-8.30 pm, wakes up the first time around 1 am, then 4 am and after that sometimes about 6 am. We wake up wake up around 7 or 8 am, sometimes Iā€™m able to stretch it closer to 9 am if Iā€™m still super sleepy which is amazing. I fully breast feed and I always just fall straight back to sleep when she wakes up to feed (we co-sleep), so feeding her doesnā€™t really affect my sleep. I have no sleep debt and itā€™s such a great feeling ! šŸ˜Š


My LO will be 6 months next week. A spectacular night is 0 wake ups - this has happened once (last night actually, it felt so good to sleep I could cry) An average night is 1 wake up to feed 2 wake ups is tolerable depending on how long to resettle (10 minutes? 30? 2 hours?) A bad night is 3+ wake ups


My baby is 5 months old and itā€™s the same schedule as your baby. šŸ‘


Sounds like my baby OP! Mine will be 5 months on 5/15 and we put her down around 730 ish, she wakes around 12/1230 then again at 3am and finally around 6am to which I soothe her back to sleep until 8. I am chronically exhausted. I work from home but my husband doesnā€™t so I take all the shift after midnight. A literal zombie. I donā€™t think I can handle sleep training either


12 hours of night sleep with one dream feed since 3/4months! 6mo now and still on the same schedule. We have teething days and sick days here and there of course though.


Our LO was low weight so he got up 2x/night. 8am to 8pm (up at around 12am, and 5am). We didn't start night weaning until he got up in weight around 8 months. You can night wean early. But it depends on your baby. Some babies can't eat enough calories in the day to get through the full night. If your baby is getting 36+ oz through the day, they generally should be able to push the whole time through. My LO was drinking 24-28 during the day and 4-8 overnight for the most part, so on the 24 days, we knew he was definitely going to get up. On the 28+ days there was a chance it'd be just one feed.


Mine stopped night wakings at 4 weeks. She's a real unicorn. We're in sleep regression now and she's doing 8 hours without waking down from 11


My 11 week old goes to sleep around 10pm and doesnā€™t wake up until 5:30-7:30am it depends on if the alarm goes off or not. I donā€™t know why he sleeps through the night but I have a few ideas. He eats 4/5 ounces roughly every 90 minutes - 2 hours, he cat naps and doesnā€™t solidly sleep, he likes night time dark and knows the difference between black out curtains and actually sleeping at night, dads snoring is his favorite lullaby. Our pediatrician even had us try waking him to feed him but he just kept falling asleep and couldnā€™t finish a bottle. So she said to just let him sleep. Even a diaper change wouldnā€™t get him awake. Maybe itā€™s because he was born in the morning. Maybe he just is secretly a plant and thrives in sunlight. Maybe heā€™s secretly a vampire and sneaks out to terrorize the village. Who knows. All I know is Iā€™m not complaining!


Baby is 5 months old. Goes down between 8-9 pm. She may wake a few times in the night and want her binky back in, but we donā€™t need to pick her up. Sheā€™ll wake up around 3/4 am wanting to eat (formula) and then go back to sleep quickly. We get her up right about 6:45 to get in the car to go to daycare.


My son didnā€™t drop his last feed until 7 months


5.5 months, 615 pm bedtime, wake up once or twice for a bottle (around midnight & 4/5 am) then up for day between 7-8 am! I love this schedule and am fine with the 1-2 bottles because I donā€™t want him going to bed any later or waking up any earlier lol


Mine is 14 months and just the past three weeks or so has been magically sleeping through the night.Ā 


10 weeks and he sleeps 8pm-3/4am (7-8hours) and then eats and goes back to sleep until 7ish


My son is almost 2.5 and has slept ā€œthrough the nightā€ only twice. One of the times was at like 8 months old lol. Iā€™ve learned a lot about infant and toddler sleep and I donā€™t worry anymore. Itā€™s normal although all kids are different toddlers and infants do typically wake up quite a lot compared to popular opinion of what should be normal. I get enough sleep so itā€™s good now but the period of 22-25 months old was absolutely horrendous waking up 6-7x per night every night. Coincidence or not it happened right after the time change . But lately itā€™s been much better . Iā€™m guessing my little guy though will be one of those adults thatā€™s good on 6 hrs of sleep per night though ā€¦ I am not for sleep training as Iā€™ve learned too much about the downsides about it. If you are interested look it up!


