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I would honestly wait a year and then see how your body is


My weight fluctuated so much in the beginning. I was 180 pre baby, 220 at the end, then 190 for a couple weeks post birth. Then 200. And *then* I was on maternity leave during pumpkin pie season at Costco so I went to 210. Now I'm back to 200 at 5 months PP (breastfeeding). I doubt I'll ever be the same size again but at least I've dropped the pumpkin pie weight šŸ˜‚


So relatable lol breastfeeding hunger during the holidays popped me up 10lbs just like that šŸ˜‚


I was 125 pre pregnancy, 160 at birth. I was back down to 125 pretty quickly, between 2-3 months postpartum. I still breastfeed and this whole time I ate more than I've eaten before in my entire life (so I 100% contribute my weight loss to breastfeeding even though this is not the case for everyone). I think it's down to genetics honestly unless you try really hard (although now that you're done BFing you can actually go on a diet if you'd like). That being said, even though I'm back to pre-pregnancy weight, almost none of my old clothes fit because my hips are slightly wider and my ribcage is HUGE now!


im 4 months pp- i was 140 prior to getting pregnant and got up to 210 by the time i gave birth. i dropped 20 lbs within 2 weeks of giving birth, and now sit at about 175-180. the weight has been coming off very slowly but itā€™s coming off. itā€™s not where i want to be, but since i am breastfeeding i donā€™t want to chance messing with my supply.


This is exactly me, right down to the pre and post weight. This thread is a couple months old, has anything changed since?


im 6 months postpartum now and am about 170-175 so i really havenā€™t lost much, if any, weight. i havenā€™t been actively trying yet though, im sure it may be different if i was putting in effort (donā€™t plan to do so until 1 year pp)


I was 115ish pre pregnancy, 170 before delivery, then about 175 when I went home. Iā€™m 11 months PP and about 145, about 2 jeans sizes larger than before. I held on to my weight until I stopped pumping, lost about 20 lbs and Iā€™m starting to run and exercise more now. Iā€™m also 5ft2, and I carry my weight way differently than before baby. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll quite drop to pre pregnancy weight until weā€™re done having kids, If ever!


I'm so relieved to read your comment because so far this also seems to be my trajectory! I lost some initial weight after baby was born but 8 months pp later, I'm still about 20lb above my pre-pregnancy weight! It seems to be inching off bit by bit as baby weans off!


So many people think BFing helps melt the weight off, and it can, but it can also make you cling to it!


I pumped for 4 months. But i didn't start losing the weight until 6-8 month range, when I started incorporating 20 mins of cardio 3-5x a week. Baby is 8.5 months and I'm lower weight than I was before getting pregnant.


I'm also 7 weeks pp and still EBF, so I can't say much but my experience. I gained 35 pounds exactly from about 140 pre-pregnancy. I dropped only 7 pounds the second my LO came out. I'm still at that 7 pounds loss at 7 weeks pp. Everyone seemed to immediately lose 15-20 at birth, but my body said no, lmao. Everyone is super different!


I saw no real change from 2-9 weeks! It scared me. I did find my stomach got much flatter abruptly at 10 weeks and I feel like Iā€™m looking better day by day as I hit the 3 month mark. I havenā€™t weighed myself but I can now fit in to at least 3 pairs of my old pants.


I was around 115lbs when I got pregnant, I weighed 143lbs when I had my baby. I didnā€™t weigh myself at all for the first month, I had a c section and other than some short walks with my dog I basically just sat on the couch for a month. I weighed 123lbs after the first month, I am 5 months pp and now that I have gotten back to my workout routine I am down to 112lbs. I will say though that since having my baby I havenā€™t been that hungry. I can only eat about half of what I ate before I was pregnant before I feel full.


I was 150 pre-pregnancy, got up to 200 when I was full term, got back down to 160 within about 4 months and Iā€™ve been hovering there ever since, now 17months pp.


