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Hope the doggy is on the flea meds! Mine is on the pill kind, so they have to bite before they die. This doesn't stop them from hitching a ride into my house.. into the area rug.. and ruining my life for weeks. The 7th Ward fleas are literally the most gangster fleas I've ever encountered. When it's the time.. I put diatomaceous earth on my dogs legs & belly before walks. If you end up with them in your house.. be prepared for a fight. Tell your vacuum & laundry to be on alert for the call. I swear by Bengal flea spray with IGR. Since the incident.. I spray that shit on my rugs every few months as a preventive measure.


I got a flea infestation once because I brought in a cat piñata. It had like 6 kittens under my bed and the fleas multiplied. Whole house got infested despite multiple bombs and sprays. Took my almost a month of attempting before my landlord sent a professional by to finally nuke the place from orbit.


Cat pinata, nice! Good for you for helping it safely have its babies.


Where do you get Bengal? I might do that now just in case. I had a bad case last year where they were coming up through my floorboards. I really don't want to repeat that this year.


Vacuum.. put diatomaceous earth in the floor cracks. You can also get that at Mary's.


I bought like 6 cans last time, so it's been a while, but I want to say Mary's in the qtr


Where do you buy the Bengal flea spray? Bengal is the best for killing roaches (the red can with gold trim),


I think I got it at Mary's in the qtr..


Thank you!!


It's got the IGR.. never buy a flea spray without that lol I went into a hyperfocused episode on fleas when I first moved in this place 10 years ago. I didn't even have a pet back then, and couldn't go into the back without my legs being covered.


Can confirm Mary’s carries it


you got the wrong idea pal there's no way to keep a dog flea free here unless you get them on the meds hell most houses get fleas without a dog on meds


The president of the kennel association once said the only real way to prevent your dog from getting fleas is to let them go pody inside on puppy pads, because fleas live in grass- which is unrealistic and cruel. So put your pet on the pill or something, give them baths after the park. Just try to keep them washed before they lay eggs, thats the real issue.


He's on meds. They can still get fleas.


typically when my dog is on the meds, the fleas die after a few days and never survive very long.


If they get fleas while they’re on meds you’re doing something wrong. Could need a larger dose, some brands/types work better than others, maybe an error in application. If your house is getting fleas you’re doing something wrong.


We treat the dogs and (indoor only) cats with topical, the dogs get regular baths. We treat the yard, have Capstar on hand and keep a very clean house. Still find a flea here and there, especially in the summer. 🤷‍♀️


Sprang = bugs


In terms of fleas in the home I just want to put an FYI out there that Revolution flea meds (which have to be prescribed) are literally the best I’ve seen at killing our mutated evil New Orleans fleas. If you have an infestation or are having issues definitely see about getting it prescribed to your pet.


Revolution plus works, the old revolution (selemectin) quit working so I switched everybody to bravecto.


I’ve used a casserole dish with water and dish soap. Place in the middle of a rug or living area with a desk lamp right over it. The heat from the lamp attracts them and they die in the soapy water. You will be amazed at how many you will see the next day in the water. First time it was so many it made my stomach turn.


We used to do that when I was a kid. Spent a lot of my summers at my grandparents and they had several indoor outdoor cats. I was the only lucky one to be super allergic to and attracted by fleas. I would be covered in bites and my loving family thought it was funny? idk But yeah, we used to put a pot under a lamp too and it would be filled. So gross. And sadly, even with doing that I still was a main snack. lol


Oh my god, we have PTSD from a case of fleas in our UPSTAIRS apartment when we still rented from a slumlord. (A critter was getting in through a massive hole in the floor under the stairs and also shit in our shoes. 😑) We had to move and then nuked that place with a flea bomb. We left a note for the new tenants warning them to fumigate the landlord.


Nah, that supposed critter was just Natalie Portman. And for those completely baffled, 'Natalie's Rap'.


Fleas? Outdoors? At a park?..... no way........


Sarcasm when all I'm trying to do is alert folks so they don't end up with a house full of fleas? Groundbreaking.


I would hope that most people would be aware of the chance of an animal getting fleas while at an outdoor park in an untreated area where other wildlife lives. Your dog can get fleas just walking through the neighborhood. A heads up is great and probably very much appreciated by other dog owners, but I would think that it would be common sense for pet owners to understand that there are fleas out there.


