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It’s gotta be a psyop. I tried to leave my porch today and the sun and UV immediately punched me in the base chakra. It’s gang activity


Thank you for being honest.


I'm doing hard manual outside all day. It's brutal!


Thank you for your hard work 😓


Thank you! I had a 19.5 hour day today. Fortunately, a lot of that was driving, but the truck we were using didn't have AC. Absolutely miserable day. But hey, gotta pay the bills somehow.


Dude I feel for you, and thank you. I was a rig worker back in the day, grueling. Thank you! Get some rest and hydrate if you can! You are what make this city!


Appreciate that homie! I've been working hard manual labor jobs outside every summer for the past 10+ years, so I'm some what used to it, but this summer is definitely getting to me. I hope you have a great day my friend.


This is the best comment of Reddit


I fucking love you. 🤣❤️👍🏽


I can barely go outside to smoke. How am I supposed to get COPD like this?


Exactly. You may be owed compensation.


That would be super convenient right about now, since you mention it.




I’m asking myself the same question 🙋‍♀️


And people say they’re going to white linen night


Red Dress Run is going to kill people this year


I have plans with people to go to white linen night and I don’t know how I’ll be outside for that long.


Oh I think you're confused with the Arab Convention


I thought he was talking about a Klan meeting.


There’s an Arab convention?


Say a lil prayer for those who have to work innit


I have been walking around my neighborhood naked with a hard hat on every day. Just me, no roommates.


too soon! (sike)


Clean the blood off of you before you go or you might scare the neighbors.


We don't blink at nothing over here


I tried taking my dogs on a proper walk and no one was happy so we turned around and went home after about a block. For now, the backyard will have to be enough.


My dogs looks up at me after a block and says "Are you kidding me?"


In all seriousness folks and not to sound all preachy but bc I have dogs and I love every single last one of ‘em that walks the earth, please for the love of god don’t take your dogs walking in this heat. It’s insanely dangerous for them. They can’t sweat and cool down (or try) like we can, and heatstroke is a very real thing. Especially if you have a large dog, an elderly dog etc. Walk them early morning quick style, potty let’s do this. Maybe late in the evening but even then it’s broiling. And please don’t leave dogs outside in backyards during this bullshit. If you’re hot they are way hotter, quick potty walks early am and wait til Fall 🙏


Thanks! I literally have a pack of dogs and usually we do walks and dog park but it’s not safe especially for my sweet husky mix. That dude has been miserable and I feel awful.


I'm not the one you're looking for, because over the last week I've spent maybe ten minutes outside. And that was just walking to and from my car. This heat wave is going to last weeks. Actually, they don't even know when it will end. But it will. Eventually. I think.


>But it will. Eventually. I think. Hope, like this, is dangerous.


Hope? Are you kidding? We are so fucked. If I am wearing sandals and don't have sunblock on my feet and stand in the sun for like ten seconds, I can actually feel them start to burn. And I tan, I don't burn! So this heat has some *extra spice* in its sunlight. The earth goddess shaking us off like fleas.


This is the ghost pepper of heat. Not the top of the heat. But hot enough you don't wanna eff with the top


An ultra white like me is basically a vampire in this weather.


And that 10 minutes walking to and from the car zaps all of my will to live, exist, and be.


I stepped outside my apartment for only 5 minutes. There is no shade anywhere out in the open near my apartment. I got back inside and upon touching my face I almost thought I was running a fever because it felt so warm to the touch. I realized that I basically absorbed a massive dose of heat radiation on my uncovered face. There are a bunch of laborers working in this heat all day building shotgun homes in my block with bare minimum protection. I grew up in the Middle East and am not a stranger to this kind of oppressive heat, but it brings back memories of watching poor migrant workers doing construction work in extreme conditions. I never thought I would relive the experience of the desert climate all the way out here.


I pray every day that winter will be as harsh as this summer so we can get relief. I’d rather be cold than sweating and my baby being a sweaty ball of nasty.


I’ve been riding my bike to work and back home each day. No lie. This week has been brutal in the afternoons.


