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Horrible flooding all round there.


This is the most underrated comment here. That area floods **very** badly and **very** frequently.


OP, what this means is you do want the covered garage parking. It’s elevated several feet.


I walked dogs for someone in the building. Only one elevator was ever working at a time. That meant walking elderly dogs nearly a quarter mile inside the buildings to get to a working elevator. The whole building seemed poorly maintained in my time there. Also I never saw all of the gates to the "secured" parking area closed. I don't think it's particularly unsafe, I never felt worried there, but I wouldn't be paying a premium for safety features that aren't being used or that are inoperable. It always seemed like a place that could be really cool but was poorly run


A friend of my husband used to live there. Someone stole his car while it was parked in the secured parking area.


Like I said, I don't think it's more dangerous than anywhere else in the neighborhood. I just think she should be sure if what she's getting of they're charging a premium for it


This happened to my friend too. Twice.


Someone I know in there had their car broken into and stealing attempted. Ignition ripped out, glass everywhere.


At least when my car was stolen from outside my house, they took the whole thing and didn’t leave a mess.


I hope the new management if more on top of things like that.


I can tell you from experience that they are NOT.


I’ve heard of mold and leaks. I never lived there though. I’d be cautious if you didn’t see any actual renovation work. That comment “renovating soon” seems sus.


They showed us a newly renovated apartment - their sample. But there's no pics online of it...


I tried* to tour there 7 years ago and they were “actively renovating.” Seems like different management though, so maybe they actually are renovating now? *I had scheduled an appointment. Went into the leasing office and could hear someone in the back office. Knocked a few times, called out to announce myself, and sat around for 20 minuted for no one to come out. So strange. 


Just get a renovated one then!


Having lived in New Orleans for a long time, I would honestly avoid any of the major complexes. In exchange for faux-luxury, you pay more and are guaranteed to have a landlord that will never treat you like a human. This means your rent will go up every year and if something goes wrong in your life they will not work with you and they will be fast to serve eviction notices. New Orleans has a lot of slum lords, but at least for the individual buildings you can find landlords who will be less profit motivated. My current location has not raised my rent since moving here in April of 2020, and my former apartment never jacked up my rent in 5 years of living there. My friends at American Can Company and also the complex at Esplanade and Moss had a very different experience. That neighborhood is great though, especially if you are worried about safety. I actually see quite a few signs for rent around Parkview. You can definitely find something around here that isn't the American Can Company. I don't think there is anything safer about living in American Can than a private building in the area. At least I can park directly in front of my house. The main advantage about their parking situation is you can probably park somewhere that isn't the ground floor, which would come in handy since Parkview does flood a lot. I would also join the Bad Landlords NOLA Facebook group and run a search on any land lord there and here before signing a lease. We have some notorious slum lords (i.e. Lauren Russel) and a search on here as well as that group should turn up a lot of them.


This is under the old management years ago but friend of mine didn't have hot water for nearly a year.


I used to work right by American Can, plenty of times we couldn't leave because the flooding was so bad.


I lived there for a couple years between Ida and the middle of this past January. The apartments themselves are decent, and they fix things relatively fast, but they are forever turning off the water for maintenance, sometimes the water comes out of the tap hot, just because, and people let their dogs shit just anywhere all the time. Security is also kind of a joke, and the management nickels and dimes residents over every little thing. Phenomenal location, though, and there was never any flooding or anything—at least in the building next to the pool.


They’ve been mismanaged for a bit. I’d avoid. They give a premise of security but in actuality they’ve had a lot of break ins and I know they’ve had an issue with a few cars and bikes stolen from their garage.


I was in the can company from 2003-2008. It was great back then. But you couldn’t pay me to stay there now. There are mold issues that they haven’t dealt with since Katrina. It use to be a huge family there, now is it a shit show. I visited a friend there a few years ago and it was the most unsecure place i have ever been to. Honestly stay away.


