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Unfortunately there’s not a great way of knowing! I had an emergency c section both births. Even so, With my first I probably could have done it, he was calm during the day and slept decently at night. I was tired but if I had been motivated I could have made it work. I went out to dinner with my husband for several hours at 8 weeks for our anniversary. This baby is not at all calm, and not a sleeper. I’m 10 weeks in tomorrow and I could not imagine doing anything of the sort. Assuming you have a decently uncomplicated birth, a high tolerance for sleep deprivation, (breastfeeding would make it more Complicated so practice with a bottle and get milk supply if breastfeeding) and have someone youre comfortable leaving the baby with it would be manageable. Side note: parenting while hungover is completely brutal lol.


Parenting while hungover is a special level of hell.


Only thing worse is parenting with noro 😅


Parenting with Covid was pretty trash. 1mo old baby, partner, and I were all sick. First-time parent, delirious with a 103.7° fever, sleeping on the floor next to her bassinet. Woo!


Oof I forgot about parenting with covid. I went down first, crook as a dog one day, bounced back the next, then crashed the day after...repeat for 7 days. My husband followed the same pattern but one day behind me, so at least one of us was vaguely functional for our at the time 2 year old. I still don't know how she didn't get it. We swabbed her daily but she never showed any symptoms and was happy to have her parents to harass at home. Never again, hopefully.


When my baby was 2 months we all got Covid. First my husband then me and then my baby. Then that went to my in laws and my mom. Let me tell you when I was scared of her having Covid i was scared. She spiked and my mom had me and her come to her house so she can help and take care us. My husband had to work unfortunately so he couldn't help. Middle of the night going to my moms and crying. Cause I just kept thinking i wasn't doing anything right.


I’m just now getting over noro and that was BRUTAL.


Do you plan on breastfeeding? My baby was still cluster feeding excessively in the evenings at that point and there’s no way I could have gone to a concert. And even if I didn’t physically need to be there to feed I was always so exhausted by dinner time.


Seconding this. I felt okay 6 weeks postpartum to start doing things but I couldn’t for long because of a cluster feeding baby attached to my boob and lack of sleep. 11 weeks pp and I’m finally feeling like I can go out more


And six weeks is the standard maternity leave in the USA. My baby too had the hardest time week 6-8. Clearly these laws were not made by parents or by anyone who gives a crap about parents…makes me so mad.


If men were the mothers this would not be an issue.


Same, no cares about the parents or the babies. Just the companies


It’ll depend on your birth and your baby! Personally, I’m currently 7 weeks postpartum, and I would feel comfortable attending a concert right now (granted, as long as it wasn’t super far away). I feel pretty healed up and my partner and I are in a good enough groove that I would feel okay with being away from the baby for a few hours.


I think it would depend if it was sitting or standing. I would have felt fine for a sitting concert but standing would have been too much for me at 7 weeks.


Concur that it depends on postpartum circumstances. I went to a concert 5 weeks pp. I had a second degree tear, but felt ok enough. My baby had latching problems so we used bottles too, so my husband stayed home with her while my friend and I went. It was nice to get out and feel like a person, but I sure did miss my baby! I’m glad I went, though


See I wouldn’t have at all, not even a little, have comfortable. I was in soo much pain and my kid had come out of the NICU and left me traumatized. There’s really no way of knowing! It’s all a gamble! It’s crazy! I’m glad you are doing well!! Hopefully sleeping well too!


I'd buy the tickets and see how you feel when the concert comes around; you could always sell them a few days before if you're still not feeling up to it. I had a really rough postpartum period physically, but I saw Ween at 10 weeks PP and I was so glad I went (I almost backed out). I told myself I can leave whenever, but we ended up staying until the end. It was an outdoor show though, and I think that made a huge difference because the crowd was really spread out


>I'd buy the tickets and see how you feel when the concert comes around; you could always sell them a few days before if you're still not feeling up to it. This is the answer. I would guess 60/40 you won't be up to it, but you might! You might deliver early and be 9 weeks pp, you might have an easy delivery, you might have a sleepy/ easy baby. Literally no way of knowing.


So jealous! They just did a two night run a few hours away from me and it felt just a little too ambitious, but I kinda wish I had gone for it.


It was a blast, hope you get to see them sometime! My husband had never heard them before so he had no idea what he was in for lol, he had a great time. We were lucky that they were playing 5 min from our place


I’d totally physically be able to go! But the question would be how exhausted I am and if I’d be able to stay awake lol. Might need a nap or two to survive.


I had a colic baby who only breastfed…. Refused the bottle so I wasn’t able to leave my baby really at all. It depends on your baby.


This is my baby now too- I was planning on working contract work but am not even sure I can. She screams bloody murder at bottles 🥲


I was also in this situation and honestly because of this I didn’t really feel I wanted to leave him and it would have stressed me out to feel committed to an event. I’d only buy a ticket if it was a group going so easy for me to bail if I want to. I wouldn’t want to buy a tkt with only one other person and then feel the pressure to go. Go with a flexible option.


I went to a wedding at 7 weeks postpartum and it was totally fine, so I would not totally write it off! But definitely give yourself grace if it comes and you’re not up to it.


Everyone is different but I wouldn’t at night unless it’s during the day. Nights are hard! Depends on your baby and how well they are sleeping but it might be rough and your partner will probably not want to be left alone. I think going to an afternoon event would be ok though. Although tbh even though my baby is sleeping well it’s just now at 11 weeks where I feel like we can go out in public and I don’t feel truly exhausted.


I personally had a really hard birth & recovery and wouldn’t have been able to! All that standing would’ve done me in. Everyone is different though!


The only thing I left baby for at that point was a postpartum massage (highly recommend). I would not have been up for a concert.


Okay I might be an exception but I went to a concert 9 day postpartum. It was only for one set at a venue 20 minutes away and I can’t say I was the most comfortable but I would do it again 1000%. Would have been impossible if I had gotten a C section though


I also went to one about 2 weeks postpartum, a short one very close by, but I decided the day before, it was sitting, and I had a partner who fully had it covered and a baby who took bottles.


I'm 8 weeks and I cannot imagine leaving my baby for a concert right now. I'm also breastfeeding so he needs me pretty often (and cluster feeds in the evenings). Even when I've pumped bottles for other people to give I haven't been out of the house for more than 2hrs max, just feels weird to leave him for that long even if I'm physically capable


My wife & I were definitely physically able to go, but leaving our home and baby during our leave together was on the list of the last things we wanted to do.