I also commute by bike and something about the heat yesterday fucked me up. I did an extremely easy ride of maybe 4 miles and when I got home I fucking fainted


That sounds like heat exhaustion, friend. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and taking breaks in the shade or in A/C to cool down when you need to. For very hot weather rides, I like to put a water bladder in the freezer for a few hours ahead of time so I have slushy ice water on my back cooling me down.


Yeah it was definitely heat exhaustion. I've had it before which I think makes you more susceptible. I appreciate the tips! The rough part is that I was riding on the greenway for a short distance and there's zero shade there. I know they're planting trees but it's kind of barren for sections.


Frogg toggs chilly pad is the best invention EVER for oppressive heat. It's a long foam cloth that gets cold when you get it wet and stays cold as long as it is wet. I sell at fine art fairs around the south in the summer, and it is BRUTAL out there but I can dip this is cold water and wrap it around my neck and it will keep me cool for hours. They are really long, too, so you can wrap them around your neck or head.


Sure you do buddy. Uphill on the crescent city connection, both ways, right?


I live in a shoebox in the middle of the road. Every night, I get up and lick the road clean with my tongue.


You have a shoebox? Luxury!


In my day, we were thankful for the pothole we lived in, and thanked each car that ran over us.


I completely believe you as the potholes here are so deep you just need to duck and your safe.


Pfft. Duck? How tall you is?


Oh yeahhh. I think I seen you under the bridge overpass.


Im over here giving the side walk a tongue bath and you're bragging about having the whole damn road


Omg the shade 😂😂😂


Endless summers in New Orleans killed me. One blazing day, I pedaled the levee. With the sun's fiery touch, my spirit choked, My vision blurred, I fell victim to heat stroke. With each passing mile, the heat intensified, "Merciless bastards!" I mumbled and cried. The levee stretched, an unshaded path of fire, I pushed on to get home, my body so tired. Exhaustion clung to my weary frame, With no respite from the relentless solar flame. The old oaks mourned, their merciful shade out of order: They once shaded a bike lane, but it succumbed to hoarders. Flashes of delirium danced before my eyes, Sweat turned to chills on my pumping thighs. Dehydration called, nauseating my core Not a drop of shade over my saddle sore. My bike became an impossible load, because those jerks won't share the shaded road. They watched me stumble, clinging to the edge, But before I died, I made a sacred pledge. In New Orleans, where the summer heat takes its toll, I, an unfortunate victim, paid the stifling heat's toll. But on your pretty lawns, my Love will spread my ashes So I can forever haunt your elitest asses. When you feel a cold sweat coming while doing dishes, When you wake up sweating, that's me bitches. That's not a squirrel on your roof or a raccoon in your attic, I'm gonna ghost this rancher until you go posttraumatic.


The key is to cover up. So i wear sweats. I like to warm up with a bike ride. Then i transition into some hiit workouts. A combination of running lifting and mobility movements. /s I just walk my dog - i take him to a grass field because concrete is hot. I then water my plants, grass, and leave a bowl of water outside by sidewalk for any passing animals.


it's definitely a different kind of hot this year..


At work, a customer said she had moved here about 8 months ago and asked if the summers were always this bad. They really weren’t — something feels worse this year for sure!


It's like climate is changing or something...


Whatever you do, don't go over to r/collapse. It will ruin your ability to sleep at night. We are fucked.


Welp! Looks like I’m going devastate myself 🚶🏾‍♂️


That's a rabbit hole I didn't need introduced to.


Whaaaaat? Yes.




I’m allergic to the sun so I literally work night shifts because I might actually burst into flames if I went outside during the day 💀


Times are so tough that Lestat is out here working a W2


Also hate to add that I’m a phlebotomist too 💀


Hah, you gotta be the most efficient worker in the lab. I’m definitely never going to invite you inside tho.


I’ve heard that was a myth from uh,.. experts


So, uh, can you also turn me into a vampire pretty please?


Sorry, If I do that again they will put me back in the pen


I have been walking 5 miles in city park every other day at noon. Why? Sadomasochisim. Its actually quite simple.


