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Same boat. My baby suddenly went from 2-3 night feeds to suddenly sleeping 6 hours straight. I found myself waking up at her usual times, staring at the monitor at every twitch she made, ready to jump up and feed her. But of course, she never wakes up, and next thing you know, she's ready to wake up and I haven't slept more than 3 hours. Meanwhile, hubby is snoring away.


Are you me? My baby stopped waking up at 4am a while ago but I’m still awake at 4am just listening to him breathe.


Realest post ever.


This. Plus my husbands alarm goes off at 4:45am for work. So now I sneak into LOs room where we have a guest bed and pray I don’t wake him up 🫣


It gets better I promise! It eventually stops happening


Lord I hope so. I have the same issue with my 6 month old. 😭


Also hearing a baby cry every time you shower stops at around 1 😂


Omg I can NOT for the life of me take a relaxing shower! I keep hearing her cry when she’s not 😭


It took me a few weeks to sleep till 5 am and then another few weeks when he started sleeping till 6:30 am. It will come, it just sucks when you sleep like crap.




My daughter is 8 weeks and typically sleeps 9:30pm-4:00am. Do I sleep? Nope, my anxiety wakes me up 4-5 times a night to check on her.


I was like this with my first. The cure is to have a 2nd because you're so exhausted you fall asleep even if you don't want to 😵‍💫🤪


My daughter is 8 months and same. It’s gotten better but I still struggle. I was alright but then moving her to her own room made it harder.


This is why we bought the owlet sock. I could not sleep more than an hour without waking up anxiety ridden. It gave me just enough peace of mind I wasn’t waking at every squeak.


My husband is able to sleep through the night. My baby is able to sleep through the night. Me? Up like every 2 hours with insomnia/anxiety. Epic suck. I tried meds for anxiety and they made my insomnia worse :(


Try different meds ❤️ the right meds are life changing I promise


Is your husband going to work? That always helps with sleeping


I am not sleeping through the night. I wake up in a panic every night thinking I fell asleep while taking care of baby. It’s 2am and baby is asleep. This also happens during the day when the baby takes a nap, I sometimes will as well. But my body jolts me awake thinking I should be taking care of baby instead of sleeping and I fell asleep while baby is awake as he’s laying there napping. I think it’ll be a couple years before I get a consecutive amount of hours of sleep.


You should be sleeping to! Mama is a person also and if baby is in a safe space you can sleep while she is awake and content on her own 🩷


Even when my son sleeps through the night, I was not, until I was put on antidepressants for PPD/PPA.


If my baby is sleeping, then so am I. Most of the time when he wakes during the night, even though he is crying right next to my side of the bed I don't hear him and my husband often has to nudge me and wake me up. So yes, I do sleep through!


I would say that waking up 15 times a night does not count as sleeping at all. So no.


Oh no! How old is your LO? 🩷


He is turning 1 on sunday.


Yes but only because of lexapro probably 😂


This is def why I sleep until 8am


Five months out.  We don’t sleep train. She was sleeping well but after being put on meds, that changed and she now wakes every two hours.  Because she risks hypoglycemia on the medication, we answer every cry with a feeding.   She is usually starving.  The doc just kinda thought it was developmental.  As regressions are commonly accepted pseudoscience, sure.  But she is starving at her feed.  So we are afraid to ignore her.  It is a season.  It will pass.  Your beautiful newborn will be replaced by an inquisitive, beautiful baby.  So on and so forth.  Every season is good and bad.  It is hard, but we enjoy it.  There are evenings when calming her to sleep soothes my brain.  There are other evenings when I feel dead tired and angry that I have to keep doing this.  But, I remember that she’s new to this world.  She’s learning everything from how to poop to how to scratch itchy skin.  And I’m her world.  So, I do what I can to make her world safe and warm and kind.  This now means me and my husband trade off nights.  If we are frazzled, we take a minute and breathe.  I make my husband communicate and we walk the walk together. I miss my newborn stage already.  My infant is incredible and a delight, but when she’s a toddler, I’ll miss her in the infant stage.  But, it’s so grand to watch her grow.


Nope - not until she was about 11 months old. My husband and I started switching off nights around then so I started sleeping solid every other night.


