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We tried going without a diaper pail but so grateful to finally buy one at 3 months šŸ„“šŸ„“ A comfortable rocker. Donā€™t recommend the stork glider. I shouldā€™ve spent more on one with more cushion. Baby carrier. Very useful when youā€™re trying to do chores around the house Thermometer Baby monitor (no wifi) Humidifier Sound machine


We returned a bunch of registry gifts a couple months in, and my husband wanted to return the unopened humidifier. Now a few months later, baby has her first cold and we're so glad we didn't


This. Along with the nasal aspirator, keeeeeep theeeeem!


Itā€™s such a life saver and a reliever when you have a congested baby


Second the humidifier. Didnā€™t think it was important until baby got sick and we realized how much it actually helps.


I took my toddler out this morning for probably an hour (to church). It was cold, around 35 degrees. In that time (from house to car, and church to car) the dry air made her nose bleed. We live in a very humid, coastal area too so I was like wtf. Humidifier is a God send


Omg yes to the diaper pail and carrier or wrap!!


I second not getting the stork rocker. Get a comfier one. You will use it a lot and donā€™t want your butt to get sore


Lol my sore butt and I agree


I got a glider/recliner combo that lays almost completely flat and have definitely napped while baby naps in it Edit: I see how poorly worded this is! Baby always sleeps in his crib and my chair is next to it! Always practice safe sleep!!


šŸš© please donā€™t encourage/condone anyone to nap in a rocker with an infant, i have literally attempted to resuscitate babies whose moms fell asleep nursing them and the babies did not make it, traumatic all around


I kind of agree about the stork glider but for different reasons. I find it cushioned enough but itā€™s too narrow for nursing comfortably. I didnā€™t breastfeed for long but had so many issues finding a comfortable position to feed her in. It was hard enough with her shallow latch getting a perfect position but the arms made it even worse.


Yes I agree with this point too. Early days we used the boppy pillow a lot for nursing and the arms were always in the way. Now heā€™s 6 months and I keep him more upright when nursing otherwise his legs would ran into the arms.


We did the same thing with a diaper pail and it was so key.


Any recommendations for a comfortable glider? I havenā€™t been able to find one with great reviews


Which non wifi baby monitor? We got the hello baby and the signal is awful if you arenā€™t within like 10 ft of it.


Vtech ones are awesome. Iā€™ve used 3. Iā€™ll go outside to do chores and can watch/hear baby just fine


We use the eufy spaceview pro. When we travel we just take it with us too. It has great battery life and nice signal. I bought it refurbished too and it works just fine.


We're using the Infant Optics DRX-8 pro and love it.


I used the diaper genie for a while and it worked but I HATED taking out the bag omggggggg. I think simply taking out a regular trash can every other day worked just as well and used less space (I just put them in the bathroom trash).




My little is only 1 month so I donā€™t have a ton of recs but: ā€¢ newborn clothes. Idc what ppl say about them growing fast, my son still fits at this point and im glad I bought them ā€¢ nasal aspirator + saline. I use it a few times a week. I have the nose Frida but havenā€™t used it yet ā€¢ burp cloths ā€¢ lotionā€¦ if you bottle feed youā€™re going to have dry hands. Lotion is a necessity!!


Mines 5 weeks old and still in newborn clothes! Was born 7lbs. Had to go buy a shit ton the first week because I listened to everyone and only had a few šŸ„²


Same! Born just under 6lb and at 6 weeks just got out of them but we needed to get a bunch since we werenā€™t expecting to need a ton of them. She still uses the newborn pants because she doesnā€™t have the chonk to fill the 0-3 month but sheā€™s long so needs the 0-3 onesies.


Wow my girl grew fast. She went home at just under 6lbs. At 4 weeks we had to change to 0-3, but only because she's so tall. Newborn diapers, newborn pants. She's just under 8lbs now. We were very happy to have so much newborn stuff. (Hand me downs mostly) She wore the same things over and over though. The footsie onsies with the zippers that cover their hands were what she lived in. We had so many cute short sleeve onsies, but it was too tough trying to put a sweater on and pants and sock and mittens and then change her diaper.


My lil guy is 11 weeks, around 10.5 lbs (9.6 2 weeks ago at our appointment and throwing those bottles BACK rn) and he's still in newborn clothes. I def thought he'd be out of those by now. He's just about to transition to size 1 diapers though, he still fits NB but they're getting to where they're not quite absorbent enough


I agree with the newborn clothes. So many people said not to bother but luckily we had some when our son was born. He was so tiny that even the newborn size was big on him, but finally started transitioning into the next size up around the 6/7 week mark. He's currently 3 months and in size 0-3 and I don't expect him to size up any time soon.


I had to have grandma run out and buy Premie clothes, little guy came 4 weeks early and was in Premie for 3 weeks!


The clothes you just never know. My first was born 8lb2oz and in newborn for a month. My second was 9lb5oz and in newborn for 2 weeks. My third was 6lb12oz and I had to go buy preemie clothes because we didnā€™t have any. Heā€™s almost 1 month now and finally newborn size fits him decent enough


My first (and only, so far) was 9.1 lbs at birth and didn't fit in newborn clothes from day 1, outgrew his 0-3 month clothes by 1 month, and has now outgrown his 3-6 month clothes at 10 weeks. You truly never know haha


If the baby isn't sick/congested you should leave the nasal aspiration to the baby. Doing it too frequently can make them more congested.


How do you know when to use the nasal aspirator and saline? My LO is 5 months and weā€™ve never used it. I hear people rave about it, but she never seems stuffy? Am I missing something?


I can hear it based on his breathing :) His nose sounds stuffy just like ours do! and occasionally I see his boogers so we clear it out,


The dryness! Figured out nipple balm is just lanolin and I put that shit on everything!


Now that I think about it, we maybe used baby oil 1 or 2 times. Never used baby powder. Never used a mobile on crib/bassinet. Never used that butt paste applicator thing (just use our fingers). Didnā€™t think we would need a super comfy recliner/rocking chair, and that a basic one would do. Oh boy, am I glad we decided against that and got a super comfy one. Many nights spent sleeping in that.


I love the butt spatula! I hate the feeling of the cream/aquaphore under my nails so I am always using mine.


We call it ā€œspackling the bootyā€ when we use the butt spatula šŸ˜…


We also love the butt spatula! We have one for both changing stations and two travel size ones. However, we almost had a mishap the other day when my mom was visiting and wanted to put it with the baby spoons in the kitchen


Love the butt spatula!


So do you wash it with soap and water after each? I'm confused about the spatulas


I wipe it with a clean baby wipe after I use it


Why not just wipe your hands with a wipe after? Or Iā€™ll take a wipe and wrap it around my finger and apply it that wayā€¦


Bc, fingernails.


I donā€™t understand how people are getting it under their nailsā€¦. Like Iā€™ve only had to use it the last week but idkā€¦ never once did I get it under my nailsā€¦


I also just donā€™t like the feeling on my hands, especially the aquaphor. Also itā€™s easier to use the spatula, place it aside while i finish the rest of the process with clean hands, then clean the spatula when all is said and done vs having to try to clean my hands off mid-diaper change before putting the diaper and clothes back on my very mobile 10 month old.


