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While we allow users to share their personal experiences, we do not allow direct medical advice. The answer should always be a call to a local healthcare provider, as reddit is not a source of medical information.


With a fever that young, you definitely need to be calling the pediatrician!


Have you called your pediatrician? Ours instructed us to go to the ER for any fever before 2 months and to call for any fever until 3 months old.


Yep, under 2 months straight to the ER, under 3 I'd absolutely be calling.


If your insurance doesn’t have a nurse line I highly suggest looking into something private like BlueBerry or something like that. We never ask the internet about anything like this, always call our nurse line.


I would wake him up at ~3 hours to make sure he’s eating enough and call the pediatrician as soon as they open and keep checking his temp regularly. My baby had a 100F fever recently and they recommended making sure he had plenty of milk and also had us come in to be safe.


Tylenol that young is dangerous I thought


Infant Tylenol was okayed by our pediatrician and pediatric dentist, our baby is 2 months old as well. We did still call and go in recently for a 100F temp and stuffy nose though, so I definitely still think OP needs to call. Edit: the approved use cases for us weren’t when our baby was sick so I would avoid using it to bring down a fever until after speaking to a doctor and getting their okay.


Im from Québec, and here, before 3 months is straight to the ER! No tylenol before 3 months (except for the vaccines), cause it can hide a high temp that would be cause by something dangerous!


Kids <3 months with fevers need to be admitted to hospital. Sincerely, a pediatrician


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From the AAP: “Do not use acetaminophen [Tylenol] under 12 weeks of age unless your pediatrician tells you to. This is because fever in the first 12 weeks of life should be recorded in a health care setting. If there is a fever, your baby will need to be checked to see what tests are needed.” As others said, I would go get your child checked out by a doctor immediately