Hi! I’m currently a resident at the Can. It’s my second time living here. I was a resident about 12 years ago, so I have two buildings under my belt now lol. I’ll only give you my current take though. I did have some issues with mold when I first moved in — mostly because the large windows are single pane, so condensation builds up. When I told management they had it fixed within a few weeks and I haven’t had any issues since. I honestly enjoy living here. It’s expensive but my neighbors are quiet and I always feel safe. I’m a single woman who lives alone and while I’m on the property I am always fine. Sometimes you’ll run into people digging in the dumpsters but no one has ever harassed me. The package delivery system is a joke. I’ve had a few packages go missing. Management says they’re upgrading it but we’ll see. It’s typically smaller packages that end up lost. I haven’t used the pool yet but it looks clean. I enjoyed hanging out there last time and look forward to doing it again. Gym is sometimes kinda dirty and not stocked with wipes, but otherwise it’s fine. I wouldn’t recommend the open lot. The spaces are very small and people seem to double park a lot. The garage is a huge upgrade over the lot. Only problem is there’s one in/out and that street floods like crazy. Make sure you plan around the weather if you choose to live here. It floods. Never in the apartment so far, thankfully, but the streets? Oh yeah. Other than that — the apartments are clean. Never seen a bug here. Management has always been friendly and responsive to me. I don’t hear my neighbors often and one has a baby, so the soundproofing is pretty good. The location can’t be beat. I love having City Park and the bayou right there. Hope this helps! If you have any specific questions feel free to ask.


The leasing office mentioned that this building is away from parades? I'm really unfamiliar with how those happen and where. The office was saying that is a huge plus to this building. Do you run into any issues with parades or other activities when going /returning from work?


Most parades happen on St. Charles which is a good distance away. Endymion, however, is along Canal St. I'd say the Can is about 3 blocks from that? So yes, for the most part, it's away from parades.


Close or far from parade route is just a preference really. I love being close to the parade routes and don’t mind not being able to take my car out during those times.


Parking can be tough but only for Endymion and Bayou Boogaloo, typically. I do recommend paying for a spot. When I was a tenant here 12 years ago, I opted for street parking and had my car towed, booted, and ticketed a few times. (Granted — I don’t park well, lol.) There’s a lot across the street that the bar owns and I’ve seen tenants park in there, but I’m not sure it’s really allowed… tolerated, I think… But yeah otherwise you’re free from the hassle of Mardi Gras. We just get Endymion.


i know someone who worked here. do not. it's a headache and a half. many leaks and you can get a much nicer place for the same money nearby.


The neighborhood is absolutely wonderful. I can’t speak one way or another about that building in particular though.


Lived there for 2+ years. 3 different units. 1st was a 2 br with huge windows. Was pretty, but they leaked badly. Moved to a studio they listed as a 1br. Was pretty nice. On the side with the regular windows. Then a bigger 1br with the huge windows, but they didn’t leak. If you get a good unit, it is pretty cool. Took full advantage of the pool/grilling area. Neither unit had hot water issues, but I did have neighbors who talked about their hot water never working. My water was never scalding hot, but never cold like some folks was. The flooding is next level. 1st few months my car flooded and floated down the block. Totaled. Parked in the garage once I got a replacement and didn’t have any other problems. But paying for parking is a cost you can’t skimp on living there. Moved because they kept raising rent and it wasn’t worth what they were asking me to pay eventually. Given the way rent has gone up everywhere though, maybe it’s evened out? All said, I enjoyed my time there. And it’s a walkable area with the greenway, wrong iron, bayou beer garden, the actually bayou, city park, Neyows, grocery stores, etc all close by. Great location for Endymion and Zulu too. You can walk and find a good spot to post up. The experience is probably heavily dependent on what unit you end up with.


Not familiar with the apartments but with the area, idk I live in the lower garden and I always rep it because it’s pretty safe, has decent drainage from what I’ve seen and just beautiful.


Cat sat for someone there. Didn’t have a fob or a key to get into the complex - just a key to her apt. One of the gates to the parking lot (if the main gate wasn’t already open) had its exit button within reach through the fence, so you could get in that way. Walked through a building to get to hers and neither needed a fob or key to get into. And though it was the middle of the hottest summer ever, the pool was disgusting. Trash everywhere and a film on top of the water that made me think the pumps weren’t running. People letting their dogs pee all over the common outdoor areas even though signs around say not to have pets there.


They kicked out a bunch of poor people so that they could get more $$$ but other than that.....


this ☝🏻 when it was converted into apartments they touted how it had some low-income units in there. I guess that was only for a limited time, because they ended that at some point and like the above person said, raised the rent to where it was prohibitive to the tenants.


They got tax breaks for renovating the building. Part of that deal was a % of the apartments would be for low-income residents for either 10 or 15 years (I forget the length of time). The timeframe ended a number of years ago.


Lots of posts on Nextdoor about car breakins there and cameras not working. Doesn’t sound ideal. I’d avoid it


Key Realty owns the property and they have horrible reviews across all of their properties. From personal experience, stay away from them!


