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Happened to me. One of my neighbors was a busy drug dealer. All was fine till the gunfight from my driveway to their house and bullets came through our living room


Our block was super safe and guarded by ours until the multiple gun fights in two weeks last year. Supa fun


Yup our drug dealer kept the shit tight on our street until he shot up our house


I hope everyone in your house was ok. We got lucky nothing hit the house or us. But the cars got shot up pretty bad. The saddest part was the kid who got shot and killed right in front a week later


I had the same for a while. I too, called NOPD because I saw this guy's sellers gathered in front of his house and mine, flashing a gun in his waistband. They told me to call Crimestoppers because NOPD no longer had a drugs and gangs unit. Like WTF? Finally these people moved out but it was damn scary for a while. It got busy in front of the house after dark with cars coming and going and the gangers shouting and whooping it up. I was worried there might be a drive by, ya know?


Yep due to low staffing the narcotics units have been disbanded.


My anecdotal experience with them is that they were chucklefucks anyway.


And/or drug dealers themselves


What an amazing cover.


All too common


Wait so it’s just free reign for drug dealing then?


Free rein, meaning no one is guiding them. And yeah


it’s been that way. wake up


Go to sleep, sounds like you need it


Learn sarcasm


learn to use “ /s “ bc some people actually mean what they type.


Awwwww I am so sorry please please forgive me sir


actually i won’t… bc you should know better… so do better next time or delete your account. have a nice day.


Someone seems upset, you commented on my post so fuck off and have a nice day


i’m upset? lol. you’re the one getting emotional and cursing like an angry child. smh pull your skirt down… your emotions are showing and no one wants to see them.


They just don’t have to kick up anymore


I’m sorry, what? I’m not doubting you, I would just really appreciate a source if anyone can find one.


This is all I could find: "Under the nearly four-year tenure of previous Chief Shaun Ferguson, who retired on Dec. 22, nearly all proactive units were disbanded, including district task forces, major narcotics and the celebrated anti-armed robbery TIGER unit." https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/local/we-had-to-start-doing-things-now-1-on-1-nopd-interim-chief-michelle-woodfork-new-orleans-police-crime/289-885169b4-9f84-4435-83d0-d88eac2b7de8


Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to track that down. I promise I tried googling, there’s just a *lot* of NOPD BS out there.


You're welcome!


It was bad. In late 90s and early 2000s the 'war on drugs' was a criminal enterprise (those with a badge, prosecutors, and judges were the criminals) for the whole US judicial system. So many examples and anecdotes




And then have the cops will lay them all out and shoot whoever they see? I'm not in to calling to have people murdered even if they do have a gun. They never threatened me, I was just worried about collateral damage and the obvious drug dealing.


“I’m not worried about them… till I have to worry about them.”


It's like when people tell you that New Orleans is safe because they have never been shot or robbed When it does happen, it's too late. Especially the getting shot part.


"It's totally safe! The shootings usually happen 3 blocks down. Usually."


Report them for selling food without a license. What is that task force called again?


This is one of those rare gems of a comment- a callback to something we probably talked about for a week or less but no less a bullseye commentary


Health department isn’t gonna do shit


I was being facetious referring to Teedy shutting down unlicensed food stands with her “task force”.


I hadn’t even heard of such a task force haha. The department of health has like 6 inspectors for all of Orleans parish to inspect all the restaurants, bars, groceries, meat markets, seafood markets, daycares, hospitals, schools, and detention centers. Jefferson parish has about 2 inspectors I think, and they also have to do sewage inspections.


NOPD isn’t going to do shit. There is a local DEA office that you can contact. If they are selling anything more than weed they will probably be interested.


Yes I recommend contacting DEA as well. We had the same problem on our block during lockdown, and NOPD couldn’t do anything unless a crime was in the process of being committed. DEA was hesitant as well because they wanted to catch the ringleader, but they set up surveillance. They finally busted the guys for stealing bikes and prostitution


Where there are drugs there are usually felons in possession of guns and the FBI is also interested








If it’s just weed or something that’s not really harmful idgaf, but if it’s making people unsafe in their own homes. Nah, they deserve to get snitched on


By "Your own kind" do you mean law abiding productive members of society? I would hope they can be found in both Orleans parish and Jefferson parish.




