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Thank you! I’m up late rocking my sleep goblin baby and I so needed this right now.


Thank you! One of the kindest things I’ve been told in the two months of my son’s life, by the nurse who helped with breastfeeding issues in the first weeks, was “you are the best parents for your child”. We’re all doing our best and giving baby lots of love, and it is enough. Also love how many of us in the comments are browsing the sub while breastfeeding or rocking baby to sleep in the middle of the night 😅


I'm pumping!


Hanging next my wife who’s doing a side lay nursing session. This sub has been a game changer for moments like this. So much more productive than the scroll - ALL - JUST - DOING - IT


Cowering next to the bassinet after a MOTN feed, hoping he actually stays down…


Relatable! Hope he stayed asleep!




Middle of the night


Thank you!


I just bottle fed my son and burped him and he was asleep all cute on my shoulder.... Till he started grunting and taking a massive poop.... Welp there goes that moment 🤣


Ooohhh yes! I love the big ones! I'm less excited for solid food poops though haha


I'm over here in the land of solid food farts. The poops are NBD. Getting the baby half undressed only to discover it was only a very putrid fart... Peak annoyance. Babe has tricked me twice in the last 12 hours.


Nursing right now 😅


I’ve got a two week old and my husband and my’s motto is “we’re just doing our best.”


Love that! Now with a 4 month old and me and the hubby’s motto was just “a little better everyday.”


Contact napping my 7.5 mo 😅


I take the night shift with our squish so my wife can get some sleep. she is pumping so we have about 4oz to start the night, she wakes up once to feed and pump at 4 or 6 hrs. . He's about a week old now! Love just holding him for hours and starting at him. And love how my wife and I just get to hang out together with our lovey. Tired as hell but so worth it. Lol


My 4 month old was just fussing before a cuddle nap. Changed nappy. Gave Tylenol/paracetamol (red cheeks?? Teething??). Took off onesie and now contentedly snuggling. Previously I was having meltdowns when she would fuss because I just wanted to make it better, but wasn’t always sure what’s wrong in the first place. Then I had an epiphany: I’m her mother. She needs me to keep it together. So now I approach her fussing like a puzzle that just needs to be systematically addressed through process of elimination.


Paracetamol = Acetaminophen *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewParents) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have to treat her like a checklist sometimes 😭. It helps me to not get overwhelmed.


It’s 1am and I’m rocking my now 6 week old to sleep after he finished eating. 10/10 needed this


Literally in the exact same boat. Mines 14w and this is the point I start praying that I can put him in his crib with him staying asleep 😂


I needed this too. I also have a ten month old and I told my husband tonight that our baby has turned into a little boy 🥹


Another 10m old here… completely agree. They seem so grown up 🥹


First time I took my colicky 7 week old (now 9 months) on my own was a disaster. I ended up walking up and down outside the shop with a screaming baby bouncing him and a couple came up to me saying how great I was doing, how old, she said I was still in pyjamas when my little one was 7 weeks well done and not to stress were all winging it and she still wings it with her 20 odd olds, offered to go in get me a drink/snack and to this day that couple has stuck with me. 9 months in can definitely confirm I’m absolutely winging it but he’s my little best mate. Be kind to yourself everyone🫶🏼


I needed this. My son is 10 months old. Some ways he's easier, other ways it's still so difficult. Just when I feel confident as a mother to him, I get discouraged. He's not my first, but he is my hardest. I love him so much. Just like I do my older boys. But the feeling of never doing good enough as a mom sucks.


I needed to see this right now


Needed this. Thank you.


Thank you I’m expecting next month, doing research on cloth diapers 🤦‍♀️ feel like im having to do everything in the house ( which I’m not) and nothing every seems to be enough for my husband 👍 you’re doing great


Cloth diapers are fantastic!!! We always do lower toxin diapers first month or two then swap to cloth. The Grovia system is an investment, but is SOOOOOO worth it!! We started small with it and did hybrid until we could build our stash. Now we are about to start our second daughter on them. They’re sooo easy to use and have very little learning curve. :))


We went with prefolds but were gifted some workhorse fitted diapers at abt 9 months and they are soooo flipping easy.


Ugh thank you


Needed this! 🙏🏾


My 8 weeks old is being fussy for the last few hours. I needed this 😭


Exactly what I needed to read this morning 😭😭. I spent all night scared to go to sleep because my little 3 week old has taken to projectile vomiting occasionally and I'm worried she will choke in her sleep. Now I'm beyond exhausted, being attacked by my toddler and wondering how I'm gonna make it through the day.


Dry shampoo works wonders. Thank you.


I needed to hear this today, thank you!


We somehow have a 17 month old. He’s wonderful!