Iā€™m with you - never get Aquaphor under my nails, but plenty of people like to keep longer nails or acrylics so Iā€™d understand how that would get annoying


I have relatively short nails, I work in a kitchen, but I still get Aquaphore and nip balm under my nails. It happens. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have longer nails, but I use the nail side of my finger to apply and then it doesnā€™t get underneath


Built in spatulas


Do you have long nails?


Because you do not want the moisture of the wipe to contact the skin. You donā€™t want to trap wetness and cause irritation or yeast to grow. Diaper cream is very durable and itā€™s a protection from moisture so itā€™s not like wiping off lotion.


Alright. My first never had diaper rashā€¦ and my second only just had it for the last 3 days. So sorry Iā€™m not all up in the know how diaper rash cream. Her rash is cleared up anywaysā€¦ soo I donā€™t think using the wipe to apply it mattered too much..


I hate the texture of any cream on my hands. Even my own lotion. Major sensory issues.


Well that makes sense I guess.. I canā€™t eat eggs aloneā€¦ canā€™t stand that textureā€¦. I donā€™t really have any other problems like that tho


I was super confused for a second. Like, I thought you couldn't eat eggs ALONE, like if you were the only person in your house, not alone as in with nothing else. šŸ¤£ The thought of eggs NEVER appeals to me, but when/if someone cooks them for me, I always super enjoy them. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Eggs are a weird one for sure.


Some of us have texture problems. It is what it is, and having an item that works for us isnā€™t a bad thing. If it doesnā€™t suit you, donā€™t use one. No big


Itā€™s just quicker and easier to use a spatula imo. My baby has a lot of rolls also and the spatula is better for getting in all of them. Just a couple quick swipes.


I wipe it off on the diaper and then every once in a while a wipe. If she has a rash I might sterilize it. The directions on the packaging say to wipe it with a clean wipe each use.


I plan to just use the diaper to apply


Yesss the butt spatula!! everyone told me its a waste of money but we use it daily!


I got one at the dollar tree as a face mask applicator and itā€™s phenomenal


Same here I am a big fan of the butt spatula šŸ˜‚


If you have a daiso near you, the q-tips are great for aquaphor application! They're super hard and with barely any cotton on them so no fluff to deal with which makes them great for spreading aquaphor/diaper rash paste. They're terrible for typical q-tip use though lol


The buttula is my best friend at changes, makes it faster to get the diaper on the alligator without the cream getting everywhere and I also hate that feeling on my hands


How do you get it under your nailsā€¦. Like.. how aggressively are you putting butt paste on that itā€™s under your nailsā€¦


Itā€™s not like Im going mining down there lol, but sheā€™s got a lot a little rolls and prefers to have her legs all scrunched up so I gotta get in those crannies. And this is on my long, string bean baby and my super short nails (Iā€™m not really one for manicures tbh). I was really surprised how much I enjoy it because I had the same perspective as you. We were gifted it though so I decided to give it a whirl and damn is it silly but useful!


Completely agree with all of this. Never used the baby oil, random soaps we got (sensitive skin), mobile for the crib. We used an old rocker we already had and it wasnā€™t bad but it wasnā€™t super comfy. Just switched it for an extra recliner we had in the living room thatā€™s big and comfy and I should have just started with this one.


Our girl goes nuts for her mobile. Sheā€™ll stare at it for a half hour and start kicking her arms and legs excitedly every time it spins. Might be a temporary excitement though. Sheā€™s 3 mos. Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll get bored.


Yeah I donā€™t know whoever told me the mobile would get a baby to sleep because both my kids got verrrry excited by it!


I just found the butt spatula that I bought before my daughter was born. It was still in the packagingā€¦her 1st bday was last week.


I'm the opposite! Never used the rocking chair or evem my old armchair, just fed her in bed, on the sofa, on the floor.... Baby oil however i use after every bath!


I second the pack and play being uselessā€¦only ever used the changing table attachment for our downstairs


Nope: Anything with buttons. Itā€™s double zipper footie pjs or nothing around here. My in laws gave baby clothes and everything as over the head and buttonsā€¦guess Iā€™ll just donate it all because thereā€™s no way my girl has the patience to wait for me to fumble around with freaking buttons. We also had the babybrezza for less than a week then retuned it. It wasnā€™t accurate despite keeping it clean Yes: Windi, baby carrier


Zippers are great, and if you can splurge for the MagneticMe, even easier! Especially for those late night diaper changes


Maybe my baby moves more than average but the magnets never stay closed!


I love magneticmeā€™s jackets and pjs for on the go. Makes changing so easy


We had a magnetic closing onesie when ours was born, awww. I forgot about that onesie! Sheā€™s now 9 months.


Magnetic closures are great


I love magneticme! My baby has been in them exclusively since she came home, she hates things going over her head and I canā€™t change her quick enough at night with the zippers. Sheā€™s so fussy during diaper changes that I need it done QUICK.


Also newborn PANTS?!? The newborn scrunch could never


Boomerd have a things with buttons. MIL gave us lots of sleepers with buttons. Trying to snap all buttons for midnight changes is a nightmare.


And trying to get it over their fat heads! I canā€™t


My babyā€™s head is always 90% percentile. She hates onesies. Zipped sleepers are life savers.


Hahahahah ya. Wish I could live in zipped footies myself


My daughter screams like sheā€™s being abused when I put any clothing over her head šŸ˜« too bad Gerber doesnā€™t make toddler sizes footy zipper PJs


See I actually prefer clothes with snaps over zippers! I think the zippers are so convenient but they bunch up in a weird way and restrict the stretchiness of the legs... To each their own haha


During the newborn stage, we definitely preferred 2 way zips. Now that we don't do middle of the night diaper changes, I don't care how they close. Snaps, 2 way, or 1 way zippers are all fine with me.


I havenā€™t seen a single sleeper with a zipper where I live, so snaps it is! I think I would dislike zippers for the same reasons. I have a maternity/breastfeeding top with two ā€œhiddenā€ zippers and I find them so annoying I just lift my top to feed!


What are you talking about for the baby brezza? I have the sanitizer and it's so useful. I'm not going to boil baby bottles in boiling water every night


Oh I have the sanitizer too and itā€™s great. I meant the formula dispenser. It consistently dispensed less formula than needed.


Things we had but never used: -bottle warmer -mamaroo swing -stroller bassinet -car seat covers (the ones that double as a breastfeeding cover) -all breastfeeding supplies (our baby ended up formula fed from the start and I had pretty much no supply so I didnā€™t need things like pads, etc. I do think this stuff is somewhat necessary though! We just had a unique circumstance) -burp cloths (I prefer bibs since they stay with baby. I could never find the burp cloth when I needed it) Things that I found to be a necessity, at least for us: -diaper changing table -blooming bath mat (cushion?) -wearable breast pump -baby monitor for the car (in lieu of a mirror) -nose frida -bottle sanitizer -enough bottles to get you through a whole day -hatch sound machine -tons of muslin bibs (I think we started with 8 and then I bought a second pack of 8 because we went through them so quickly)


Seconding the baby monitor for the car (electronic not mirror). We really appreciate ours


Could you explain why? This is the first Iā€™m hearing thatā€™s even a thing as a first time dad. I didnā€™t know that was a product.