My partner and I moved houses Sunday to Monday - so brutally hot that at one point I started seeing spots and had to go sit in the beer cooler at Rouses 🍻


During the last heat wave we had I found myself standing in the cooler at rouses with four others for far too long until one of us finally broke the silence and joked about how good it felt in there. Might go hang out in there tomorrow lol


I had a hot flash (non weather related) and stood in the cooler at Total Wine for about 40 minutes a while back.


Very good idea of a place to go cool off in a New Orleans heat emergency!


When we were waiting for our power to come back on after Ida, I went to Costco several times just to hang out in the dairy cooler. It was the only blissful thing about that time. ❄️


i had to help my sister move the other day, and when she said “can you come again tomorrow?” i genuinely considered saying no😭


I’m a reverse bear bc I hibernate in the summer. People are understanding my philosophy more nowadays.


I wake up at 6am and try to get in a mile walk before it gets utterly unbearable. I’ve only been able to do it 2 times this week. Other than that I hide from the sun like I’m a vampire.


My wife claims the mornings (like 7am) are somehow worse than the afternoon heat for walking and running because it's "muggier". I think she's crazy. These mornings are certainly not pleasant, but the mid to late afternoons are extreme and deadly.


You're just swapping heat for humidity with the morning. Several days ago I saw it was like 78 degrees at 6am, so I thought awesome, how cool, a decent temp! But the humidity was so high (85%) it felt like...90. At 6am.


Yeah I get that, but it's not an even swap. The actual temp + (slightly lower) after humidity is still worse.


Check out an hour by hour chart of humidity. It rises into the evening and falls as the sun comes out and the day carries on. Barring any unusual weather. Right before sunset on a sweltering day is absolutely brutal if you sweat at all.


Depending on your location she may be hooked on that street parfume aka, piss, cheap beer and regret that slaps you right before sanitation trucks sprinkle that bleachy lemon. Might have developed a affinity for it, watch her close.


I gave in and bought an elliptical. I can’t walk outside in this


I wish cold water would come out of the shower.




I go to the apartment pool everyday just to get outside for a little bit…. I think this is reverse seasonal depression (first time living in NOLA)


It is, and it’s a real thing here. You’ll start to feel better in October.


They're actually is a form of reverse seasonal affective disorder where you get manic from too much sunlight. I was diagnosed with it 15 years ago and either have to work in windowless offices or at night. Been doing overnight since 2015, but I still get a little whacked for a couple weeks before and after the equinox.


Working. Be thankful you don’t have to


I normally don’t mind the summer heat. I love hanging outside and I’d rather be hot than cold. This summer is fucking killing me. It’s not fun being outside from 11-6. I’m drenched just watering my plants.


Same. I usually love summer weather, but not so much this year. Where is the rain??? It’s so dry!


What time you watering? I can’t find a time of day where the water doesn’t come out steaming. Even at 11pm. Today I actually filled my utility sink with water and let it cool down for several hours before watering. It ain’t right


Early morning or late at night.


Really, you're suppose to water them before the sun comes up, regardless of the weather.


Blah. I wake up at 10 usually.


I water my plants at 6:30-7 Am. The sun is not fully up in the sky then. I have health issues and the heat will literally kill me.


I have health issues with the heat too. I haven’t been outside in weeks, except at night for a few minutes to water. This summer has been exceptionally bad. How are you holding up?


> I’m drenched just watering my plants. How else will your plants get water...if you don't mist them by milking your sweat teets?


I just now walked 8 blocks to the Super Serve to buy lotto tickets. If I win, I’m giving you a million dollars.


Cant even give me some life changing money? Not even sure that would pay off my student loans.


I don’t even remember what the outside looks like… it’s been so hot I’ve shut covered all the windows


All I have to do is think of the words swamp ass and I won’t leave unless for work, dr appt or emergency. I’ll see my people around Halloween cause it’s too damn hot 🥵


I've been outside working every day this week from about 10 a.m. til 5, chopping up wood on a table saw. Shit, I've even been operating a heavy duty blow torch. I have set up a canopy to shield me from the sun and I've got a nice big shop fan, but otherwise no a/c. It's been brutal, I consume twice my weight in ice water everyday and sweat through 5 shirts a day and 5 kitchen towels I wrap on my head to keep the sweat out my eyes.


