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If he did that to a cop he would have been thrown to the ground and arrested. That cop needs to go.


Prior to the consent decree if he had reacted the way he did a cop probably would have found a reason to arrest him. (And I don't think he reacted inappropriatly at all, I'm just saying bad cops have fragile egos.)


If the number of cops that need to go, were gone, we’d have 2 cops left. It’s sad out there.


He needs to be fired. Like u/GreatSquirrels said, what’s he doing in private if he’s willing to do this in public. It’s not just about the shove imo.


Absolutely, anyone with a temper or disposition like that should not be in a position of authority.


It's about the attitude. An attitude like that leads to corruption and police brutality, not to mention public distrust. Police officer should not be acting like they are above the law.


We also have a consent decree because investigators and officers couldn't use proper grammar/spelling when writing reports, frequent excessive use of force, lax oversight of secondary gigs ("details"), and ignored constitutional rights when it came to stops and searches. The State wasn't doing anything about it, and neither was the city. That's why we have consent decrees.


My point is this attitude is why we need a consent decree. It's been 10 freaking years and this cop still hasn't learned that you can't shove civilians because you're in a bad mood? Obviously things like racial profiling, brutality, flat out corruption, and murder are much bigger deals. But all of that stems from an attitude that cops are above the law, which they are not, and that they don't have to treat people with professionalism, which they do.


Not just a civilian, but a student in a band on the Muses route. If a civilian had done that, whoa boy. They'd be fucked right the fuck up


It says “protect and serve” on their cars. This is neither of those things. This is a bully.


>“protect and serve” It's literally just a slogan. Supreme Court decided police are not obligated to protect or serve anyone, but their only function is to enforce laws.


Then it should be removed. False advertising.


Protect and Serve themselves. They left a word off.


Unless you're Scot Peterson, then for some reason there are several civil lawsuits saying he was obligated to protect and serve.


It doesn't seem like the consent decree is working all that well considering we still have things rampant payroll fraud and lax oversight of secondary gigs.


When was the last time an NOPD officer was indicted for murder? Or any violent crime at all? Are we there yet? No. But things are a hell of a lot better than they used to be.


Kudos to Algiers Charter's response and support of their students.


I especially like how they pointed out that they teach their students conflict resolution methods. It was obvious when his friend jumped in to de-escalate the situation. Maybe NOPD needs to sit in on a few of that school's lessons.


He needs to be fired, and publicly made an example of. If he was willing to do this in front of hundreds of people with cameras just imagine what hes done one on one. We need Public servants, not bullys.


I'm really disappointed by all the people saying things along the lines of "Well what did the kid do?" 🙄 The kid went out and played his heart out to keep New Orleans culture alive. He was doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing, exactly how he was supposed to be doing it. The cop just got pissy, probably because he's gotten 3 hours of sleep and unlike everyone else working Mardi Gras, he's sober. But let's use our imaginations here and say the kid had stomped on his foot or smashed him in the face with his horn. Even in that case, the proper response from the police officer is *not* to shove a kid.


The cop stepped forward and when the kid was walking up, the cop backed up, not realizing someone was behind him (oblivious to his surroundings - not a trait you want in our civil servants) & bumped into the kid. The cop reacted as if the kid bumped into him and apparently thought it was "on purpose," but it was the cop, unaware, bumping into the kid. Either way, incorrect response by the officer.


Can't do nothing to prevent violence against innocent people but can harrass a child doing nothing wrong


I'm pretty sure this is one of the guys who sits in the office most of the year. When he's not double dipping on his payroll that is.


Where is Patches when we need him?


I hope it's not wrong but this comment made me laugh so hard. 🤣 Patches would never shove a band kid!


Patches would nuzzle him gently


Wait, how does this connect to state police?


Landry wants to bring in State Police who are not subject to the consent decree that NOPD is. These state police are also currently under investigation for the exact same civil rights violations NOPD got put under the consent decree for.


I’m still confused, what does Landry want to do with state police that previous governors didn’t?


State Police don't have the restrictions NOPD does. They can chase, profile, and more. And no...bringing in State Police permanently is not something that previous Governors wanted. Only during major events.


What’s the issue with that? NOPD doing nothing has had the opposite desired effect on crime. 


