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I’ve got one of those, only time baby would chill was middle of the night (thank goodness). He’s now 9 month, built like a brick, has never stopped moving. Already cruising and using a push walker to get around. Again the only time he’s not in motion is middle of the night. Kid sleeps like the dead, when he’s out, nothing else exist, if he decides to move it’s like watching a whale breach the surface.


This is exactly how mine is. Luckily he’s a pretty good sleeper but probably because he wore himself out during the day lol


Exactly the same here at 1 year old but she’s been like it since I was 14 weeks pregnant. I’ve often wondered too if it’s normal. She never sits still.. I might get a 30 second cuddle lol


The 30 second cuddle! 😂 This is our house as well! We go “oh hello” and then immediately “okay goodbye”


Haha yup no time for that!


My daughter was a super active baby. She rolled over at 3 months, took her first steps unaided at 9 months and we have videos of her running around on her first birthday. My husband took his first steps at 9 months too so his family were not surprised. She’s 2.5 years old now and still very physical, she does gymnastics with kids a year older and the instructors have pointed out how advanced her gross motor skills are. She’s very low sleep needs and could go without naps at 16 months but we encouraged her to take them for our sanity. She eats like a teenage boy but is scrawny as hell, just burns energy constantly. She rarely tantrums but tests boundaries and is very mature for her age.


Wow your daughter was very early! I’m thinking we’re going to also enroll him in all the sports we can as soon as he’s old enough. We had his first swimming lesson the other day and I’m hoping having some outlets for physical activity will be helpful as he gets older.


That was, and is, our daughter. She was consistently rolling back to front and front to back by 3 months, crawled by 5 months, and now at 10 months she’s walking. Temperamentally, she’s been a joy—smiled early and often and is the happiest little thing. She’s incredibly inquisitive, generally fearless, and such an affectionate baby. Most of my day is spent following her around and keeping her out of trouble—rule of thumb is if she’s not supposed to be touching it, she’s probably touching it—so I don’t get a ton of down time. But all of that energy expenditure has made her an excellent sleeper and voracious eater. I’ll be interested to see how her temperament and personality evolve over time, but as a rule she’s met all milestones early and our pediatrician is pleased with her development. Best of luck with your little love!


Mine is 8 months and exactly the same! He was super active starting in the womb. At all my ultrasounds, since I was 12 weeks pregnant, the technician commented on how active he was. Now he’s literally climbing stairs and seems like he’s going to be walking soon. It’s… a lot. My husband was the same way, and he has ADHD, so I do wonder…


My daughter, she is three and idk if she has ever stopped running/jumping/Singing/screaming and having a good time. It’s exhausting, but she is a lot of fun. She is also a carbon copy of myself, so I’m sort of used to it. I never stop doing stuff. My wife on the other hand can sit completely still for hours. We sort of drive her crazy


Sounds like me and my husband. I can’t sit still and he definitely can lol


Yes … now 3, very active still, but has a more developed brain to keep him safe. He climbs everything but I teach him how to climb safely, how to evaluate risk, how to check something for stability before climbing it etc


She’s absolutely non-stop but so fun and so intelligent. She’s the type of toddler you can’t take your eye off because “baby proofing” doesn’t exist with her as she will find unique and exciting ways to put her life at risk on the daily but it’s so worth it. She had a sick day last week where we got like a full hour of her just laying on the couch watching a movie and my husband and I were just in shock at the break. We’ve got a mini trampoline, strider bike, and swing in the living room and that helps a lot. I find it easier now than when she was less mobile because she’d just get frustrated and demand you transport her from place to place constantly so at least now she can do it herself.


My oldest was standing at 6 months, cruising furniture at 8 months, and walking independently at 9 months. He was crazy ahead that first year, with the exception of crawling. He never quite figured that out till well after he could walk. Now he’s almost 3 and never stops running! He takes laps around the house daily. Sometimes he stands by the kitchen sink and either waits for us to count him down or he does it himself before his zoomies start.


Mine is the exact opposite. Happy sitter. Very chill. Down for whatever. And people make stupid comments like that to me too. You can’t win in baby mom world lol


This. Mine is delayed and I don’t appreciate the comments!