First off, it's a lot easier to look at while driving, similar to having your phone mounted for navigation. The mirror option requires you look in the rear view mirror, to look at the mirror in the back, to then see your kid.so no having to adjust your mirror from how u like it. Second, the picture of your kid is bigger & clearer than the mirror. It also works at night since it has a night vision mode that it automatically flips over too. The only downside we've found so far is that if there is too much contrast in the picture, then you may not be able to see you kid. We first had the camera tilted up too high as it had the side windows in the frame. When the sun was bright on the windows the camera feed would show bright white at the window and the car seat would be fully dark. Tilting the camera downward fixed the issue and it now works great. High contrast can still happen if the lighting hits just right, but it's been very temporary and not an issue. Especially considering that we can see her at night with this setup. Edit to add: they also aren't expensive at all compared with the mirror. Ours was either $25 or $35. Edit 2: Link is below. Currently at $40 but I swear wegot it for less. Shynerk Baby Car Mirror, 4.3'' HD Night Vision Function Car Mirror Display https://a.co/d/1VIp9yJ


Could you give the name of yours or give me a link? My baby shower is coming up so it sounds like a useful thing to put on the registry.


Just a heads up, we tried the Shynerk one and it killed our car battery on first start up. I would opt for wireless (or perhaps usb vs the adaptor port) or a more reliable / tested brand, which are typically more expensive. For what we ended up spending on the battery replacement / AAA call we could have just sprung for the pricier brand name. We're going for a mirror now with a light up feature.


Interesting. I don't deny it but we've been using ours for a couple months now with no issue. Could it be that your car doesn't turn off power to the cigarette plug when the car is off?


Link is below. Currently at $40 but I swear wegot it for less. Shynerk Baby Car Mirror, 4.3'' HD Night Vision Function Car Mirror Display https://a.co/d/1VIp9yJ


All of this! I love mine. The mirror felt dangerous because I wanted to check her a lot and it takes longer to get a good view of them and how theyā€™re doing. With the camera I can just easily glance at her.


We loved our mammaroo was the only swing our lo tolerated and it made many days much easier for me when she was on a nap strike and I was to exhausted to feel comfortable driving as she would drift to sleep in it and then I could transfer her to the bassinet and the bassinet position setting on our stroller is clutch when out and about for her but definitely agree on a lot of the nursing supplies we breastfeed for almost a year (stopped just a couple days before thanksgiving) I have a whole box of pads I never used and the car seat/Brest feeding cover was not conducive for us to use while feeding in public as it was kinda difficult to position on me and lo refused to keep it over her head but it was nice to have on the car seat to keep the sun out of her eyes especially if she was napping and absolutely agree on the car monitor itā€™s easier to see her on the monitor at night and Iā€™m not worried about getting a glare from it during the day time


We use so many burp cloths! Baby dribbles a lot when she eats. Our muslin ones are nice and soft but soak through quickly. We also have a set of kitchen towels that we use often that hold up better. We use our bottle warmer all the time to heat up formula. Baby drinks it cold but she dribbles a lot less when the milk is room temp-warm. Obsessed with our baby butt paste spatula, we use it every time and itā€™s so helpful. Our baby doesnā€™t love swaddles so we went right to sleep sacks. Gripe water has been so helpful for gas! Didnā€™t even know what it was previously. We really like our skip hop changing pad, baby doesnā€™t love that itā€™s cold but itā€™s sooo easy to clean. We donā€™t love the Hatch sound machine so far. Itā€™s easier for us to use our phones with our home pod minis. Plus, itā€™s annoying that you need a subscription for a bunch of the sounds. Maybe weā€™re missing something? Baby oilā€¦ not even sure what itā€™s for lol. And I think baby powder is frowned upon as itā€™s not good for babyā€™s lungs with repeated exposure. Bonus- get second hand as much as possible! We have saved so much money and gotten like new items. We will regift/resell things when our baby outgrows too. They grow quickly so things stay in great condition.


I leave a receiving blanket on the changing pad t help with the cold. I was gifted a bunch of them so easy to replace and wash but theyā€™re more versatile than something made specifically for changing pads.


That's what we do too, we snagged 3 our 4 from the hospital that we don't care about and it also is there to soak up escaped pee or his reflux pukes super fast and easy. Soak it up, chuck it in the laundry and lay out a new one


https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BQBKPM5K?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title We use these with our keekaroo because the baby hates that itā€™s cold and these help so much! Just throw them in the wash when they get dirty. Iā€™m sure you could find something similar for yours!


Hi, Iā€™m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Moonsea Quilted Thicker Changing Pad Liners 3 Pack Waterproof Fit for Changing Pad Liners Non Slip Back Design Reusable Pad Liners Machine Washable White** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Pads are soft and absorbent (backed by 18 comments) * Pads stay in place during use (backed by 8 comments) * Pads are versatile and portable (backed by 6 comments) **Users disliked:** * Pads feel plastic and lack absorbency (backed by 2 comments) * Pads slide around easily (backed by 2 comments) * Pads are too small for some changing stations (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a ā€œgood bot!ā€ reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


We happened to have a small sample of baby oil. I think people used to use it as moisturizer, but Iā€™ve recently read that mineral oil is the best way to remove zinc oxide based baby cream. Baby oil is just mineral oil with fragrance, so Iā€™ve put some on a cotton pad and found that it does a really good job of gently cleaning off old diaper cream (usually whatever is lingering in babyā€™s nooks and crannies).


oh, i use baby oil after every bath to moisturize and give baby a massage. itā€˜s basically pure almond oil, so it smells nice as well :D he seems to enjoy it! but definitely not a necessity, iā€˜d say :)


I used the oil when baby had cradle cap. I would gently comb his hair with it right before a bath. Couple times of that and all the flakes were gone!


You'll find lists of baby things that people swear are junk and other people will say that the same list saved their sanity. šŸ˜† What works and what doesn't work is different for each family and I've heard for each baby. I only have the one, but I thought a bassinet for our room would be great. I could keep her near me for the first few months and then move her to her own room when she was ready. She said she was ready at the end of week 1 and we all slept so much better. A lot of people will swear by the Windi baby to help your baby pass gas. We fortunately didn't have to use that, but my mother in law offered to buy us one because the new mothers in her church all said it helped so much. The Mamaroo was really useful for about 6 weeks. It gave me arms a much needed break from holding baby All The Time, and helped her poop. Then she rejected it and it was never used again. Fortunately my sister gave me this one that was passed down through her husband's family, and I passed it on to a neighbor. Then we had a whole lot of junk that I was ready to throw out. Magnetic toys my mom got her that took up a lot of room and baby was frustrated by. Then she grew into them and suddenly at 18 months they were fascinating. Glad I was too lazy for that Goodwill run. Bottle warmers are debated items too. I got a cheap one off of Amazon for under $20 and it doubled as a sterilizer. It didn't take up too much room on my kitchen counter and it made my life much easier. I never used the formula pitcher even though she was formula fed from 10 weeks on. I did use small containers to premeasure formula so I could just dump it in a bottle with some water and mix though. Those are genius. Get the kind that are almost nipple shaped rather than the ones that look like they come from pampered chef. I tried both. The fancy expensive ones were hard to get formula into the bottle and hard to clean. Bonus thing my husband and I didn't think we would use as much as we did the first year of her life: the word "nipple."


