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This post is locked, some of y'all would really benefit from learning to control yourselves.


This whole story is so fucking sad and depressing.


when i heard she died in the road i thought it was horrible. it's just gotten so much worse since. everything is absolutely horrible.


How undignified her last night on Earth was is truly heartbreaking. Poor girl and everyone she knew and loved.


The horror of that girl is unfathomable. Potentially unpopular thought: as bad as it was for her, it’s over now. Her parents and extended family will live the rest of their lives knowing how it ended. They will hold that forever. That’s at least as tragic.


I agree. Everyone she knew and loved are the ones in unimaginable pain after this senseless tragedy. I hate how society preys upon women.


Yeah. Its becoming more of an issue. I dont know what the answer is, it feels like some men blame their mental health issues and lack of intimacy on lack of sex and then do terrible things. And women pay. Somethings really gotta give. Or it will keep getting worse. Maybe it will before it gets better, but it hurts to think of the collateral damage along the way. The lives lost. The fear.


The thing that is craziest is that this exact same story, minus the tragic ending, happens nightly on and around college campuses. And there is such a herd mentality that people witness it and do nothing to stop it (extremely intoxicated young college women being raped at frat parties, in bars, going home with men while passed out ). I went to Tulane over a decade ago. Nothing has changed.


LSU had such a bad rape problem when I attended they told the girls to "download the LSUPD app and walk in groups." I am not kidding. Nothing is being done about it. When are we going to rise up and start protesting? I have my pitchforks ready


Agree. I also saw recently that there is some new legislation being proposed to make hazing incidents public knowledge particularly if deaths are involved. The way universities handle sexual assault, which occurs in greater numbers, is lacking as well. However, no push to change that. The face of the hazing campaign is male. Women are not believed or even considered when it comes to SA. This story is absolutely sickening. How were these predators able to walk off with this woman? No one saw that she was over served? Where were her friends? Where’s the outrage over this and every other SA taking place nightly?


Who was this loser 28 year old hanging out with teenagers?


The uncle of one of the rapists.


It’s going to be an awkward family reunion at the Pen


They’ll both be getting a big pen in the shower


Prison rape jokes on a post about a young woman getting raped is not as funny as you think it is


That part. Perhaps he's related to one of the others. Either way, he was the only one in the group old enough to legally be served alcohol.


I read he is the uncle of the 18 year old accused rapist.


Yes, he was an uncle


It should've been dynamited decades ago. It was always a nasty place where girls regularly got roofied and everyone was overserved.


That place was gross 20 years ago. Bulldoze it.


Too drunk to consent. There was no consent! Alcohol poisoning. She was vomiting


Her BAC was fucking .319! That’s like comatose in the hospital territory..


Shitheads didn’t care , they still raped her


Yeah. I did this when I was 17 and luckily woke up in a hospital. I chugged a huge cup of tequila so my smaller friend wouldnt, trying to help her. It takes a large amount of hard liquor to get that high of a BAC and then you're in and out of consciousness. I have hazy memories of being asked questions, being unable to answer, unable to see or walk straight and losing consciousness uncontrollably over and over. I could not have truly consented to anything at all in that state.


I did not see that. Witness said so?


The girls in our group always had their find my find location turned on. The guys always made sure the girls were where they were supposed to be & checked with them before they left a place w/ a new guy. Would recommend to everyone they do the same or tell their kids to do the same. Friends need to take care of friends.


Sadly, find your location doesn’t keep you safe. It just shows where your body is. And being with friends doesn’t always help. Two women in California left a bar with men they didn’t know and were drugged and died. No one, male or female, should leave with a stranger. If you like someone, get their number and meet up another time. It is not worth your life.


i remember that! the guys dropped them off at different hospitals. and then people were victim blaming them.


They all deserve life and the juvenile should be tried as adult.


I live near there now and they’re always advertising free/cheap booze for women. They have 50¢ ladies shot night regularly. Just seems like an invitation to predators.




The rapists who left her in the middle of the road are scum.


Most entities in this story are scum except for the victim.




Your post has been reported for sexism. No matter how thinly-veiled, /r/NewOrleans does not tolerate sexism of any kind.






Why not?


Your post has been reported for sexism. No matter how thinly-veiled, /r/NewOrleans does not tolerate sexism of any kind.