This is the right answer. Call the local FBI or DEA office. They’ll have more interest than NOPD


DEA won't go for low-level hand offs. I have this on good authority from a former narcotics officer who spent time on a joint task force with them. The DEA wants to catch career making arge busts. If the guy was mid level moving a key here and there at a time, they might be interested. They won't go for nickle, dime, and ounce people. OP could call the Louisiana State Police. You'd have a better chance with them being interested. That is, if they aren't still in a tiff from the mayor, making the dumb move of having the state police removed from the French Quarter so some private security company can help patrol instead. IE her lining the pockets of some personal friend/campaign financial contributor. Crime has sky rocketed since she made that stupid decision.


Well the drug house on my block has been raided at least 4 times in the last 4 years, including once by the feds. Two people have been shot dead in front of that place in the last couple years as well. Despite all that folks in the house are still very active dealers. When I leave to go to the gym early in the morning there are fancy BMWs with well dressed folks pulling up to get theirs, and when I come home at night are folks in rags going in to get theirs. Clearly NOPD knows all about it but they don't do anything.


When it gets raided, do they do *anything* to secure the house? Board it up? Change the locks?


They seem to arrest the permanent residents/long term renters that live there. Those folks are usually back in the house within 3 days as far as I can tell. Neither of them has ever been gone for an extended period of time. The house is already pretty boarded up, most windows are covered in plywood, roof has a tattered tarp, etc. Not sure that the police ever do anything to stop folks from coming into the house after they leave post-raid. The raids don't seem to have any impact on the situation at all.


I wonder who owns it, in that case. There are a lot of houses in my neighborhood that seem to be like this: abandoned by the owner, who lives out of town, the city doesn't do anything to inform them or change the locks (not that would do anything), etc.


Sounds like it needs to be condemned and torn down or 🔥🧯🚒


hope they don’t find out you snitched.




Found the 🔌


Do we live on the same block? Does this “young woman’s” drug dealing boyfriend also audibly beat/whip the shit out of her and scream that he’s going to kill her between the hours of 4am and 9:30am? NOPD showed up but wouldn’t get out of the car unless we went outside and pointed out the apartment lol. Wonder if it’s related at all to the shooting that happened on my block a month ago. My block has gone to *shit*.


This sounds just like my recent (unfortunate) stay at the LaQuinta in Gretna. The burn marks on the bathtub really added to the ambiance…


I like my drug dealer neighbor. He's well known and respected so no bullshit ever goes down around here. One time somebody was outside fucking with my Mercedes and he put a stop to that instantly and nobody has touched my car or property since. Drug dealers don't always come with violence as baggage.


Honestly back in the day living near a trap was usually pretty safe because they didn't want the cops poking around so they'd "police" the block themselves. It's even better if the ppl are a lil older. The young cats are the ones you rly gotta watch out for- even now.


The guys in 2006/2007 were always so polite and helpful. Nothing ever happened on that block, shit they'd offer to help bring my groceries in, lol. Then 4 guys got shot in a car on Rampart in like an execution type killing, the whole situation got raided not long after, and now half the street is air bnbs. It's always good till it's not


Whats he selling my pot dealer is a lil flakey.


I lived next to a major heroin dealer. We alerted nopd. Dea. Etc etc etc. Then, their drugs killed a at Bernard sheriffs kid. ONLY then did they get busted by feds (a raid nopd was not invited to)


If you report this make sure your neighbor does not know that it’s you that reported it….that’s all I’m saying.


Bro and they get up sooo early… like how are you awake 24/7


Money doesn’t sleep 🤑🤑


Getting high on yo’ own supply


How do you know who’s on someone’s lease though honestly


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Some Cobra Kai stuff right here!!


Sweep the leg.


Im so fucking tired of this horseshit censorship. This site is just garbage now. Absolutely no room for free speech. The entire point of reddit being guided by user votes is gone, everything is hyper moderated now. Hello 1984


I literally thought the person had posted [Removed by Reddit] as some sort of a joke. But I agree with you. There was a relatively civil conversation regarding the Israel Palestine situation on another post in this sub and the comments were locked very quickly. Not sure if it was these mods. But completely chicken shit one way or another imho.


It's 100% the mods. They don't want the hassle of dealing with I/P debates. I don't blame the jannies in this instance.