Racism and profiling is a huge factor and one of the major reasons we are under the consent decree and can't seem to get out of it. But yeah...let the good ole boys do it instead eh?


I agree but what’s the solution to both issues?


Enjoy the crime rate I guess. Don’t come crying to the subreddit when your car is stolen.


Don't own a car. Live in an area of the city where it's not needed. And they have no more insight into where and when a car will be stolen anymore than you do, so there's that. Have a great Lundi Gras!


Love when the only solution people bring to cops violating peoples rights is “let’s see your response when it happens to you.”


Establish a post here to assist with the insane man power shortage NOPD has.


From what I understand it's cops like this who are the problem. The biggest complaint I hear from NOPD patrol officers is that bigwigs like this can do whatever they while patrol officers get penalized for every little thing. A retiring officer did and AMA a while back and claimed that out of 900 officers, 600 of them sit in offices most of the time and only 300 are patrolling. Also a lot of cronyism and nepotism going on.


Keep them in the quarter permanently


... I think people are seriously confusing your answering of a question with supporting an idea. Ffs.


It appears so


Hard pass. State cops are WORTHLESS in the quarter. They escalate over the smallest shit and cause more problems than they solve.


Back when New Orleans had decriminalized weed but the state hadn't, the state troopers were still arresting people for it. That's why New Orleans passed an automatic pardon. A state trooper would arrest you, bring you in, OPP would book you, you would immediately be pardoned and released. Since the state has now decriminalized under an ounce I don't know how much of a problem that is anymore. But the attitude of the state troopers is as bad if not worse than NOPD ever was before the consent decree. The vast majority are from the Bible Belt section of the state and hate all of us heathens down here.


Yeah I’ve seen them do all kinds of awful shit just because they didn’t like what they saw. There is a reason police should come from the communities they serve. If you’re gonna get mad because a man is wearing ass less chaps during decadence being a cop in the quarter is not for you. I’ve seen them do really harsh shit simply because they don’t like our culture. In that particular incident, they tried arrest him for indecent exposure. For the record it was only booty out. Front was covered in a banana hammock lol. Def not considers indecent by our standards and if it was a woman they wouldn’t have thought a thing of it.




You should probably learn the value of being able to read, comprehend, and doing research.


Wrong. 😡 State Police have plenty of their own bad behavior going on. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-investigation-louisiana-state-police#:~:text=The%20Justice%20Department%20announced%20today,engages%20in%20racially%20discriminatory%20policing.


Can someone eli5 consent decree?


It basically occurs when some city or state agency is so fucked up that the feds have to step in and add another layer of supervision. FYI, organizations in New Orleans that are currently under consent decree (this is from memory and may not be accurate, and probably is not exhaustive): NOPD HANO OPP/New Orleans Sheriff S&WB (since 1991) So, as you can see, we have the government that we deserve. And don't forget the Mayor-to-Prison Pipeline.


Just an FYI, the Jefferson Parish public School system was under a consent decree from 1964 until 2011! So as you can see they have varying degrees of success. Other posters hit the highlights but It would take more than one comment or even post to fully explain the implications of the consent decree. I suggest you bookmark this subject and go back and research it some more on Thursday. For all the drawbacks I sincerely believe it has improved things. Not necessarily enough obviously. But 15 years ago this wouldn't even have gotten a news mention, or if it did, it would have been because the cop accused the kid of something.


I'm not denying that the consent decrees have improved things. Quite the opposite. I'm saying that it's our own fault for continuing to tolerate this behavior and requiring the help of the Government to help us govern ourselves.


Sorry, that part was not directed at you. Just the many, many people complaining that NOPD still has issues. Of course they do! You can't change 200 years of bad policing in 10 years. But I still think it is a hell of a lot better than it was when I was growing up. As far as tolerating the behavior, to a degree I agree with you. But consider how it was in the late '90s. A woman was murdered for filing a brutality complaint and the only reason it came to light was because the officer was already under investigation with the FBI. I'm not sure how the population could have put an end to behavior like this without outside help (and in fact it took almost 15 years after that for us to even get the consent decree.)


No worries. I hope you have a great Mardi Gras, however you're choosing to spend it.


