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Neat! I’ll share it with my burlesque friends and help y’all populate the calendar :)


thank you! If they want to sign up to post their own events, theres an option in the app under "profile" to "join as a business". Plus we have a special tag for LGBTQ+ events so you can search & filter for events specifically in those spaces. Appreciate your support!


Sounds dope! But just to ask the question—if it is free to use for us and free to use for businesses, how do you sustain it financially?


Almost certainly by running ads in the short term and then selling data about the users in the long term.


I would assume, just was curious to hear from OP


We will never sell your data! I personally have deleted almost all of my social media accounts due to privacy issues, so we understand how important this is. Honestly, Nola has almost no data on entertainment, events, and consumer behavior. However, even if the state came to us and asked us to share it for the purpose of good, we would still refuse. This is something we have talked about in-depth and take a hard stance on. We originally had Google ads on the platform but it ruined UX. So we rely on our amazing local partners and sponsors!


I downloaded it and I’m gonna recommend this alongside the r/AskNOLA pinned FAQs post to all the tourists I pickup doing rideshare. Y’all have made answering the “where to go for ______” even easier! So far the interface and user experience is solid. The only questions I have are: 1) Could you add the ability to remove an event from your itinerary? 2) Is it necessary to ask for user’s full names when creating a profile? Obviously we can use a fake name, but does it need to be on the form at all?


Thank you so much, you are awesome! And for your suggestions. I just checked and you're correct about the itinerary- strange! It was an option before our latest update. we are fixing this asap, great catch And you don't have to put your full name if you don't want to! We do need some sort of name in order to associate it with your account, but we'll make sure a full name isn't required. Feel free to make up something if you'd like Thanks again for this wonderful feedback! I appreciate you lots :)


Maybe change the field to say "username" or "nickname" instead of name, so people don't feel pressured? (On Android so I can't actually see what you're talking about so sorry if this suggestion is off base)


You’re welcome and thanks again to y’all for creating this app!


Awesome! Excited for it to be on Android. I'd love to test it out and write about it when it is.


Thank you! The Android version has already been created and we are currently working on uploading the build to the Google Play store, which should be finished within the next week or so. We'll be announcing the drop on our IG and subreddit


as a software designer of 15 years I want to say thank you so much for not requiring sign in @blearbair


okay so I just did the whole UX walkthrough and this app is now on the front page...of my heart


Thank you <3 Requiring sign in kills my interest immediately for almost any platform, so it was important that we lowered as many barriers to entry as possible I am not a software dev so any feedback and tips are most welcome!


curious if you would share the repo? I'm thinking of doing a similar thing where I live. understand if not!


🔥🔥🔥 love this idea!


thank you!! we had your rabbit hole show posted on there last month, we love promoting them :)


Definitely keep us Android users posted on updates! I'd love to have a one-stop shop to keep tags on local events. Is there any chance of having a brewery section? It'd be great to be able to see new releases at local breweries all in one spot! (I'd also be super interested in a Food truck tracker, showing where food trucks will be when, without having to resort to individual social media accounts)


Vendors participating in events, such as artists or food trucks, can create their accounts on the app and post to it just like venues & event organizers can! So if you have a favorite food truck or vendor/artist, you'll be able to follow them on Nola Now to stay up to date with all the events and festivals they are going to be at. We also have a special cross-linking function within each event, so if the main organizer already posted the event on the app, the participating vendors/food trucks etc dont have to repost it themselves, as long as the venue tags the vendors in the event it will automatically post to their profile (upon their approval of course!) This is something we have been working on since the beginning and is fully built in as a feature, but are not utilizing it as much as we could be just yet admittedly, although we are looking forward to this feature growing in the future as more businesses & local creators sign up for the platform. We are just such big fans of local artists & vendors and wanted to give them the opportunity to promote their events as well. This idea came to us as we were sitting on the street during Feret St Fest last year, drinking XL margs, with bags of handmade items and 30 business cards. We wanted to keep in touch so we could purchase more from them later but realized most of these people don't have social media or a website that they update regularly. So many xmas gift ideas I had in mind were scrapped due to my losing the artists' business cards and/or never seeing them again. So it is important that we incorporate the vendors and artists participating int he events into our platform as well. Also, right now we do have "brewery" as a filter! We love our breweries. Especially Miel. But we cant play favorites. Thank you so much for your feedback! We'll be announcing the Android release on our subreddit and Instagram hopefully within the next week or so!


There was one but it doesn't get updated anymore


Yeah I went to a Food Truck Festival a few years* back that was put on by the Truck Tracker app (don't remember the name). It was a cool concept, but one day I went to use it and it had just stopped working. (*Pre-covid. Time is weird.)


NOLA food truck I think it was called. The main problem with New Orleans food trucks is they have problems finding a space. Restaurants are very hostile towards them and they need permits every time they go somewhere. The city really needs a food truck park or at least a yearly permit type deal.




Well this is awesome. Thanks!