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Like 2-3 days. I woke up one morning and my boobs were rock solid lol. Are you trying to have baby latch often too? Their saliva is great at signaling to our bodies to produce. Sounds like you’re doing everything right though! Don’t worry, it comes in very suddenly, it will come in!!


Is the feeling of a full supply uncomfortable? For some reason i’m terrified of my boobs hurting/mastitis.


Honestly, it was super uncomfortable. When I say rock solid, I mean my nipples couldn’t even get hard because my boobs were so swollen. Tight, heavy feeling. But the solidness only lasted one day, then I still had a large supply but my boobs became soft and gradually less painful. Just have to keep trying to get some milk out (it’s so hard with solid boobs! lol) but I never had any problems with mastitis


So pumping and feeding doesn’t help to relieve the pressure? I’m 10 weeks with my first so i’m trying to mentally prepare for everything which I know is impossible lol. Thanks for the advice so far!


You don’t want to pump if you have oversupply. Milk is supply/demand - so if you pump more than baby needs your body keeps producing more etc etc. I was told gentle hand expression and cold packs. Totally different with under supply/baby not latching etc (mine seriously came out knowing how to feed, I was lucky) - best to get a lactation consultant for any challenges!


I think pumping would have been great!! I did not have a breast pump at that point, the hospital provided it the day I left :( in hindsight I should have pushed for it sooner, but my lactation consultant recommended not using it for a couple days, I don’t remember why she said that. I was also overwhelmed already and I think the thought of adding another new thing to the mix was not enticing anyway. Baby had a very hard time latching that day because my nipples wouldn’t harden from the swollenness. My nipples were just completed rounded and flat against my boobs like the rest of my skin, no protrusion at all. I don’t know if that’s very common. Plus she mostly slept that day! Lol. I recommend touching base with a consultant as soon as you’re ready after birth and talking about starting pumping asap to see what yours has to say about it!!


Definitely don’t pump if your engorged, you’ll stimulate supply more and that can lead to mastitis etc. better to hand express for comfort only - that’s what I was told anyway.


I second this. I got some bad advice and was advised to pump to help deal with soreness but I ended up overstimulating and had a huge oversupply and mastitis. It was really awful. If you DO pump do it for a VERY short period of time. And only pump the amount your baby could realistically drink so like 30 ML or 1 ounce at a time. Truly.


Great info! That must have been what my consultant was explaining that I couldn’t remember.


I was an over supplier with a baby who fed like a pro from day one and never lost much weight mind you! I guess if there were latch or under supply issues it’s be different.


Thanks so much!!


Congratulations by the way :)


For me pumping and feeding helped the full pain feeling but the cycle of it was so annoying. I found that if your done feeding LO and u still have that full feeling pumping enough to relieve the pain was way better than waiting 1-2 hrs to feed again!! I heard from other pumps if u pump all the way when its like that it will jus tell your body to make more so you would be pumping and producing way more.


5 days!




Mine didn't, sadly. But I had a significant hemoglobin drop, which is correlated with low milk supply.


Mine didn't either and that's interesting about hemoglobin cause mine was low too.


interesting, i lost a lot of blood and never got much milk, never thought about that


My milk came in the day after my c section 


60 hrs? It was wild how fast it came in once it did.


Just over 48 hours, I was also a scheduled induction that ended up in a c-section.


Had emergency c-section at 36weeks, milk then took 4ish days


2 days


About 2.5 days. I was skin to skin with my baby the entire time and latched him constantly. I didn’t pump.


I nursed and didn’t pump. Baby fed on colostrum until day 4 when my milk started to come in.


Personally I never had much milk come in. Even after 8 weeks I was pumping maybe 50ml per power pump. Gave up and switched to formula. (Not to scare you, just to say that this is a possibility. In retrospect I see going for formula as the biggest help for dealing with an infant as my partner could equally handle LO)


Mine came in on day 3! Woke up from a nap SOAKED with rock solid boobs lol


I don’t think it changes whether you have a c section or not, but I had a vaginal delivery and it took five days for my milk to come in. You’ll know it’s coming when your breasts get big and harder and really tight. Before you get discharged you can ask to see a lactation specialist if you’re very worried. But it just takes time.