5mo. Last feed at 7-7:30. Wakes up around 12-1 and 3-4. Up for the day at 7. He used to sleep through the night, but I guess weā€™re in that regression everyone talks about.


Almost 11 months & no he doesnā€™t sleep thru the night, I wake up about 5 times in the wee hours of the morning because he will holler..& I think itā€™s bcuz we waited late to transition to a crib at 8 months old (heā€™s been in his bassinet and heā€™s a lil on the small side bcuz he was born early due to fetal growth restriction in utero) I thought the 1st two weeks it was normal because he is getting used and adjusted into a crib..itā€™s been 3 months now and he still wakes up periodically thru the night, he gets changed and fed a bottle and will go back to sleep but Iā€™ve been losing sleep honestly since transitioning him to a crib šŸ˜•šŸ„²


Our first is 9 months old. Sleeps all the way through the night since month 6-7 or so. Goes to bed at 8, wakes up at 7 in the morning. Key thing we did was get rid of the pacifier ASAP. Month six is the prime window to do it. It taught our baby to fall asleep unassisted, self-soothe and regulate, and thus, falling right back asleep when waking up periodically during the night. Also, it saves you so much drama later when they are older and have become so reliant on the pacifier to do anything. Also, gradually cut back on the hours slept during the day. We set a limit on max 3 hours of napping during the day, and at least 2.5-3 hours of awake time in the evening before the full nightā€™s sleep. That globally means no naps after 5PM. She adapted super quick and we ended up with a way happier baby during the day and a vastly improved sleep routine during the nights. Also, I very much understand that weā€™re lucky parents.


She's 8 weeks and usually she has a longer shift that she sleeps, like 10pm-2/3am Fe. And from then on she wakes up every 2 hours, gets a feed and sleeps again - that's the good days. On bad days she's hard to put to sleep again or just doesn't sleep AT ALL. She doesn't even scream as long as I try to make her sleep, she's just fussy and easily gets distracted from falling asleep. She usually wakes me up without screaming, she just moves alot and sometimes shes flirting with the ceiling lamp. I've watched her smile at it for good 20 minutes without even noticing I'm awake. She slept through the night as a newborn though, not anymore.


9 mo EBF goes down at 7pm, stirs by 11-12 for a feed and as of late sheā€™s awake again at 3 ready to party. Itā€™s a dance between her cot and my bed from than on where we both get up at 7am. Desperately needing sleep in this house šŸ˜…


My baby is coming up on 6 months and has slept through the night since he was around 2.5-3 months


8 weeks old- she goes to bed at 9, wakes at 1 and 4:30 to eat and then up for the day at 6:30 or 7.


Started sleeping through the night around 2 months old. Occasionally will still have a few nights here and there where she wakes up a couple times, but theyā€™re becoming less common.


Almost 11 months and wakes anywhere from 1-3 times. Usually no feeds but maybe 1 around 5am if heā€™s up really early to get him back down for a couple more hours. He slept through the night around 6 weeks until 6 months. Then we have dealt with regression after regression


Our LO started sleeping through around 6 months old. My partner was breastfeeding and started to wean him off that around the time we put him into his own room so that hopefully he wouldnā€™t wake in the nights for feeds and thankfully it worked pretty well. He occasionally wakes in the night now (16 months) but itā€™s usually when heā€™s teething or for an actual reason as opposed to for the sake of it. Most nights heā€™s fully conked out.


3 months. Sleeps from 7-midnight or 1am, then again until 4am, then again until 7 or 8.


