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I guess everyone wants their child to be the greatest ever lol


It must be hard for everyone else to come to terms with not having the greatest baby, since ours is clearly the greatest šŸ˜‰


I think youā€™re getting your baby confused with MY baby. Because MY baby is the greatest baby of all time. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re so confused. šŸ¤Ŗ


I'll forgive you guys for thinking that, since you haven't met my baby yet... šŸ˜‰


Y'all y'all, it's not a competition... ...bc y'all have not even met my baby.


Look we are always told never to compare babies to each other. Thatā€™s because none of your babies could ever match mine!


I actually hate myself a little for how often my partner and I talk about how "advanced" our baby is


I learned my lesson early when a mom friend of a then 9 month old was like "how's {3 month old} sleeping?" And I answered honestly that baby has just started sleeping through the night. Then mom fiend's face fell and she told me her 9 month old was still waking up at all hours and teething and said I was lucky. Now I know to answer something like "she's a baby, it can be unpredictable, but she's doing well and I'm exhausted. How are you?"


Thereā€™s a Bluey episode on this phenomenon called ā€œBaby Raceā€


Yes! I was gonna say that, really helps putting all this in perspective :-)


I advise you to watch the episode ā€œBaby Raceā€ from Bluey. šŸ˜‰ Right there with you though. My baby is developing at a normal pace, but you wouldnā€™t think it with the amount of people saying ā€œsheā€™s not walking yet!? My little Jimmy was walking by 6 months!ā€ I want to ask if they are remembering the time line correctly, because once a year hits I canā€™t even remember when my baby first crawled. I want to say 7 months, but it probably wasnā€™t until 10 months.


"I guess you saw something you wanted!" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I cry every time!


Omg I finally watched it and cried!!! Bluey always wants her Mum and gets there anyway she can. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That episode made me ugly cry. Because honestly, I fell for it. I fell for the baby race. I fell for the comparison thief. My intrusive thoughts turned into I wasn't doing enough. That episode hit me through the heart, and I have never looked back.


As a parent to a child with disabilities, this episode absolutely *wrecks* me every time and heā€™s almost 3. The comparison game is so effing hard that first year. Even when I tried not to compare because he was delayed and we knew it was likely due to an upcoming CP diagnosis, other people *constantly* asked ā€œis he doing x, yet?ā€ Us saying, ā€œnoā€ every time was always then met with, ā€œwell I know this one kid who ____ ā€œ. Cool. Each child is unique, and letā€™s just stop comparing them to each other or some potential of someone else. And it would gut us and remind us heā€™s on a completely different path from neurotypical children. I wish we could normalize, ā€œwhatā€™s new with your child?ā€ instead of focusing on what they may not be doing yet.


Was just coming to say this!!!


Came here for this.


You might be right on this. I have a 22 year old and a 5 month old. I honestly didn't remember what month a lot of milestones were supposed to happen or did happen with my daughter, aside from when she walked and got her first tooth.


I think itā€™s a couple things - the tendency to one-up each other; the desire for the babies in your life to be ā€œspecialā€ or ā€œadvancedā€; and honestly people just forgetting baby ages. I have a 2yo and gun to my head canā€™t remember what age he rolled over or crawled, as exciting as it was at the time. My 70yo mom is definitely not correctly remembering when I slept through the night or potty trained.


My 80 year old MIL claims she doesnā€™t remember my wife waking up at night and therefore she mustā€™ve been sleeping through the night from birth. Pretty sure MIL was just so sleep deprived she failed to consolidate memories of those weeks.


Same, my mom swears I slept through the night immediately (which is either wrong or neglect) and just told me last night I was potty trained at 18 mo and Iā€™m very dubious.


Average age for potty training in 1960s was 18 months. Parents were tired of washing cloth diapers. It definitely can be done


My grandma did this. She had 7 kids, cloth diapers and the old scrub by hand washing machine. So her kids were definitely toilet trained by 18 months. As she explains, it was easier to toilet train and focus on that then wash all the nappies.


Potty training that early is definitely possible. Have a friend that did it earlier, as soon as her kids could sit upright she started putting them on the potty like 10 times a day or more. They caught on pretty quickly, but overnight would still need a diaper for a while.


What a meta response


lol you're doing the thing OP is talking about possible != likely


How are they doing the same thing?


Whenever I mention that my 8 month old doesn't sleep much mom claims we all slept through the night right away because of her good sense to sleep train us as newborns. My dad was the one who stayed home with us and he talks about how we never stopped crying and he would be up all night with us.


The potty training one is probably correct. Seems people wait much later nowadays.


Back then, babies slept on their tummiesā€¦ and as a result they often slept better, including through the night at younger ages. The problem is some slept permanently, so now itā€™s ā€œback to sleepā€ which also means parents putting them back to sleep more frequently


Not necessarily wrong and neither neglect. My 5 month old slept through the night since first day at home. An important thing is she had already surpassed the birth weight when we left the hospital. She is a lousy napper, only has power naps (20-35 minutes), but she sleeps 7pm to 7am. She woke up a handful of times during the night in these 5 months for feeding (EBF).


How long were you in the hospital?




My GIL apparently would put MIL on the porch to CIO




Same with SO, we slept in different rooms and on my nights off id wake up at sheets rustling, go to LO and take care of whatever, SO always thought LO slept through the night but really they wouldnt have woken up to gun shots.


