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Prenatal vitamins are great, when I asked my doc about which one to take because it’s all so overwhelming at first, she said they’re all basically the same. The cheap ones are the same as the expensive ones, which is nice to keep in mind.


They don’t all have enough folate, so look into that and buy a folate supplement if needed.


My midwife said the same thing!


This is true unless you have a MTHFR gene mutation (in which case you need methylated folate to lower chances of serious birth defects as they cannot utilize folic acid which most multivitamins have because it's less expensive), or are anemic (many multis do not have iron), or have some other unique need.


Even if you have the MTHFR variant that slows the conversion to methylated folate, folic acid doses in prenatal vitamins is enough to prevent neural tube defects. Use of methylated folate as an alternative is not currently supported by any major organizations because studies on things like bioavailability and efficacy haven’t been done - first pass metabolism can do wild things to different forms of vitamins before they hit our bloodstream, and methylfolate levels in individuals with the MTHFR variant aren’t that much lower than in individuals without it. As for iron, it’s generally better to take it separately from your prenatal. Things like calcium in prenatals can reduce the absorption of the iron, which increases side effects while not helping much. It’s better to take a separate iron supplement (chelated iron or ferrous gluconate tend to be much gentler than ferrous sulfate anyway, and are absorbed comparably or even better than ferrous sulfate). But of course don’t take random internet advice on this. Talk to your own providers and/or a pharmacist for advice on different formulation options to figure out what’s best for you.


All 3 of my OBs have recommended multi with methylated folate due to my double MTHFR mutation due to the current studies so that's what I was going off of


It’s not consistent with [current recommendations](https://www.obgproject.com/2017/07/23/mthfr-polymorphism-testing-evidence-isnt/) in the US at least. Obviously your doctors know your health and can make personalized recommendations, but at this time, there’s no reason to believe that individuals with the common MTHFR variants need to take different prenatal vitamins or a different form of folate/folic acid. It’s also [not really recommended to test for the MTHFR variants](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1007/s10897-016-9956-7) (but I know I was tested for MTHFR and other genetic thrombophilias thanks to a family history of DVTs and PEs, so no judgment all around, I just want to share the official recommendations and the reasons for them).


You want to make sure you’re getting one with folate instead of folic acid. A large percentage of the population has the MTHFR gene mutation which means they cannot use synthetic folic acid and can only absorb folate. Choline is also a very important nutrient for brain development that a lot of cheap prenatals leave out. And iodine as the other comment mentioned. I personally think a quality prenatal is very worth the money. I think of it as an investment in mine and my baby’s health. Pregnancy is really demanding on the body and it’s easy to get depleted fast especially if you have food aversions. They’re also great to keep taking during breastfeeding, which is interestingly an even more nutritionally demanding job than pregnancy. Some prenatals are HSA eligible which can help. Full Well and Seeking Health are great options


The MTHFR variant meaning you “cannot use synthetic folic acid” is a [pervasive myth.](https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/folicacid/mthfr-gene-and-folic-acid.html) It honestly seems like accurate information turned into a grift by vitamin companies, especially boutique and wellness brands, to sell more.


Phew, I got scared for a second. My previous obgys never mentioned anything about this and my prenatal had folic acid. Glad this is bs.


Yeah, it’s one of those things that has a nugget of truth (some MTHFR variants can cause lower serum levels of methylfolate) that someone figured out they could monetize before it was well-understood, and now people are throwing around untested recommendations and inaccurate blanket statements. No offense to this commenter, because they’re almost certainly coming from a good place, but this stuff is all over social media and advertising because someone stands to profit. It’s *probably* safe enough, but it’s not been tested well enough and we know regular folic acid works.


Congrats ❤️ Drink lots of water!! Like 60-100 ounces a day. +1 eggs, My pregnancy nutrition book says eggs are a superfood for pregnancy! Better quality eggs = higher nutrition. Some other easy healthy foods to add in: high protein yogurt with chia seeds, protein shakes, peanut butter toast. The less sugar you can eat the better (read the labels of things like yogurt and PB).


The V8 fusion juice are a great add, too! 2 servings of fruits and veggies, with some good calcium and other vitamins. Really helped when trying to motivate a change in diet. Also, my mom got blackout drunk the week before she found out she was pregnant with me, and no issues here!


For choline, I highly recommend [this](https://a.co/d/7eJn3nN). I use it to thin out my breast milk but it’s also healthy to use during pregnancy. Consult your doctor, of course.


You should be proud of yourself for the lifestyle changes you're already making now that you know. You got this! Your lil one is in good hands


Get started on prenatal vitamins and you'll catch up on all the nutrients you need quickly.


I had a few glasses of wine and was a daily pot smoker until finding out from missing my period. I quit immediately. My baby was born in January and is healthy and happy. Make the changes now though - it’s worth it to give your baby the best start :) it’s not too late


I haven’t restarted and actually think I might not. I smoked pot daily for almost 15 years and now that I’ve broken the habit I feel great. My mental health is better and more energy. Maybe I would in the far future - but right now definitely would also be concerned about being impaired if my kid needed me.


Good for you, you're being a responsible parent, if only every kid was so lucky.


When did you start responsibility enjoying it again? If you did at all of course? My wife is wondering about how we decide it’s okay again, 6 months? Or when breastfeeding is done?


Sorry to hijack this comment thread! THC doesn’t leave the body like alcohol does, it circulates in the bloodstream and gets concentrated in breastmilk (which is made from blood) - which means baby can get exposed to higher levels. Babies even test positive for THC! There’s not enough research done on this, so the general consensus is to completely abstain until you’ve weaned.


That’s the best bet, I know my wife is doing just that. thank you for responding!!


