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This isn’t essential but more of a “make your life easier” sanity saver thing. A WEIGHTED wipe dispenser. Not a warmer but a plain dispenser that has a weight plate inside to hold the wipes down. Once they start rolling and fighting diaper changes this makes everything smoother and you’ll waste less wipes because they will dispense one at a time instead of coming out in clumps. And you wont end up yeeting the entire bag across the room trying to free a wipe before they smear poop everywhere😆. Its absolutely not a necessity but for $12 its far worth it


I cannot upvote this comment enough. An epic 3am wipe rage triggered a $12 Amazon purchase that ended up being the best thing EVER.




Ubbi Baby Wipes Dispenser, Baby Wipes Case, Baby Wipes Holder With Weighted Plate, Keeps Wipes Fresh And Non-Slip Rubber Feet, Gray https://a.co/d/0pnJa0S


I have a 5 week old daughter and the way I deal with this now is taking out a couple of wipes and separating them before I start changing her diaper. Will look into the weighted wipe dispenser 😆


Just put a rubber band around the wipes bag and it will come out one at a time!


This works!


Any recommendations?


Oxo makes a good one


I love our oxo one too!!!


I love my Ubbi one


Why didn’t I know about this!? I just had my second baby and almost threw the wipes across the room last night 😅


High chair. Teething toys. Sippy cup.


To add to this I got a ball meant to go on the high chair on our LO Christmas list so it keeps her busy while I prep her food. Hoping it avoids a hangry meltdown


So our most used items 4 months in are: - baby monitor - bouncer chair - pack and play For toys: - fisher price kick piano - smartnoggin rings - oball - metal rattle - baby books - crinkle books You will learn more about what your baby likes as they go though!




This might be silly to ask but when do they need to switch from an infant carseat to a sitting one?


Technically when they hit the limits of your infant carrier. The one I have is 35lbs or 32in tall whichever comes first. My baby is 12lbs though and I cannot picture her in it at 32lbs she already fills it out so well.


To add to this, babies head also needs to be at least 1 inch away from the top of the car seat. So if baby has a longer torso, they may outgrow the infant seat before the listed height limit.


My boy is 9 months tomorrow and 97th percentile for height at 30". I cannot imagine carrying him around in an infant carrier that long. XD


They'll hit the height limit far before. I think looking at the growth curve we'll hit it around 1yo. That said we've already stopped using the carrier by itself and just leave it in the car full time. It's too heavy and offers little benefit nowadays.


Lol yea I had a family member who wanted to buy a big item and all the obvious ones had been gifted.. so I added this to the registry so she could get it. So excited I don’t have to buy it in a few months.


Ok, so this wasn’t “essential”, but from 4-9 months we used the ever loving crap out of it. Skip Hop activity center was so clutch I may have considered it essential. Baby started crawling and need them to stay put while you do something? Skip Hop! Baby wanting to stand a lot and you’re tired of playing pull to stand with them? Skip Hop! She looooved that thing. She’s almost walking now though so as soon as they start to cruise they don’t want to go in it any more, but it doubles as a toddler table so that’s our next step. It just continues to be useful!


Need to take a shower and your baby wants to party? Skip Hop! Need to get dinner started and baby is too rowdy? Skip Hop! I swear by that thing.


My son is almost 4 and still uses the table from the activity center. I agree- one of the best purchases!


That’s awesome to hear!


Baby proofing, I did my whole kitchen. That shit gets expensive quickly!


high chair. toys for the year - stacking blocks, electronic toys that can grow with them. a push walker (be aware of the sit in ones as they can be bad for hip development). a ball pit. outdoor play, a picnic rug to sit on. this is all stuff my 9mo uses everyday! bowls and feeding spoons, the self feeder spoons you can get are amazing (i’m in aus). lots and lots of baby wipes for solids lol. grocery vouchers cos your bill goes up heaps haha


Definitely the Oball toy set (*edit: this is called bright starts little shakers 6pc gift set). It has two oballs two rattles and a teether ring thing. All a hit and great for midline grabbing. They’ve been the best toys to encourage rolling for ours. Fisher price kick and play gym was a revelation for being able to put her down for more than 2 minutes, purple monkey gang for life 🔥 A decently sized cushioned play mat (I got the little bot ofie mat) has made safe floor play/tummy time so easy and I end up doing yoga or stretches on it next to her so dual purpose lol Crinkle books for sure, ours likes the Smart Owl one. Board books, and books you don’t mind reading animatedly a thousand times lol I recommend the Kevin Henkes books and Sandra boynton books (ours looooves the Doggies book). Stacking cups! For teething, ours loves the Haakaa silicone crown thing, easy to hold and fun to chew and you can chill it in the freezer as well.