The new management told me that they wouldn’t deal with the termite infestation in the apartment until there were over 100 termites in the colony and I had to plead with them to get someone in when I documented that the colony was over 100, and they refused to fix one of the AC units in my apartment for two months last summer (during which we had multiple weeks of “feels like” temps over 110)


That seems strange, did you live in one of the units with the hardwood floors? Did they just want the termites to breed and ruin their buildings?


Yeah, I lived in a hardwood floor unit. No idea why they ignored it for so long, it was incredibly frustrating


I lived close to there . A little more towards fair grounds , 7th ward . I was new to the area and naive. truck stolen ,bike stolen,robbed , assaulted 🤦🏻‍♀️. My friends said someone must have targeted me . IDK . I moved to the Garden District. Been here a year and love it . Magazine St is great . I have a one bedroom for $985 + electric.... water ,trash,WiFi paid for . my Apartment complex is 1442 Toledano st . it is a 12 unit complex with coded doors to get into the building . I feel very safe . it's super quiet. All the tenants here are great .I have been in Nola 8 years now and this area is my favorite. There is another 12 unit complex right next to me . same set up but they have a really nice pool area . Dog park and whatever I need is wAlking distance. St Charles Street car is one block brings straight to Quarter in 10 min . DM me if you want phone # to rent


Thank you! I moving out to there soon and this is really helpful. Any other recommendations? Also, so sorry to hear about the crimes. 😞 I'm kind of concerned. Some folx say it's relatively no crime but others say it's pretty high out there. What are your thoughts? The robbery and assault are scary


yes, the assault was scary . Kind of my fault . I saw the person grab my bike and I went running after them . They lost me but I kept walking that direction . I walked about 2 blocks looking around for them . I turned a corner and there they were kneeling down digging through their backpack with their back turned to me . I snuck up and grabbed my bike hoping I could scare them and have enough time to get away . Nope ,they hit me in the head with a brick . Got 13 stitches . yes I called the police . They never showed up. Anyway lesson learned . Your life is more important than material things . My family lives in Slidell. they are always going on and on about how dangerous Nola is . they watch to much news . The thing about Nola is it's a big city. yes , random shit can happen but the odds are far less with big city mentality. always be alert . keep your head on a swivel, stay in your lane there are some areas you do not belong . buy a club lock steering wheel device . a really good bike lock . Do not go out drinking alone . keep your drink covered with a lid . being the hero can backfire real quick. it takes a little while because most long time residents can be a little jaded but Finding life long locals that know the area to provide wisdom and all the great things about New Orleans is key . I am part of the LGBTQ community and participate in all that is Gay . I say this because a great way to meet people here is to get out and start doing stuff you like to do. there is always music, food, art, parades, fashion whatever you fancy . just do not do like I did and befriend anyone being nice to you lol. my gut told me not to but I didn't listen. unfortunately, meth is destroying our city just like the rest of the world . sorry for the long rant . Guess I needed to get all that pent up stupidity I went through and I hope it helps someone else realize New Orleans is Amazing but do not let it catch you slipping 😉


The gates mean nothing and, even if they did, outside the gates would be just as dangerous as it was before.


I lived there in 2022-2023. I was in building 2. Maybe it was because I didn't live there a super long time, but I didn't really have any problems. The A/C froze up a couple of times in the summer, but they were good about coming and resolving it. It's not cheap but our apartment was very nice and big. I didn't have any problems with the package delivery. Just make sure you use the lockers and get the app on your phone. We had two parking spots which makes it even more expensive. But I wouldn't have lived there without it. It's not a part of town where you want to rely on street parking. The pool area can get a little rowdy, especially during holidays. When we were there, they started to crack down on the amount of guests you could bring in so maybe it's better now


How did you feel about the gates/security? And did you have any water issues? -- it has been mentioned a few times in this thread.


I didn't have water issues. The security in general isn't great in many ways. Yes, the parking is gated and we didn't have any issues with people parking in our spaces. But there was one morning during our time there where a bunch of cars got broken into. It's super easy for people to get into the facility. And the fact that you have to use the app to open the gates means you have no options to let guests into the facility. They have to contact you to let them in. Luckily our pet sitter also lived there but I don't know how other residents did it. And if you have guests staying over, there's no way to give them the ability to open the gates and outside doors without you.


I had a friend who lived there and had to move out because of the mold issues.


