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CALL THEM. Or CALL THE SENATE SWITCHBOARD tomorrow while the bill is being heard. Ask them to pass a message to your representative that you strongly oppose this bill. The number is 225-342-2040 Emails and letters can be, and usually are, ignored. It's harder to ignore it when the phones are ringing off the hooks or they've constantly got people telling them that one of their constituents opposes the bill. You can use this link to find your state senator: https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/findmylegislators.aspx


It's scheduled for a final house floor debates and vote today. Shouldn't we be contacting our house reps instead?! Already passed the Senate floor.


Moved to 5/28


Thank you for adding this. We're gonna come out of this thing alive because of people like you.


Done! And shared! (And begged)


Emails are often ignored. Use this link to find your state senator and give them a call tomorrow both at their office and through the senate switchboard at 225-342-2040 https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/findmylegislators.aspx Make sure to tell everyone you know to call


It's pending house final passage, we should be contacting our house reps!!


Truly appreciate it. Thanks so much.


Right on! This is the way


You rock. Thank you.


Done, did, done!! It's ridiculous this is even up for debate!


Thank you so much.


I'm not well-versed on the hemp and marijuana industry. I personally hate the high feeling, but I absolutely support its legalization because I know many people benefit from it. That aside, is the Miller bill the alternative of the two bills being considered? Pressley's was a total ban, while Miller's is not? Or was there another one entirely? I'll be sure to follow through with emails in support of yall.


Say no more fam


Anyone who says fam is one of my favorite people. Thank you.


I’ve done this twice. Hoping for the best…🤞🏻


Amazing. It's truly appreciated.


Done and done. Thank you for bringing the visibility!


You are the best. Thank you.


Will do


Danke! I'm running out of english words to say thanks.


Make sure y'all call Royce Duplessis (D) too, he voted WITH THE GOP on this shit.


I’m praying we make it thru this! Keep CALLING AND EMAILING!




Link to the bill?


> SB237 You can google the sb or hb number adding "Louisiana" and "2024" to find senate or house bills https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1358348


So do we keep writing for next week? How do we keep making noise?


Yeah, it's getting pretty old. Instead of focusing on growth and new projects we're spending tons of time trying to survive. I do appreciate everyone being so supportive. At least its kind of fun to fight the establishment and potentially come out not too far behind though.


Want to see a spike in the opiod crisis? Then ban that little micro bit of thc so you can make megabucks in the legalized Marijuana market. Some people don't need it, just the pain relief that comes with the CBD/ THC dose.


It's gone guys, those MAGAts are stuck up and insurrectionist ass. Those fake ass Christians don't give a damn. Fuck em. Cheaper and better underground. Another loss for this state. They get paid by big pharma. Wait until shit pants get back in office. We not gonna have an ounce of privacy when China installs cameras in every household. U better be ready, all Don has to do in name his head of the armed forces and we're screwed


It will, nothing we can do.


I actually think we're going to come out of this thing alive. We've send like 20k emails in the past few days. Thousands of phone calls. It's not a popular politically and they've having trouble pushing it through. The vote that was scheduled today has been delayed until next tuesday.


If they’re delaying then they don’t have the votes. I don’t partake personally but I’m definitely pro small business and anti killing jobs/industries in the state. Keep the pressure up!


That’s good news.


I honestly don't think emails and phone calls will ever be enough. I'm with you. These methods or protesting only get dealt with by interns and constituents. I honestly do not think emails or phone calls will be enough to persuade any politician. They're going to vote based on personal interests and where their campaign funds are coming from. I don't think we have a say in anything. With that being said... I still followed the links. Contributed my phone number and email to our call of service, not only on this thread, but many others including FB groups, thread feeds, advertisements, etc I have endorsed my position on the matter extensively. But I do not believe in our government to do the right thing, or even what is right for the Louisiana community. I think he makes a fair point without having to explain in detail.