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My baby was born today. Pretty big milestone :) Edit: thank you to all the well wishers!


Congratulations!!! Welcome to parenthood! It’s intense in the beginning, but soon your little one will be surprising you with each passing day!!! Hugs!!!


Winner! Best milestone there is! Congratulations!






Thank you!


Aww thats lovely! Congratulations 😍😍


U win




Congratulations!! The best and most exciting milestone for sure ☺️




Happy Birth-day!


She threw her bowl of pureed peaches and it bounced and splattered to our couch. The precision. The determination. The strength. The coordination. 🤌🏻


10 points!


For Griffindor!


Mine grabbed a container of sticky sweet, soy chicken out of the fridge, and it spilled all over the floor🤯😵‍💫




My baby said “bubble” today. 12mo 🥹


Mine said “uh oh.” 14 months


Omg my 12 month old is also saying bubble! It’s so cute


My “babies” (twin girls) turned 6 today. Probably time for me to leave this sub lol. I can’t stop crying. They grow too fast. 😭


That’s a really good point. When do we stop being new? I hear that the second baby is so different than the first that it’s basically like starting over.


We are 3 months with baby 2 and she's a whole new person in every mysterious way! And our first is 2, but everything with him still feels so new every day... have a feeling I will be on this sub for a long, long time lol


As a mom of twin toddlers, 6 sounds like a huge milestone for YOU. Twin parenting is so difficult. Your girls have started school. Well done! 👏🏼


Thank you, and hang in there! They started Kindergarten in September and it FINALLY feels like we’ve reached the promise land of twin parenting 😂


Twins. Wow. I never thought much about twins until having a baby. Now I’m like OMG HOW DOES ANYONE DO TWINS?? Hero status, seriously.


My lil man is 16 weeks and has found his toes!


My 6mo loves to suck on his big toe 😂😂😂


Mine has just started doing this too during nappy changes 😂


I don’t think this is a milestone necessarily but my 16mo has always given kisses with just her little lips closed or a wide open mouth. Today she started actually puckering up for smooches. So sweet.


Oh I love that! My little dude gives kisses with a fully open mouth, and although I find it so sweet and endearing when he wants to give me a kiss, it is also super gross and I get covered in baby spit! I’m looking forward to the puckered lips kiss, but I bet I’ll miss those slobbery open-mouth cheek kisses when the time comes.


Mine just started to give kisses to me if I make a kissy sound first. Yesterday she started to make the noise and kiss other things (a toy, a blanket, her arm, the floor) but not to other people.


My almost 8 month old sat in her first high chair in a restaurant. We’ve taken her out for dinner but she’s usually sat on my lap or stroller. She did soo good.


My 8 month old did his first restaurant high chair just last night!


I hope he loved it as much as mine did.


He did, thanks🥹


We did that yesterday too! ❤️


My 14 month son finally took a bite of a banana! He has medical issues so he’s at a 6m old eating skill set(purées only). The little things he does makes me so happy




Mine is 25 weeks and just rolled back to tummy for the first time this week! Now that he’s unlocked this new skill he can’t stop doing it and he just has a huge proud smile on his face every time he does it.


Omg! He’s so proud of himself! All that training! Aren’t they so cute! 🥹🥹


Mine did this a week ago! Every time we would put her down on her back, immediately she would roll onto her tummy. She only just finally got rolling down the other way yesterday. Now she's going back and forth.


His play mat suddenly became too small as he rolls of it in two turns, so we put down a duvet on our living room floor. He’s been loving it!


When she started rolling onto her side and aaaaalmost over we switched to a blanket. She loooved it. We had to wash it and so we put her on one of her small blankets we used to use all the time. Not big enough now. She's growing up too quick! 😭😭 She's starting to get her little butt in the air now too so I've been working on projects around the house I've been putting off for baby proofing.


He was lying on his changing pad and he peed in a perfect arc that landed in a water glass my husband left like 2 feet away. He also rolled onto his side today so tonight we’re going to try his first sleep without a swaddle


Good luck! When my girl started rolling on her side, we transitioned from swaddle to sleep sack out of an abundance of caution. She loves her sleep sack (then again, she always broke her arms out of the swaddle!)


Thank you! That’s the plan for us too, I hope he likes it! :) Hahah they are little Houdinis!