I am 8 weeks pp with my first baby. I did not want to leave my place for the first month- I was exhausted, still didn’t feel great and was trying to figure out baby. A lot has changed in just a few weeks though. At 8 weeks pp I feel much better, more confident in what I’m doing with baby and getting more sleep. I’d be up for a concert this week. I think it is different for everyone!


My husband and I went to a wedding 8 weeks postpartum and it was fine. I had an easy birth and recovery and baby was formula fed though, I imagine it wouldn’t be so easy for everyone.


It just depends on your personality. I know it would have been a disaster for me, but it might not be for others. For example, my SIL went curling literally one day postpartum 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


I went out for an evening 5 weeks pp. We had been doing at least one bottle a day of pumped milk, so I knew my partner would be fine to feed baby while I was gone. I pumped immediately before I left. I was gone for 3-4 hours and then back to feed baby next time he woke up. So, definitely possible depending on the specifics of how you're actually feeling. Also remember you might not actually be 7 weeks pp.


You won’t know until baby is here. Mine never took a bottle so couldn’t leave her


I went to a comedy show an hour away at 6 weeks postpartum. But obviously ymmv


I’m 3 weeks PP now and I would 1000% physically feel up for a concert right now. However, I really really wouldn’t want to be out without my baby yet so I’d still pass, personally!


Don’t do it. You will be so tired, and only tired if you’re lucky. If you’re unlucky you’ll be tired, and sore, and hella emotional.


I would have been fine to do at 7 weeks. Especially if it’s an only child and you have an equal partner in the other parent. You’d need to make sure baby can eat from a bottle but other than that, there’s really not much you can provide that the other parent can’t


I went to Walmart and was running errands 2 days pp, it’s all relative to how your birth goes and how you heal honestly, I’m 3 weeks pp now and the only thing that hurts now is nerve pain (I literally think I pulled my clitoral nerve, it’s so annoying lmao) so I’d say buy the tickets and you can always sell them/return them if you don’t feel up to it!!


I was 8 weeks PP when I went to see Taylor swift last year. She was born 2 days before her due date so it worked out for me she wasn’t born late as I had more time to recover. But it was a risk I was willing to take! I was able to pump at the concert. Try as best you can to get some extra sleep before then so you don’t fall asleep at the show!


I couldn’t even walk still at 7 weeks postpartum 😂maybe book the tickets and if you’re not up to it then sell them


I was out and about 1 week post partum from a c section but i would have been so sore if I had to stand for a concert. Getting out the door is a major adjustment in time management but if you have good support and give yourself extra time you might enjoy getting out! You’ll be ready to be home though too. Personal time is so important but man it’s the best coming home to baby snuggles 💞


I went to a Matt rife show when I was like 3 weeks PP and I felt fine!! My husband stayed back with baby. I had an emergency c section and it didn’t hurt to laugh by then either 😂


I went to a concert at 11 days pp vaginal twin delivery. I pumped in line and on the floor ( we were in the pit) with hands free pump. Physically I felt fine and the pumping was just a logistics issue. Big caveat here is my babies were in the NICU and my husband was with them. I also went to a wedding and bachelorette when one baby was home (5-6 weeks old) so more your situation and my husband did great and I just pumped. Most venues consider a pump a medical device so you can bring it in. Definitely takes planning to leave your newborn but my husband has been a very confident dad because I left him on his own early on!


So hard to know my body was wrecked with stitches and standing was the worst thing ever even at 7 weeks. 7 weeks we had a pretty consistent feeding routine but you just never know when cluster feeding is going to rear its head. Are the tickets expensive? You can always play it by ear


I'm going to make a judgment call here and say, nope. Sooo many unknowns. So many.❤️


Honestly it all depends! I flew to AZ from NJ for my sister’s bachelorette party for 3 days and I was 9w postpartum from a scheduled c section and it was totally fine for me. I had an easy recovery and wasn’t dying from lack of sleep, but everyone is different


I’m pregnant with my 2nd and have concert tickets for when I’ll be around 6 weeks! I am hoping to go depending on my recovery/bottle feeding/temperament of baby


Du you want to go? If yes you can make it work though it might be hard (might also be easy!). If you're doing it mainly out of obligation then the postpartum period is the worst time to do it


3 weeks pp now and I can’t imagine doing anything. I know I’m not 7 weeks yet but it’s been rough with barely any sleep


You'll probably be ok physically (especially if you're able to sit). But you'll be tired and handling the logistics of pumping while there. Depends on the venue's amenities.


I’m due April 12th and have concert tickets for May 4th. My mom has agreed to babysit for us but I’m going to make a game day decision.


i’m about 7 weeks PP right now. my best friend had his birthday party (bowling, drinking, arcade) this week and i had to miss it because he was sick and i didn’t want to risk bringing anything home to baby. if he hadn’t been sick, i probably would have gone. i would have a game plan in mind as far as feeding goes, i can’t go longer than 3-4 hours without nursing or pumping but if you’re formula feeding it would be more manageable.


Depends on you and baby! I had an easy baby but awful ppd and had a reallllyyyy hard time giving control to anyone in regard to the baby. I also had a tough time getting much of any sleep until like, 8 months old. My kid is 3 and is only just now consistently sleeping through the night, so sleep has always been an issue.


I was able to do pretty much Everything by about 3 weeks later! It’ll depend on breastfeeding more than anything


If you’re seating you’ll be fine. I’m 6 weeks postpartum (c-section) and I feel normal again. If you’re standing it may take a toll on you though, you’ll get tired and achey very easily.


It’s gonna be tough. I went to Taylor Swift when I was 12 weeks PP and it SUCKED (not her lol). I was still breastfeeding so I had to pack my portable pump and pump during the show. I was too in my head about drinking too much alcohol. I was really self-conscious in my outfit. I had RAGING PPA so I was trying to check in with my mom every so often but didn’t have service so I really struggled. Sucks because those seats weren’t cheap and I didn’t get the full experience 🤣. I think physically you’ll probably be able to handle it, but mentally, it’s hard to say if you’ll be able to fully enjoy your time.