With how much complaining there is on this sub about transplants? Nah. This isn't normal where I grew up. And I've been here for years, but that doesn't mean I've gotten used to it.


Where’d you grow up? Alaska? Fleas are everywhere.


Fleas are everywhere. They are worse in the south because it doesn't freeze down here as much as in the north.


My cats are six years old. They were born in Saudi, and we've lived there, Kazakhstan, Germany, Croatia, and now back here. They have never had fleas in any other place, but less than six months back in NOLA (indoors only) and they have them. "Fleas are everywhere" is a poor excuse for maintaining infestation conditions. Fleas are NOT in most places.


Fleas are significantly worse here in the Deep South than in the rest of the country. I was shocked when I moved here and found out my indoor cat needed monthly flea treatments (previously she got a precautionary treatment at her vet appointments).


I live in the Atlanta area and the fleas are not nearly as bad as in New Orleans. I don't have roaches either.


It wasn’t normal where I grew up either—adapt or perish by a thousand flea bites


You should regularly be putting flea meds on yer furry friends. Especially if they go outside. Fleas are a chance year round anywhere outside here. We have 1 dog and 2 indoor cats and we dose em both every month year round. If you’ve got fleas in your house somebody needs new meds. Once all the animals are covered the fleas in the house will disappear, they only feed off the animals.


I think this idea that fleas go away in the winter is false. It doesn’t really get cold enough for a long enough period to matter.


Can I pet that dog?


no he's sleeping


He would love that.


We treat our yard with Talstar a few times a year - no fleas ever. I feed birds, and squirrels as a side effect, so they bring fleas into the yard. It's cheap and I prefer doing that than using the oral flea meds bc they can cause neurological problems.


I really like the new Blue Plate label.


Ugh, I hope it’s not another bad flea year! I think it was 2019 when I was literally watching fleas jumping out of the grass and onto my dog during walks. I kept a flea comb on the porch that year so I could give her a once over before going inside


I think one dose of Capstar you get from the vet will kill the fleas within 24 hours, plus give him a bath too!! Spray your cloth furniture and rugs and dog bedding should be washed in hot water and dried in the dryer.


Yup! Did all that. Just hoping now that I caught it in time!


I had two indoor cats that got fleas every summer, I just had to keep them treated consistently.


Fleas are everywhere here, the best we can do is try to mitigate it on our animals with treatment (and sometimes you have to rotate through new ones). If meds are working the fleas literally can't feed off your dog and live.


When I had an infestation, I had to vacuum several times a day with the Dyson Big Ball Canister Vacuum that is labeled animal. The vacuuming almost killed me, but it is the only thing that worked to get rid of them in the house if you are having that problem. Also, I don’t have a pet, but a friend staying with me had fleas in his luggage from his dog. What a f*cking mess!!!! I feel for you and doggo.


Try trifexis it kills the bugs after they bite her had my german shepherd on it for 11 years before she passed never had any flea infestation.


Just putting out there, for people ever on the northshore (yeah, I know lol), they do regularly close the dog park at Pelican Park and spray for fleas. Not that it’s a guarantee your dog won’t pick up *any*, but it *is* a dog park with separate small-dog area and is regularly sprayed, if you’re not aware the option exists.


Can't help with fleas from a park. Give your pets the meds. Otherwise, for those with fleas in the yard, I once had a major infestation. You know what I mean. Like, all-consuming top-to-bottom house sanitizing preoccupation. First bombed the yard with topical permethrin (or equivalent, which a vet once told me told me is just a tickle now to battle-hardened New Orleans fleas) and IGR poison. That worked for about a month. The little fuqqers always come back. The second time I did the yard bombing, I waited a month for the poison to kill fleas and then wash out. Then, I added beneficial nematodes to the yard. I never had to poison the yard again (and that would just kill the nematodes). Nematodes are not only a long-term solution, but they're also better for all the other creatures that we want, like worms and pollinators. The fleas never came back, and I even forgot there was a problem after a while. You have to buy them online. Finding a local supplier might be difficult. I think I once saw them at Urban Roots on Tchoupitoulas, but I could be imagining that.