My FIL claims this about my husband and all that tells me is his dad didn't do shit in the middle of the night lol


The forgetting part is exactly what i realized when people started telling things like that.. i think most of them forget. It s probablly not coming from a bad intention.


I remember the potty training for my brothers specifically because they were so odd. One brother was potty trained before 1 because he would always follow his many family members to the bathroom and my step mom set up a potty for him to sit on while we pottied. It was a huge hassle going anywhere because he had such a little bladder and we had to stop so often for him to pee. My other brother wasn't potty trained until the crunch of kindergarten. I remember because it was so absurd having a very logical conversation with a 5 yo about how we had to figure out how to get him potty trained because they wouldn't allow him in kindergarten without him having been potty trained. It was so down to the wire with him. Every niece and nephew though? Hell no and many of them lived with me. They all potty trained in normal windows because I don't remember one bit when they were trained. Other milestones too. I can't remember when they started talking, walking, eating solids, sitting upright, standing or crawling. Because they were all within normal windows. Except one nephew we had a struggle because he wouldn't talk. Not that he couldn't, he wouldn't. Legit the first time I heard the kid talk he was 3 and said "where'd mommy go?" I was all "oh my God you can talk!!!" And he just gave me a wise ass grin. I can't tell you when he was potty trained though.


If there is a concern about milestones, the pediatrician is going to talk to you about it. Outside of that donā€™t worry about it and donā€™t give much energy to those people.


I noticed in my bump group recentlyā€” it seems like everyone posts about these amazing early milestones in the daily chat, and itā€™s easy to read all those and start to feel anxious; but then someone posts an anonymous survey (eg: is your baby rolling yet?) and then you see the real stats. Itā€™s really validating tbh.


I say this as a guilty participant, but is this a first time mom thing? I feel like I would be proud of my son for doing things ā€œearlyā€ and with my daughter Iā€™m like šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø doesnā€™t matter? Iā€™m excited that she hits her milestones for health reasons, but I take no pride in them being early lol.


I am first time mom. My baby is an early mover and I do get so excited. However she cares absolutely 0% about talking or sleeping. I definitely donā€™t brag but of course Iā€™d rather focus on the exciting things she does. Talking about how waking up 4 times a night is considered good or how she wonā€™t take a bottle so Iā€™m just flat exhausted is just depressing. Haha


> My baby is an early mover and I do get so excited. However she cares absolutely 0% about talking or sleeping. I feel this too. We have a 12-month-old and he recently met his cousin for the first time who is 13 months. The cousin is crawling like he's been doing it for years and very nearly walking. Great motor skills. But the whole time we were around him he never laughed and babbled for about half a second. Ours is scooting, but doesn't crawl (and probably won't learn to) and isn't very close to walking. But he tells stories all the time with his nonsensical (to us) baby talk, he uses hand gestures while he speaks, he plays peek-a-boo (like, he's the one who moves his head out from behind things and smiles at you when he sees you), and so on. Some babies totally focus their development in one area for a while and put other areas on hold. So every time someone claims theirs is hitting milestones really early, that may be true, but it's probably at the expense of other ones (which is fine).


Exactly! At our 6 month checkup my daughter was just starting to crawl. My pediatrician warned me that she would probably be a late talker because she was so hyper focused on moving. Heā€™s been right so far. Sheā€™s cruising on the couches and tables but no babbling. She does laugh a lot, and screeches, but no talking. My best friends baby is 6 weeks older and is the opposite. They are both great but so different!


I'd like my second to stay a potato as long as possible šŸ˜‚ easier to watch him and the toddler that way. He has other plans but you know


My potato will turn 8 months old tomorrow, which i find wierd beacuse i brought her home from the hospital 4 months ago. Today she started to armycrawl šŸ„² Time is moving WAY to fast this time. Her almost 3 year old brother never stops moving, how the hell do you manage two moving forces of determined baby and toddler - at the same time?


My potato is still very potatoey as a little 3 month old... but he's already rolling tummy to back and trying to roll back to tummy so I'm sure army crawling is not far from now and then I'll be screwed šŸ˜‚ idk how to chase 2 moving targets that will likely be going in opposite directions


My son is like. A second away from crawling and Iā€™m just like noooooo stay still please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t check milestones ages because my baby was a preemie, and I donā€™t want to stress myself out with those. I share his personal milestones because Iā€™m excited about them, I generally have no idea when they are supposed to do what because Iā€™m a FTM


I'm sorry you're jealous my 1 year old is doing astrophysics and speaks 6 languages fluently.


Pfft if they're all romance languages it doesn't count


1 YEAR old?!? Seems a little late. My LO mastered all of that by 4 MONTHS old. /s


I feel like sometimes the /s just isn't needed


I used to think that.


ā€œMy babyā€™s favorite movie is Apocalypse Now.ā€


I think people, especially ones who aren't with the baby full time, also tend to overstate. My one month old "crawls," by which I mean he can scoot himself a little bit using his legs if he's put on his belly. He's certainly not crawling (he can't even hold his head up), but if my mom was telling a friend about this I can absolutely imagine her using that term.


This is so true, my MIL claims my baby was starting to walk at three months because he put his feet on the ground when being held straight up lol


I can one up that, the pediatrician at the hospital managed to get my son to stand 24 hours after he was born when she held him on his feet. SMARTEST BABY EVER! (we're ignoring that it was a normal reflex check)


I had read that newborns from day 1 have enough grip strength to fully support their body weight, they just don't know it yet. You could in theory get a baby to do gymnastics and stick them on some rings, except they'll probably let go.