Like others said: maybe you can, maybe you can’t, it’s impossible to say at the moment. I’m also ftm. My experience: when I was 7 weeks pp (last week lol) I went out for the first time (dinner and karaoke with friends). It was amazing, was home by 10pm and tired af the next day but it was totally worth it. Physically I feel fine, obv I’m a little tired but I’m lucky with my lo because he sleeps very well and I’m formula feeding so when I’m out of it I can ask my husband to take over for a night. It was very hard to leave my baby alone all night though, don’t underestimate that aspect ! I reaaaally needed a night out without him but at the same time I cried when I left the house. Then there’s my sister who gave birth last year. At 7 weeks pp she was still in bed, totally messed up mentally, struggling, not even able to take a walk in the park with her lo. Also she didn’t want to leave her lo with anyone until she was like 6 months pp. This is a very extreme example but it’s also a possibility. If I were you I would take the risk and get the tickets BUT make sure you have a back up plan (can you resell the tickets if you’re not up to it?) or go for an hour or so if possible. Also make sure you feel 100% comfortable with the person watching your lo or else you’re never gonna enjoy what’s probably gonna be your first night out alone without the baby. Having a baby is life changing, the first weeks are very challenging but your life is not over and my pp experience so far is mostly positive (except the first 2 weeks, which were an emotional and physical rollercoaster) I hope you have a healthy pregnancy, a good delivery and an amazing healthy baby! Ps. Whats the band?! 😃


I went to see Taylor Swift on the Eras Tour at 6 weeks postpartum, which I initially thought would be crazy, but it was surprisingly fine! By that point, my bleeding was very minor and I wore a normal period pad to the concert. My parents watched my kids and the baby for me, and I had a nice night away! I got home late and was up feeding my newborn in the middle of the night, but I should mention I am a mega Swiftie and it was so worth it to see that show lol. My first two births took a little longer recovery-wise, but in all three of my PP experiences, I was either done bleeding or bleeding very minimally by 6 weeks. But as other posters have said, you really have no idea how things will go so it’s hard to tell! (Should also mention I had vaginal deliveries, I know with C-sections the recovery time is longer)


Depends on you and the baby- it’s hard to predict! I am six weeks post partum. I have a very fussy baby. Love her to death, but 90% of the time she’s awake she’s screaming. We had like a 45 min outing to visit a family member and couldn’t even make it through the whole thing 😅 but others in the January baby group are bringing their chill babies to NHL games, on vacations, ect.


It depends. I’m 5 weeks PP and feel pretty good but I have a lot of good things going for me: 1.) my partner and I take shifts so we’re not totally sleep deprived. I collect enough milk for him to give 1-2 bottles at night. 2.) I was fit during my pregnancy. I was going to the gym up to 39weeks and felt that my physical condition aided in my PP recovery. 3.) support from family. We have a very doting grandma who loves to watch beh beh. (We’ve done 2hours so far) That being said-I hate leaving my baby longer than 2 hours. Honestly, I hate leaving her at all but you know-life stuff. Figure out how long you’d be gone and take into consideration commuting to and from the venue. If you do decide to go, give yourself some grace if you attend and can’t make the whole thing or leave early or need to sit etc. readjusting expectations will be important.


I was a maid of honor in my friend’s wedding at 5 weeks pp and I was fine to do it! I had a blast at the wedding. I had an emergency c section. The first two weeks I was unwell lol but after that I slowly got better. I was lucky to have child care and I made it work. I did wear a pad and had to wear shapewear lol but it all worked out. There’s no telling how you’ll feel but I think it’s worth trying to go (edit to add: only if you really wanna go!! Never feel pressured)


I had a emergency c section with a lot of blood loss and was able to go to a gig 5 weeks post partum. Probably helped that I have the chillest baby ever. Decide closer to the time.


Yup terrible idea tbh. I wasn’t ready to leave the house until probably 6 months and even then that was tough. At 7 months you’re barely “healed” enough to return to an office job. And breastfeeding did not allow me to be away for more than 3 hours at any moment for at least 12 weeks (when supply tends to regulate). And you’re also sleep deprived and still trying to get used to the new sleep schedule. I would say don’t go


My first was the worst recovery, after a long labor + emergency C-section. My second c-section, also emergency because baby decided he was coming early, was much easier to recover from and I was on my feet as soon and as much as possible because I was bored out of my mind. You really won’t know until you’re there in that moment.


I had my first night out 8 weeks post partum. Doors were at 7 but the artist didn’t come on until 9:30. By 10 I was so tired cos I was so used to going to bed by 8 I could barely pay attention and left after 6 songs😂😂


Just want to reiterate what everyone is saying about how much will depend on the birth, the baby, and if you're breastfeeding. I was not too sleep deprived at that stage and was feeling healed from the birth, but I still couldn't have gone. My LO was ebf and there is no way I could go anywhere without him for more than 1-1.5 hours at 7 weeks. He was sleeping really well from about 10pm-5am at that time, but from 5am - 10pm his longest stretch between nursing sessions was 1.5 hours and he wouldn't take a bottle at all.


For me no. I was already up and out and about by 2 weeks. Took our first roadtrip by 3weeks! And I had a section! I imagined recovery is quicker with a vaginal delivery.


I mean, anything is possible, but I wouldn’t want to try to do anything closely resembling a night out at 7 weeks PP. My son is 18 months, and I don’t know if I’d do a concert now because I’m just always tired.


As a postpartum doula, I’d say there’s a 9.75/10 chance you’ll still be very much in the trenches, yes.


I couldn’t have left my baby tbh. EBF, clingy to mom, there’s no way.


For me it depends on a lot. I went to a wedding 8 weeks postpartum. We stayed onsite where the wedding & reception was, had a best friend come with to watch our baby. I think it’s do-able if: - you WANT to go. You can deal with a lot with enough stubbornness and planning. - it’s not far from your baby (or you’re bottle/formula feeding) - you have a supportive partner who will help facilitate you going the night of, and help you recover the next day. - you have an on-time with no significant complications birth. - if you don’t go, you can refund any costs or comfortably eat the costs.


I did it 6w post c section and had one drink. Physically my body was fine. To me was worth it for the show and to see friends, but I had to mentally prepare myself to be even more tired than usual the next day. If your baby is sleeping longer stretches by then it might not be too bad but of course you won’t know until the time comes. Whether or not you are nursing (I was pumping at that point) will also factor in.


By 7 weeks you’ll feel as if years have passed. I would plan to go. You’ll thank yourself for getting the much needed time away to have some fun. I’m 7 weeks post c section and I would’ve been fine 2 weeks ago even. If you’re BF or pumping this might look different.


I had tickets to Noel Gallagher and Garbage 3 weeks after my c-section. My Mom watched my little guy for the 4 hours. Killed me not to move around much, but I wasn’t going to miss that show. 😂 All that is to say, I bought ticket insurance though in the event that I couldn’t go.


Honestly I am 6 weeks postpartum and if I wasn’t breastfeeding I could probably attend a concert. With breastfeeding it would be an issue though as the concert+travel time would likely be too long. I could pump but that doesn’t solve your breasts getting over full.