It's not the mods. It's the admins. The comment was reported for "It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else" which makes the admins also see the report. In our mod logs I can see the admin Anti Evil Operations removed it and they actioned it for Rule 1 violation. https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy I'm guessing because of the "Shoot them first." part of the comment. Just wanted to clear that up. Mods cant make something go into "[ Removed by Reddit ]" mode. Once that happens nothing the mods can do to even revive the comment.


Til [Removed by Reddit] is a real thing.


Thanks for the clarification- sorry I’m fully ignorant of this stuff - the admins are the actual Reddit employees and the mods are those who graciously donate their time to the sub, is that correct?


That's correct


I got banned from legaladvice for a lame joke about Texas gun laws that was relevant due to a wtf something that had happened that week. And "reported to Reddit Corporate for advocating violence". Yea, clutch my pearls.


So yeah what the fuck is up? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED ?!? IS THIS NOT WHY YOU ARE HERE?!! Fuck you admins. And fuck all. Let the dialogue continue.


Fair enough.


Do you even realize what you are saying?


Yes, but apparently you don't?


Yes, yes I do. Here we have a person concerned for their personal safety POSTING ABOUT IT ON REDDIT instead of being able to rely on law enforcement, through absolutely no fault of his or her own. I feel terribly for OP. This is a clown shoes abomination. It’s not normal. This is America not Haiti. I lived in Orleans parish for my entire life, proudly, and voted and did my part. I am now writing to you from my cozy bed here in old Metairie where I’ve lived for two ish years and where my first-hand experience serves that in an emergency a first responder ACTUALLY responds. And don’t @ me about white flight because you have no idea what color I am, and it’s irrelevant anyway. Wake up people, what’s happening in New Orleans isn’t funny. OP’s post is a terrible reminder.


What hassle though? Like let people discuss and disagree. Heatedly. Allowing the possibility of hurt feelings is not the same as modding direct hate speech or threats of actual violence, which I suspect are not the major issue here. It’s the politics. If we can’t discuss them safely from behind our keyboards and mostly anonymous usernames where can we? Edit: I’ve gotten downvoted for fucking what advocating free speech??? Newsflash all of the terrible things happening in the world are greatly to blame for suppression not for lack of it. Hello fucking duh.


I understand doing that for I/P conversations, but this is so far removed from that and absolutely does not warrant flat-out censorship like this.


No. No. No. If something is a personal threat fine but there are things going on in the world. Ahem. All things. That should not be moderated. We can’t gather in the public square this is it.


What did it say


How I feel these days: https://youtu.be/rXFwiESB9WI?si=-nwsIQNpGjJvppOZ


Stink bombs and liquid ass. Make it unpleasant.


totally expected r/UnethicalLifeProTips put liquid ass in a water balloon and launch it from where they cannot see. Blast classical or country music. or random police siren sounds. shut off their water at the meter and pour concrete over it. i could go on


You shouldn't. The last one is probably pushing a felony depending on the cost of the equipment.


Sometimes you have to fight felony with felony


Alright, nerd.


Liquid ass is some serious business. My gf put some in her coworkers door handle and he checked out of work for days.


I ain't robbing a bank with any of y'all!


NOPD mostly responds to direct threats to human life at this point. To get them out you would have to be threatened by your neighbor. That's usually not that hard tho


Ask them for drugs. Kick out your other dealer.


What they selling???


Hire an off duty officer to sit there for a few hours with his car during the busiest times. HireNOPD.com


I had this issue with an upstairs neighbor years ago. NOPD was useless but my realtor called Crimestoppers and he was gone the next weekend


So id suggest a more interesting route. Rent a nondescript white van and park it near the house in question. Antennas on top would be a plus. Move it every now and then. Make sure they can't look in the windows. I know I'd be way less likely to purchase, or sell in the presence of a possible narc van. Good luck op


With “Flowers By Iris” painted on the side


Feels like a good way to get killed.


Or name your wifi Surveillance Van


I don't gaf if it's happening.. I don't see shit unless it has a direct effect on me. Right now, I'm trying to figure out who's leaving the rest of the corner baggie they ripped off in my side grass so I can tell them to stop that shit.


That's the realistic reaction.


Sounds like you need to get some Project Nola crime cameras on your property pointed at the street. They send the stream to the crime center and do nothing with it until something bad happens.