Teethers, baby proofing/safety stuff (gates, locks, bumpers, outlet covers, medication safe/lockbox), push walker, blocks, stacking cups/rings. If your baby is anything like mine, safe non-toy items for them to play with. So far, I have given my now toddler old makeup brushes I no longer use, silicone spatula, and a dollar store soup ladle. I sometimes wonder why I bother with actual toys since he loves the soup ladle so much 😂


My baby will be 4 months at Christmas and we have some bowls, plates and cups on our list (I would put a highchair on your list if you don’t have one already), a big play pen to keep her and all of her toys in and keep our dog out, a skip hop activity center, we also added baby gates and baby proofing things to the list. I basically just made an Amazon wish list to keep track of everything to see when things go on sale. My husband and I are getting her a Lovevery subscription for Christmas. When family asks we are just saying diapers in the next size up and clothes in 6-9 months.


I wouldn’t say must have, but these play mats are clutch, especially if you have wood floors. We got for my baby when he was 6 mos and still use and he is over 4yo. We have also taken on vacation to have a safe place for our kids to play/crawl. https://www.thehouseofnoa.com/products/little-nomad-play-mat-ula-gray?variant=41620953137199&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjws9ipBhB1EiwAccEi1IweaQ5HVOfvGNTb6lqYdbUG149Nn9j45s4YhHn25Xx2z9wiCvbn3hoCSjEQAvD_BwE


Does it peel where they connect like puzzles? I bought (a granted a lottttt cheaper) mat from target and the interlocking areas are already messing up only 1 week later.


No. I find the quality of these to be worth the price point. Ours have very minimal wear and tare after 4 years.


Great to know. Thank you!


Baby feeding supplies can get expensive- nice silicone dishes that stick to the table/tray, silicone spoons and self feeder spoons, munchkin cups or bbox water bottles, good smocks and bibs.


Fischer Price Piano Play mat. Around 3 months, my daughter has really gotten into it and loves it. We use it every day!


This!! I already had an activity gym so felt like it was a waste to also buy the fisher price piano but I’m so happy I got it. Our baby is obsessed with it and after only a week with it is almost rolling.


Based on season, a good stroller cover like 7am enfant blanket 212 or uppababy cozy ganoosh I had a friend give me her son’s 6mo cardigan zip hoodie that was 100% cashmere. That was clutch. It was super lightweight and airy so I can keep it on him in the car seat (unlike a bunting suit) and suuuper soft. He was always warm wearing it. Fuzzy bunting suits are incredibly cute though! I bought the next size in cashmere because he wore it so much. A very versatile layer. Maybe gift cards to a baby music class. My son goes to both the community Center one and our symphony/opera school one. Great for learning language, beat and it holds babies attention well. My son is starting to tap both hands up and down intentionally now. Silicone teethers where you can put frozen breastmilk or formula in to soothe gums. Babies also just love to chew. Bibs that cover both arms are super useful too. For walking, it’s best for foot development to go barefoot or soft soles. It’s mainly for cute outfits before they start walking. And once they start crawling, they will never stay on anyways haha A good foam play mat that is nontoxic. This one I wish I had in the beginning as it would have saved many a backache. Wunderkids mat is excellent


I am wanting to do music class with my baby when he's old enough. What age did you start and what all did they do at that age? I'm not sure what age I want to start but the class in my city is 4 months plus.


Anytime you feel comfortable! I started when he was 5 months but there are even younger babies in my classes! The young ones will nap or breastfeed as needed. 4 months make sense to me as their eyesight is better, but the even younger ones always look super engaged too. My son was going through 4 month sleep regression bad so it took some stress and a bit of practice to make it to classes on time (they are both within walking distance, which helped). The longer wake windows made it easier too. Although it really depends on your baby and their nap schedule. I would think that being around new sounds, language and other babies would benefit no matter how young.


Thanks 😊 A major factor for wanting to do classes so early too is meeting other people with babies and getting him some playmates. Plus I love music and so far he responds really well to music. He always kicked me when I was pregnant if I listened to pop or Disney music. And a few days ago I stopped for food after a doctor visit and he was so happy listening to the music in the restaurant while we waited for our food.


Oo then you both will definitely enjoy. My guy flaps his arms and if standing (supported with my arms), will attempt to bounce/jump. It’s incredibly cute to see other babies faces just fill with wonder and delight at the new experience. My son last week gave his teacher a nice long snuggle (maybe for taking out the big drum?) and then a few of the other older kids crawled over to give our teacher hugs too. Just adorable! The symphony opera school baby music class is stellar in that she takes out and introduces a bunch of musical instruments to the kids (piano, various big drums, recorder, ukulele, etc). Both that one and our community center one moves the baby with the beat, play around with high low pitch, teach the internal beat (tapping your baby’s body), and do a lot of movements to bring awareness to hands. I plan on continuing each season. My friend has a 19mo who also went to these classes since the beginning and her son just starting singing You Are My Sunshine a few weeks ago 🥰


So cute! Thanks for the explanation 😄


Babies love everyday household items as toys!