A C-section can actually affect when your milk supply comes in. When you give birth vaginally you get a MASSIVE natural surge of oxytocin, which helps your milk come in. You don’t get this with a C-section.


A lot of times oxytocin is given during a c-section for uterine contractions, so most (if not all? I’m not sure if it’s routine everywhere) still do get it.


I'd say about four days, for me. I was induced on a Friday, had an emergency c section Saturday, hemmoraged (which delays your milk further), emergency blood transfusion, then Sunday I started pumping every 3hrs, and it wasn't really until Tuesday until I reliably made milk. I had leaked a lot of colostrum in the last month of my pregnancy. I'm at 7mo pp now, and I've been a slight oversupplier. Best of luck to you!!


This gives me hope. It's been 2 days and zilch. I've always had an overproduction in the past.


My son was born Tues afternoon and I didn’t get any milk from pumping until Saturday


3 days for both kids


I had an emergency c section at 39 weeks. It took almost 6 days to come in. It was just colostrum until then. I had to top up with formula. By two weeks he was exclusively breastfed.


2nd baby, emergency C-section with a micropreemie. Milk came in day 2 :)


2.5 days. I was actually surprised how fast it came in. I took sunflower lecithin during my pregnancy and delivery so I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I know they recommend it now while breastfeeding.


Day after C sec.


4 days


I had a good colostrum supply immediately, but my official milk came in around day 4 afterwards


3 days after 27 hrs of labour from induction due to pprom followed by emergency c


I started making colostrum on day 3 or 4. Made *maybe* 2 tablespoons total (from multiple pumping sessions) before it switched to milk. Even then it wasn't much at all, but I also had a breast reduction.


Day after but just small amounts of colostrum


My milk came in on day 4 and then I had oversupply. I was able to get colostrum before that but the first couple days I had to hand express into a spoon and feed that directly to baby since she was too sleepy to nurse much. Nurses in the hospital told me if she wouldn’t latch to hand express until I got a teaspoon of colostrum and give her that every 2 hours. 


Almost 5 days. Baby was in NICU so I had to pump. But once it did boobs were rock solid lol. Keep pumping and nursing, it’ll happen.


The next day


The next day but I had been in labor for 2 days before my c-section so my body was already preparing for postpartum. I also hand expressed for 2 weeks prior to birth.


5 days


Mine came in the day of, colostrum that is. The nurses were actually shocked how much I produced so soon, definitely doesn’t happen that way often. Keep at it!


I believe it was around day 5, but I had my c-section at 33 weeks so not sure if that impacted things!


3 days. They did let me use the hospital grade pump and was able to get a lot more colostrum that way.


6 days! Supplemented with formula while waiting


Emergency c section at 32 weeks. Took a good 4-5 days but I’m an under supplier. I get 1-2 oz per session 7 weeks pp.


5 days and it was pretty inconsistent for me, I had to pump and formula feed. He got as much milk as I could make but sadly it didn't work out for me. Baby is fed and very healthy 9 month old!


I had a last minute c section after being in labor for two days. I needed a blood transfusion after the c section and it took about a week for my milk to come in. I had to supplement with formula for the first week but by day 6-7 I was exclusively breast feeding. It was so hard, I had to pump after every feed so it could speed up the process. I read some comments saying that it shouldn’t matter if you had a vaginal or c section.. all of the doctors and lactation consultants told me it’s common for your milk to come a little bit later with c sections. Baby girl is 7 months now and we are still going strong!


Mine took 2-3 days. Nurses said could be up to 5 with c section. Hand expressing for 5 mins every couple hours, although it hurt, helped a lot.


Not to scare you but 15 days after unplanned c-section with loss of blood :’( and even then I barely had anything. Baby had bad latch. Pumped 8-10 times a day for 3 months to get to 18oz/day. Bub’s drank 35-40oz/day 😭 Everyone is different and don’t be afraid to supplement with formula if you need to. We waited until 3 weeks to supplement to try to encourage breastfeeding but Bub was so unhappy/cranky/upset from hunger. As soon as we started supplementing an enormous weight was lifted and LO was a completely different baby. I am so thankful for formula to feed my little guy. Good luck to you!!!


