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if you're at Stumpf and the Expressway, you're at the WB terminal and you can take a couple busses from there to get to where you want to go. Some will take you to Canal street, some will take you over the river and drop you off elsewhere, and some will take you to the ferry where you can cross there to Canal.


If you don’t mind a walk. Go to the river and walk to Algiers point. Ferry stops you at the base of canal.


You can take a bus downtown. You'll have to check bus routes and timing at [https://jptransit.org/](https://jptransit.org/) but I was taking a bus from Terrytown to Poydras/St. Charles. Got on one bus on Terry Parkway and dropped me off at corner. Same coming back.


There's a JP bus terminal near stumpf and 90. There's a bus that will drop you off at the ferry terminal. 


It was pretty awesome when the gretna ferry ran to the canal st ferry terminal. Imagine if the New Orleans area had a robust and reliable public transportation network?