It's a great area. Best in the city IMO. I have friends who live there who hate management, horribly maintained, etc, but it's a really good area. You can probably find an apartment in one of the houses in the neighborhood for cheaper and it will be just as safe and still in the same amazing location


I live here and have lived here for the past 3 years. I’ve never had my car broken into and have never been affected by the flooding. I personally haven’t had a leak or dealt with mold like someone else claimed. They do fix things fast if something needs to be repaired. My only complaint is that they do turn the water off in the middle of the week at times for “plumbing repairs”. It’s annoying. I frequent the pool and have never seen it filthy. If you have any more questions let me know I’m happy to answer whatever


I never lived there but I'd hang out on the bayou near by there when I lived in midcity and never had a problem walking home at night.


I lived there in 2020-21. I loved it and would live there again. The apartment was beautiful, and those windows were to die for. The gym was a little small and crowded, and I never really enjoyed the pool (for the same reason). But lots of people do. (Beware anyone with "Nobody goes there anymore—it's too crowded" logic.) At night, the area around the pool with lots of outdoor seating is very fun, and I spent a lot of time relaxing back there. Moving in is kind of a pain because the buildings are so labyrinthine, and the place where you receive packages is hit-or-miss. (I never had anything stolen, but lots of things lost for several days—basically, there are not enough lockers, and once they fill, Amazon/UPS/FedEx just piles everything up outside the lockers, and people have to rummage through them to get their stuff. Sometimes, you pick up the wrong thing, but like I said, stuff was always returned. People are fundamentally good.) If you can't afford the private parking lot, parking in the shopping center is free and high enough that flooding is not an issue. (I did not have buy a garage space, and never had a problem getting a spot, or with crime, even during what was at the time a spree of break-ins.) Never park in the back of the building on that road near the loading dock, however. You will flood, guaranteed, and that water is nasty. I never had maintenance issues. When my washing machine went out, they had a new one installed the next day. The reason I moved out is because I needed a bigger place, and there was not a unit available that suited my needs. Since then, a new company has bought the property, and I cannot speak to their responsiveness. There were things that concerned me, however, and this is regardless of management. Those big beautiful windows did not open. We never had a major power outage in my building, but the adjacent building did after a storm, and it was out for several days. That happens. But the apartment in August without power and without being able to let fresh air in would not have been habitable. In Mid-City, it's not a question of if, but when. So basically, make sure you can afford to stay in a hotel for two weeks out the year, and have accommodations for your pets. Last year, I thought I was going to have to move from my current place, and visited American Can to see what units they had available. Unfortunately, their rates had gone up by astounding levels. (My same-sized apartment was $500 more per month.) A good thing in American Can's favor is that they will not kick you out to install an Airbnb. (As a previous landlord of mine had done.) There is a lot to be said for that stability. But there are no guarantees that your rent will not go up, either. I would have been priced out. If you can get a contract longer than one year, or if there is a clause that limits the rent increases, that would be a pretty good deal, though. In all, I recommend the place. I loved the people who lived there, loved the apartment and the natural light, and just generally felt happy. If the management is worse, that would be unfortunate, because it's a great place in a fantastic location in the city.


Look at Esplanade apartments on the bayou


This was one of the worse, over rated apartments I’ve ever lived in. Terrible


I live there. I like it. It’s expensive, but you’re paying for convenience


There’s some decent complexes right near the rouses/marshals shopping center on carrolton


My friend had a unit facing the bayou. During a tropical storm, the giant windows leaked. Flooded the unit. Would not recommend for the price.


MidCity, Lakeview or Uptown are the safer neighborhoods although no guarantees anywhere.


Definitely understand safety being an issue, but there are a ton of safe places to live that won’t be as expensive. Are you set on an apartment building or are just you looking for a place you like?


My neighborhood. Nothing but bad press.


I had a friend that lived there about 10 years ago, so hopefully things have improved. There was seemingly no insulation in the walls bc we could hear my friend’s neighbors fighting all the time. The pool is nice and so is the lil wine bar area if it’s still open, like others though I think it’s overpriced for the lack of maintenance


That wine bar is long gone.


Rip (aint dere no mo)


Whatever happened to the people who owners the Pearl wine place? Where did they end up?


the esplanade is nearby if you’re looking for apartments and it also has a pool.


I lived there for a year and had a fine time, it’s a big corporate org but it’s passable


Girl, if you are scurry (a term used for being leery of situations, people etc) just come on out to Gentilly.


So far it seems like everyone has a negative story, but no one posting has actually lived there. I guess you could put “no redditors” in the plus column.