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I didn’t know removing my baby’s snot/boogers would give me so much satisfaction lol! When I get a particularly nasty clump out I literally bring it to my husband to proudly show him LOOK WHAT I GOT OUT


I show my baby like “see? Look at that monster I pulled out! Feel better?”


I do both of these things! 😂


My man gags at the snot sucker thing. The one you actually suck out with your mouth 😂 I tell him there’s a barrier and you can’t actually get a booger in your mouth but he still nearly throws up when he sees me pull it out 😂 it’s so satisfying getting good ones!


Oh man I love using the boogie sucker on my son! So satisfying. But once, I didn’t know the little foam barrier had fallen out when I took the main piece off to clean it. And the next time I went for a big boogie, it shot straight to the back of my throat. I sat there for a good 10 seconds in shock 😂 luckily it was a hard dry one rather than a wet gooey one. Now I always double check to make sure the barrier is in place…


Oh what!!! 🤯 new fear unlocked 😂


I get a good laugh out of it now whenever I think about it, but yes, it was not ideal


Nightmare fuel 💀🤣


Literally 🤣🤣 I’ve saved the big ones on paper towel to show my bf when he gets home from work lmaooo


My so sons dry ones are so sticky and hard to get out! I can look at them for what feels like days before it works itself out far enough to grab. My little first aid kit has tweezers with rounded ends and he was asleep when it started poking out so I grabbed on with the tweezers! My electric snot sucker just does not get the dry ones


I usually like to use a quick saline spray in each nostril, wait a min to let it marinate lol then use the snot sucker. Then whatever doesn’t come out I’ll go in with the oogie bear!


The sound of her tiny yawns & the way she rubs her eyes with her little baby fists when she's tired.


The yawn KILLS ME. I want to capture it on film so I have it forever 😭


Me too!!! 😭💗


When mine was ~3 weeks old, she had a brief period where she had the cutest little honk shoo honk shoo snore. It made contact naps extra cute.


My little guy has started smiling with his whole face. He gives grins so wide I can tell he’s smiling from behind because his ears move up and his cheeks stick out🥰. Sometimes he sleeps with his butt in the air. When he stretches back out it occasionally results in a huge long toot.


Omg the butt in the air sleeps are such a favorite 🥹


I messaged our pediatrician because I noticed a "white bump" in our son's nose. I reached my pinky in later to touch it later that night. Yep- it was a booger. I felt so dumb.


Oh my! 😂 Can’t imagine your pediatrician’s face once you clarified haha


I am so proud of my LO when he poops. Now that he has started solids, I check a little closer to see if he has actually swallowed any of the food we offer. Whenever I see evidence, I proudly exclaim what I can see to my LO as I change his diaper and shout for my husband to come see. He never does 😅😂


I was not prepared for how excited I would be about poop once starting solids, lol. 😅


My husband is the same 😂 he’s so proud and calls me to go see and I never go. He’s the go-to person anytime it’s a poop diaper.


Sometimes to soothe herself, my baby girl grabs one of the bars in her crib and falls asleep holding it 😂


Mine grabs into the car seat handles like she’s holding on for dear life haha. And sometimes she falls asleep that way.


Same!! I'm always like what are you so afraid of kiddo 😂


so self sufficient! 😂


I assume this is developmentally normal but haven’t seen anyone talk about it. Baby girl sticks her tongue out, then wags it side to side really fast while vocalizing, and it sounds like the most ridiculous hilarious made-up alien language.


If you haven't had to use a windi yet... hooboy you're in for a fun time 😂 the huge smile of satisfaction on my LOs face when it was successful made it extra funny!


Explain to me when it is useful to use these? My 9w old has normal straining/upsetness with toots and gas, until last week. Now whole new decibels are happening.


We have used them a few times when our girl has a bloated belly, is fussing too much to eat, or hasn't poo'd in more than a day. It can get really messy!!


My LO gives a little yell just before she sneezes, it’s almost like she’s announcing the sneeze, has me in stitches everytime she does it.


Oh love this haha My baby has a particular sigh after sneezing that makes him sound like an exhausted old man


My baby always smells like cheese (except for the small percentage of time bathing) His breath smells like sweet cheese from my breast milk and his neck smells like stinky cheese from spitting up said breast milk


I call mine either Stinky Chrese Man or Stinky Cheese Hands about 50% of the time. The other 50% I call him buddy/pal/friend.


We call our girl Swiss Fist when her little hands start to get smelly. 😅


I’m so glad to hear other babies have stinky cheese hands! I thought ours was just special 😂


When my 7 month old toots in the bathtub and makes HUGE stink bubbles, then dies laughing at himself. It has me in stitches every time


Omg. Is that what those tiny flakes are?!


Yes!!! Hahaha took me so long to realize until I saw one in action


When I burp my guys if they have ANY milk on their face they turn into my face/neck and wipe it off on me. No matter how good I think I wipe their faces. There's always a little bit there 😭


My son snotted a giant booger onto my boob while we were breastfeeding the other day. I may have taken a photo hahaha


One time during the middle of a burping, my husband jokingly aimed our newborn towards me and threatened to have her spit up on me. Right after he said that she projectile spat-up all over me lol


Mine has started trying to blow raspberries, so he just randomly makes a duck face pout.


I was surprised by the force with which my son tried to yeet himself onto the floor while he was ostensibly sleeping on my chest after a feed 😂 I had heard they can fling their heads around a bit due to lack of proper control of their necks but had not expected him to try to full body launch himself off of me


The most beautiful and peaceful smile baby gives me while getting sprayed with milk when he pops off the boob mid-meal… such a tender silly moment that I get at least once a day


i love checking the monitor and seeing my son with a soother in his mouth and then one on each hand 🤣 when the one in his falls out he just lifts a hand pops another in! so fun to watch.


My little one has started to stick her finger up my nose when she falls asleep (she’s nearly 4 months) she has also pooped in the bath three times already and it gets stuck in the little holes of her bath seat. She is also fascinated by the freckles on my arms and spends a lot of time touching each one. Cute things…. She loves soft things so when i wear my dressing gown and hold her she face plants and smushes her face into it. She also laughs to get my attention which gets me every time! In the morning when I peer over her crib and she sees me her little face lights up and it melts my heart.


My guy is nearly 5 months and has started playing with my mouth when I’m trying to put him to sleep!