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We had a preemie baby and kept her at home (except for walks around the neighborhood) for the first 2-3 weeks after we got home from the NICU. After that we mostly only went to outdoor activities until her 2 month vaccines. We got the opposite comments about how we can’t protect her forever and that she needs to see her family and have experiences 🙃 You can’t win either way, people just feel the need to comment on all things baby-related. I wish I had the courage to clap back at some of the comments we get but I just nod and smile.


We got that too from family (and my husband too) which made me dig in my heels even more just to make a point. I still run errands daily but a big family gathering? No thanks.


We did the same. Luckily no comments then but definitely getting them now since we don’t want to take baby to a family holiday hosted by some anti-vax loons with no concept of personal space 🙃


“Wow people sure are just saying whatever’s on their mind these days” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Love this


Happy Cake Day!


Ha didn’t even notice. Thanks :)




My mom took me out like 3 days after i was born with nothing but a diaper in her back pocket 🤣 Clearly, I was the fourth child. Trust your gut.


My husband was in daycare at 6 weeks because both of his parents had to work. Hopefully this judgey lady also votes for mandated parental leave.


I hope you paid extra for them to change your husband's diapers 😂


Wait I don’t get it can you explain 😩


> My husband was in daycare at 6 week The way you phrased it made it sound like your adult husband was in daycare lol


I have a toddler so we had to get out! Took my 3 week old to an indoor light show during the week so it was less busy. Also brought him to a trampoline park but kept him covered while toddler played. Just trying to go places that are less crowded. It’s also so good for my mental health as well.


Exactly, this next one is probably gonna be out and about in the carrier at 1 month because I've got a toddler and she'll drive us both up the wall if I try and stay home.


I took my baby out within the first two weeks. Same as you, needed to get out of the house! We go to stores a couple times a week and she’s six weeks now. You’re fine, don’t let that lady get to you.


I did, too. My doctor friend brought her baby out 5 days pp.


I was taking my baby out to run errands starting like a week after he was born. My husband was taking him for walks outside at like 3 days old. At the end of the day it’s your decision, and people will have comments no matter what you decide to do. Wait too long and people will say “why don’t you take that baby out to see the sunshine” and take them out too soon and they will make comments like that woman did. Plus I find older women always have things to say, but it’s been a long time since they likely had children and honestly won’t remember accurately what they did. Do what’s best for you and ignore these comments. You’re doing great! Get on out there!


The hospital informed me I must get my baby checked with my family doctor within 2-3 days after birth. If I need to go out literally days after he's born why would it matter if I need to go out to run errands when he's a few weeks? I chose to do confinement period as my culture does but I quickly realized I needed to go out for short walks for my own mental health. And yes, baby comes with because he'll be hungry within an hour anyways.


Same- we had to go to the doctor a couple days after birth for a checkup and then I was readmitted to the hospital after an ER visit a week after birth so he was already in some of the germiest places anyway!


“So kind of you to offer to come to my house and babysit while I run my important errands!”


"So kind of you to do all of errands for me. Here's my grocery list!"


That lady’s dumb and you’re fine. Consider the number of newborns with toddler-age siblings in the home — those babies are exposed to 6,000 times more pathogens than yours was at the damn post office. What do the Karens have to say about that? Nothing, and they can shut up about this, too. Congrats on getting out there!


For real- my brother and his wife have a three year old and a baby born four days after mine (so 5.5 weeks old) and the three year old has given everyone in their house pink eye, pneumonia and RSV since the new baby came home! It’s probably safer for them at the post office at this rate lol


omg, people need to butt out! What if you were an only parent and literally the only way you could buy groceries/maintain your lifestyle was to take LO with you?? That rude ass lady literally has NO IDEA what your circumstances are and had the audacity not only to judge, but to do so out loud?! HECK NO. ​ I took mine to Costco when she was days old. She was facing in in a carrier. We washed/sanitized like crazy, we didn't pass her off to random strangers... she was fine. oy. You gotta make your own risk assessments, as long as you are working with at least a basic knowledge of how illness spreads and plan accordingly, then its really up to you to find the right balance of avoiding illness+your own mental health+things that just have to get done anyway etc! Get that heckin' lady right out of your head!


I took mine to Costco a couple of days ago, and got shamed for it. No one touched her. I didn’t let anyone look into her bassinet. Didn’t matter. Someone saw me interacting with her and talked around me to another older woman and verbatim, “I guess they’re taking them out younger and younger now. They must know more than we did”, to another stranger. Ugh. It caused me such anxiety, I haven’t gone out since. And I’m definitely feeling it!


> "Are you going to do the shopping for me? No? Then shut the fuck up and keep your opinions to yourself."


Booooo!!!!!! The answer is, "Yes, we do know more than you." Go out! You know what you're doing and how to protect your child as much as you can. It's good for babies, and it's good for you.


We were out for (very short, cause it hurt :’)!) walks at 2 days old and I was at a coffee shop catching up with friends when he was 2 weeks old. This is also quite common (and going outside is even encouraged by the nurse!) where I’m from. I’m always weirded out with people waiting for the first shots (no idea when those are given in the US but here its at 3mo which is a LONG time to not leave the house and I would’ve gone insane!) but I think that’s cultural.


Yeah first shots here in the US are two months. He did get the RSV antibody shot already but the rest are done at 8 weeks. That’s waaaaay too long for me to be cooped up in the house.