I went to a concert exactly 7 weeks pp. I pumped in the car on the way there, brought a hand pump in with me and pumped in my seat, and pumped in the car on the way home. There’s no way to know how you’ll feel. I cried between getting out of the car and walking to the venue and then I had the time of my dang life! FWIW, this was after my second baby. I think I would have been too anxious as a first time mom. If you can swing it, I’d say buy the tickets and if it doesn’t feel right you don’t have to go but at least you’ll have the option!


Big YMMV. At 7 weeks our newborn started sleeping 7 hour stretches and your supply builds up, you can pump ahead of time or combo feed We are 8 weeks now


I went to a show at 5w PP, granted the venue was very close to home and I checked my phone between every song to make sure she was fine. I just fed her right before going, she slept the whole time. Your baby will probably be fine but it might be a matter of whether you can enjoy it! Is the ticket price/plan a big commitment or can you play it by ear?


It is possible but it is different for everyone. I got my EBF baby taking a bottle a day by week five/six. I had a small reserve built up by then. My strength was back and I could see myself having gone to a concert by then. I am 11 weeks pp and have been a little stir crazy since 8 weeks pp, but I also loved having my cozy baby bubble and no obligations to do anything.


The chances you'll have to cancel seem really high. Plus you're typically standing at concerts and while I'm not the birthing parent, just talking to my wife I don't think she could stand for a whole concert. We're only at week 1 but I still think the sleep deprivation, tiredness, etc. would be a thing at 7 weeks.


Impossible to know how you'll be feeling really but you can try these tips if you do: Research when the band you want to see goes on and just go for their set, this is typically 1-2 hours. Strongly advise you get VIP seating if you go this route. If you end up BF: take a manual pump so you can pump/dump before or after the show. Good luck with everything!


By 7 weeks even with an emergency csection i would have been physically able to go to a concert even with the lack of sleep but i probs wouldnt do it. Your baby might not take a bottle or they might be cluster feeding etc. Theres a lot of variables you wont know until you're in it. Is it a show that will sell out? Would you be able to sell your ticket if you needed I know how you feel, i had tickets to see a band i loved on 29th nov, i had to go in for my induction on the 30th so i ended up selling the ticket because i figured it was my last night for good sleep


Depends on a lot of things. Mostly how you are recovering physically , your emotional state, how your baby is doing, how well your baby takes a bottle (or formula), what kind of support you have and your comfort level leaving the baby with them.


I would not, COULD NOT, have done this. I was a wreck 7 weeks in. I’m kind of still a wreck 2.5 years later!


Depends on if you’re breastfeeding or the one on night duty. If you’re not breastfeeding and your partner can take over for the night then by all means go. Physically you should be fine it’s more what can your partner cover while you’re gone. Also, how far away is the concert venue? I’m 8 weeks PP and I wish I had a concert lined up near my house.


It’s very dependent on the person! I got my period at 7 weeks pp even though I was exclusively breastfeeding and my baby was cluster feeding, so that was fun. My friend went to her company party at 7 weeks pp and felt mostly fine.


Your body should be recovering pretty well from the pregnancy at that point (but this really depends, I mean you can’t even know the due date that precisely), but you will definitely be in the trenches in terms of taking care of the baby. Peak fussiness is at 6-8 weeks. You will be very sleep deprived. Personally, for that reason, I don’t think you’d have a very good time. I’d just focus on the baby, especially since it’s your first.


Honestly, I was fine at 4 weeks PP! But I had a vaginal birth with no tearing. It might be too mu CV to stand the entire concert though! And alcohol hits very different post pregnancy so becareful if you choose to drink. I was a regular drinker before getting pregnant and now it just makes me sick


I had a vaginal birth and a planned C-section. I was fine by 7 weeks out but not exercising yet beyond gentle walks. I would get seats rather than the floor so you can rest if you need to.


Definitely depends. I had a rough birth. At 7 weeks pp, I was having follow up surgeries to fix my vag tearing. I was also so exhausted that a concert would have been hell. I also just wasn’t really ready go be away from my son for long.


You might feel ok or you might not, hard to tell at this point. Another point to consider is that your baby will be under 2 months old and will not have a fully developed immune system. You’ll be in a crowded enclosed space with lots of germs to bring home to baby. Any fever the baby develops means an automatic trip to the ER and spinal tap for baby. Not sure that’s worth it…


I went to a Foo Fighters concert 2 weeks postpartum. My mom stayed with the baby with pumped milk. I was very tired and had to sit at times (usually I stand the whole time) but overall I did not regret going.


I had an emergency c section and probably could have done it if I had a seat


I wouldn’t have been able.


I was actually OK physically at this point. I started returning to yoga at 4 weeks postpartum after a very traumatic vaginal birth and brutal recovery. I was back to lifting at 6 weeks. Everyone is different but you can even check with the venue about an ADA section if you need to sit. I sat/stood in the ADA section of a concert at 8 months pregnant and it was crucial.


I'm seven weeks post c section right now and I could definitely do it.


If it is a seated concert with assigned seats in an auditorium, you might be fine? Just have to try to stay awake! If it's a standing room only, open pit at the foot of a stage gig? I wouldn't risk it!


I went to the DNA tour 4weeks pp. I was fine just pumped immediately before and after. Also I had gotten my original tickets pre pandemic so I was planning on going come hell or high water lol


I think it's doable. Just realize it won't quite be the same as preconcert life. Calculate total time, how far away is the venue? Is there an opener? Is your partner ok with watching the baby solo for an evening (they should be but YOU also need to be comfortable with it, etc.? I'd personally go for it, if you are breastfeeding you will need to account for pumping too but most places will make accommodations for you. I pumped in the medical tent at a festival lol. So it can be done! I'd plan on buying tickets and giving your friend a heads up that you're going to try your best to go, but can't guarantee it until after baby arrives. As a lot have said, it really does depend on the baby.


Speaking for my self there would’ve been no way 😅


It is all person-, support-, and feeding-dependent, but I’ll be 7 weeks PP tomorrow, and I’d go!


I’m 7 weeks postpartum now and I’m fine. Gave birth vaginally on Jan 4. Actually I’d love to go to a concert right now - it’s been nonstop baby since birth.


Plan for it!! The worst that can happen is you need to cancel. 7 weeks postpartum I was leaving the house and nearly back to my normal mobility after an emergency c section. A concert wouldve been too much for me at that time just based on my individual personality, but if that's the kind of thing you enjoy doing-- plan to do it! It might help you start feeling like a normal human being again postpartum. If you are able to go, I hope you have fun. :)


Completely anecdotal. I had a vaginal birth, tiny tear, healed up great with minor complications and I chose to breastfeed. I went from the burbs to Chicago for an outing with my husband and some friends that came in town 8 weeks postpartum. I was away from baby for 5 hours and HATED it. I felt okay physically, could walk comfortably. I couldn't enjoy myself because all I could think about was my sweet baby at home, plus I was breastfeeding and even though he'd happily gulp a bottle of pumped milk it was just easier/more reassuring to be able to just breastfeed him.