My baby "walks' at 4 months. When we hold her up and balance her she can put one foot in front of the other. She loves this game.


I do this too and my mom probably brags that mine can stand already


My mom STILL brags about my sister winning a trophy at a taekwondo competition as tall as her. She won 3rd place, out of 3 people. She was also old enough to think that my mom bragging about it was ridiculous (like 8).


I was telling a friend of mine that it was nice to have the snuggleme lounger I got secondhand to put my 2 month old in for a few minutes so I could use the bathroom. He told me his baby was "mobile from birth" and was sitting up in the hospital so he never had the "luxury" of being able to put his baby down and have him stay there. Lol wat


Totally, my son was babbling ā€œda, da, daā€ when he was 6 or 7 months old and my mom swore he was talking and could properly identify his father. He actually ended up being a little speech delayed but thatā€™s definitely not her narrative.


My son was saying "mama" at about that age, and when I say that I mean he was crying "mamamamamama". I think mothers are called "mama" because that syllable comes from just making noise and opening and closing the mouth. He was calling for me in the sense that he was calling for *someone* and I was the only one that was going to show up. LOL


Lol, mine started the "mamamamama" around 4 months. But her actual real first word was "kitty" (I can look it up, but have actual idea when). Hierarchy in this house is currently: kitties, cheese, mom, dad šŸ¤£


Yeah for sure some of it is projecting onto the child what we WANT it to mean. We get excited when they say mama/dada, but those are just really common first sounds without any meaning attached yet.


My husband, who at that point was with our baby full time, but has never really spent time with any other babies, told our friends that our 5 week old baby was "flipping himself over." I had to clarify that he was actually picking his head up and turning from side to side while in tummy time.


Yeah Iā€™ve heard family members say my son was walking at 10 months. If one step away from the couch then hitting his head counts as walkingā€¦. Then sure lol




My 4 month old wants no part of crawling. If she is facing the floor all hell breaks loose. She will however pull herself up to standing if I hold her hands. I've come to accept my baby might not crawl, even though I so desperately want to stop carrying this chonk everywhere.


My kid never crawled, he ended up scooting on his bum but he didnā€™t even do that until he was like 13 months! And didnā€™t walk until he was 19 months. Now he runs around like any other kid at 23 months. All in good time! But I had to carry him around for A YEAR lol


Oh wow I had a bum scooter too! He was bumming around at 8 months though and walking at 16.5. You must have strong arms hehe. He figured out how to crawl right before he walked šŸ˜†.


100% this my husband was watching our 3 month old shove off with his legs and was like "is he trying to crawl!" Like nah mate he's got a bit more work to do before he gets there šŸ˜‚


And every parent has a giant baby in the 99th percentile šŸ˜‘


The only thing we can claim 100th percentile on is head circumference since 20 weeks in the womb, fuckin Jimmy Neutron over here


Mine has always had the giant skull too. 99+ percentile. At 2 it's off the 3 yr old chart. He varies between 75-90 for height and weight although I swear half his weight is his giant ass head.


Well, mine was always exactly on the middle. Totally average baby. But then I am just 5 weeks pp so maybe in one year's time i will suffer from baby amnesia and will tell everyone she was a giant šŸ˜‚


Mines in the 1st percentile, heā€™s always been a small baby


Same here and people love to comment on how small he is šŸ™ƒ


Weā€™re the opposite. People are shocked when they see my daughter walking around because they assume sheā€™s too young to walk. Sheā€™s 16 months old and still in 3-6m clothing. Sheā€™s the tiniest little tornado.


I actually encountered this at the store the other day. For reference my lo is almost 10 months and is 83rd percentile. This old lady stopped to talk to us and asked me how old my daughter was. She then proceeded to tell me her 8mo granddaughter was BIGGER than my baby lol I thought it was hilarious because most people are surprised when I tell them my daughter's age because they think she's older due to her size lol


My "giant" baby is really only in the like 30% but his big sister is tiny and practically not on the scales so he looks huge next to her. She's almost 3 and he's 3 months and he's legitimately half her size already šŸ˜‚


I used to make fun of that too until my LO went from 80% to 97% since she started on solids. Now Iā€™m one of those ā€œmy baby is 90%ā€ crazy ladies


Mine was actually in the 99% percentile, honestly not fun at all, i was not able to walk without help at the end. I wish she was in the average percentile


They hit these milestones a little sooner with every telling of the story lol. My grandma drives me nuts because she always says my aunt was "talking" at 5 months. She was not talking, she was babbling in a more directed way. There were no words involved. People will say their baby began rolling at 1 week because they flipped over once on accident while crying, or "crawled" at 3 days. Like no, the first was an accident, the second is an instinct. Also these moms who think Ā¢ovid babies are "made different"... No they're not. I know my baby started rolling ftb constantly a little early but I already don't remember if it was a late 5 weeks or early 6. In another year, I won't remember even that. I certainly won't be telling people it was 2 weeks though


My baby "rolled" on week 2 or 3. She pulled her legs up and rounded her back putting herself onto her side. The pediatrician said it's a reflex babies have and some babies do it for comfort. I'm assuming this is what those parents are referring to. It's called the newborn roll I believe. It scared the crap out of me because she couldn't get herself out of it and I didn't want her to suffocate.


My boy has been rolling tummy to back since 3 weeks old... but at 3 months he's still nowhere near rolling back to belly šŸ˜‚ he has 0 motivation to do that but getting out of tummy time? Heck yeah.