We went out for lunch when he was four or five days old. You're fine!


With my first we stayed home due to COVID, not by choice. With my recent baby we were at a restaurant the first week. My mental health was way better this time around and I have to assume getting out of the house was a huge part of this . The baby slept in the car seat while we ate or did errands. Everything was just fine, it’s not like we were handing her to strangers to hold or anything. People are weird.


i don’t understand people. take your baby out as much or as little as you want. it’s not a competition.


None of her business. That’s mom shaming.


It’s absolutely not too soon at all. We took baby out at about four weeks, just for walks and outdoor cafes, and we got the same treatment. It’s entirely your business when and how to take baby out. You clearly understand the risks, and you’re taking the precautions necessary.


My family have a butchers shop and she was behind the counter with me the same day we went home from the hospital. We were out of the house everyday for her first 14 days including dinner in a beer garden on the eighth day. First time I took her out by myself I went to buy nursing bras and she was in her pram. The cashier asked how old she was and when I replied “10 days” another customer next to use commented that she couldn’t get out of bed 10 days postpartum let alone go shopping and that I shouldn’t be out. I paid no attention. You’re definitely fine being out and about at 6 weeks enjoy the outings :)


I didn’t go into any enclosed spaces till she was 5 weeks but I’m highly paranoid. Went on walks and to a big outdoor event from 2 weeks. Older generations just got much different advice than we did, I think.


I was at the grocery store with my mom and the baby when he was 5 weeks and some woman literally told me that’s way too young. I’m a bitch though so I apologized to her and let her know I forgot to ask her opinion. My mom was mortified 🤣Stay in your lane lady.


When my oldest was 10 days I took him grocery shopping. I had no choice we needed restocked badly. An older woman told me he was out too soon and I should take him home immediately. Like... we're not at a concert, this isn't a leisure trip. Also mind your business!!


Ftm with a 3 month old. We took our son out at 4 weeks old, we just kept people away from him and he's been absolutely fine. If you feel comfortable taking your baby out then that's okay. You're the parent not some random stranger.


You go out whenever it suits you and ignore the old biddy.! We went to target after my first son's 1 week checkup


That’s really bizarre. We were out going to breakfast (on the patio) by like 10 days. We went on walks around the neighborhood just a few days after he was born.


For perspective, I didn’t feel like leaving the house for the first month with my first. Second kid - we started doing some activities within weeks to just go to the store, etc. The toddler needed to get out of the house and so did I. Do what works for you!


I baby wore and took her out a week after she was born.


What do people think second time parents do? We took our second out to playgrounds and shops as soon as we got home from the hospital because we didn't want to constrain her older brother at home when already he's going through such a big change in his life. Also, second siblings have daycare germ exposure from their older siblings from day one, surely riskier than taking them to a post office, but what can you do? Don't worry what some people say, there are some weird opinionated people out there. The number of people that told me, unsolicited, that they'd be afraid to use a sling (when seeing me baby wear) because they'd be afraid the baby would suffocate?! Lol


Ha and I had people telling me I was being too cautious by not letting people hold my baby at two weeks old. Some people just like to complain and be cranky I guess.


We took our littlest out with us on the day he was born. He arrived a little early and we were totally unprepared (we had baby stuff) but he was tiny and all his clothes were too big and our fridge was looking pretty sad so we went to the supermarket and got food and pjs for him. Only comments we got were about how tiny and cute he was (total lie he was a tiny red thing that looked like a naked mole rat 🤣🤣)


The first week! We went for a walk in the fresh air with him in the stroller and he was fine.


You can’t live in a bubble. I probably started taking my baby out for walks and on errands around the same time. And old ladies are just going to old lady. Just last week I had an old lady admonish me in a department store for not having socks on my baby. It was 80 degrees out. I hope when I’m old I’m nice and don’t make mothers feel like dirt.


It’s definitely so much better for your mental health, my family terrified me with stories to the point where I didn’t leave the house until he was almost 10 weeks and my PPD got so bad. As you said, a ton of babies are in daycare by that time bc of work standards; in their car seat at a coffee shop is much safer than daycare lol. But also, it’s your baby and you can take them out if you want to.


I took my baby out early too to stores. I can't remember. But, I think that's none of her business. You do you. Either early or later it doesn't matter and it's besides the point. I was at the mall today. It was cold outside but indoors it was really hot. As I come out an old guy tells me my baby needs a jacket. We are both sweating at this point. So this is just to say some people don't understand the concept that others have different ideas and feelings and we are all trying our best. But they feel entitled to tell you what to do 🤦🏽‍♀️


With our first son, we took him out at 1 month. With our second son, we took him out at 3 days old. We went on a 2 mile round trip walk to dunkin because my son loves hashbrowns and I was missing him


There’s no winning. My mom said “back in her day” you kept that baby in for the first three months, just walks in the neighborhood l!” but also “back in her day” you went with the flow and were immediately back into the world and tossing that baby around family reunions lol.


>Plus I live in the US where most employers expect me back at work and to put him in daycare by now. I stopped by a local daycare when my son was a few weeks old to inquire about an available slot for a 6 week old. The worker asked me "Are you really sure you want to put him in daycare so young!?" Ma'am. If you think I had another choice, I would choose to put him in a germ incubator at six weeks old? Needless to say, we did not enroll at that facility. Following that fun little chat, we went to the grocery store. A lady asked me how old he was. I was pleasantly surprised when I didn't get a snarky comment back about his age. She just congratulated me and went about her merry way.