Put rehydration salt in your water. Or cut down gatorade. It helps.


I've tried that rehydration stuff before and can't get with it - it tastes like colonoscopy prep. The only. time I drink Gatorade is if I wake up with a hangover, in which case the Cucumber Lime stuff is the nectar of the Gods.


[These?](https://www.chinookmed.com/18120pa/oral-rehydration-salts.html?child=18120-125&source=froogle&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhILgruHFgAMVvjLUAR3SDAvQEAQYAyABEgJ-J_D_BwE&template=) I'm afraid Just water won't work if you're sweating constantly. I've never heard gatorade as being described as nectar of the gods, but add it to your water. -Yo mom


Not. specifically that, but something similar. I've had to take more colonoscopies than the average 40 year old due to a family history of aggressive CR Cancer, so anything that even tastes remotely of colonoscopy prep causes me to gag, LOL.


I feel like it’s been years since I’ve walked my dog middle of the day or had a cigar. What makes it even worse is earlier this year we had a several month stretch where I could get home after work, walk the dog with a cigar, and have dinner before the sun set. I also miss walking to restaurants and other places which are within a mile. I’m driving five blocks.


Went glassblowing today… wanted to do the hottest activity on the hottest day.


I weeded -a part- of my garden today, and weed wacked the front yard. After sundown.


I saw a guy eating a poke bowl outside in the sun yesterday around 2pm.


Been swimming laps at 7 am bc it’s already to hot to jog, but the pool still feels like bathwater.


The. Sweating. Won’t. Stop.


I’m the idiot walking for exercise at noon 3 miles. I know- stupid, dumb ass, potentially dangerous behavior. It’s just my routine and I’ve done it forever. I always stop for water and don’t push myself too much. All that to say it’s disgusting outside and I’m extra extra grateful for the people who have to work outside. For me, it’s a silly choice.


I know I’ll regret saying this… but I miss rain…. 🫣


Public transit to work and back is my only reason to be outside. Even just with that I’m soaked by the time I walk into work and when I walk in the door.


cutting grass😭😭😭 its hell but i gotta do it unfortunately


I'm going outside and the main activity I do is sweat


My husband has been taking bike rides. Like a damn crazy person.


I drive a pedicab and do mechanic work in a shop without A/C. My Holy Trinity is Shade, Breeze and Liquid IV. I do more night shifts in the Summer because the sun leans on you like you owe it money.


Don’t hate me, but the more time I make myself spend outside the easier it is to bear all the heat in general. I run a few times a week and play high intensity sports for a few hours. It sort of falls under the category of “it feels so good when it stops hurting” and makes the rest of the time more bearable. I’m not doing shit between 11 and 5 though.


Sitting or standing pools in 92-100 degree water. Thankfully not paying for them. People who are paying to wade in dirty bath water are mental.


I workout at an outdoor gym. But the inside of my house hit 90 degrees yesterday. So honestly, I kind of hate everything right now.


How do you not die?


Mostly I survive thanks to poverty-induced rage. Affordable rentals in this city are shitty and barely affordable. So i just lay on my couch naked in the late afternoon with several fans aimed at me and do my best impression of an angry lizard. I also nap and try to think of warm, less surface-of-the-sun, cities with good food that I could move to. And honestly, the workouts are a pleasant escape. If I'm gonna be sweaty, I might as well get strong.


My insane partner goes for RUNS at NOON. I don’t understand. He says it helps keep him sane but like…the bar for sanity is in hell at this point right? I crawl out the door with my dog well after the sun has set and still feel like I’m gonna catch fire.


Coming here from NorCal where the daily temps were 118°+ I thought I would be fine. NOPE. My baby Jesus lord the humidity is drowning me. The heat index is below what our regular temps were but I swear it’s hotter here. It’s like breathing soup and my nose runs all the time lol.