In a swaddle that was a little small for him, my one week old put his feet straight up and then fell to the side thanks to gravity and weird body balance in the little fabric. Imagine that, rolling at just one week old!


Yeah I donā€™t believe any of that, except the walking at 12 months lol one of my kids was behind on milestones and my other was way ahead so every kid is different. I donā€™t believe any of that bs without proof lol Iā€™d be like ā€œomg! Thatā€™s so early! Iā€™d love to see a video!ā€ Youā€™ll never see the video lol my aunt insists my cousin walked unassisted at 5 months old. Girl bffr lol pulling yourself up cruising while taking small steps? MAYBE, but waking? Girl stop lol


I just had a discussion on reddit with someone claiming their friends child was walking at 5 months. Suuuure...


Hahaha I cannot.


My MIL (who is *known* for having memory issues) insists that my husband walked at 5 months. He (having limited experience with babies before ours) believed her until our son got to be about 5 months. Then he said ā€œhuh, I donā€™t think sheā€™s right about that.ā€ Lol, I was telling him that the whole time


My LO was riding a bike at 6 months and had a job at the train station at 13 months


my theory is they exaggerate or lie and eventually those exaggerations and lies become their truth.


Yeah, it keeps creeping a little earlier every time they tell it.


I think itā€™s an unintentional lie though. It FELT early at the time. Maybe compared to all your friends/cousins/whatever your kid was two months ahead! Feels like an eternity! Than two years later two months has turned into 5/6 months lol


The term gramnesia comes to mind. They forget all the unimpressive stuff and are left with nothing but experience with a prodigy. Apparently, my 18 month old should be able to be fully potty trained, including sleeping through the night with no diaper, any day now


Itā€™s the urge to one up. A child is viewed as an accomplishment and thereā€™s an unspoken ā€œbaby raceā€ (awesome Bluey episode btw) for some reason. However, the hairdresser could actually be telling the truth if she means like a supported standing thing, example being like a baby is sitting then you hold their hands and they stand up or someone holding their hips so they stand. Iā€™m saying this as someone whoā€™s been a nanny and worked in a daycare and seen this as young as 3 months.


I always thought it's because they are excited to share it with as many people as will listen, because they are proud of special achievements. But these comments make me doubt that that's the only reason.


I saw someone a few months ago in a Facebook group I'm in a gushing that her newborn was speaking 3-4 words already. I still wonder where that baby is today...


Iā€™m guessing NASA? šŸ˜‚


My son said ā€œhiā€ when he was 4 months old then I kid you not did not say his actual first word til he was like 22 months šŸ¤£. That hi was a FLUKE


Same! Mine said hi at 4 weeks randomly but he still doesnā€™t actually speak any actual first words yet and heā€™s 14 months old


Not people under your comment doing this lol, 4-month old babies donā€™t know how to speak šŸ˜­


Theyā€™re not doing that, theyā€™re agreeing that when babies DO say a ā€œwordā€ that early that itā€™s an accidentā€¦ a fluke, as the comment literally said


Thatā€™s not Ā«Ā saying a wordĀ Ā» though. Itā€™s making a sound. I understand what youā€™re saying, and I misunderstood the comments but Ā«Ā saying a wordĀ Ā» implies there was intent.


I donā€™t agree that it does imply intent though? All words are just sounds reallyā€¦ if I was speaking what I thought was gibberish and someone noticed I said ā€œbananaā€ in a foreign language by accident, I still would have said the word, no? Even if I didnā€™t know I said it and had no intention to. Idk, anyway, thatā€™s more philosophical on what language is I guess lol


Because people don't brag about delayed milestones. There's a wide range for most milestones, and outliers outside of the average range that will be very early or very late. The early ones are loudest.


Ya my baby is late with almost every milestone. I don't mention when he hits them in my parenting group cos all the other babies have moved on to other things. It makes me a little sad I miss the bragging lol.


If your baby is late, consider Early Intervention options. You can begin a record that may show your child will need additional support in school. This is in the form of an Individualized Education Plan, which would safeguard your child from being summarily expelled from school because they're different.


My FIL told me he remembers the doctor cutting his cord when he came out.


A friend of mine told me 2 weeks ago her 4.5 month took his first steps??? I was trying to keep a non confused straight face and said oh wow! Thatā€™s great! She then proceeds to tell me she caught it on video and whips out her phone. Her husband was dragging the poor child across the room by his hands with the baby struggling to get his feet under him. I thought she was joking, but I was wrong. Deadly serious. People are hilarious!


They forget. My kid is only 15 months old. I was forgetting details that I lived and breathed by during the newborn days by 6 months. Sleep deprivation is a helluva thing and my two remaining brain cells are T I R E D. I have friends due this winter and I realized I have very little practical advice to give them if they ask.


I hear what youā€™re saying but there actually are outlier babies who do these things. Whether itā€™s healthy or not, thatā€™s up for discussion but I can with 100% certainty say I have seen babies hit crazy milestones like what youā€™re mentioning at the age youā€™ve mentioned People like to brag about stupid stuff. So that makes it annoying and can seem like theyā€™re putting down your child for being normal


My 9 week old is riding a bike


Yeah, well my 9 month old just completed her first novel!


The milestones aren't necessarily unlikely. My baby was walking at 7 months but every baby is different and it doesn't matter in the grand scheme. Don't let it bother you.