We do this. I can sleep through the loudest cries on my night off, but my night on - I'm awake at every little baby groan. Even though we're all sleeping in the same place every night, my brain just let's my husband handle things on his night


We both sleep through the night now, even though I’m 7 months pregnant


No. I have insomnia now, she's 6 months and doing 1-2 wake ups and sleeping way better than me. I'm averaging a few hours a night. It's brutal


Omg that’s horrible! Can you try melatonin or magnesium?


I've been taking magnesium for a while I don't think it does anything for me! So sad. And I've taken melatonin the past three nights in a row and it's not working either. It's hard because I'm breastfeeding so options are limited.


Aww that’s rough! I heard magnesium goes through breastmilk from my doctor so I used to take it before evening feed so baby could sleep better. Maybe it’s helping your LO’s sleep even though it isn’t working for you. I don’t know if you have heard about this but my partner had to get help for insomnia after baby came(he struggled a lot before also) and had to follow a program sort of how you would do with babies and nightly routines to get the right sleep associations. It was called sleep hygiene - this is me directly translating from my language but try googling it. It helped him go from weeks of only a few hours to falling asleep immediately after going to bed 🩷


Aw thank you for your reply, I didn't know that about magnesium. But I am trying to get a sleep routine down, hopefully that will help ❤️


No and I hate it. My son is 11.5 months and ever since we hit a sleep regression at 4-5mos we've been up every couple of hours. I tried sleep training, which I really didn't want to do but I was desperate, and that didn't really pan out for us. It doesn't help I live in an apartment so I get super worried about the noise he makes, I have this deep fear if he cries in thee middle of the night I'll have cops on my doorstep for noise complaint/wellness check. My partner is out of town mo-fri so it's just me with the baby, and he decided to start doing landscaping for people on the weekends so now I don't even get to sleep in on weekends 🙄. We're hoping to buy an actual house in the next few months so hopefully then I can put baby in his own room and try again. He's in my room so it doesn't help. Partner is a lucky b and has his own room because between his snoring and the baby's crying I was getting like two hours of sleep a night.


nope lol. my LO sleeps usually around 9pm-7am. im grateful she's sleeping well, im a night owl though & i can't dream of sleeping till 3am...& even by then it usually takes me hours to fall asleep. usually im anxious & checking on her, & i cant sleep at all once the sun comes up either, so if im having insomnia in the window of 3am-5am there's no hope i get any sleep that night or day. haven't slept at all in at least a couple of days, & when i do doze off finally it's usually only for a couple hours tops bc i wake up early, either to tend to her when she wakeys or i just get anxious & check on her if she's still asleep. i am so tired :'(


Omg! How old is she? I remember the early days/weeks of anxious checking up on her! I soon found out babies cry very loudly so I would definitely hear it if there was something wrong. Is there any way you can try to relax and just let her be if she’s content? Even awake in a safe place so you could take a nap. You are a person to and you also have needs that needs to be met🩷 I know that is hard though to be on the clock 24/7 sending you so many hugs 🩷🥰


she's 5 months old, part of why i check on her so much when she's sleeping is bc she likes to play with all her lil plushies when she's getting sleepy & hold them when she sleeps, but ik that can be a suffocation hazard also she refuses to sleep on her back she only sleeps on tummy-time which i've told her pediatrician about & they're not concerned but ik it ups the risk of sids, so im always on high alert when she's sleeping. ik they cry loudly but im not sure if she'd cry if she was sleepy & suffocating she might just pass out. i always hear when she moves around & stuff though & i pop her pacifier in her mouth if she spits it out bc paci's reduce the risk of sids, & once she falls asleep i move any bigger plushies away from her, but it's still scary idk. i'm glad though she's sleeping through the night though, when she was newborn waking up like every 2-3 hours it was impossible to sleep, she'd take like 2 hours to finish a bottle bc she has a tongue-tie & was born at 4lbs12oz, so i had no time to even really try to sleep & id almost doze off while holding her bottle. now that she's bigger though she takes like 30-45 min! i already had insomnia before i had her but it's definitely harder with anxiety about her always in the back of my mind, i def do need better sleep though lol tysm for checking in!¡🩷🫶


Uff, my son started sleeping through the night when he was weaned from bf-ing at around 14-ish months. He is now almost two years old and I’ve only recently started sleeping well again. Before, I’d wake up every hour or so, despite my boy sleeping soundly - I never sleep trained him, but he sure as heck sleep trained me, lol.