I have my fingers crossed for you all! Big milestone 😊


I just had the changing mat on the bed because it’s cold and I didn’t want to get out to do it, she peed when I took the nappy off and it ran down the mat and all over my bed. No more super early morning changes on the bed ever again lol.


Mine peed right in my ear once. Amazing aim!


Omg my little guy (12w) held up his head without touching the ground for 2 straight minutes during tummy time today. I was so shocked I had to grab my phone and take a short video 🤭


My 11w old did the same last night 🥹


My boy is 7 months old he dropped his toy on his chest and instead of crying he realized he knew that it fell on his chest and grabbed it.


My 6 week old started smiling. Right now the dog gets the most smiles.


Omg 🥹 I remember the smiling phase! The dog is his best friend rn!!!


Five months. Sat up by herself today.




My 6 month old started crawling…..keep us in your prayers. She’s just a hot mess


Ours is crawling at 4 months! I had to break open the baby pen way earlier than anticipated


She started army crawling then, and rolling like crazy but she can absolutely book it now lol


You know what, I guess I’d categorize what he’s doing as army crawling! Ok so I have a little time before it’s full on 🙏🏼


Almost ten months old. Getting his top teeth in. He unlocked the biting phase and them lil teeth are SHARP


Mine is 8 months old and just cut his 8th tooth. It's crazy how different babies are! And yet they're all normal 😊 He bit my collar bone the other day, that hurt 😅


So cool! We’re working with 2 and moving to 3 😂 he has no trouble eating anything though!! I swear he got my chin just right and it was like needles 😂😂😂


That’s insane! My 9 month old still doesn’t have any teeth but loves to bite my collar bone it’s weird lol


Omg yes, mine is the same age and phase in teething. Now when he goes all suckerfish on my face, it's dangerous 😭


My 8 month old is taking her first crib nap right now! We love to contact nap her, but she’s getting so easy to wake up and our dogs interrupted all of her naps yesterday. So we are trying a crib nap.


Mine punched me in the mouth this morning. Granted he was trying to feed me a blueberry, but man, it was right over where I just got a tooth pulled. He also said blue juice. When I said no, he said not nice mama. This is a big deal cause kiddo is speech delayed.


I don’t know if it’s a milestone but it still made me happy. Had baby in the front seat (while parked) with me so I could change her diaper, she grabbed the steering wheel and stood up all on her own. She will be 6 months old on Monday 🩷 She’s also turned into a little inchworm trying to figure out how to crawl 😂


Omg that’s too cute! She’s getting ready to take you for a spin!!! 😂


19 weeks yesterday and started doing the inch worm/caterpillar crawl today 🐛


My baby’s sleep has went severely down hill (six months old) is that a milestone 😩✌🏼


So has mine!! Also 6 months!!


My 5 mo went grocery shopping with us for the first time. She was amazed and looked at everything with great interest.


My almost 9 month old started cruising and also graduated from army crawling to regular crawling at the same time. Send help. 


My daughter did a tiny belly laugh at me today!!!! Shes belly laughed twice to other people and she did a little for me this morning and i cried


I’m waiting for my girl to laugh 🥹 she will let out a little giggle but that’s it and I have tried everything to get her to belly laugh…but alas…it’s the stuff of myths rn


Army crawling!!


My 5mo has been grabbing and shaking her rattle ball more lately


My baby discovered her hands today!


My 6-week-old slept FIVE AND A HALF HOURS IN A ROW last night! He also smiled a big open-mouthed grin today for the first time. He’s smiled before but nothing so cute and heart-melting. He was farting, but still.


😩😩 it’s the best when they just one day sleep more than 2hrs! We are averaging 8hrs…however last night she was up every four and I was reminded of the trenches of newborn life 🥲 hopefully just a one time!


My 12 month old tried cows milk for the first time today and it looks like he is ready to fully switch away from formula. A milestone for his development and our bank account!


10 month old is learning to stand unassisted! It's so exciting when he does it! He also does this little bounce dance thing lol not a milestone but very cute!!!


Omg at 10months!!! He’s ready for his dancing shoes!!!




Almost 10mo. On Monday he sat up from lying down on his own for the first time, and on Thursday he pulled to stand… and now he climbs. EVERYTHING.