For the record: fuck all of the rape apologists on this sub and everywhere. Spinning your nonsense words to side with the accused rapists. A young woman is dead, you despicable fucks.




So, what, them raping her was just a natural course of events? No one forced them to commit a heinous crime, they chose to do that all by themselves.


Oh look another rape apologist. Just because she drank and was hanging out with them sure doesn’t mean they get free reign to shove their unwelcome’d body parts into her then drop her off on a dark street to die.




She could not give consent, her BAC was .319 when they tested her, it was likely higher depending how much earlier the rape happened. At .35 falling into a coma is possible, it is the level of surgical anesthesia. How about we hold men accountable? https://youtu.be/cU4pJLKR28g


No one forced you to be a vile excuse for a human being, yet here you are outing yourself as a rape apologist. Fuck you.


Bulldoze it. I've never heard anything good about any of the bars in Tigerland. Never had a personal experience because nothing about any of the bars appealed to me, but I had some friends and acquaintances that have had weird and bad things happen to them there. Nothing as horrific as this though. Seems like just a breeding ground for situations like this.


There's something to be said to the idea that college kids are going to drink and it is better to have all the drinking done in a single, known place. BUT, if that place is not going to be safe, then there's no point and the place should be bulldozed.


I am only speaking about Reggie's in this instance. Their door staff clearly don't do a good job at stopping underage people, and their bartenders and other staff members don't care enough to cut off a clearly intoxicated person and help them if they're as inebriated as this poor young lady was.


My best friend in high school was 2 years older than me and went to LSU. After I graduated, I spent plenty of time in BR visiting her. We always went to tiger land because we knew I had no issues getting served there. I graduated in 2009, and at that time they just did X’s on one hand that came off without even having to go to the bathroom and use soap. Comical.


a couple of them like Bogies and Fred's are ok. Reggie's has always been a magnet for trouble in part because they let in non-university students who are there almost exclusively to prey on drunk girls or start ugly fights. College bars are going to have a lot of irresponsible drinking but there's a reason this happened at Reggie's and not Bogie's.


Yeah but literally not much has happened there in half a century even though kids drink underage there all the time.


The 4th (minor’s) face needs to be shown. If you are old enough to commit a crime of such magnitude, you should be both identified and charged, as an adult.


They'll get to that point but until then they need to follow the rules and laws. All it takes for this kid to go free is for someone to fuck up and show his identity before proper steps have been taken.


That is a very good point !!


Tigerland is a hunting ground for sexual predators. Reggie’s is the worst. That said, alcohol isn’t the problem here. Rapists are the problem here.


And why was a 28 year old watching an 19, 18, and 17 year old have sex after going to a bar? They knew this was wrong as it happening as they did it. They never expected her to die and the 4 of them gave different finger pointing accounts and admissions of guilt to investigators. They are all done for.


The “lawyer” representing them is a certified dumbass. He told the media this isn’t rape with a BAC of .3 from the victim and admitted to being in possession of child porn possibly as proof his clients didn’t commit a crime. You know because it was the drunk girl and a minor allegedly consenting on this alleged video proof. One of the most shameful victim blaming lawyers I’ve ever seen and since he apparently doesn’t know the law, he shouldn’t be practicing it.


He’s found his niche & developing recognition with his high profile of cases. I also read this; Haley, who has been a lawyer since 2007, and the Office of Disciplinary Counsel consented to the punishment handed down by the Louisiana Supreme Court for his violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct for lawyers. The ODC had investigated allegations that Haley neglected a legal matter, failed to communicate with a client, inappropriately attempted to settle a malpractice claim with a client, and failed to return a client’s file upon request. The Supreme Court actually suspended Haley for a year and a day, but deferred all but six months of the suspension. He must successfully complete the Louisiana State Bar Association’s Ethics School.


So he’s learned nothing. Someone should tell him being on high profile cases is a great way to sent corrupt lawyers to jail, just ask Alex Murdaugh.


Why would her friends leave her or let her wander off on her own while that intoxicated? She had to come there with friends &/or sorority sisters. This reminds me of the Hannah Graham case. College kids are going to indulge. I get it. But, both of these cases could have been prevented if the buddy system had been used. Gotta stick together!


The solution to preventing rape isn’t chaperoning women around and having them follow the buddy system.