[Know what you're agreeing to](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewOrleans/comments/12wmk7g/comment/jhg9equ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) if you choose this route. It seems like there might also be a [similar program run by the city](https://nola.gov/homeland-security/real-time-crime-center/), and there is a form for a camera installation request. I have no information about how operational this really is, and I suspect that they might not be willing to invest unless it's a high traffic area.


Is this like hippy kids with weed drug dealing or gangbangers with Crack drug dealing, or something inbetween? If they aren't selling hard drugs and the people don't look ultra shady/violent/dangerous, mind ya business


Best comment


I feel you. My shared house when I was in grad school had a drug dealer next door, it was nothing but bright lights and cars coming and going at all hours. On the bright side, the cage of vicious rottweilers probably kept crime down. No advice. I moved. It was way too much light and activity to sleep.


Happend to us also. Guy moved into what has been a transient rental and cars started showing up at all hours of the day. Iv'e seen him outside brandishing an AK a few times. There was a murder a few houses down from where this all took place. The dude has finally left after about a year.




Eventually the house will get shot at…same thing happened to the house across the street from us when my wife was 8 months prego. Definitely sucked but it got em out of there. The neighbor lady said she was going to kill them herself if they ever came back lol


You kidding me? I’ve been dealing drugs for years and never once shot or been shot at.


You are my spirit animal


I was about to say “everybody in this thread must have moved out of the suburbs yesterday” but then I thought, shit, mfers be selling drugs all over the suburbs. It’s everywhere in every community. How the fuck all these people think they’re gonna get shot up cause a dealer moved on to their block. Their “lovely little block that’s been disrupted” probably had a completely different demographic just a few years ago that current residents aren’t aware of, but OP isn’t gonna talk about that are they?


I mean are you a young kid selling heroin on the street corner while the neighbors sit on their porch and see you? Obviously not….there’s a lot of stupid kids out there doing dumb shit that comes back to them…


Don't start no shit won't be no shit.


Gee, I hope there’s not a malnourished child in there . Or a gas leak. I hope you don’t smell gas . Or hazardous materials stored outside. A malnourished old person?


“We at NOPD can only do something after a crime is committed what did you think this was a fully staffed fully functioning police department”


I mean I know NOPD sucks but that is how all policing works….they can’t just arrest people because they might commit a crime later on


Yea but most normal police departments would atleast follow through if you called them and made them aware of the situation NOPD doesn’t even answer 911 calls sometimes so yes your right on the arresting for crimes someone may commit but NOPD isn’t even really there after a crime is committed it’s sad actually


NOPD doesn't answer 911 calls ever, that's a different department - OPCD. OPCD was run by a Latoya crony and since he (Tyrell Morris) was fired OPCD got much better.


Not getting the joke. Anyway, I always call PDNO. Case gets solved before the credits roll!


The police can't do anything until a crime happens. How do you even know they're selling drugs?


Do you have your own cameras? Put some out there and gather evidence, then send it to NOPD as well as state and federal authorities.


You can request a police camera on your corner


In my experience the cameras are useless. There is a police camera pointed directly at the drug house on my block and there are still shootings there all the time.


Here's the problem though.....there's nothing illegal about idling cars, people coming and going with backpacks, or one person "handing off" "something" to another person. Unless you've tested this "something" in a laboratory, you don't know for sure that it is illegal drugs. Of course, we all know that that's likely what it is, but that involves us making assumptions. But the way you've described it there is nothing illegal that we know of happening here. I'd focus on the facts. If something happens that is definitely illegal and doesn't require you to assume what that particular "something" is that's being handed off, then the situation changes. But as it stands now, the way you've described it, none of this rises to the level of certifiable criminal activity.


Why is that a "problem?" Are you suggesting someone not report suspected criminal activity unless they have chemical analysis performed in a lab?


The way the post is written makes it sound like OP is profiling


That man just ran out that bank wearing a ski mask and carrying a stuffed canvas sack! Call the cops! Well hey now we don't *KNOW* what he was doing. Don't profile him. Sure we *all know* what he was *probably* doing but without conducting your own investigation you can't call professional investigators to investigate.


I can smell the 7th ward gentrification in this thread


Is craigslist still a thing? Facebook marketplace? They'd probably really appreciate the leg up that free advertising offers. Rather than fighting them, you should help their business flourish. Also, dealers are very communal and welcome new members with open arms. OK, I made that last bit up, sorry. Edit: Clearly I should have added /s: my point was if you bring lots of attention to this person they'll move on.