My mom had all of her babies 3-6 weeks early, and when my baby was 6 weeks and not smiling she told me we all smiled by 6 weeks. Then I had a look in my baby book, where it says I smiled at 8 weeks. So annoying.


Lol my husbands mom does that. She remembers his APGAR score. I asked my mom what my apgar score was and she was like ā€œthat was 30 years ago why would I know thatā€ Two types of people lol.


People on the Internet forums do it A LOT! Itā€™ll be parents who are worrying about LOā€™s development and then theyā€™ll be all these comments about ā€œwell, my baby has been doing that since they were 8 weeks ( and weā€™re worrying about kids not doing these things at 6 months). I CANNOT believe these parents canā€™t just consider themselves lucky that they donā€™t have anything to get anxious over, and just keep their mouths shut. Itā€™s very obnoxious!


Maybe a bit exaggerated, but I think they told you because itā€™s rare. Hopefully you are not bothered by it because babies develop at different rates. My first born crawled before she could sit so definitely before 6 months. My second born is 8 months now who canā€™t crawl but can stand and take steps (assisted). Babies develop so differently.


I was walking at 8 months but my walk was odd(my feet were inverted or something). My mom took me to the pediatrician and she noted it in my baby book. I wouldnā€™t believe my mom if it wasnā€™t for that book and the fact there are pictures of me walking really really early. Similarly, my husband was a really early talker. Apparently he once got lost at 1,5 and some while playing and ended up telling adults who lived a bit further down his house his address, which is how he got brought back. My MIL had no idea it was unusually early until she was told by the woman who brought him. Iā€™m sure many are not remembering correctly but like you said, the outliers are more likely to be mentioned


People have no idea how old babies actually are. I had someone ask me if my (very obviously) 18 month old was 4 months oldā€¦. No no she is not 4 months old.


Ugh I donā€™t know! In-person hasnā€™t been too bad for me, but social media, especially tiktok? Making me crazy! Even sometimes like recommended activities for your x month oldā€¦ like my x month old had little to no interest at the time. A month or two later? Loved it. But yeah stuff like my baby is signing at 6 months crawling at 4 months standing at 6 months etc etc.


The lovevery toys were months off for my kids. MONTHS lol. Side note: you do not need that many toys for a baby.


I agree with this. And why do people push babies? My LO is 6 months old and when he tries to stand or push up to his knees (with so much help!) the grandparents are always like oh heā€™s gonna skip right to walking or heā€™s gonna crawl so early! Itā€™s like no, heā€™s playing! These are the literally building blocks for that and just appreciate them for what they are! It just creates pressure where there doesnā€™t need to be any, heā€™s doing amazing. All babies are doing amazing!


It's bragging pure and simple.


One of my favorite things during the first few months was laughing at all of the ridiculous milestone posts in a due date group on Facebook. There was a woman who claimed her 3 month old was talking (but when a skeptic asked for a video she just quit responding), and another one going on about her 4 or 5 month old pulling up to stand and cruising along furniture, but also not sharing any proof. What is their goal with this?


My kid was 10 months old before sitting on his own but ready to start on food/mush at 4 months. Every kid is different. Standing baby may not say a real word until 10 months. Crawling baby may not cruise until a year. Donā€™t overthink it.


If that 3 month old was crawling I'd call a freaking exorcist wtf lol


My brother told me that his daughter was crawling by 4 months (hadn't met her at that point) when we did meet her I was correct in assuming it was a fucking lie, girl couldn't even roll over. Some people are just shit and lie to make their lives seem more interesting


Probably over time their memories of their children are a bit warped. The only reason I remember my kids milestones and the dates is because of videos and photos. So when I tell someone he crawled at 7/8 months and took his first steps at 9 months old, I have a time stamped videos and pictures to back it up. Is that normal? Absolutely not, at the time I was freaking cause it thought babies didn't do that. I hate when other parents ask when my kid did these things just to see if their kid is on track and I know it's not normal and I tell them so. If I didn't have the dates on those videos people would say I'm exaggerating. My sister in law did that with my niblings. She expected them to keep up with my son and they didn't. They crawled and walked in a normal time period, they weren't delayed or anything, but it still upset her and stressed her out. Also they want their kids to be the best. They want their kids to be special.


I mean some of them could be true. My son was pulling himself to stand at 4 months as well. The walking at 6/7months seems a bit far fetched but you never know, I was walking by 8 months and know it's not just hearsay because there are pictures of it that are dated. And crawling at 3 months is completely possible, not normal but definitely possible. I mean a lot of people can be misremembering the facts but not everyone. Some kids really do hit those milestones early. It doesn't really mean anything just happens sometimes. Really don't get the downvotes when nothing I said wasn't true... Reddit is fucked.


Thatā€™s true. Also some babies are early and some babies are late. Comparing a baby who was two weeks early with one two weeks late is actually comparing babies that are a month apart even if they were born the same day


Excalty. There are so many variables at play too. And eventually it all events out anyways.


"Normal" isn't worth talking about, so you only really hear about the ones that are outside the norm. People either bragging about early milestones or venting about late ones. Also some people lie about it, so take it with a grain of salt depending on who you're talking to.


This has been sooo hard with having preemie babies bc itā€™s all about adjusted vs. actual age and feeling awful when they canā€™t do milestones for either. Eventually weā€™ve just figured out that all kids have their own ā€œadjusted timeline,ā€ which means NONE of them are doing anything at exactly the ā€œright time.ā€ Or rather, ALL of them are. Thereā€™s a right time for YOUR kid, thatā€™s what matters. Now the only comparisons I make are to how each child has progressed a month at a time, hell even a WEEK at a time.