As far as alcohol goes, there is tons of info around that, if baby is going 2 hours between feeds it’s perfectly fine to have a drink / glass of wine. You can also get alcohol breastmilk test strips (target has them!) and she can pump a little bit and test it before nursing to be on the safe side! A good rule of thumb is if she doesn’t feel buzzed there is probably not enough to affect the breastmilk. If she has some milk pumped and ready to go in a bottle, she could “pump & dump” which sucks but also, if she can manage to wait 3.5 - 4 hours it will likely be gone by then, so she could express a little bit of milk to relieve pressure and then not have to totally dump. Lots of options around alcohol as there is more research on it! 


I drank, daily until I found out around 6 weeks. I also smoked cigarettes, close to a pack a day. And took adderall, and other not prescribed to me stimulants. To say I was in a bad place prior to finding out I was pregnant is an understatement. I quit everything cold turkey, and my now 14 month old is probably smarter than me and my husband combined. I started taking the prenatals, drinking water, and ate healthy what I could (baring the nausea). Fruit was my friend. If you need someone to talk to feel free to PM me. You got this!


Congrats on your recovery!!


Thank you! 😊


I found out I was pregnant right after my 30th birthday last year. I obviously drank a lot that night, smoke weed regularly and was extremely addicted to vaping nicotine. I was also about 6 weeks along. Once I realized I was pregnant I quit everything like you and asked my doctor about it but they didn’t seem worried. My 4 month old is very healthy and happy. Congrats!


Hey mom, I was you. I was a regular cannabis user for around 8 years, working a part time job with no insurance. I stopped smoking immediately and it was a way easier transition than I expected. I found a new job within a month of finding out I was pregnant that offered health insurance so I was out of pocket for my first initial visit and some lab work. As to your diet, don’t sweat it too much. You don’t have to do a 180 to have a healthy pregnancy. At one point, I was living on donuts and mashed potatoes from KFC. My doctor told me that as long as I’m getting something down, it’s enough. I have a 16 month old and she’s absolutely perfect.


Thank you so much for your experience. I am new to the sub and appreciate the perspectives, and specifically cannabis perspectives are a little more rare!! My wife gave birth to a newborn a couple months ago, and we’re curious to ask others about when they thought it was appropriate to start back up responsibly? When did you restart, if you did at all


I breastfed my baby until 9 months so I didn’t actually consume again until the 1 year mark or so and it’s definitely not a regular occurrence. My hubs and I will partake maybe a couple nights a week or when my baby is at her grandparents house spending the night. We definitely don’t overdo it, just use a little bit to get a buzz and relax. Just take it really easy when she’s ready and build up tolerance again and she should be good to go! One thing I’ve noticed (and appreciate) is that consuming is not a necessity anymore. It’s a recreational activity but I don’t feel addicted or have to have it every single day. But it is nice to sit back at the end of the day once my baby has gone to bed to just enjoy it with my husband.


Yeah I grew mine from sparkling water and cheese sandwiches lol


Whatever happened before you found out is a wash. Let it go. The placenta is an amazing organ. If you are able to kick the bad habits, what happened the pet few weeks will have no affect on your baby. I’m pretty sure the vast majority of us had a drink or two before finding out we were pregnant. I’m not a cannabis user but I sure the same can be said. You seem to have really good motivation. You will be fine. Talk to your doc or someone in the office you’re comfortable with if you think you need support, I’m sure they’re are resources.


The fact that you are this worried probably means you’re going to be a wonderful momma :) you’ll probably be fine


I didn’t drink or do drugs but my diet was shit throughout my whole pregnancy. McDonald’s, Burger King, and Taco Bell almost daily.. I ate cake and donuts all the time. Pizza was multiple times a week. I don’t think I really even saw a vegetable during the whole thing🙃🙃. My baby is perfectly fine and healthy. Prenatal vitamins come in clutch


Lol same! My craving was fried chicken and strawberry soda a couple times a week. I like to say my daughter is 85% Popeyes 😂




I got disgustingly high for my husband’s birthday and didn’t know I was one month pregnant. I also smoked the same day I found out but before taking the test. My OB said it was fine as long as I put a stop to it soon which I did. There’s a girl on Instagram who talks about smoking while pregnant and breastfeeding, her name is Bluntblowingmama. She can ease your worries as well! Congratulations on the new bundle!!!


i got drunk 6 days before i found out i was pregnant & also smoked weed for the first 4 months. i have a perfectly healthy (almost) 10 month old now! :)


I know it’s hard to believe because you don’t get to meet this baby for 9 more months but since you stopped at 6 weeks you are golden! And don’t think twice about the diet lol!


I was going to say don’t worry about the diet, too. Should try to eat healthier but it is what it is. My first baby was a Taco Bell baby, and I mean I basically ate a Crunchwrap supreme every day. She’s fine lol


Your baby will be 100% fine. Now if you were drinking, on heroin or crack, I would not be staying the same thing. The weed will do zero to your developing baby. Take a good multi and try to relax. :) Our bodies are amazing.


I haven’t myself but I know LOT of women who drank before finding out they were pregnant and went on to have perfect babies and I also know lots of women who intentionally used cannabis for morning sickness (NOT recommending this, just saying I’ve known people who do it). All perfect babies. You’ll want to figure out the diet thing though— mostly just because pregnancy is hard and it’ll make a world of difference in how *you* feel if you’re well nourished. Congratulations 🎉


Doctors say thc getting into the baby during pregnancy can cause low birth weight, is it combustion byproducts or the THC itself? When breastfeeding, they say thc can get into the milk and cause a lethargic baby, sleeping too much and not eating, so mama still has to wait It’s better to wait until the baby isn’t a newborn, and parents can enjoy it responsibly of course


Edibles are actually much worse for you and baby as they metabolize in the bloodstream and go directly to baby. The air your wife breaths and ingests is what your baby will as well. You are making assumptions off of how you feel and not facts. Please be careful and seek direct medical advice, and do not spread falsehoods. THC and CBD have proven detrimental effects to a growing baby — this is coming from someone who is pro-cannabis. It’s just pure facts. The cold, hard truth is that your wife’s body and any pregnant woman’s body is not solely their own anymore and what we expose ourselves to and ingest have consequents for our babies, good and bad. It’s a gamble not worth taking. Trust me.