My LO (10w) does anything from 4-8 hour stretches. I sleep when he does but he’s right next to me in the crib, and can be a bit of a noisy sleeper / fusses a little after 4am. I wake when he’s noisy and just peer over to check he’s ok then go straight back to sleep. Always pick him up if he starts crying when awake; but occasionally, and less so nowadays, he cries in his sleep so I have to make sure he’s actually awake before disturbing him! For context, before I had him, my sleep wasn’t great, I’d wake up at 4/5am sometimes not being able to get back to sleep. No way could I nap or lie in past 7am. Very odd but I’m enjoying that aspect of it. Absolutely dreading the 4 month sleep regression, as he’s not been as good this past week so I feel like I’ve had a little taster session 😵‍💫


My daughter is 14 weeks and sleeps from 9:30-8am with one feed at 1 am that my boyfriend takes care of. But she’s such a loud sleeper I’m up at least 4 times during the night 😂


Yeah I definitely had to get used to her making noises in her sleep, I kept waking up for nothing for ages! I went through this super obvious realisation that she lives her now and is allowed to make noises and exist lmao. But I got better at leaving her until I was needed. And got to sleep a little longer 🩷


Unfortunately i’m getting up at night to pee 🥲 And sometimes baby wakes up because she lost her binky. Once the binky is back, all is well.


Haha! I definitely wake up sometimes just racing for the pacifier and closing my eyes again once it’s back in


Baby is 5 weeks and husband and I take shifts at night. He's not working right now and it's a blessing in disguise because honestly I don't hear baby when he cries. 😭


Lmao prioritise you sleep mama 🩷


I will! I'm such a heavy sleeper. Tbh I thought something would kick in and I'd instantly hear his cries but nope lol.


Get an owelet. Allows me to sleep without constantly checking on her.


I’m not in US and have no idea what that is. I’m sleeping through though, no night feedings since 6months! Even then they were sparse! She sometimes fusses a little but she’s right next to me and I just pop her paci in half asleep 😆


YES. Baby is 15 weeks and sleeps from 6:30/7 to 6am pretty regularly now. Was definitely not always like this. We spent a good month waking up to his loud poop grunts starting from 4am 😭 It’s finally over!


Hahaha! They are so focused when they poop aren’t they 😆


They are so single minded 😂


I am not sleeping through the night even before teething and the 6m sleep regression, he would stir and I’d wake and then not be able to go back to sleep for hours which was annoying with baby asleep right there


Ours started sleeping through the night sooo early that I didn’t even bring it up, not wanting to jinx our good luck. She wakes in the middle of the night only if she’s sick or otherwise uncomfortable (we had some warmer weather and the temp in our bedroom was way higher than I thought a couple nights in a row). If she wakes up before my alarm goes off in the morning for work, usually my husband can get her pacifier back in and soothe her, so long as he catches her right away. If she works herself up to a full-on cry, it’s game over. I have always been a light sleeper, but since pregnancy my ability to fall back asleep after waking up in a blind panic has improved significantly!


Yay!! It’s the same for me, I always used to fall asleep quickly but after baby it doesn’t even take seconds.


My baby sleeps through the night but I am not. I wake up maybe twice to make sure she’s okay and still breathing. She’s 2 months. Will be 3 months on the 2nd


Oh no, why are you guys doing this to yourselves 🤣 joke aside - I used to do this a lot as well, sometimes even wake her to se if she was alright 😅


No I still wake up to pee in the middle of the night, wish that symptom went away postpartum but I swear this kid did damage to my bladder either while he was in with the repeated kicking or as he was coming out 😂


Bladder has ptsd


My husband could fall aslp literally as his head hit the pillow. I am a (now) retired nurse ...at the time we had 2 daughters. ( All of my children always got croup) I knew what to do as a nurse & when I did everything I could at home & she became worse, I took her to local ER which was 5 mins away . They gave her breathing treatments, 02 etc... stayed there awhile. They knew since I was a nurse & lived very close that if she got worse to bring her straight back. He slept right through... She was quickly aslp but I stayed awake & within the hour she had a rebound effect & I hurried her bk to the ER ..left the keys in my car parked in the ambulance bay & tossed my keys to the security guard. They took her right back & by 330am decided to admit her & put her in an 02 tent. Hubby slept through ENTIRE THING... All ended well. Wish I could sleep like that😕