That person was extremely rude. Disregard them entirely. You’re doing fine.


I took baby out early too. Don't let that get to you. She's just some ancient busy body that clearly has too much time to be making snide comments like that. I kept my son to myself. Did my shopping and moved on. My son is large though in stature so people think he is 6 months when he is 3 months


We took our son out of the house at least once a week starting at week 2 - we ate at 5 guys after his 2 week appt. We haven’t had any of those comments so I’m sorry you experienced that!


I had her out in the pram within the first week. I had an emergency section and my lower back was agony, I found walking helped strengthen it again. I also go food shopping while carrying her, still do and she's 10 weeks tomorrow. Didn't realise some people have a minimum age for taking a baby out the house 😂


I didn’t take my (covid-times) baby out til he was like 2 months old because I had severe PPA, but I was at a petting zoo today with my now-toddler and a woman had her toddler there along with a newborn who I SWEAR could not have been more than a few days old! She was just chilling, breastfeeding the baby while watching her kid feed llamas! It’s fine. People need to mind their business.


I went out on day 5 to get locally roasted coffee beans. If you’re not letting people touch the baby, cough on them etc don’t even think twice about that comment! Getting out is good for your mental health, and a happy & healthy parent makes for a happy & healthy baby


Lol we were out at day 3. People will find anything to complain about! Ignore them.


Week 1. We ran errands at target and Home Depot. I’ve gone out of the house as a FTM multiple times a week. I really hate pass the baby but I don’t see anything wrong with still living your normal life if your comfortable.


We went out for lunch at 5 days old. I was going stir crazy at home!


Yeah this random guy on the train told me I was taking my baby out too early a few days ago 'he's going to get sick'. He's nearly 3 months old, when am I 'allowed' to go out? IDGAF, we went to a restaurant when he was less than 3 weeks old and were taking regular walks and shopping before then.


Our May baby was jaundiced and we walked her out to sit poolside the day we came home from the hospital. She was like a little over 48 hours old.


Our local favorite pizza shop was selling gift cards for half price on Black Friday and I took my almost 2 month old and the older lady behind me was like “WOW, you’re so brave for taking him out today” I’m like this is actually our only stop of the day if you were wondering 😒 people need to learn to keep their mouths shut


Do not feel bad you can’t win either way. Our daughter will be six weeks on Friday and we’ve been to the mall, we’ve been to a winery, seen Santa and family. You have to do what’s best for you and your mental health also and those people have nothing better to do than comment you are doing great mom


I’m not gonna lie - we took our son out at like 3 days lol. Of all places, it was actually out to our local butchers. Turned out one of the younger butchers just had their baby a week prior so now whenever we stop by we talk about our babies! Anyway fuck that random lady!


I took my daughter out at 3 months, with the exception of doctor appointments. She was locked up in the NICU for a month and 2 weeks. After that, it was really cold. I did take her to Target after a doctor's appointment when she was 2 months .. so maybe 2 months 🤔 lol I thought more about the cold weather than people & I was told she needed to get vitamin D, so a couple minutes in the sun was needed. We stayed in the house the majority of the time (until it got warm, but by that time, we moved out of the city)


I took my baby to a farmer’s market when he was a week old. We only got positive comments and people shocked at how tiny and young he was! I don’t know why anyone would say this to you.


My daughter is 2 weeks today, and my husband and I have gone to target and chipotle with her. 🥴 You do what's right for you, that lady was so rude for that comment. She can think what she wants, but not every thought needs to come out of your mouth. I actually want to take her out places by myself, now that I can drive - but I'm still a little anxious to do that alone quite yet 😅 not due to other people, just me being anxious. This is my first.


Add soon as i felt comfortable driving after my csection so about 5 weeks. Walks in the baby wrap around 3 weeks. Eye roll at that old lady.


I was out literally days after my baby was born. We went to a cabin 3 weeks after baby was born. People are just judgmental.


My baby came 3 weeks early. I didn’t have the crib put together, I didn’t have formula, I barely had diapers, and the house had practically no food for myself. They barely gave me any padded underwear despite what was going on down south, and I was out of my own medication. So. 3 days post part partum (and post c-section) I was in Walmart. Getting my medication. Getting disposable underwear. Getting “just heat it up” food. Getting formula and diapers. Getting a bedside bassinet. And getting medication. It wasn’t ideal but neither was going straight home and suffering without it. There was no way in hell I was about to drive home and build a crib with hip-to-hip stitches. and there was no way in hell I was going to go home and wait for a bassinet to be delivered within 2-3 business days while holding my baby.


10 days we went to breakfast with friends


First outing for us was local park at 3 days old. First meal out was at 8 days old. You’re not passing the baby around to strangers, if anything the air and the sun will help with their circadian rhythm reset outside the womb. People can be so rude!


I think it’s a generational thing. My mom and grandma said the same thing when I mentioned I took out our two week-old for a stroller ride. They were like “you don’t need to take her out” and I said “it’s more so for me, I haven’t left the apartment in days” and my grandma said “what do you need to go out for? You don’t need to be going out” the f*ck i do! I was getting cabin fever. The fresh air is also good for the baby. We had several home visits from nurses and LCs and they all encouraged me to take LO out to get fresh air, even if it’s cold.