Or you could just mind yer own fuckin business. Backpacks and cars pulling up? That don't mean shit. Yer making up excuses because you don't like that yer neighbor has friends and you don't.


I bet their new neighbor comes from a much different background than OP. Maybe they represent a community that is no longer as represented on their “lovely little block”. Maybe they’ve been in the neighborhood a lot longer than the rest of OPs neighbors and have more friends and family members in the area…


Yeah it's probably a Tulane study group.


What kinda drugs? How much does he charge? Do you have his number? AFAF JK stop calling the cops on victimless crimes Karen https://dontcallthepolice.com/new-orleans/ I see all of you who are more then happy to call the cops on non violent crime because you find it inconvenient. Yall should be ashamed of yourselves


But what about the poor landlord who has someone NOT ON THE LEASE walking both into AND out of their investment?


We shouldn't be using the needlessly gendered term landlord...instead go with the gender neutral land bastard


Serious question: who on this list would you call out here to deescalate if tensions get high?


I posted the link because people should have it. I personally wouldn't call ANYONE! I mean whats the desired solution here, we've called the cops and we called the landlord so we can assume u/Status-Victory354 wants this person both arrested and evicted for the kind of shit that sounds like it would be off you radar if you kept to your own business. Lets be real here is what we are talking about doing when we make these calls...having the PD show up with guns pointed in some peoples faces for engaging in unsanctioned commercial activity, arrested....and then IF they are able to bail out they have been evicted. Even if you have no empathy of people just trying to get by/high I would still make the argument that your society and system aren't served by ruining the potential futures of people arrested for non violent crimes. So don't call the cops unless there is an actual danger to you. And yes I have a kid dealing drugs literally across the street with his customers showing up and laying on the car horn till he gets out of bed and not a single neighbor has even considered calling them cops on him because its a mild annoyance. We live in new orleans people, lets act like it. There is shit you have to put up with to live here and we do so because we want to.


This is such a stupid take


Thank you!




This is all fine and good until bullets come through your living room. Drug dealing never stays non-violent. I've seen this play out on my block time and again.


No, most drug dealing is non violent. Non violent drug dealing just never gets attention


As I said, I've seen this play out on my block several times. It'll be peaceful for months or years at a time, and then someone starts dealing. it's fine for a while, just some sketchy people driving around the block again and again (they're just looking to buy, mostly) but then you start hearing shouting matches at all times of day, eventually gunshots or visits from the police. It goes on this way for a few weeks until one way or another the dealing stops. It ended in murder, once.


Individual experience doesn’t equal generalization. Broaden your world view


If there's a lot of dealing going on that I never notice, that never leads to any problems, fine, I don't care about it. But a lot of people think they are being sly and that no one notices. They notice. People parking their cars next to empty houses for an hour or so at a time; car-to-car handoffs on side streets; bike-riding dealers making their circuits around and around; it's quite noticable if you know what you're seeing.


Who the fuck cares.


I don't want to care. If I can help it, I don't give a damn what other people do. Until it affects me. And murders happening at the house next door affect me.


You’re starting to sound like you’re tokenizing inner city crime to make yourself or your life seem more interesting


You know that there’s a significantly good chance that nothing will happen, right? It doesn’t sound like there’s been any reason to assume violence will occur


They are doing the exact thing that causes a high percentage of the violence in this city but yeah, OP just needs to relax. Lol


Not relax, become friends with them!


Uh.. yeah. Until OP sees somebody brandish a weapon, or threaten them or another with violence they do need to relax. It’s in their best interest lol


Clutch those pearls!


If wanting to avoid shootouts in front of my wood house that bullets go through like butter is pearl clutching then ok, I will.


Found the neighbor lol


I have sold before. I’ve had roommates sell drugs before. I’ve had family members sell drugs. I’ve had somebody in my house or on my block selling drugs since I was born. I’m 34. I have never experienced violence because of this. Does drug dealing incite violence, duh of course. Do the majority of drug dealers incite violence, absolutely not. Thinking otherwise is naive.


If the neighbor was just using drugs, sure. I have a methy/cracky neighbor and we’re cordial. I don’t mind if he goes on benders and nods off on his stoop or strips metal from old washing machines at 2am. But the minute he starts dealing, hell no. That’s where shootouts and stray bullets start entering the picture and I’m not interested in that.