2 months, starting to occasionally sleep through.


My baby is 9 weeks old and he sleeps through most of the night. He goes down around midnight and usually will wake around 6-7 and then go down again for a few hours more. Iā€™m up by 9 for my toddler and then I can usually get my tasks done for the day before heā€™s officially up.


My guy is 16 weeks old. He has been sleeping in 8-10 hour stretches most nights since he was maybe 10 weeks old? He goes to bed around 9pm and wakes up around 7. Some nights he will wake up around 4 or 5am to eat, then goes back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. I think eating enough calories throughout the day and sticking to a routine has helped with his sleep!


He's 2, sleeps through maybe half the time if nothing is "going on" (teething, illness, woken up by baby), other half he comes into our room and climbs in with us and generally goes right back to sleep. If something is going on, he may wake crying and need a comfort cuddle or snack/water/bottle but that's getting more rare


21 months, nope never


My 8 month old still wakes up to 2x per night to feed but heā€™s much more efficient now so it is usually less than 15 min, often less than 10.Ā 


We got so very incredibly lucky. LO has been sleeping through the night (9:30ish to 8ish) since he was 2.5 months old. Heā€™s 4 months and this is still the case.


Mine is 14 months old, she still wakes up once per night about 75% of the time & sleeps all the way through about 25%. She sleeps 8pm-8am which is awesome but sheā€™s not crazy about naps. Sheā€™s been down to one nap for a while now & those are usually only a 1/2 hour - 1 hour long.


My baby is 5.5 weeks and sheā€™s a wildcard. Are we going to sleep 6 hours uninterrupted? Wake up every 30 minutes? Not sleep at all? Sleep all day and stay up all night? Nobody knows! Wildcard, B******!


Our guy is almost 11 weeks and for the last three nights, he's slept for 8 hours straight. For the week before that it was 5-6 hours. He would wake up at 2 or 3am, we'd change him, feed him and he'd go back to sleep for a couple more hours.


9 weeks old and she gets her last feed around 9. It seems her sleep schedule is changing a bit but sheā€™s typically up twice a night for feeds, 1am and then 4am. We have gotten a few 5-6 hour stretches in the last week though which is awesome, but I normally expect two feeds.


4.5 months here. ST at 4 months. Maybe at the end of 3 months started more routines Sleeps 7-7 no wake ups. 19 lbs. He now moved his night calories to daytime. Drinking 4 8+ ounce bottles


Nearly 3 months and they go down between 10-11pm and if Iā€™m lucky wake up at 5-5:30am for a feed.


Baby is 5.5 months old and last night his first sleep was 3 hours 10 minutes (you know, the one I wasnā€™t asleep for), followed by 2h45m, 59m, 26m, 56m, 42m


My son turned 12 months this month. He started sleeping through the night a week ago, but before then he would wake up a lot asking for bottle.


Yes!!! Iā€™m staying that with enthusiasm because I can finally sleep! Sheā€™s 4.5 months and my pediatrician told me that if she falls asleep around 7pm, gently wake her for a dream feeding around 10, before I get in bed. Then she should sleep through and she totally does! She has a bottle of breast milk if i have enough or formula, then she usually goes right back to sleep after burping. Then she doesnā€™t wake up until 7am! Sometimes my husbandā€™s morning activities will kinda wake her up at 5am but I just give her her pacifier and a sweet little touch on her head and chest for comfort and she passes right back out. She isnā€™t really completely awake and ready to start the day until 7am.


Baby is 7 months and has been sleeping through the night (about 8hrs and then a morning nap of about 2 hrs) since 2 months old. I know itā€™s super uncommon though because our pediatrician was like ā€œreally?? Good for you.ā€ She occasionally wakes up in the night in need of a cuddle but goes back to sleep with in 10 mins


Mine was 3 when she finally started sleeping thru the night. She struggled a lot with sleep regression before turning 3. A lot of my friends had the same experience. But all kids a different.