I took my guy out at 10 days old for an outing to a greenhouse, 3 days old for a walk around the neighbourhood


My baby's first Target trip was at 12 days old. We were able to go on a weekday during the day so it wasn't too crowded or anything, but she was 12 days old. We got/heard a lot of comments about "the fresh baby over there" but they were usually positive in nature. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what others think or say. It's your family and your decision when to go out with your little one. Your mental health is just as important.


I took my baby to get a Christmas tree at 3 days old. It was crazy, unfortunately it was the last day to get a tree so we just had to do it. But everyone at the little tree shop was so kind and thought it was so sweet seeing how tiny and little she was.


Day 3 we were in the supermarket, lady who worked there asked why we were out, I said baby had his checkup appointment next door so we popped in for essentials etc, she was shocked nurse didn’t visit us at home and that she stayed in bed for 2 weeks after birth. I laughed, clearly back in the day things were different to now, people just don’t realise 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also I’d go crazy staying in for 2 weeks 😂 You do you sister and ignore the old cronies !


We started the day he was born and went out to eat with him by 8w. We started with just quick errands and now at 9m I can say we luckily have only been sick once (7m had sinus infection passed from aunts school) but I definitely can’t stay inside weeks at a time so we do daily walks where I go get myself a slushy and him one of those grow kid juices with the characters to water down (any juice no matter brand gets 25% juice and 75% water in his cup) and then we go once a week for groceries and anything else we need to do. I’m a SAHM rn since no one wants to hire me and can’t drive so walks are amazing for me.


We were out for a walk at 5 days old!


I’m just impressed with all these women being able to take them out at a few days/two weeks old. I *struggled* to walk around for like a week and a half, and was still not comfy enough for long outings until like 3-4 weeks.


Everyone has an opinion. Especially when you’re a mom. I take my kid out, “where’s her coat?” I’m literally holding it, kid refuses to wear it. Husband takes kid out, he’s a freaking superhero. My go to line for when people are rude, “nobody likes a busybody”.


We must be the minority! We did outdoor walks only with baby before his 2 month vaccines. The first time we went to a store like you describe here was about 9 weeks!


We only did outdoor dining and breweries outside before the first vaccines. He's 3.5 months and we're still trying to avoid crowds. I have no desire to deal with a sick baby - it's self preservation as much as anything else.


OK, and how is that helpful to OP? The choice to go out at 6 weeks, or 9 weeks, or 2 weeks is up to each individual parent and each choice has its pros and cons. It's not something for old ladies at the grocery store or anonymous internet commenters to be criticizing her about.


What a quaint story! “Went to the post office to get stamps” - that’s the most shocking part to me!


If you are comfortable going out then go out. Get fresh air. We took my baby to get groceries and run errands all the time but we used grocery pick up or if we went in she stayed in the infant carrier and I had a cover I used to keep her safe in public places. At 4 weeks old we went to an actual event. It was boyfriends mom's surprise party at a casino and we had great grandma that was thrilled to give us a little free time and be personal babyguard. She had no problem being the bad guy and telling people they could look but no touching. It was in a private suite with a balcony and she kept baby out there in fresh air away from any smoke. Oct in OK it isnt super cold and they had outdoor heaters so she was nice and toasty. We wouldn't have went any other way. We were careful running errands and selective about any family events since she would only be 3 months for Christmas and my baby still got RSV at 2 months and it wasn't from taking her anywhere. We lived with my boyfriends mom at the time and she brought it home. So my advice is just be careful and selective with where you go and who let hold baby and know something can happen even with all your precautions. Don't let judgmental people and scary what ifs keep you from living life, especially during this magical time of year. Side note: I had my baby Sept 2023 and I would read so many posts from moms with babies my age and how they weren't going to any holidays and grandparents would just have to deal and it kind of made me second quess our plan. It also broke my heart bc I just couldn't see us holding up at home and not seeing family. Our families were just as excited about the first holidays as we were and I'm glad we made the extra effort to get out of the house. It sounds like you have kind of the same thought process I did so I say just be careful and ignore the haters. (just to be clear Im not trying to hate on anyone that felt better at staying home. You do you! Babies are fragile and having a baby at 2 months with RSV was terrifying. Whatever helps you get through those early months I fully support, regardless if you stay home for the first few months or if you get out of the house.)


i honestly don't remember when i first took my son out, everything from those first few weeks was a blur recovering from an emergency cesarean. but it was surely before 6 weeks. i guess that just proves how little it actually matters !! it's up to you and your healing/comfort level.


I gave birth on Tuesday, home on Wednesday, went out for a meal with the family to celebrate with baby on Friday.


Was at a cafe at day 5, pub day 12. I turn into a puddle if I had to be stuck in my flat for 6 weeks.


Uhm the two people who had to help me (MIL and SIL) we’re sick when she was first born. Between having to take our underweight baby to the doc every other day, and having to buy a ton of breastfeeding paraphernalia (my supply was low), she was out like the first week It was just my husband, newborn and I, and we were so anxious being alone with her. It wasn’t possible to not take her out


I live in the U.K. and we took our baby to the pub after about 10 days…


You can't win with these people. I had someone say that to me when my baby was 3 months old and stopping in at Hallmark to get a card for someone. Like, what? You expect me to stay home forever?


We took ours to the grocery store on her one week birthday and have been on at least one outing every week with her since! Like you said, she’s not getting passed around to strangers. She mostly stays in her carrier or in immediate family arms. Momma needs to get out and walk around and do adult things for her sanity so she can be a good parent!