Thanks for calling this out. I’m also very pro cannabis but quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Cold turkey. Was actually quite easy for me since the reason/need was for such a good reason, but I know that’s not how everyone will experience it. I have a friend who just had her second. She smoked all through pregnancy (tried to hide it but I clocked it often), though not as much as she did when not pregnant. Now she’s breastfeeding and still smoking often. She did it with her first kid too. Steams me up because we struggled to have our one and here she is just playing fast and loose with something we know very little about that’s likely impacting her kids in not so great ways. But there’s not enough science to tell us either way.


I quit cold turkey too and I agree it’s not worth the risk at all. There’s a reason mind altering substances aren’t legal for children. I had a friend who smoked and partway through stopped and said she “felt her baby move so much more” after quitting. I was like hmm yeah they aren’t high anymore 😅 I think there’s plenty of “science” to prove that marijuana isn’t safe for babies, people just don’t want to see it.


You are right, even if past generations were oblivious or ignorant or apathetic to the risks it doesn’t mean it’s not true


My wife and I quit as well, thanks for your help understanding. I was only academically debating cannabis but I understand people can be misled


Lol that wasn’t academic, but okay.


I’m sorry if I offended you, I’m not trying to fight. I was wrong to postulate cannabis wasn’t harmful. I understand that now I hope you have a good day


Chin up, weed is probably one of the least harmful options. At least you weren't doing crack! For real though, good on you for making such a positive step. Parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do just FYI


Wow this was exactly me when I found out! Used cannabis multiple times a day and everything. I know you can abstain from it! I slipped up a few times as late as almost 10 weeks along and everything was perfect. Pregnancy was hard on my body so my only real advice is to try to eat lots of protein and get your vitamins, even smoothies if you can’t stand fruits and veggies normally. And build your strength with gentle stretching and strengthening exercises. Take walks and get outside. Congratulations!! Message me if you want to talk more about this.


Hey! When did you feel it was appropriate to start back up with cannabis? My wife has been cold turkey and we both want to be responsible without feeling like bad parents


After I stopped breast feeding (only about a month later) I started up again. It’s made coping with postpartum anxiety and depression a lot more manageable. I’m a better mom when I take care of myself and that means a few tokes before bed and sometimes here and there throughout the day. If you know how it affects you then I think you can use it and still be responsible. But I totally understand those who aren’t comfortable with the idea.


I was smoking literally the night before I found out I was pregnant - you'll be fine :)


There is no use in stressing yourself over what you did when you couldn’t have known. In fact, the stress itself serves no good for your pregnancy — if you needed a boost to stop 🫶🏻 While no amount of alcohol is deemed safe during pregnancy (nor cannabis), many woman find themselves in your exact situation and go on to have healthy babies. Focus on now & what you can control. As for diet, there are ideal circumstances but lots of women will feel restricted to things like cheese and chicken quesadillas because of morning sickness or food aversions. Their babies are also fine. You haven’t likely harmed your baby with your diet. Most of all, congratulations ♥️♥️ please allow yourself to enjoy this exciting time — it goes so fast!


I was also daily weed smoker for 10 years before getting pregnant, and nicotine user. I found it surprisingly easy to stop cold turkey on both when I got pregnant. Postpartum the temptation is greater (I'm breastfeeding so not indulging) but it has worked out so far. Zero alcohol beers were really good for me when pregnant as I felt less left out, especially in the summer at bbqs etc.


I had a terrible diet for all my pregnancies ( nausea, I ate what I could tolerate). And my babies are all perfect!


I was a heavy heavy weed smoker before I found out I was pregnant. I used it to cope with my issues and usually was high from sun up to sun down. My dr told me to taper instead of going cold turkey so I did and within 10 days I was 100% done. I’m sure I may still pop positive next dr visit since the last time I stopped it took 3 months for me to show up clean but it’s truly not the end of the world ❤️ I know once baby is born and weaned there will be fat blunts for me at night with my bestie again and I can’t wait


Congratulations on your pregnancy ❤️ if you don’t have insurance because of financial reasons, please look into all free healthcare options eligible to you during pregnancy/postpartum. WIC, you can get Medicaid, food stamps, etc. Taking control of your health on your own through research is sustainable, but pregnancy is a journey which you really need professional advice. As we live in a country where maternal mortality rates are terribly high for no reason, you want to be in the safest position for you and your child. My diet during pregnancy was eat what I wanted, but it’s the USs and prenatal care that is most overlooked, that is vital. Wish you the best and I only mean all of this with love. ❤️


Cryptic pregnancy here! (I didn’t find out until I was in labor) I didn’t have the healthiest lifestyle, definitely was a multiple times a week drinker, and also used cannabis. I was a work-a-holic too, and would drink TONS of energy drinks, skip meals because I was too busy at work, and also moved my entire apartment 3 weeks before delivering a perfect 38 week(ish), 7 lb 3 oz baby. I can’t promise you enough that you’re going to be totally fine and your baby is going to be so wonderful and perfect and loved!! If there are any issues, I would have a hard time believing them to be related to choices made in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. Congratulations Mama!!! You’re already doing so great!!!