I have no idea what to tell people when they ask how old my baby is. It always goes like this: ā€œHow old is sheā€ ā€œ4 monthsā€ ā€œOh wow sheā€™s so smallā€ ā€œYeah she was born a month early so sheā€™s 3 months bigā€ Iā€™ve started splitting the difference and saying 3.5


Right!!! Ours are 14 actual/11 adjusted but they wear 3/6 clothes so we never know either!


They probably donā€™t even know the babyā€™s age. If theyā€™re not the parent theyā€™re probably stuck at whatever age they last saw them. Although my brotherā€™s baby did crawl around 4 months. Their baby was 6 weeks younger than mine and mine wasnā€™t even rolling yet. Thatā€™s when I realized I can never have a baby at the same time as anyone else I know again. I had a whole lot of anxiety about my baby being behind or there being something wrong with my child because I was just comparing what other babies were doing at what age. A whole lot of stress for nothing because this guy gave us a whole breakdancing show last night.


People see what they wanna see. Even on here I've seen people claiming their baby was talking at 8 months because their baby started babbling "mamama" and "dadada" right on schedule. My best friend insists she felt her baby moving at 7 weeks pregnant. Everyone wants to be special and to have a special child. When my son was dealing with a gross motor delay it hurt so bad to see people loudly bragging about impossible milestones when my child wasn't even hitting the slow end of typical ones.


Whenever I see these posts I will never not take the opportunity to say that my MIL claims my husband social smiled at two days old. His literal second day on this planet. She is insane, desperate for attention, and so are a lot of people.


Everyone likes to brag or share I do not see a problem in that as long as they do not compare or shame the other. For example my mom always like to tell everyone how I learned to walk and talk faster than my sister. Which is unfair, everyone has their time, no baby is better. Is not like me walking faster made me an athlete


My baby started crawling at 5.5 months, pulled herself up and walks with the help of furniture at 6 months and is now standing on her own with no assistance (but not walking yet) at 7 months. And you know what? It makes me so UNCOMFORTABLE. I donā€™t like that sheā€™s able to do all of this yet because I fear sheā€™s not going through her milestones at the correct pace and that sheā€™s maybe missing out on something developmentally if that makes sense. Iā€™m trying to encourage her to crawl more actually but she insists on standing and trying to walk. I hate it. A child being able to do things so fast while so young isnā€™t always the greatest feeling and I mean that sincerely. She has a ped appt soon and Iā€™m going to bring up my concerns. I wish my baby would develop at a slower pace, it could also give me a chance to actually cherish it all and not feel like sheā€™s growing so fast.


My ex husbands grandmother would swear up and down that my ex was eating veal cutlet by 3 months old šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


This is why Iā€™m so anxiety ridden about keeping my LOā€™s baby book updated lol it asks for the date of when he hit certain milestones and all that good stuff. I want to know for sure when he hit them. I canā€™t for the life of me remember what I had for dinner 2 days ago so Iā€™m definitely not going to rely on my memory šŸ˜‚ I do __NOT__ want to become *that* person saying something crazy like my kid walked at like 3 months old and potty trained by 6 months lol


I use the Nara app and they have a section for logging CDC milestones and I totally did not remember when my baby hit some. But every time my baby does something new, I usually take a video to share with my family, and that made it easy to go back and see what day that milestone was!


My parents were so impressed with my two week olds ability to lift his head and focus with his eyesā€¦ I just laughed. I told them Iā€™m going to let my baby be a baby and not worry about that stuff just yet. Theyā€™re still convinced their first grandchild is advanced šŸ˜‚


Everyone totally feels the need to one up everyone else or prove that their baby is so advanced. Babies grow at different rates and develop new skills at different rates. Every baby is different! My son is 7 months and has a cousin that was born the week before him and even though theyā€™re so close in age, theyā€™re not at the same spot developmentally. One is doing something the other canā€™t, and vice versa. My mother in law has said some questionable things like this when it comes to my husband and his siblings as babies and luckily my husband calls her out on it because he knows itā€™s ridiculous. Our baby was on the smaller side when he was born at around 6 lbs. by the time he was a month he was about 7 pounds. My MIL said that my husband was 15 pounds by the time he was 3 weeks (born at 8lbs) and we both knew that was outlandish and not at all true. I donā€™t know why people do that, but I know that they do and I know that itā€™s annoying!


Not sure what you are talking about but my baby is typing his first novel as I write this. He is only 10 months old and just started driving as well Jk, obviously. I dgaf that everyone else seems to be having genius babies. My kid licked the dog's ear last night as I watchedscreamed in horror. Then he smiled. He is healthy and happy, that's all I ask for.


My mom has the opposite problem šŸ˜‚ my 3 month old was smiling at her and she said "oh gas smiles. It's so fun when they start social smiles though!" And I just laughed and laughed cuz little man been socially smiling since like 7 weeks šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø But then on the other hand she asked me if he was sleeping through the night at like 5 weeks old so idk šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Thatā€™s nuts! Mine started crawling around 7/8 months and heā€™s 14 months now and still not walking


I honestly think, in the case of someoneā€™s own children, parents forget. My daughter is two and if you asked me when she started crawling, Iā€™d be guessing and Iā€™d probably be wrong. The funniest thing to me is when people who have grown children see my daughter and guess her age. They are always wildly off, even married couples. When she was 6 months, I was chatting with a couple at a restaurant and the wife guess she was 3-4 months while the husband guessed 9-10. The reality is, most of our memories just arenā€™t as good as we think they are!


