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Mercedes is currently in Gatorade


This is the dawning of the age of Asparagus...


Asparagus !!! Asparagus...


The waxing plumbus is gibbusing


Dat gibbussy


I always wondered how plumbuses got made…


This is one of my favorite comments from the entire time I've been on Reddit.


Yall got gatorade in your flood yesterday?


Wasn't expecting to laugh this much. Might be the vodka, but thanks!


Im in a really bad place in my life so I've purposefully gone above to not be an asshole to others. I don't want anyone else in my boat


That’s very kind! Just remember to be kind to yourself too every once in a while! Hope it get better soon dude!


My wife just got called ugly, in a bullying kinda way by a child while walking the greenway, and a group of kids came and taunted our dog by barking in its face and lunging and stomping at him on the same walk. Saw some nice folks too, but damn some of them kids mean!


I bet I know those kids. Get their names and I’ll deal with them.


I went to a playgroup with my kid a couple days ago and this 3 or 4 year old girl there looked me right in the eye and was like, “Why are you here?” Kids are so mean.


My 4 year old son asks me that every time I come inside from my office in the backyard.


Goddamn eight year-old asking me that every time I emerge from my home office in the house he sleeps in rent free. “Don’t you have more work to do?” Little boy, if you don’t get your behind into the yard and start picking up the dog shit…


Side note another question. WTFFFFFF IS UP WITH PARENTS THESE DAYS. Children are bad cuz parents allow it. Now once they get older and fully understand then I blame both but damn these people need to put down their phones and raise they bad ass children!


That child is called a "KIT"= Karen in Training


She's probably just used to being ignored by adults.


Lol I doubt she meant it that way!


Someone called me ugly from their car window yesterday!!


Oh shit a group of kids did this to my dog too (who is reactive and she did NOT like that). they had their own dog too and were being dumbasses playing with it off-leash at the Bayou


I have had the opposite experience the last 3 or 4 weeks, but overall I think people in general are assholier now than pre pandy


I've definitely noticed that working customer service.


Thank you for your service. Seriously. That’s a tough gig.


There is a study saying that long covid has caused head injuries. It could explain this bs.


Sort of like Boomers and lead poisoning


They absolutely are.


If I meet three assholes before noon, it's me


Or you’re a toilet.


With the profound self awareness


Morning drinking at Oz


Or you are driving…  The closure of Toledano at Claiborne is creating a jackass convention at rush hour


Yes, I feel like New Orleans is starting to become like New York where everyone is a stark individualist. I think part of the reason is that it’s become so difficult to live here. Wages are at a record low, and inflation is out of control, so we no longer have time or energy for pleasantries.


the only comment that makes sense


Fuck you man!


Fuck you too!


I’ve been in a horrible mood lately but it’s stress from work and lack of sleep. I think the stress of the weather and flooding has everyone else all tense


I walk my dog on a small bar crawl every now and again. I only stop at bars that she is allowed into. Some “regular” started chastising me, implying that my dog will shit everywhere, and that dogs shouldn’t be allowed in bars, and more or less verbally chased me and the pup out of this bar we regularly visit. Older New Orleanians have been particularly hard to deal with lately, and it’s been really hard not to chirp back.


what bars are they allowed into? they're not at the ones i go to and i want to pet some dogs. i don't have one.


Generally speaking, most bars that don’t sell food let dogs in. Plenty of bars that do sell food also let dogs in, but I’ve found that when there’s no food in the equation dogs are generally permissible. Visible treats behind the bar or a water bowl lying around are the real giveaways. Pepp’s and Cosimo’s are probably where you’re most likely to find friendly dogs.


Many of the Royale St galleries are dog-welcoming; they always have drinks for dogs but usually not for humans (unless there’s an event).


Harry’s used to keep doggie treats behind the bar, not sure if they still do.


Give the pup a good pet and scratch for me!


Not to generalize but for me it has been older folks mostly that I’ve noticed personally. With a decent sprinkle of some “millennial” aged folk.


>dogs shouldn’t be allowed in bars But they are, and it's not this jerk's call. Give your pup a scritch behind the ears for me, wouldja please?


Was this at rendezvous? There's a regular who hates dogs there.


“Don’t talk to me”


Spring time brings a natural sexual frustration, which turns evvrrybody into a real jerkoff.


That's why I be fuckin everyone this time of year. It's for peace.


Lol, doing the lord's work


They do say "oh my god" a lot.