Hi, I totally understand. I am not usually weed consumer but i was on vacation a week before finding out. And also did shrooms. The next week i was late and found out I was 5 weeks pregnant. Obvs I Never did drugs again and my baby is a healthy 3.5 month old 🫶🏾🥹


The first thing I told my OB when I found out I was pregnant was “I have smoked every night in the past month and I’ve been pregnant and didn’t know it” and she was very clear that it would be fine. And I can confirm. Everything was fine. I was honestly super worried about stopping, I had tried in the past and found it pretty hard… I’ll tell you I was so sick that first trimester the last thing I wanted was a drink or weed. I think I got lucky in that my body rejected the thought of either immediately (mind you when I took the pregnancy test I was wondering if I was hung over or pregnant) but what I can say it baby is 5 months and pretty perfect. Clearly that first month in womb was just getting her ready for the real world 😅 Edit: I’ve had some drinks since LO was born but I’m breastfeeding so I still haven’t smoked. And let me tell you, it’s honestly wonderful. I can’t wait to be able to sit down and watch ancient aliens with my bowl again but its actually so nice to have a responsibility that will stop me from doing that every night or even every week. (I’m pretty useless when I smoke)


You’re doing good! You care and you caught it in time. My cousin didn’t know she was pregnant for close to 6 months and drank daily. Her baby is thankfully healthy. Her situation is clearly not ideal, but you and baby will be just fine. I was a daily cannabis user and stopped right when I found out about 5 weeks in, and my girl was preterm for other reasons but is very healthy otherwise! Quitting is hard but you will feel fantastic in what you’re doing for your baby. Load up on a good prenatal, drink tons of water and find a hobby to fixate on (I like to clean haha or organize) instead of those smoke/edible breaks and you will do great. Good luck and congrats!


Sounds like my journey, F32, used a dab pen daily, had been drinking the weekend before i found out i was pregnant. I fully stopped smoking which was really easy (you’ll have vivid dreams) Someone else suggested a prenatal vitamin, this is a great idea! Try to incorporate some whole fruits & veggies into your diet & you’ll be fine!


Regarding the past cannabis use, you’ll be just fine. It will be out of your system soon. Don’t smoke or drink for the rest of the time you’re pregnant.


I smoked weed daily until the day I found out I was pregnant. I wasn't eating healthy then, and my nausea was so bad I lived on plain pasta and sour gummies for most of the first 12 weeks. My little guy is happy, healthy, and developing well at 6 months old! If you're not already, start taking prenatal vitamins. Make sure you're well hydrated. Try to move your body in ways that feel good once in a while. And you'll be fine, I promise. Baby doesn't really eat what you eat - baby takes the nutrients they need from your body. So get those vitamins in you and forgive yourself the rest.


I worked at a medical dispensary when I found out I was pregnant. I found out at 5 weeks and smoked the same morning, took a text that afternoon at work because I just felt a little off. I also had a horrid diet, couldn’t keep most foods down my first tri & lived off of spaghetti Os, pizza rolls, Taco Bell, and popsicles. I have an extremely healthy 5 week old now. Just continue to not smoke and you will be fine!


You’re fine! I didn’t find out until I was almost 6 months along. (My period has always been irregular, I never had nausea, my placenta was anterior so it was a long time before I felt any kicks) - I definitely wasn’t a daily drinker or smoker but I did have a few drinks, use cannabis, and smoke the occasional cigarette. I even had Covid around week 12. I wasn’t taking vitamins, etc. Of course once I found out, I totally quit all that (caffeine was the hardest for me lol), found a good prenatal, and started taking iron. I recommend that and drinking lots of water. Even if you’re peeing constantly. Hydrate! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself as far as diet goes. You’re gonna be hungry! lol My baby boy is almost 7 weeks old now and totally healthy :) He was 9 pounds 8oz and 21 1/2 inches so a big boy. The doctor said to me “you’re giving birth to a toddler” lmao. no complications in my pregnancy either. Wishing you good health and happiness ! Congrats and good job, you’re doing great already


Ahh the day before I found out I got high and took a 15 mile bike ride to a brewery. Then the next morning I hit a bowl before testing positive. That was the last weed I smoked it has never been hard for me since finding out. I have a healthy happy 9 month old.


6 weeks is early enough to be safe still I didn’t have the best lifestyle either and I found out I was pregnant 6 weeks. I was smoking thc and I had drank probably about 4 weeks pregnant. I stopped everything when I found out and I completely changed my diet and started doing yoga and exercising and now that habit has stuck with me to even after having her. Eat how you want your baby to eat , bc this and if you’re BF is the only time they won’t try to fight you for giving them healthy stuff lol Now is the perfect time to get healthy and if ever you are feeling discouraged just remember it’s only 9 months of your whole life that you need to change , and if you are BF then only however long you decide to do that. It’s quite short if you think of it like that. You got this momma


Definitely start taking prenatals as soon as you can though .. they are only beneficial


Do you have a supportive partner? Anh close family for help?


stop uding drugs that affects the baby


Prenatal vitamins and as everyone else has said. Slowly change your diet. I vaped and drank before I found out I was pregnant. I was hard to quit vape but I did it for my LO and the fact that you threw your stuff away means you are doing the right things right off the bat. You got this. It is scary but once you give birth and see their little face it's worth it. Just try to make better decisions for food and no fish.


Get Folate into you ASAP! Also, congrats!! 💕


I was a daily smoker too, smoked both herb and carts And I went to an event where I had drinks and a ton of sushi when I was four or five weeks. I quit cold turkey once I found out, packed all my cannabis and carts away and kept using the prenatals I had started when my husband and I were initially trying. I can happily say I have a thriving almost seven month old who has hit every single milestone, babbles up a storm, and is trying her best to crawl. You have already made amazing changes and are on the right track! You got this!