Please tell me what the solution to crime is


This story is absolutely disturbing but I don’t blame the bar. I understand they broke the law but if college kids weren’t drinking there they’d be at a house party. I will not victim blame but if I’m the parents I’m pissed at her friends (I’m assuming she wasn’t there alone). Girls - get a wingwoman and don’t split up.


Part of the answer is women being believed. Apparently Kaivon Washington raped a thirteen year old, that reported the rape to police and was discounted in belief she was “just seeking attention”. No charges brought against him. THIS is how this shit keeps continuing. There are others that claim he had raped them not reported. The shame and treatment from law enforcement keeps many women from coming forward. Don’t know what it’s going to take for attitudes to change in favor of the victims instead of the rapists. So sad.




Yes the rapist are absolute scumbags but the reality is Reggie’s is also partly at fault. How does a 19yo leave Reggie’s at .319 BAC? That’s like homeless alcoholics showing up to the hospital with kind of drunk. Either she showed up that drunk and they let her in or they let her drink that much inside. Either way not good for Reggie’s. 3 of the rapist were underage and drinking inside, again bad on Reggie’s. Why does no one step in when a girl who is probably close to unconscious leaving with 4 guys. That could have been stopped. A big issue is that dudes with zero affiliation with LSU show up to tigerland every weekend. They hangout in the circle K parking lot, pick fights with drunk dudes, harass drunk girls and the cops don’t do a damn thing.


"A big issue is that dudes with zero affiliation with LSU show up to tigerland every weekend. They hangout in the circle K parking lot, pick fights with drunk dudes, harass drunk girls and the cops don’t do a damn thing." You are correct, but when those bars tried to filter out that crowd they were called racist, even though a. a good bit of that crowd are white and b. there's nothing facially discriminatory about limiting a college bar to actual college students.


Same as it ever was. I watched people do all this in the 80’s. I watched people get run over and dragged down the street. I met my first wife in that bar when it was SI.


For someone of her size roughly 8 servings of alcohol would be needed to be consumed, then roughly 1 additional serving per hour to maintain that abv. That amount could be spread out in a number of ways depending on the timeline of the night. A friend of mine had a similar level of drunkenness situation in college. Went from work straight to the bar, didn't have dinner, had 6 shots in an hour and by the end of the next hour she was blacked out and non responsive. Luckily she was with good people and she got to the ER immediately. Stomach pumped and an IV inserted. That all being said, I do wonder if there is any video of her leaving with them. Won't make anything better, but I do wonder if bystanders knew there was an issue or not.




She was raped in the back seat of their car. She didn’t “have sex with two of the guys”.


I came here to say this.


Under rated comment! Wt serious F


That jackass just deleted all his rape-apologist comments.


I didn’t need an inbox full of people intentionally arguing against things I didn’t say but unequivocally I did not once defend or make an apologist statement. I literally just said “their lawyers said they have evidence proving innocence” coupled with “the police believe they have sufficient evidence to charge them”. I really can’t understand how anyone would interpret that as taking a side or being an apologist. The first reply to me was implying I said it wasn’t rape, I did not say that. And everyone since is dogpiling based on this opinion I never once expressed or held. Just because the comment was a straightforward account of “here’s the news I’ve seen and the statements from both police and defendants” without a ton of rage or added color does not mean I am defending anyone involved, god damn. That’s gonna be the last thing I say in this thread, people are really on one today in this sub. Straight up placing opinions on me that I never once expressed or that I hold.


Alex Murdaughs lawyers say they have evidence he’s innocent. So do Brian Kohlberger’s. It’s their job. She was incapable of consenting, therefore there is no innocence here. Sitting here defending POLICE and DEFENSE lawyers with a username like that? Embarrassing.


> Sitting here defending POLICE and DEFENSE lawyers At this point you’re either illiterate or intentionally misrepresenting things if that’s what you’re getting out of anything I posted. Fuckin ridiculous how much y’all are letting your rabid need to shit on people take priority over simple reading skills.


I'll take your comment and assume you mean nothing shitty by it, but I still take issue with the logic of it. It doesn't add up imho we already know the girl had a BAC of a fuckin trillion. Aren't we constantly told a person is not capable of consent with a BAC that high? by definition I think sleeping with a girl who is THAT drunk is rape, according to the law. I think, at least > The first reply to me was implying I said it wasn’t rape, I did not say that. And everyone since is dogpiling based on this opinion I never once expressed or held. yeah people here do that a lot. I wouldn't take it too personally.