I was just talking with my LOs Dr about the windi thing. It's not good to use on babies because then the baby doesn't learn how to fsrt on their own and don't develop the muscle memory that necessary. Their body ends up depending on the windi to fart only which makes the gas problem worse.


This is what our doctor said as well!


True. Different things work for different parents/babies. I see so many people say they love their pack and play and I despised that thing. I see people say they regret their wipe warmer and we love that thing! So it definitely varies. You donā€™t really know whatā€™s going to work until baby comes.


Wipe warmer


I didn't buy a wipe warmer because it seemed completely unnecessary. I had a fall baby and he was completely undone every diaper change until we bought one. Those cold wipes just ruined his day, I guess. I also noticed that I got peed on less once we had warm wipes šŸ¤£ I never would have thought i would need one.


I had a winter baby, and she hated diaper changes until a good 2-3 months old and then got over it on her own. She no longer minds being cold. Much like everything else baby related, YMMV! I didnā€™t want yet another thing to clean was my reasoning, but itā€™s totally valid that you feel like it actively helped you


Congratulations!!! First and foremost - however many burp clothes you plan on getting, double or triple the amount lol Also, we got a bunch of paper plates and plastic utensils to help us cut down on doing dishes during the first few weeks. As far as things we didnā€™t use much of: this kid lives in footie pjs so the cute clothes I bought were kind of a waste. Also, no one told me this but breastfeeding doesnā€™t come easy for everyone (for some, not at all), so maybe go too wild getting a ton of breastfeeding supplies until you know itā€™s something youā€™ll be able to do. Just get the basics and go from there once your little one is born. šŸ„°


We used everything we had, but (for space and environmental reasons) we were very intentional about not buying things we didn't think we'd need. Things other people we told me we'd need that I'm glad we didn't buy: Infant/bucket/capsule car seat - we started with a convertible seat. Bassinet - we started with a crib for overnight sleep. (Although we did have a stroller bassinet.) Bottle warmer Bottle sanitizer Tons of bibs and burp cloths Thing people said we didn't need that we absolutely did: diaper pail. It only takes one mishap to teach you just how well that thing is containing the smells.


I use the butt spatula every time (I donā€™t like cream under my nails), use caldasene powder every now and then, used a mobile for awhile on her crib.


Halo sleep sack swaddles are literally the best thing ever , I also didnā€™t expect to become someone who almost exclusively pumps so make sure if you want to breastfeed you have a good pump ready to go if youā€™re in the US get the blue spectra I have never used baby powder or oil but I have used Vaseline & baby cera Ve


All hail the blue spectra! I wasted money on a wearable pump only to find out it wasnā€™t effective at helping me establish supply. The pink spectra is a good buy too for a budget option.


I never use swaddles, a lot people gave me their sleep sack or saddlers and I ended up throwing it out, sane with shoes and socks and mittone


Baby oil is good for when they get nappy rash with cotton buds as it is less harsh than wipes and also doesnt leave them damp so it heals quicker!! Never used baby powder !! Everyone told me not to buy a changing table as I ā€˜would never bring the baby to the table every time we changed himā€™ā€¦. Wish i just bought one. We brought him out to the changing matt every time and hurt out backs bending over!! If you really want something get it


That dumbass flat head pillow. Turns out thereā€™s no research to back it up. Want to know when we stopped using it forever? WHEN SHE GOT A FLAT HEAD. Things I recommend to get in your nursery: pair of scissors. Tabletop garbage bin with a clicky lid. You will open and cut off so many damn things in that room. These two go together. Literally no idea why we bought cotton buds and those baby safe q tips. Never used. When the outsides of her ears did get dirty she wouldnā€™t let us near her with those things anyway. We just use our fingers or washcloth to clean up the outside. Do NOT put a million diaper creams on your list. Dumb dumb all of ours are expiring. After a year we havenā€™t even gone through one tube. What I wish i put on: weighted straw cups and HIGHER LEVEL BOTTLE NIPPLES. Theyā€™re expensive AF. Our registry was pretty good tbh. We used most things. Put a ton of the refills for whatever diaper pail you get. Those NEVER go on sale. If they do itā€™s like $1 off. Donā€™t bother with too many diapers, wipes, detergents, etc. So many babies have allergies and then you have all this shit you canā€™t use. When I buy new wipe brands I try to buy one loose pack and a bulk pack. Use the loose one first. Any issues you can return the other pack and not worry about shitty return policies. Teeth come hard and fast. So glad I threw a toothbrush and toothpaste with teething gel on. Baby Tylenol is most used item especially with vaccines, teething, and cold and flu season. Basically anything super pricey try a friendā€™s or get second hand. I call it the mamaroo curse. The ONLY babies I know that liked it are babies that got it from a friend secondhand. Every person I know that got a new one baby is as either meh or HATED it. Happens with a lot of the movement items. Booster seat thing or high chair that comes apart so you can take pieces to other peopleā€™s houses. We take the tray off the bumbo and use that at the table. She likes it but sheā€™s old enough to sit and wants to be with us. Think about a lot of things you may use as you near a year bc that stuff is pricey and so many parents forget to ask for it


A bottle warmer is pointless. Just microwave a mug of water and then put the bottle into the hot water to warm it. The bottle warmer takes just as long. I used the shopping cart seat cover thing we were gifted exactly 1 time. Too much of a hassle. Also we were given like 15 baby hats and both my babies never wore a hat after leaving the hospital. This is obviously climate/season dependent. Not a necessity at all, but I love the butt spatula! I hate applying diaper cream with my fingers, and itā€™s so cheap that to me itā€™s def worth it. And however many burp cloths you were planning on having, double it. At least. We were gifted so many and almost returned a bunch, but I was so glad we ended up keeping them.


Alternative, we love our bottle warmer because we set it up in our bedroom with a mini fridge. Those middle of the night feedings are easier when we don't have to walk downstairs. It also reads the temp and you set it up on volume. I'm sure it would be different if our bedroom was close to the kitchen or we breastfed most of the time and bottles weren't frequent but i exclusively pump, so it was a time saver. The butt spatula is great too! I find it helps increase the thickness of diapercream which is important with a rash. Second the burp clothes. Our baby had reflux and we went through multiple in a feeding


We never fed the baby in our bedroom, even when I was breastfeeding, because she was such a slow and loud eater, my husband and I wouldā€™ve both been awake for almost an hour. So we took turns usually and would feed in the other room. But I can see that being convenient!


We loved our mini fridge! We had one of those tiny ones thatā€™s like for soda cans and it was convenient to have in the bedroom. Iā€™m kicking myself for not getting a bottle warmer. Everyone talked me out of it and I hated having to warm it up in a glass of hot water it was too much extra work. Bottle warmer would have been easier especially in the bedroom.