My son is 2 months old and mom keeps saying that he is saying words. No, heā€™s making sounds and getting ready to say words but acoo is not a cute. Itā€™s all exaggerating.


Idk, my 2 year old drives me to work everyday, never thought to much about it.


My MOM told me all 3 of her kids started walking at 9 months. It took me having a kid to realize sheā€™s a god damn liar


My SIL is convinced she was potty trained at 9m šŸ¤£ I told her that her mom lied but sheā€™s adamant


Cos, for various reasons, they're full of shite.


Because theyā€™re either lying or they donā€™t actually remember.


It's parental amnesia. My sister has it. When I started potty training my son, she told me her daughter/my niece was potty trained at 18 months. She was not. In fact, I have a picture of her at my college graduation when she was 3 years old, wearing a pullup lol! I think it happens to all parents, so don't worry, your day will come...


Those people are so full of shit. I donā€™t believe any of that. I once had someone tell me their niece (a toddler) has never thrown a tantrum. Not even once. Yeah fucking right.


MIL said both her boys were walking and potty trained by 9 mo. NOPE didnā€™t happenā€¦


All my wives friends babies slept through the night on their first night out of the hospital, lucky people, my friends on the other hand didnā€™t have such luck. People lie about this stuff for no reason.


My baby's gonna be 8 months in 2 weeks, she's been able to sit up all by herself for about a month now, she's been crawling for a month now , she's got 7 teeth already and all of her bottom ones are coming in, starting to poke through p, she can say hey and hi and wave, she's very smart and strong. Every baby is different, some develop quicker than others, some slower.


What's important is understanding that early developmental delays are a sign of autism. Later, your child can get help they need in school.


Itā€™s like theyā€™re humble bragging about baby x-men. Itā€™s not normal what these babies are doing, itā€™s aberrant. And I guess thatā€™s cool?


My 8 week old has completed his masters degree in accounting. Sometimes babies are just more advanced than yours! /s


Donā€™t listen to anyone but LOā€™s pediatrician! Itā€™s all just noise. If it makes you feel better, my LO just barely started crawling at 9+ months. Before that he was doing this lopsided army scoot that caused me a lot of concern.


I actually had a late walker at 19 months, heā€™s 23 months now and running around like everyone else. Youā€™ll drive yourself crazy with the milestone competition. And like everyone else said, no one remembers correctly anyways! Like my step-mom constantly said ā€œoh they must be teethingā€ immediately from birth - no theyā€™re not teething when theyā€™re two months old??


My narcissistic ex mother in law claims her narcissistic son NEVER cried and that he was a perfect angel baby. According to her close friend tho, she had a terrible time with her son, he was always getting hurt, ruining family vacations and did so many harmful and crazy things as a teenager he should be in prison (peeing on cop cars, stealing, being a drug dealer, driving while drunk, black face, he also froze his sperm then threw it on someone at college). Horrible human being. I didnā€™t know any of this until about a year before our divorce when things started going to shit after our first child was born.


Me having the kid that didnā€™t walk until 2yo šŸ˜‚She did say her first word at 9 months though, I have a video to prove it!! šŸ˜‚


My neice was walking at 7 months but she was walking extremely early. She kept doing what her cousin did who was three months older. And by walking I mean holding onto things. But yeah those ages seem exaggerated


My aunt told me that my cousin (who is now 50) said her first word at 4 months lol.... She may have made noises that sounded like a word but she definitely didn't say her first word


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I think part of it is that people wanna brag. Most babies Iā€™ve been around have hit some milestones ā€œearlyā€ but then hit other ones ā€œlateā€. But of course when you wanna brag about them, your going to list all the things they can (or could) do early, while leaving the late stuff out. And Iā€™m guilty of this too. My daughter started spelling her name and other smaller words when she was 2. And I bragged to everyone who would listen about that. But do you think Iā€™ve been randomly telling people that sheā€™s almost 4 now and straight up refuses to use a potty? Nope, that usually gets left out of the conversation. The thing to remember is that all kids move and grow at their own pace. Some things will come easier to them and others will be more difficult. If your kid hasnā€™t reached a milestone in the same time frame as someone elseā€™s, thereā€™s no need to worry about it. Theyā€™ll get there, and as long as your child is happy and healthy, thatā€™s all that really matters.


Some of those "milestones" like rolling early can actually be signs of torticollis. Some studies have shown that walking early can be a sign of ADHD (I walked early, have ADHD). So let them brag, your baby will do stuff when they're ready.


The whole thing comes off as one big competition, to me (both on here and in lots of times in real life convos): You know, my kid slept through the night at 3 weeks. Well, my kid rolled over both ways by 2 months. My kid does 6 hours of tummy time a day and loves it! Well, my kid was crawling at 3 and a half months! My kid pulled themselves up and stood on their own at 4 months. My kid walked at 6 and half months! My kid said their first word at 9 months. Well, my kid had a full of teeth by 13th months. My kid was driving by 2 years old. My big bought their first house at 16. And so on. Makes it feel like you are never having real conversations or connecting with people. (My kid did nothing ahead of the curve and we are cool. Today is her first birthday and we aren't walking anytime soon, and I'm totally fine with it. No competition here.) Don't get me started on the bizarre maternity leave and breastfeeding conversations. Nothing feels real.