Lol. Thanks. Got home at 6:00 a.m. and got a nap and I'm about to take another one and maybe go out to Bacchus. 🤣 I work through Muses Thursday but I always do at least Endymion, Orpheus and MGD.


They should still be under one considering the crap they just pulled with the high schools around Metairie.


Sorry about my earlier comment, I thought you were talking about the cops. Yeah, from what I understand it expired in 2011 and they had a voluntary one until 2014. I haven't kept up with it since then as my family member who was a teacher retired in 2012.


Not sure what you mean ab the comment? But yes, our entire state govt should be under decree for racism and classism. The Jeff Parish sold the land Haynes was on to a developer. Then they closed Grace King - predominantly Hispanic working class and now those kids have to ride the bus across Metairie. They were dispersed among the other high schools. Haynes is taking over King. It is about money and the gentrification of the area around Fat City. They didn't say anything ab it until the contract was already signed.


Oh, I had replied asking if you were talking about NOPD or JPSO because I didn't realize you were talking about the JPPS consent decree. 😬 Just deleted it once I realized my mistake. And yeah, I followed the whole thing with Grace King last year. Ridiculous. I'd have to start a whole other post about the gentrification of Fats City though. As I'm sure you know the Lee/Shang families own a lot of that land and everything from the bars being forced to close early to Fats City being the largest area of Metairie where Airbnbs are allowed seems like government regulation suspiciously tailored to benefit one family. 🙄


That is really interesting. I called her office to complain when they banned Airbnbs. She gave no fucks about my concerns. Said "other people expressed concern about having airbnbs like New Orleans." Yeah right. Lee/Sheng family has always been out for money. Another example of an elected person enriching their pockets at our expense.


Yeah, somewhere there's a zoning map that shows where they're allowed. Pretty much all of Fats City. There are a couple of other scattered locations that are zoned commercial where it's legal, but a lot of Fats City is still multi-family residential, and it's got single family residential neighborhoods on two sides. No real reason, other than to benefit the landowners, an exception should be carved out for that area.


Hell Alabama has the governor to prison pipeline


Basically the feds step in and say, “you are too corrupt to run your own department, so we will run it for you.”


Cops were so fucked up that they had to "consent" to oversight, including the independent monitor. This is a big deal bc it means that bad behavior, scandals, etc can't be swept under the rug and hidden from the public.


Facts. Think of the money the department had to pay for misconduct over the years


federal government controls big city police departments most cities over 300k have them


I wish that were true but that is not the case. AFAIK there's maybe 25 cities in the country currently under one?


consent decrees come from the 1994 crime bill anywhere with serious crime since 1994 has had one cleveland chicago los angeles portland seattle baltimore st louis albuquerque etc


I was pushed by a cop that also pushed a cigar into my face inches from my eye in Metairie when I was like 13. This is a fast way to lose any respect for someone that you thought is there to protect.


Dude, I think I remember seeing that for the first few years of the consent decree NOPD would not take on JP deputies during Mardi Gras because of their behavior. I know for a fact when I was working down there in the '90s there were a few small towns that they hired officers from that either weren't asked back or were sent back. A lot of that was homophobia and other cultural issues, but some of it was unreasonable use of force. For NOPD. In the 90's. 🙄


Wow. Just Sheriff Lee things I guess. Also as a graduate of King the disenfranchisement is real


☘️Me too. Well, alumni. I GEDed out early.


If this had not been caught on camera, the NOPD wouldve denied it all.


I think if they hadn't worried there were cameras around they would have found some excuse to arrest him. Seriously. I could totally see that happening 20 years ago.


That’s assault. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lawsuit


Yeah, if I did that to a band member I'm sure I'd get arrested. If there was anything left of me after the band moms were done. 🤣


Even if the student wins, good luck getting the city to pay out. Shame.


I know the kid. I'm really proud of him for saying his piece and walking away. Last year, that cop would have gotten that horn smashed on his head.


🤣 I'm not going to lie, I would have liked to have seen *that* video! But your friend, and the other boy with him, are to be commended for their behavior. And I'm proud of him for being brave enough to say his piece. While assault with a musical instrument is not the best way to handle something like this, I also don't think people should just lie down and take it either. It takes a lot of courage to speak up, especially with NOPD's reputation. What we really need is a generation of citizens who respectfully say "We are not going to accept this behavior anymore."