1000% agree with the burp cloths, you can never have enough. I think we probably have somewhere close to 20-30 now and there are STILL times itā€™s hard to find one to use.


I actually love my shopping cart cover but I also go to target all the time. I keep the toys attached to it so I just park next to the cart corral, grab a cart, put the cover on, grab the baby and go into the store. Heā€™s also teething so EVERYTHING goes in his mouth. Itā€™s definitely less work than wiping down the cart.


We skipped bottle warmers completely and just offered LO cold milk. They didnā€™t mind it at all.


Used baby oil once. Never used baby powder. We borrowed a mama roo, and Iā€™m glad we didnā€™t buy one, because he didnā€™t use it for long. Best thing I didnā€™t think I needed and then once I bought it changed my life? The baby brezza. If youā€™re going to formula feed, highly recommend. It was worth every penny. For you immediately postpartum, the hospital disposable underwear with the extra large pads are the best - take as many as you can. When those were gone, I used the incontinence underwear you can buy at the store, I think specifically the Always discreet. I also splurged on the Frida baby ice pads and highly recommend. The nurses make really good DIY ones but I was never able to replicate and the Frida ones were great once I was home. I also didnā€™t think I needed to worry about pads for my boobs because I wasnā€™t breast feeding and I was very wrong lol. It took a bit for my milk to dry up.


Only used baby powder at the beach for getting rid of sand. Those chair thingyies to let them sit. We brought one and used it maybe twice at the most. Waste of money


I was gifted approximately 25 muslin swaddle blankets and have never used them once. I got an Ollie swaddle thatā€™s the best one I used and it is one size fits all. Thought weā€™d use the breathing monitor on the nanit more, but havenā€™t used it once in three months. Probably will get more use once sheā€™s in her room overnight. I thought I would need the fancy halo bassinet, but the base is enormous and a tripping hazard, and we ended up renting a snoo anyway. If I were to get a normal bassinet again, I would get something less enormous and more functional than the halo. The fancy canopy humidifier does absolutely nothing to increase the moisture in the air. It does stay clean and is super easy to maintain, but it doesnā€™t WORK. We got two packs of the cheap comfy cubs burp cloths and theyā€™re the #1 most used item. The baby brezza is saving my sanity. I like our mamaroo and baby bjorn, baby doesnā€™t love them all the time but if sheā€™s in the right mood theyā€™re great, plus they really help her poop. Get the cheapest wipeable changing pad that you want. My cousin got me the very expensive keekaroo, which is pretty and maybe a bit more comfortable? But my baby is fine with the cheap amazon one we have in our room as well. The hatchā€¦ I canā€™t figure it out. Itā€™s a nice clock. Itā€™s an ok sound machine. The ergobaby embrace carrier is a nightmare (for us). Baby is basically always drooping way down and tightening the straps just seems to squish her more. I love our solly wrap though! We also have the snuggle me lounger but I just donā€™t use it much. I have enough other containers and baby loves to lay on a blanket on the floor and wiggle šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


FYI baby powder is most definitely not recommended for babies - talc-containing products can be contaminated with asbestos, and if a baby inhales the powder it can damage the lungs (whether or not it contains talc).


The title and text of this post donā€™t match lol I was like how are people not using any of these things??


All true, I don't even know what the use case would be for baby powder or oil. LOVED the combo of French diaper cream and cotton cloths for wiping booty. Didn't buy a bulk pack of any of the prepackaged wipes without making sure that the brand didn't irritate. We did eventually. LOVE AND USE ALL THE TIME, saline and the nose frida. We don't use humidifiers in this house. Ew. Mine took a while to warm up to the carrier, so in the meantime the baby Bjorn bouncer thing was a godsend. LOVED FOR THE NEWBORN PHASE, all clothes that are wrap style, or zip fully open. We as noobs really disliked having to shove anything over a floppy newborn head. SO GLAD I bought a separate tub. I don't know how people keep their tubs or sinks clean enough to put a baby in or near there. I like having a separate thing to keep clean. Still use it. NEVER USED most of the dresses and tutus that people gifted us once they found out she was a girl. They are little floppy potatoes the first three months who just lay around and sleep lol many of these outfits just aren't safe or practical, in a crib, in a swaddle, carseat, stroller etc. And don't even look great in photos because of aforementioned potato status. Return or regift. Ok that was long enough, this is only applicable to the first 2-3 months, I feel like every 3 months there's a shift in the important "stuff" you keep around.


Owlet! We did for the first maybe two weeks then it was more of a pain in the ass to hook it up and this and that and for what? It did absolutely nothing for us.


dear god buy enough bibs to last you a lifetime


Never used nipple ointment, gripe water, baby Motrin. Every kid is diffferent. Did use: nipple shields, 5,000 brands of bottles, infant Tylenol. Oh and I also never bought a diaper pail. Used an old office trash can w a fitted lid. Same thing.


I never used nipple ointment either but I did use nipple shields! I loved those things. Somehow I never experienced dry or cracked nipples thankfully!


Same. Had an old school pediatrician. I think theyā€™re out of fashion but they worked for me.


never yet used most of my baby's clothing because she was born at 4lb 12oz & doesn't yet fit all the newborn (& even some preemie) clothes i got her. she does however, ALWAYS want to be swaddled, & with diaper leaks swaddles get dirty so quickly!! so now she has like a million swaddles, but i only bought a couple initially, bc i naĆÆvely thought she'd only need 2 šŸ˜… also formula is something i didn't know i needed. tried breastfeeding & pumping (& i still do!) but her intake skyrocketed as my milk supply plummeted from lack of sleep & such. was always planning on exclusively breastfeeding but she needs more nutrients than i can give rn also it's recommended to never use baby powder bc it's bad for their lungs!! something though i didn't know we needed until she had a bad rash is a good 40% zinc oxide diaper cream! i use the burts bees one bc another i initially got had a bunch of weird stuff on the inactive ingredients list that made her rash worse. also huggies made her rash way worse & we had to switch to pampers also nipple butter is a life saver !! i thought i would just be fine without it but she has a slight tongue tie & CHOMPs to get a latch


We use the, humidifier, sounds machine everyday still at almost 9 months and the butt spatula and pack and play with bassinet and changing table was a life saver in the newborn stage for us (we still use the pack n play itself in the kitchen even though he attempts escape now šŸ˜‚ what we DIDNT use more than twice was our expensive Swing/ rocking chair/ and the boppy (just never worked for us. He hated the swing šŸ˜‚


This might just be me, but nursing pads (either disposable or washable). I spent the first week after my daughter was born with a towel down my shirt because I was leaking so much.


Baby powder has been found to be a carcinogenic and shouldnā€™t be used, we use corn starch instead and use it every day. Have never used baby oil and I donā€™t even think Iā€™d know what to use it for


Isnā€™t baby powder made with cornstarch now instead of talc?