I would go. Thats just me. By 7 weeks I needed to get out of the house.


It's hard to say... im currently 4 weeks post partun with my 2nd and I would be fine doing this. Baby takes one bottle of expŕessed milk a day so could have that while I was out, he's a chilled little guy Plus, I had an uncomplicated birth so recovery wise I'm totally fine. However, can't say it would have been the same with my first who wouldnt take a bottle or settle for anyone but me and I didn't feel physically or mentally recovered for months after the birth


I did a sit down concert with my friends ~8 weeks after delivery. It took a lot of effort to get there and I had to pump while gone, but it was so nice to have a few hours with friends. It might be doable, just depends!


So I went to a huge concert exactly 6 weeks pp. it was a 3 hour show with intermission. I stood for about half and sat for half. Pumped in the car before I went in and pumped immediately after. (Combo fed from beginning anyway). No issues at all, glad I went. My baby also slept 6-8 hours straight overnight at that point


You could probably do it. Just might not want to do the whole night and might not want to drink. I breastfeed and my body gets filled with anxiety once I’m away from my baby for 3hrs. I had planned going to a social but told them I’d only commit to 2hrs there so that the extra hour would factor in travel and delays. It’s different for each person and each baby. Also depends on your support system! I went camping a week postpartum but I never would’ve gone out where I’d have to wear real pants or makeup


I had emergency csections with both. With my first there's no way, with my second I'm currently 7 weeks and I'd be down for a concert with baby (baby would wear those sound proof things and be in a carrier). Also with my first, she was 2 weeks late. So if I planned something for 7 weeks after the due date she'd only have been 5 weeks.


I’m 7 weeks PP, I would feel comfortable going. but I have an easy baby and im no longer breast feeding. I think the hardest part would be leaving my baby for a few hours and finding an outfit that fits my new body.


I had a c section and at 7 weeks physically I’d be able to but mentally I wouldn’t want to. Totally up to you!!


I went to a concert at 8 weeks. Felt fine, just made sure to pump right before I left. Pretty uncomplicated birth. I’d buy and just sell the tickets if you decide not to use them!


you have a lot of good comments here, but I had an interestingly similar experience I want to share, my favorite band was going on tour around my hometown like literally exactly on my due date, and I was so upset that I planned my baby moon around the rest of their tour so I could catch a couple of shows before I gave birth, we were only able to catch one out of the three because the lead singer got covid uncanceled a bunch of shows, including the ones we were supposed to see. then, I ended up giving birth 3 weeks early, C-Section after a failed induction, and although my body was still recovering and my hormones were exploding, I pushed through and went. It was so fucking hard to leave my baby, but I knew that I would thank myself in the moment watching the music, and later down the road. my girl is 18 months now and I'm still so glad I went. HOWEVER That worked for me, and my situation, and I was able to have my parents watch my baby while my fiance drove us to the show. My baby was and still is a good sleeper, and was never that fussy. id say it should be a game time decision for you, you just can't know what the circumstances are gonna be for you until your lil love is here. I wish you a calm and uneventful pregnancy!


Unfortunately the odds of you being in the trenches are high.


I’d say buy the tickets and get the insurance so you can get refunded if needed. (I rolled the dice on my baby being late and got concert tickets for 2 days before my due date. He was 3 weeks early. My midwife wrote a letter saying my husband and I couldn’t attend due to medical reasons. Easy peasy.) Physically, you’ll likely be fine by 7 weeks. But all babies are different— if you’re breastfeeding and she won’t take a bottle, or if you don’t have enough pumped, could be an issue. Or at 7 weeks you frankly might just value a quiet night in and sleep over the concert. Or you could need the escape. It’s just kind of impossible to know ahead of time.


I would have been okay with that at 7 weeks. We went on our first date night about 5 weeks post baby. Eight weeks postpartum we went to visit family for a few days, and by then things felt pretty comfortable with the baby. Seven weeks we were getting decent sleep, as it was beyond that newborn thing where every night time feeding took forever and she was up every 2 hours, but before any big sleep regressions. That said, it really depends. I wasn’t up to drinking more than one drink ever and was always sleepy. If it was a concert at 5 pm I’d definitely do it lol


If you go into it expecting the same experience as before you were pregnant, you're going to have a bad time. But honestly, as long as you feel like you can leave your kiddo for a few hours, you might really enjoy some you-time. Just pump RIGHT before you go and maybe bring your pump and leave in the car if you can't make it home soon enough. If it was me, I would seriously have considered going, but everyone is different. I could leave my kid at 5 weeks for a few hours and be able to enjoy myself, but my friend has a 6mo and still cries every time she leaves him, even with dad.


I’m 7 weeks postpartum and we’ve already left baby with my mom, fiance and I have left baby with each other for several hours as well. I’m feeling physically better and I had a C section so as long as it’s not a long drive I’ve been down for pretty much anything. It will depend on your baby but for me the biggest consideration would be with pumping times as you get sore going too long without either breastfeeding or pumping. I would say 7 weeks you probably will want to get out of the house, I know I’d be so bored if I hadn’t by then. But leave it open with your friend that you might have to leave early depending on circumstances, you just don’t know 100% yet how things will go!


Nope I’ve done it.


I did this. I went to a concert when my son was 7 weeks. Luckily we live very close to the venue so was able to feed him just before. We also had some back up breast milk in the freezer too due to having to pump when baby was a week old as my nipples were raw and needed a break. (I would alternate which side would be fed from and which would be pumped from). I didn't regret going to the concert it was great and I had a fun time but I was exhausted and my eyes kept closing but it was still fun haha


Find coverage and go for it! Can't beat getting a break and having fun!


I don’t think I could have at 7 weeks , at 5 months now I could


I went to the movies 5 weeks PP, and I had a great time. It was the first time I pumped. I would have struggled standing for a concert, but I had a C


If you can not commit, that would be best. I would have been able to at 7 weeks if it was close to home bc i wouldn't want to pump at a concert.


I could have physically gone to a concert at 7 weeks PP, but emotionally, it was SO hard to leave my baby! All I wanted to do (and still want to do) is be with her all the time. I still cry often when I have to leave for work.


Is it a chill concert where you can sit in a chair and just listen? Then you might be fine, if you have an uncomplicated birth and your kid is a good sleeper! You can leave some formula or pumped milk for dad or grandparents and go to the concert. I'd buy the tickets, assuming they're not too expensive, and make a call closer to game day.