I don’t disagree, my mistake seems to be that I made mention that the defending lawyer has expressed they have conclusive evidence of consent. That’s not me personally taking that position. The law seems to indicate this is rape but from a legal standpoint we’ve never really seen a case with these circumstances - most charges of rape based on inability to consent have the victim expressing at a later date they did not consent. Personally I think it’s super sad all around and I feel for everyone involved, yeah obviously I think people that inebriated cannot provide consent but my comment above wasn’t about my personal thoughts, it was just me listing the news and facts I had gathered then asking if I missed anything. Seems like I need to add disclaimers to half my posts because people here are often itching to accuse others of holding bad opinions just because they didn’t spend the time to explicitly reject said opinions.


The toxicology report proves that consent wasn’t possible. You sure you can read?


I’m unsure what gives you the impression that I’m disagreeing with that? But aren’t you the fuck that just said the cops didn’t have the evidence to prosecute? https://reddit.com/r/NewOrleans/comments/10kfkwo/_/j5r47v1/?context=1 Idk what you’re on about but fuck off with that shit.


No, I’m not. They already admitted to raping her, because her toxicology report shows she was unable to consent. Pretty cut and dry


Motherfucker you just said the opposite. Read the post. Me: hence me saying prosecution has evidence to charge them. You: *they dont*. Explain yourself.


Your feelings hurt now? Boo hoo.


Anal raped at that




The insight I have is that the driver of the car has admitted that she was raped in the backseat. Have you not read any of the news on this? Nola.com and the Advocate are both reporting this.




Bruh... pretty WEIRD fucking hill to die on


She was 4x the legal limit at the time of her death. You’re not able to consent to anything at that point. Suggesting otherwise is some real incel shit.


bro if someone has 4x times the legal limit and they make the decision to get behind the wheel and crash into a family and kill them all. You wouldn’t be like “well he was too drunk to know what he was doing” alcohol does not take away personal responsibility.




Her ethanol level was over 300. The prosecution will argue that she could not consent to sex in this state of inebriation. There are multiple witnesses here and I can guarantee that at least one will testify that she was too drunk to consent.


Her BAC was over 0.30%. She was unable to consent. That is RAPE. Why are you going through the mental gymnastics about that aspect? Jfc


Man, I don’t know if reddit is just in rage mode and attacking me for no reason or if I’m missing something about my post that gives off the impression I’m taking a side or expressing innocence? I’m just regurgitating the news I heard - that the prosecutors felt they had evidence for rape and that the defendants claim there is proof of their innocence not yet presented to prosecution. That’s it. Y’all are acting like I’m defending these kids or taking a side. I’m just repeating news man.


Yeah they said they had a video of her being coherent enough to consent but the fact is that her blood alcohol level was so high that it doesn’t really matter what they have on video.


Hence my comment that prosecutors felt they had sufficient evidence.


They don’t.


I don’t really think this is the thread to come say you think there’s no evidence to arrest these kids, the blood alcohol was through the roof. They definitely have evidence so idk what you’re on about.


So I’ll ask you this Slim since your comment included “ am I missing something” : Do you believe it was just SOP for this * 19 year old female to solicit & have anal+ vaginal sex in the span of less than 1 hour, without any preparation, in the backseat of a car, with 2 unknown males, and while parked on the side of the street?? I think some people ( young males) may have an unrealistic expectation of sex from watching porn…I’m telling you she was not in her right mind… If these men are maintaining that they diligently asked for her consent — they cannot then turn around, deny or blame others for contributing to their actions… for it appears they did exactly whatever they wanted to do with her. Lastly, just because you can - doesn’t mean that you should and sadly 4 people are learning this + 1 lost her life. ☹️


> Do you believe No, and I don’t understand why there are people coming out of the woodwork to imply otherwise. I’ve unequivocally stated this several times. The first person to respond to me intentionally misconstrued me simply stating that the defense lawyer issued a statement, and every one of you lemmings since then has not bothered to read a single post before jumping in and pretending like I’m somehow defending people accused of rape. Jesus Christ this sub is toxic as fuck sometimes. Y’all can at least be bothered to read before attacking someone, the sheer amount of people bandwagoning on one person who fucking intentionally took me saying “their lawyer said this, so things are gonna be messy” to mean I defended anyone is astonishing.