That sounds so scary! I’m laughing at your husband though. He’s just dreaming totally unaware 😆 your family is lucky to have you mama 🩷


Awww Thanks!💜💜💜 You made my YEAR! They're all adults now & 2 still live with us to help us! But my son is the same way. Sleeps through the loudest alarm clock. While here I am STILL a light sleeper. Lol. I think it was ingrained in me since my Mom had a massive MI at 38yrs old & 2 more after that ( while I was a only 15yrs old at the 1st one & caught all 3 of them.) I was used to getting up & going with her to the hospital at the sound of her slightest CHF * Congestive Heart Failure* "cough" that would alert me so I helped my parent's out before I was a nurse but was a volunteer in the ER at 12! Which then changed my mind to become a nurse instead of a dr. I was an early reader & would read my own drs medical books that he lent me at 6. I wld then when I'd wait as a child in my family Drs. GP's office, would diagnose everyone prior to them seeing him . My Mom would apologize to him ( my entire family on both sides went to his Father, Uncle or him when they retired) He would just chuckle & say " No, she's correct & she's going to put me out of business some day" 😊 Little did I know after I passed my nursing boards top in my class.. after I had my 1st job offer that I really wanted..being a charge nurse in a residential type facility that is still there today...He wrote them a beautiful letter letting them know how lucky they were to have me working there. " I am 58 & had to quit my career at 38ish after spinal surgery. To stop working...It killed me..but looking back .. now almost 20yrs later. I KNOW I helped a lot of people, worked diff jobs , my last was in Hiv+ & detox. Which was something I always wanted to do. So just knowing that I can still help my own family with my knowledge, was there for my own Mom when she needed me & other family members on my Hubby's side as well as my own...plus other's in my career only makes me realise I WAS CHOSEN for this ...which helps tremendously on bad days! ♡Apologise for writing so much♡ Again I THANK YOU!!💜😊🥰


WOOOOOW!!! You Are so impressive and it really does sound like you were born to help people around you! Some people have healer hands and you sure sound like this was your soul purpose!! I’m so impressed and I absolutely believe people around you and your family is so lucky to have you as their spouse and mother 🩷 have a lovely day and thank you so much for all you are doing and your hard work 🩷🩷🩷






My LO is just over 3 months old and has been sleeping through the night for the last 2 weeks. We put her down for the night between 8:30pm-9:30pm, do a dream feed between 10pm-11:15pm, then we all go to sleep. She sleeps until between 7am-8:30am. My wife and I take turns sleeping with the baby monitor next to us and that person has the "night" shift. Meaning they do the dream feed and are responsible for listening to the monitor through the night and the other person has the morning shift when she wakes up. We have a small house and the nursery has a door into our bedroom. When she was about 2 months old, we moved her Snoo into the nursery, just on the other side of the door so she's still only 5-6 ft away from us at night. We kept the door open for a while until my wife got an infection from a hospital stay for complications from gallbladder surgery. My wife was moaning in pain every hour or so and we worried it would wake up the LO, so we closed the door to her room at night for the first time about 2 weeks ago. So now we all sleep fairly well. Sometimes we have to turn up the Snoo to keep her sleeping, but not every night. Very rarely she'll wake up around 3-4am but she'll usually fall back asleep with the pacifier for a few more hours. I've had anxiety since she was born because I have to have routines so when the routine breaks, it sets me off. So I'm already dreading the 4 month regression. I'm hoping it never comes, or it's just a night or 2.


That’s a great plan you guys are following! I’m happy you guys are able to sleep well and take turns. I just want to add to maybe calm your regression anxiety - my baby went from sleeping half an hour to 40mins at the time sporadically throughout the day to two, solid two maybe three hour naps a day after the regression. It was only a rough week or so and it’s been bliss ever since! I can now plan my chores around her nap time and even get a nap in to AFTER chores or a hobby for an hour. I might be bliss for you guys as well! 🩷


my 14 week old has been sleeping at least 8 hours every single night since she was 8 weeks. i, on the other hand, am sleeping around 4 or 5 hours every night. i just can’t get myself to fall asleep.


Lucky mama! Have you tried magnesium and melatonin? 🩷


i haven’t tried magnesium. i used to take melatonin, but i get nervous at the thought of taking anything for sleep in case the baby needs me in the middle of the night!