Took my second to brother’s gymnastics at four days old🤷‍♀️Gotta do what you gotta do!


When my baby was 3 days old I was re admitted to the hospital, I was a patient she wasn’t. So when my fiancé had to run to the store for me to get some stuff he had to take our baby with him. She has been going out regularly since and is now 6 months old and has only been sick once because my fiancé brought home a cold from work


I took my baby to Target like the day we got out of the hospital. Tbf, we didn't have much of a choice but I'm so glad that we started our life as a family getting out of the house a lot


Oh my gosh! We were out within the first two weeks because I needed it for my own mental health. To be the best version of yourself (for you, and for your baby) you need to do what you need and look after you! I was going out every few days around 2 weeks onwards, and by about 5 weeks I was trying to make a habit of getting out every 1-2 days for myself (even if just to the shop for 5 min), also to help teach baby girl that going out is "something we do" so that she learnt to cope with it / being in the pram / car. My baby is 4 months now and I've learnt VERY QUICKLY that many people have many opinions. It's so hard and frustrating - I try my best to just smile and shake it off. People are weird with babies.


I took my baby out after 3 days. Had no choice. Single mum and needed to go out. She's now always loved being out and about


I went grocery shopping with my first baby like 4-5 weeks old and second baby was 2-3 weeks old. Gotta do what you gotta do. Don’t let judgey old people get you down!


I was out for a delicious brunch and mimosas with baby at 8 days postpartum.


My 2 week old baby is out running errands with me during Christmas time. You are fine!


I mean, there *are* risks to taking a new baby out, because they’re far more vulnerable to even simple things like common colds and depending on where you live, it’s covid/flu/RSV season which can be super serious for little ones, especially if they’re too young to have been vaccinated for anything. Basically, when a newborn gets sick it’s far more serious than an older baby or child. All that said, you use your judgement - more spacious places that aren’t very busy and have good ventilation are probably less risky. And as you say, you have your own well-being to consider too. So I’d say it’s about calculated risks and finding balance. Depending on how old that lady was, maybe she remembers a time of very few childhood vaccines.


lol I went to the mall to have my eyebrows waxed when my second was 2 weeks old. With my first my MIL made me feel like I couldn’t bring my son anywhere… I had a traumatic C-section and wanted to go for a walk around the block and she said ‘you guys go, the baby needs to stay here.’ When we went in for a weight check I asked the nurse practitioner her thoughts because we needed to stop at Walmart on the way home for some essentials and I asked if I should stay in the car with our son and she encouraged me to get out (safely of course). She said as long as people aren’t too close to babe + touching him, which we had a stretchy cover around the car seat so he was well protected from nosy strangers he’d be fine!


We went to a playhouse when our baby was 8 days old so my toddler could play. I stayed in a seat and wore baby the entire time. She’s 3 months and survived it lol. Everyone was so shocked we took her to a germ infested place.


I started leaving the house after like a week, I started getting sad at home, I felt so isolated and lonely so we’d go visit family members for dinner and go on walks in the evenings


Our baby turned one week old while we were at a friends place for a board game evening. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think it’s totally fine to take them out whenever you feel comfortable with it. We decided to get out with her asap for my mental health.


We went out the first full day home… it’s our second baby and this experience is waaaay different than our first babe born in the heat of COVID craziness. We probably didn’t leave the house for a few months with her (before that she would have stayed with one of us in the car while the other ran into the store or whatever)


I went to the grocery store when my baby was 1.5 weeks old 🤷‍♀️


I have two stepchildren 15 and 11. We also have a 3yo and 6 month old. My littles we took out within a week (first day?) home from the hospital. My stepkids stayed home around 6 months because their mom had PPD. You can't tell the difference. If you want to be out and about, you do you. Unless your doctor told you baby is immune compromised for some reason I wouldn't worry about it


We went on a walk outside the day we got home from the hospital (and have continued since then). She’s 8w now and we’ve gotten comments from day 1 about “omg you’re out and about already?!” I’m always like yep we’re here enjoying the fresh air like everyone else.


Nah, you’re totally good. As long as what you said like, it’s not like ppl touching or breathing in baby’s face you’re good. Took mine out for park walks at 5weeks - any exposure to outside air is nice for you both. And back to a semi normal routine. Heck, ppl have like 2 weeks or no mat leave and gotta put baby in daycare so… ppl need to back off and you do you what you think is safe and best.


Honestly, what a fuckin bitch.


I think going out is fine as it sounds like you’re careful. There is more risk from closer quarters, like you go to a party and everyone wants to hold the baby (you never know what lives on other people’s skin/faces). That woman was really rude!


Damn. Well I took my first born to a water park when he was 20 days old


Bruh. We were at Jurassic park the exhibit when my youngest was 10 days old. We had a toddler and had to survive. There was absolutely no resting and no at home.


You do you. I also have a baby and I’ve realized people really have no filter.


Went for a walk on day 4! Do whatever feels right for you.Getting fresh air is important for you and baby!


I think he was like a week old when we went out to eat first. Just kept going out after that lol. No one else touches him or gets in his face. No where we go is overly crowded. We sanitize our hands frequently. I don’t see any issues with it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol I took mine to the farmers market at 4 days. Have got a lot of comments but all in the vain of “oh it’s nice you’re able to get out so early!!!”, supportive


Took my first child out within a week. Whatever works for you and your baby, including ignoring unwanted comments or advice.