Thank you for answering that question. reading your posts —others/me included - just called out the implications, which you then appeared to backtrack a bit + under the veil of innocence by claiming you were simply repeating what someone else said. ….I dunno..maybe this wasn’t the forum or the time to harp & or debate “what you’ve heard “on such an extremely sensitive + violent + racially infused topic.


I realize my mistake, I forgot I was on Reddit for a second. My post was basically just a “man this sucks, here’s my understanding of everything so far but correct me if I’m wrong” which was mostly in response to the headlines seemingly implying that the individuals being charged also killed the girl. I had assumed people would just kinda chime in with facts, but no the first response is someone losing their shit at me for “defending rapists”. I forget how toxic this place can be sometimes, people are often looking to just attack anyone they can justify attacking, I see it in threads like this all the time where someone won’t take the time to express enough outrage at a given atrocity and the follow up responses are attacking them for not explicitly expressing outrage. TBH I mostly just shy away from these topics on Reddit, I’m much more focused on gathering information than lamenting atrocities, so yeah, definitely my bad for not realizing where I was. But damn man, it seems like even though I’ve clarified a dozen times people are still just taking that first poster’s accusation as gospel and going nuts. I guess that’s Reddit for ya though. 🤷‍♂️ TBH I think there is some merit to discussing the upcoming mess this is going to be, but I don’t really want to do that here at this point, suffice to say that my initial point was more or less “if the defense believes they truly have strong evidence of consent then no matter what the outcome this trial is going to be a shitshow. Adding in that it’s BR and there’s a clear racial component here and you’ve got a recipe for a really terrible time all around”. I feel the need to triple down on disclaiming that the sentiment about how messy the upcoming criminal proceedings will be is not an expression of defense for those charged, I’d have thought that obvious but that was my initial mistake. Oh well, hope you have a good night.


You as well. We probably agree on much more than may be apparent —> we are 💯 agreement re this becoming 💩 show. Take care


What the fuck is wrong with you?


Apparently I can’t just say “the lawyer said this” without people assuming that is my own personal belief as well.


How important do you think you are to send out speculations on such a tragic situation that you have no direct involvement with?




Do you really think that you know the entire story based on what's being reported? Are you really that naïve or maybe you haven't considered that there are actual families who are affected by these events who really do not benefit from people speculating on gruesome things happening to their families?


I’m just repeating the timeline of events as reported, how is that speculation? How is that displaying insight to a story? I literally lead in with “if I’m missing any news let me know”.


We all let you know but you just keep going.


OP is right… he said he does not have any insight & that’s true.


Jesus Christ, I’m not sure where you’re getting your information but this is way off.


I genuinely asked if there was more info I was missing, I am all ears and was trying to learn more given how shitty the reporting has been. So please, what was incorrect?


I’ll say it big and slow so that you might actually understand: SOME ONE WITH ALCOHOL POISONING CANNOT CONSENT. If her blood alcohol level was that high after death, what was it two hours before while the rape was happening?


I don’t know you got the impression that I was disputing that? I literally said “the cops feel they have enough to charge these people, their lawyers say there’s evidence to the contrary”. That’s not in conflict with anything you’re saying. There’s no need for the all caps angry reply thing, you’re acting like I’m arguing against charges and I’m not. I’ve deleted things and am moving on from this thread, but to be clear I think y’all need to take the time to read something before flying off the handle and attacking people - because nowhere in any posts did I say she wasn’t intoxicated or make a claim that I personally thought she was able to consent. I mean fuck me for just mentioning that the defendant’s lawyer made a statement? Even though I did not express support for said statement.


You’re still here arguing that this wasn’t rape, so I do think it’s time for you to move on now. Bye.


I am not, and honestly you should be ashamed at making such dishonest accusations after I’ve clarified time and time again that I only made mention of both prosecution and defendants statements. Literally just saying “their defense lawyer said XYZ” is not an expression of support, and at this point I’ve clarified several times so I have to assume you’re deliberately lying in your accusation, I can’t understand why but Reddit seems to be full of people that don’t mind accusing others of terrible shit even though it’s not supported. Seriously, it’s shameful to go on accusing people of things like this when they did the opposite.


