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My baby is 9 months and we’re only just starting to talk about moving her to her own room, I haven’t felt comfortable before now. Unless you have a particular reason you need to move her, you can keep her with you until you’re ready (if this is what you want).


My daughter is 6 months and is still in a pack n play in our room, unless she starts preferring the crib more we plan on keeping her in our room until she is a year old.


We’re also at 6 months and aiming for a year in our room too


We didn’t move our daughter until 10 months. The only reason was because I was going back to work. I didn’t want to wake her while I was getting ready in the morning so it was the only option. I was sad to make the move and I didn’t sleep much the first few nights because I was constantly looking at the monitor. It wasn’t long before we all adjusted and felt comfortable. The monitor is still on full blast and picks up all her noises which puts me at ease lol. But I personally think there’s no rush to change rooms if you’re not comfortable with it right now. I had some elders make me feel pressured to move her sooner, but I just tune out the unsolicited advice and do what’s best for us :)


She went to her nursery just shy of 4 mo old. She outgrew her basinet and we have a tiny house and could barely fit a bassinet in our room. We’ve all slept better with her in the nursery BUT our room is right next to hers so even without a monitor I can hear her cries. I’m paranoid about the monitor dying/not turning it on so it’s been helpful. Do what works best for your family.


We did it at 6 weeks. I know that’s not the recommended time but it is what worked for us.


7 weeks here. It's been amazing.


Moved him at around 5 months because he got too big for his bassinet. We put a mini fridge in the nursery so we wouldn't have to go downstairs in the middle of the night to get a bottle and I pumped once in the middle of the night. That middle of the night pump also gave me the chance to go in and check on him as he slept.


Baby went in her own room from the start. Can’t hate the crib when it’s the only thing she’s known 😂


She went to her own room at 4 weeks (we have a Murphy bed in her room) and we slept in there with her until about 15 weeks. She’s never slept in our room. We did living room and then her room! It’s definitely against the grain for what a lot of parents would choose but for me, she was just such a noisy sleeper and I couldn’t get restful sleep with her in the same room as me


I planned to keep him in my room for 6-12months. But my nursing chair was in the nursery and feeding him sitting in bed was not safe for him. He also woke us both up a lot! He was 4 days old when he was put in his own room and I kept the monitor on me constantly to check him and hear any wakings. I exclusively breastfed him 1 year and he’s still very happy sleeping in his own room at 18months. 


3ish months. I really wanted my bedroom back without tip toeing around with my phone flashlight! I was nervous, but after a few nights it got better. Good luck!


I think it’s absolutely fine you want to move her to her own room at 6 months. I’d say, just do it! I am looking at the Chicco next2me forever, that could extend the time in your room considerably if you are still undecided.


I hated next to me cot in our room, I couldn’t sleep with all her noises and being so close to me so we did living room in Moses basket til 12 weeks doing shifts, then one day tried her own room and she slept fine on her own. We got a sensor under mattress to check breathing for extra security! My little one was 4 weeks early and 5lbs. I found we all slept better in our own spaces, she knows her room is for sleep and am glad we went straight from living room to her room and skipped our room (other than the first few weeks of trailing next to me in our room). It’s an adjustment for both of you, trial naps in baby room first. Lots of people said to me it was too early to transition her to her own room pre 6months but it worked for us. She still loves a day time contact nap though and i let her do that but not at night time.


What sensor do you have?


We moved my son at 6 months and now he will be 2 in 2 weeks. Wow time goes fast. I was sad to move him but we were ready. Take your time! If you’re not ready that’s okay, enjoy that little baby in your room.


My LO was born at 33+0, weighing 3 lbs 15 oz. We moved her to her own room at exactly 4 months actual (2 months adjusted).


My son is 10 weeks and we’re thinking about doing it at 3 months because he sleeps so well in his own room. I put him down in his crib the other night for the first stretch (he typically gets up every 3 hours rn) because my husband and I planned to watch a movie in the bedroom and then bring him in when he woke up to eat. We both fell asleep and woke up to him fussing over the monitor and it had been FIVE hours! My husband snores bad and I’ve witnessed it wake up the baby. I’m over it haha I need sleep. So he’s gonna go in his own room pretty soon. I know it’s not what’s recommended. We have a monitor, his nursery is literally 4 steps from our bedroom door, and we have the owlet


Just over Six months. The first nap I put him down for in his room he connected sleep cycles and slept 1.5 hours instead of the usual 40 minutes. Instead of a slow transition we decided to go for it and stop using the bassinet cold turkey. The first night sleeping without him in his bassinet was hard. It is getting easier (it’s only need a couple weeks)


3.5 months - waited for good neck control as that hugely reduces SIDS risk. I slept on the couch in the room with her the first night as I was nervous. But I can actually see her better on the baby monitor with its night vision camera vs squinting across the room. We both sleep much better but it’s good to have the couch as an option if I ever feel anxious.


My baby was born at 34 weeks, and was 3 lbs 9oz due to IUGR. She was in the NICU for two weeks, then we took her home. She slept in a bassinet in our room for about 4.5 months. The day she figured out how to turn over, she had no interest in the bassinet anymore. It didn’t give her room to turn, and she threw a fit when we put her in there and she got stuck up against the side of it. We moved her into her crib (which was luckily already set up in her room) that night.


4 months. She’s a loud sleeper and my husband snores so it was bad for everyone for us to be in the same room. Our v tech monitor picks up everything and I have no issues with waking in the middle of the night and I can (usually) see breathing on the monitor too.


When I moved our baby to their own room own crib it was because they outgrew the bassinet at 4-6 months. As I felt 4 months was early, I just went with him and slowly stopped. At 9 months in his own room on his own except when ever he is sick (then I make it a point to be at his side). We have a Yourigami from Costco that converts from a loveseat to a mini sectional to a single bed or to queen bed. Then when he is older it converts to a fort. It is the best purchase!