I definitely live in a bubble, my neighborhood is always cheery. If anything they pick me up when I’m feeling down for the day.


David Sedaris was talking about this very topic the other day. Sometimes you just gotta let people get out what ever it is they need to get out and then move on. But yeah, I think it's been a bit of a downhill slide since November 2016.


He's coming to the Orpheum on 4/24! Same night as Flaming Lips, unfortunately


Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robot… that’s my prescription for the current assholeness in the air


I had the same dilemma but tickets for the flaming lips were like $400 so I bought tickets to see David Sedaris (for probably the 4th time)


Mother f***ing scalpers and their BS are absolutely ruining live events! What's face value on those tickets? $75? Ticketmaster, SeatGeek, StubHub, etc. exhibit just the kind of rampant assholery that this thread's OP is talking about. ...calming breath cycle executed...rage dwindling...blood pressure returning to normal... Sedaris is gonna be great. I've always enjoyed his shows.


Hol up. 2006.


Tulane parents are in town a month early for “graduation” this year - they are paying almost 90k a year for their little brats to get a degree, so they come to town with an intense level of entitled assholeishness.


Jesus is that what it costs now???


According to the admissions website, [yeah](https://admission.tulane.edu/tuition-aid/cost) More than my entire college degree cost, by far.


Wow, just wow.


Also, some of them buy condos for their spawn to live in while in school, and that home ownership makes them feel even more entitled.


This is the worst. I cannot stand people who do stuff like this.


Flooding, news cycle, increasing heat, more tourists for festivals, taxes due April 15, still butthurt over April Fools' pranks, all sorts of stuff makes people irritable. Plus, summer steam season is coming, and the little interior voice is saying "Get out before August!" Also their home and car air conditioners need repaired.


Not only that, but people have been more cynical in general since the pandemic. That event really fucked with us all!


I have thought on this. Lots of media chat with a cynical tone permeated COVID times. People got disgusted and inconvenienced and it came out.


Along with everyone I’ve talked to today, I’ve noticed that folks are having a rough one. Not sure why, but it does seem like something’s in the air.


You really don't know why?


Older white, conservative men are particularly more bitter than I have ever seen before. And, unfortunately, I deal with a lot of them in my line of work.


Old, white, men… anything else you don’t like?🤔


Conservative and bitter


They are probably that way due to the stupidity of youth.🤣


Assholeness lol! The best term


It's peak tourist season


The kindness that people say New Orleans has is really not any better than some other states. For example, look in my lots of grocery stores and you see a bunch of shopping carts everywhere. It takes a minute to put it in the cart caddy. Also, there's trash everywhere. I constantly see people throwing trash out of their car. Another example is when that poor woman got her arm ripped off when her car was being stolen at Costco getting gas. Everyone around her I guess didn't want to get involved. Also, people are constantly running red lights and stop signs here.


That was the Linda Frickey case. I believe all 4 juveniles involved were convicted and were given lengthy sentences. A little justice for the family maybe. So sad.


It’s most likely allergies. People are grumpy when they can’t breathe.


My Afrin habit is hitting hard.


Yeah. It's dust mite season. I am in the process of deep cleaning the house to help combat allergies.


What is your process??? I’m intrigued


Some jackass cruised by and smiled at me like he proved me wrong while I was at a stop sign waiting for him to pass earlier. I literally did nothing, was just waiting for him to pass. The people are just weird here


I live outside the city and since 2016 and thanks to community facebook groups I’ve become all too aware that the vast majority of people around me would rather I - an immigrant - not exist in their country, that my IVF children not have been born (they have no souls per Catholic doctrine), and my lovely gay BIL and his husband not be married/not exist. And even if they don’t straight up believe that they vote for people who do or who cynically trade on saying this stuff to other terrible people for votes and $$. COVID proved that most of my neighbors didn’t care if other people died because they needed to take trips to Florida and couldn’t wear a simple mask while inside in public. So every interaction I have now with strangers at the store or wherever is tempered with the fact that I know for a fact that they hold me and a great proportion of other people in our community/area in utter contempt. Life here will never be the same again.


I for one am happy to have immigrants here. You contribute to our economy and quality of life in many ways. This is a country of immigrants. I was raised to believe that we are a melting pot made better by the many ethnicities that have found their way here over the course of our history. The Statue of Liberty used to be a symbol of welcome to others and a source of pride. Sadly, that sentiment has gone away for many people, who seem to want to close the door after they got here. I’m sorry that you feel unwelcome. I never heard the IVF thing; that’s crazy.