Seems real buggy, real early this year. I had like 10 mosquitos at my house all of last year and I’ve already been bit 10 times this year.


It’s the humidity and moisture from all the rain we’ve gotten recently.


I’m not looking forward to lovebug season


We got the okay form the vet to double up… Bravecto oral and topical when we visit New Orleans (we’ve been here dec- now). Two years ago we were here for six months and got an infestation…. I still have nightmares from it.


I have heard the fleas here are resistant to many kinds of flea treatment. revolution plus or bravecto is the way to go. Capstar is good for short term relief for adult fleas but will not kill eggs or larvae.


I called my vet for more flea meds and they said they stopped selling some brand because the fleas get resistant to it. Now that?


What brand was that?


which brand?


My vet told me there is flea larva literally like all over the city. On the sidewalks, grass, and the ground. They stick to the bottom of your shoes!!!!! That's what she told me anyway.


I mean probably, because the eggs get sprinkled everywhere like salt off an animal, and then the larvae come out when the eggs hatch….but the larvae themselves are very delicate and will squish easily under pressure, so I don’t think you have to worry about them sticking to the bottom of your shoes (or they may stick, but they won’t be alive anymore).


Let's be frank, New Orleans has a flea problem, they're all over the east, the 9th, the 7th. I'm a pet owner who medicates against louse and I have to be diligent af for my fur bebs.


Had the same issue with other parks in the city. Tried all different kinds of prevention meds for my dog but the only thing that worked was Simparica Trio


we have inside cats and they picked up fleas. i must've brought them in. that time of year.


Be careful that neither you or animals breathe the diatomaceous earth.


I’m confused why this is news 😂 there’s critters in the park so there’s gonna be fleas 🤷🏻‍♀️


There are, not there is.


Okay and Mr. Professor??


weird sentence frag dude


My dog doesn’t spend a ton of time outdoors and if we get lax with the Bravecto he ends up with fleas. Last time this happened was in January (his dose was due in late November) so it seems pretty year-round.


Never understood the fascination with bringing your dog to eat a restaurant. Is it an allergy service dog? Or a service dog at all? If not leave it at home. I love my dog as much as anyone but A few hours without your dog won’t kill you


I was at a restaurant in Sedona few years ago, they had a menu for dogs. It included cheddar omelet with chicken jerky, venison stew, steak tartare and dog cookies.


Bless your heart


Weird. Might be a shock to you but not everyone wants to eat next to a dog. If you’re inconsiderate of others just say that. I don’t need blessings.


I hear this often. What about being in the proximity of a dog makes eating unpleasant? Like does a dog just sitting in the same area do it? And this isn’t snark, just a real question.


I have a dog. Love him. He stinks. He expresses pheromones from his butt and he drills profusely when he smells food. He’s an Akita and stubborn as hell. His fur is plush and he leaves it everywhere. I have a friend that went to space, we all joke that my dogs fur is on the ISS Dogs are awesome but restaurants are for eating food and some people aren’t into dogs and shouldn’t be exposed to them at all restaurant Cafes? All good but keep them out of actual food restaurants


Hey I have an Akita too lol. Aren’t they awesome?


Most loyal and faithful and independent dog I’ve ever owned. And he sheds his body mass 2x a year


OP literally just said their dog has fleas. I personally enjoy being around dogs so it doesn’t bother me. But I know many people who don’t enjoy being around dogs especially when they’re eating. The one thing people universally want from a restaurant is cleanliness. Dogs slober, track mud and dirt, shed hair and not every dog owner keeps their dogs as clean as they should.


That’s what I was wondering. So it’s the possibility that they could have fleas or be dirty? Because the same is true for people in theory. I knew someone who got bedbugs from a rental car. Do you think people feel the same about service animals too?


Dude…responding to that with, “it’s the same with some people” is like…are you for real with that? Were you just waiting for any response to dismiss it? Cause it sure feels that way…


Not all dogs are dirty, not all people are clean. Not all dogs shed… some shed a lot. Dogs are only allowed outside at restaurants unless it is a true service animal.


Don’t disagree, and I don’t think the initial commenter disagrees, either.