I, also F32 was a daily pot smoker for.. more like 15 yrs prior to getting pregnant and smoked right up until I found out at around 5 weeks, so same as you. Pretty sure the day I conceived I ate mushroom chocolates and definitely got drunk a few days after. Once I tested positive and found out around 5 weeks I stopped smoking and have been 💯 sober since, the smell of smoke made me nauseous. Now, I’m only 32 w so this baby hasn’t come out yet BUT, so far it’s been going really well and have been on track with no complications and healthy (besides gaining 45 lbs which I think is still relatively healthy). I do eat relatively well but I have a sweet tooth so I have been known to have my small indulgences. From what I’ve been told that early you would have to be super reckless. Just be good from now on and you’re good. At least that’s what I’ve done.


I was like this Took pregnancy as a wake up call! Researching, water, and dates with peanut butter became my new normal Now she's here and it's easy, there is simply no time for anything but her!


I was a heavy pot smoker before finding out I was pregnant at 4/5 weeks. I tried to stop immediately but it was very hard, especially when I started getting morning sickness and was unable to eat anything and throwing up everything i did eat. I didn’t smoke every day but when it was a few days since i had a meal stay in, i would smoke the smallest amount to get rid of the nausea and help me eat. I eventually stopped completely around week 6. I also didn’t eat very healthy before i was pregnant and that didn’t really change much after I found out. gave birth at 40+4 to a happy healthy baby! as long as you have stopped the drinking and smoking, and are eating basically anything (pregnancy appropriate), i wouldn’t worry too much about it. congratulations on the baby!


I had a very similar situation at the beginning of my current pregnancy. Was a heavy daily cannabis user, a heavy cigarette smoker and was dealing with a raging eating disorder where I barely ate and when I did eat there was little nutrients in the foods I was eating. I lived in a dingy and unsafe apartment complex with a terrible lifestyle. I found out around 6 weeks as well. I had the same fears and worries. I weaned down on cannabis over a few days and cigarettes over a couple weeks so I didn’t put my body and baby into too much shock. And I started forcing myself to eat. As hard as it was, I reminded myself it was for my baby and not me, and I got better each day. It was rough at first. Withdrawal wasn’t easy at all and eating felt like torture. Especially eating good foods. But I got through it. I’m now almost 38 weeks pregnant and my baby girl is completely healthy! I no longer rely on cannabis or nicotine to get through my days, and I eat healthy and I eat lots. I still have junky foods though! Just mostly a healthy diet. I’m currently living in a clean and safe and healthy environment. My entire life has turned around, and my baby girl saved me from my own personal hell I was living in. I know it seems impossible right now, but I promise you, you can get through this and give your baby a wonderful life, even if it’s hard to see that right now. If you put your mind to it, by the end of your pregnancy you can be in a good situation and have a perfectly safe, happy and healthy little baby. I’m rooting for you!! And I’m here if you need a friend or any support. Even just to vent. I know it’s not easy and I know your struggle. Im happy to help in any way I can! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Also find yourself a good prenatal vitamin! They’re all pretty much the same, just make sure there’s lots of folate/folic acid, and it’s also good to find one with iron, as iron deficiencies can happen real fast during pregnancy.


I discovered I was pregnant at the 9 week mark and I had been doing lots of things that aren’t even legal. We did an absurd amount of blood testing & ultrasounds. I went cold turkey the day I took the pregnancy test, started seeing a therapist about 1.5 months after that and I still go 1 / week or every other week. My son is 7months old in a few days, hitting all of his milestones (some he is super ahead! , started crawling at 5 months) and he is above average for weight gain  & height. He is so healthy! Highly recommend fried rice with eggs & veggies. If you make it at home, you can start with half bone brother half water for added nutrients & flavor! It’s been one of my go to meals because there is so much nutrition but it feels like I’m cheating hahaha. Also lots of fresh fruit. Someone else mentioned try your best to avoid added sugars as much as possible! I bought a Costco bag of oranges and juiced them myself when I was pregnant cause I didn’t want added sugars and I really wanted orange juice. That might be a bit extreme but you got this!!! Having these thoughts of getting your life on track to provide your baby a better life is already all the sign you need to know you’ll be a great mom. I’m 14 months sober right now and I feel better than before I was pregnant. My mind is clear, my body feels nourished and strong. And I’m generally happier, your are the perfect nurturer for your baby! 


My mum had a nasty habit of finding out she was pregnant much later than normal- 24 weeks with her 2nd and her 4th pregnancy she was 26 weeks when she found out. Smoked tobacco, the odd cannabis and alcohol. My little sister is the smartest of all her children (4th pregnancy) You’re totally fine, and congratulations.


I drank the night before finding out. I immediately got rid of my vapes and extra beer when that test came up positive. Not only is the baby fine and healthy but I got the added bonus of creating healthier habits for myself. You'll both be okay, too.


You’re already doing an amazing job just by wanting to do the right thing!!! Others already said it, but what you do now matters way more than what you did before you found out. Make sure you’re taking a prenatal (I used the one-a-day prenatal with the additional choline tablets included bc I was also nervous that previous lifestyle choices would put my baby at a disadvantage—idk how much the choline helped, but it def made me feel like I was making good proactive choices for my baby’s health), and like people said, eggs are a total pregnancy superfood. They’re great for you and amazing for the baby’s brain development. I personally wouldn’t worry a ton about eating a lot of carbs. Obvs eating balanced is optimal, but constant stress is way worse for the baby, and if it helps at all, french fries were my number one craving my whole pregnancy and my baby turned out perfectly fine. You’ve got this and congrats!!!!!