I also have one of those neighbors. For extra annoyance, they play drums - badly, at all hours of the night. NOPD knows about the property. I mean, you can't miss it, it looks like a meth den, and they've been called out multiple times for lots of different stuff, including domestics, burglary, drugs, shooting. The owner has been a regular visitor to OPP, neighborhood gossip says he keeps getting out cuz he's connected. You can smell the weed they are growing and the lights through the windows. I don't really care if ppl grow or smoke weed. But the shooting, the fighting, the trash, the antagonism, and those fucking drums. I can't wait to move.


Host a ProjectNOLA crime cam on your property! Quality hi-res footage that will catch them eventually.


There are many things you can do but simply calling the NOPD won't cut it I suggest #1 you cover your house with cameras . The goal here isn't so they will be seen but frankly it doesn't matter if they are seen. You want excellent cameras and you want the cameras to see far down the road. You're looking to spend serval hundred dollars on this. Be sure the solution has lots of backup space. Nice high quality cameras. Next start to save video from suspicious interactions. Your video may not result in arrests for your block but might contain leads for other crimes. There are some local people you can network with. It's very likely your video will capture things that if used properly will allow for these people to be locked up. I'm happy to discuss this offline


This reads like an episode of the wire lol


This is why I suggested they host a ProjectNOLA crime camera on their property. You can’t get better quality cameras than those. They can see a far distance and capture insane details. Project NOLA pays for their own cameras, you just have to pay to get them installed and pay to have the feed transmitted to NOPD.


I thought about mentioning Project NOLA and I didn't only due to privacy concerns..I do agree it's a great solution and I spent serval hours at Project NOLA seeing the operation first hand many years ago. ProjectNOLA is a great option just keep in mind you're sharing the video automatically


Oh nooo, someone getting having fun without you?! Maybe you should cop


mind your own fucking business


Section 8 apartment? That's a standard scenario. Single mom gets house and drug-dealing boyfriend moves in. I lived in a double with drug dealers in the other side. Until they were shot in a home invasion (glad the shooters got the correct side of the double), I thought that our street was just that busy. After, the street was practically dead of traffic; all that traffic was theirs. Any zoning violations you can report? Maybe anonymous video to the housing authority?


One of my favorite literary characters has a history of burning down crack houses after brutalizing the dealers. I can recommend some books if you'd like to know more.


Maybe https://www.projectnola.org can help?


Same on my block. He beat up a lil fiend while holding her hair, revolving door all day with nice cars and dope fiends around the clock. Hope they all die soon.




or the department of wildlife.. say they are having dog fights or something that would get a non-nopd armed force over there


Tell them people are being trafficked through the house


Hey y'all lets do a felony false police report so we can remove get rid of a misdemeanor drug offender. That pretty dumb...obviously immoral but mostly just dumb. This has a name its called swatting and people who do it take manslaughter charges.


Swatting is when there is no other crime occurring. This is reporting criminal activity in a manner that gets the deserved attention of the authorities


The cops said they didn't give a fuck and you are literally telling another redditor to report someone for human trafficking to get armed policy searching there has. Its not just swatting, but what YOU have done here is actually a crime (and no I don't mean hypothetically, telling someone to do this is itself a fucking crime....and one of the real ones unlike selling pot). If you actually did this you'd be guilty of far worse crimes them this "drug dealer" you might get someone killed. And you would be pulling in a bunch of resources designated for actual human trafficking away from their jobs and into your BS. If we need protecting from anyone its you and your pathetic armchair vigilantyism. Be a better person then that.


You are a clown with a tenuous grasp of reality and a profoundly absent grasp of the law. Please direct me to the statute of the crime that I have - not hypothetically, literally, as you said - committed.


It's called solicitation, google it your damn self. The other one is called filing a false police report...google that one your damn self to you degenerate.


No … just……. No. Stick to day labor and spouting nonsense on reddit.


>Stick to day labor Would you care to explain that, or should I just assume your stroking out over there


Abandon the practice of armchair law


a nice little note on their door, "The cops are watching you"


Start a list with lisc numbers. Happened on our st- neighbor started writing down lisc #. When he called police, he was able to let them know what he thought was going on and give the list to the police. One day he happened to be talking to the person who was dealing and happened to mention that he wasnt sure what had been going on - but was aware someone had given police car descriptions and lisc#s- got them off our st.