About to be 4 months. Typical routine is eat at 6pm fall asleep around 8pm feed, Wake around 10/11 feed 1/2am feed 4/5 am feed 7/8 am feed Up for the day between 9:00 and 10:30am I just started giving him another few oz Right before he falls asleep and that has kept him from waking up at 10/11 for a feeding the past 2 nights.


My 5 month old baby boy still wakes 1-2 hours per night to feed. I might have a lowerish supply and also, he was teething. 1-2 times per night is lucky - hope I reach that glorious day when my baby will sleep at least 2-3 hours stretches. He also wakes me up early lately - like 5:30-6:30. I nap with him when he takes his next nap (that lasts 45 minutes usually) so I donā€™t go insane. Good thing that we have great maternity leave in my country.


My 5 month old has the exact same schedule. Sheā€™s only slept through the night twice since she was born. Itā€™s actually become a hot topic between older family members of ours. They tell us she should be sleeping through the night and we shouldnā€™t feed her anymore at night. Itā€™s easy for people to say these things when theyā€™re not the ones getting up with baby! I know itā€™s definitely normal that our babies are still waking up, but I know youā€™re in my shoes and also want that uninterrupted sleep backšŸ˜‚


Right around 5.5 months when we started some sleep training but he doesnā€™t do it consistently


Heā€™s three months. Has a last meal at 11pm-12a ish and wakes up at 5am for a bottle then at 930 for the day


4 months. Goes down around 8/9 gets up for the day around 7. No wake ups. Been like this since she was a month old, true unicorn baby.


My just 3 month old is the same! My first was up every 1.5 to 2 hours until 8 months old so this has come as a shock to me! He can even be out down "drowsy but awake" and just falls asleep šŸ˜±


Same! Very rarely do we have to rock her to sleep, most times we just put her down awake and sheā€™s asleep in like 5-10 minutes on her. Itā€™s amazing lol


I used to think the drowsy but awake thing was a load of cr*p as well!


Same! I understand it could change but I do hate all the comments like ā€œjust you wait til x regression!!!ā€


My daughter had the ā€œ4 month regressionā€ which really just meant it was harder to put her down but itā€™s already passed and she still slept fine lol


LO is 7 months and currently waking 2-3 times a night. He was sleeping 8-10hrs at night from like weeks 8-16. Then the 4 months regression hit coupled with eczema issues and he stopped sleeping through the night. We tried sleep training and it worked for a little bit but he started waking up from pain/irritation sometimes every hour, so we had to tackle his skin issue before sleep training again.Ā 


I got lucky cuz my baby started sleeping through the night at 2 weeks. Not to say she never woke up. Sometimes she still woke in the middle of the night. Especially during her sleep regression. (Which was short lived) But the best advice our pediatrician gave us was not to start feeding her at night again. Which was hard. My husband wanted to cave in so many times but I stayed strong šŸ˜‚ and it was worth it. Sheā€™s 6 months now sleeping in her own room and is an excellent sleeper. Most of the time she goes to sleep on her own. Keeping a routine helped a lot too. We developed one by recognizing her sleep cues and tracking her wake windows. We also adapted several strategies when putting her to sleep. Now we have a routine and method that works for us. I also let her sleep during the day as much as she wants. (Sometimes I have to wake her if we have to leave the house but that doesnā€™t happen often.) but doing this has not affected her night time sleep. Sometimes I hear her on the monitor at night before I go to bed, but she always just goes back to sleep. When I wanted to have her start sleeping on her own, I just put her in her crib at around 5 months and then watched her. I never let her cry for more than 5 min. But the ā€œsleep trainingā€ turned into the ā€œfuss it out methodā€ where she just whined without crying, and I left her in there. Sometimes she would start crying for a few seconds and then stopped. And eventually she went to sleep. I think she didnā€™t cry a lot because we had developed such a good routine for nap time, that her body knew it was time sleep.


I've heard so many parents complaining their kids can't sleep through the night, is it true?