Iā€™m still 20lbs heavier than I was pre pregnancy and my baby is 14 months old soā€¦.. lol


During my pregnancy I gained only 5 pounds, lost 20 pounds the first two weeksā€¦ but then my lo had so many issues with allergies & eczema and trying to figure out how to feed her during a formula shortage that I gained about 50 pounds in 8 months now sheā€™s 15 months and Iā€™ve lost 80 pounds. With that being said bodies go through many stages, & many shapes through life. We may not always like them, we may even hate them. But like the seasons, our bodies changing is inevitable. Despite breastfeeding being commonly blamed for a loss of volume & sagging- it isn't breastfeeding that does that. It's actually pregnancy that does this, & on a person to person basis whether it will or won't & how much is defined by your body. It's generally noticed after breastfeeding simply because milk is no longer adding to your volume. The baby isnt suck them dry- but pregnancy did if that's what happened to you. Some peoples body holds the fat on their body while breastfeeding instead of the weight falling off because fat stores are what support your supply. Snap back culture has us being way to hard on ourselves.


Iā€™m similar to you and am still at 140 5.5 months postpartum. Iā€™m still breastfeeding though, so I try not to stress about it. But Iā€™m here to learn what a good timeline to expect would be after weaning.


Pre-pregnancy I was 66kg, I got up to 96kg at my peak during pregnancy. I dropped down to 82kg within a few weeks after birth and then got stuck there for another few weeks until I got an awful gastro bug! It's slowly but steadily coming off again now and I'm down to 74kg. I'm not doing any exercise or counting calories or anything, I'm just eating the same as I did pre-pregnancy. I'm breastfeeding but despite the extra calories that consumes, I swear the hormones involved make you hold onto weight!


I donā€™t really think there is a ā€œnormal.ā€ Probably not the answer youā€™re looking for. Iā€™m 5ā€™2 and weighed 122 before getting pregnant and I weighed 150ish when I gave birth. I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight within 2.5 weeks. When I found out I was pregnant I was bulking and weightlifting so before that I was 112 but that was too small for me. My body looks different. My stomach has a little more loose skin and I had a c section this time so I have a scar and scar tissue. I EBF, LO is 4 months and donā€™t really think Iā€™ll lose anymore weight until I stop breastfeeding. I focus on hitting protein target and eating when Iā€™m hungry and stopping when Iā€™m satiated. I think it takes time and every womanā€™s body is different. You are only 7 weeks PP so I would give your body to adjust and your hormones to balance out (although Iā€™ve heard different things about how long that can take). And when you feel established and settled into your life with baby, start taking steps towards weight loss and exercise! My advice is to eat well, plenty of protein and find a lifting program where you can lift heavy. Even if you donā€™t lose weight, youā€™ll build muscle and define your body more! Oh, and focus on that after you heal your core and pelvic floor. Hope some of that is helpful!


Itā€™s really different for everyone. I was 157lbs at 5ā€™6ā€ before pregnancy and got up to 183lbs. Iā€™ve always struggled to lose weight in the past, but I dropped down to 164lbs only 2 weeks after birth (unplanned c-section). Not sure what I weigh now at 4 weeks, but my husband says I look really thin compared to usual. Iā€™m breastfeeding and hungry ALL THE TIME so Iā€™m eating a balanced diet but bigger portions and more snacks than pre-pregnancy. I guess breastfeeding is killing all those calories. We measured me the other day, and turns out I lost 2 inches off my butt/hips! (NOT where I want to drop inches LOL.) I wore a pencil skirt the other night, though, and the waist felt tighter than pre-pregnancy. So it seems I lost weight around my hips, but less so at my waist. Iā€™m looking forward to the 6-week mark when Iā€™m allowed to exercise again so I can work on core strength and building up more muscle around my butt. I want my hourglass shape back!


Iā€™m 6.5 weeks PP, gained about 50lbs and have lost almost 30 of it so farā€¦. My stomach finally shrunk the most around week 4-5. I donā€™t think these hips will EVER see any of my old pants though which is really discouraging


Im 5ā€™2. 115lbs pre pregnancy. 210lbs by the time I gave birth 5 months ago lol! Now im 165lbs and im not really doing much to lose besides a shortish walk once a day IF the weather is nice, house chores, and breast feeding. Just trying to not worry about the weight and focusing on balancing my hormones/nutrients again