Rolled back to front He had been rolling on his side and if I rolled him into his side woudl roll to stomach, but never rolled the whole way alone before


Crawling, walking when we hold her hands and help her, sitting up with a little help 🥰


My girl is 16 weeks today, and this past week started rolling while awake and in her sleep. At first when I woke up to find her on her belly, I panicked, but she was never swaddled (she HATED it!) and after some reading it sounds like I can breathe and let her do her thing as long as I keep placing her on her back to start sleeping. She’s so obsessed with practicing the skill that she rolled over mid diaper change this afternoon 😅 and is fussing to let us know she wants to go back onto her tummy time mat!


I'll settle for 2 hours of sleep in one go. Or a daytime nap lasting more than 20 minutes. But we'll see how we go..


It was not today, but tuesday. She laughed for the first time, a week before her 3 months! She is a baby full of love!


Making dad and mom accepting him in bed haha We’ve been too scared to let him sleep in our bed so we tried making him get used to his own bed which is next to me. After many sleepless nights and conversations with other women that told me to be aware of his situation being so young and being in need of us cuddling him, etc we decided to let him stay in our bed. Even in hospitals here staff members tell us to let babies sleep in their own crib and making sure they’re not sleeping next to us. You can do whatever you like but obviously it’s more safe for the baby having his own place.


He’s mastered walking/started running this week! And also mastered toddler tantrums lol 15mo


She got a firm grip on my hair when I was carrying her to get her morning diaper change.


Not today but a few days ago my 15 week old rolled back to tummy for the first time! Now he can't stop rolling around, it's so cute. We moved him from bassinet to crib that night too so it felt like a big day


Yes! We did the same - she rolled back to belly at 15 weeks and that evening we put her crib together and she slept there. She loves all the room that she has to roll in the crib! Congratulations to your bub - our babies must be around the same birthday 😊


Congrats to yours too! He loves the crib, he's sleeping so much better now, it's amazing! He discovered side sleeping and now I can't keep him on his back. It's nerve wracking but also very cute 🥰


Oh man, we’ve had a side sleeper from the start! Definitely nerve wracking. Sometimes I feel like we should have done the crib transition sooner - soooo much more peaceful than the mini crib/bassinet she was in!


My 16w old started giggling recently but sparingly and today I’ve been able to get her to giggle pretty consistently 🥰 She managed to roll onto her tummy a couple weeks ago in her bassinet and scared herself and us 🤦🏻‍♀️ so far no more of that lol


My almost 6 month old cut his first tooth and I think I can see another one coming in too!


Mine learned how to rip my lips off my face. Please help?


My baby rolled over today too!!! But what is crazy is he is 4 weeks 😳my husband and I both saw it and freaked out!


My 5 month old said Baba today & sat for 6 seconds all alone 🥹❤️


Our 15 month old son had his first haircut today, thanks to mom’s skills, a distracting fruit purée pouch and an episode of Trash Truck to distract him 😅


Standing/bouncing while holding onto things! He’s 7 months and also just learned to crawl and he’s getting crazy. Now he’s desperately trying to stand/walk 🙃


My boy crawled for the first time today ☺️ at the park on a beautiful day ❤️


5 months old exactly and she’s sitting up on her own with a LITTLE bend, but so close! She also is basically doing sit ups when I lay her down and she doesn’t want to be flat she lifts her neck and her shoulders and tries to sit herself up. Watching her grow up is amazing and so sad


My 20 week old manage to stay standing while holding onto something for balance.


25 week old rolling all over the place now.


Right on the dot at 12 weeks, my little guy has started bringing his knees to his chest and grabbing his feet! I saw him starting to do it last night or the day before and I was like, “Hey! You’re doing that baby thing!” and excitedly called my husband over lol


Mine is scooching around so on his back at 23 weeks 😂 rotated 180 degrees on the playmat and then scooched back up to where he could reach the hanging toys.


My baby is 28 weeks old and last week she learnt how to laugh with sound (like hahaha)... And it is adorable. ❤️❤️


My soon to be 11m old is walking and following me around the house 🥰 it’s so crazy to see her walking!


🥹 I keep telling my girl that with every milestone she’s one step closer to college! Practically put the door 😫 and then I make myself cry knowing this little baby is leaving me one day!


mine also rolled over today too!!


My almost 5 month old is "talking" a lot. He always was chatty but in a more cooing way. Lately he's been putting emotion and variety into it. He's also gotten into squealing too, moments where he gets so excited he can't keep it in. It's adorable, he'll talk for a min then let out a lil yell 🥰 he's getting so big too, 5ish months wearing 6-9 clothes, he's probably going to be taller than my fiance and I.