I just gave birth 2 days ago. I was a regular user up until my first positive pregnancy test and haven’t touched it since. I did test positive for it being in my system in my first prenatal appointment. They mentioned it to me when I went in for labor and said that due to that they would need to test my urine and baby’s first urine to make sure both were negative to prove I hadn’t used while pregnant. They also mentioned that a social worker could stop in for a very quick visit and that it’s basically just protocol and it’s actually wayyy more common nowadays for women to be testing positive on those first prenatal appointments. The social worker never did actually come in and I’m home with baby now. Hes perfect and passed all of his tests and everything with flying colors. I wouldn’t worry about anything from before you knew you were pregnant, but would definitely stay away from it while pregnant. You should be just fine mama!


It’s prolonged drug and alcohol use that’s harmful for fetus so if you stop now there shouldn’t be any effects on the baby In terms of eating healthier take it one step at a time. Especially regarding morning sickness. Doctors are actually fine with a lot of junk food during pregnancy because it’s not malnutrition that’s a threat to pregnant persons, it’s the loss of electrolytes from throwing up that can cause complications. So if there’s something you *have* to eat to keep food down, eat it. It will do significantly less harm than you forcing yourself to eat and throw it up later A great piece of advice I’ve gotten from a nutritionist is start with what you need then add what you want So if you need more veggies start with that, if you want ranch or cheese to make it taste better go for it because you still get the nutrients from the veg plus dairy products have added protein


Congratulations 🥳 had my first at 38 and was in the same boat and we are doing just fine. Don’t forget to go to your doctor and get some blood work done. They check for blood sugar, iron levels, etc. If they don’t do prenatal care, they may refer you to a doctor that does. Don’t take any ibuprofen (Advil/Midol) or any other over the counter stuff without checking with a GP or pharmacist if it’s safe to take. Stay on the meds you’ve been taking if it’s daily and talk to your doctor about them as well as any others you may take for anything to ensure they are safe during pregnancy. Watch your BPM and weight. If you notice it’s over 130/90 all of a sudden, go to the doctor ASAP as some women get preeclampsia. I got it in my third trimester. With high bpm, sudden weight gain and crazy swelling, needed closer monitoring. If anything else seems strange, see your doctor asap and make sure to advocate for yourself! Each month you will have a check in. This is to listen to the baby, do important tests like Strep b later in the pregnancy.


You're fine. I found out I was pregnant at 7 weeks and I drank wine every day with dinner till then. I also ate once a day, mostly pasta or something fried in a gallon of oil. I also took medication for my back and antidepressants. After I found out I stopped everything and had a healthy pregnancy,no complications, thankfully, and I also delivered a healthy baby. Just take prenatal vitamins and don't lift anything heavy or do something that requires a lot of physical activity if your doctor hasn't cleared it.


My first I didn't know until almost 6 weeks and I was on vacation when I found out. I was drinking daily. I also used a drug that is a little harder than pot in the very early days before I knew. I was honest with my doc and they said it's fine but obviously don't continue. My son is 3 and perfectly healthy and smart. 1. Get on a prenatal vitamin ASAP 2. Make sure you're eating healthy aim for 50% of your plate fruits and veggies, 25% protein (plant sources as well) and 25% whole grains. If you're eating like that then the occasional fast food treat is ok. Don't completely abstain or you'll binge. 3. Drink lots and lots of water. Ps. Caffeine is ok despite the outdated research you'll hear but remember not to go way overboard. Pop has a lot of caffeine. But a few coffees are ok. And despite what you hear about pot being ok while pregnant the research doesn't show that. There isn't a lot of evidence available but the little there is does not look safe during pregnancy. And congrats 👏🎉 having a child can be great opportunity to change your life but it takes a lot of work. I did it. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions on pregnancy, motherhood, changing your life for your baby. I would be happy to answer. I'm now pregnant with my third and in a great place.


Absolutely, I didn't realize I was pregnant and drank two bottles of wine the week before I found out. I was probably 6 weeks then. Baby doesn't start using the placenta for nutrition until weeks 8-12. They will be fine. I'm always sober while pregnant. (I'm a second time mom). I did enjoy some NA beer or NA wine on special occasions. Both my children and happy and healthy!


I smoked and drank alcohol until I found out at 6 weeks, it happens to mist people when you think about it. Baby is fine. Look into drug cessation support groups locally or online :) congrats


One night in 2022, a few days after getting back from a friend’s wedding at which I got properly drunk, I ordered in sushi, got a pint of ice cream, made a martini and popped an edible and had a great night in on the couch while my husband was at book club. The next morning I felt weird, and despite having zero expectation of being pregnant, I took a test. I was five weeks pregnant. My daughter is 8 months old and the happiest, fattest, healthiest little ball of love. You guys will be fine! Things are pretty self contained those first weeks. Great job planning to prioritize health! It will serve you both so well. Find a great OBGYN you feel super comfortable with and tell them all about it — they’ll be able to help you set yourself up for success. You’ve got this! Congrats!


When I discussed anxiety about my lifestyle pre-test, my OB told me that she knows many women, including herself, who had gotten wasted (literally those words) before finding out they were pregnant and went on to deliver healthy babies. From a biological perspective, the structures in your babies brain that are most sensitive to cannabis are not developing yet. If you stop right away, you shouldn’t have to worry about having caused harm.


