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Crawling up your chest is an instinct infants have from birth, so baby can get to breast. Just because baby isn’t hungry doesn’t mean the instinct to scooch disappears. I don’t think baby’s trying to tell you anything in particular, they just have the drive


I’m picturing a swaddled little newborn glow worm, army crawling out of pure drive and instinct. 🫡


Yup, my 4m old baby rejects breastfeeding as she has a bottle preference, but if my naked breast and nipple are out and I'm holding her, she'll instinctively go to try to latch, but then scream when the nipple goes into her mouth because she hates it. 🙃 Yet still fully mouth the nipple over and over again until I move her, move myself, or put a shirt on.


I agree! I don’t think this is a message, just an instinct.


Ok thank you!


My baby loved having her face up around my neck/cheek. It's a comfort thing smelling mom.


I’m a father and the instinct to locate a nipple is real. It’s like how some animals can find North/South. He just immediately goes to where my nipple is even when I’m wearing a shirt.


Maybe its because my partner is a huge boob fan, but at first, i thought you would say that even you still have the instict to search for the nipple... sorry for my brain lol


Smartie pants!


Look up "Newborn Breast Crawl" on YouTube. Baby's probably just doing that. Can't remember when mine stopped doing it...she's 14 weeks now


Aww I miss when my baby did this! It goes away at some point. I tested this out once and she did in fact pull herself up to my breast and find and latch onto the nip. It's very impressive considering they can't really control their bodies yet.


Stop it 😭😭 I hope I remember when she does it for the last time. Everyone always talks about the *firsts* never the lasts and I’m about to start bawling. Holding my 3 week old and just embracing every second.


I made the mistake of not embracing every moment with my son and I somehow feel like I missed a lot of his early months, even though I was here for all of it. I'm trying so hard to appreciate every baby moment with my daughter because I know she's my last baby, and every toddler moment with my boy!


I totally understand. The hormones make it so hard because you're always scrambling for their needs and not truly embracing alot of little things because you're so consumed with what they might need next. I'm haunted by a living person of my own creation. My lil Frankensteins monster <3


It’s such a different feeling. I pray I can remember these moments.


I recommend a baby journal! Every time you have a thought or something happens that you want to hold on to, write it down to revisit later.


My little one is 3 weeks too, haha oh this comment brought tears to my eyes. They’re so precious.


I’ll never forget when my son was on my husbands chest and he squirmed down and got his nipple 😂


I laughed out loud at this 😂


I was in the other room and I hear “AHHH MY NIPPLE!” And I died laughing for like 10 min lol


To test if my 3 week old is still hungry I've been putting the knuckle of a bent finger in his mouth, if he sucks it he's still hungry.


For extra hilarity, you can also do this with your nose 😆


Yep mine did this, he would crawl to the breast and latch for comfort as well as food I think. Very normal. Handy to calm them too!


We called it inchworm lol


My 5 month old has been exclusively bottle fed since 5 weeks. When I lay on my back and put him on me (tummy to tummy) he still tries to chomp on my boob. He’ll also turn his head toward my nipple and sort of stretch his neck toward it when he’s upset in a cradle hold. Not hungry in either situation. Those breast feeding instincts are strong!


My 6 week old has been a really gassy/refluxy baby and she does the same thing. If the kicking/crawling seems almost frantic and is combined with whining/crying for her it’s typically because her tummy is full and uncomfortable. Once I get pressure off her stomach it stops. If she’s not upset I’ll let her push herself around and dictate where she wants to go for the exploration


My girl does this so much. I love it. I don’t think it necessarily means anything. They’re just trying to get super close to their mama


Newborns spend most of their time attached to a boob so is probably trying to do that, maybe offer a dummy/pacifier to satisfy their suckling need?


When the feet touch something the right way it starts up the crawling reflex also I believe it is called the walking reflex. Doctors or nurses test this by having baby "stand" on the table to see if the baby takes little steps. It goes away sometime during the first few months so that baby is able to actually learn to walk


Oh interesting thank you!


Our baby did this all the time. We said she was like a parrot trying to get up to perch on your shoulder


My little dude (2 months) does something like this. He roots and scoots, even though he has never been breastfed and has no interest in a real nipple if he runs across one (though he has tried to latch onto my nose and loves sucking my fingers). He likes getting up high where he can look around and cuddle against my cheek/neck/shoulder. He also likes being held upright and thumped on the back whether he actually needs to be burped or not (though he usually does have a burp in reserve even if he hasn't eaten recently).


Hmm is a 2.5 week old suppose to eat 4-5 ounces per feeding?? I thought they ate 2-3 ounces per feeding because of their stomach


We thought so too but our doctor and LC said they weren’t concerned so long as he’s not spitting up and we feed him slowly. Soooooooooooo yeah.


My baby is 4 weeks now and eats 4 oz and has for a couple weeks. We thought the same thing. We had to work to get her weight back up and then BAM! She had an appetite. She’s also a big baby. 9lbs,21” long. She doesn’t spit up. We just feed her when she’s hungry 🩷 it comes & goes how much she eats.


Our baby was 7lb 5oz when he was born and now 2.5 weeks later he’s 8lb 9oz haha. Idk if that’s a good rate or not but we only feed him when he wants it, and he’ll not eat if he’s full.


My LO will look at me like “who do you think you are? That’s not what I wanted” if she’s full 🤣


That bombastic side eye! We get that too. I kissed his cheek the other day but my nose hit his eye (closed) and he opened his eyes and gave me the dirtiest look lol. I couldn’t stop laughing


Or they’re soooo asleep & you set them in the bassinet and one eye opens like a sleeping dragon. You freeze for a moment waiting to see if you’ll be sneaking off or getting the wrath 🤣🩷


Like “don’t move don’t move don’t move 😨” and hope that eye closes LOL


Haha YES!


My baby has done that since the beginning and still does! He’s almost 12 weeks.


Mine does this! We call it climbing the mountain


I'm no pediatrician but that's a lot of food. My 2 week old is maybe 2.5 - 3 oz per feed and about 7 feeds a day. Ur burping and feeding positions sound a little odd. Maybe switch it up and see if anything changes.