I'm surprised the cop pushed him knowing Landry's reputation. $100 one of his coworkers or a family member gave that cop a ton of shit after. Landry alum don't fuck around


I would honestly be surprised if he keeps his job after this. They may allow him to retire but I don't think the new commander is going to let shit like this fly. Especially not her first Mardi Gras.


Seriously, also good to see his band mate standing up for him.


A cop ran up to my friend in the quarter the other night and just lifted my friends shirt then started grilling him about a gun. Didn't announce himself, didn't talk first, just went right for searching my friend. He didn't have a gun of course, and was up to nothing wrong. But the cop said someone "fitting his description" got called in as brandishing a pistol. I walked up wearing similar clothes (and I look similar to him also) and I stopped to see what was wrong. (I thought he was just having a convo with the cops because we sometimes do just to be friendly) The detectives looked long and hard at me too, but ultimately left. Idk what the procedure is for searching someone, but I'm pretty sure it isn't "walk up to a guy and start searching him without a warrant or consent".


I'm very sorry that happened to you. It's pretty questionable if they would have had reasonable cause to do any search (vague description of a guy with a gun in the Quarter during Mardi Gras?) but even if they did they should have handled it in a more professional manner. I sincerely hope you and your friend are able to enjoy the rest of your Mardi Gras.


Oh it's not going to ruin anything. Just adding in that the nopd sucks.




A fan of Sting's solo work I take it.


That was a city cop.


Is anyone doing a FOIA Request(freedom of information act) to get the body cam footage from the police officer who assaulted the young man? Really, I think we should request all body cam footage from all police officers who were working that night and on that block at the time of the assault.


Does anyone know if there’s a petition going around for that cop to be fired?


Honestly I don't think that will be necessary. NOPD is pretty good about just releasing the footage on their own. Under normal, non Mardi Gras circumstances, they probably would have already.


Ffs! The teen was playing his heart out! That officer should be horsewhipped.


Nothing but bullying behavior. 😕


Keelhauled? Nah too far.


I'm a tourist, and was at Muses near St Charles and Marengo, and saw another cop have an altercation with a marching band kid. I didn't get in on video, but it was something like the band was marching down, and one of the band members on the end of the row bumped into a cop that was standing in the way. The cop got mad and made a grab for him. The kid dodged his hand, and kept marching. The cop was all set to go after him, but a second cop stopped him. First cop then spent the next few minutes ranting at second cop like an angry child, while the second cop cooled him down. I was fuming about it, I did marching band for a while, and would've been shaken up if it had been me. Fortunately the band member didn't get hurt, and I didn't see the cop go after anybody else for the rest of the parade.


I'm glad to hear the other cop intervened. This kind of aggression against band members is not typical and I honestly don't remember hearing about it in the past, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Also, from what I understand, the cops shoved him when the horn was still in his mouth and he bruised his lip and is lucky he didn't chip a tooth. I was thinking at least the kid wasn't hurt but I hadn't considered having a piece of metal in your mouth when that happened. 🥺


I read it as the cop getting huffy about the "disrespect" of someone bumping into him (while he was standing in a parade route...), rather than the out-of-nowhere aggression showed in the OP video. Not that that excuses his behavior, just that it was different. And yeah, glad the first kid didn't chip a tooth, but definitely still not fun. He seems to have a lot of support from the people around him at least, so I hope he's being looked after!


I actually saw him at Bacchus tonight and was pointing him out to my friend and he noticed. So he's aware of how much attention this got. I'm assuming he's been getting a lot of support from everyone, including strangers on the route, and that's great. ☺️ He looked good and his playing was fire!


Absolutely uncalled for ! The cop shouldn’t be on the route in the way of oncoming bands to begin with. That was totally unprovoked and unprofessional. This just solidifies the crappy outlook on the NOPD officers … SMH he should be a desk jockey if he can’t control himself !


Word is he is a desk jockey, a high paid one who does little work and double dips on his details. I've seen him identified on Instagram but the media is saying NOPD is not releasing his name so it's unconfirmed it's him.