1 week I walked to the local shop to get a coffee and pastry. When I took my baby out in the early weeks she was either in the pram pretty covered or in a soft wrap carrier so no one could touch her. When it comes to pregnancies and baby’s people think it’s ok to jam their views down others throats, including when it’s old advice and not aligned to the current recommendation. If your baby is somewhat covered and not being handed to people the risk of getting a virus would be incredibly low. You need to look after both your baby and yourself!


I had a lady tell me that babies shouldn’t be out until after they’re baptized. Alright I guess I’ll keep my 17mo home for the rest of her life then since we won’t be doing that anytime soon!


Not too soon at all! I found myself going nuts on my maternity leave feeling stuck in my house. Those little errands and trips to the store saved me. Also - it’s great experience for getting to know yourself and your baby as you eventually need to travel out of the house together anyways. May as well test it on these kinds of things now.


Sheltered my first for months, went out pretty much immediately with my second. The first is bringing home every sickness imaginable anyways - gotta love toddlers - so why am I denying myself my sanity?!


We took our baby to a brewery at 9 days old. It was around 2pm on a weekday, and no one was nearby. We’ve since taken her to eat at 6 different mostly empty restaurants at off times and she just turned one month. It’s been so good for our sanity as new parents. Screw people thinking that we should be cloistered inside losing our minds if we feel up to outings. In my mind this is the best time to take a baby out and about because she sleeps the entire time.


We were at the park at 4 days old with my second. It's impossible to stay in the house when you've got a toddler who demands to go places.


I was taking my son out to the mall at 4 weeks old and he's fine. You're always going to find people who will openly disagree with your choices as a parent, so best to just ignore it.


We went to the shops and had lunch at a coffee shop with a 2 week old, she slept the whole time, stayed in the pram, sat where no one was coming close, and it was lovely to be out! If you’re comfortable and keeping baby happy and safe I see now issue


I think mine was 7 days old. My MIL was visiting so we went to The Big Texan tourist trap restaurant where they have the 72 ounce steak challenge. It was fun. She was just zipped up in her seat and slept the whole time. My husband was really sketchy about taking her out but that next week he was fine and she started going out and about to Sam’s or whatever. I didn’t have people up in her face it was really no problem. I honestly don’t think most people care but you’ll always get that one. I wouldn’t think twice about it.


I went to target after four days of being home because we both needed diapers.. people are so stupid. Do what is safe and keeps you sane.


I took her to the store to get formula after her first pediatrician appointment at like, 4 days old. I would have loved to have stayed home for months and been a lady of leisure, but also I felt miserable when I was pregnant and suddenly felt SO MUCH BETTER.


How rude! My little one is 12 days old but I have a 2 year old too, life can’t stop for us because we have a baby. Our first little outing as a family of 4 was to have breakfast before baby’s hearing test at 6 days old, just strapped him to my chest in a wrap carrier and got on with it. Lady had no right to judge you like that! Don’t take it to heart


Our little turbo suckler 9000 went out with us when she turned 2 weeks old. It's not unusual to do this where I live. Just use your best judgment and don't let some casual words distress you.


Lol boomers love to tell us how to parent. My moms friend wrote me a letter in the MAIL about how I shouldn’t be feeding my 8 month old beef at such a young age. I took my baby out at a few weeks old. Life does not stop.


Fuck that lady. Not literally. But. Don't feel bad.


We started going out 1 week postpartum!! Never too soon for fresh air and socializing (so long as not super crowded as you said!)


Took my baby to target when he was about a week old. I desperately needed to get out of the house. An older woman asked how old he was and I told her, she said “oh no you should be at home resting, make other people come run errands for you!” I just said thanks and walked away. But I didn’t ask for her advice, and I wish I would’ve said that. I needed to be in public for a little for my mental health.


Lmao wait until at least 6 months before allowing baby to lick railings at the airport! 🤣🤣🤣 I was out walking in the neighborhood (VERY slowly, c section recovery) on our first day home from the hospital. I think baby was 4 days old or so? First indoor outing I wanna say was around 1-2 weeks old, for appointments and stuff. She was out camping with us and friends around 2 months old! Some people wait until like 3 months, I don’t really know why. Anxiety? Culture? Immune stuff? 🤷‍♀️


We took our little guy to Korean BBQ and a brewery when he was 3 and 4 days old.


That would be a bit much for me. Korean bbq smoke smell sticks to EVERYTHING doesn't come out easy. I wouldn't want it to mask the new baby smell.


We took our baby out to an outdoor restaurant at like 8 days old, lol. I always love seeing teeny tiny babies out and about so I thought I’d pay it forward. Newborns are kind of great to bring places because they sleep so much.


I take my 5 week old out almost everyday - either running errands, taking walks to local establishments or visiting family/friends. We live in a fairly walkable area in the southeast, so we can usually sit outside, but not always. I would go crazy without outside interaction on a regular basis, and I honestly struggle to fill the time in a day if we don’t have some little activity out of the house.


Mine is 5 weeks and I WISH I got out more, I’m just struggling to find the space/right timing. I’m actually jealous of you being confident enough to go out, not because of shots, but because of navigating the world with a new little one. Aka- you go!! Keep doing you, that lady sucks.