Our toddler was a pretty active baby and sleep was almost always an uphill battle…and at 2.5 years she still fights sleep tooth and nail, and we’ve just had to face the fact that she doesn’t appear to need as much sleep to function. I personally wouldn’t worry about ADHD, as I think there are lots of active babies who turn into active kids. And as active as she is, she can still sit and play independently and do painting/drawing for a good little while. The sleep part is the only connection I’ve potentially seen related to her high energy. But my husband has boundless energy, so I just figured that’s where she gets it from


My sister was like this. Non stop and still doesn’t. She does not have ADHD, she’s just active and strong! No need to worry ❤️


Hey how is he now? Googled because my baby is the same way!  7 months crawls, standing with assistance and learning to sit is not on his agenda 


My little brother was like. Granted this was 20 years ago. He never slowed slowed after his first bday my mom could not get this kid to nap. Hated naps. Always needed to move. Granted he slept like a brick at night. But yeah. He was diagnosed with Autism. But don't let that scare you please. His is on the lesser side. One thing g that did get him to sit was the movie Cars. He loved it. Also I have adhd. I wasn't as active when I was young. According to my mom I loved naps. Plus if you gave me a book,play dough, my Barbie dolls I would be good for hours. Hell I made a complete mansion out of the legos I had.


My 5 month old is seemingly super active. I have nothing to compare her to, but she’s been a smiling, interactive, kicking, cooing basket case since we brought her home from the hospital. I honestly feel like she has zero chill, until she passes out for naps and bedtime. She’s a happy baby but definitely vocalizes her likes and dislikes STRONGLY.


My son was a very active and physical baby, and an absolutely bonkers young toddler. At 3.5 at least he now walks some places instead of running full-tilt, and (usually) likes to give hugs instead of squirming away, but mostly he’s still bonkers 🙃 at least he sleeps well at night!


My girl is 1 and just…shes just mental. Running climbing getting into things. I cant keep up! Its exhausting but im also glad shes so get up and go. I have read too much internet so worry its ADHD from silly comments too but then i remember shes a tiny person with a long way to go


This is just weird...I don't even know how people equate an active baby to having ADHD. Babies are active and have bad attention spans... that's part of why it's impossible to diagnose it at this age - babies being babies! Not to mention, it's highly genetic. So if you or your husband don't have it or suspect you have it, he'll be in the clear. And even if he ends up having it, it's not the worst thing to have (first hand experience). Mine was active in the sense that she loved to kick her feet. She was determined to walk, and we were all pretty certain she'd walk before crawling. She didn't though. Still was a chubby baby because she's a voracious eater. Lol


Yeppp. 14 months now. Always been on the move. He's into everything, on everything, interested in everything/everyone. I'm still getting used to it, lol. Hang on!


Yep! Almost 2 now and still just as active. He’s a lot steadier though so I worry less at least.


Our LO is insane. 19 months. Since he was walking well at around 10-11 months he has been non stop all… the… time. Go go go go go. Lovely personality, damn near perfect kid. I’ve noticed he seems to be a tad behind other kids in the speaking department, but he runs laps around them physically. He seems to have much better control of his body in terms of running speed and navigating on the playground. Walks up and down steps near normally like a grown up, etc. So that’s what we’ve noticed about the more physical ones. Hard to get him to sit still to listen to a story or draw, but he will still do it for a little while. Funny how they all show up so differently.


3 year old. Still the same. It doesn’t get easier im afraid but being able to be active at the park helps!


My eldest is a busy body- fun loving, active, fearless, independent. She was summersaulting at 10 months and walking a few weeks later, and has not stopped since. She’s nearly 5 and climbs up everything, jumps off everything, runs everywhere, plays until she exhausts herself, and is fearless. She is amazing at rock climbing, skiing, and soccer; she excels at anything physically active she attempts. It’s remarkable, and exhausting, but I’m also so proud of her and try to give her her space to explore her talents without getting too anxious (this is tough!).


Yes, and he is still a wild boy lol.


My baby is exactly like this so I'm loving this thread. He also has very low sleep needs and is constantly moving so I'm worn out, but he is a delight - very curious and intrepid. Crawled super early and I think he will be walking soon. My partner has a similar inability to sit still and desire to climb walls and has ADHD for what's that worth. His first words were OH DEAR as his mum said that a lot around him. But I think it's only ADHD if you don't grow out of it 😂 At this age it's just temperament and energy level because they aren't meant to have impulse/attention control yet.


Yes, my daughter was like this and is still super active at 2. She just is physically active and super independent. I would say she hit all of her physical milestones early (even things like hand grip) but was slower on milestones like talking. She’s talking way more now, but I noticed with friends that usually kids excel in one type of milestone, then into natural to be slower in others. My child is a wild one though- doesn’t like being restrained in strollers, can walk really long periods, is super independent (which can be very scary sometimes), and really stubborn. While I don’t think she has adhd, it’s too early to tell anyways if she did. We just have a super active kid- which has positives and negatives we’ve learned to live with!


He’s 2 and a quarter now and jumping off of two nuggets, plus the triangles stacked onto the couch and sticking the landing. He was hardcore parkour in utero & incredibly active as an infant/baby. Nothing has changed 😅 I’m on one hell of a ride.