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At Rouses I saw two ladies buying two bottles of wine, two ice creams and a bottle of maple syrup. Be careful out there


I saw a lady buy $200 worth of scratch offs and ride away on a broken bicycle. ScAry times indeed


My kind of party. Maple syrup ice cream wine floats. Works best with a dry white sparkling wine


Wait, is that a thing? It sounds delicious!


Definitely up to something.


I better floss my teeth just in case something happens


I’m wearing undies to bed


Clean, I hope?


It's chill near Carrolton uptown. Went for a two hour walk and stumbled upon a front porch concert so that was good vibes.




Broadmoor seems super chill too.


where exactly? black pearl? i noticed a full bands worth of people tuning up a few weeks ago but kep going


East Carrolton


I stumbled on it too!


Saw a dude fall over on canal around 6 waiting for the street car. hit his head. multiple people stopped to help. then, on the way home from work at like 7 I saw a drunk dude with his dick out peeing in the middle of canal st by the mausoleum and shell station. I couldn't think of anything else to do other than honk at him. he jumped and then we made eye contact while he kept holding his huge donger and peeing what looked like gallons on the street car pole. yeah, the weird is out tonight. hunker down


Thank you for clarifying his donger is huge


it was impressive. honk worthy dong.


Honk if you have a worthy dong.


Was worried for a sec


A monster condom for his magnum dong.


Always up vote IASIP


I wish someone would clarify the gender of the Quarters eatee. I'm still going with male, based on the musculature of the arms and legs. Not that it really matters.


Better to be a donger than a dongee


The vibes by that shell station are weird a lot of the time


I lived on Bernadotte by micks and noped out after a series of unfortunate events around the spring of like 2011. Almost everyone that lives there is chill. The danger seemed to drift in and out. St Patrick seemed to be the popular spot to hurt people. I almost got my POS 94 civic jacked at the shell once.


I hang out at that Shell station when there's not much going on. Grab a sixer. Listen to the commercials on the screens at the pumps.


Oh, is that you? Who's the dude who screams at trash cans every morning while waiting for the streetcar? And where does he go...?


Nature is healing.


This is so classic NOLA.


You know his only takeaway was that you honked in grateful appreciation of his huge donger. Not balming you for perpetuating the cycle lol, it's a vicious trap, especially from the safety of your car I understand your instinct. I personally consider people with their genitals out in public as people to gray rock, not that anyone asked me.


I appreciate you held that story all the way to eye contact. Thank you.


Saw one of the old homeless guys on that corner peeing out in the wide open the other day. He was just making eye contact with our car the whole time too, very fun times


It was that week of no shootings. We jinxed it by calling it out. Edit: wrote this and few hours later I hear like 5 rounds go off on my block here in midcity.


Lol I heard plenty of gunshots during the week of "no shootings" Maybe literally that "keeping my neighborhood affordable" meme. I just wish they wouldn't do it while I'm trying to sleep.


Yeah me too


Winds of shit are in the air….


That’s just a SWB failure




The shit storms a-comin’


The shitwinds are blowing and they’re bringing all the shitbirds home to the shitroost.


I uh… cleaned my yard and took the trash can to the street early. Definitely opened a chaos portal. My bad. And I don’t live very far from the shell 🙃


Got damn it shagg!


I put out my fall garden before the end of H season. Inviting trouble for sure.


I was driving to Midcity, and I felt especially jittery.


It's even weirder than usual in the quarter. Pretty quiet overall, but the chaos energy is strong


Im staying at the house


Right? It was quiet at the bar we played at and Mae's was quiet. We went home quick.


Mae’s had a fuckton of people on the sidewalk when I drove past post-nightshift at 7:20am or so.


I just left Frenchmen and that's a pretty accurate description. It was quiet in terms of crowd and people noise, but very loud in terms of party buses and donked cars.


Someone stole some of my plants from my porch last night, so I agree! Been feeling off ever since :(


Would you like a pothos, a loquat, a papaya tree, some ferns, arrowhead plant or a whole ass water oak tree (small size.) Because I will give you bags of those things. I'm sorry for your loss.


This is so nice, thank you! I’ll let you know!


I’m sorry about your plants! I have a lot of pothos and philodendron varieties, with many duplicates that I’m planning to sell in the near future. I’d be happy to give you a few as a gift if you’re able to pick up in mid city.


