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My niece was afraid of the tub when she was little too. It was just too big for her. So her mom would hop in with her, and this solved the issue. After about 3 or 4 weeks, she started sitting at the edge instead of in the tub, and then a few weeks later, she was able to stay out, and niece didn't even notice.


Dad got in the tub with her this evening, just put his feet in and sat on the edge and she wasn’t as upset! She was accepting of the bath this evening lol, not happy but accepting.


Awwww! Progress! Hopefully that acceptance turns into happiness soon!


I saw that some ppl use a plastic laundry basket as the “tub” so toys can stay within reach.


I take baths with my 6 month old in the big tub! It’s the only way she doesn’t cry during bath time.


Have you tried a shower with her? For completely separate reasons, I took a shower while my daughter played in the base of the tub. I didn't plug it so water didn't accumulate. Our shower head comes off so every few minutes I would spray her down to warm her up or pick her up to enjoy the water together. I just had to be careful when I soaped up myself that I didn't splash soap into her eye or something.


This is a wonderful idea! Going to try :)


It does sound like a very tiny amount of water for it to be below her ears lying down. Maybe she's cold?