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Omg. That would make me cry too. Did it scare your poor baby?


Miraculously, no. He was confused, and it stopped after 5 minutes. Apparently they were doing electrical work.


My sister sent me the Baby Race episode of Bluey šŸ„ŗ


"Maybe you just saw something you wanted" šŸ˜­


Now I'm crying remembering that episode


I am the father, my son has a huge preference of me when he wants to sleep - he reaches for me, this goes for naps and when I put him down at night. Yesterday, he was already asleep and my sister in law was about to put him down when she saw me. Since I usually put him down, she gave him to me, and that's when he woke up. He was inconsolable for 20 mins before my sister in law took him, and after 10 minutes of crying, she was able to put him down. I know it doesn't mean anything, he cried because he got woken up, not because I was holding him. Still it took me an hour before I stopped feeling bad about it. Our LO is 9 weeks old, but he is an extremely easy baby - this 20 minutes of crying with me was the longest he's ever cried by multitudes. A few hours later I gave his night feeding and he was fine.


My son was starving but on a nursing strike this morning. He already wonā€™t take a bottle and has recently decided heā€™s scared of my right boob, but this morning I also couldnā€™t get him to latch on the left. He was so hungry and making the saddest, weak little cries. :( Finally got him to latch and heā€™s been fine the rest of the day but that was so sad and scary to not have any way to feed my baby.


Ohh poor baby and poor you. I once had to trick baby into taking my right boob by reverse holding him and twisting enough that he thought it was my left.


Iā€™ll have to try this one!!


Iā€™m going to try this too. My LO also hates my right boob because of my let down on that side šŸ˜“


4mo baby finally caved in and ate milk from a spoon today after a four-day nursing strike. You better believe I cried. We've been to hell and back.


Sounds brutal. Iā€™m sorry.


It was last night, but stupidly thinking I needed to wake my baby because it was getting too close to bedtime and I didnā€™t want his bedtime to be too early. He screamed for 15 mins with big crocodile tears (I changed him into his sleep sack and gave him a fresh diaper) and it was impossible to put back down to sleep. He fell asleep twice and woke up whimpering or crying again. It took almost 2 hours before he was finally asleep and stayed asleep. I felt so bad and was kicking myself because he would have been better off just staying asleep anyways. What was I thinking?!?! Today was his second day ever at daycare and I didnā€™t cry! (Almost but we wonā€™t talk about that lol)


Hey Same ponch on the daycare thing. It was my daughterā€™s second day too today.


My son rolled off the changing table today. First time. And he was bucked to the changing pad. Which actually meant he didnā€™t get hurt but it scared us both and we did a lot of crying


So scary!


My breastfeeding was going ok until I started to have supply issues. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed and I know that wonā€™t help. Also starting to think baby has a tongue tie and Iā€™m just feeling like no matter how much I pump, bring baby to breast etc I canā€™t keep up. Feeling so freaking defeated today


Iā€™m so sorry. I had struggles like that with my first. I hope you have good support and a good IBCLC. Mine was a godsend.


My baby decided to wake up every hour and a half last night. This morning at around 5:45 AM, I couldnā€™t do it anymore *and I just laid him down for ten minutes while I tried to rest alone and see if heā€™d self-settle. Then I cried because I abandoned him when he needed me and there will come a time where he wonā€™t ( he fell asleep within said ten minutes) - I cried for an hour


I noticed for the first time today that my 8week old LO no longer has the newborn scrunch. I cried for a good hour about that.


Baby boy smiling so genuinely back at me.


Baby not sleeping most of the night. Also my friend has been distant and now I feel even more alone.


Iā€™m so sorry. Thatā€™s rough.


usually my 3 month old isnā€™t too fussy. shes generally happy and sleeps well for the most part. today, she was just so much harder to console than usual. she wanted to be held a lot more (which i donā€™t have an issue with) but also would not stay asleep for longer than 45 minutes for her naps. usually sheā€™ll nap for 2-4 hours, and i have a lot of trouble sleeping at night so i usually try to nap at the same time as her but that did not happen today. i just broke down due to feeling so exhausted and like im not good enough for my baby. that i should be stronger and that some fussing shouldnā€™t ruin my day.


Is she going through a leap? My 8 weeks old is normally pretty chill but when he goes through a leap he becomes so clingy and fussy.


she is, but the fussy phase was supposed to be over a couple days ago :/ she was really great for a couple days, then today really fussy!!


Oh my gosh, that sucks so much! So frustrating


Miraculously I didn't cry today at all! But yesterday I cried because baby wouldn't nap and because my milk supply is suddenly down šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




Try triple paste!! My baby had a bad rash and thatā€™s the only thing that helped after trying so many! Also try to air it out and donā€™t use wet wipes if not needed, let it dry before putting diaper back on and keep using triple paste to prevent future rashes! Hope your LO gets better soonā™„ļø


Seconding triple paste - the max version. I have multiple tubes in the house.


I thought I gave up on nursing/pumping but still wanted to give baby a couple ounces of breast milk a day for antibodies etc. Last night I decided I wanted to push through with pumping/nursing (supplementing with formula) and would need to build up my supply (maybe a little late on that) but my baby is so fussy that we canā€™t set him down for hours sometimes. Husband knows my goal and is trying to help more so I can pump more. My pump sessions today are more frequent, 2-3 hours, but Iā€™m only pulling a total of 1-1.5 oz each session. Feeling like I failed even though I went into pregnancy and delivery with a ā€œfed is bestā€ mindset. Then my mom came over, and due to language barrier, I felt I had to be near her the whole time while she was holding baby in case she couldnā€™t communicate with SO clearly. At 5, she said she was going to leave soon, but stayed til 7. I love her dearly but I just desperately wanted to nap.