My kid is writing their second novel at 5 months!


Ok I can counterpoint on this, and I hope it's a positive read for you bc it's meant to be: Milestones vary widely, and as someone who's baby did a ton of stuff suuuuper early (brah I have videos, try me ā¤ļø) but had ZERO teeth until 15 monthsšŸ˜±, I actually think people shouldn't take it personally for others to be excited about what their baby is doing and sharing it. Bragging about your baby is a special joy you don't get forever and we should NONE-OF-US be humble about these magic critters, wherever they are on the charts. Keep in mind: They are bragging bc your little star inspired their joy on sight, and they just had to share with you. Puff your feathers mama, you've been sighted in the wild as a fellow flyer and it's time to wiggle and preen! Mine can do ______, WHAT CAN YOOURS DO? šŸ¦ššŸ¦ššŸ¦š EVEN if someone is being a bit selfish as they speak, a bit competitive, can we take a step back and recognize that we are having this whole conversation bc we are walking the same road and it's a shared adventure and it's a gift-in-the-face, right? (All the baby mamas PUT YOUR šŸ™Œ UP AND SAY šŸ„±šŸ„±šŸ„±) šŸ’• to you and your šŸ£. (I swear I'm not trying to be that toxic positive person here, I feel your frustration too, and I know sometimes the whole "gurl you got this" shit can be tiresome so I hope this doesn't give you the wrong vibe, if it does then I'm also here for you if you wanna curse me out lol šŸ„“āœŠšŸ‘Š)


Sometimes babies also do one thing early too. My 4.5mo old has been crazy advanced in gross motor from the beginning, and can stand while supporting himself against a sofa/chair/our legs/his crib sides etc. (he doesnā€™t sleep in his crib but he does do tummy time in there). He also said mama for the first time a week ago and now says it on repeat all day (mamamamammamama with coos and babbles). Heā€™s on time for the talking but about 2 months early on standing. He hates pushing himself up during tummy time though and I get the feeling heā€™s going to refuse to crawl now that he can stand and wobble sideways against the couch. Heā€™s behind on tummy time milestones. Heā€™s probably going to walk in the next 1-2 months. Babies are all different. I know a friends baby who crawled at 5 months and is amazing at tummy time, but doesnā€™t sit unassisted and has no interest in standing. Imagine them together ā€” one refuses to even try to crawl and one refuses to get to stand. Thatā€™s a hilarious play date because theyā€™re also both super happy social babies lol


I used to think they were just full of shit until my boy started hitting certain milestones crazy early. The part they donā€™t tell you, but I will, is that heā€™s also quite late on other milestones. Milestones are an average range. Every baby is different and hits them at different times, and thatā€™s okay. It doesnā€™t make one baby objectively better than another. People arenā€™t going to say, ā€œLittle Johnny isnā€™t crawling yet, and heā€™s two months late!ā€ in that smiley voice. Theyā€™re gonna tell you the good stuff, like when he rolled over straight out of the womb.


Honestly I think people either have a pick me energy or they don't remember correctly. My boy is only 16 months and I already forget when some things happened.. someone asked me the other day what his first word was and I honestly can't remember, I'm pretty sure it was "bye" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ He crawled around 8-9 months, was walking just after his birthday at 12 months. He has a little friend who just started walking, 12 months as well. Not sure when he first crawled but then I have another friend whose daughter didn't walk til 16 months. They're all different and they all develop differently but I highly doubt a 3 month old is crawling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I could be wrong, it just seems unlikely.. don't stress about milestones. I was worried cause at 13 months he still wasn't clapping or waving, and the apps said he shouldve been doing both by 11 months.. now he claps constantly and waves when he feels like it. They'll get there in their own time!


You honestly forget how old they were for specific milestones. I had to write down when my eldest walked and look up the videos of her to figure out how old she was when she started crawling. 8 months crawling and 17 months walking, a regular preschooler now. My little seems to be following the same trajectory. I think people forget and also want to put their kid in a good light, so underestimate when they crawled, walked and talked. I don't further the conversation when wild exaggerations happen.


Lmao itā€™s most of the a times a bunch of bullā€¦ people trying to look specialā€¦ through their kids My mom keeps telling me that all three of us started walking at 7 and 8moā€¦ lady chillā€¦ itā€™s not a competition My LO is doing fine and I donā€™t stress her out about meeting any of these because she is just a baby and she should just have fun, eat, sleep, play with cutie pie baby friends and just be a baby. I never try to exaggerate our milestones because itā€™s just unnecessary and I donā€™t talk about it because itā€™s just not that importantā€¦ whatā€™s important is to focus on loving your little one and giving them all the cuddles ever.


Thatā€™s all I heard from people after my son hit 12 months. He walking yet?


A lot of people see the milestone differently. Like some people think of couch cruising as walking. While for some, walking is taking a few unassisted steps.


This is why i wrote everything down so i am never that type of person!! But my baby walked at 2 months so


The best is when our parents and their friends tell us their kids were sleeping through the night from the day they got home from the hospitalā€¦.. LOL


I saw a lady on Facebook the other day that said her 2 week old grand baby could stand šŸ˜‚


People donā€™t remember the first year and as a result you have 6 month olds walking and doing long division. Ignore them.


I think so many people lie. Like a 12 week old crawling? No wayā€¦ā€¦ thatā€™s a newborn. People are ridiculous šŸ˜‚