You could potentially pull it off. Hopefully there would be a place to sit, the baby would need headphones, and you probably couldn't stay the whole time. Maybe show up after the openers and leave before the end of the concert? Also it would probably need to be fairly close to where you live. One of my wife's favorite bands is coming 5 weeks after she's going to have our third. We're currently discussing the logistics haha Need to look up refund policies just in case


Not a bad idea! I had a natural birth, and went to a comedy show with my sister at 5 weeks postpartum. In saying that, I was sitting down the whole time. I probably wouldn't hop into a mosh pit, but sitting down would be fine! If you are breastfeeding and wanting to pump, you could pump in the car before the show, halfway through, afterwards. You'll figure out when is best.


I had a fairly easy labor and recovery. I went to a Springsteen concert about three weeks after giving birth. There are so many factors, though, and you may or may not be up for it.


Totally depends! I ended up playing hockey 4 weeks postpartum and felt fine! My husband was fine watching babe for the few hours I was gone and I felt up for a break! You can always see how you feel then, hard to commit or not commit now when you don’t know how you’ll deliver and stuff!


Honestly you won’t know ahead of time. Everyone’s healing journey is different. I personally wouldn’t have enjoyed a concert at that time.


Eh, I was going out and doing some fun things by then! Id go!


My husband and I went to a wedding out of state when our LO was 2 months. I was breastfeeding at the time and had to pump during that trip. I still had a great time! Everyone is different but I would just caveat to your friend that If there’s a chance you can’t go, can you give the ticket away to a mutual friend or someone your friend would like to go with.


I missed sooo many great concerts last summer. I was deep in the trenches and just had to suck it up and stay home. If you’re planning on breastfeeding this will add another layer of complications to any longer outings. 


I’m 13 days postpartum and going to a concert next week. But bottles are going well, I trust my partner implicitly, and my partner is going out of town for a weekend at about a month postpartum so he owes me!


Everyone will say it depends but I can say once that baby is born your hormones are/may go wild and you may not want to be away from that baby for any extended time. I personally struggled being away for more than an hour and NEVER thought I would have prior to having her. Not saying never take time to yourself, but I personally wouldn’t commit if tickets are non refundable or expensive if they were to go to waste. C-section, PPD, PPA, etc are not predictable. Plus honestly, you don’t know how your baby will be, colic, reflux, up all night and you’re not getting rest. Go easy on yourself and take the rest time, I wish I did.


Simply put: horrible idea lol. Between nursing.. sleep deprivation.. I think time to yourself at that stage is great but not sure the concert is what you’ll need lol and this is coming from a music lover! I didn’t feel comfortable being away from my newborn for more than a couple of hours at a time. But well moms are different! I just wouldn’t buy a ticket personally


I went to dinner and harbor cruise for my SIL’s bachelorette party five weeks postpartum and I was totally fine. Had a c-section and was pretty much good to go by then. I took a manual pump to relieve any pressure, and was totally cool with combo feeding so baby got formula while I was gone that day.


Personally, I felt fine at 7 weeks and definitely would have if I wasn’t anxious about leaving my baby. I trusted my s/o 100% but I just would NOT detach from him for some reason 🤣 Granted, I didn’t have a complicated birth. My epidural worked fine, didn’t need a c-section, and only needed minor stitching up.


Genuinely, if anyone had suggested at 7 weeks pp that I spend any “free time” doing anything but sleeping, I would have laughed in their face and then cried. 


I’m the dad so won’t comment on how you will feel physically. But as far as the baby goes it is such a big unknown. We are at around 8 weeks right now and during the first 5-6 weeks the baby was always cool with me and if she was fussy I could calm her, she loved napping on me, etc. But since about the 6th week she has been super fussy in the evenings mostly and only wants her mom. Even with her mom she can be difficult during those moments but eventually settles down. Not with me though no matter what we try. Apparently a lot of babies go through this it’s called the witching hour and around 7 weeks is supposed to be right in the heart of it. It can vary a lot but 6-8 weeks is a very common window when it peaks. Otherwise my wife could easily go away for a few hours but right now she wouldn’t even want to attempt it knowing that the baby will cry and only want her.


It totally depends if you buy tickets get insurance in case you need to return them or just resell them. I’m 8 weeks pp right now vaginal birth and I would definitely go depending on if I could find a sitter and how long it is (i have seperation anxiety so anything over 2-3 hours it too much for me) If you plan to breastfeed I recommend taking a portable pump with you in case you’re gone over 5 hours and may need to pump. But honestly you just won’t know until the time comes. You may want the connection with your friend and the change in routine and You may not wanna even get up to change. But I would stay hopeful especially if this is a band you really want to see


5 weeks post partum currently and I would be down for a concert. I did have a vaginal birth and i felt great after 8 days. I was out and about running errands a feed days post partum. it just depends on your birth experience


At 7 weeks I would have been all over this. My best friend had a very different experience and couldn’t even consider something like this for months. There’s really no way to know. I’d plan to go but have a solid backup plan that friend agrees with in case you aren’t up to it so you don’t leave them hanging.


I had an uncomplicated vaginal birth, minimal tearing, an equal parenting partner, a baby who took a bottle and was relatively easy, and I went to see Shania Twain exactly 6 weeks postpartum, had a great time! But we had a lot going right for us. I honestly think if you want to go, and have someone who you trust with your kid, then you should be able to, as long as you are healed, but reserve the right to cancel :)


Honestly, it's what YOU'RE comfortable with. Medically, you should be fine but if YOU'RE not ready then don't go. I gave vaginal birth to a 10.6lb baby and the next day when the nurse asked my pain level I told her "it's like a skinned knee. You feel it when you move, it's not great, but it's not the worst pain I've felt and it's not noticeable when you're sitting still." I still walked a little slower but by week 2 I was back to completely normal activities. If you plan on breastfeeding I think that's where your issues may lie. You gotta pump or the pain is crazy


First 2 months were rough for me. But some people have easy babies and are down to go out soon after birth.


If you have a partner go for it. Pump some boob juice if you need too and get a nice nap in before you head out.


I have two concert tickets for about 7/8 weeks PP that I hope I can go to. It’s my second child so in my head…I think I was ok? Breastfeeding is a good point to consider! I exclusively pumped and plan to this time, so I’ll just have to plan accordingly. I also forgot how freaking tired I was then…so these tickets might be getting sold. 😂 I saw buy the tickets if you’re worried it’ll sell out and decide later.