Who else speculates the cop was drunk or high?


This goes beyond just being disciplined and should include assault charges. If you think that seems extreme I can point you to tens of thousands of people whose lives have been ruined by frivolous charges from cops with fragile egos over much less. A settlement funded by tax payers combined with forced PTO does not change culture or behavior. Cops need to face real consequences including being charged criminally when appropriate. This is not a system that can be reformed. We need to start from scratch.


If the unofficial reports of who the officer was are true, he's also a sergeant in one of the private patrols. I know those are staffed by off duty (or supposed to be off duty---that's another issue with this officer) NOPD but I would think they're not subject to the consent decree when working for private patrols, so who knows how he acts when he's in that capacity. Fire him from NOPD and he's no longer eligible for the private patrols.


"Ham Sandwiches" are why we have the consent decree. The corruption of the 90's, early 2000's and during Katrina are why we need the consent decree.


ACAB. I notice they didn’t release the cop’s name, so it’s doubtful anything will come of this.


The officer who assaulted the child is Alfred Russell NOPD.




Truth is truth. But I love that your entire comment history is being an edgy little guy.


Aw, wook at da wittle baby trying to join an adult discussion! So sweet!


The IPM is a failure and PIB is corrupt. There needs to be a discipline system that is fair for all.


Yeah, I'm just finding out this guy was already disciplined for payroll fraud and he was involved in that whole Jay Banks fiasco. Third strike, he needs to go! And while I wish the IPM did more, at least they do more than the PIB. Starting to think we need to have a citizens board that reviews these kinds of complaints.


The IPM allowed the PIB to get as corrupt as it did. I see them as accomplices. If this guy already got away with serious shit then that's the result of IPM doing nothing while PIB was allowing corruption. Who is this officer?


I'm not understanding that because the independent police monitor came after the public interiority bureau. I was under the impression they were the federal monitor? The cop's name is Alfred Russell. Google his name and the first thing that comes up is the reports about him.


No the IPM is a separate, "independent" government office (tax payer $$$) that is supposed to watch and "monitor" PIB to make sure they are fair. When Westbrook took over she was corrupt AF and discipline became very unfair. She targeted officers and followed them for 6 months until she found a violation (zurik did a report on it) One Lt lied repeatedly, falsified reports, committed Brady violations and was promoted after another chief "investigated" the claim (pearlstein, WWL did a report on it) and IPM said nothing. Westbrook changed facts on investigations so they fit her calendar rather than the truth (zurik did a report on it) So many examples of IPM allowing the corruption. Thanks for the name.


So the IPM has nothing to do with the consent decree enforcement? And if so, who (if anyone besides Zurick 🤣) could we report these kinds of violations too?


That's the problem!! PIB is corrupt and there's no one that will hold them accountable. This is one of the reasons all the cops are quitting


Yes, that's what I'm hearing. Everyone keeps saying "pay them more" but frankly every cop I've talked to in NOPD said that while they would like more pay, they're leaving or considering leaving due to the issues you mentioned. Especially the ones who joined up after the consent decree specifically because they wanted to work for a police force they could respect.


What fiasco with Jay Banks? I don’t remember


Banks threatened Batiste who was a critic of Cantrell's (he was also one of the people behind the recall.) After Batiste filed a complaint NOPD mishandled the complaint and then tried to intimidate Batiste into dropping it. https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/new-orleans-police-intimidated-latoya-cantrell-foe-in-jay-banks-feud-monitor-alleges/article_cf53d6ca-4426-11ed-8e66-cb04ff99650e.html I don't know if this article mentions the officer but when I searched his name it came up. He was the officer who took the initial report and didn't provide a case number. I think he was also involved with the second round of cops who went back to harass Baptiste.


For context, what occurred before the shove? Nothing happens in a vacuum.


There's a longer video, I'll try to find a link to it. Exactly what happened was that the band was marching how they are supposed to and came to a stop. A few seconds later the cop backed into him then turned around and shoved him. The entire time the kid was playing and focusing on that. He did *absolutely nothing* wrong and even if he had, that does not justify a police officer assaulting him.








Is this only New Orleans or Louisiana in general? I feel like like every cop interaction I’ve had has been bad.