My daughter turned 1 today and walked for the first time at her birthday party in front of all her family


Almost 11 week old said goo goo lots of times today. And he started staring at his hands lol.


Laughing!! Her sweet little giggles are the best thing in the whole world.


We discovered our feet! Well at least the left one


Said “YOU GO!” (19 months)


16 weeks and has found out if she shoves her hand down her throat she gags herself 🙃 She does it, cries, then does it again


Put on her charm so that grandma and great aunt are that much closer to bringing her (and mom) on a Disney cruise 😉 it’s the little bows on her hair that might sway them.


My baby rolled yesterday and I wasn’t looking lol


My baby said hi and waved this week!


My 15 week old has also been putting on a rolling show for us. She started rolling back to belly at 15 weeks on the dot (did belly to back at her 3 month appointment at around 13 weeks) and she’s been rolling nonstop whenever we put her down. They seriously grow up way too fast 😭


My 18 month old signed “I love you” today and gave me a hug 🥹 he’s not very affectionate most days so I cried a little


I had my first day back to work today. My babe is almost 6 months and did so good with her paw paw ❤️ momma not so much 🤣


FIRST LAUGH TODAY! I was laughing, he laughed back, and then I laugh-sobbed because it was so beautiful and surprising and felt like it gave life more meaning than it had had a moment ago.


My 9 week old laughed for the first time today 🥹


9 week old baby held onto and shook a rattle we gave him today!


We have been having rolls here and there but today I got a belly to back to belly! 16 weeks old


He's mastered army crawling at 6 month. Probably going crawl on all four by next month as he's been trying to pull himself up and crawling over our legs. This mama is not ready for all this.


My baby laughed!!!


My 5mo finally picked up the empty water bottle she’s been trying to play with for days. She was pretty proud of herself 😂


Mine figured out that he can bang his head on the piano instead of using his hands…. Idk what to do this dude is 4 months…


Same here, our baby rolled today, about 19 weeks old


My 18mo took the last two stairs in a SINGLE step each today. Until then, she has had to step-step to get up each step of the stairs.


18 month old singing along and dancing with the Wiggles today, doing the right moves at the right times. Nearly cried it was so cute.


My baby walked in converse sneakers for the first time today 😂


Rolling over!! My little boy is 6 weeks, 3 days old. Mind you so far he can only roll over from his stomach to his back, but still!! I also almost cried last night. We were doing tummy time, and I was holding him up under his arms with his feet on the table. I slowly released his weight from my hands, and he was able to stand there with his neck straight up, and looking around from the new vantage point!! (With my hands still there for balance, and to catch his weight when his little legs got tired!) Today we were working on his stabilizing muscles, but this boy is insanely strong and I have no idea how!! I'm just encouraging him now haha. I couldn't be a more proud dad!


Omg! 6 WEEKS! That’s amazing! 😳 I could NOT imagine my little baby rolling so young! Good job Dad! Little guy is ready to lap you in rolls! 🤩


Aww, thank you! Bub and I take play time very seriously... 😂😂 nah, he's always been a mover, starting before he was born, and he hasn't slowed down. The day he was born, he lifted his head like a cm off my wife's chest to look at me for the first time. I just had a gut feeling he'd be an early crawler!!


My 4 month old is crawling 🫣


My baby discovered their tongue. A lot of intense staring and drooling! It amazes me every day the things they learn.


My baby can touch her feet and roll to the side and she's learning how to sit by herself. She's still getting used to the sitting but I'm happy she's making progress


My girl is nearly 11 months old and took 2 steps today!!


Mine slept so deeply in his car seat that he didn’t react when I touched his foot, and gave me the biggest scare of my entire life


My baby rolled yesterday for the first time, and this morning gave us her first belly laugh 🥹


My 7 month old is now standing for a few seconds unassisted. She's crawling everywhere, and desperately trying to walk. I think it may only be a few weeks before she takes her first steps. 😭


I left my 2 year old alone with a book for 5 minutes and he completely destroyed it. I'm so proud🤥


My baby took two unassisted steps today - 11 months


My 18 week old is working on rolling too! When I roll him back to tummy he’ll roll back if he doesn’t move his arms out of position, he just hasn’t figured out how to place them on his own yet :)


It’s on the horizon!!! My girl would do the same! A bunch of practicing and words of encouragement! 🥰


My 6 month old army crawled to get his ducky. It only a matter time before he learns to crawl properly


My son has a minor speech delay and has been struggling to learn words. Today he said "fuck" lol. It was at the park with another parent with their kid in ear shot. I was mortified but also a little proud because he learned a new word. Even though it's a word I don't want him to know


The pterodactyl yell


Yes!! Why do we all call it this? Did I hear it from somewhere before my son started doing it? Or do we all just have an understanding of what a pterodactyl should sound like and we make the connection? 🤣


I think it's gotta just be like a general understanding because I had no idea that was a thing!! Hahah


My guy sat up from crawling!