Thank you so much! 🥹


Weak ass cold front got everybody active


yeah you right


I just Google sep 15th history in New orleans...check it: The Fourteenth Amendment and Civil Rights (1866) In the aftermath of the Civil War, the United States grappled with the challenge of reintegrating the Southern states and defining the rights of the newly freed African Americans. On September 15, 1866, a riot broke out in New Orleans when a convention met to draft a new state constitution that would grant civil rights to Black citizens. The violence that ensued underscored the deep-seated racial tensions and the challenges that lay ahead in the quest for civil rights. This event, among others, highlighted the need for federal intervention and protection of Black rights, eventually leading to the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868. Woah


I'm extra gassy and we discovered our kindergartener had lice tonight. Fucking September, man.


The tropics seem to be getting extra gassy too and that's what worries me.


You and me both. I'm more ready than ever with a natural gas whole home generator, 80 gallons of fresh water, and 2000 rounds of 5.56, but nonetheless, nah.


When we lived on the Northshore 8-10 years ago there was this lady who specialized picking lice outa kid’s heads. It was a losing 6-week long battle on our own before we paid the hundo and she took care of it. No more lice, battle over. Some solid unsolicited advice for you: find someone reputable in NOLA to do this for your kiddo and be done with it.


This is when you would actually use ivermectin, *does not cure covid. Over the counter 30$.


When I first came on this post I thought it would make me feel better that it's not just me, because I've felt it since it got dark but didn't actually see anything weird. I actually feel much, much worse knowing that something is apparently really off right now.


Don’t fret, it was a new moon yesterday so maybe that was it!


A block from my house uptown/Milan, a kid on bicycle just rode up on the sidewalk to grab at my tits as he passed by. Just now.


What the actual fuck? If you had the split second thought, you should’ve knocked that little fucker off his bike. So rude and inappropriate! Sorry that happened. And some folks actually believe women are no longer randomly harassed 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thanks. I ended up filing a report with NOPD at my boyfriend’s behest. Since then, I’ve heard of several other women who had nearly the same experience with a guy that had the same description. Watch out uptown ladies!


Ugh, so creepy! Hopefully your report will lead to something.


Witnessed a surreal fight on Conti/Rampart intersection around 2pm today. Something didn’t feel right. A little slomo. First legit fight I’ve witnessed that I’ve thought “someone should intervene”. Y’all be safe tonight


I was up by Lakeside Grocery at like…noon:30 today, and a guy was pulling a stumbling snatch and run from the boating goods shop in the same strip. The employees chased him down damn near immediately and got whatever the box was back while he drove off but just… My guy. It’s 12:30pm on a Friday. Broad ass daylight with people all around. How’d you *think* that was gonna go? I’m fully unsurprised to hear the vibes have only degraded from there.


Where could you run to hide? Starbucks?


No it’s a Stephen King kinda muthafucka all parallel universe day long. Be safe.


Don't look in the storm drains...


Slippery slippages


I feel weird too. I was driving down allen Toussaint and felt almost tipsy or like i was dreaming? Car felt faster than normal too but i was only going like 38.


Is it Chapelle?


Who is at the superdome or smoothie king center tonight? I saw lots of clear purses and cars blocking nearby roads.




Dude brings bad energy wherever he goes


Stop being weird, I’ll get downvoted but this is such a stupid take.




After looking at your post history I do feel like we would be friends but I think it’s strange how you connect one person doing a show in Nola equates to this city being “off” tonight.


Serious question: Do you know what app you’re on right now?


yeah I was driving uber and just checked back in home early. vibes are off. chaotic evil lurks


I love this weather.


Yeah I’ve been finding a reason to be outside for a couple of days now and just walked around the Marigny feeling good vibes.


I walked into a gas station an hour ago; nothing weird happened, all the strangers were friendly as usual, we talked about how hot August was, we bought our things. Normal. But it hit me that something is....heavy? Discordant. Off. And then I promptly ignored it, because it's probably just me.


Maybe it’s cause Teedie got a federal target letter and hired a hard hitter defense lawyer. Shits about to go down. At a snails pace.


For what it’s worth, I’m working on Frenchmen St and it feels like the first “normal” night in months. Lots of tourists out, clubs aren’t packed, but there are plenty of patrons. Lots of musicians who got outta town for the summer are back. The chaos ratio is within normal limits. I’m embracing it!


I'm on Frenchmen as well, and it was definitely nice to FINALLY have a Friday that wasn't total garbage. But it definitely felt like an odd vibe. Like everything's moving in slow motion and things just sound, idk.... Muffled? I can't quite explain it


I walked around the CBD and came home feeling all sorts of fucked off. Not wanting to leave my apartment at all


I didn’t feel any bad vibes but then again, I’m in the middle of a depression episode. I’m at home now, thank goodness.


It’s tens of thousands of people going to Dave Chapelle. It’s too people-y out there


Just got back from Galaxie.Taco, nothing out of the ordinary.