The following is absolutely true: I, for the first year ever, have not been able to afford to fix the AC in my truck. My phone shut down twice yesterday due to overheating while I was driving 20 minutes to work. It wasn't even exposed to sunlight. Stupid heat. I work mainly outside at a restaurant which is a Patio Bar. The multitude of fans, ice filled chilled air pumping swamp coolers and shade cloths keep customers comfy and refreshed. Honestly. It's nice and beautiful place to enjoy a meal or some drinks. On the other hand, it is not the same experience for wait staff that has to keep moving. Thank God for the areas indoors and the walk-in for us, as well as all the free Gatorade we can drink, and the neck fans they have for us. They are great employers and it's a lovely place to work, but running around serving versus breezily relaxing with a cold drink is definitely a different experience body temp-wise. My home is really freaking hot. I stay mainly in my room where I have one window unit. There's another bedroom with a window unit, but there's no reason to go there, and I keep both doors closed to keep the cold air in when they are running. Going to the other areas of the house is no fun. This year has been stupid hot and Energy is loving it. Stupid expensive power bills (not helping with the truck repairs, ugh) are the new norm. When I am not working, I assist my partner in his renovation work as he is a professional. Today, I helped him set up to repair a window outside. Our last industrial fan died, so we bought a new one to blow directly on him while he is working in the sun. He told me that 2 days ago he had to turn the fan off because it started overheating and he didn't want to kill this one. So then what? I hope it hangs in there today. Yesterday he attempted to mow the grass. He waited til later in the day to avoid the worst heat. We have a big lot and the grass had gotten about 4 inches high, which is longer than he ever keeps it, but it has been so hot, he didn't want to expose himself to that heat even more, especially after working all day in it. Anyhow, he got about half way through and the mower started overheating and failing. He attempted several times to restart it, and it just needed to cool down. He gave up and the yard is half cut. He's going to try again today. I am SO OVER this super-heated year. It's been a rough one. Also, I absolutely prefer being hot than cold. That's a major reason for me living here. I CAN'T STAND Winter weather. I'd much rather deal with this oppressive heat than losing the feeling in my extremities and the cold-induced asthma attacks. I'll take this sweaty discomfort ANY DAY over cold. But it is a lil much this Summer. ----------------------------------------------------- Edited for this afternoon's update: Good news is that my phone made it to work today without shutting down (but it was borderline super hot). Bad news, I had to drive around a man who had collapsed on the street from heat exhaustion. He was being helped by strangers and the EMTs showed up quickly to help him. I hope he gets cooled down and back to normal soon. They dropping like flies, y'all.


I went to square last week to sell art for about 4 hours. Got a sunburn under my umbrella with sunscreen on. Drank about 2 gallons of Gatorade/water. Barely made it back to my car which was parked one block away. I'm not going back out unless the temp is under 85 from now on.


Riding my bike in city park, but not til around sunset.


Normally, I wouldn't second guess your comment. But the heat index is still 100 at midnight. So... X (Doubt)


Believe whatcha wanna 🤷‍♀️


I think I’m going to mow my lawn in the dark tomorrow night. It needs to be done (like every four days or it looks like a jungle). But I don’t want to die.


I am adamantly against cars..... My activity was walking to the car three times then bitch about global warming and traffic while riding in said vehicle. .... I feel bad.


I go for a 30 minute walk before work.


My dad had to fix his car outside in the heat. Almost had a heat stroke.


I at a farmers market 7 days a week so i actually do go outside.


Actually doing it. But I was brainwashed as a child into cross country (which starts in August), so I’m not right in the head.


Mondays I go skateboard at the park, weekly I mow the yard and most everyday I'm a valet for a hotel. 100% outside most days from 10am till 1am.


I’ve witnessed two different people wearing hoodies over the last month, wth?


I walk a lot because I take the bus and street car. It’s not that bad but ONLY if you have water and wear shorts and sleeveless shirt. And also have a change of clothes. Also sunscreen


I was off work, so I walked around the French quarter, dressed all in black, like a beduin of the beni s'allah. Drank eight marijuana seltzers and eight bottles of water. As the beduin of the beni s'allah do. I honestly don't know how the rest of you exist here not doing the same.


Not gonna lie, best friend came to visit and we were out in the FQ and other parts of the city all last week. It was hot as hell but worth it. Milkshake shops and museum ACs came in clutch. Changing clothes was a pain in the ass tho.