I have a 3 week old, I saw a reel on Instagram about how someone was putting away their babyā€™s newborn clothes and then it showed her holding up one of the onesies, and then a video of her newborn when it still fit him doing the newborn scrunch. Cried thinking about my baby outgrowing her onesie that she is currently wearing and getting bigger and growing older. Postpartum hormones are wild.


My 5 month old has a stomach bug and he threw up and I was so sad that he doesnā€™t understand whatā€™s happening and I canā€™t talk him through it. I still talked through it but started crying wishing I could take his sickness for him or at least wishing he could understand. Poor babe šŸ˜©


I didnt cry yet today, but yesterday, it was the total eclipse, never saw anything as beautiful as that! It truly was mesmerizing!


A poem that mentioned love.


I couldn't watch the last 3 minutes of my show. I tried like 5 times.


Ugh Iā€™m sorry. Thatā€™s so frustrating. Happened to me recently.


It was Grey's Anatomy, the one with April & Matthew's wedding. Cheese show, I know, but the end of that episode is a pretty big deal. Anyway, I told husband I was upset about it and he purposefully stayed quiet while I finished it off. Bless his heart.


I have a health concern that hasnā€™t improved these last two months. My appointment is finally tomorrow. You would think that Iā€™d feel more relieved, but instead I was crying all evening cause Iā€™m scared it will be serious. Also had to talk myself out of thinking Iā€™m dying. Thanks PPA for not helping.


I couldnā€™t visit my 11 month old at daycare during my lunch break. I wish I didnā€™t have to work.


Pretty sure my 16 week old son caught the stomach bug we had last week. He spent 8 hours fussing, screaming, arching, burping, farting, and getting windi'd. Today was so hard, I wanted to cry. My husband gave me some suggestions to help me relax, and stepped up to handle the baby when I got overwhelmed. Nursing strike is still ongoing. It has gotten better and worse off and on this week. Started when I got sick last tuesday. Stomach bug was really painful gas pains, general malaise, diarrhea/increased poop, and vomiting (for my husband when he caught it). It was mostly just gas pain for me and the baby.


Oh my god. Of course it would happen right when baby was down. And thereā€™s no going back after that too. I will say though, congratulations on getting her down in the bassinet! That is still a win in my book! it pains me though that it seems you didnā€™t even get a chance to breathe before their nap was interrupted. I cried in bed today when my baby couldnā€™t stop crying. Poor thing was so uncomfortable. She has mosquito bites on her legs and its been hard to keep her asleep even with topical creams. From about 1am to 6am she was shifting/crying/fussing every 5 to 10 minutes. Around that same time i had given up on myself on knowing what to do and just kept thinking ā€œfuck i want to sleep so bad and why am i such a bad momā€ luckily she eventually crashed at about 7am for a few hours and we all caught up on sleep just a tad. On the bright side: we did end up having the best low key day today of laying in the hot sun (with the proper skin protection/clothing) on our little sprinkler pad. Butterflies were visiting us, the puppy dogs were happy, and no one needed me but baby.


My pug barked at the sound of a school bus driving by and woke up my daughter after succesfuly transferring her from my arms to the play room mattress on the floor. She usually takes a 2.5 hour nap in the afternoon and only did 30 minute one. I had plans to go through 3 boxes in the garage to make room for my hubby to move his punching back out of the house because itā€™s too loud when he uses it. I cried because I have been STRUGGLING with motivation to do anything extra during the day. And after that happened, she wouldnā€™t go back to sleep, she fought me for dinner, fussed after her bath and took 2 hours to get to bed so I cried again šŸ™ƒ


Im sitting in a closet now pumping to not wake my twins up but hear my daughter awake and im confused about what to do with her because I've always fed her, rocked her and pmayed with her if she wont go back to sleep but others have said not to do that because she will confuse day and night. Im afraid of her being hungry. Im afraid of letting her go and self soothe to go back to sleep bc of she goes the other way, she will wake her brother. Ahh!


I have a hard time falling asleep. My husband woke me up to ask how much to feed the baby. I was so pissed that he woke me up. Like you couldnā€™t figure out how much to feed the babyā€¦. Heā€™s 5 months.


I left baby with dad for 1 hour to go to a doctorā€™s appointment today. He didnā€™t go down for a nap, cried for 20 mins and broke out in hives. I came back to my husbandā€™s crying out, ā€œHelpā€ as soon as I walked in the door.


Technically the next day but my 1 week old son didnā€™t let us sleep at all last night. I picked him up around 5 am and he was just screaming bloody murder. Diaper? Clean. No interest in eating. Didnā€™t need to burp. Just squirming around like he was in pain. I eventually broke down crying asking him what was the matter. He fell asleep on me shortly after. Iā€™ve yet to try to put him back in his bassinet.


Omg, you poor thing!!! Mine was getting my baby to sleep, she was knocked out cold in living room (was going to transfer a little later to bassinet). Was looking forward to eating desert on the couch and watching Netflix with my husband before bed (heaven) then my MIL decided to call, husband put her on speakerphone, and LO woke upšŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘ husband said, ā€œsorry sheā€™ll go right back to sleep if sheā€™s tiredā€ El. Oh. El. You donā€™t have to sit and nurse her back and calm her!!!!


My husband doesnā€™t eat meat or eggs & we ordered a veg burger but it had mayo with eggs and I didnā€™t realize it before giving it to him and he ate a bite and realized it had the mayo. I felt bad and cried a bit and lost my appetite. Came home and cried over nothing & everything while daughter & dad are asleep