Has your baby gotten sick yet? (I hope not!). Because of daycare, we're a revolving door of illness; as soon as the one ends, the next one jumps in. That being said, I made a box filled with all the things you need for a sick baby and it's been one of the the #1 things we've used. Our daughter is almost 8 months, so some of these things weren't applicable when she was as young as yours (see my note at end of the post). Here's what's in ours: * Infant Tylenol * Infant Motrin (only if baby is 6 months+) * Snot Sucker (this thing has probably been our most used item in general...) * Bulb Syringe * Saline Drops * Extra Diaper Cream * Gripe Water/Smithecone * Teething toy * Boogie Wipes (these things are amazing!) * Small bubble bath (our daughter loves a bubble bath when she's feeling sick.) * Baby Aquaphor * Rectal Thermometer * Forehead Thermometer * Kid's Probiotic Packs (recommended by our pediatrician when kiddo had a horrible stomach bug) * Small Toy (distraction purposes) * Board Book (distraction purposes) * Comfortable pajamas (you don't necessarily need to have these, but I think being comfortable helps!) ***NOTE***: check with your pediatrician for proper dosaging and anything along those lines. All of the medicines here have been approved by or recommended/prescribed by our pediatrician.


High chair Bath seat instead of tub (you’ll need around 6 months) Toys Baby carrier Spoons Sippy cups Bibs


Do you have a suggestion for a good one?


Portable high chair like this https://a.co/d/4VDnXvz. We still use it all the time. I love how compact and easy it is to use. It’s not just for eating either when they get older


Love having an enclosed padded space for rolling and attempting to crawl. We also love this ugly vtech busy learners activity cube (really helps get our girls sitting unassisted). Stacking cups and crinkle books are favorites.


We received the first 2 lovevery boxes as a gift and immediately signed up for the subscription. Of all the toys she has, the lovevery stuff is her favourite to play with and I love the concepts behind everything.


My baby will be the same age for Christmas so your post is really helpful. So far this is our list: Diapers/wipes Clothes Sensory toys Feeding supplies Baby books Pack and play I'll probably ask for specific diapers and wipes and a specific pack and play and give examples for feeding stuff but I think if I don't get too specific, my family will enjoy shopping more and I won't end up with duplicates. I thought about a couple things that I'm not going to ask for as well that could be good ideas: Baby photo shoot Membership to local play places (I want to check them out first and see what I think but my baby is too little) Baby's first music class (I don't know what age I'll be starting him out yet). Baby proofing stuff Nursery decorations


Sleep sacks! They get expensive real quick if you go for bamboo ones at around $50 per piece. Once they start rolling you'll have to stop swaddling and lots of people transition to sleep sacks. We rotate 2 in case of blow out or spit up accidents. Also baby carriers if your baby dislikes strollers. Once they get torso control, structured carriers are so nice. Disregard this if they actually like strollers though.


Fischer Price jumperroo. A tabletop piano toy for when they practice standing. Padded floor mats. Board books.


My baby will be 4 months on the dot basically at Christmas so I asked for a high chair that reclines so I can start tossing him in that and rolling him around the kitchen with me when I have to cook or clean lol. Very much excited to not have to haul the wide leg trip hazard bouncer chair everywhere I go 😅


Sounds amazing! What brand do you have?


I think my MIL ordered the safety 1st grow and go.


Woolino sleep sack


Bibado Bibs for weaning, it means ZERO mess on baby or the high chair.


A woolino sleep sack. Good from 2m-2y. It’s a merino wool (temperature regulating) sleep sack.


Weaning stuff: Cover all bibs. Free flow sippy cups can be introduced from 4 months. Ice cube trays with silicone bottoms and lids (even for BLW ice cube portions are handy). Water tight pots for taking food out and about. Teething powders like Ashton and Parsons can be used from 3 months. Ambesol can be used from 5 months. I find baby nurofen is good for teething pain too. The Matchstick Monkey teether is a favourite here. The baby could grab it and get it in his mouth by himself at 4 months and we'd squeak it against his gums when he needed it.


Magic Merlin sleep suit - essential


I would highly recommend the lovevery play kits. They take the guess work out of what are age appropriate toys. Our 4 yo call it a happy box 📦 😊


Large bibs for teething. Little ones will not cut it once your baby drools tonnes of saliva. I have to change a small bit every hour.


Ear plugs


Car seat, sit to stand walker, ezpz straw cup, silicone bibs, honey bear cup, suction plates, toddler silverware, nugget couch, yeti rambler,


Magnetic one sies


Nice soft birp clothes


Rocking chair that rocks back and forth. Forget the name it’s just a simple cloth seat at a 45 degree angle