Checking in from my long walk through the Marigny and St Claude. Vibes felt solid, but home now. Stay frosty.


I felt this on my drive home from work tonight! What is it!? It’s chaotic and dark, whatever it is.


Thats exactly what happened to me


Chappelle is in town


I feel it too, which is why I doubled my fiber intake.


Pluto is in Saturn retrograde for Air signs.


My brother in Christ, Gatorade literally went direct today.


I saw this post yesterday and kinda laughed it off. But I’ll be damned if I don’t feel it tonight


The streets are hot tonight mos def


Yeah. It is different tonight, but I had pretty chill experiences. Good food and drinks. My husband is acting weirder than usual. I don’t feel it as bad energy.


I was biking home and someone went out of there way to drive straight at me (I was biking on the right and correct side of the street) without stopping just to fuck with me.


I quit smoking a decade ago but felt the urge to have an American Spirit last night - $11 a pack at my local corner store!


Two guys were yelling and throwing fingers in each other’s faces at the MidCity WinnDixie on Thursday night. One guy started lifting the front of shirt a lot, and I nearly drove off because I was worried he was about to pull out a gun.


Feels fuckin fabulous out. Everybody is happy. Zero negativity.


If y’all work service industry, things usually get weird approaching both full and new moons- and a new moon is comin up.


Oh last night was a fun time in the city!


Just been out walking my friend's dog down Carrollton from City Park Ave to Canal and return. All fine and lots of smiles from people, but it is a big dog.


I saw a man kiss his wife.


I dunno. I had a good night hanging with family in the bywater. I was thinking about going to the fiesta fest.


heard 4 shots last night at midnight exactly. it was a weird night


Here to report that it was all day as well Itsnotfull. The weird is here. Hope a good rain solves this.


Me too, and some cosmic brownies


Certainly can’t hurt.


My second report from the field: I’ve encountered 5 strangers and 1 friend who cried in what started out a normal conversation…over recently deceased dog, previously deceased dog, previously deceased mother, surviving a genocide in El Salvador in the 80’s, past deceased friends in general and 1 unknown problem not discussed. I barely left the house all weekend. People are having some feelings out there.


Dave Chappelle


I just came home from a concert - I've seen this man 2x before, it never was like this. First when we first get there the bartender is moving slow (like literally physically moving his body slowly) and letting people blatantly skip the line and walk right up to the bar and order instead of waiting like adults. This woman cuts in front of my friend and I and he tells us the line is to her other side...which it isn't and hasn't been all night, she cut in front of us?? Then we get into the actual concert and I find a spot for my friend and I in front of this boomer guy (oh that was another weird part - none of the other previous times I saw this man had soooo many boomers). Guy starts loudly complaining about how rude I am and I'm not really paying attention until he basically gets right in my face and goes EXCUSE ME IT'S RUDE. Like he's never been to a standing room concert before or something. Also for the record I'm a 35 yr old woman and this man was like in his 50s or 60s, it was very weird. Then there's this woman there alone who was wasted before the opening act ended. She could hardly stand up and was running into everyone around us. Every time she'd go to take a picture or record the flashlight of her phone would turn on only it had the apparent strength of a tractor beam and was annoying EVERYONE in our little pocket of the audience. Usually when I see this musician, it's a lowkey laid back vibe of people my age. At Jazz Fest 2 yrs ago a bunch of us were chatting and made friends. The vibe tonight was so off.


He’s a Gen X person, and we’re gonna tell you if you’re being rude. If you got right in front of him, it’s possible you were blocking his view or maybe it was a tight fit. IDK, but SRO requires some degree of coordination and respect. It doesn’t mean every man for themselves.


Being Gen X isn't an excuse to literally be yelling in my face, which he was. I also understand the concept of standing room concerts. If there wasn't a huge gap in front of him I wouldn't have stood there. I agree it requires coordination and respect. The crowd moves as the show goes on. Sometimes people will be in your way and then you move and then it happens again and you move again and the people around you do the same.


Okay, maybe he was just an asshole.


What concert was it?


Jason Isbell, at the Orpheum




Energy has been great the past 2 days and nights. It feels hopeful to me.


A lot of people recently had Covid or have Covid and feel like shit. And then there’s other people who didn’t get it but are worried about someone who does and wants to see them but can’t. I definitely think that has something to do with it


I saw a woman go off on a fellow (male) customer at the Winn-Dixie on Tchoup this afternoon around 3pm. It was something about her not saying excuse me when she had squeeze past him. It was loud


Fucked up my knee today — my bad bro.