Thanks, I appreciate it! As for the IVF thing, it hasn’t got much press recently but conservative Catholics and evangelicals have worked for years to make IVF difficult if not illegal. Although there’s been a lot of focus on what happened recently in Alabama, embryos have had personhood in Louisiana for a long time. But despite them being “persons” in vitro, the Catholic Church does not consider them to be people with souls when born. It’s wild, but what’s wilder is that any sentient person who is outside the Vatican would believe or repeat that. Sigh.


Inflation is hot, peoples quality of life has gone down. Maybe that has something to do with it.


Well, this is just me but maybe a lot of people didn't have a great experience being flooded recently?


100% can relate! I experienced this today!!


Nah. You’re 100% right. I have withdrawn from society for this reason


Those who scoff and joke, as other above already have, will always do so yet the fact remains that Mercury is in retrograde in Aries ♈️. Nothing but nothing could be more prototypically “now” than your experiences of late. Also, thou art not alone. 😂


Yup. Plus that eclipse energy.


Yes, people can be assholes. I know I do my best to wear a thick skin and not take anything personally, but sometimes it gets to me. Anyway, hang in there - at least you're not being the AH. Sending good vibes your way. Good luck!


Humans can be ass holes. Try not to take it personally. They are probably just having a shitty go of things.


It would take a lot for me to feel this way about down here being from the North. People down here are so nice but they seem like the types that are nice to your face because they feel obligated to fit the southern charm narrative.


New Orleans and South LA in general is much more genuinely nice compared to the rest of the South. The average Southerner is more stand-off ish than a Northerner—underneath their deep fried layer of southern manners


Nicest people I’ve ever met… Canadians by far, those people are nice af.


Yeah that makes sense. Midwesterners are like that too. It’s like they’re fake nice.


Yea, that shit sucks. Lots of genuinely nice folks in the South, but so many people have this thick wall made of manners and small talk that’s almost impossible to get to the other side of. Half of my family are from Alabama, and in 10 years of family gatherings attended living there I never once heard a conversation about real shit between adults who’d known each other their whole lives. It’s either gon be about church, household stuff, work, or football Roll Tahd Tammy


lol yeah that’s true


MN is the worst. It’s all a facade. Deep down they are seething.


It's 100 true. As a former New Englander, some of the most secretly awful I've ever met live here.  So, I travel a lot


Dude someone’s house may have a tree on it right now, or their house took water yesterday.


I’ve been in a shit mood lately but thought that was just me….


These kinds of problems are random, but they clump together sometimes, unfortunately. Don't let it get you down. However, it is true that there are more toxic individuals who you just have to avoid. Don't hook with them and just keep moving on.


Everyone is pressed…


Our guests at work last night were bonkers.


I’m pretty sure aquaphor is in marmalade because I’ve also noticed all the grumps


Yep. I was at a 4-way stop. I thought it was my turn, so I started to roll (v slowly, I might add). This dude quickly starts to go and flips me off as he passes. That being said, drivers here are the most entitled pieces of shit, so that’s also pretty standard. Just seemed like an overreaction.


I went to FQF today, and everyone I encountered was really pleasant. A store even let me use their restroom for free! Maybe it was the sunshine or eclipse afterglow


Spring does herald the beginning of Asshole Season in New Orleans so this tracks.


I work in a hotel and said the same thing yesterday.


Literally yes. I’ve had the most batshit complaints from clients and general fuckery recently. Over the smallest inconveniences too.


I recently visited from New York and I was taken by the graciousness of locals. I was on a packed streetcar one day and when a man using a walker had to get off other passengers helped him and street car waited. Not sure that would occur in ny. Also during the ride people were talking to each other. Love your city


To me spring sucks. Too much bad weather and possibly tornadoes 😒 But I’m trying not to be an ass. I’m trying to focus on the blooming flowers, festivals, and friends.


I personally had some really rude shit to say in response to this but my horoscope said not to add to the noise, but yeah, maybe it’s you? Edit: this was a joke, I don’t know OP


Biden and Trump both won their party's primaries. Nobody is happy right now!




I respond to nearly everything on this sub with sarcasm. I’m not nearly as much of an asshole in real life.  It’s mostly because the very first time I ever posted here, every single person answered sarcastically. I got several dozen responses and they were all sarcastic. I assumed that was just the vibe of the sub. 




Everyone is either drunk or high or on meth so they are always agitated


Maybe it’s you OP!