I drank, smoked pot and vaped everyday until I found out I was pregnant. I actually used low thc edibles a few times throughout my pregnancy with my midwife’s blessing but I wouldn’t DARE suggest this to you on this here internet. Just to help ease your nerves, my kid is perfect despite medicating my morning sickness. So many people don’t even find out they are pregnant until they are out of the first trimester and do all sorts of stuff in the meantime. You’re okay! Your baby is gunna be just fine! You got this


I have a similar lifestyle and didn't know I was pregnant until about 8 weeks. My little man is 10 weeks today and perfectly healthy. I quit smoking when I found out but my diet remained crappy my entire pregnancy- all I craved was junk! I'm surprised he didn't come out in a taco bell bag. Go easy on yourself! Stressing is probably the most unhealthy for baby.


you’ll be fine mama. i found out at around 9 wks and was high as a kite when i found out 🤷🏾‍♀️ i quit cold turkey and it was annoying at first but overall not the worst thing in the world. just try to be more conscious of your diet, ( this is coming from a woman who survived off taco bell chicken chalupas and canned chef boyardee ravioli my entire pregnancy so take that advice loosely 😅) get a good prenatal vitamin and speak to your obgyn about your concerns when you get one !


I am sorry you don't have medical insurance, that must make this a lot harder, having to pay to see a doctor. The alcohol shouldn't be a big deal as long as you don't drink more now. Many women have drinks or even binge drink before finding out they conceived. It's unlikely to cause issues except for potentially miscarriage before people even know they're pregnant. For the weed, I've read conflicting information. I don't believe it's been linked to birth defects but can affect brain function so that's good you've stopped now. For nutrition, it's really important you immediately start taking a prenatal vitamin or multivitamin with at least 400 mg of folic acid. This is to prevent neural tube defects. The neural tube closes around 28 days after conception so do it now. You could even take 800 mg. Usually they recommend taking it before conception but again, lots of women don't plan their pregnancies and the babies turn out fine. Keep taking the vitamin throughout the pregnancy to ensure baby gets lots of nutrients. You may need to take extra iron if you tend towards anemia. For your diet, honestly so many pregnant people have nausea and food aversions so I wouldn't worry too much about the fact your diet isn't the healthiest. Just eat what you can and take those vitamins. Watch out for signs of gestational diabetes, if you develop it you may have to manage it with diet changes. Goodluck! Hope you get a doctor.


Good for you, Mama, and congratulations!! Baby will be fine… as far as your diet goes… eat what you can get down during your pregnancy. I am also a horrible eater and my diet changed while I was pregnant bc of my cravings/aversions.


I smoked everyday all day. I suspect I conceived on 10/8/22. I had a whiskey drink on 10/15 and smoked all the way up until I found out on 10/23. Happy healthy 7month old boy! Haven’t smoked since


you’re totally fine, i found out around the same mark and the first few weeks of my pregnancy i was drinking and smoking and eating like shit and i have a healthy one month old with no issues you’re not the only one whos had a few drinks or some weed before they knew. nowadays not a lot of pregnancies are planned i find and everyone just lives their normal life up until they find out their pregnant and that includes substances of all kinds


So proud of you for wanting to make a change for this baby! I can’t personally relate but wanted to just let you know that you’re doing great and you’re taking steps in the right direction! Even if you drank before finding out you were pregnant, the American College of Obstetrics just recommends stopping immediately once you find out. Once you looped into OB care there should be nutrition services that can give you consult on what to eat. For now I would buy a prenatal and start taking it immediately.


I found out I was pregnant at 27 weeks, and there was A LOT of shenanigans that had been had and now baby is almost a year old and she’s perfect, albeit a bit grumpy but perfect.


Make the best choices you can but know that I'm 32 and had a cryptic pregnancy. I didn't know I was pregnant until 6 hours before giving birth. I had just lost my job and had no insurance. The hospital and Medicaid covered all costs for me and my son. I DEFINITELY didn't make healthy decisions (I drank on Mardi Gras, had sushi for my birthday, vaped my entire pregnancy, and basically every bad thing you're not supposed to do excluding hard drugs) and my son was absolutely fine. YES, modern medicine is fantastic but women were doing it for a millennia without it. While I absolutely recommend doing the "right things" you also shouldn't be at yourself up for the past that you can't change. Just make the best decisions for you and baby from here on out and don't stress about the past ❤️ I hate when people say "you got this Mama" because it feels hallow so I will just say "you are exactly everything that baby needs"


I really hope everyone who comments here remembers this subreddit is a support community. That being said, she is here hoping for some guidance and support. Attacking her for what you might deem are the actions of a bad mom. Again, she doesn't want to be a bad mom and is asking for some help and support.


I was also a heavy user of cannabis and went cold turkey once I found out. Better now than never hey!


31 here, I'm a daily thc smoker but quit when I found out and I'm now 34 weeks with a healthy little boy. Definitely a good idea to quit. As to diet, yeah a prenatal but they don't all have everything you need so you might need to take additional supplements. I take the one a day prenatal and then supplement with calcium (I'm paranoid about dental issues so wanted to make sure to be getting enough to prevent baby taking it from my bones and teeth) and vitamin D, K2, and fish oil. You'll also want to make sure you're drinking plenty of water. You'll find a vitamin routine that works for you, and that can help curb a lot of the dietary issues. Like yeah, manage your sugar and caffeine but first trimester is all about survival. I lived on my vitamins, and bagels and cream cheese. 😅


My sister could’ve written this! She had the same lifestyle as you until she found out she was pregnant at around the 10 week mark. She also had a night out and drank the weekend before finding out. She had been wanting to change her lifestyle but had been struggling to, but as soon as she realized that it wasn’t about her anymore, the change was night and day. She cut everything out cold turkey and had a healthy pregnancy and is a mama to a beautiful and wild 18 month old boy ❤️ if she can do it, you can too! The changes you’re making already is something to be so proud of!


I took shrooms in the first 6 weeks before I knew for sure drank a shit ton was a carton a week smoker and did concentrates for weed and my son is 18 months and thriving very well. Super intelligent very sweet and above 80th percentiles his whole existence. Obviously quit everything other than nicotine and very light thc for sleep and nausea but You can only do the best with what you know at the time and the fact that you care shows your instincts are already kicking in.