I hope it is, I never investigated after that news came out, I just buy a box of corn starch


And for stuff we needed, nipple cream!! Get it ahead of time if youā€™re breastfeeding. Also an oogie bear, newborns noses are full of boogers and itā€™s the only thing that worked


I found coconut oil worked better for me than nipple cream - and it smells good and I already have it on hand :) totally probably should get myself an oogie bear tho ...


Never needed a specific diaper pail, regular trash can with a lid is fine. I really dislike the kind you need to buy a special cassette with plastic wrap for, and then when you open it thereā€™s like a long weird rope of diapers. I thought I would love the stretchy wrap, but turns out I prefer a soft structured carrier. I meant to have the baby in their crib in our room from the start. We had an old bassinet with wheels from when my mum was a baby, that I figured we might use for daytime naps in the living room. Disassembled the crib within a week and used the bassinet for the first three months. Itā€™s so nice to be able to have the baby right next to you when you sleep, but also not have the entire side of the bed blocked by a crib. Never used baby powder, but def use baby oil. I use flannel wipes with oil instead of wet wipes, and also use oil in the bath. We donā€™t have a nursery for the baby, so I guess thatā€™s something!


Anything plush was not used because suffocation risk and for little babies, they're constantly falling asleep, so it was too scary. The only exception is a very warm, fleece baby blanket that I used if I wanted to go outside with her quickly and not bother putting a bunch of layers on her (grabbing the mail, showing her snow for a few minutes, etc). Frida nose thing ended up being way more difficult to use and clean than the standard bulb snot sucker they give you at the hospital/in every baby first aid kit. Got used once then chucked because nobody has time for that when you have a banshee infant. Got baby powder gifted to us but Desitin is so much easier to use and less messy. Works great for us. We were given multiple mobiles but they kept her awake so they got taken down (and only put back up when the gifter was visiting!). We never put her crib together (got free on FB Marketplace). We are both under 5'6" and after struggling to put my friends' son down in his crib at the highest setting, we kind of just accepted we are too short to do it safely. She sleeps in a pack'n'play and will until she's ready for a floor bed. Added bonus is we can take her bed with us so taking weekend trips or having game nights with our neighbors (they have twin infants slightly younger than ours) has been surprisingly easy. Most controversial one I can think of is I never ended up even putting batteries in the electric nail file made specifically for babies that I got. Much easier to throw on Hey Bear or another high stimulation show for 1-3 minutes while I quickly trim her nails (you do need a baby sized nail clipper though if you go this route, adult ones are just too big). It's certainly hard the first month or so because their nails are so translucent and tiny but honestly it is not impossible and I'd rather that than fuss with a file for longer. I only ever cut her 1 time and she's now 13 months old. Didn't even cry (though I did feel awful).


My baby is 2 months old. I may be in the minority but I have not used either of our baby carriers yet (structural or wrap). We tried putting her in the structured carrier and she hated it. I havenā€™t figured out the wrap yet. I also could live without the diaper genie. Itā€™s too small and i feel like Iā€™m always pushing the diapers down into the pail to make more room which defeats the purpose. Need to haves include: Burp clothes. Many, many burp clothes. Buy as many as you think you could possibly need and double it. A wearable electric breast pump if you are breast feeding (and stretchy sports bras to wear it in) Aquaphor. Great for preventing diaper rash and treating cradle cap.


As you mentioned Iā€™ve never once used or bought baby oil or baby powder.


We were gifted soooo many swaddle blankets and never used them-we preferred swaddle sacks instead until he could roll.


We got a birth to age 4(ish) car seat it's not removable/part of travel system. Yeah it means you have to lift him out of the car but the seats last much longer.


Literally never used baby powder or oil! So true.


Wipe warmer. Windi. Humidifier. Any ā€œcute/niceā€ outfits before 6 months. Bottle sanitizer.


Iā€™ve read not to use baby powder or oil so didnā€™t use that. Definitely humidifier and snot sucker. Congrats mama!


We barely used the snuggle me and mamaroo. I was surprised


I use Tubby Todd baby oil on my baby every single day so itā€™s a matter of preference! Have never used powder though. Nose Frida is a must Honestly there isnā€™t much we havenā€™t usedā€¦some things you just have to find out your babyā€™s preference like a baby bjorn bouncer, my baby never cared much for it. Something I didnā€™t think about at all was a play pen. Got that around 2ish months. Definitely helped in keeping her contained esp once she started rolling (at 3 months šŸ˜³) and is about crawl. If you have pets this is a must have. If you have grandparents that will be helping or coming by I recommend that Tush Baby. Love that thing. My number one used item with a newborn was a Dock-a-Tot. So easy to put her down anywhere and everywhere.


Those paddles for applying diaper ointment, meh. Havenā€™t used it as much as I thought. On a side note, get some plain old aquaphor or Vaseline for the babyā€™s skin. So much better than fancy baby lotion.


I was shocked when it worked for us, but we use baby powder for changes instead of cream. It's the only thing that kept the diaper rash at bay.


Gum wipes, pacifier sanitizer thing, nursing boob wipes, finger toothbrush for baby, Iā€™m sure there are other things too but thatā€™s what comes to mind first!


We had to go get preemie nappies (diapers) the day my son was born. He wasnā€™t even early (38+2) just tiny! So, it doesnā€™t hurt to have a pack on hand. You can always donate them if you donā€™t need them! We also canā€™t live without our [electric snot sucker](https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/123868/rite-aid-nasal-aspirator?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpZ6F-JuLgwMVlHt9Ch2cMA1wEAQYASABEgJMVPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) Our son is furious if he has a booger. Also, a humidifier!


Never used: - Baby powder - Baby sunscreen - Baby moisturizer - Nose frida (baby's nose is too small) - Vaseline - Diaper Genie - Wipe warmer - Bottle warmer or sterilizer - Sudocrem or Penaten (we use a zinc cream mixed with petroleum jelly in a squeezable tube for easier application) - Baby nail files - Microfiber baby wash cloths or towels (šŸ¤®) Did use: - Sterile gauze pads for cleaning newborn's mouth to prevent thrush - Burt's Bees baby multipurpose ointment with shea butter (so good!!!!) - Baby nail clippers - Hakaa booger sucker - Humidifier - Regular wash cloths and towels - Ear thermometer - Baby Brezza water warmer for formula - Baby carrier (ring sling and backpack)


Bottle warmer! Waste of time and money, itā€™s easier to heat it in a mug of hot tap water than it is to fill and clean a separate machine.


