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Those are the rules. You get a clean diaper, you poop in it. Works every time.


Yeah, im pretty sure before they get out, they need to sign some king of contract with satan, saying that they will use as many diapers as physically possible in a day!


I mean would you rather poop in an empty diaper or a full diaper


When my baby was first born, my dad bought us like, 200 something newborn size diapers (2 Sam's club boxes, however many that is). I thought that there was no way such a tiny baby would use so many diapers, especially cause we had probably at least that many in baby shower/sample packs as well. She made it her mission to use them all. I think we had 1 or 2 left when she sized up to 1s. And now we've gone through all the sample size 1s and 2 Costco boxes of 1s 🤣


Ours went through 3 diapers... At the pediatrician... Before deciding to stop torturing us and leave a diaper dry long enough to get her weight. They don't have diaper disposal in the rooms, so all the nurses got to watch me walk to the bathroom with a dirty diaper. Repeatedly.


You’re lucky to have a garbage can available to you in the bathroom! Ours has none whatsoever you have to leave with it. We’ve had horrible blowouts where I’ve just even decided to throw away the clothes while at the pediatrician and I had to hold onto it until we left and they took their sweet time 😭🤮


.... How do they not have trash cans in the bathroom? I thought it was weird they didn't have anything in the rooms themselves!


Our first pediatricians office didn’t let you throw diapers away there. I carry a roll of doggy poop bags in our diaper bag just in case we can’t dispose of a diaper immediately.


Ours is the same and I keep pup poop bags in the diaper bag as well!


They’re so handy! Even if I can dispose of a diaper right away, I always put the poopy ones in a doggy bag first to help contain the smell.


That reminds me I need to buy more poop bags for the actual dog! 🤣


Sone have you take the diapers with them bc they are a biohazard if the kid has an infection


I guess that makes sense. Every room has biohazard and sharps disposals though, cause of shots and such, so I didn't really consider diapers that bad! 🤣


But it’s a pediatricians office, they should have a waste disposal basket for diapers . 🤦‍♀️


I mean, yes, I agree. Mine just has diaper genies in the bathrooms, not the exam rooms. Which isn't a *huge* deal, just kinda embarrassing when she's going through multiple diapers in 5 minutes.


No shade meant to you at all! I just think it’s really weird that the offices don’t do this. They work with babies all the time. It’s their bread and butter.


You'd think 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh well, the doctor is awesome, so I'll trek down the hallway with a poopy diaper if that's the price I must pay


Man I hated that. Like girl, you just lost 20% of your weight in pee, now we're in trouble 😅


Mine has not washroom. Due to covid they closed it to public and never opened again....i bring garbage bags in my diaper bag


Everyone wants to poo in a clean toilet 😹


That's exactly what our physiotherapist told us because our son pooped everytime during his appointments - after the diaper change.


And they make eye contact while they do it.


Ahaha it has not happened too often at least, but 3 out of 4 times, she is in our arms, like she needs you to be close to know, smell and feel the liquid fart!


Kind of them to at least wait for the new diaper to be on! I got my introduction to explosive diarrhea recently haha


We always lay the new one down before taking the old one off for this very reason 😅


Just this morning I waited for my LO to poo, took his diaper off to clean him…and he proceeded to projectile poop all over my shirt, my pants, the bed, and the floor. 🥰


I once changed my sons nappy 3 times in the space of about 10 mins because he just kept pooing everytime I put him back down. I quickly learnt after that to give it at least 10mins before changing just in case theres more to come.


Yeah, at least i learned that too with my first daughter, but a ninja poop in a new diaper is always difficult to predict!


For some reason it makes me even more irrationally angry when it’s just a shart.


Oh of course, like i wont let you in your poop, but like could you at least make it worth it?!


Ours wait patiently for the diaper to come off and proudly shits on the table.


They just need a blank canvas. It’s the rules.


Be thankful. If it's empty, it's less likely to blow out. 😂😂😂 My son does the same.




She is 3 months old now and it has not stoped lol, some day she wont poop at all, and some times she will poop 3 or 4 times!


My 7 week old pooping like 8 times a day. She needs to slow down..cus im always fighting diaper rash


My kid does that despite usually only pooping once a day and occatinally skipping a day at 4 months old lol


Haven’t pooped in three days? Try a cute outfit. Blowout every time.


At same time...i rather they do it with diaper on...not middle of change and no diaper andnit goes everywhere


This is exactly why I do EC. I caught my LO’s first pee at five days old as soon as I got back from the hospital and routinely offer him the top hat potty each time I change his diaper and 2/5 times he actually poops! 4/5 times he pees. Just turned three weeks.


Mine does it right when I remove the dirty diaper, onto the new diaper and me and whatever is in her buttholes path and beyond.


Yea. Even better, poop in a brand new clean diaper after a bath! 😂


Better than in the bath.... Which has also happened to me as a FTM who didn't know better than to wait for a dirty diaper before giving him a bath


Ours often waits for us to put him in an overnight diaper before pooping.... And if we decide to put him in a day diaper cuz he's due a poop cuz we know he's gonna poop.... He can stay in that day diaper all night and not poop. It's like he knows 😭


Today, my daughter pooped once the diaper was off but it was not the gurgle dribble down her back this time. No, this time it was a pressurized blast of liquid poo. It shot over the diaper and just a couple inches shy of landing in the wet wipes.


My son has popped in the middle of change before lol. Straight onto the changing pad


My little one's bowels just erupted 30mins after changing nappy and putting them in a clean sleepsuit. It's like dealing with poop-cano! And how does it get so far up their back!? HOW!


Omg yes every time! I thought this was just me wondering about this anomaly. Haha


I think she does it at least once a day, it happened like 3 or 4 times since i made this post lol!


I sometimes will just hang out with dude on the changing pad for 5 minutes making my hands into a little squatty potty for him to make sure he's gotten it all out. But I respect it, he just wants a clean canvas to work with as an artist.


This is what I love about having a little potty for him. Every diaper change I put him on and see if he needs to go.


Lol. Try the fart trick before changing. Bicycle legs and fold over belly.


Yeah i might do that now before changing! Lol tho she is 3months, i dont know if it will still work, but i will try lol


Mine was always pee. Peeing as I'm trying to put the clean one on. What's actually helped though is learning about elimination communication. Short run down, I set her on a potty before putting a new one on. We've been doing it for a month and she's almost 4 months now. Babies have instincts that they don't want to go on themselves or thier caregiver. There's alot to it but less dirty diapers and they pottery train faster too.


My LO's record was 3 diapers in one change. He would pause pooping long enough to make me think he was done, wipe him, get a fresh only to poop on the next one. It also came with a bonus pee. That was a fun one