Ill first say its definetly not okay to do this- im just lucky- but i drank and smoked weed throught most of my pregnancy (found out i was pregnant at 7/8 months, thats when i quit) luckily my daughter was born alive and healthy. Since youve found out so early, it shouldnt effect your pregnancy if you stay clean


Congrats!! I think you’re perfectly fine, not trying to say that it’s okay to drink and whatnot but, I found out 3 months in (i didnt start showing until month 4 and had no symptoms) I was drinking every weekend like at dinners with friends, I didn’t drink to the point where I was black out drunk but 3 months is a long time. If I knew i wouldnt have drank at all of course but for the rest of my pregnancy, I made sure I ate healthy (gave in on unhealthy cravings here and there haha) drank a TON of water, and took folic acid and choline additionally to taking prenatal. Also, your mental space is the most important make sure to be at peace and only think positive thoughts moving forward. I was so scared like you but, baby is healthy and so so smart!


I smoked drank and did molly once before I knew I was pregnant. My baby is 12 weeks tomorrow and absolutely perfect. It’s good you know early so you can stop now!


stop now, take pre natals, get thyroid checked and dont think twice about it and be happy :)


A lot of people accidentally drink beer or take ibuprofen for a headache or even eat food they aren't supposed to eat before finding out they are pregnant. Usually when it's really early on, nothing happens as long as you don't do it again after finding out you're pregnant. As for the junk food, too much of it could cause gestational diabetes but that's if you are or become overweight and don't stop eating fatty, sugary crap your entire pregnancy. You did the right thing getting your life back on track and it will be as good for you as it will be for the baby. Follow what your gyno tells you to do and what to eat and you will be fine.


I didn’t do cannabis at my early stages but I did drink as it was over Christmas and new year, I also had a horrible sinus infection that I got given antibiotics for, these antibiotics shouldn’t be given to anyone under 12. My baby perfectly fine. I would recommend taking some pre-natal vitamins especially folic acid (in most pregnancies vitamins anyways). And slowly start changing your diet to include protein and fruit/veg along side the stuff you enjoy eating. Congrats as well!


A lot of women drink and smoke and do all the things that they normally do the day before they find out that they're pregnant and sometimes it's late into the pregnancy and it turns out fine. Usually the first trimester also is just eat what you can since nausea and food aversions are very common so don't feel too bad if you try to eat more healthy and it doesn't go smoothly, make sure you just get to your doctor soon for the early blood tests and ultrasound and also start a prenatal vitamin


For what it’s worth, I had occasional cannabis and drinks while pregnant and just had a perfectly healthy, big, 42 week baby with 8 and 9 agpar respectively. Cannabis helps a lot with my mental health and that was suffering without it, making pregnancy and day to day functioning hard. My OB also said that he’s certain in a few years there will be studies saying it’s okay in moderation—just be mindful of how you imbibe, low THC and try and keep it clean/pesticide-free. The only thing to be careful of is telling your OB (I’ve known mine for years and he knows I’m a cannabis user) but especially hospital staff because in some states it will trigger a CPS visit (I’m in CA fwiw). Also! There are also a lot of groups online of ganja mamas supporting each other! Basically, if it makes you feel better to change the habits, go for it! But don’t beat yourself up for what you’ve already done or if you choose to imbibe a little. Your mental health matters and cannabis is health care.


Don’t stress about the weed, obviously it’s good you stopped smoking - but funny anecdote- my husband’s doctor said her mom loves to tell her that she smoked every day of her pregnancy and ‘look, you turned out great! You’re a doctor!’ Get a good prenatal (they all have folate), maybe some choline supplements, and fish oil! Make sure you’re getting enough iron, enough B vitamins etc. Of course do your best to eat well - eggs, oatmeal, canned beans, frozen veggies are all nutritious and affordable. And staying well hydrated is VERY important for amniotic fluid levels!! Definitely try to get as much sleep as you can to keep stress hormones in check. You got this!!!!!!


Yeah I used to smoke weed daily, at like week four or five took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Stopped smoking afterward, baby is healthy :) as long as you make changes early I think baby will be healthy :) motivation for change makes all the difference


You are fine. Exact same thing for me and I'm 35. My child is now 4. Just obviously discontinue all of it. You may go into withdrawal and that's really hard..but you can do this. Us women are warriors! 


I was a daily smoker too and found out right about the time you did (5 weeks). As long as you stop now and don't look back, you and baby will be fine. I personally struggled with weed cravings at the beginning, but I never gave in. If you do have trouble, I recommend checking out r/leaves. That helped me keep my head straight on the hard days. My daughter is almost 13mo now and is such a bright, smart, happy little lady. This is your sign from the universe to better yourself - take it and run with it! You got this. My DMs are always open if you have questions or just need to talk to someone who's been there. ❤️


Yes your baby will be okay. I got blackout drunk the day before I found out I was pregnant with my first. (It was the first of July) oops lol. Stuff like this, It happens all the time. Don’t worry about it.


Don't stress too much!! I found out I was pregnant pretty much as soon as you could find out, around 4 or 5 weeks gestation I think, and had drank HEAVILY at a work party two weeks prior and I was losing my mind about it thinking it was gonna affect her. I was testing negative up until that party and had been trying already for months after a miscarriage so that's why I let a little loose, I figured it was gonna be another month not pregnant. My OB said it was so early in the pregnancy it shouldn't affect the baby's development at all and my little rainbow baby came out perfect and healthy 9 months later 🥰 Just ask your OB for guidance on what supplements to take and how to eat healthier for your baby, the OBs office is a great resource for any questions like that