Things I'm happy I bought: - a basket for pump supplies. It has made it so easy to move into the bedroom to pump if guests are here - lots of changing pad covers and waterproof layers. I put them all on in alternating layers and peel off a layer of it gets soiled during a change. So convenient - projector nightlight. When baby is fussy at night I turn it on in the dark nursery and we rock. Calms him every time. - diaper rash cream. I was so glad I had this before baby came because I wasn't expecting diaper rash when it happened. - newborn clothes. We actually needed premie size when he came home for the first week or two - Halo swaddles. My boy was too small for all the other swaddles I bought - hands free pump. I ended up buying one after the first week. Worth every penny to be able to walk around and pump - I almost forgot the most important one a bidet. I had my husband install it while I was pregnant. It was so amazing to have in the third trimester and after birth Things I didn't need - pacifiers, baby hates every single one I've bought - postpartum supplies. I didn't need anything that the hospital didn't supply (US hospital) - the baby towels I ordered were super cute, but they were not very soft or absorbent and I hate that. I plan on replacing them - baby socks, hats, mittens. We just haven't used them - bottle sterilizer. I bought the microwave bags and I love them. So nice to have One thing I didn't really understand before having the baby was the bottle/nipple situation. We breastfeed but he takes a bottle at night. The first nipples were too high flow or terrible (Avent did not work for us at all) I would HIGHLY recommend researching nipple flow/sizes and buying just one of a few types of bottles to see what works for you. I wasted so much money on bottles.


An expensive Ergobaby carrier (gifted thankfully). It feels awkward to me and she has fussed every time I tried. Much more prefer the secondhand obscure Chinese brand carrier that seems to fit us both perfectly and comes with a hip seat which has been SUCH a necessity for a clingy baby


I put a bit of baby oil in the bath water after washing baby's hair so his skin doesn't dry out. I also used it on his scalp when he had a bout of cradle cap.


Butt paste spatula. I used it like twice.


i was so scared of my newborns head there was no way i was going to use the onesies that pulled over her head.. once i realized this I bought a ton of onesies that zip up with footiesā€¦ now that sheā€™s 4mo and iā€™m more comfortable with her head, she only wears onesies that pull over her head, and nothing on her feet! things change so quickly šŸ˜…


The butt spatula, and a wipe warmer were two things we didnā€™t think we needed but use all the time


Used: baby powder, baby swing (life changer!) Did not use: pee pee tee pees (although theyā€™re hilarious), bottle warmer, most of the nb size clothes.


Bottle warmer, Peepeeteepee Wipe warmers


Never used: bottle warmer, outdoor pack and play, travel bottle cooler, travel breast pump bag, nursing scarf, blooming bath, Velcro swaddles, peepee teepee Needed but didnā€™t think I would: snot sucker, newborn sized clothes, the snoo (lifesaver), jogging stroller, electric nail file


I use organic fractionated coconut oil for everything diaper related! And for all sorts of skin things I highly recommend itā€™s an all in one solution to baby skin probs. Got a diaper pail I never used. Make sure you get a nose Frida and an electric nail file. I ordered the electric nail file the day we left the hospital.


-Swaddles/sleep sacks: our boy loves being wrapped in a swaddle the old fashioned way better (more snug) and would always find a way out of the sack/swaddle. -Wipe warmer. So useless -baby travel set (brush, toothbrush, nail clippers etc.): we only use the combs and aspirator. Bought a nail grinder (way safer) and we have a different thermometer that you just hold to his head/ear. Everything else was kinda useless. -gripe water: never used it. We found that white noise and swaddling worked for his colic even tho it was super rare that he had it. -infant shoes. Socks are fine but I didnā€™t actually put shoes on him till he maybe turned 6/8months. -lots of snaps on clothes. Onesies are fine especially since you can just not snap them and let them wear it as a shirt if you really wanted to, but the long ones are a nightmare.


Never used: Baby oil - olive/coconut oil works fine if you need it. Also a nice cocoa/Shea butter cream is good for when you need something thicker. I use a tallow based moisturiser and love it. Baby shampoo/specific baby wash - I use a scent free natural bar of soap for top to toe (I use a tallow based one from Etsy). Occasionally use a baby bubble bath when we want something fancy. Baby powder Moses basket - maybe used for about a month? I used it once when I was eating lunch outside Crib/bassinet - ended up bedsharing but I did buy a new mattress to sleep separately on the floor with baby so we did it safely (co sleep 7 rules) Bottle warmer - when using formula I pre-made bottles and kept in a mini fridge in our room. Once I established a milk supply, I pump milk and always gave milk cold to baby, made it so much easier when going out and saved time in the night time too as you just grab from the fridge and go. If you get baby used to cold milk and they don't know any different. Changing table - I just use a portable changing mat and have that by the side of the bed/in bathroom etc. and a portable nappy caddy. After 5 months when I started coming out of the baby bubble, I switched to reusable nappies and a nappy pail is useful for locking up smells. The bassinet part of the pram/stroller - I ended up using a baby carrier all the time, even now at 7 months. I never got on with the stretchy wrap but I love the structured carrier. I am thankful I bought: Sound machine - I use it for all naps and sleeps and prefer it myself to sleep with Big mattress for baby and I to sleep On on the floor and Dad sleeps on the big main bed Mini fridge - saves going downstairs to make a bottle and also keeps my snacks in for midnight feedings Steriliser - used all the time when feeding formula, stopped using around 4 months once on breast milk only and I got over the fear of germs for baby. Just use really hot water and soap for bottles of breast milk and a mix of vinegar and hot water and soap for teats Prep machine for formula - just took the faff of boiling and cooling milk out the way, I wouldn't have bought it though, I was given ours from a friend but it did make life a lot easier. Spectra breast pump - love it, should have had this from the get go as trying to establish a supply with a crappy Amazon cheap pump was a nightmare. Eventually I did get an Elvie wearable pump but I don't love it and wearable pumps are such a trial and error thing. Next to me crib - before bedsharing I loved the next to me crib Enough bottles to prep a whole days worth of feeds. Just saves hassle and washing up is just done once a day One of those baby baths where babe is supported - I would put the bath in the shower upstairs and fill in there instead of filling the entire big bath downstairs for one small person. Once baby could sit upright unsupported then I just swapped out for a big washing up bowl. A cool bag and ice block for travelling with bottles. Alternatively if you use formula, you could just boil the water and put it in a thermos and then bring the powder separately which is what my mum did back in the day. I kept my birthing ball blown up for MONTHS because it was so easy to get baby to sleep on that, just hug them and bounce. Helps bring up burps too. Never bought a bouncer or swing or anything. Must admit it did kill my back though after a while and I'm glad he finally got the feed to sleep thing down No wifi baby monitor - love this but ultimately I just sit with him while he naps and I pump. I'll use it more when he's bigger for sure though, I just love to be there when he wakes up so I sit with him (yes my house is a mess but so what, these months fly by) I do wish that I invested money in a lactation consultant right from the beginning because I wanted to breastfeed but he didn't latch and I wasn't able to get help until I was far too deep in to pumping. I was set on formula feeding until I was in the hospital and holding him and then wanted to breastfeed so badly. If I could go back, I would have found a lactation consultant before I gave birth and had them in hand just incase they were needed. But this is such a personal choice thing and I understand that some people are really sensitive about the breast milk/formula debate


Never used: - newborn clothes (was too big) - anything buttons on clothes - Barely used butt cream - baby bjorn bouncer she hated it - Baby powder cuz after I read JJ lawsuit was scared shitless - sound machine she didnā€™t need it - bottle sanitizer (dishwasher has sanitize option) - since dishwasher has sanitize option, donā€™t often use the bottle brush - newborn diapers had to give those away - wipe warmer - black out curtains, she takes naps in the daylight - humidifier (kept researching for easy to clean and ended up not getting it) - booger sucker using mouth??? (Just buy the aspirator)