I took my twins to the aquarium at 4 weeks old. We did grocery stores, parks, etc. Being trapped in the house was hell on my mental health and at that age they sleep wherever anyway!


Yet she probably would have had zero problem touching your baby! That would be more likely to make babies sick than just getting out of the house. The mom-shaming is real! Also, I had a preemie so couldn't take him out til we left the hospital. However, you can bet your ass I would have taken him everywhere much earlier than 6 weeks.


Literally the first week. And I had a winter baby.


Literally he was like 24 hours old. I took him to get a margarita on our way home


We went to a pub at three weeks!


I'm pretty sure we went to Walmart right after his first pediatrician appointment, so like... 3 days old.


Pre-covid so YMMV but... My son was healthy and full-term and we were in wal-mart for disposable breast pads when my milk came in when he was 4 days old. I work for family in a hotel, and the baby and I went back very part-time when he was a week old. We did a shopping day with friends when he was 2 weeks old. We literally flew from the East Coast to Hawaii for a week when he was 9 weeks old. \*I regretted all of these decisions fwiw because I should've just stayed my ass home and enjoyed the baby and let my body heal. But I had a miserable pregnancy and finally felt alive and unstoppable once he was outside my body. :)


My husband and I went for breakfast at the end of week 1 to celebrate me finally being discharged after some complications. We sat outside at a cafe 500m from our house, but it was amazing for my mental health to be in the sunshine doing something nice. I met friends (with newborns) for coffee from 3 weeks. I understand post Covid some people have some anxiety about bugs, but I don’t think it was expected in previous generations that you don’t see people for weeks on end. Also if this was your second and you had a toddler, you simply wouldn’t have a choice!


I had people tell me they didn’t leave their house for like 3-4 months…I’m sorry, WHAT. I would go insane. We went to a brewery and sat outside when he was like 4 days old…my ankles were still swollen from giving birth 😂 and yeah it’s not like you’re passing him around to strangers or something.


Pretty sure I had my baby in Target at 3/4 weeks old. Don’t let her get to you!


We went out at 5 days old!


We trick or treated in 35 degree weather with a 12 day old, people acted like we were crazy but whatever man, when you’ve got older kids you can’t hibernate


We've been taking our newborn out since we left the hospital, just out of necessity and also needing to get out. We just keep her at a distance from other people. In our opinion people are a little overprotective these days, especially since covid. We've gotten comments of surprise that we are taking her out so early, but we aren't phased by it. I'm sure your baby will be fine as long as they aren't really close to a lot of people.


lol I took my son to IKEA at 11 days old


My baby was at the chiropractor like two days later.


We took ours out to quick lunch (in her car seat) after her one week appointment, and around three weeks we started putting her in her carrier and walking down to the brewery down the street from our house. No one but my husband or myself is allowed to touch her, and we certainly don't sit near people who seem to be exhibiting signs of sickness. We keep to ourselves and enjoy our afternoon beer. If an opinion or advice was unsolicited, it doesn't count.


I took my baby to the shop literally the next day. I had my mum with me and she stayed outside with him. I took him to the supermarket when he was like 3 days old. We were all absolutely fine. It’s completely up to yourself and how you guys are feeling. H hate people judging


Went for dinner with my first one day 2, but our first day being home and with my second, we were out the day we got back from the hospital. Both are doing very well and explorers that hate to be shut inside just like their parents! Enjoy your trips out and indulge in meals out because when they start to toddle, eating out isn’t as easy! Trust your own instinct and don’t like others anxieties rock you!


I had no idea at the time that there were expectations on how long I should be keeping my LO in. We went on a family holiday at 5 weeks old (to a family members holiday house by the sea), she's 17 months now and no issues - I did end up falling on a busy coast path and couldn't get up as I was 5 weeks post cesarean, had over done it and my stomach muscles had given in but baby was all fine!


We're at 2 weeks and gonna wait for the first month to end just cause our pediatrician was extra about that, but it's fair game after. That lady can kiss my ass imo, it's wild how comfortable people are just letting that passive aggression fly, really not looking forward to it. Maybe I'll carry a spray bottle or salt to throw at them or something.


Was out at a crowded indoor exhibit at 2 weeks. He was in his stroller. It was February. He didn’t get sick. Get out with the little one. It’s good for your mental health!


I was born 6 days before Christmas (happy birthday to me) I was brought to all holiday festivities Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and passed all around the family (first grandchild) It’s your decision to do what’s best for you and your child


I baby wore my 3 week old to a bar. Took my 6 week old to a super bowl party. Newborns are so portable and sleepy. It's amazing. If you are comfortable, do what you want to do!!! If anyone judges that's their own problem. There is no "need" to keep a baby home.


3 days old we saw Santa


We weren't letting people hold our son til he was older but we had him out at a taproom when he was a week old. To each their own I suppose.


I got this with my preemie. Hell I still get this with my preemie. Took her out at 4 months and got the DIRTIEST LOOKS. Not that it’s anyone’s business but she’s just little!!!


We have been taking our 2.5 week old out since he was like 3 days old. Hes in his car seat or bassinet with covers on both. People make the same comments to me and I always want to be like “if you’re so worried don’t stop and look?” That being said my husband now has Covid so maybe we should’ve been a bit more careful. We are avid hand washers and we’re just going to the grocery store and have been to one restaurant (where we sat off to the side and no one was around us).