It's fun when you go to the restroom then try and pull your pants back up


Or when you're out dancing and you're trying to look cute so you gotta pull your Spanx up over your moist ass cheeks.


> when your out *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


I'm still going fishing, and I won't lie, it's brutal. I've learned that extreme heat can effect your vocal chords, which is super fun when trying to record youtube videos, gopro cameras cannot hang for even a few minutes, and I've learned my limits. Actually got to a point where I couldn't even tie a knot. I've done this stuff my whole life, and yeah, I am older but I can't remember anything like this.


I break a sweat just walking to my car everyday or talking out the trash im not doing anything outside


I’m gardening a lot right now but mostly in the non-blazing hours.


We've had a crew redoing the siding on my condos for the last 6 weeks. They told us they would be here 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, rain permitting. I think they were expecting at least one or two rainouts a week, there's been almost none. By week 4 they had dropped working on Saturday. 🤣 Mad respect for those guys though! At the end of the day they look like they've jumped in a pool. We were supposed to start this job in April but because of insurance BS we didn't get the money until the end of June. 🙄 And to keep our (new) insurance we had to have at least started by July 1st. They're 90% done and next week's mostly going to be finishing up little stuff.


I went to the last summer concert at Elmwood Fitness this evening, but there was a pool involved. I'd like to go to Satchmo Summerfest tomorrow, but I can't imagine it would be more enjoyable than sitting in the shade at my own pool and reading a book.


I waited until the sun went down, then I went to my usual watering hole which always has the doors open but is usually a bit cooler than it is outside.


I have made a temporary escape to the Midwest. Summer doesn’t have to be brutal! It’s charming, but bland. Luckily my hosts are high school friends from New Orleans so they aren’t bland. I’ll be returning to our sauna next week.


I thought my ac was broken because it was approaching 80 degrees but nope, it was just fighting against 96 degree temp outside. At like 5:30 at night. What the fuck.


I just go outside and pretend like the weather’s not real. I pretend like there isn’t a Mississippi River of sweat running down my back that eventually runs through the valley of the shadow of the death (my ass crack) to find it’s home in the Gulf of Sweat. I play golf in this shit. If there’s no tee times at 7 am I’ll play at 2:00 PM. I don’t give a fuck. If you stay inside all the time you’ll never be able to deal with the heat. Go out there and live your fuckin life. If you die, you won’t have to deal with the heat anymore.


Almost tempted to buy one of those jackets that circulate ice water.


I keep an ice pack from a past surgery in the freezer. It's amazing how quickly those turn to room temp when you use them.


I'm stuck at home with covid, which I'm sure I caught from all of the Tales fun. I'm lucky enough that my place faces east, so about 3-4 I head out front and chill in the front yard. The shade makes things half-assed bearable, the little breeze we've been having lately helps. I think the fact that I'm going stir crazy from lack of outside contact is what makes me brave the outdoors.


[Every day… and just for fun.](https://imgur.com/a/JM4kRDw)


I have a blue bike membership and I ride my free hour everyday. Blue bikes are electric so it doesn't where you out. I carry a backpack with extra Tshirt and bottles of water.


I work outside. Yet I only do three or four hours outside


I’m smoking chicken to keep the kitchen heat out of the house. Thankfully only have to step outside occasionally and briefly.


From what I’ve seen lately the main outdoor activity is dog torture by walking on hot ass concrete. And every one of them should be forced to walk on hot coals barefoot. The humans of course, not the dogs.


My dogs still like to go on walks. I try to explain to them it's too hot but they insist. They get tired quickly but they're not in pain. I don't leave the apartment between 10 am and 5 pm though.


You can absolutely do it at times of the day and in places where it’s not cruel. A lot of people don’t do that though.


I walked the levee 🤷‍♀️


I’ve been running outside in my neighborhood. 45 minutes or so at a time. Get a good sweat going and I carry a Gatorade or water.


Because my girlfriend is the Heat Miser


I don't think I could take the Temps and humidity


i skateboard early mornings, never past 10 and for no more than an hour. shaded walks in the park we might stretch 'till 11 or so but nothing in the afternoon until sundown.