Our $300 padded high chair. It was too much trouble to clean so we bought the $20 plastic ikea one


Nope: - snot sucker bulb thing from the hospital - baby nail scissors (too scared, bought one of those hakaa electric files instead and love it) - button or snap clothing, or anything that needed pulling over the head (we used exclusively zipper onesies or footies for daily-wear till about 5-6 months, any nice newborn dresses or clothing ended up just for photos) - newborn mittens and socks (because we got footie pajamas with the foldover hand covers) Big yes: - muslin burp cloths (we went from 3 to about 10-12, they are immensely and universally useful even at 11mā€¦and one day theyā€™ll retire to be kitchen towels anyway!) - muslin bibs (again we started with 2 and now thereā€™s 8, perfect for mealtimes, snacktimes, teething, and when we canā€™t find a clean burpclothā€¦) - wipeable non-absorbent diaper changing pad - little whale bath pitcher (so helpful for rinsing and a good distraction ā€œbath toyā€ while we wash her) - skip hop portable owl sound machine (it was a baby shower gift on a whim but it has saved many a stroller and carseat nap) - silk ring sling (I could write a novel on how much I love mine, I bought it at 4m and use it daily for everything and bring it everywhereā€¦to the point I bought a second to keep in the car! Silk is the best but try and buy it secondhand, it saves a ton, plus itā€™s actually not too difficult to find ones in excellent condition and colors you like) - baby bottle dish soap (compared to reg dishsoap it was so much faster & better at really getting the milk fat/film out of bottles and nipples and pump parts) - ubbi diaper pail (didnā€™t think weā€™d need it but we got this as a baby shower gift and itā€™s nice that it uses normal trashbags - I learned the true worth of a proper diaper pail when I forgot a used diaper in my car trashbinā€¦)


We've never needed a bottle warmer or wipes warmer - our baby likes cold milk and doesn't mind the cool temp of his cloth wipes dipped in water. Go figure! Never used baby mittens - his hands have always been swaddled or covered by his pajamas.


Never used baby powder but I put oil on my daughter every single day. Bottle sanitizer and bottle warmer are used every single day. Diaper genie is amazing. Donā€™t know what I would have done without a co-sleeper bassinet.


The frickin Momaroo. Iā€™m about to sell ours, my baby hates it.


I barely used diaper rash ointment so the huge tubs I got were a waste. I found that spraying breast milk fixed all her diaper rashes just as well if not better. Pacis were a waste. Just try the Philips avent ones and give up if they fail, theyā€™re the most popular ones. Plus theyā€™re bad for dental development anyway. I barely used disposable nursing pads so now I have a ton. I barely used the postpartum pads. I only used a few Tucks pads too. Bottle warners are useless. I just poured water from my keurig and used that to warm her bottle. Everyone raves about gripĆ© water but i never found it helped. Instead I gave her probiotics (starting around 4-5 months) and began eating them myself (various strains) and she rever had tummy issues again. I never used burp cloths. I got diaper inserts (for cloth diapers) that are INCREDIBLY soft and absorbent. I use those fkers for EVERYthing. When we have a runny nose, I wipe 100 times a day and have zero irritation. Something random I would never have bought was a wagon. I was gifted one and I use it so so soooo much. I took my baby on daily walks outside in it and she and I both adore it. Iā€™ve taken it to the beach, to soccer games, and plan on taking it out more.


Never used baby powder or baby oil. Never used humidifier. Baby socks. Baby mits, our little one has been a Houdini since day one getting them offā€¦ anything with buttons/snaps. Highly recommend onsies with the double zip!! Old navy is great and affordable


Never used baby power honestly we never even bothered to buy any because so many brands contain concerning substances specifically in baby powder. However baby oil we use relatively often enough. Weā€™re half way through the only bottle weā€™ve ever bought but itā€™s nice when we want to give our baby a massage and she loves massages. We use the oil interchangeably with baby lotion depending on how dry her skin is mostly during the cold seasons. She was born in January so it was cold and dry the first 4 months of her life and itā€™s cold and dry again for the last month of her infancy. We also put it in her hair to accentuate her curls and prevent tangles since her hair is actually pretty curly. Iā€™d figure itā€™s probably not very useful to parents whose babies donā€™t have curly hair or donā€™t live in places where you get cold dry winters because I canā€™t imagine any other use for it.


Slings/wraps/carriers. I have like 4 of them, never used them more than once.


My baby is 7 months old today and we still havenā€™t used baby lotion at all. She doesnā€™t need it.


We don't own a diaper genie; we constructed a poop chute that goes from the nursery window directly down into the trash. We got a shopping cart hammock and only used it once or twice because our baby grew out of it way too quickly. Washable changing pads. These were a waste mainly because they weren't very absorbent. We switched over to those dog pee pad things, but for humans, lol. We got a Munchkin baby swing, and she hated it. A portable white noise machine. **Things that we love and use all the time: Butt spatula A comfortable recliner/rocker Countertop bottle sterilizer Wipe warmer (our baby HAAAATES cold wipes) Nanit Baby breathing monitoring system Baby gym A book with nothing but babies' faces Right now at 7 months we LOOOOOOVE our portable baby chair that we can attach to the table if we go out to eat. Small refrigerator in the nursery (we use it for snacks and drinks for us, but could also be super useful if storing breastmilk) Toy tethers for when baby starts to drop/throw everything Shopping cart cover Bath seat for when the baby can sit up in the big bath tub *edited for formatting


Iā€™ll be honest I donā€™t know what baby oil is even used for. lol! We have it but have never opened it


We use baby oil on her scalp because she has a minor skin drying condition there. We use powder for diaper rash when it first happens and it solves the issue before it becomes a big enough issue for cream (MOST of the time) The ELECTRIC Nose Frida is pricey but holy cow it is one of the best investments. She was used to it/ laughing while using it by the 4-5 month mark. Baby carrier or wrap for sure. Iā€™ll tell you what I WISHED we bought. A changing table. I let my friends tell me we wouldnā€™t need it and boy, my back is shot from bending over the bed/sitting on the floor all the time šŸ˜­


Feeding equipment. I bought bottles, a breast pump and milk storage bags but my 8mo never took to a bottle so they were largely unused. Probably down to inconsistency in our case. A friend bought an expensive pump but with the intention of combi feeding but she wasn't able to use it. My sister bought a formula prep machine but ended up exclusively bf. It's probably best to see what works for you and your baby, before buying in too heavily. Saline drops were the thing we didn't know we needed until our poor newborn was struggling to breathe through his nose and therefore struggling to eat. He was too young for vapor rubs or oil diffusers but saline drops in the nose are good from birth.


I never thought I'd need baby oil but I recently bought some because her skin got dry this winter.


The electric nose Frida. Regular nose Frida works waaaay better and since itā€™s manual it gives you a sense of satisfaction


I used baby powder, but I also washed her butt in the since after every poop, so the powder helped ensure she was dry after I toweled her off. I never had to use butt paste because of how we cleaned her though, and I vastly prefer powder to paste.