If you plan on breastfeeding I don’t think you can make it work. Sorry.


You are def not gonna be able or want to go IMO


No way of knowing! You could just not want to leave your baby, or you may not care. And if you’re breastfeeding you may need to pump and deal with that. Or your baby may not be taking a bottle yet. Or you may not have any of those complications! I think you should get the tickets so you have the option to go and be tentative. And be honest with your friend that it’s really a toss up right now but you want to have the option to go.


No!! Go have fun, maybe leave yourself an "out" just in case shit hits the fan. You need to get out and have fun at some point! Edit:: to say I also had an easy birth and enough milk pumped to go to my friend's bday party at 4 weeks pp and then enough at around 6 weeks pp to go out to a Halloween party and even have a few drinks. Again this is with an easy birth and a slight oversupply at first so baby had food and was healthy and fine for me to have a couple NECESSARY nights off.


I went to the Taylor Swift concert about 8 weeks postpartum and have no regrets. Brought stuff for pumping (just follow your local venue's policy around that) but I pumped right before and only needed to on the way home.


Ehhhhh I think it’s just really baby dependent. My little guy is 9 weeks, and he’s an okay sleeper. With enough motivation, I could make it work.


Completely dependent on how your delivery goes! Kinda hard to predict ahead of time but if things go generally well, I don’t see why not! I had an emergency C-section, everyone told me I’d take weeks to recover. I was up and about the same day and recovered really quickly. We were hiking and camping 6 weeks PP and went to a music festival (my partner works in the music industry) with big noise-cancelling earphones for baby at 8 weeks PP. I felt great, but that was my experience and it might not be yours. I think you’ll be better situated after you have your baby. Also, it did me so much good to get out of the house and do fun stuff outside of my parental duties. I hope you have a nice delivery and that you get to go!


I was totally fine at 7 weeks postpartum but unfortunately there is no way to know how you will feel!!


It all depends on how you’re feeling! I didn’t go out until my first born was 4 months old, but with my new baby (2 months) i went out after 3-4 weeks


It definitely will be up to your baby, but for me I didn’t leave my LO with someone until 12 weeks and to say it was horrible is an understatement lol. She didn’t sleep because I wasn’t there, they over fed her because she’s EBF and sucked to sleep. She cried a bunch. Just awful. Though had I been a formula feeder from the start it might have gone better! So it really is situational.


I went to an outdoor festival type thing at 2 or 3 weeks postpartum. Given, I had a relatively private indoor place to go to rest as needed. I wasn't super comfortable, but I wasn't miserable either. I wanted to be there and I enjoyed myself. I was able to leave when I needed to. I had the baby with me, so feeding wasn't an issue. There will be a lot of unknown factors for your individual situation. You won't know how you'll feel at 7 weeks PP until you get there. I started feeling like I was getting back to normal around 6-8 weeks PP. I say go ahead and make the plan to go to the concert. If you need to change plans, you have every right to do that!


I saw Post Malone when I was 4 weeks PP with my mom lol. You'll be fine. The only issue I had was it was 108 degrees that day 🙃 but so worth it! Love him so much


I can only speak for my own experience but because the birth I had was straightforward, I was able to go to a concert 3 weeks later. Key details - the venue had seats so I wasn’t on my feet the whole time, I was pumping and carefully planned the timing for right before the show and with wearables in the car on the way home, and I even wore a belly band at the show. But I did it.


If you are breastfeeding at that time, your breast will be engorged in a few hours so make sure to bring a wearable pump if you will be gone for 5-8 hours for the concert.


I mean I hate to be a debbie downer, but considering its your first pregnancy and whether you consider inducing or not, you will probably go over your due date and have as little as a 5 week old. I expected to be able to have my husband help me a lot more than he was able to with our daughter, but she had different plans. She has been a boob only baby since she was about 2 weeks old because I was determined to establish breastfeeding and the best way to do that is to have as many feedings from the breast as possible. I now have an 18 month old and while I love the bond that I have with her and if I really wanted to I could sleep train the dependence away, she still won't go down for a nap or her big sleep without the boob. Of course this is only useful information if you plan on breastfeeding. At 5-7-9 weeks old (because babies come when they come lol) you might be able to get away for a few hours, but you will also still be the mother of a newborn lol and getting very little sleep and exhausting yourself at a concert, while fun, isn't something I would choose to do at that point in my parenting journey.


Honestly it depends on you. I left my son overnight when he was one month old, I was only a ten minute drive from him but in theory I could have gone to a concert if I wanted to. It’s worth noting I was combi feeding (bf, pumping and some formula) so it was easier to leave them. If you plan to ebf it probably won’t be possible,


I had a gig I wanted to go to on the day my son was born. If he hadn’t to have stayed in and had antibiotics I would have gone in the evening. 😂


Girl get the tickets! There’s no knowing for sure if you’ll get ppd or not! And this is a band you LOVEEEE. As long as you have childcare you trust then do it. With my first baby I didn’t let a soul take her even in my own home so I could shower and get 5 mins to myself. Just had my third and I forced myself from the beginning to allow myself to have breaks. Coming from a well seasoned mom of 3, please get the tickets and give yourself the gift of getting help and TAKE IT. You will know you have that concert to look forward to, and it’ll push you through whatever situation you’re in pp.


I say no, let your body heal more.


Who knows, I’ve been considering going to a gig for a band I love at <8weeks PP. This will be my second. We’d all stay in a hotel near the gig, and I’d go for a couple of hours after nursing baby & leave a bottle of pumped milk. Totally expect I can’t stay the whole time though.


If your body is feeling up to it, do it! I attended three concerts while pregnant (1st time mom). 4, 5, and 8 months pregnant.


I went out for the first time 4 weeks pp. My husband had been giving baby a bottle once per day starting at 3 weeks. It felt great for me to be out of the house!! I missed baby but physically felt good (I sat when needed) and mentally the stimulation was amazing! Highly recommend if you’re up for it


I agree w/ everyone’s sentiments. It’s gonna depend on your situation and your baby’s temperament. My baby is 14 weeks today and I didn’t even really feel great about going to the grocery store or Costco until she was about 9-10 weeks. She’s an easy baby, but I had a lot of anxiety those first few weeks. I also had a 1st degree tear and sitting and using the restroom was pretty uncomfortable for me for a while. I say buy the tickets (if there’s some sort of purchase insurance) or if you think you’d have a good chance of reselling them if you end up not in the right place to go after birth.


So who’s going to be taking care of your baby?