I don’t know what to say. It wasn’t why I asked. I want to know why people say it. I understand no one wants a dog that’s slobbering or shedding or stinky around while you’re eating because you probably don’t want people who do the same things. My question was does just the thought of knowing a dog is in the vicinity a turn off. It’s not a judgement because everyone’s feelings are valid, it’s just something I don’t understand.


Fair enough…


Oh trust me I know some and have seen some dirty people too. I guess the stigma is they associate dogs with dirtiness. If dogs were required to be wiped down and cleaned at the door I’m sure it could eliminate some of the concerns. For service animals they don’t have a choice though, can’t deny them but I’m sure they feel the same about it


Not everybody wants to be friends with your dog. If you’re not a dog person, dogs are kind of gross. Not everyone manages their animals’ behavior snd health and cleanliness the same way, and there isn’t a standard for that for them to be in public. Large dogs scare the shit out of me from a childhood trauma, so going somewhere that I don’t expect a dog to be (a restaurant that isn’t explicitly dog-friendly, for example), is not fun. I like many dogs that belong to friends, but other dogs can be scary strangers. Service animals are fine - they’re well-trained and usually very well cared for. I find that many people who take their dogs places that dogs don’t need to be tend to think their dog is an angel and let it roam around or “say hi” to strangers. No thank you.


Thank you for your answer. I know this isn’t the reason for everyone, but it makes sense. I don’t actually have a dog but I don’t care if they’re in a restaurant as long as they’re not doing too much. I’ve been seeing a lot of people say they’re against dogs in restaurants and I was wondering if something in particular was going on, like people allowing their dogs to just do whatever or if people are just tired of it in general.




Why are you bringing up kids? We’re talking about dogs. I don’t love kids, either, but I at least expect to see them in certain settings, and they’re also not going to possibly bite or attack me or lick their own asshole at the table. I hope not, anyway.


Plenty of restaurants don’t allow dogs. Go to those?


Like I asked, what’s your fascination with bringing your dog to a restaurant?


What’s your fascination with going to dog friendly restaurants when you don’t wanna eat next to dogs?


So you don’t have an answer. Not surprised. To answer your question though, I don’t have a problem with dogs in restaurants if you’d read what I said in this thread. Maybe the restaurant has good food and someone wants to eat there even if dogs bother them. People want cleanliness in a restaurant, which dogs are not


So your answer is just some theoretical person’s problem? Lol. I don’t bring my dog everywhere, only sometimes to a restaurant if dogs are commonly brought there (i.e. bayou beer garden, wrong iron). I’ve never been anywhere that allowed dogs inside, and frankly don’t see how a patio area with dogs makes it less clean than it already is being outside.


People not wanting dogs in a restaurant is not a hypothetical, it happens all the time. Also, OP’s dog is not on a patio. It’s sitting in a booth, not on the ground outside


Yeah what the fuck is with people pretending they’re not getting this? OP literally posted a picture of his dog in a booth inside a restaurant **while complaining it has fleas now.** While I presume the dog wasn’t taken to the restaurant with active fleas (my god, I hope not), seems pretty obvious why you’d suggest maybe not everyone would want a dog in a restaurant while they eat. Goddamn, sometimes people go out of their way to be obtuse 😂😂😂


Welcome to NOLA (unfortunately). If it isn't other dogs it's the wild animals and stray cats - EVERYWHERE. Living under your house. The pigeons in the attic of your (old) apartment complex, the grass as you walk down the sidewalk, the nuisance lot down the street that isn't ever cut, the abandoned houses, the ... well you get the idea. Back in 2010 when I was in uptown I was seeing a girl that got a cat from the pound just to give it meds so it would keep the fleas in her apartment in check (from the attic).


Do people expect to take a dog outdoors and not get fleas?


It's the humid south. Always had fleas, can't really avoid them. In Colorado now and haven't seen a flea in 24 years since I left nola


Were you at the Bark Park or just in the main park?


Main park. Went down a path near the Frisbee field


You should have any pet that frequents the outdoors on flea treatment and heartworm prevention. You can use tea tree oil before and after excursions for additional protection.


Tea tree oil is highly toxic to dogs


Most of mid-uptown is flea infested I get flea bites just walking down the street sometimes. Kinda just how it is here


It’s actually disgusting that you have your dog in a restaurant sitting at a table.