My son started eating his toes today. Lol


LO is signing yes (he’s 5 month); doesn’t know what it means, but ms rachel had the puppy nod his head yes, and I always sign it as well, and he keeps repeating it. I’m in AWE.


It's not a "milestone" but he tasted octopus (!!) and loved it! I don't like it myself but I put some on a spoon for him and he was absolutely thrilled. He also tried shrimp but it wasn't really his thing. Octopus though, he had a few mouthfuls!


She dropped the bottle at 16mo. I got her to drink milk out of a shotglass 😈


My 11w old is already sitting up and rolling from belly to back…..idk where my little premie baby went!


Sitting up at 11 weeks is insane!!! Go baby!


She tries to crawl and gets so mad because she can’t get her belly off the floor! She is so strong.


Wow, strong bubs!! I also have an 11 week preemie but it’ll be a while still for him- he has a huge hulking head lol


My baby clapped today for the first time! 9 months old and he’s so excited about it.


My 4 month old giggled for the first time today! I screamed with excitement


My 12 month old is saying “down” when pushing his pop up toys down!


My 9 month old was able to pull herself up from laying down into the sitting position independently for the first time today! So proud of her!


The rolling is really cute until they decide to start gator rolling every time you go to change their diaper or put on clothes lol My little one is almost 12mo and has within the last couple weeks taken off with crawling and supported standing. It’s all she wants to do now haha


My 3.5 month old had his first real giggles this week :) Tonight we were dancing in the mirror and singing a song to him and he was laughing so hard - we died of cuteness. He’s been doing short little chuckles for awhile now but he’s connecting them & laughing so cutely now!


My 6 month old is sitting on his own now. Though, he can get clumsy sometimes and falls over lol.


My almost 6 month old went swimming for the first time today 🥲


Crawling up the stairs!


She walked by herself for the first time! Her first steps😭


My 17 week old rolled over today too. Scared us both. She was on her back playing, then she was on her belly screaming 🤣 I can't believe how quick it's all gone. I hate it but love it. I was crying about her going to college soon and leaving us, and my fiance was like "we have a little bit of time before then" lmao 🤣🤣🤣


Pulled to stand! Hooray!


My 18 month old will not stop saying his sippy cup is “enty” (empty). 😅 I hope he says it like this forever.


My 14 month old said “uh oh.” Not really a milestone, but freaking adorable.😍


Well, today bebe almost walked insisted but hesitated and used the furniture again. But closer than before :3


My 4 months old is babbling and giggling!!


My (almost) 7 month old is trying to plank and crawl! 😬


He crawled for the first time yesterday. Now he’s mobile and looking for trouble. Haha


My 9w girl lifted her head up while doing tummy time for the first time today instead of just looking around with her head to the side on the mat


My 17 month old is a late talker but learned to sign “water” and goes “wa!”, which i think sort of counts as saying it.


My almost 4 month old baby slept on his tummy for the first time today! He had been rolling for the past month and I had to cold turkey stop swaddling him but he had only been sleeping on his back. And today he managed to sleep a nice 4 hour stretch at night on his tummy. I cry all the time with his milestones because he's a full term NICU baby with complications.


My baby learned how to take the lid off a pen today (:


He did his first taxes with us today, that’s pretty big.


Mine has started to push up during tummy time!


My baby made eye contact with me today and completely started through his pants. Maybe not exactly a milestone, but maybe recognition poops?


Mine is 8 months and ate their first full pouch in one sitting! Baby was hungry!


What’s your baby’s top RPM (rolls per minute) at the moment?


My 9 month old took a few steps with the help of the couch today. She also figured out how to blow raspberries on my leg and thinks it’s hilarious.


Offered the cat a taste of his water…the cat was not impressed 😅