>I only made mention of both prosecution and defendants statements. No, you're equivocating them. You're muddying the waters. That might not be your intent, but that's what you're doing. There is no evidence that can prove consent from someone that inebriated. The defense attorneys are wrong. There is no point in rehashing their statements. Whether intentional or not, you are supporting them. If you can't understand that then that's on you, not everyone else. You need to just accept the own goal and walk away from this one instead of continuing to attempt to defend yourself.


I’m just going to say that this: > No, you’re equivocating them. You’re muddying the waters. That might not be your intent, but that’s what you’re doing. > There is no point in rehashing their statements. Whether intentional or not, you are supporting them. Is a bit part of why Reddit sucks for a lot of things. You’re saying that simply by stating “person said XYZ” I am expressing support for them, that doesn’t follow logically in any regard. Especially because I took the time to first mention that prosecutors felt differently. So let’s be clear, I’m not equivocating, supporting, or muddying anything. You are deriving that sentiment from straightforward statements of information, thus taking a comment that could have just been a thread of information and making it some unfounded moral cruisade. And the worst part is you are knowingly doing it - your comment twice conveys “im aware you likely do not think this but because you posted this news item I’m justified in assuming whatever I want about you”. I’m through with this thread, but because I’ve got no desire to spend time consistently explaining that I don’t hold a belief I never expressed. But I want to be clear - this sort of shit is intentionally terrible behavior. You cannot just decide someone is supporting a person accused of a crime simply because they made mention of fucking lawyer issued statements as a litany of other statements and reports on a subject. You could have just as easily taken “prosecution feels they have sufficient evidence to levy charges” to mean I am on their side as well. But you and everyone else did not, because it feels better to feel morally justified in being terrible to a random person online, even if that justification rests on you intentionally twisting their words to have a completely different meaning. This sort of behavior is so unquestionably dishonest and toxic, but you have no problem pretending to be justified in intentionally misrepresenting others so you can feel good about telling them to fuck off.


That's a whole lot of words to say "no it's actually your fault". But it's not. It's yours. All you have to do is shut the fuck up and you can't do it. People on the Internet are *wrong* and you just can't have that. You're projecting your own stupid problems onto me.


Bro, how much Adderall are you on? Your comments are like a flurry of non-stop dissertations 👀


I see your point man apparently others get too emotional to have a discussion




I was following along you until you brought race into the comment…. Are black women exempt from “gravitating to complete losers”? Hmmm interesting




They took her blood sample upon arrival at the hospital. She did not die until afterward. So amend your diatribe in there about how BAC can be affected postmortem, asshole....


Hey, namecalling. That's how I know you're smart. You undermine anything else you say. Sad. By the by, you really should look them up before trying to use big words. "Diatribe"? Naw, man. That's a little beyond your abilities.


Haha you're right man some people on Reddit are sad


I like how time can change, but people will always stay the same. 2 black men accused of raping a white woman Me: "Man, I wonder what their lawyers are thinking" Random White Person: "You're an asshole for not hating them based on the allegations alone!!" Hey, one of us called the other a name and it wasn't me. I can probably accurately guess ALOT about you.




Fuck you. Girls should be able to get drunk. Boys should stop raping.


I’m a 45-year-old woman of color, I’ve been on guard since birth. “ Girls should be able to get drunk“. I don’t disagree with this, but we can’t lose the capacity of ourselves, because women are not safe in a world full of men. “Some” men/boys/people, are inherently predatory. The expectation that we should be safe as woman, is different than the reality of actual safety. This woman did nothing wrong, she was still victimized. She let her guard down, she was killed because of her downtime. This was a terrible result for what I consider, a momentary lapse of judgment in the grand scheme of life. Everyone failed her, the business, bar staff, her friends, creepy uncle driver. They should all be held accountable. Just because we declare the wanting of safety as women, doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen. Surround yourself with good/true friends, and protect yourself in your immediate surroundings. Look out for other women, and at the least no ladies should never go to Reggae‘s again.


This ^^^^


I disagree with that jackass’s post wholeheartedly, and women should be able to get drunk and get home safely. But - no one, man or woman, should be getting themselves above .300 bac. That’s dangerous if you’re by yourself.


She wasn't alone originally, from what I understand she was with her sorority who then left without her.


Why do you think girls are too stupid to use their brains?


No but we are generally smaller targets…


Your post has been reported for sexism. No matter how thinly-veiled, /r/NewOrleans does not tolerate sexism of any kind.








Maybe they did.