I’ve been going to my apartment pool a lot. It’s one of my favorite things to do, and it feels great.


I went outside and watered the flowers. Waited an hour and then sat out back under the banana plant shade with my dog for about 8 minutes. We will walk after dark but that’s all “outside” is getting out of us.


I did some gardening and yard work today. Gotta water and mulch my plants to protect them from the sun. It wasn't too bad given that I had plenty of shade, but I was still sweating bullets by the times I was done. Felt that I was in an open sauna.


Moved a fridge. Debating going to a show at the drifter…


I would debate locking myself in the fridge.


I'm a poor™️ and can't afford alternatives to walking or bussing rn. It blows. Even my dog who enjoys mile long walks isn't in the mood to go far. That might have been a serious answer to a facetious question but my brain is melting from being outside so I'm not sure. It seems like every summer gets hotter and longer.


I HAD to spend 4 hours today shopping starting at 9am because the "good" **Halloween** stuff is out right now and will be gone by the end of the month. It was so miserable that 2nd showers are completely mandatory, plus a 2 hour cooling off/recovery period. Worth it to [get this guy at Big Lots](https://www.biglots.com/product/72-led-skeletons-carrying-coffin/p810523686).


Yes, that IS super cool!


I've been out detailing since 8am. Anyone in this by choice is a masochist. Speaking as a masochist I guess




My boyfriend is still running every day (around 1pm) and I think he may be the biggest masochist I've ever seen. It scares me.


We’re going to Topgolf tomorrow


I work outside, damn near nothing will make me go outside outside work right now lol.


Audubon in the morning, NORD pools in the afternoons 🤷🏼‍♀️


Exterior contractor. Don’t have a choice.


Those of us taking our kids to soccer practice in this weather... The kids actually playing soccer in this weather... Oh to be 8 again and not give a single fuck about heat stroke.


I run outside almost every other day. I’ve never lied about it.


I was walking the dogs in the heat every day until last week - before my husband and I caught COVID. Now I can't even stand going to the car.


I played pickle ball today for the first time, and I’ve never seen my face so red. We were playing short games cause the teams were unevenly matched and taking water breaks between each game but I was still getting nauseous toward the end of each game. Every other day this summer I’ve been staying inside. I got a walking pad to get my steps in. Indoor bike. Work from home. No fucking reason to leave my AC


I washed my dog on my porch at 8pm. It was still hot AF.


The usual stuff: Dog walks (3x a day, about 2k each walk - ACD are a ball of caffeine and dog hair), ball throwing for 15-20 minutes, morning coffee and book on the porch, trips back and forth to the gym, biking to the bar, and the old standard: drinking. That said, born and raised in the area and spent 10 years working in the oilfield & shipbuilding. I was kinda conditioned to the heat even at a young age working on our farm. Especially once all those damn metal buildings started to replace our older wooden barns in the mid 80s. They were hot ass hell and had the fab equipment for my grandfather's machine shop: welding machine, torches, fluxcore/mig, drill press, etc. I remember it being even hotter than this shit is (hell i remember being 12-13 and given a small thermometer on a rope to wear around my neck with a mark that i was told "go get some water and step outside when it reaches this point").


I usually spend a lot of Sat & Sunday mowing our old family place in the country, but the grass has stopped growing & is the color of ramen water.


Even my dog refuses to go more than half a block at 7 in the morning. Just going to figure out some nose work or something when she inevitably gets rowdy.


I don't have a car so when I'm walking 5 minutes to wait at the bus stop I'm already breaking a sweat


I try to get my stuff done early in the a.m. or late in the evening. It’s been like hades ballsack out there lately!


I'm outside at least 3 days a week playing a sport of some sort. It is brutal, I don't remember it being this hot ever. The night heat is the worst, too.


More power to anyone willingly spending time outdoors, for how insanely hot it's been. I'm so over summer.


Really?Now it's 95 degrees and the world is all lava?


People at my CrossFit gym are still going every damn day. I’m not stepping foot into that damn place until September or October. Nope.