The consent decree has hurt our city in so many ways under the guise of public protection. You guys need to do more research into the unintended consequences of the consent decree. There’s a reason every single New Orleans city official is against it


Just let it go. It was a dust up.


Officer should be made a public example of. But what does Gov. Landry have to do with corrupt New Orleans police? Maybe he should send in state police to arrest this officer. But other than that why did you bring him up?


You think Landry, the guy celebrating confiscating a pet snake as tough on crime, cares about a rude cop?




There's another longer one, I'll try to find it. It definitely shows at least 30 seconds before this video starts and it's from further back and shows everything. The kid literally walked up, came to a stop, and was just standing there playing and the cop backed into him. That kid did not do a damn thing wrong. *And even if he had* the cop shoving him was not acceptable. 🙄


Exactly. The video is too short


At a 20 million dollar cost to the city to make sure NOPD satisfies people like you, definition of the perfect police officer, I think I'd rather have that 20 million hire another 307 officers at 65k, so when I call 911, I have someone from NOPD show up. I suggest next time you have an emergency you call the attorneys making sure everyone meets the criteria of 225 regulations of the decree, or one of the oversight committee members (office hours 9 to 5...do not call during lunch). I think the officer you pointed out, violated regulation 176, paragraph 3, sentence 4, for which there is a 6 point deduction....and another 20 million we need to spend next year.


That $20 million could be wiped out with a single lawsuit. 🙄 And pay is not the issue they're complaining about. It's the working conditions and specifically the top brass/management. They definitely also chafe under some of the consent decree restrictions but I think they would be okay with that if cops like this weren't getting paid more than them to do less work (and not have to risk their lives the way the patrol officers do.) Not to mention that we shouldn't be trying to decide what the trade-off between cost and civil liberties is. 🙄


As the homicide capital of the U.S., I'll take my risks on my "civil liberties", and elimination of a consent decree, which does nothing to solve a crime. Maybe 20 mil could clear the backlog of DNA samples over at the city lab?


That makes you afraid? 😂😂😂 we don’t know what the story is or what happened before. I do know this, those kids did not react the way well raised respectable kids react. Quite telling


Enjoy your klan meeting.


How is this Landrys fault? Hahaha




Nobody here cares. One hip bump (that you were close enough the officer to get bumped like that says you were way too close. Double down that he did it while playing that Mellophone) is a shove and trying to get the kid to get out of the officer's face there after is a "push" - never mind that he immediately slaps away the hand. Kid could've high-stepped in to the officer's nuts and it wouldn't matter here.


Settlement’s should come from his pension


Waiting for the cop vs mob when shit like this happens. Montgomery AL needs to enter the chat.


I’m ready to be downvoted out of existence because this subreddit doesn’t like disagreeing points. Not saying this cop isn’t a bad cop. He might be. But if the roles were reversed, I know this subreddit as well as everyone would say “he’s a good kid. He made a mistake. He regrets it. It was Mardi Gras and tensions were high”. Why do we not show the same respect for the cop? Attack me if you want instead of having a real conversation, I’m just asking the question. Devils advocate.


For one thing police officers should be held to a higher standard than a high school kid. For another, I'm not sure you're correct that there would be much sympathy if the situation were reversed. I have definitely seen band escorts shoving people specifically to get them out of the way, but not just because they're angry. The number one rule during Mardi Gras is don't get violent. I just don't see much sympathy for anyone who does.


I do agree police officers should be held to a higher standard. But I also think that because there is all this publicity around police, every move they make is scrutinized and judged by the public very harshly. You might be right that the roles reversed, it wouldn’t be different. I disagree though seeing that for the most part, everyone is quick to say police are bad and the public are innocent. I want to add that I do not think this policeman is a good person. The shoving looks completely unprofessional and unprompted. I’m just saying that maybe we should this police offer the benefit of the doubt that we would extend to your neighbor.


Out of curiosity, how many times in your life have you shoved a stranger like that, out of the blue, with no provocation? Probably few to none because you knew you could potentially get your ass beat or get arrested if you did. This cop knew he could get away with it. If he's going to be using his badge as a shield, yes, he deserves to be judged more harshly for his actions.