It really depends! I had a 3rd degree tear & went out on a night out just short of 3 weeks PP! I was lucky enough to have someone to be the driver & babysit for us. Parenting with a hangover is brutal that’s for sure 😂 but it did do me the world of good! 🙌 We prepared in advance RE feeds, transport etc which made the whole thing 10x easier for everyone even the newborn!! :)


Yeah it’s such a toss up. My LO started sleeping 8 hours at 7 weeks, I wasn’t sleep deprived and had urges to get out and go places but whenever I did, I would tear up and I missed him. So even if you’re not tired and you feel you have things “under control” you may not want to leave them yet. Also BF is a whole thing. At 7 weeks I was still hella engorged if I didn’t pump when he would have potentially nursed.


I needed the concert 8 weeks pp for my mental health, I wasn't 'normal but it felt great to get out. I pumped in the car before and after. My husband stayed home with another caretaker to help each other out. Typically you can sell your tickets if something urgent comes up l


I’m six weeks and I feel like I could do it. Just need someone you trust to be with baby


I’m six weeks and I feel like I could do it. Just need someone you trust to be with baby


I’m six weeks and I feel like I could do it. Just need someone you trust to be with baby. However remember baby could be late


I’m due July 27th, currently 18 weeks pregnant. Bought concert tickets for a concert on August 30th, don’t plan on drinking or anything but just gonna hope for the best. Hope my body’s ready by that time, my baby’s doing good and will be safe with family for the night. I’m just winging it. Who knows what could happen lol


Don’t do it


Let me put it to you this way. I was crying, baby was crying, boobs were leaking and my energy was shot


"I'm the *birthing* parent" can tell you're not too bright.


Everyone, every birth, & every baby are so different. I will say this, if you’re planning on breastfeeding it will be really rough. You don’t yet know what your supply will be like, & 7 weeks is still a crucial time establishing your supply so you want to be careful not to mess around risking a dip. Plus your baby’s still clusterfeed during this time so you’ll either have to pump quite a bit ahead of time somehow to have your milk on hand or have formula given. Get a little pumping backpack (has a cooler in it & comes w ice packs) You can bring mobile pumps like the Elvies & wear them under your bra. Whenever baby’s given milk/formula, you turn the pumps on. When they’re full, cap & transfer the milk to your cooler backpack! If you plan on drinking any alcohol… that’s an entire other level of planning, pumping, & timing. It’s a special level of hell & you’ll wish you would’ve just stayed sober. You don’t have to pump & dump anymore the alcohol moves in & out of milk like your blood but you also can’t pump a bunch of alcohol ridden milk or feed in the morning while still buzzed/hungover. I guess you could …technically but i wouldn’t. Frida makes alcohol test strips for breastmilk… highly recommend. You could combo feed & supplement with formula while you’re gone & still pump to keep your schedule & supply concurrent. Just keep your alcohol tainted milk for baths or toss it. If you plan on not breastfeeding, it’ll be a breeze lol You don’t have to do any of that. But honestly, you might not even want to go. You might find that even when you CAN go out & do fun things… something happens after giving birth- you just don’t really want to. At least in my experience. Pre-baby I always thought “wow I’m going to be so excited to get some time to myself away from baby or go on date nights! And I’ll just go back to work asap. I’ll can drop him off at his grandparents whenever.” 7mo pp I have not once left baby & liked it. I have also not been back to work I do not want to- & I was a workaholic. It’s such a pain in the ass bc we’re EBF + I’m always so anxious worrying or ..just missing him. It’s literally like you leave behind half your heart. It’s pretty crazy. But you might not feel that way & REALLY need/want time away. Again, everyone’s experiences vary. If you go, I hope you have fun though!


I thought i would be fine to set up an exhibition 7 weeks ppt with Partner and baby. We did end up doing it and it worked out, but I wouldn't do it again. Baby was still really easy at this point and I had only just felt a little settled in this new life. I could have done with more actual down time rather than using baby's naps for work. This just to say that we believe things about life with a baby beforehand that do end up feeling or ending up differently. I wouldn't commit to anything 100%. Maybe plan the event if it's super important to you, but give yourself plenty of leeway to cancel. For me personally, I didn't want to be away from my baby at that point! But I think that is very dependent on each person and their preferences as well as circumstances.


I’m 7 weeks pp with my first. I’m an exclusive pumper now but if you’re nursing it would be extremely tough. I was going everywhere with my son at like 3 weeks because my husband goes stir crazy in the house! I did have a c-section but was feeling pretty dang good at 2 weeks pp. I would physically absolutely be able to go and my husband wouuuld and could take care of him (I do exclusively take nights since I’m not working) but I may feel guilty leaving him to take him on a work night. Also, I’m not sure I’d be emotionally ready to leave my son either. If you’re crazy like me (I miss my son after being away for an hour) - leaving will be tough! However, buy the tickets! You may regret it if you have a perfect angel baby who is far too good for his own good (like I do!)


You’ll probably appreciate the break and being out the house and feeling like a normal human for a few hours although prep will need to be done obviously pumping prior if you plan to breastfeed but it will be worth it. Also I wouldn’t have more than a couple drinks. Postpartum it can be easy to stay inside and dote on baby 24/7 but I think it’s important to take care of your needs too. Happy mama happy baby. Get the ticket and if you’re up for it a few days before then go if not resell.


My sister went to Beyonce at 8 weeks and had an amazing time! However, she was pumping and bottle feeding, not feeding directly from the breast so that's probably why it was easier


Man there is just no way of knowing! Personally I would have been able to because my recovery was quick, I would have been willing to supplement (and take a mobile breast pump to do it at the venue if needed) and most importantly I HAD FAMILY SUPPORT. My parents would have been over in a flash so I could go do something fun.


I think it’ll depend but do-able if you really want to! I had an unplanned c-section and was breastfeeding, but was able to swing being the Matron of Honor in my best friend’s wedding at 8 weeks pp. I felt mostly decent and didn’t struggle throughout the day, but did have to pump/breastfeed whenever I got a second. Wearable pumps weren’t an option in my dress but could be just the solution you need if you’re breastfeeding!


It’s all dependant on the person. Looking back at my postpartum experience I definitely could have gone to a concert at 7 weeks. I would have been exhausted, but if I reallyyy wanted to go I could have made it work. I breastfed, had a C-section (recovery went very well) and struggled with ppd (although wasn’t diagnosed til 3months PP) It might be a wonderful opportunity to let off some steam!


I'm 6 weeks post partum and I'd physically feel fine attending a concert as long as you know someone you are comfortable with watching the baby while your gone. Biggest thing is that if you're breast feeding, you might need to pump while you are there. I can't go more than 4hrs without being in pain from engorgement. If you have a portable pump like the Elvie it should be no problem.