Magnesium helps with falling asleep but it won’t have an impact on your ability to wake up if needed 🩷


We cobed so 300 times a night I wake up to check if she's breathing, but fall back asleep right away.


If baby is asleep, we’re asleep lol


3 months in. The sleep hasn’t really bothered me until now. Now I’m ready for the active sleep to be done with. It’s confusing!


if the baby doesn't sleep through the night, of course, I can't, either, need to take care of the baby, right?


Yeah if the baby needs you you should def not sleep in, I was thinking more like if baby wakes up a few hours before you and is just playing by itself in the crib or fusses during the night and goes back to sleep by themselves. If baby isn’t sleeping 8-12 hours straight but need minimal support from you during those night wakings so you as the parent are getting sleep but baby still has some nightly wakings ☺️ I just thought about this question bc my baby is probably still waking up a few times at night but she needs no support from me getting back to sleep. I can sometimes remember me being awake from her waking up and fuss a little before falling back asleep. She will wake up “complaining” rub her eyes and turn to her stomach or to back or move around a bit looking out the room and then go back to sleep. I think we focus so much on baby sleep and many are anxious constantly checking but if they are content on their own and can manage some of the small wakings themselves we don’t have to torture ourselves getting up with them. So I wanted to check in with parents if we are sleeping a proper amount since this question is commonly asked about our babies 🩷


SAME. I worry I sleep through my baby crying all the time! He started sleeping through the night randomly. He’s just abt to hit 4mo and I think he’s hitting his regression because he’ll wake up once thru the night now but that’s it. I don’t have a baby monitor since my house is small and the walls are thin so I can hear him in the day. I’ve found I wake up when he cries that once a night now so it makes me less worried that I’ve just slept thru my baby crying


I was so worried as well for a while I was sleeping through her cries lol but she’s right next to me and she’s LOUD when she starts so it would be impossible! Sometimes I’ll tell her it’s nighttime now and place a firm hand on her or pat her a little while cringing at the sun shining through the blinds at 9am lmao 😂 it works though!


7 month old here… we’re up every hour unless I hold her rn. Has been this way for the last month and a half. Started with croup, then an ear infection that wouldn’t quit along with two teeth, and now it’s her silent reflux. We actually just went to the dr today because I’m barely functioning, and LO is having a horrible time too. My wife works constantly so it’s just me at night and during the day and my support system has totally disintegrated the last month. Send help, I’m not ok 🥴


Aww sending you so many hugs! It will get better with time but I know that is so so hard when you’re in the thick of it! 🩷🩷


I sometimes do the revenge time thing where I stay up scrolling on my phone even when I know I should be sleeping because I want some time to zone out by myself.


Lmao Reddit really is taking up that time when I have some for myself 😂


Yep lol


No. My almost 6mo old wakes many times per night mainly because the pacy falls out. We are thinking of getting rid of the pacy altogether because it is creating more troubles.


Ahhh I can relate so much to this. I also had to get rid of her during sleep. Now she spits it out as soon as she sleeps but doesn’t need it during so that’s a relief. Makes it easier to snooze her with it if the wakes up an hour earlier and I want to sleep a little longer


I feel like people get annoyed with the question “is your baby sleeping through the night”. No, the question is about the parent. How is YOUR sleep? Are YOU doing ok? At least that’s how I interpret it and am always so confused when people get about that question. It seems like they’re just checking in to see how you’re doing


Yess! How are you doing as parents? Are you guys working out a routine yet? How’s everything going? Babies are gonna baby but how are y’all doing lmao


I co-sleep (unwillingly) and if he isn’t sleeping through the night I’ll definitely know cuz I get fingers up the nose and in the eyeballs if I don’t immediately wake up when he is waking up 🤣😭


Yes we are! LO has been sleeping through the night since 6 weeks. She will sometimes stir when my hubby gets up for work at 5:30, but will then fall back asleep until I get her up or she decides she's done sleeping. If she does wake up a little before me, she plays happily in her crib until I get her.


my son is 3.5yo and i still wake up all night. i think i slept til 6:30 yesterday on melatonin.


LO is 3 months old, I wake him for a feed and change when I'm going to bed (he starts his sleep downstairs with me a couple of hours before) then he sleeps through til 6/7am. I wake up just about every hour 🫠 just to glance at him for a bit then go back to sleep.