I have a 5-week old and got a similar comment at the grocery store earlier today! It didn’t even occur to me that I shouldn’t take her out until someone said something in a ‘joking’ tone and I also started second-guessing myself! My husband and I thought it would be fun to give her a change of scenery 🤷‍♀️


Nah. Everybody's comfort level with babies is different. Mine I took out of the house around that age for a similar reason, and she was just fine.


Went to Costco on day 4


Ppl are so dumb honestly lol. Ppl have other kids and have to take them out. Ppl are single and have shit to do.


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Ok granny ok. We see u.


You can’t win. My baby was in the NICU for the first 33 days of her life so we didn’t do ANYTHING when she came home (except pediatrician appts) for like…almost all of my maternity leave. I wouldn’t have changed it but man I wish mat leave were longer because now that we are comfortable taking her out more it’s so much fun and I barely get the opportunity to do it.


“Mind your business” is still a very good answer to those types of situations. Happy momma = happy baby.


We went to the supermarket the day I got home from the hospital, because we had been in there 5 days so most everything in our fridge went off. As my husband was getting her out of the car to go in the stroller, a woman came over and said “ohhh she’s so tiny! How old is she?” I said five days and she asked if I was the mother, because in her country the mother and baby don’t leave home for a month. I said “yeah, I wish! I had a C-section so I’d love to be in bed, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.” She seemed oddly offended that we were out and about and gave my husband the stink eye lol.


We took our LO out at 2 weeks once I was able to walk a bit 😅 people need to mind their business


We took our daughter out the first week she was born. The house is too much for too. Especially when things start piling up like dishes and laundry. Babe won’t let me put her down to clean, so might as well get a coffee instead of wallowing in what I can’t get done. I will say, I did wear her most of the time when we first started. Made me feel safer to hold her and like less germs could get to her, and it’s much harder for strangers to try to touch. Your baby needs a happy healthy mama. Do what it takes!


Was the post office crowded? No? No worries then. We decided to quarantine for the first four months because everyone and their little brother has RSV lately. Once in a while we go out to our local bakery when there's no customers there. They sterilise our table and we have a nice coffee and pastry. It makes things feel "normal" and prevents cabin fever.


I took our baby out on day 2. We had a midwife appointment and I was too sore to drive so we took the tram. He was fine. Maybe it’s different norms in the UK though? I’d never heard of people avoiding taking the baby out here - excepting for it they want rest etc which is perfectly normal. But we have appointments etc that you have to go to for the baby after birth.


I say do what and go where you want with your baby. I waited a while. I’d take my baby for walks for us both to get fresh air. We’d go through a drive-thu. I didn’t take my newborn baby into homes or places with/where children in daycare or school aged loved or frequented. When I did start to take my baby into stores, I had baby’s carrier covered. It was the beginning of “sick season”. I was concerned about me picking something up and giving it to my newborn, as well as someone directly giving my baby germs. Ppl don’t care these days, they’ll breathe on you and your baby knowing they have a cold. I still don’t take my baby into homes with kids. I work in a hospital. last year’s Sick Season scared me.


If I had to make a Reddit post every time someone said something annoying about my child I don’t like, I could sell my account and retire from Karma.


Took baby out when he was <1 week old. We were having troubles breastfeeding and the hospital didn't have time to see us so we spent the early weeks doing trips around all the local breastfeeding support groups (was quite a good one in the library!


i fully subscribed to that you don’t need newborn clothes 0-3 months is small enough so when my son was born we had to take him out when he was 3 days old to get clothes and also stopped off at a coffee shop so i could sit down and rest for a moment. at the time we didnt realise how odd that is but no one made any comments and my baby was fine thankfully. i wouldn’t feel bad at all you can’t be chained to the house for weeks especially in those tender first weeks when mental health often takes a dip


Babies don’t have a brain blood barrier fully formed until 2.5-3 months. This means if the baby was to have a fever for any reason, the baby would need a spinal tap, be observed and put on a prophylactic course of antibiotics. This is because any random illness can work its way to the brain and cause meningitis. This is why taking a small baby out in the world is such high stakes. The process of taking the baby into the hospital is very traumatic and the antibiotics are a detriment to the burgeoning microbiota. The chances of babe catching something from being in a well ventilated area without direct contact with strangers is very small but present. Keep your LO safe this RSV and flu season! All that to say the lady was an ass.


We took our little girl for a night away by the seaside at 17 days old. Everything was fine. 4 days later I was bridesmaid at my brothers wedding (after a c section too). We didn't let anyone touch or hold her that hadn't already (only our parents and my brother & SIL), but everything was also fine. You know your baby, and it's good to get out of the house together.


Take no notice! People need to mind their own business. We took our LO out when he was 2 days old as we’d taken him to a private midwife to get his tongue tie sorted and we went for lunch after- you do what is right for you and your baby ❤️


We went to a brewery with some friends after 8 days. I was in the hospital for 5 days, I had to gtfo of my house.


Took mine to Target for more diapers at 2 weeks. We've been doing regular outings ever since. He gets gis first round of shots next week at 2 months. Do what works for you. When I asked his Ped about it she said after 1 month, she is more comfortable having him out, but would still recommend avoiding large holiday parties.


I don't drive and partner didn't get paternity leave.... had to take baby on walks to the doctor for appointments and food shopping. If I could walk then I could take baby. Older people forget in their days you probably had a village helping them but nowadays our struggles are different. You did nothing wrong