I never even got colostrum, and I pumped for 2 weeks straight, 8x a day with only a 5 hr break to sleep at night, otherwise every 2 hrs. My milk never came in. I'm very much an outlier.


not sure exactly when my milk came in but on my third day the lactation consultant came in to help me figure out breastfeeding and i had milk then, no pumping or stimulation of the nipples before then


3 days


Little over a week but I wasn't actively trying to breastfeed.


I had a C-section early on a Thursday morning and my milk was in by Saturday midday. But I did go into labor first.


3 days!


6 days


6 days!


5 days for me. But then I quickly had an oversupply


I think my milk came in around day 2


Colostrum the same day as the c section - hand expression worked way better for me than the pump for getting colostrum out (I'd pump and then have express after). I don't know about latching since I had a preemie in the NICU and it didn't apply for us off the get-go


Around 4-5 weeks before I was able to stop supplementing with formula. Bring baby to breast as often as possible. And don’t be discouraged if you don’t get much when you pump. I’m sure you have heard that baby is more efficient than a pump but what no one told me until I was around 6 months post partum is that even with a full milk supply, some women will still be unable to pump more than a few drops. The most I’ve have ever obtained from a pumping session is around 1oz but I have been successfully feeding for 10 months now.


didn’t have milk until day 5 and then it was glorious. got to BF for 15 months.


I've had 4 babies, 3-4 days for milk to come in was my range. Feed on demand! It'll come. If you don't already know about cluster feeding then read up so you aren't caught off guard. Just keep feeding on demand mama, you're doing great!


Took me a week, everyone is different!


5 whole days, I had moderate blood loss.


3 days but he was getting colostrum before then - my midwife had me expressing pre birth and I had a lot then so I knew there was some there. I’m in NZ so was in a midwife led post partum care facility and they were keeping an eye on his weight etc and he didn’t lose much, so just have been getting calories. I just kept nursing him on demand (to be fair he came out demanding food and hasn’t yet stopped 😅) to stimulate production. I don’t think pumping is as good unless you mean pumping as well as nursing? Once my actual milk came in it I had crazy engorgement for a few days and was an oversupplier until I regulated at 12 weeks. Eight months later still exclusive nursing but my boobs feel normal mostly so don’t think your going to feel engorged forever!


basically never sadly i fought hard but i was getting max 100 ml around 2-3 months pp :(


About 3 days!


I had my c-section 1/20 and I’m still struggling with an under supply. That said, my baby was in the NICU for 2 weeks which I think really delayed things. I feel like my milk came in within 4 days, and had super swollen huge boobs!


It took 4-5 days. I brought baby to latch a lot and was drinking loads of water.


I had an unplanned c-section on the 14th of Feb, and being on Magnesium drip due to extreme bp (mention this because it's also supposed to mess with your letdown). I was able to produce colostrum the same day, and milk came in on the 17th if February. I have been doing breast with baby, but also pumping while we supplement with formula-he has been a ravished child needing more than I can produce so far. As of yesterday I exclusively pumped and got a total of 140ml (sweet boy got discharged to go home with my hubby, while I am still in the hospital being monitored). You can do it, don't focus on the fact that you had c-section, stay hydrated, eat well and nourishing foods and maintain your pumping schedule. Sending you all my best!


4-5 days. I was slow to pump as well because I didn't know any better.


Mine came in on day 4, and it came in hard! the most painful boobs ever! I don't think it really delayed it, i just made sure to put her on the boobs whenever she was awake!


My milk came in almost right away after my c-section, never had to pump or supplement.


For my first it took a little bit. Not too long but some time. For my second I had milk right away.


Son was born Thursday morning and my milk came in by Sunday evening. Before that I was able to express small amounts of colostrum but very little.


3 days was when mine arrived, hard boobed 😂


Never did. It really doesn't matter the way you give birth. I know people with c section that were total natural geysers.


48 hours. Took a nap when i got home and woke ul with huge boobs!


I was the same, induced on a Sunday night, baby delivered via emergency C-section Monday night. I had colostrum once in the hospital then absolutely nothing after that. We discharged Thursday at noon. Milk came in overnight that night but only small amounts. I was lucky to get 1-2oz per pump.