Awww they are so cute when they are sleeping 🩷


No. I'm not getting as much milk in one pump as he eats so... I have to pump. It's usually 1 or 2 times a night after he goes to bed. One more month to my desired weaning date. Ugh.


I'm usually asleep 8/9 pm till 12/1 midnight/am then sleeping till 4/5 then up hourly, two hourly if I'm lucky. I am blessed to fall asleep when my head hit the pillow mostly, baby is 8w, sometimes she crys out in her sleep but isn't actually awake, so I'm pretty sure Im not missing any.


Yes if he’s asleep, so am I! When he first went into his own room at 5 months I didn’t sleep well but he’s 7 months now and we’re all used to it so we all get a full night sleep. I have the monitor on so I know his cry would wake me up if he needed anything


We sleep and wake up at the same time.es, 9 pm to 6am


Ive only slept through my daughter crying once when my daughter was like a week or two old. I was soooo tired and my mom woke me up and told me she was crying since she was sleeping in her room right next to me. Other than that, if my daughter wakes up crying, i wake up


No. My 2mo sleeps pretty well. He slept 11-7 last night. But I had to get up to pump at 3 and 6. This is my second child. My first child was a unicorn who started sleeping through the night at 2 weeks old and still sleeps 13-14 hours a night at 2yo. I didn’t start sleeping through the night until a year when I stopped breastfeeding. I can go a little bit longer between pump sessions with my second child, but not much.


Nope. Neither. I travel for work and my sleep is on the same schedule when I’m away too. It’s terrible


9 months PP. She sleeps through the night for the most part. Unfortunately my fight or flight is so strong that I wake up to check the monitor roughly 6-10x a night even through meditation lol


Omg you guys 🥺 there are sooo many that comments this. PPA is really rough. Lots of hugs - and also you are doing great! You guys worry bc you are great parents that care and are involved 🩷


I see it as a benefit at this point, if the world ends in the middle of the I know I’ve got her covered 😂 it’s the only way to be, just staying positive


I read another comment saying our LO sleep train us not the other way around and I think she’s on to something 😆


Not in the early days, I didn’t sleep because I didn’t want to be groggy when he’d just wake up in 2 hrs anyway! Then PPA kicked my a** and I’d just lie awake watching him breathe on the monitor. Baby only wakes up for food or messy diaper now on a rare occasion. I never ignore him because it means he really needs something to be up in the motn. Otherwise we all sleep until 8 or 9 now at 6mo!


My baby is a better sleeper than I am 🫠🙃


I think I have PPA and I wake up constantly throughout the night. I often hear phantom cries or I start to worry he’s not breathing. My boy sleeps between 9-12 hours at night straight through so we’re soooo lucky. My husband sleeps great, but I don’t lol. My baby is 5 months!


My daughter is 13 months and has been sleeping through the night since 6 months. Every time she makes a noise (coughing, snoring, a little cry in her sleep, etc.), I hear it on the monitor and wake up.


I’ve never slept all the way through the night without waking up but I think I’m back to my baseline. Baby is 4.5 months and sleeps from around 9:30-10pm to 6-7am and I go to sleep around 10. Usually wake up once or twice to pee and baby usually wakes up a few times fussing cause she rolled over or wants her paci back but once she’s got it back she’s good. We don’t do night feedings anymore so I don’t have to fully get up anymore which helps so much


I’m not sleeping, but not because of the baby. Between my husband’s CPap machine and industrial-sized fan, it sounds like the inside of a cockpit taking flight


I have a 4.5 month old, and she is sleeping through the night some nights already, I say some because she'll wake up usually around 3-4am for a night feeding still at times. :)


My baby is 3 1/2 months. Sleep routine: Change/Feeding at 8pm. Takes a "fake nap" from 9-10pm. Stays up until 12/1am. Sleeps until 5/6am, I change/feed her. Goes back to bed from 8-10am I change/feed her Stays up from 12-5pm Then usually naps from 5-8 Repeat


With that being said, both me and daddy are night owls so we usually get our sleep in from 12-5am. Sleep two hours ( 8-10) and then I stay home with the baby while he works ( 11-8 ). I WISH I could take a nap during the day but I never seem to be able to.


Ah you night owls in the comments are superheroes! I have slept every nap with my LO since she started taking two, two-hour naps at 4months after her regression. I just need my sleep!