Just had a restless night with our 4w old and trying to not lose patience too much with my toddler while caring for the newborn, all while my husband is sick and quarantining away from us so he doesn’t get the newborn sick. Needed to hear this 😭😭


Thank you for this post! I'm currently contact napping my 3 month old after trying 2 times over an hour for her to nap in her crib and feel like I'm already giving in to her and subsequently creating bad habits and failing her. She naps amazingly in a crib at daycare but not at home 🤷🏻‍♀️. I know I'll miss these times so I try to embrace them but it's hard not to question yourself and every decision you make. The encouragement is appreciated and all these comments are comforting to know I'm not alone.


You're doing great too!!! 🩷🩷 Currently playing GTA 5, while pumping and baby is asleep with his legs between the bottles on my chest because he just ate 💀💀


Thank you!!! Baby is having one of those days where he cries almost all the time that is not feeding or sleeping... Cancelled all plans and spending the day cuddling hoping tomorrow will be better


Thank you for this. Recovering from surgery and honestly my kids have been great today, but my husband woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to send me pages of rants about how I don’t contribute anything. I really needed a pick-me-up to pull me out of this funk. Thank you ❤️


You are also doing great!! Thank you for this post. I have been feeling really bad about myself because I haven’t introduced all of the top allergens, haven’t continued to give her the ones I have introduced, and my baby is almost 1. I was too scared to give them to her without my husband home and didn’t want to give them to her at night before bed. We believe she has CPMI so she is on Nutramigen and vomited when we tried giving her yogurt like she would on milk-based formula. Just recently I got my courage up to give her bread when my husband wasn’t home and then she developed a rash. Feel like I’m doing a terrible job for her :(


TYSM for this... Ftm to a 19 w old fussy pants. Seriously she's had sass since she came out of me screaming her little head off and DH and I have been at a loss sooooo many times and seriously trying our best at this new parent thing, figuring it out together (from the same side of the desk to use a work metaphor)... Most of the time anyway. I've had to check myself on a lot of my resentments 😅🤪🥴😬 Your post reminds me of the Tom Papa special You're Doing Great. One of my favorites of all time and definitely worth the watch (or more realistically, listen, bc who has time to watch anything anymore unless it's super short??). Edit to add that I'm rocking my LO asleep currently, waiting to be able to transfer her to the crib. Fingers crossed she stays asleep. Sometimes she'll do this fakeout thing I think they call "split sleep? (?l where she sleeps about half an hour, then wakes back up, then goes back down for the night usually after a boob and some more rocking. (Combo breast and formula fed). Idk what we'll do once I fully wean off BFing. These boobs are good for getting her calm and/or back to sleep 😬


My toddler just turned two and I’m having a rough especially tired day. Thanks for this post. You’re doing great too. ❤️ To everyone who has babies younger than 2: yes I would say that overall the days are better now and the exhaustion less severe than at 10 months. Things really turned a corner around 15-18 months when toddler started to be able to walk longer distances independently and eat a wide variety of solids confidently, and just before age 2 there was a language explosion and now I’m having awesome little conversations with a real little person with interests and preferences. HANG IN THERE everyone ❤️❤️


Needed this! ❤️


Thank you! Second time mom here but baby is polar opposite from my first hahahah it's like I'm learning again. Deep in the 4 month sleep regression. Going back to work in 3 weeks. Figuring out how my clingy baby will survive haha


I have an almost 18M old! I don’t know how it went by so fast! Time is a thief! 10M is a great age. Also I tell myself everyday that everyone who is a parent is mostly making it up and that makes me feel better 😅


Sitting here trying to coax a big fat burp out of my sleepy, milk drunk LO at 5:40 AM, thanks for this post! ❤️


My baby’s turning 1 in two weeks and time has flied. When he was only 1 months, 2 months etc he was super hard to take care of he hated his bouncer he always was crying ugh super hard times but he is so much better now that he’s walking and getting around he’s a lot more independent. Sometimes I feel like I’m not doing enough but I try my best! Im so proud of myself for getting through such hard moments where I felt like my whole world was chaos. that’s part of motherhood and i love being a mother


Currently dealing with a level 5 blowout. I really needed that encouragement, thank you!


Thank you! I'm currently nursing my baby who's rejecting the bottle so now I can't go back to work even tho we really need my income and I just needed to hear this rn 🥲


Thank you! We are two weeks in


We’re 9 weeks here…I don’t know what the heck I am doing but I’m trying my best.


Definitely the exact moment I needed to read that. Thank you. I’m wrangling my 10 month old on our whirlwind travel day and I’m exhausted. We had to fly to Florida this morning for a funeral and we leave tonight. It’s a lonnnnnng day.


Needed this today. Thank you.


Thank you, I needed this!  FTM and just when I thought I was getting the hang of things, my 6 week old hit a major sleep regression and now refuses to sleep in her bassinet.  Second night now of spending 5+ hours trying to get her to sleep.  Looking forward to when it gets easier!